Biographies Characteristics Analysis

OOD in English “Home sweet home. "House"

Learning new words on the topic "Home". This set contains 24 cards with new English words. With the help of these cards, you will learn how to correctly name all the rooms in an apartment in English, how to correctly name a village house, a city high-rise building, an ordinary house ...

The cards have all the necessary terms - wall, floor, ceiling, staircase, door, window...

Nobody argues that it is best to learn a foreign language with an experienced teacher. Or at least sign up for language courses

But for additional classes and for memorizing new words, it is best to use cards.

These cards are made up of two halves. To begin with, the student simply takes a card from the pile, looks at the picture (and at the word in Russian), reads the English word with the help of transcription, tries to remember. He flips to the side and takes the next card...

When the student can say the word just by seeing the picture, you can fold the cards in half so that the picture and text are on opposite sides of the card. The halves must be carefully glued together. Now the cards will become denser and last longer.

The next step is to name the word simply from the picture.

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Target: formation of lexical and grammatical skills.

To intensify the use of LE on the topics "House" (house, flat), "Color" (red, blue, green, yellow, white), "Counting and numbers" (from 1 to 5), "Qualities" (big, small, nice ), "Animals" (cat, mouse, dog, frog, duck).

Introduction of new LEs on the topics "House" (wall, roof).

To improve in listening comprehension and the use of previously learned RO in speech: I live in a house. My house is big. It is a roof. A roof is red.

Train children in pronouncing sounds.


Colored cups and a small dog toy.

Toys: cat, mouse, dog, frog, duck.

Pictures: house, apartment.

Walls and roofs of houses (cut out of cardboard): blue, red, yellow, green, white. The basket in which these figurines lie. Magnetic board and magnets for assembling houses.

Cards with numbers from 1 to 5.

Record player. Audio recordings of songs.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment

The teacher and children greet each other with a rhyme:

Hello, hello, hello to you

Hello, hello, I am glad to see you.

2. Voice charging

Teacher: How are you today, children? How are you, Denis? (The teacher asks a question to all the children in turn)

Children: I am fine (bad, okay).

3. Phonetic charging

Children work out previously learned sounds with the help of a teacher.

4. Activation of previously studied LE

Game "Where is my dog?"

Teacher: Children, animals came to visit us today. Meet your first guest. (Shows a small dog) What is it?

Children: It is a dog.

Teacher: Yes, it is a dog. My dog ​​is small. My dog ​​likes to play. What does the dog like to do? That's right, play. Let's play with my dog. (Arranges multi-colored cups on the table and pronounces the names of flowers in English together with the children) Sleep! (Hides a dog under one of the cups) Wake up! Where is my dog? (Children guess by naming the color in English) Good for you! Well done, you got it right. Now let's say goodbye to the dog. Good bye, dog!

Children: Good bye, dog!

5. Improvement of previously learned RO

Teacher: What is it? (Shows pictures: house, apartment)

Children: A house. It is a house. A flat. It is a flat.

Teacher: Where do you live? (The teacher asks a question to all the children in turn)

Children: I live in a house. I live in a flat.

Teacher: Is your house big or small? (The teacher asks a question to all the children in turn)

Children: My house is big. My house is small. My flat is big. My flat is small.

Teacher: Is your house nice? (The teacher asks a question to all the children in turn)

Children: Yes, my flat is nice.

Game "Translator"

Teacher: Children, meet the following guests. (shows cat and mouse toys) What is it?

Children: It is a mouse. It is a cat.

Teacher: All right! A cat and a mouse. Our guests want to play a game with us. They will talk about their homes, and we will translate, we will “work” as translators.

A cat: I live in a house. My house is big. My house is nice.

A mouse: I live in a house. My house is small. My house is very nice.

6. Physical Minute

Performing a song with the movements "Clap, clap, clap your hands."

7. Introduction of new LEs

Teacher: Guys, let's look at this house. Look at the house! It is a roof. (Pointing to the roof.) A roof - a roof - a roof.

Children: A roof - a roof - a roof

Teacher: What color is a roof? (Children name the color of the roof.) Yes, a roof is red. It is a wall. (Points to the wall of the house) A wall - a wall - a wall.

Children: A wall - a wall - a wall.

Teacher: What color is a wall? (Children name the color of the wall.) Yes, a wall is blue.

