Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Winter morning mood. Analysis of the poem "Winter Morning" (Pushkin a.

“Winter Morning” is one of the best examples of Pushkin's landscape lyrics, a work imbued with quivering joy from contemplating the beautiful Russian winter. A brief analysis of “Winter Morning” according to the plan can be used in a literature lesson in grade 6 - with its help, students will better understand the poem and feel its atmosphere.

Brief analysis

History of creation- this poem by Pushkin was written in 1829, and even the exact date is known - November 3. The poet visited his friends in the Tver province, in whose estate the famous lines were written.

Theme of the poem- the beauty of Russian nature in the winter season.

Composition– a linear composition is observed throughout all five six-verses.

Genre - landscape lyrics.

Poetic size- iambic tetrameter with mixed rhyming.

epithets“wonderful day”, “charming friend”, “blue skies”, “magnificent carpets”, “amber shine”, “cheerful crackle”.

Comparison - "like a pale spot."

Avatars"darkness was rushing", "The blizzard was angry."

History of creation

The year 1829 turned out to be very difficult for Pushkin. He was in disgrace and under constant police surveillance. The poet's friends, trying to give him a little quiet life, called him to stay with them. And now, while visiting Peter Wolf, Pushkin writes a wonderful verse, glorifying the beauty of the world around him. The history of the creation of this work is closely connected with the one to whom the poem is dedicated. Literary critics believe that it is dedicated to the poet's two beloved women - his wife Natalya Goncharova, and his Nanny Arina Rodionovna.

Being among close people, in a friendly environment, Alexander Sergeevich not only rests his soul, but also feels the need to create. The “Winter Morning” created by him is permeated with the joy of communicating with nature, from the fact that you can simply enjoy its beauties and not think about anything else.


This work is dedicated to Russian nature. The poet has always been especially fond of winter - he was fascinated by snow-covered landscapes, the magic of Russian nature caused awe in his heart. It is not surprising that the theme of one of his best works was precisely the winter landscape. Obviously, it was written under the impression of a real picture, which he saw while visiting the estate, and which he sought not only to describe, but also to convey his mood.

The main idea of ​​this work is quite simple: beauty surrounds a person at any time of the year. It is important not to oversleep it, not to miss the opportunity to admire the world around and enjoy its wonders.


Classical linear composition, however, deserves a detailed analysis.

In the first six lines, the protagonist of this lyrical work admires the beauty of winter. He comes to wake up his beloved and show her how beautiful the winter world is outside the window.

The second stanza is built on the antithesis between last night, when there was a storm outside the window, and the beloved was sitting in sadness, and the current state of nature. It is the antithesis that makes the work special, gives it color.

In the third stanza, a beautiful winter morning is shown, which the poet describes in the most admiring way, and in the fourth lyrical hero returns to the room, where it is very warm, and you can enjoy how cheerfully the logs crackle in the fireplace.

But the last stanza returns the reader to the street again: Pushkin invites him on a winter sleigh ride to admire the surrounding beauty to his heart's content.

The slender composition develops very dynamically, bright and precise details create a beautiful picture.


It is easy to identify by its name, which promises wonderful descriptions of Russian nature and winter landscapes. So, the genre is landscape lyrics. Pushkin uses a fairly simple and traditional meter for himself - iambic tetrameter. It gives the poem a special melody. The way of rhyming is also interesting - the so-called mixed one: the female rhyme in combination with the male one works to convey the mood.

means of expression

Pushkin uses a variety of expressive means in his work, for example:

  • epithets- “wonderful day”, “charming friend”, “blue skies”, “magnificent carpets”, “amber shine”, “cheerful crackle”.
  • Comparison- "like a pale spot."
  • Avatars- “the haze was rushing”, “the blizzard was angry”.

In addition, various appeals, such as “friend of my harsh days”, “beauty” .

In the work, joyful epithets are combined with gloomy, contrasting ones, in order to further emphasize the beauty of a winter morning. It also has metaphors(for example, snow “lies”, shining in the sun), hyperbole, alliteration and anaphora. All this works for an artistic idea and helps to create a lyrical mood.

