Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Beware, pseudo-scientist Boris Bolotov. Crazy inventions of Boris Bolotov

Boris Vasilievich Bolotov

Boris Vasilyevich Bolotov was born on November 30, 1930 in the village of Glotovka, Inza District, Ulyanovsk Region, R.S.F.S.R.

Graduated from the Odessa Electrotechnical Institute of Communications, postgraduate studies in Moscow. He was given an apartment in Moscow, but in Kyiv they offered an interesting job - so in 1962 he ended up in Kyiv. In 1964 he became a candidate of sciences and the "nuclear scientist" Andrei Sakharov himself, having become interested in Bolotov's idea of ​​a "cold" nuclear reactor, invited the Kiev resident to doctoral studies. However, life forced me to go to the Kyiv Academic Institute of Electrodynamics (1965), where Boris Vasilyevich Bolotov prepared his doctoral dissertation, which successfully passed the preliminary defense. And suddenly - an ever-accelerating descent from a very successful career ridge. Lectures at the Polytechnic, head of the laboratory of laser systems at the Institute of Pulp and Paper Industry (1975-1978) and, finally, on 03/15/1983 - arrest, psychiatric examinations and a sentence of 8 years in prison. He left 7 (seven) of them, was rehabilitated on political charges in May 1989, and on April 7, 1990, the Russian Academy awarded Boris Bolotov the honorary title of "People's Academician".

Survived an attempt on his life. The result was a loss of speech. Restored the work of the body.


A man who expanded the limits of knowledge about Nature laid the foundations for many new directions in the development of mankind, gave a theoretical justification for the wave nature of the structure of the world, and in practice proved their correctness! His physico-chemical table of isosteres reflects the real structure of more than 10,000 substances that exist in nature, the periodic table is only a special case of his periodic law!

Academician Bolotov's teaching

1. First experience

2. About regeneration

3. The origin of "Balm Bolotov"

4. Cause and effect

5. Regulation system

6. Cooling and heating

Harmful vegetable oil. Boris Bolotov 2005

Visiting Boris Bolotov 11/15/2012

Visiting Boris Bolotov. SoulTV

(12:30) Winter swimming, hypothermia - stupidity of the highest degree

Visiting Boris Bolotov 2011

Bolotov and Nikolaev. Conversation

Regeneration after frostbite. TV about Boris Bolotov


Excerpts from Bolotov's new book

A new theory of the atomic nucleus - Bolotov Boris Vasilievich


Bolotov Boris Vasilyevich on the Global Wave

The effectiveness of Bolotov's application of medical techniques is explained primarily by the fact that he considers medicine from the standpoint of scientific Truth. And that with its help it is possible to cure the most serious diseases. How does Bolotov's medicine differ from traditional, official medicine? Official medicine is designed to protect human health, and Bolotov's medicine does not protect human health. She has a completely different goal - to heal all the people of the earth without any restriction. And it is not based on the use of any drugs.

Bolotov's medicine is based on TRUTH. As an example, the principle of cause and effect indicates that official medicine makes a diagnosis not on the basis of the cause of the disease, but on the basis of its effect. In this regard, the approach to the treatment of diseases is also erroneous. It is necessary not to treat the effect, but to eliminate the cause. In 1977, Bolotov completed the 30-year work " Immortality is real". In addition to a detailed description of medicinal plants and many thousands of recipes for the treatment of diseases in non-traditional ways, he formulated a system of rules about the patterns of aging of the human body.

Boris Bolotov came close to solving the problem of slowing down aging and renewing cell life. So, the use of a healing composition called " Balm Bolotov" allows you to stimulate the processes in the human body that are associated with the regeneration of tissues of the human body.

The theory of immortality is based on the replacement every 40 years of the leader cell, which is two fingers below the navel and is responsible for the production of young cells in the body. The body wears out because this cell ages, and it can be replaced by a new fertilized egg. After each such replacement, all the cells of the body will be gradually renewed.

After the publication of the book Immortality is real» The persecution of B. Bolotov took on a character wars of destruction. Bolotov was almost killed on the train, he was saved by the ability to foresee and predict the situation.