I have a basket, let's see what's in it. (In the basket are parts of houses cut out of cardboard. Children take turns taking them out and answering the teacher's questions.) What is it? What color is it? (During the children's answers, the teacher collects 5 houses on the magnetic board.)

8. Improvement of listening comprehension and use in speech of previously learned ROs with new LEs

Teacher: Guys, we got a lot of houses. Let's count them. (During the count, each house puts its number from 1 to 5.) In addition to the cat and mouse, more guests came to us. Who is this?

Children: A dog, a frog, a duck.

Teacher: They prepared riddles for us. Now each animal will tell about its house. And we will guess in which house this guest lives, and we will name the number of his house.

Teacher: (On behalf of the cat.) I live in a house. My roof is red. My wall is blue.

9. Summing up. Parting

Teacher: You guessed everything correctly, but it's time for our guest to leave.

Children: Good bye, cat! Good bye, dog! (Say goodbye to all animals.)

Teacher: Well done guys! You did a very good job! Let's remember what we did today. Now it's time to say goodbye.

The teacher and children say goodbye to each other with a rhyme:

Good bye, good bye, I don't like to say.

Good bye, good bye, and have a nice day.

Margarita Nechitailenko
OOD in English "Home sweet home"

Topic: “Home sweet ho me"

Integration of areas: cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development,

The purpose of the lesson: The development of children's communication skills in situations on this plot, identifying the level of formation of speech perception by ear.

Educational: to cultivate a sense of joy and pride in one's home, to instill love and respect for one's country and the countries of the language being studied, tolerance and interest in learning a foreign language through game situations; develop attention, perseverance, memory;

Educational: to identify the level of communication skills in the plot "Home sweet home", the ability to perceive speech by ear;

Developing: practice students in using vocabulary on the topic, expand lexical and grammatical material.

Equipment: computer, CD with songs, Mr. Tongue, demonstration cards (furniture, animals, soft toys, magnetic board, magnets, box with bear masks, message in a bottle, assignment letters, reflection material.

1. Pictures with the image of a mouse, a bear, a giraffe (phonetic exercise) hang on the board.

2. A box with a spoon and a fork (rhymes).

3. Letter from an alien inhabitant (song).

4. (new words).

5. Table with a hero (reward).

The course of direct educational activities.

I. Organizational moment.

Children sit on chairs.

Teacher: Good morning, my friends.

Good morning Margarita Nikolaevna

2. Finger charging.

Children, and our fingers may be offended by us, let's help them greet each other (children do the exercise Hello, hello, hello to you). Today, guests have come to us, they also know English, greet them.

Children, tell me, what do you like to play or do more? Let's not practice today, we'll just play. Jack came to visit us today. He hurries to visit his friend Spot, but to get to his house, you have to go through an enchanted forest, where there are many, many difficult tasks. And Jack is afraid to go alone. He asks you to guide him and help solve all the riddles. Can we help? Then let's go to the enchanted forest! And here is the path (arrows made of colored paper on the floor).

3.phonetic charging.

- Guys, oh, who flew to us? (children's answers) He asks you to help him make a window in his house by doing exercises for the tongue

A tongue lived in the world in a house without a window.

He spoke a little English.

Did morning exercises - [l], [m], s, ,

Made up my bed

I brushed my teeth -,, I cleaned the house,

He opened the doors wide open - [p], [w].

He went out for a walk

Breathe fresh air - [h].

Tongue when walking

Freezes very quickly.

Pressed the tip with his teeth

And trembled - [uh].

After running a little, he warmed up.

And then such a sound was heard -.

Tired of the tongue in a dark house to live,

And he decided to break a window in the ceiling.

Raised the tip of the tongue

He began to knock on the ceiling - [t], [d].

II. Main part.

1. Setting goals. Activation of lexical skills

- So, we are going on a journey where we will play a lot of games, and we will understand how many new words you have memorized on the topic “My sweet home”, tell us which houses you live in, and how much you love your houses, and yes with the game in a good mood, the road to the house of Spot (our friend) will be quick and untiring. Look at this magical book, now I will read you how it is necessary for everyone to have their own home, and at the same time we will count in English

2.Reading the Poem "Ten Ivanov"

Ivan lived in his hut and they called him in English "one"

The second came to that hut and everyone began to call him "two"

The third came to the hut, look. His English name is "three"

The fourth one came in, they took him in. There were four of them, which means "four"

The fifth one came in, now their five is sixth,

And “seven” is the seventh, in the hut there is already nowhere to stand even with a foot.