Poem "Winter morning" Pushkin wrote on November 3, 1829. At that time, the poet was not in the best state of mind, his life was full of sadness and loneliness. Therefore, the bright and enthusiastic poem "Winter Morning", glorifying the beauty of the Russian winter, was a pleasant surprise for critics and friends of Alexander Sergeevich.

Pushkin's work is literally permeated with lyrical works. The poet has repeatedly admitted that he not only treats legends, myths and folk traditions with trepidation, but also never ceases to admire the magic of Russian nature. "Winter Morning" without exaggeration can be considered one of Pushkin's most successful poems on this topic.

Writers attribute this work to genre of landscape poetry. Its name already sounds romantic. In the reader's imagination, beautiful pictures of Russian nature immediately appear, trees in dazzling snowy decoration.

Structurally, "Winter Morning" is divided into five stanzas, each of which is a six-line. In the first stanza, the poet conveys his admiration for the Russian frosty winter and gently calls on his beloved to wake up. In the second stanza, the author's mood changes. Pushkin recalls the gloomy and rainy yesterday evening, which was filled with the violence and indignation of the elements. Therefore, the lyrical hero is delighted with the wonderful weather in the morning. Antithesis in the second stanza gives the whole work a special flavor.

The fourth stanza, after describing a fine morning, returns the reader to a warm room, where there is a cheerful crackling of logs in the stove. The last part of the work again invites the reader to admire the winter landscapes by taking a ride in a sleigh. Pushkin saturates dynamically changing pictures of nature with bright and precise details: the amber glow of fire, magnificent carpets of snow, a brilliant river under ice.

"Winter Morning" is written in melodic iambic tetrameter with mixed rhyming (AABSSV), which gives the work a special lightness. Four lines with a feminine rhyme (first and second, fourth and fifth) are diluted in each stanza with two lines with a masculine rhyme (third and sixth).

The nouns in the poem create a bright image of a frosty winter morning: sun, sky, ice, hoarfrost, river, spruce, frost. Just as successfully, Pushkin uses verbs that saturate the text with the dynamics of life: appear, lie, wake up, shine, turn black, turn green.

A wonderful day, magnificent carpets, a transparent forest, amber shine, a cheerful crackle, a dear friend - such positive epithets evoke a joyful mood in the reader's soul. But to depict the evening bad weather, Pushkin uses phrases and comparisons with a negative connotation: "the moon is like a pale spot", "in cloudy skies", "gloomy clouds". For blizzards and darkness, the poet uses personification, gives them the properties characteristic of a person: "darkness hovered", "the blizzard was angry".

The syntactic structure of the language is also peculiar in "Winter Morning". At the beginning of the work, the author uses declarative sentences. They are easy to read. Then the plot changes, becomes agitated, which is reflected in exclamatory sentences. There are also questions, one of which is rhetorical.

Pushkin makes extensive use appeals(beauty, lovely friend, dear friend), introductory words and direct speech, which makes the reader feel involved in the event. Alliteration with the help of hissing and voiced consonants, as well as a successful consonance of vowels (assonance), both the creak of snow and the clatter of horse hooves are transmitted. In the first stanza, the sound of a cold winter morning - “es” is often heard, and in the second six-line, the sound “el” is repeated, conveying sensations from frosty air. Effect "Amber glow of fire" and crackles of dry logs emphasize the hard consonants "t" and "r". A deliberate tautology serves the same purpose - "crackling crackling".

Lyrical hero The work appears before the reader as a poetic, subtle person who loves his native nature and who knows how to discern beauty. The cheerful and joyful tone of the poem creates a feeling of something bright and festive.

Pushkin's heritage contains many works with winter landscapes, but "Winter Morning" differs from others in its special skill and vitality.