By this time, Boris Vasilyevich had succeeded in the treatment of oncological diseases. He was amenable to cure all types of cancers at any stage of development. And kilometer-long queues were arranged for him in order to get rid of a terrible disease. Official medicine knew and saw all this. But she could not help the dying patients in any way, she did not have the ability to heal them, and even now she does not have it. And instead of learning from Bolotov, adopting his methods for the treatment of cancer, this very official medicine, represented by doctors - the "luminaries" of world medical science, began to defame the great scientist. He was accused of not being a doctor by profession. And the fact that it cures almost all diseases, and even those that medicine does not know how to approach, does not count. It is time for them, the doctors, to nominate B. Bolotov for the title of Nobel laureate, and they fussed over another problem, they were engaged in litigation. The doctors had to isolate the brilliant thinker, he interfered with them. And they succeeded. As they say - not by washing, but by rolling - for "illegal healing" and "financial embezzlement" the brilliant scientist was put behind bars for eight years. All books and manuscripts on the treatment and healing of a person were confiscated and have not yet been returned. And there is a small remark about medicine. Once, many years ago, she promised that if anyone could find a cure for at least one type of cancer, he would immediately become a celebrity and even during his lifetime a golden monument would be erected to him. So far there is no monument, no recognition.

Boris Bolotov also claims to be awarded the title of Nobel Prize in his other developments and methods for improving and treating a person ...

Healing kvass according to Bolotov. It has the effect of regenerating the gastrointestinal tract with the restoration of healthy microflora.


Nutrient medium: 3 liters of milk cheese or boiled chilled water, 1 glass of sugar. Sourdough: 1 tablespoon sour cream (homemade, otherwise it may not work!). Filler: 1 cup fresh or dry chopped celandine grass.

Pour sugar into a bottle of water and dissolve. Place the celandine in a bag of gauze and, using a sinker, lower it to the bottom of the jar. Add 1 tablespoon of sour cream as a starter to propagate a lactic acid bacteria culture. Cover the jar with two or three layers of cheesecloth to keep wine bugs out. Store the jar in a dark, shady place.

Within 2-3 weeks, very strong specimens of lactic acid bacteria will form. Celandine will neutralize the product from the painful factors inherent in milk today: infections, herbicide and pesticide residues.

Products fermented in the presence of celandine whey have the ability to cleanse dirty nasopharyngeal, ear, lung spaces, gastrointestinal tract, vaginal spaces and urinary tract. These enzymes have a powerful stimulating property. If the resulting kvass is consumed for two weeks, half a glass half an hour before meals, then the epithelial surfaces of the stomach and intestines will be almost completely restored.

They take kvass - an infusion of pure lactic acid culture - 100 ml each. 10-15 minutes before meals. The effect will not keep you waiting: dysbiosis, diseases caused by pyogenic infection recede, the manifestation of symptoms of radiation sickness decreases, etc. The colon epithelium is freed from salts of heavy metals - mercury, thallium, bismuth. The chlorides of these metals are excreted by celandine enzymes. Salts of cesium, strontium, due to gastric enzymes, are also not absorbed into the body due to the formation of insoluble complexes based on salts of radionuclides and pepsin. This is important for the residents of our nuclear cities and areas affected by nuclear power plant accidents.

It is enough to maintain the concentration of pepsin in the norm, and protection against the ingress of radionuclides into the body will be provided. Insoluble complexes of radionuclides will get stuck in the collagenous hairs of the gastrointestinal epithelium. A daily breakfast of porridge is enough, and then the "protectors" of the radionuclide complexes of porridge will carry the latter out of the body along with the remnants of food.

So that whey kvass does not end, replenish it daily with a nutrient medium. After 10-12 hours, kvass becomes full. For the preparation of healing serum, you can also use celandine grown in areas of contamination with radionuclides. You can use the stem and leaves - the level of radiation in them is much lower than in the roots.

You can replenish kvass with a nutrient medium once every two days. Calculate - you should get 1 cup of sugar per 3 liters of water. Kvass has a pleasant sweet and sour taste with a slight bitterness - but much less bitterness than in grapefruit juice!

You tell fantastic stories about regrown frostbitten fingers and toes using your method. What is at its core?

Boris Bolotov: At the time of cell division, if the intercellular environment is unfavorable, there is not regeneration, but degeneration of the cell.

What does regenerated cell mean? Could it be oncology?

