Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Means to respect. Education of this quality


Respect- the position of one person in relation to another, the recognition of the merits of the individual. Respect prescribes not to harm another person, either physical or moral.

Respect is one of essential requirements morality. In the moral consciousness of society, respect implies justice, equality of rights, attention to the interests of another person, his convictions. Respect implies freedom, trust. Suppressing these demands is a breach of respect. However, the meaning of these qualities that make up respect is determined by the nature of society and the accepted paradigms. Understanding of human rights, freedom, equality in different centuries was completely different. According to the ethics dictionary edited by I. Kohn, the greatest opportunities for deep respect, elimination of exploitation, as well as conditions for the highest measure real freedom of the individual gives the communist formation.

According to Kant, respect sets the standard human relations even more than sympathy. Only on the basis of respect can there be mutual understanding.

Also respect is moral duty and the only correct position of a person in the face of everything valuable, in the face of any person.

The concept of "respect" was analyzed by Kant, Buber and Levinas.

In psychotherapy

Respect is an attitude towards the patient. This refers to the circumstances of his fate and his vital status, that is, to the whole personality of the patient and his strategy of dealing with the disease.

Respect for the integrity of the person (the other person and one's own) is the basis for the development of the therapeutic relationship. This is especially true for patients suffering from severe disorders.

In social work

Respect for people is an important principle of social work, which assumes that all people deserve respect. According to this principle, one should not deprive a person of respect because of his role in society or character traits. Some authors consider this principle main value social work.

In law

Respect for state sovereignty

Respect for state sovereignty is a universally recognized principle international law, which includes the recognition and respect for the political independence of the state, its territorial integrity, equality with other states, the right to freely choose and develop their political, social, economic and cultural systems.

This principle is enshrined in the UN Charter, the Declaration on the Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States in accordance with the UN Charter (1970), the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (1975).

Respect for the dignity of the individual

Respect for the dignity of the individual, human rights and freedoms is the direct duty of any state. At the same time, a person has the right to respect for his dignity both from the side of the state itself, its bodies and officials, and from other members of society, which is also provided by measures of state support.

In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the dignity of the individual is protected by the state. Nothing can be the basis for its derogation (part 1 of article 21).

A similar principle is enshrined in the constitutions of many other states of the world. For example, according to part 1 of Art. 1 of the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany of May 23, 1949, human dignity is inviolable. To respect and protect him is the duty of all state power. Article 110-c of the Norwegian Constitution stipulates that it is the responsibility of the State to respect and ensure human rights. The procedure for the implementation of this rule is determined by law. In accordance with paragraph 3 of Art. 33 of the Chinese Constitution, the state respects and ensures human rights. Article 10 of the South African Constitution establishes that everyone has inherent dignity and the right to have their dignity respected and protected. Etc.

The specification of the principle of respect for the dignity of the individual is carried out in the current legislation.

So, according to Art. 9 - "Respect for the honor and dignity of the individual" - the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, in the course of criminal proceedings, it is prohibited to take actions and make decisions that degrade the honor of a participant in criminal proceedings, as well as treatment that degrades his human dignity or creates a danger to his life and health (part 1 ); none of the participants in criminal proceedings may be subjected to violence, torture, other cruel or degrading treatment (Part 2).

Police bodies are also obliged to carry out their activities on the basis of observance and respect for the rights and freedoms of man and citizen.

The duty to respect the honor and dignity of any person, his business reputation, to contribute to the preservation of the social and legal equality of all members of society is also assigned to the employees of the FSSP of Russia.


