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Little-known predictions of the future of Russia have been published. Prophecies about the fate of Russia from the most famous seers in history

The main political event of the next year is the elections. The life of every Russian depends on who will be the president of Russia in 2018 in the next five years. The thought of what awaits Russia in the future, naturally, excites the minds of soothsayers and magicians, encourages astrologers to make predictions. And the closer we come to the upcoming elections, the more relevant this topic, the more active its discussion. So, let's look at the main predictions about the 2018 elections.

Over the past five years, world politics has gone out of its usual course and is being transformed at a rapid pace. It is experiencing global crises of both political and economic nature. International relations are not characterized by the best of times. Russia's role in world politics has grown, and its opinion has been taken into account. Many astrologers and predictors hypothesize that the new leadership of the country will be able to bring it out of the crisis and provide assistance to other countries.

Forecasts of who will become the President of Russia in 2018

Many analysts of various stripes say that there will be no change of political regime in Russia. However, most astrologers are sure of just the opposite: the current president will not run for a new term, and this initiative will come from him. Yes, and Vladimir Putin himself has repeatedly made statements that it is time to rest. The society is actively talking about who will replace the current leader and what this person will be like.

Forecast Vasily Nemchin

This seer, who is fond of astrology, made predictions in the 17th century who will be after Putin in 2018. He believes that the “Great Potter” will be at the helm of our state and promised a good future.

He pointed out that this person will not be like the current rulers, he is very wise, has esoteric skills and is familiar with the basics of magic.

At the same time, there is a clear mention of his age. It was at the age of 55 that he would take the post of head of the state, having independently cured himself of a dangerous illness. The elected president will be able to lead the country to economic growth and return to the country those states that were part of the USSR, without specifying their number. The astrologer predicts the peak of Russia's prosperity by 2023, which will entail the creation of a new large state, which will include 15 developed countries of the world.

Mikhail Levin's forecast

A well-known astrologer of our time made a prediction that the next president of Russia in 2018 will make a complete reset of the power structures and the transformation of law enforcement agencies. The new head of the state will be distant from the current establishment, will take a course towards the democratization of society, which will lead to its changes aimed at progressive development.

Maria Duval's forecast

The French fortuneteller believes that after the presidential elections, the Russian Federation will have a good future and economic recovery. By 2020, the country will successfully cope with the crisis and become one of the richest countries in the world with a very strong army. Russian science will also achieve tangible success, especially in such areas as medicine and computer technology. With government funding, drugs will be invented that can increase life expectancy.

Pavel Globa's forecast

The forecast of this famous astrologer is rather pessimistic: the President of Russia in 2018, according to his prediction, will die, and the election year will be the last year of the life of the President of Russia. It's all about the location of the heavenly bodies. At the moment when the planet Saturn is in the sign of the constellation Scorpio, a fatal prediction should come true. Nevertheless, it should be noted that Globa made a similar prediction about the death of the incumbent president for 2012 and, as we see, his prediction did not come true. It is possible that this time fate will not be so cruel to the leader of our state.

Nostradamus' prediction

This is perhaps the most famous predictor, whose prophecies come true to this day. He says that Russia is in for a heyday that begins in 2014. The new president will be a man from the northern lands, a descendant of a society known for its poets and martyrs. With his arrival, the country will face a golden age.

Find out what awaits Russia in 2018, what future the Russian people should prepare for and how to avoid difficulties in the new calendar period. Why do many prophesy a new president of Russia? The predictions of modern psychics and legendary soothsayers of the past will help prepare for the future.

The words of Nostradamus cannot be called optimistic for Russians. His prophecies describe natural disasters. Most likely, the catastrophe will happen in Kamchatka and the Far East. The houses of the inhabitants of these regions will be destroyed. Many people will die. Survivors will be forced to change their place of residence.

Siberia will suffer from severe fires. Perhaps Michel Nostradamus meant a repetition of the events of 2015. Then the forest fires brought a lot of grief. Perhaps the cause of a major fire will be a disaster at one of the factories in the region.

Political unrest and a power struggle after the death of the president are not ruled out, which should occur between 2018 and 2021. People will not be satisfied with what is happening in the country, mass popular uprisings will begin. Only by 2025 will the situation in the country become similar to its state in 2017.