B.B.: Not necessarily. A scar, scar tissue are also reborn cells. In this case, the environment was also unfavorable for cell regeneration, and their degeneration occurred. That is, during the division, cells with defects were obtained, but not of an oncological nature.

What is it - a favorable environment for cell regeneration?

B. B.: A number of plants have such properties. These are aloe, lemon, plantain, cabbage (including hare), Manchurian aralia, eleutherococcus, lure, golden root, young, ginseng, celandine and some others. The presence of sea salt in this environment is mandatory. The proportion is this - 1 part of a fresh plant ground in a meat grinder and 1 part of salt.

Such a mass is superimposed on a fresh wound? On what period? How often should bandages be changed?

B. B.: A gruel from a plant and salt is applied to the wound, a napkin is placed on top and secured with a bandage. The bandage does not need to be changed at all in the case of a relatively small wound. Within a week, complete cell regeneration will occur, and there will be no scars or scars. If the wound is large, or we are talking about frostbite, or a severe burn, then the dressings are changed once a week, continuing the procedures until the tissues are completely restored.

Don't change the bandage for a week! And if the wound becomes wet or suppuration occurs?

B.B.: There will be no suppuration under such a bandage. Checked multiple times. Tissue regeneration will take place, and there is no need to interfere with this process. You can moisten the bandage once a day with hydrogen peroxide, kvass on celandine or Bolotov's Balm.

2. "Heating" system of the human body.

Amino acids. An excerpt from Bolotov's new book.

We all know what wood is in the heating system and what ash is. And what is firewood and what is ash in our body? Our body also has a heating system. If there were no such system, then the temperature of our body would be the same as the temperature of the surrounding air, like that of a frog. She has no heating system. And since a person has a heating system, it is reasonable to ask what is its fuel, what is ash. Talking to many biologists, doctors with a lot of experience, I asked: "What is the fuel in the human heating system?" They say: “We have not studied this, we do not know. Maybe food, maybe sugar.” There is a heating system, and no one knows how it is heated. I say: “If you don’t know, then listen to me. I know. The fuel of our heating system is amino acids ". What is an amino acid? Amino acid is a real miracle of nature. This is a large molecule, which consists of two smaller ones connected to each other - from an acid molecule and an alkali molecule. An acidic molecule is characterized by a carboxy group (COOH), while an alkaline molecule is characterized by an amine group - NH2. This amino acid, like a Siamese twin, has two opposites and cannot extinguish itself. Amino acids can only be neutralized with other amino acids. The carboxy group molecule combines with the amine group molecule of another amino acid. This combination produces a water molecule. And, of course, if there is a neutralization reaction, then heat is also formed. The DNA molecule, as we know, consists of tens of thousands of amino acid molecules. This means that in order to form one DNA molecule, tens of thousands of amino acid molecules will be used up. In this case, tens of thousands of water molecules and tens of thousands of portions of thermal energy are formed. This is the heat that warms our body. Now imagine that we sleep with an open window. They say you need to breathe fresh air. Let's assume it is. When the window is open, the cold enters the room and begins to cool the body. The receptors that control the self-regulation system signal that the temperature is dropping, the body is cooling down. This means that the heating system requires fuel consumption, that is, the consumption of amino acids. When an amino acid is depleted, proteins are formed. Proteins form cells. Extra proteins - extra cells. How many degrees you have lost, so many extra proteins and extra cells have earned. Where do these extra cells go? They are dispersed throughout the body. Where there is a large accumulation of them, there are tumor processes. That is, the loss of heat inevitably leads to the appearance of tumors, which then degenerate into oncology. Why do they say: cancer is incurable? Oh sure. Is it possible to come up with a pill that would compensate for the lost heat? Lost heat is compensated only by heat (we advise you to read about body warming and salt bath) I have been practicing traditional medicine for 50 years. Seen so many things. Patients come to me, usually walruses: “I am a walrus, I tempered my body, and now I have an adenoma.” “I am a walrus, I dived into an ice hole, and now I have a thyroid tumor.” "I'm a walrus, and now I have a tumor in my lung." "I'm a walrus, and now I have metastases." If what my eyes saw, people would see, it would be a real horror. From the cold - one hundred percent oncology. People rarely take action. The farmer, having worked in the cold, knows that he has lost warmth. What does he do in the evening? He sleeps on a Russian stove - it's hot there. When the body is hot, excess cells are broken down into proteins, and proteins are broken down into amino acids. Amino acid is a reversible fuel. When it's cold, it's used up; when it's hot, it's restored. When they say that Bolotov can be cured of oncology, I answer: “Comrades, I am not engaged in treatment.” In the book "Medicine from the standpoint of Truth" I, as a theorist, consider medicine from the standpoint of Truth. I have already formulated 24 principles of Truth.