  1. 1 2 3
  2. 1 2 3 4
  3. Respect // A. Heigl-Evers, F. Heigl, J. Ott, W. Ruger. Basic Guide to Psychotherapy (Terms)
  4. Respect for people // Gulina M.A. Dictionary guide to social work, 2010
  5. Big legal dictionary/ Ed. A. Ya Sukharev, V. D. Zorkina, V. E. Krutskikh. - M.: INFRA-M, 1998. - Circulation 60,000 copies. - ISBN 5-86225-578-8. - (Library of dictionaries "INFRA-M"). - S. 712-713.
  6. Vlasova OV Human Dignity as a Moral and Legal Value: General Theoretical Study. Abstract of the dissertation for the competition degree the doctors legal sciences
  7. Kashepov V.P. Commentary on Art. 21 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation//Comment to the Constitution Russian Federation(under the editorship of L. A. Okunkov) Ed. 2nd, add. and revised - M .: BEK Publishing House, 1996. ISBN 5-85639-159-4; ISBN 3-406-41136-3
  8. Fundamental Law of the Federal Republic of Germany of May 23, 1949, Part 1, Art. 1
  9. Norwegian constitution. Amended July 23, 1995. Article 110-c
  10. Constitution of the People's Republic of China of 1982 (as amended in 1988, 1993, 1999, 2004). Art. 33
  11. Constitution of South Africa. Adopted on May 8, 1996, as amended by the Constitutional Assemblies on October 11, 1996. Art. 10
  12. the federal law"About the Police". Part 1 Art. 5
  13. Code of Ethics and Official Conduct of the Federal State Civil Servant Federal Service bailiffs (approved by order of the Federal Bailiff Service dated April 12, 2011 No. 124). Clause 4.2


  • Respect // V. Zorin. "Eurasian wisdom from A to Z", explanatory dictionary
  • Respect // Dictionary of Ethics / Edited by I.Kon, 1981
  • Respect // Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy
  • Respect - What it is, Where it comes from, Difference between fear, obedience and respect
  • Interpersonal relationships
  • Philosophical terms
  • Ethics

respect this:

respect respect vb., nsv., use often Morphology: i respect, You respect, he she it respects, We respect, You respect, They respect, respect, respect, respected, respected, respected, respected, respectful, Dear, respected, respecting 1. If you respect someone, it means that you respect this person, recognize his positive qualities, listen to his advice, etc.

Respect elders and parents. | Respect someone for courage, honesty, devotion to duty. Respect the personality in a person.

2. If you respect someone's feelings, beliefs, etc., then this means that you behave cautiously, prudently towards this person, take into account his feelings, beliefs.

Respect the feelings of loved ones. | Respect human dignity.

3. If you respect someone's orders, customs, then this means that you do not violate them, take them seriously.

Respect the rules, the laws of hospitality. | Respect other people's faith.

4. If you respect the law, then this means that you observe it, do not violate it, behave as this law prescribes.

Respect the laws of the state. | Respect property rights. | Respect copyright. | The participating States will respect each other's sovereign equality and identity.

5. If you say that someone respects some tasty dish, then this means that this person really likes this dish; conversational style.

I have a lot of respect for vodka! | Do you like pickled cucumbers?

good adj.

Respectful tone.

Dictionary Russian language Dmitriev. D.V. Dmitriev. 2003.

When you say "I respect such and such a person" what is the meaning of this expression? What does respect mean?


Visit the website. You will not regret.
I took the phrase there. Agree.
Loving, you strive to do good to your loved one. Respecting, you recognize for him the right to decide for himself in each case what this “good” is for him.

I would like your mouth

Well. if you still don't know
what is respect (?!) then how do you
want to be respected, appreciated,
valued you and your opinion?!
Start with yourself right now. How do you fifth
Do you fulfill the commandment?" Honor your father and mother
yours - may your days be long on earth. "

User deleted

Very complex issue maybe for you, though for many...
respect - it means to see in a person what you like and you strive for this ...
there is a concept ... I respect him (stands in front of a killed enemy) - this is more understandable for the martyrs.
this word is more suitable for men - a woman must love ...
in any case, the concept of respect as a word is a controversial concept, like I love and hate ... but I love more - respect comes out ...
An accurate understanding - you like a person, but you don’t like it, but you like it more. It manifests itself more strongly if he (the person) has affected your instinct of self-sacrificing - in your favor ...
a little thought)))

How to explain in words what RESPECT is ???!


Respect is a position that prescribes not to harm another: neither physically - by violence, nor morally - by judgment. According to Kant, such respect, even rather than sympathy, is the norm of interpersonal relations; only on its basis can an attitude of objective “benevolence” arise, allowing us not to judge, but to understand the other. In addition, respect is a moral duty, the only true natural position of a person in the face of any value and, in particular, in the face of any human personality. A living experience of human respect will be that which arises when we meet the gaze of another: thus, when a tyrant meets the gaze of a slave, he understands the impossibility of using violence and his duty to "respect" the bearer of this gaze.