How the stars will align

Astrologer Pavel Globa, describing his visions, predicts Russia's unprecedented economic recovery in 2018. Russians will no longer have to live below the poverty line. Residents' incomes will rise. A new president will provide a way out of the crisis, but more on him below.

Domestic medicine will develop, and the prerequisites for this can be seen at the very beginning of 2018. Russian doctors will become the inventors of a fundamentally new medicine or method of treating so far incurable diseases. Medical salaries will go up.

Technological progress will not lag behind the pace of development of Russian medicine. In the middle of the year, Russia will start producing a gadget that will outshine foreign analogues. Russian technology will be popular all over the world. But the conquest of the world market will last for several years. A start will be made in 2018.

Gradually, the Russian Federation will become a world leader around which the rest of the world will unite. Influence on the world political arena will be obtained by peaceful means. This is assistance to refugees from other states, active promotion of the export of domestic products and inventions of Russian scientists.

What will happen to Russia - Vanga's predictions

Vanga's predictions always come true, but they are extremely difficult to interpret correctly. The soothsayer was extremely vague in explaining her visions. If you believe her, in 2018 the Russian Federation will begin the path to becoming a leading world state. But the return of great power status will take more than one year.

The territory of the country will expand. At the same time, there will be no hostilities, Russia will receive land by some peaceful means. It is possible that Donbass will cease to belong to Ukraine in 2018, which will be the reason for the end of hostilities in this region. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine will be settled to the benefit of both parties.

Natural disasters will rage in Europe. It will not become “cold and empty” yet, but many residents of the EU countries will die. This trouble will not affect Russia. Russians will help European refugees, which will positively affect the reputation of the state and become one of the reasons for the restoration of authority in the world political arena.

Terrible visions of the Matrona of Moscow

The words of the Matrona of Moscow about the future are often mistaken for a prediction about the end of the world in 2018. But this is not entirely correct. Her predictions were vague, no one knows exactly what the saint saw in her dreams. Literally, the prophecy about what will happen to Russia sounds like this:

There will be many victims. You will die without war. All will lie on the ground. At sunset, everyone will fall to the ground, and at sunrise they will rise, and the world will be different.

There are many versions about the future described by Matrona. Based on her piety, many believe that the saint spoke not of the physical death of the Russian people, but of the loss of spirituality. The saint often claimed that the loss of faith in God is equal to death. But a prediction can warn of the use of weapons of mass destruction in one of the EU countries or a natural disaster, a meteorite fall or other catastrophe.

One way or another, the trouble that threatens Russia is a heavenly punishment. God is going to punish those who have lost their faith. The only salvation is work on the development of spirituality. Every Russian should give her maximum attention.

Read: Matrona's frightening predictions for 2018

Forecasts of the winners of the "Battle of Psychics" for 2018

Psychic Fatima Khadueva portends the stability of the economy and politics in 2018. There will be no third world war, or it will not affect the Russians. The first half of the year will seem difficult for the inhabitants of the state, but relief will replace the difficulties. Many problems will be gone. By 2025, Russia will become the richest country in the world. It will also serve as a world spiritual center.

Julia Wang describes Siberia and the Caucasus as centers of revolt against the current government of Russia. But serious incidents are not expected. The Russians will be busy adapting to the new conditions for entrepreneurs who will be affected by the crisis in the first half of the year. The conflict between Ukraine and Russia will not exhaust itself, but large-scale hostilities will remain in the past.

Swami Dashi is sure that Russia will include new territories that were previously related to the Soviet Union. Dmitry Volkhov saw the prerequisites for the growth and development of Russia. He fully agrees with Vanga about the fate of the Russian people.

Mohsen Narouzi warns against resumption of hostilities in Syria. He sees a threat to Russia coming from an Arab state. The clairvoyant urges the government to pay more attention to the residents of the Russian Federation, and not other countries.

Other predictions about Russia in 2018

Clairvoyant and astrologer Maria Duval wrote that she sees Russia as a world leader. A new president will lead the state to dominance. By 2020, the Russian Federation will become the richest and most influential country in the world. Breakthroughs in science and medicine are expected, the standard of living and life expectancy will increase.

The mysterious soothsayer Vasily Nemchin predicted that between 2013 and 2020 Russia would become part of another state. Most likely, it means unification with China, which Wang also hinted at. Perhaps the Russian Federation is waiting for a rebirth.