Boris Vasilyevich Bolotov on the Global Wave

Learned - Invite friends

Unfortunately, at present, people are very susceptible to all sorts of pseudoscientific sensations .. It is enough for some charlatan to screw in one or two scientific terms, and at the same time, with a tear in his voice, say that he is being pursued by the authorities and official science, as they immediately line up for him queues of followers .. But to think about what is possible in front of us - a charlatan, a swindler, or just a sick head, is somehow difficult ..
One of the clearest examples of such "scientists" is the Ukrainian pseudo-academician Boris Bolotov.
Here are just a few facts from his life.
So in his younger years, living in the Ulyanovsk region, he was engaged in extrasensory perception and allegedly "healed" people, having no idea about medicine ..
But, apparently, not everything in his practice was so good, because, in his own words, law enforcement agencies visited him and forbade him to engage in pseudoscience under the threat of going to jail .. Of course, Bolotov says that these were "political repressions that he was persecuted as an "innovator", but in fact, it was a little different. Local residents complained to the authorities and they reined in this subject.
Then he moved from Ulyanovsk to Odessa where he graduated from the Electrotechnical Institute. The profession clearly had nothing to do with medicine. It was still quite a long time ago, the beginning of the 70s. But even while studying at the university, he continued to actively engage in the occult, which could not but bear fruit .. He, as the people say, "went crazy" and he was placed in a mental hospital with a diagnosis of schizophrenia, where he stayed for several years.
Then he moved with his wife to Kyiv, it was in 1977. And there he literally gushed with pseudoscientific inventions. So he invented a "new table of chemical elements", declaring that it is possible to transform one element into another.
But this invention, for obvious reasons, was rejected by the scientific world because of its complete delusion.
In the early 80s, he wrote a book about the "immortality" of man, which, of course, because of his delusions, was also not published anywhere ..
But he continued to engage in the occult, which in 1983 led to new mental problems, and then a term for fraud, which he served in a colony until 1991.
The golden time for him came in the dashing 90s. So in 1992, shortly after his release from the colony, he called himself an "academician of the Russian Academy" (there is no such academy in nature) and began to actively promote himself as the new "Count Cagliostro" ... He cures ANY stages of cancer (I repeat, without no idea about medicine) and any other diseases, including the most fatal ones, he de and has the secret of immortality, etc...
In fact, we have a subject who has served time for fraud, has a diagnosis of schizophrenia and has no idea about medicine, biology, chemistry, or other sciences, in the field of which he considers himself a "great scientist .. "

"Ukrainian scientists continue to amaze the world with their versatility and fertility. Boris Vasilyevich Bolotov, there is no doubt about it, is the most outstanding scientist of the era."

It takes truly cosmic audacity to discover 10,000 chemical elements and nuclear reactions in a chicken body. Maybe the scientists are so stupid, snickering and quarreling among themselves, that they overlooked the most important discoveries that Bolotov finds literally under his feet? But everything is much more prosaic and it is not worth waiting for the next happiness of mankind by the new genius of all peoples. It's just that this is another Ukrainian swindler-forger, paving the way among people's gullibility. And it was not in vain that the plans to create an international thermonuclear installation designed for 30 years did not collapse because no "cold nuclear fusion", which thousands of dreamers and adventurers rave about, does not exist in nature.

Since 1962, his fate has been forever connected with the city of Kyiv and Ukraine. Already in the following year, Bolotov for the first time carried out a reversible nuclear reaction for the decomposition of molybdenum by electric current into niobium and technetium.