The eighth knocks: "Open soon" - now there are eight of them or "eight".

The ninth entered, which means it became their "nine".

The tenth shouts: “Where do you hang your hat? And they became "ten", which means ten.

Ivans live in a hut sitting, albeit in cramped conditions, but not offended.

Guys, what is this? (Envelope) Now we will read what is written in the letter.

“Hi guys, my name is Pam. I came to you from another planet. Everything on planet Earth is not the same as in my homeland. And the houses are not like that, and the rooms. Please tell me what can be seen in your group room.”

(name words for furniture)

Fasten individually .What is this?- It’s a…

Is it a? - Yes, it is// No, it is not. It's a...

3. Speech warm-up "Snowball"

Look, here is a snowball, it is so small that it becomes big, we will now roll it (passing it to each other). Let' play the game "Snowball" Children call the words in a chain, each repeats the words of the previous ones and adds one of his own.

P1-a door P2- a door, a table P3- a door, a table, a carpet…

4. Development of listening skills

After the bear destroyed the teremok, the animals got lost in the forest, let's help them find their houses.

(pictures of animals of a bear, a mouse, a giraffe and three houses are attached on the board, children listen to texts with descriptions and connect them with arrows).

Be attentive & listen to my stories? Whose house is it?

*My house is not big. It is small. My house is a hole. It is nice. (A Mouse)

* My house is big. It is high. My house is not low. It is beautiful. (a giraffe)

* My house is low. It is not high. My house is dark. I like to sleep in my house. (a bear)


Oh, it seems that we woke up the bear, and it's time for him to get up, wake up, bear, stale, do exercises with us

Teddy bear, Teddy bear, look around.

Teddy bear, Teddy bear, touch the ground…

6. Formation of communication skills

Here is the box. Let's see what's in it. Lesha, open the box and show us all what's in there. (distributing pictograms)

Wherever we are, we always return ... home. What kind of houses do you have? Or someone lives in an apartment?

I show a pictogram, remember what it means

I live in a small house. I have a table in my house.

6. Game "Fair"

(one child comes out to the board, on which illustrations of furniture are attached with magnets, he calls who the gift will be. The gifted person names the item in English and receives it as a gift, then he gives another child a gift at the fair, etc.) - I want to have a sofa…

Plea se.

Yes, it's a message in a bottle. It is interesting what is written there.

Let's sit in the clearing and read the message. You know guys, I need your help. Some of the words were washed away by water droplets, so when I read this message, help me. And there are new words here, you memorize them:

Happy Birthy to you!

Happy Birthy to you!

Happy Birthay, dear Spot,

Happy Birthy to you!

“Let’s also tell Spot what new words we’ve learned.”

- So we got to our friend Spot for his birthday. He is very grateful to us .. For this he treats you with sweets.

I. Final part.

- You are great today! And they solved riddles, and sang a song, and learned new words.


See what tree grows near Spot's house, but there are no flowers on it yet - we will help them to appear. If you were interested in traveling to the Spot, attach a red flower, and if there were difficulties on the way, a pink one. Children attach flowers.

Necessary English words on the topic "Furniture" for beginners, children: a list with transcription and translation

The topic “Furniture” is introduced for study in the primary grades, as it is very important in order to master the basic level of language proficiency. Learning vocabulary on this topic is not difficult, because the words are quite simple, and “visibility” is found in almost every room.

IMPORTANT: You adjust the number of words to study on your own, based on the age of the students.


Written exercises in English for children on the topic "Furniture"

Properly selected writing exercises will help you expand your students' vocabulary and improve grammar skills.


  • . Your task is to see certain words among the variety of letters (vocabulary on the topic “Furniture”). Words can be written in a notebook or simply circled.
  • Complete the sentences using the vocabulary "Furniture". The required words are listed in the box above the exercise.
  • Solve the crossword puzzle by entering the necessary words on the topic "Furniture".

Oral assignments in English on the topic "Furniture"

Try to practice the student’s oral speech as much and as often as possible so that he masters it as competently and correctly as possible. To do this, you can use a number of oral exercises and tasks.