& L i d i a ~ v e l i k s a r ~

Respect is, above all, respect for one's past. And to your future. How you treat the older generation is how the younger will treat you.
There is very little such respect in our society ....
Scientists have found that if you are surrounded by honor and respect, and the girls you meet are constantly smiling, then this slows down the aging of the body and throws off one or the other from your age ...


Respect. . Hm. . The word is good. But respect can be different - to yourself, to a chuluveku, to the process, to .. Yes, there can be a lot of things)) And if in general. . Respect. .
Emotion, almost a physical feeling for something, for someone with which at least you want to be on an equal footing))) And that from all sides it is positively assessed)))

Well, it’s not easy for me to describe the feelings of enti)))

Simple things

Applied to a person's personality.
Respect is the recognition of his right to be a separate person. When you allow him to have an excellent opinion, the right to do things, you allow him to be what he is.

And behavior. Everyone has their own reasons for this, as well as their goals. But there is something that unites us all. What everyone wants is respect. This is one of the most significant factors for each of us. We respect some people and expect that they will treat us with respect.

And how often do our expectations coincide with reality? Most likely not the way you would like. Respect is something to strive for.

First and foremost is your respect for yourself. Think for yourself. Would you respect a person who doesn't love himself? Of course not. For what? They respect for the good, positive, distinctive in a person, and in people who do not value themselves, it is very difficult to notice such qualities.

Every bond we have has something good, something that makes us different from the rest. If you come home from work every day and feel overwhelmed and dissatisfied with life, you should think about the need for change. Don't change anything drastically right away. Just stop and think about what gives you pleasure, what makes you happy, and what makes you feel alive. Make a habit of pampering yourself and giving yourself a break. Show yourself some respect. This will serve as a good help in becoming you as a self-sufficient person. It will also be important and solid, certainly suitable for the time and place appearance.

The second rule is considered to be the need to respect others. It's the need. Respect everyone you do business with in order to gain respect. This is very important to always remember. Everyone deserves respect. Every person has something for which he can be respected. If you can't find that quality in any of the people you meet, it's worth considering that we are all worthy of respect simply because we are Humans. We were all born and raised by our mothers not to be treated disrespectfully. Yes, and do not want to think that we are dealing with unworthy people. This means that the people around us should be worthy of respect.

Show confidence. Do not be afraid to defend your point of view, take the initiative and, if necessary, engage in self-promotion. We are often too afraid of judgment or ridicule. There is no need to be afraid of what may not be. You must believe in yourself and strive to be listened to and reckon with your opinion. Here I would like to add one more point. It is sometimes very difficult for each of us to refuse someone. We are often asked for help that is harmful or simply not useful for work, image or personal time. It is necessary to clearly and firmly abandon the habit of yielding to everyone. Learn to answer "NO". "Rag" is not respected.

If you know exactly what you want from life and have clear plan how to achieve this, you will instantly move into a privileged circle of focused people. Knowing this, you will be able, without fear, to take the initiative and offer your help in projects that are interesting to you. Of course, you will meet all of the above points. People with no purpose will admire you. And that means you finally got respect. This is important for everyone.

IN modern state respect for the dignity, rights and freedoms of the individual is one of the key socium, in accordance with which there should be no intolerance towards, regardless of their origin, lifestyle and other distinguishing features. Nevertheless, a person singles out for himself a separate circle of people worthy of respect, adhering to his own opinion.

Respect for a person most often arises when he has certain positive qualities for example, he always tells the truth, has no bad habits, leads healthy lifestyle lives and plays sports, is smart and makes good money, while occupying a prominent position in society. Thus, if a person has several positive qualities at once, simple respect for him can develop into admiration for him and even adoration. Often such people are appreciated by those who would like to be like them in something.

A person's actions can also cause others to respect him. IN modern society especially appreciated are those people who help others, do not stand aside if someone has an unpleasant situation.

The role of mutual respect in society

With each other, as a rule, those people who have something in common. For example, members of the work team, as well as students educational institutions, most often consisting of good relations listen to each other's opinions, show courtesy and all respect. At the same time, they also treat each other, for example, athletes from the same section, members of the same party, housemates and others. However, it should be remembered that any person deserves to be respected regardless of their appearance, character or actions. Failure to do this leads to the growth of selfishness and other negative sides of people.