It's so simple: to influence the disproportionately stronger intranuclear interaction with an electric current :) Such nonsense is suitable only for complete ignoramuses. The article is a slander on secular science, with the dominance of the Communists. Anyone who really worked in Soviet institutes knows very well that, despite the "steering" of certain areas of science, this concerned only some of them, but did not affect the correctness of experiments and the purity of scientific methodology. If something interesting was discovered, it was promoted, if only it was really well-founded. And if someone was kicked out of his job and deprived of his degree for "scientific" rather than political affairs, then it really had to be a very stupid and ignorant person with an inadequate approach to science. There were, and there were many. They were tolerated, but in order for it to come to dismissal, it was necessary to prove to be a very terry falsifier. So everything in the article regarding "persecution for outstanding scientific achievements and ideas" is a complete lie. The communists themselves did not hesitate to explore even the supernatural, creating appropriate laboratories, and it was impossible to frighten them with new ideas. That is why Akimov and Shipov managed to fool them for so long with their torsion bar projects.

Bolotov, on the other hand, is simply an impudent falsifier, who could not be tolerated not only by the communists, but also by rather patient scientists.

Like all fraudulent falsifiers, Bolotov was an expert in everything in the world, from nuclear physics to biology:

"But not only nuclear physics occupied the researcher's brain. In the spring of 1977, he completed the 30-year work "Immortality is Real", writing thirteen volumes of typewritten pages ... The theory of "immortality" is based on a 40-year cycle of replacement of the "leader cell ", which is located in the center of the human body two fingers below the navel and is responsible for the production of young cells in the body. The body wears out because this cell ages, and it can be replaced with a new fertilized egg, the researcher came to an amazing conclusion .... The book, of course, was not a purely medical research. The complex symbiosis of philosophy, sociology, medicine and even nuclear physics gives succinct answers to so many questions of our life. By and large, it was Bolotov's Mein Kampf. Clear formulations concerned, among other things, and the ephemerality of the communist idea, the criminality of the Afghan war, the ignorance of the policy of the CPSU ... The scientist went for broke! "

Apparently, Bolotov was so vile and disgusting even in communication that:

“For a year and a half, the scientist was dragged around psychiatric isolation wards, endless examinations were made ... There were also beatings, humiliations, intentions to physically and mentally suppress this rebellious person. In 1984, a trial took place. "and the financial "theft" of a brilliant scientist of our time was put behind bars for six years. Later there was another escape - in protest. He added another two and a half years to the term. And yet the years of imprisonment were not lost for the seeker: Boris Bolotov managed to , which seems pure fantasy: he not only managed to win over some of the officers, but also got a small laboratory at his disposal! Then there was a painful search for equipment in the conditions of the zone, culminating in the creation of a nuclear reactor (!) of his own design. It was on it for the first time in the world and "cold" (without accelerators - synchrophasotrons) nuclear reactions were carried out with the conversion of phosphorus and with lead into other chemical elements. It seems incredible, but it was in the conditions of imprisonment that Bolotov received a hundred new chemical elements unknown to science. "

As you can see, the point is not at all what he did and what "discoveries" he made, even if he was allowed to do this in prison. So easily, in a prison, the "scientist" got new chemical elements :) True, so far no one recognizes any new elements and they have remained Bolotov's terrible secret :)

"The scientist remained imprisoned under previously fabricated criminal articles... However, he was so carried away by his work that on the day of his release he even asked to sit for a couple more weeks to complete the scientific experiments he had begun."

Wow! :) The more unbelievable the lie, the more willingly the layman believes in it!

"In May 1990, at the founding meeting of the Russian Academy and the World Foundation for Assistance to Scientists, Innovators, Inventors, Cultural Figures, Bolotov made a report on the main discovery of his life, the discovery of the century - a table that contains ... more than 10,000 chemical elements. Periodic table elements of Dmitri Mendeleev, containing more than a hundred elements, became history - now it was considered only as a special case. New, practically unknown to traditional chemistry and nuclear physics chemical elements, Bolotov called isosteres. The scientist received an unconventional, but very honorary title - "People's Academician". "

Anyone who knows firsthand chemistry and physics, of course, just goes nuts from such impudence! Indeed, this is only suitable for the people:) more precisely, for the most gullible part of it.