  • "The Captain's Daughter", a summary of the chapters of Pushkin's story
  • "The daylight went out", analysis of Pushkin's poem
  • "I remember a wonderful moment ...", analysis of Pushkin's poem

On November 3, 1829, a poem was published from the master's pen, which would later be called "Winter Morning". It became a kind of hallmark of the poet's landscape lyrics and received a lot of positive feedback from readers and literary critics.

The history of creation relates to the period when Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was in Mikhailovskoye due to exile for his work and civic activities. Despite the fact that the year of writing turned out to be anxious and depressing for the author, he was able to find a share of inspiration, which prompted the creation of many world-famous poetic lines.

A brief analysis of the poem will help to get to know the work of the great Russian poet better, finding the main features of the ideological content and versification of the presented text.

The work is written in the style of classical Russian romanticism, which was characteristic of the work of Alexander Sergeevich. The author also chose the usual size for the verse - iambic tetrameter. This allows you to make the text melodic and easy to read. This effect is enhanced with the help of mixed rhyming. The feminine rhyme (first and second, fourth and fifth lines) is diluted with the masculine (third and sixth lines). One sentence flows smoothly into another, creating a flexible text canvas.

The leading theme is revealed by Pushkin immediately in the very first sentence: “Frost and sun; wonderful day!" The beauty of nature is brought to the fore, and the winter morning becomes a symbolic leitmotif that permeates all five stanzas of the poem. Thus, the relationship between a person and the world around him is revealed. The idea of ​​spiritual intimacy with nature was relevant for the writer throughout his entire career.

Analyzing the poetics of the work, it is important to pay attention to the means of expression. A huge number of epithets can be traced, both positive (“charming friend”, “magnificent carpets”, “transparent forest”), and negative (“gloomy clouds”, “empty fields”) coloring. Positive tropes in the text are more common, which allows you to fill the work with additional optimism and joyful emotions.

The genre of landscape lyrics is characterized by the fact that in verses natural phenomena come to life and are likened to a person. For this, A.S. Pushkin uses personifications (“the blizzard was angry”, “darkness hovered in the cloudy sky”) and metaphorical phrases (“the moon turned yellow”, “the forest turns black”, “the room is lit up with brilliance”). Comparisons (“the moon is like a pale spot”) help to fully understand and feel what is described.

The poem is written in the form of an appeal. This is evidenced by the presence of rhetorical appeals: "You are still dozing, my lovely friend ...", "It's time, beauty, wake up ...".

An analysis of the verse "Winter Morning" will not do without mentioning the phonetic coloring of the text. The first stanza is saturated with the sounds "s" and "z".

It's time, beauty, wake up:

Open eyes closed by bliss

Towards the northern Aurora,

Be the star of the north!

They are a symbol of the winter morning. While the second stanza fills the perception with frosty, icy images with the help of the sounds "l" and "m".

Evening, do you remember, the blizzard was angry,

In the cloudy sky, a haze hovered;

The moon is like a pale spot

Through the gloomy clouds turned yellow ...

Pushkin's creation is based on constant contrasts - one image is abruptly replaced by another, even more symbolic. Smooth and calm narration turns into stormy exclamations. The technique used creates an additional emotional coloring of poetry.

"Winter Morning" Alexander Pushkin

Frost and sun; wonderful day!
You are still dozing, lovely friend -
It's time, beauty, wake up:
Open eyes closed by bliss
Towards the northern Aurora,
Be the star of the north!

Evening, do you remember, the blizzard was angry,
In the cloudy sky, a haze hovered;
The moon is like a pale spot
Turned yellow through the gloomy clouds,
And you sat sad -
And now ... look out the window:

Under blue skies
splendid carpets,
Shining in the sun, the snow lies;
The transparent forest alone turns black,
And the spruce turns green through the frost,
And the river under the ice glitters.

The whole room amber gleam
Enlightened. Cheerful crackling
The fired oven crackles.
It's nice to think by the couch.
But you know: do not order to the sled
Ban the brown filly?