To earn respect, it is important not to turn away from people and try to show yourself with better side in any situation - at school, at work, among friends and in the family circle.

An unpleasant, but quite common fact in becoming respect for those who belong to one

Why do we respect other people? Why is it important to treat elders with respect? Or what lies behind the feeling of patriotism? There are similar questions countless, and, it would seem, any adult can answer them. But in reality, most are lost in their answers. And all because they can not realize the full depth of the word "respect".

That's why it's so important to get it right. After all, respect is a feeling of respect, which is vital for the existence of society. Without it, it is impossible to build normal relationships, and even more so to create a full-fledged family.


Let's start with what respect is. The essence of this feeling is quite difficult to convey. in simple terms, however, as well as any other manifestation of humanity. And yet the main idea can be expressed.

So, respect is a respectful attitude towards a person, natural phenomenon, deity or homeland. In order for this feeling to arise, the object of respect must have a certain set of qualities.

Respect is a fickle feeling, it can arise and then fade away again. It all depends on the moral and ethical values ​​of a person, which, as you know, can change over time. Therefore, by cultivating these values ​​in an individual, it is possible to influence his sense of respect for others.

Why is it important to respect others?

To answer this question, let's take a simple example. Suppose there are two brothers: one is kind, friendly and respectful of others; the second, on the contrary, looks down on everyone and considers himself the center of the universe. Who do you think is more likely to make real friends? Which of them is capable of sincere love?

Respect is the right way find mutual language with other people, to show that they are not indifferent to the interlocutor. Moreover, if the opponent feels that he is being treated with sincere respect, he himself is likely to respond in kind.

Summing up, we can say that respect is a key element in building relationships, both love and friendship.

Moral and ethical standards in society

In modern society, there are foundations that, although not spelled out in legislation, are still generally accepted rules. Their observance is extremely important, otherwise you can turn the opinions of others against yourself. These rules include moral and ethical standards, for example, politeness, restraint, neatness, and so on.

According to these unspoken laws, there are categories of people who should be treated with respect, regardless of whether they are familiar or not. So, here is an example of such categories of people:

  • Elderly. Considering the age and the number of tests passed, respect for them is quite justified.
  • Women. All of them are future mothers, therefore they require respectful respect for themselves.
  • Parents. The very fact that they gave life cannot but cause respect.
  • Teachers. Thanks to their work, many gain knowledge that can help them achieve their goals.
  • Colleagues. Quite an understandable choice, because you will have to cooperate with these people for more than one year. Therefore, it is much easier when they are in the category of friends than putting spokes in the wheels.

Respect for the Fatherland: its role in the formation of patriotism

Motherland is not just six letters in one word. This is what unites everyone, makes us one big family. Love for the motherland is called patriotism. But the question is: "Can it exist on love alone?" No, in order for patriotism not to dry out over the years, it must be constantly nourished by other feelings: pride, respect, gratitude.

Only realizing all the beauty of your country, its features and shortcomings, you can become a patriot. And as mentioned earlier, respect is the recognition of the merits of someone or something, respectively, without it it is impossible to cultivate true patriotism in oneself.

Respect must be nurtured from childhood

It is easiest to instill respect for others in childhood. Therefore, in most cases, this responsibility falls on the shoulders of parents, as well as teachers. It is they who should explain to the younger generation why this or that person should be respected.

Follows with early years Teach children to listen to their elders and follow their demands. After all, their life experience much more, therefore, their advice can be useful. They should also be reminded that each person is an individual, which means that they should be treated with respect.

In general, respect for human rights is an established norm for all. Therefore, you should teach this to your children or pupils. Otherwise, in the future they may have problems in communicating with other people.

Finally, we need to talk about such a phenomenon as self-esteem. After all, how can people respect someone who does not consider himself equal to them? Therefore, you need to explain to the child that he is the same as everyone else. Much more important is what he has inside than what he wears or what house he lives in.


honor with honor, regale, accept honorably. Well, brother, respected, thank you! treated. You don't respect a bad person.