“Specialists even argue that Bolotov had to completely ignore the physics that is taught at school and university. He rejected the Bohr model of the atom, refused protons and neutrons, of which the nucleus should consist. Too many of the effects discovered by different scientists did not fit into the classical scheme. Therefore, he created his own model of the structure of the atom, which allowed him to plan the same experiment completed in the zone.The new table - Bolotovs (it is so named because the wife and son of the scientist participated in the work) - now hangs in the Zelinsky Museum in Moscow next to the periodic table. In practical terms, it opens up amazing, previously unknown prospects. It is easy to imagine how the chiefs of official Soviet science were furious ... "

This is also a very characteristic moment: the rejection of everything, and now - only a new genius knows the truth! If we were to collect all such geniuses, and there are thousands of them, and each of them has his own absolutely amazing truth (and in the case of the Bolotovs, so the whole family of geniuses), let them butt each other in a madhouse, but, most often, they find many gullible admirers , due to which they feed further. And if you say to such gullible people that from the point of view of the most elementary science, the expression: “In Bolotov’s chemistry, ordinary chemical elements turn out to be only acids, alkalis and salts resulting from reactions involving lithium water ions, and nuclear transformations of elements are the essence of these very reactions. "- the nonsense of a crazy ignoramus, then they will frown, suspecting the intrigues of persecuting a genius :)

And, of course, he is not only a physicist, chemist, but also a medical practitioner! :)

"... those hopeless patients who were abandoned by official medicine, and who passed through the hands of Bolotov, admit: there is crushing energy in him, an unknown force that inspires confidence in recovery. Maybe it destroys the disease ?!

Bolotov developed a unique theory of fighting such incurable diseases as cancer. The results of practical studies fully confirmed the validity of the proposed theory of cancer. Thanks to her, many hopeless patients with cancer and sarcoma in the fourth, i.e., the last stage of the disease, who came to the author at that time, were saved. The developed methods of fighting tumors and metastases are acceptable for use in any period of the course of the disease. They are especially valuable in the early stages of the disease, as well as preventive and prophylactic.

The proposed theory reveals many secrets of Life and Nature."

So, cancer is defeated, immortality is easily feasible, nuclear energy has long been in Bolotov's pocket, gold from lead is easy! Bolotov grows new fingers to replace the traumatically lost ones, and it doesn’t matter that mammals simply do not have such a physiological opportunity and very serious and financially intensive work is needed to provide it (People will learn to grow lost limbs). A year has passed since the publication, and earthly science is still trampled on in confusion, and no one wants to listen to the delirium of a brilliant madman :) Why is there a year! The delusions of a genius have been shaking the minds for several decades, but to no avail :) For human credulity, no arguments are an obstacle!

We read pearls on one of Bolotov's sites:

"- It turns out that the radio tube is a nuclear reactor?

Of course. Moreover, nuclear reactions take place in it at ordinary room temperature. It is enough to work out a way to remove energy - and you can heat the house with a radio lamp. "

Something thought provoking:

“A household nuclear reactor was proposed not by a psychiatric hospital patient (Boris Vasilyevich would be made one later), but by a senior researcher at the Institute of Electrodynamics of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, candidate of technical sciences. of his own free will" - he would have left quietly, without scandal. But Bolotov refused. Then he was given a "discrepancy" and even passed through the All-Union Attestation Commission a decision to deprive the candidate of his degree.

True, Bolotov had a doctoral dissertation ready by that time. But not in technology, but in biology. In addition, the topic - the practical immortality of man - according to the rating of "pseudo-science" greatly blocked the room nuclear reactor. So Boris Vasilyevich also had to do without a doctoral degree. "

“Everyone has repeatedly observed circles diverging through the water from a stone thrown into it. But few have looked at the opposite picture: if we stir up the surface of the water with a hoop, the oscillations will converge to the center of the circle - and a splash will occur there. Bolotov calls this phenomenon self-focusing and associates with it the possibility self-concentration of energy. Traditional science does not recognize it, which does not prevent the heart from pumping blood, the mosquito and the bee from flying, flapping its wings. These paradoxes are well explained by anti-entropy physics, which Bolotov has been developing for many years. Energy is not only dissipated in the environment, but also in a number of cases is taken from it, focused on a point. The heart is a natural perpetual motion machine."