Gliding through the morning snow
Dear friend, let's run
impatient horse
And visit the empty fields
The forests, recently so dense,
And the shore, dear to me.

Analysis of Pushkin's poem "Winter Morning"

Lyrical works in the work of Alexander Pushkin occupy a very significant place. The poet has repeatedly admitted that he treats with trepidation not only the traditions, myths and legends of his people, but also never ceases to admire the beauty of Russian nature, bright, colorful and full of mysterious magic. He made many attempts to capture the most diverse moments, skillfully creating images of an autumn forest or a summer meadow. However, one of the most successful, bright and joyful works of the poet is considered to be the poem "Winter Morning", created in 1829.

From the very first lines, Alexander Pushkin sets the reader in a romantic mood, describing the beauty of winter nature in a few simple and elegant phrases, when the duet of frost and sun creates an unusually festive and optimistic mood. To enhance the effect, the poet builds his work on contrast, mentioning that yesterday “the blizzard was angry” and “darkness hovered in the cloudy sky.” Perhaps, each of us is well aware of such metamorphoses, when in the midst of winter, endless snowfalls are replaced by a sunny and clear morning filled with silence and inexplicable beauty.

On such days, it is simply a sin to sit at home, no matter how comfortably the fire crackles in the fireplace. And in every line of Pushkin's "Winter Morning" there is an appeal to go for a walk, which promises a lot of unforgettable impressions. Especially if amazingly beautiful landscapes stretch outside the window - a river shining under the ice, forests and meadows powdered with snow, which resemble a snow-white blanket woven by someone's skillful hand.

Each line of this poem is literally permeated with freshness and purity., as well as admiration and admiration for the beauty of his native land, which never ceases to amaze the poet at any time of the year. Moreover, Alexander Pushkin does not seek to hide his overwhelming feelings, as many of his fellow writers did in the 19th century. Therefore, in the poem "Winter Morning" there is no pretentiousness and restraint inherent in other authors, but at the same time, each line is permeated with warmth, grace and harmony. In addition, simple pleasures in the form of a toboggan ride bring genuine happiness to the poet and help to fully experience all the greatness of Russian nature, changeable, luxurious and unpredictable.

The poem "Winter Morning" by Alexander Pushkin is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful and sublime works of the poet. It lacks the causticity so characteristic of the author, and there is no familiar allegory that makes one look for a hidden meaning in every line. These works are the embodiment of tenderness, light and beauty. Therefore, it is not surprising that it was written in a light and melodic iambic tetrameter, which Pushkin resorted to quite often in those cases when he wanted to give his poems a special sophistication and lightness. Even in the contrasting description of bad weather, which is intended to emphasize the freshness and brightness of a sunny winter morning, there is no usual thickening of colors: a snow storm is presented as a fleeting phenomenon that is not able to overshadow the expectations of a new day filled with majestic calm.

At the same time, the author himself never ceases to be surprised at such dramatic changes that occurred in just one night. It was as if nature itself acted as a tamer of an insidious blizzard, forcing it to change its anger to mercy and, thereby, gave people an amazingly beautiful morning filled with frosty freshness, the creak of fluffy snow, the ringing silence of the silent snowy plains and the charm of the sun's rays, shimmering with all colors. rainbows in frosty window patterns.

Literature lesson at 6 class on the topic “A.S. Pushkin. "Winter morning"

Goals and objectives of the lesson: continue acquaintance with the landscape lyrics of A.S. Pushkin, to improve the skills of analyzing a lyrical work, to master the secrets of the poet's poetic mastery and the artistic means of literature; moral and aesthetic education of the student, education of reading culture.

Equipment: portrait of A.S. Pushkin, albums of landscape painters, the text of the poem, cards.

^ Methods: reproductive, partially exploratory.

During the classes:

I. Organizational moment.

II .Homework survey.

    M.Yu. Lermontov's poem "The Cliff", "In the Wild North" by heart.