General and scientist Valentin Moshkov believed that from 2013 Russia would begin its journey towards becoming the center of civilization. Russians will stand at the head of the world. There will be no catastrophes and wars, the country's economy will recover. In 2018, the Russians will be able to continue to observe the prerequisites for this.

Clairvoyants about the new president of Russia

Fatima Khadueva believes that the president will not be replaced. Vanga assured that in 2018 a new leader would come to power. It will solve the social and economic problems of the Russians. They will be able to forget about poverty and other problems. Michel Nostradamus said something similar.

Astrologer Mikhail Levin claims that a person who is completely opposite to Vladimir Putin will rule in 2018. He will not be associated with the elite, he will come to the presidency from the people. This person will radically change the system of government of the country. First of all, he will introduce democratic reforms, which will guarantee the stable development of the Russian Federation.

Maria Duval said that the new president would raise the country's economy from its knees. She did not specify anything about his personality, but claimed that the new ruler is the guarantor of a happy life for every Russian. Under him, Russia will become an influential and rich country.

Pavel Globa is sure that the reign of Vladimir Putin will end in 2018. The new president will not be associated with him. The life of the Russian people will change for the better. Swami Dashi in 2018 expects a change of power at the initiative of the current one.

The "Great Potter" that Vasily Nemchin spoke about may come in 2018 - during the presidential elections. He will be familiar with magic. With the help of witchcraft, the new president will get rid of a serious illness, after which he will understand that his mission is to serve the Russian people. Russia has a great future with him.

There are many predictions about what awaits Russia in 2018. Some of them inspire optimism in any Russian person. Some of the prophecies make you think about the future and take time to save yourself from God's punishment. As for the president to be elected in 2018, most psychics see a brand new leader. He will lead the state to prosperity.

Due to the events in the world, many were seriously interested in psychics and their predictions for 2018 regarding Russia, Ukraine, and presidential elections. History proves the existence of people who are able to guess the events of the future. These include the prophecies of Vanga, Nostradamus, Maria Duval. Skeptics refute the authenticity of the forecasts, but known cases and facts suggest otherwise. Recently, predictions about future man-made disasters have appeared - everyone decides for himself to believe them or not.

What awaits Russia in the near future

Political scientists and sociologists agree that there will be no cardinal change of power in Russia in the near future. The majority of the population supports the foreign and domestic policy of the state, which is conducted by the president and the government. Some analysts believe that changing the composition of the State Duma, replacing them with new, young candidates, will lead Russia to prosperity. This will help to improve import and export, stabilize the exchange rate and improve relations with Western countries.

Psychics, political scientists are sure that the war between Russia and Ukraine should not be feared. Although provocations and minor conflicts are possible, the influence of the West will be felt. Global changes and restructuring of the entire system will take place in Ukraine. This was facilitated by past historical events. It is believed that over time, the left side will be able to join the Romanians and Poles, and the right - to Russia. It will be a painful and lengthy process for the sake of peace and the development of Ukraine. In the future, they predict a global redistribution of borders, which will not affect only Russia.

Psychics about the future of Russia

Today, ancient records of prophecies from the great seers have been preserved. Predictions of psychics for 2018 allow us to understand the state of affairs in the world economy and politics. Modern seers largely agree with the predictions of psychics known in history (Vanga, Nostradamus). It is expected that humanity may face a series of earthquakes and floods, some of which will fall on Russia.

Vanga's predictions

The prophetess believed that in the coming year Russia would stop producing oil due to limited natural resources. This is a disappointing forecast, because the country's economy is based on this industry by 80%. Vanga's predictions for 2018 promise economic prosperity in Russia. The government will not depend so much on oil production, perhaps Russian scientists will come up with another source of energy.

Vanga's prediction for 2018 for Russia promises an end to the conflict between the two fraternal peoples. The seer believed that people should consciously come to a compromise solution, forget minor adversities, remember centuries-old friendship. It is likely that peace will come through the efforts of ordinary citizens, and not because of political discussions. Previously, Vanga said that Crimea and Russia would join together, suggesting tectonic changes.


Predictions of Nostradamus about the Third World War says that the Islamic and Christian worlds will collide there. A lot of military events will take place in the developed countries of Europe. Nostradamus considered Siberia the center of the revival of the world. Russia, China will accept refugees affected by the war and become the most powerful states. His prophecy regarding solar energy has already come true. The prophet promised the development of medicine, the cloning of internal organs and the conquest of space. However, the meaning often depends on the interpretation of ancient predictions.