More about perpetual motion machine:

“It’s just that for the auto engine that Bolotov created, gasoline is not needed. This internal combustion engine does without a crankshaft, without cylinders and without any rubbing parts at all. Only two disks on bearings with a small gap between them. At high speeds, the air is divided into oxygen and nitrogen. At 900°C, nitrogen burns in oxygen. An 8 kg engine develops 300 horsepower. Gasoline is required very little - for the initial promotion of disks. The next fuel is air. "

What types of cancer can you treat?

And at what stage?

At any."

"... 500 grams of cells die every day. This is Boris Vasilyevich's calculation.

Days have passed - a pound of dead meat somehow needs to be removed from the body. To make room for young dividing cells. "

“I studied this process and came to the conclusion: gastric juice dissolves not only dead cells, but also those damaged by nitrates, free radicals, heavy metals, carcinogens, radionuclides ... And even a cancer cell is successfully digested by gastric juice. simple: if there is enough gastric juice in the body, can it get cancer? No, it cannot - gastric juice will dissolve everything: papillomas, warts, any growths and tumors, both non-malignant and malignant. "

“There are only two in a person,” says Boris Vasilyevich, “two arms, two legs, two eyes, two ears, two lungs, two kidneys, two hearts ...

Excuse me, are you talking?

Two hearts, of course.

But still studied anatomy ...

Poorly studied. Second, the right heart is usually underdeveloped, but it is there. And sometimes surgeons and pathologists find it.

And I have, it turns out, two hearts?

And you. You just didn't know it. Because they did not know the principle of pairing. And if you know, you will see that a person has two livers (the pancreas is actually the second liver), and there are also two stomachs.

You can continue to quote this nonsense, but does anyone need it? Enough has been said so that anyone who has at least some ability to reason of his own understands what kind of "genius" B. Bolotov is. But, the worst thing is that many people believe such a fraudster that he can grow fingers again, cure any cancer at any stage, and even give immortality.

Photo - pseudo-academician and charlatan Boris Bolotov

The paradoxes of the Soviet state throughout its existence consisted not only in the possibility of the existence of phenomena and phenomena alien to the very foundations of this system, but also in the fact that these “alien” phenomena managed to develop into serious and strong schools, teachings and trends on a global scale ... In all likelihood, the pressure on the personality, the limited possibilities for its realization turned out to be directly proportional to the force with which the creative process demanded its development and expression in individuals.

One of these people was Boris Vasilyevich Bolotov, the greatest scientist of our time, whose range of knowledge and interests is striking in its diversity and depth. Many believe that his legacy has every right to enter the top ten achievements of human thought in the 20th century. For many years, personal information about him was not available due to the fact that he was a nuclear scientist. Only recently has it become possible to learn about Boris Bolotov not only from his books, but also from his biography.

short biography

Boris Vasilievich Bolotov was born on November 30, 1930 in the village of Glotovka, Inza district, Ulyanovsk region. His life path was difficult and thorny. He graduated from the Odessa Electrotechnical Institute of Communications, then postgraduate studies in Moscow. He was invited to stay in the capital, offering an apartment and a job, but he decided to go where his heart called him. He ended up in Kyiv, where he began to develop the idea of ​​a "cold" nuclear reactor. At the Kiev Academic Institute of Electrodynamics, he prepared and defended his doctoral dissertation. It is known that the number of officially accepted and rejected works of Boris Bolotov is in the hundreds.

Here, Boris Vasilyevich met and became friends with Andrei Sakharov, who highly appreciated the work of his colleague (by the way, today many people call Boris Vasilyevich "Ukrainian Sakharov", emphasizing the significance and scale of his activities). After a seemingly successful take-off, for a long fourteen years, the life of Boris Bolotov was full of adversity and trials. He was gradually removed from work, demoted (lecturer, head of the laboratory), and in 1983 a terrible thing happened - arrest, multiple psychiatric commissions and a term of 8 years (7 of which he spent in prison, while developing a facility for cold nuclear synthesis). He was released as part of political rehabilitation in May 1989, and a year later he received the title of "People's Academician" from the Russian Academy.

After his release, as an indifferent person, Boris Vasilyevich tried to return to both science and politics, but the realities of the nineties were rather ruthless - of all the heritage and scientific approach, only fragments of his ideas and theories were in demand under the sauce of some kind of applied "folk healing".