/ - what, to consider it worthy of attention, respect, to put it as great, to take it as a reason, to make sure and give in, to agree. It is necessary to respect his request, merits, reasons. The inmates say: I will respect you for half a ruble, I will give in, I will throw you off.

Respect what, southern. to please, to get, to improve. Respected right in the forehead! - Xia, be respected. respect, action. by vb. My respect for this man is great, the rules and all his actions require respect. In respect of the reasons, requests, circumstances, we must agree. He is respected everywhere. Respect. southern app. reason, reason, circumstances that should be paid attention to, respect them;

concession. Be always respectful to elders, respectful. These reasons are valid, efficient, correct. -ness, property or quality according to adj. He is big, respecter of beauty, respecter, admirer. She respects Pushkin, Gogol.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


respect, respect, nesov.

    someone something. To have respect for someone, to appreciate something, to treat with respect. I take heaven as a witness - I respect you deeply. Nekrasov. In order for others to respect you, first respect the person in yourself. Leskov. Respect elders. Respect someone. merit.

    What. Take into account, in respect (book obsolete). Respect circumstances.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.


Ayu, -ayesh; nesov.

    someone something. Treat someone with respect. U. seniors. W. someone's. gray hair (i.e., old age; high). Everyone respected person. Dear comrade! ( courtesy). Listen dear! (familiar address).

    What. To love (in 2 meanings), to have a passion for something. (simple). I respect herring.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


nesov. transition

    To have respect for smth., smth., highly appreciate smth., smth.

    trans. razg.-decrease. To have a fondness for smth., to have a preference for smth.

Examples of the use of the word respect in the literature.

Count of the deceased, they say, men respected but his widow was disliked.

Just no respect it was dangerous and fraught with great troubles, and it was madness to run into them so brazenly, as the ethereal spirit did, and even the most secure office in the world.

They knew that King Agrippa was very respects their secretary, and when the city was again occupied by the Romans, they were silent.

It is enough to adequately evaluate the merits of another, his merits, respect him for success, to provide psychological support in difficult moments of life.

Atreus began one of the very first face-to-face conversations with words about how he loves and respects Hercules.

The middle sister, being twenty-four years old, did not worry before her marriage, the eldest did not worry, she considered herself still very young, but then she suddenly hurried, hurried - and she also found a suitable person, a little older, true, but also a non-resident: he studied here at the Higher School of Economics, that is, at the Higher Party School, being himself from the small Volga city of Akhtubinsk, where he occupied some good Soviet place and was generally respect.

True, to cover Zelentsov, he gathered several lively boys near him - two former orphanage children Khokhlak and Fefelov, hard workers Kostya Uvarov and Vasya Shevelev - for songs respected and fed Babenko, did not drive away Zelentsov and Leshka Shestakov, and Kolya Ryndin - they would come in handy.

The younger Bazhenin - Fyodor Ryabov knew better and respected more than Osip: Fyodor's eyes looked softly, a gentle, girlish blush, like Mitri's, burned on his cheekbones, he spoke in a quiet, as if torn tenor, and usually pressed his large white hands to his sunken chest.

Loyal ancient tradition which everyone keeps sacred respectful As a banking house, Tolomei had his informers even in the Royal Council, and the chief of these informants was the Count of Artois, friend and companion of Charles of Valois, who did not hide anything from his relative.

From twelve to two in the morning, the crew of Major Barringer, who only seemed to be a martinet, narrow-minded and tongue-tied, in fact, the major was famous for his responsiveness and humor, and subordinates respected.

There is a kind of pigish satisfaction in being with a woman - even if she is an illiterate whore - who loves you unconditionally and respects because in her eyes you are a flawless gentleman.

The massive face of Arn Abbas darkened with displeasure, but Orth Bodmer, the supreme adviser, turning to the old baron, said conciliatoryly: - Everyone is here respect the proud independence of the great barons, Zu Rizal.

No, friend Born, I respect your ingenuity and honor your skill, but I will not go with you.

Respect, please, the work of flight attendants, help them maintain order in the cabins, do not bother with unnecessary whims, but just obey the hostesses of the aircraft.

respecting dignity, the second-hand book dealer does not shout through the streets like other pedlars, but he allows himself to stop in front of the windows of the house where he was noticed, and wave the books in his hands, as if asking: would you order me to enter?