I I I. Communication of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

1. Today, guys, we will continue our acquaintance with the landscape lyrics of A.S. Pushkin. We have to work out the skill of analyzing a lyrical work, repeat the artistic and visual means of literature, learn how to find them in the text of a poem and determine their role.

2. Reading a poem by a teacher.


Frost and sun; wonderful day!

You are still dozing, my lovely friend

It's time, beauty, wake up:

Open eyes closed by bliss

Towards the northern Aurora,

Be the star of the north!

Evening, do you remember, the blizzard was angry,

In the cloudy sky, a haze hovered;

The moon is like a pale spot

Turned yellow through the gloomy clouds,

And you sat sad -

And now ..... look out the window:

Under blue skies

splendid carpets,

Shining in the sun, the snow lies;

The transparent forest alone turns black,

And the spruce turns green through the frost,

And the river under the ice glitters.

The whole room amber gleam

Enlightened. Cheerful crackling

The fired oven crackles.

It's nice to think by the couch.

Ban the brown filly?

Gliding through the morning snow

Dear friend, let's run

impatient horse

And visit the empty fields

The forests, recently so dense,

And the shore, dear to me. ( 1829)

III. Vocabulary work.

Aurora - dawn (named after the ancient Greek goddess of the dawn).

Evening - in the evening (adverb).

Amber - yellow, sunny.

IV. Analysis of the poem by A.S. Pushkin "Winter Morning".

1) Date of writing and publication.

The poem "Winter Morning" was written by A.S. Pushkin November 3, 1829 during exile in the village of Mikhailovskoye. Then the life of the poet was filled with loneliness, boredom and sadness. However, it was during these years that Alexander Sergeevich was overtaken by inspiration.

2) Artistic method.

This work belongs to the literary movement of romanticism.

3) Choice of the genre of tradition.

This poem can be attributed to the genre of landscape lyrics.

4) Main theme.

The leading theme is directly the theme of the winter morning, the theme of the beauty of Russian nature in winter.

5) The meaning of the name.

The title of the poem sounds very poetic. Just listen, "Winter Morning"! Before your eyes immediately rises nature in white winter decoration. Thus, the title expresses the content of the work as a whole.

6) Lyrical plot and its movement.

The plot of the lyrical work is weakened. The poem is based on the contemplation of nature, which has become an impulse for lyrical experience.

7) Composition. The presence of a frame. main structural parts.

Throughout the storyline, linear composition prevails. The poem consists of five six lines (sextin). In the first stanza, the author clearly admires the frosty Russian winter, invites his companion to take a walk on such a beautiful, sunny day:

“Frost and sun; wonderful day!

You are still dozing, my lovely friend -

It's time, beauty, wake up:

Open eyes closed by bliss

Towards the northern Aurora,

Be the star of the north!"

The mood of the second stanza is the opposite of the previous mood. This part of the poem is built using the technique of antithesis, that is, opposition. A.S. Pushkin turns to the past, recalls that yesterday nature was rampant and indignant:

“Evening, do you remember, the blizzard was angry,

In the cloudy sky, a haze hovered;

The moon is like a pale spot

Turned yellow through the gloomy clouds,

And you sat sad ... "

And now? Everything is completely different. This is exactly confirmed by the following lines of the poem:

"Under blue skies

splendid carpets,

Shining in the sun, the snow lies ... ";

"The whole room is an amber gleam


Undoubtedly, there are notes of contrast here that give the work a certain sophistication:

“It's nice to think by the couch.

But you know: do not order to the sled

Forbid the brown filly?

8) Basic moods. The tone of the poem.

Reading this work, the heart and soul are filled with positive emotions. Joy, fun and cheerfulness fill the poem. Each of you, probably, feels the freshness that these lines are imbued with.

9) Rhythm, size.

The poem is written in iambic tetrameter.

10) Rhyming, the nature of the rhyme.

The rhyme is mixed; the nature of the rhyme: exact; the first two lines are female, the third is male, the fourth and fifth are female, the sixth is male.

11) Vocabulary. Language means of expression.