An exercise - give a name to each piece of interior and furniture that you see in the rooms in the pictures, each has its own number.


Dialogue in English for children on the topic "Furniture" with translation

Dialogues will help students improve their speaking skills and use new vocabulary with ease.


Phrases in English for children on the topic "Furniture" with translation

Phrases and ready-made sentences will help you compose dialogues, texts and essays.

Songs for children in English on the topic "Furniture" with translation

Songs are useful in order to have fun and interesting to learn English.

Cards in English on the topic "Furniture" with translation

Cards are needed so that with the help of visual material the child can more easily and better memorize new material.

№ 1

№ 2

№ 3

Games in English on the theme "Furniture"

The game moment must be present at the English lesson, as it removes unnecessary stress from the student, allowing him to study the language with ease and interest.


Riddles in English on the topic "Furniture" with translation

Riddles not only diversify the lesson, but also help the child learn English with interest. This form of work is easy and allows the student to use all his knowledge, even what was previously acquired.

Cartoons for children on the topic "Furniture"

Cartoons are ways to interest even the most "incapable" student, so they must be included in the lesson of any subject.

Teacher: Kurokhtina Yulia Nikolaevna

Lesson topic: « Myhouse/My house"

Lesson Objectives:

educational - consolidate the formed lexical and grammatical skills, speaking, listening skills on the topic "My home"

Educational - develop speech skills of monologue and dialogic speech on the topic of the lesson.

Educational - create a high level of cognitive interest in the subject; to cultivate hard work, a sense of tact, skills of polite behavior, a desire to help parents.

Lesson type: fixing ZUN.

Lesson methods: visual, practical, verbal.

Equipment: demonstration material for phonetic exercises, a picture of the main character of the lesson - monkeys, prepared details of the My Home project, glue, album sheets.

move lesson

1. Orgmoment .

Good morning, dear children! I'm happy to see you again. Let's start the lesson!Sit down please!

How are you?

Children: I "m fine, thank you. I" m OK, thank you.

What's the date today? children:

What season is it now? children:

Do you like this season?Children:

2. Message of the topic of the lesson. Introduction to the lesson.

Guys! Today we have not an easy lesson, the monkey Chiki came to our lesson today. But our favorite monkey hid from us? She wants to see how we will work with you in the lesson. In the meantime, we will repeat everything that we have learned on the topic "My Home", let's play. And maybe then the monkey will see how well we work and answer, and there will be.

3. speech charger .

- Where is Monkey?

Monkeyis in the house.

Monkeyis in the kitchen

Monkeyis in the bedroom

Monkeyis in the living room

(children are shown pictures of rooms)

Our monkey will follow us throughout the lesson, and at the end of the lesson it will definitely show itself to us if we work well and answer, and maybe even bring us treats.

4. Game " A Monkey

Let's turn into funny monkeys - we will depict the movement that a monkey can do, and we will guess our movements (jump, run, swim, dance, flyIcanjump, run, swim, dance, fly…)

5. Physical Minute

The children represent the house.

6. The main stage of the lesson.

Let's, guys, repeat the words on the topic of our lesson. (Slides).

7 . Creative work.

7.1 -What did we talk about today?

About the house

We have prepared parts of the house, it remains only to build it - to glue it. We are preparing the details of the house, landscape sheet. Start gluing the details (students on sheets a 4 make an application for the house). In the meantime, you are building a house, I would like to hear what kind of houses you have. Tell. (My house is green. My house is big. My house is nice.) Show me your houses.

7. 2 - The game "Arrange the objects"

Arrange the objects around the room and say what the object is.

(There is a picture of the house on the board) children take objects and stick them into the house. (Lamp, chair, bed, table, sofa, wardrobe)

7.3 - And now, guys, we will take our notebooks and work in them. We will paint our room.

8. The result of the lesson. Reflection.

Our lesson is coming to an end. Oops!!! Look who showed up our monkey, we found the monkey. You answered well, and our monkey decided to come out to us. We are great! What did you repeat? What have you learned? What did you like? (children stick stickers in the form of a house on the board, share their impressions). Monkey, did you bring treats for our guys? (The monkey distributes sweets to the children).

The lesson is over. Good-bye kids! See you soon.

Answerschildren: Good-bye, dear teacher!