Predictions for Russia from a clairvoyant promise peace and prosperity, when, like other powers, they will vegetate from a political crisis. It is even believed that the government will lend to many European countries. Russians should not be afraid of totalitarianism and war, as Maria says. Scientists from the Russian Federation will contribute to research that will help create a cure for old age, increasing life up to 150 years.

Predictions of modern psychics

The modern psychic Pavel Globa accurately predicted the collapse of the USSR, the 2014 revolution in Ukraine, so many are waiting for his forecast for 2018. According to the clairvoyant, this year promises world economic changes. The United States is facing a crisis, a change of power and minor unrest. It is planned that America will cease to be the leading country in the world.

Difficulties are also expected in the countries of the European Union. Portugal will repeat the fate of Greece, will become bankrupt. Pavel Globa predicts that the economic situation in Russia will not move globally. The stability of the currency until 2025 will be supported by gas and oil resources, but one should not expect sharp progress. A new president will be elected soon, presumably aged 55.

In 2018 and 2 years later, Russia will have to seriously resist NATO. About Ukraine, Globa noted the following: protest resistance will grow, the emergence of a new revolution and a change of political forces is not ruled out. New people who come to power will seek to improve relations with Russia. Ukrainians in this period will not be easy. The predictions of clairvoyants from all over the world are presented in the table:


St. Matrona Moscow

Matrona's predictions say that the new year will be decisive in the fate of most people. They will reconsider their attitude towards each other and will be able to live in harmony.

Wolf Messing

In 2018, a new political leader will appear who will change the course of history.

Alexander Sheps

Russia will become more influential, the EU countries will ask her for support, the war in Syria will soon stop.

James Hansen

Glaciers will melt and floods will become more frequent. Many global fires await Russia in 2018, especially in Siberia.

Who will be president after Putin in 2018

Among astrologers, psychics, the media there is no consensus on who will be the next president of Russia. Nostradamus believes that a person who grew up in the northern region should lead the country. His reign will go down in history as the Golden Age. Vasily Nemchin predicted 150 years ago that a president with an analytical mindset would become the head of state. He will be able to recreate a great state, like the USSR. The heyday of his career is expected in 2023.

Edgar Cayce believes that the new president will be an educated, intelligent person with a technical mindset. It will contribute to industrial development, transfer the center of Russia and the whole world to Siberia. Mikhail Levin is confident that the future president belongs to the current political elite and will be able to completely reset the modern way of life, completely eradicate corruption. Globa's forecast regarding the new leader of Russia is disappointing, and he predicts Putin's death in 2018. He stated the same prophecy in 2012, but it did not come true.

Astrologers' predictions for 2018

This year belongs to the Yellow Earth Dog. Famous astrologers, given the eastern calendar, promise well-being and prosperity to hardworking, honest people. Everyone who worked hard last year will be rewarded. The state of world politics will heat up. Due to the influence of a planet like Mars, the year promises to be difficult, full of conflicts between countries. Astrologers do not predict a third world war, but problems should be expected from Islamic states. All countries, world leaders must learn in the year of the Dog to seek compromise solutions, smooth out conflicts.

Predictions about Ukraine

Astrologer Ross gives more optimistic predictions for 2018 for Ukraine. He predicts the end of the military conflict in the East, the reunification of Donbass. This should happen at the beginning of 2018. New people will come to power, who will direct their forces to achieve economic growth and political peace. It will not be easy for Ukraine to come to prosperity soon, new revolutions may appear. The return of the Crimea in the coming years should not be expected, says Ross. According to the astrologer, the peninsula can go to Turkey, fall under the influence of Islam.

Predictions about the world

Forecasts about the world situation were shared by the seer Edgar Cayce, who draws visions while in a strong hypnotic dream. Ego predictions come true with amazing accuracy. He caught the Second World War, predicted many historical events. The Seer is absolutely sure that there will be no Third World War, humanity will be able to do without a global conflict. Hitler's war was the last.