Positively colored epithets: “charming friend”, “wonderful day”, “magnificent carpets”, “transparent forest”, “merry crackling”, “amber sheen”, “dear friend”, “dear shore”.

Negatively colored epithets: “cloudy sky”, “gloomy clouds”, “you sat sad”, “empty fields”.

Thus, positively colored epithets are designed to form a joyful mood in the reader's soul.

Metaphor: "the moon turned yellow."

Personification: "the blizzard was angry", "the haze was rushing".

Comparison: "The moon is like a pale spot."

12) Poetic syntax.

“And the spruce turns green through the hoarfrost,

And the river glitters under the ice.

Rhetorical exclamation: “Frost and sun; wonderful day!”

Rhetorical appeal: “dear friend”, “charming friend”, “beauty”.

13) Sound recording. Phonetic coloring of the verse.

Alliteration: in the first stanza, the consonant sound “s” is repeatedly repeated (sounds of a winter morning); in the second stanza, the consonant sound “l” is repeated (this gives a feeling of cold, frost).

14) The idea of ​​the poem, revealed in the process of analysis.

Thus, A.S. Pushkin sought in his poem "Winter Morning" to show the beauty of the Russian winter, its greatness and strength, which give rise to a joyful mood in the soul of the reader.

This poem belongs to the landscape lyrics. What is a landscape? /This is a picture of nature.

What is a theme and idea? / The theme is what the author talks about, what he depicts: events, facts, phenomena of life. Idea - the main meaning of a work of art /

So, what is the theme and idea of ​​the poem? /Theme - a story about the upcoming winter morning. The idea is the chanting of beauty, the delights of a winter morning, and not only. This is a hymn to Russian nature /

What is the mood of the poem? / The author wants to convey to us a joyful, cheerful mood caused by such a wonderful day /

Does the mood change in the poem? / Yes, morning - evening - morning; mood: before cheerful - sad - again cheerful /

But if the poem is dedicated to a wonderful morning, why does Pushkin remember the evening when "the blizzard was angry"? / To emphasize the beauty of the coming morning and day, using the technique of contrast /

Pay attention to the first line. What is its meaning? /This line introduces the topic and reveals the idea, and the rest of the text comments on the "wonderfulness" of the coming morning/

What is the mood of this part? How does the author convey this mood? / The mood is joyful, enthusiastic. To convey it, the author uses the epithet wonderful day); appeal: lovely friend, beauty; exclamatory sentences; obsolete words: eyes closed with bliss/

What is the beginning of this section? /And now.../

What is this union and what is its role? / It helps to juxtapose two opposing paintings to enhance the artistic impression. Opposition in literature is called antithesis /

Find epithets for words in the poem heaven, snow, demon, spruce, river, shine, crackle, stove, couch, fields, forests.

Pay attention to the phrase: "Magnificent carpets, / Shining in the sun, the snow lies."

What is the name of the medium used by the author? /Theorist: comparison/

Why is snow like a carpet? / There was a blizzard in the evening, the snow has not yet settled down, it is fluffy and soft, just like a carpet! /

This is what an ordinary winter morning, one ordinary wonderful day, does to a person! Did your mood change or not after our lesson? /Yes, it has changed. Today, unfortunately, is a cloudy day, and when this poem sounded, I immediately imagined a frosty sunny day, and my mood improved /

V. Summary of the lesson. At the end of this work, I want to offer you a creative task. It is aimed at training memory and mastering the concept of "epithet".

VI. Rating with comments.

VII. Homework . Everyone - a poem by heart. Separate students - to draw an illustration to the poem.

Card #1

Fill in the missing epithets.

Under ________________________ skies


Glittering in the sun

Snow lies.

The forest turns black

And the spruce turns green through the frost,

And the river under the ice glitters.

Card #2

(for less prepared students)

Underline the epithets in the passage.

Gliding through the morning snow

Dear friend, let's run

impatient horse

And visit the empty fields

The forests, recently so dense,

And the shore, dear to me.