Scientific activity

Boris Vasilyevich is a man of surprisingly deep, encyclopedic knowledge and a unique way of thinking. He was subject to both the categories of the universal scale and the understanding of microcosms - down to the cellular levels. His ideas were so innovative that in the 1970s and 1980s the USSR State Committee for Science and Technology and the Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy often wrote to him: “Your ideas are anti-scientific and have no right to exist…”.

It was Bolotov who created the table of isosteres from "cash" and "non-cash" elements (10,368 units in total), which also included the known elements of the periodic table. The scientist was able to calculate the valency, crystal structure, relationships, atomic weight and other parameters of both elements that exist in nature and those that do not exist, but are part of the chemical reactions of physical components.

It took Bolotov 10 years to produce ultradispersive silicon carbide abrasives, the melting point of which reaches 4000 degrees Celsius. This substance does not exist in nature in its pure form, nor is it in the periodic table. Bolotov made this discovery in 1983 while in prison. According to him, the substance can be used as additives that can significantly improve the characteristics of materials and substances, as well as create new materials with unique properties.

The hardness index of this material is about 9–10 Mohs units (which corresponds to the hardness of diamonds). Its applications are truly limitless: electronics, optics, watch and jewelry industries, metalworking and ceramics, polymer chemistry, medicine, fire protection systems, etc.

Bolotov is also credited with the invention of foam materials; a unique paint for coating the bottoms of ships, which has bactericidal properties; unique pure sugar, which is used in the manufacturing process of certain types of medicines ... The Singapore government sent a special representative to Kyiv to Bolotov to purchase a unique seawater desalination plant (with an average cost of $ 80 per ton of water for this process, Bolotov's technology made it possible to manage $ 1- 3).

This is just a small example of the results of this unusual scientist, a real alchemist of the late 20th century, who managed to realize his dreams of the Grail.

When my house was searched, they found a 13-volume manuscript of my work on immortality. It explores the chemical, physical, biological aspects of the scientific problem. And social too, from which it follows: neither communism, nor all other "-isms" bring a person closer to immortality. Excerpts from the manuscript appeared in court.

B. Bolotov

Boris Bolotov from childhood had extraordinary mathematical abilities, and his thoughts and actions were always distinguished by a stubborn character, perseverance and unconventional. He spoke with full confidence and passion of a real scientist about the endless possibilities of the human body, about the fact that we are not doomed to disease and aging, about curing cancer, cell regeneration, etc.

Boris Vasilievich developed a coherent system of knowledge about the human body and its abilities. In particular, he believed that we can achieve the replacement of old cells with new ones by increasing the body's production of certain substances.

Bolotov also paid close attention to nutrition. For example, he owns a paradoxical thought: “Never eat healthy, nutritious, high-calorie and vitamin! Eat only delicious, as it is healthy for you, and nutritious, and high-calorie, and vitamin. Explaining this position, Boris Vasilievich said that our taste buds in themselves are unsurpassed advisers on proper nutrition, and they will never deceive their owner.

Bolotov's main ideas on nutrition can be formulated in the following provisions:

  1. It is necessary to increase the number of young cells in relation to old cells, which depends on the production of gastric enzymes in the stomach - pepsins, which are carried throughout the body in the blood and digest old and damaged cells (including cancer cells);
  2. It is important to consume foods that contain enough fiber to stimulate the peristalsis of the entire gastrointestinal tract;
  3. You should regularly cleanse the body of toxins with the help of safe acids (a sufficient amount of salted and pickled fruits and vegetables);
  4. Oxygen plays an important role in the conversion of slags into salts; the body must receive a sufficient amount of oxygen through physical activity;
  5. Removal of salts from the body is carried out through the juices of salt-dissolving plants (parsley, celery, horseradish roots, coltsfoot leaves, marsh cinquefoil, turnip)
  6. The technology of "cakes" created by Bolotov (lumps of plants prepared according to a special recipe) is able to draw metals (including radionuclides and heavy metals), carcinogens and free radicals from the walls of the stomach and duodenal bulb;
  7. One of the gentle methods of cleansing the body is fasting;
  8. The fight against pathogenic bacteria to achieve almost complete immunity to them (the use of a variety of lactic fermentation products and natural plant antibiotics - berries, garlic and onions).


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