It is not worth waiting for peace and harmony to reign in all states. Humanity will suffer from global warming, melting glaciers, many countries and continents will simply go under water. Casey created his own map, which details the flooding of the world. Some countries will be threatened by volcanoes, earthquakes, man-made disasters. According to his forecasts, Japan, the upper part of Europe, will go under water. In western America, the earth will split in two. Global changes are expected from 2058 to 2098.


Today, something new happens in the world every day and even every second. It's no secret that many people not only want to be aware of all the real events, but also to find out what is most likely to come. What is the immediate future of Russia and what awaits its citizens in the near future? Naturally, the eyes of all those who are keenly interested in this are directed to the future elections of 2018. They will become the key moment that determines the course of national history.

The next "presidential race" is just around the corner. Therefore, the question that worries many Russians is becoming more and more burning: "Who will be president after Putin?" Many are trying to unravel the tactics of Vladimir Vladimirovich himself: will the current head of the country run for election in 2018 or leave his post without entering the fight for a high seat. One thing is clear: so far, the obvious successor to the president has not shown himself in any way, and Vladimir Vladimirovich himself does not give any reason to judge his likely participation in the 2018 elections. Who will be the president of Russia after Putin?

Predictions and conjectures

It is not easy to predict who will be president after Putin, but, as it turned out, it is possible. Long before the present day, great psychics have done this. Leading political experts are not far behind the clairvoyants: they also voiced some thoughts about who will become the president of Russia after Putin after the upcoming elections in 2018.

Competition in wit

All kinds of print publications and Internet resources, trying to find an answer to the question of who will become president after Putin, arrange real competitions in wit. They put forward as bold as sometimes ridiculous figures to the post of head of the Russian state. Who will be president after Putin? Among the likely candidates who could accept the inauguration in 2018 are, for example, the boxer Nikolai Sergeevich Valuev, who became a Russian Gerard Depardieu and, no matter how strange it may sound, the ex-president of Ukraine Viktor Fedorovich Yanukovych.

What does the opposition think?

In turn, the opposition forces are also zealously discussing the question of who will be president after Putin. Oppositionists are discussing the candidacies of either Khodorkovsky, or Navalny, and others. At the same time, they understand that each of the proposed possible successors is doomed to failure in advance. The question of who will be the next president after Putin, for different political forces, as they say, remains open. And in general, no one in Russian politics has yet given a clear answer to it.

Who will be president after Putin: predictions

Psychics and visionaries of all stripes have been trying to answer this question for a long time. Who is the next president of Russia after Putin? The Carpathian molfares started talking about the departure of Vladimir Vladimirovich from his post in 2018, as well as his unwillingness to nominate his candidacy for another term. The prophecies of prominent clairvoyants contain information about the upcoming restriction of presidential powers by V.V. Putin on the eve of the elections. According to the predictions of psychics, the future president of Russia after Putin is certainly a protege of the current head of the Russian government. At the same time, he will not be connected in any way with either the FSB or the KGB.

The Georgian clairvoyant Lela Kakulia, whose prophecies are seriously listened to by both church hierarchs and politicians from different countries and big businessmen who come to Georgia even from across the ocean to hear from her about the future, believed back in 2011 that the head of the Russian state after the reign of V.V. Putin will be a well-educated person, who knows many foreign languages, and is quite young. The future president of the Russian Federation will not be from among the military, most likely, he will have two higher educations - an economist and a lawyer. They will take a tough stance against Muslims. The ruler of Russia will in every possible way support politicians who adhere to nationalist views. The clairvoyant also said that the future president of the Russian Federation would be a person with a characteristic feature - a scar or mark on his head, but not innate.

Many psychics agree that Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin will voluntarily give up the fight. But before leaving the Russian political Olympus forever, he will issue a decree that will limit the powers of the president. Visionaries predict early elections in Russia, in which Putin's protege will be the winner. It will be surprising for many that the future president will have no connection with the KGB and the FSB. In this, the opinions of all predictors agree.

The most important, decisive in the elections, they see the position of the liberals. But this will be changed as a result of prolonged repression, after which many active oppositionists will either have to leave the country or go to jail. The current government, according to many "sorcerers", is the key to stability in the country. Therefore, they happily predict that after V.V. Putin, a person loyal to the previous government policy will take the place of the president.

What do predictors say about the future of Russia after the presidential elections in 2018?

Most predictors and clairvoyants speak positively about the future of Russia after the elections in 2018. When asked who is the next president of Russia after Putin, Pavel Globa can only confidently say that this is by no means Dmitry Medvedev. In addition, the famous astrologer is sure that no matter who comes to rule the country, no cataclysms will affect Russia, just like the central cities of Eurasia.

Thanks to the attempted increase in prices for natural resources, the economy of our country will stand. Siberia will become the economic center of Russia. Russia will become a state that will either stop or prevent the third world war. The five former Soviet republics will unite again and join Russia. The strongest prophet will be born in the country. Russia will become a country in which colossal scientific progress will take place. She will miss a huge number of emigrants from countries in distress. The future of Russia, according to the predictions of the astrologer, is great: it will turn into one of the most civilized and prosperous countries in the world.

Lela Kakulia predicted that the state of Russia would become even more like the Soviet Union in miniature. The republics within it will renounce autonomy. Power will be concentrated in the center of the federation. Tatarstan, Bashkiria, Adygea, Belarus will rally around Russia even more. But Ukraine will continue to strive for state independence and will not make foreign policy compromises offered by its northern neighbor. Regions will become larger in the country, ten strong economically territorial formations will appear, devastated villages will begin to recover, life will boil everywhere. The state will limit the acquisition of Russian citizenship, especially for people from Islamic countries. Many refugees from neighboring states will have to return to their homeland. But this will not affect ethnic Slavs who are forced to move to the Russian Federation from neighboring countries. The issuance of migrant visas to workers will not be stopped, foreigners will still be able to work in Russia. A stream of workers from the countries of the former European Union will pour in here, which will begin to fall apart due to the growth of internal contradictions. In European countries, the national currency will be restored.


In the light of modern world upheavals, people are becoming more and more interested in the prophecies about Russia and Putin given by the great Bulgarian seer Vanga back in the distant 70s.

In those days, the future Russian president, who became one of the most popular personalities in the world, was still studying at the Higher School of the KGB. Vanga predicted that Putin's glory would thunder over his country even when "everything melts like ice." According to the Bulgarian soothsayer, the time will come when the glory of Russia and Vladimir will shine with might and main, who was born then to unite the Slavs against the common enemy, strengthen Christian traditions and glorify his country. According to Vanga's prediction, Putin's rule will bring a lot of grief to the country. But the sacrifices will not be in vain: nothing can stop Russia. Vladimir will sweep away everything on the way to achieving world domination and the well-being of Russia.

So it will be. Russia will go through difficult times, but not only retain what it had, but also increase it. This country is destined to become the world mistress, Vanga believed in the distant 70s. The Bulgarian soothsayer did not say anything about the change of power in Russia at the end of the second decade of the 21st century. She was only open information about the glory of Russia and Putin.


Currently, there are many rumors around the personality of the Russian president. No one else, to the same extent as V.V. Putin, evokes so many conflicting opinions and such strong polar emotions. Numerous psychics, astrologers, and other soothsayers compete to predict the outcome of Russia's presidential election. There are also those who slander, retelling rumors about the alleged "illness" of the current president and trying to "predict" not only his departure from office, but also physical death.

But the “cunning of the world mind” (a philosophical term, the author of which is Hegel) lies in the proverb well-known to every Russian: what will be, will not be avoided. If something is destined for someone, then it will happen, regardless of whether you want it or not. And vice versa.

Expert forecasts

In the Russian political information space, new names of people who can replace the current president and continue to contribute to the development of the country appear somewhat sluggishly.

One of the first candidates for a possible contender for the high Kremlin chair was voiced back in 2012 by the well-known political scientist Piontkovsky. He believes that Sergei Shoigu is likely to become the next president of the country. The experts were divided in their opinions. Some of the Russian political scientists support the forecast given by Piontkovsky, while others believe that a completely new person must certainly become president.

Some researchers of online publications believe that Sergei Sobyanin may become the head of state in 2018. The majority of the polled citizens express confidence that the elections of 2018 will bring victory to a still unknown person. This forecast is quite worthy of attention, especially if we remember that in his time VV Putin was the same, always appearing with President Yeltsin, carrying a suitcase behind him.

V. V. Putin on the 2018 elections

Undoubtedly, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is one of the most influential figures in world politics. Some people frankly hate him for the radical methods of government used and with all the fibers of their soul wish him to leave his post as soon as possible. For others, he is the real savior of the Russian people, whom they want to stay in power longer. What you can be absolutely sure about is that none of the citizens of the Russian Federation remains indifferent to V.V. Putin. The crisis in the country did not affect the people's confidence in the president. According to experts, today the level of approval of his activities among Russians, as well as the level of electoral support, range from 80 to 90%. The current head of the country, according to experts, enjoys truly unprecedented support.

Vladimir Vladimirovich himself insists that it is too early to talk about his participation in the future presidential campaign. According to him, he "has not decided anything for himself yet." The president, as he said in an interview, prefers to focus on working on the implementation of the plans and tasks for developing the economy, the social sphere, increasing the country's defense capability, and improving the living standards of people. Depending on how these tasks are solved, it will be possible to plan the organization of the presidential elections and consider the candidates for their participants.


The question of the future head of state is certainly of interest to everyone. Many will agree that whoever the new president is, it is important that he consistently continues the policies of his predecessor. The new head of the Russian Federation will be obliged to make every effort to bring the country out of the crisis and show it the way to further prosperity.

The art of divination is associated with the capabilities of the human mind, which are called clairvoyance in science, and people who can penetrate the past and predict the future are clairvoyants, or, in the terminology used recently, psychics. They see through barriers, read thoughts at distances, heal with a word and a look. They bring divine revelations to us. These are the people J.M. Keynes said:

Predictions for each seer are formed in their own way. The Delphic Pythia inhaled the vapors of the intoxicating source, after which they fell into a trance. The great Merlin, according to legend, was able to turn time in the direction he needed, predicting the past and the future. Michel Nostradamus said that he sees pictures of the future if he looks at the fire for a long time or even simply into the darkness. The machine that showed these pictures is also attributed to him. He showed this invention to the Queen of France, Catherine de Medici, and she saw on the screen of the car the future death of her sons. After such an event, he destroyed his invention.

Saint Odile was an angel telling about the future. Willim Bruce cast horoscopes and read his famous secret Black Book. Elisha Bomelius looked at the sky and into his huge magic crystal. Alexander Pushkin's sister Olga simply looked at the open palm and read the fate of a person from it. And the most famous doctor of the 19th century, Muscovite Alexander Over, saw in a dream the future of himself and his patients. Some seers wrote down prophecies in a trance (this is how Nostradamus began), others used cards, runes, magic boards, balls, stones, etc. Well, the profession of an astrologer, who uses horoscopes for predictions, compiled according to the movements of stars and other celestial bodies, in general, until modern times, history was one of the most widespread in the world.

Seers are strong in one way of divination

As a rule, seers are strong in any one way of divination. But the great one could do almost anything. She divined on her famous cards, saw fate in a crystal ball, could predict by numbers (that is, she was engaged in numerology), fortune-telling by her hand (she mastered palmistry), she learned how to make horoscopes - she became an astrologer. Her talents were innumerable - Lenormand predicted the future, even looking at the grass, tree leaves, flying clouds, or just looking into the darkness. This multiplicity of abilities only emphasized the inexhaustibility of her gift.

However, most often the soothsayers turn out to be clairvoyant: that is, some visions appear in their minds. So it was with the great disgraced Russian prophet monk Abel, who predicted exactly the fate of not only the sovereigns in whose time he lived - Catherine II, Paul I, Alexander I and Nicholas I, but the future sovereigns - Alexander II, Alexander III and Nicholas II . So it was with the cult Moscow prophet Ivan Yakovlevich Koreysha, who was determined by the authorities to the dungeons, and then to the lunatic asylum at the Preobrazhenskaya outpost. But Muscovites of the middle of the 19th century also went there, unquestioningly believing, albeit a strange, but "prophetic old man."

Foretellers of the 20th century

The twentieth century gave a new impetus to the development of the art of divination. Firstly, the world was overwhelmed by the fascination with spiritism, and it became fashionable to find out fate through mediums that communicate with spirits. Even, it would seem, the most sober heads could not resist such a hobby: the King of Great Britain Edward VI and the creator of Sherlock Holmes - Arthur Conan Doyle. Even some of the most prudent merchants of Russia were captured by mediumistic seances. Secondly, wars and revolutions, rampant crimes and large-scale disasters, such as the death of the Titanic, caused fear of life and hence a desire to know the future in order to get at least some hope.

Almost all public people of the twentieth century at least once turned to the services of soothsayers. American presidents - Roosevelt, Truman and Eisenhower - listened to the prophecies. The Reagan couple used the horoscopes of Joan Quigley, Hillary Clinton - the advice of Jean Houston's personal parapsychologist.

However, a special role was played by soothsayers, clairvoyants and astrologers during the Second World War. And their contribution was recognized by materialist historians. The fact is that everyone knew how Adolf Hitler treated mysticism. The Fuhrer used the services of many soothsayers. However, after their prophecies ceased to satisfy him or simply did not like him, Hitler, with enviable methodicalness, mercilessly sent “failed” or “fined” unfortunate prophets to concentration camps, or even simply ordered to be eliminated. For a long time, however, Hitler trusted his personal astrologer Karl Kraft. He made detailed horoscopes for Hitler, which the Fuhrer, proud of his special mission, gave Himmler and Goering to read, so that they could compare their lives with the fate of Hitler. In a word, any significant event at the Fuhrer's headquarters and in the upper echelons of Nazi Germany was first "viewed" by German soothsayers and astrologers, and then carried out according to the recommendations they gave.

Upon learning of this, British intelligence gathered its own group of clairvoyants. By personal order of Prime Minister Winston Churchill, it was headed by the astrologer Louis de Volle. He was personally acquainted with Karl Kraft. Before the war, he studied at one of the German institutes, where they practiced the study of astrology and other ancient magical sciences. So Woll was well acquainted with the rules and techniques used by the esotericists of the German school. The wise Woll decided to use them in his own calculations in order to be able to look at events from a German point of view. And the “duel of the prophets” began, as military historians later called this operation.

The cunning English, led by Woll, predicted events by casting horoscopes as their German colleague Karl Kraft would have done. From such horoscopes, the British could well guess the essence of the recommendations that Kraft issued to Hitler. And then the British recommended to their military command to do exactly the opposite. So when the German bombers rushed to the city, where, judging by the prediction of the "Führer astrologers", there was no cover, the whole power of the British anti-aircraft installations fell upon them. The same thing happened with the maneuvers of the fascist submarines, which, quite unexpectedly for them, ran into carefully placed mines.

By the way, just a group of English "prophets" proposed to open a second front in Normandy, and not in the Balkans, as at first assumed. The fact is that the British predicted: German clairvoyants will predict the opening of a second front to the Fuhrer in the Balkans. So, we need to do it differently. So Normandy was chosen. Of course, the landing there turned out to be much more difficult and dangerous, but in this place the fascist troops did not expect the enemy to land. And Prime Minister Churchill approved the plan to open a second front in Normandy. So representatives of such an unscientific field as prophecy and predictions also contributed to the victory over fascism.

The most famous soothsayers of the 20th century

But two became the most legendary predictors of the twentieth century: in the first half of the century - an American soothsayer, and in the second - a Bulgarian clairvoyant. During their long life, hundreds of thousands of predictions were made. Casey predicted in a dream in which he introduced himself, he was asked questions, he answered, often after and did not remember what. No wonder Casey was called the sleeping prophet. He himself believed that during sleep, his mind could connect to the brain of any person who knew the answer, or the universal mind. Blind Vanga took a piece of sugar in her hand, which the person who came to her reception had to bring with him first. Sugar crystals conveyed to Vanga all the information about the person, his environment and the future. The possibilities of Casey and Wanga were enormous: they could heal, look for the lost, talk about the secrets of the past, about the events of the future.

Prudent Americans created an entire scientific institute to work with Casey's legacy. The prophecies themselves are recorded in a huge number of volumes and numbered. With the prophecies of Vanga, the situation is much more mysterious. She told fortunes to ordinary people who came to her from all over the world. Although scientists also worked with Vanga, they did not write down private predictions, and Vanga did not like to give global prophecies. So the now published prophecies about the third world war or global catastrophes are legends, the so-called apocrypha of Vanga.

Real clairvoyants always emphasize that they are no exception. The prediction gene exists in all people. Of course, in clairvoyants it is more developed. But an ordinary person may well predict, even if he does not recognize any extrasensory abilities. After all, the simple girl Merna was able to find her beloved, looking for him on the basis of her prophetic dream. Yes, and writers, poets, actors who do not have any inclinations of clairvoyants, too, could often predict future events.