Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Planets with more than 2 satellites. Internal and external

Satellites are small bodies that orbit planets. In the solar system, two planets (Mercury and Venus) have no satellites, the Earth has one, and Mars has two. A large number of satellites are attracted by the magnetic field of Neptune (13 satellites), Uranus (27 satellites), Saturn (60 satellites). But greatest number satellites of Jupiter. There are 63 of them! Now you know which planet has more satellites in the solar system.

In addition to such a huge number of satellites, Jupiter also has a system of rings. The first 4 satellites of Jupiter, the largest, were discovered by Galileo at the beginning of the 17th century. He gave them the names Europa, Ganymede, Io, Callisto (names of mythical heroes). With the development of telescopic technology, the remaining satellites began to be discovered; in the 70s of the last century, 13 of them were discovered. At the beginning of the third millennium, 47 more satellites of Jupiter were discovered. They are quite small, their radius reaches 4 km. Who knows how many more planetary satellites will be discovered over time when scientific and technical progress humanity...

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Which planet has the most satellites?

The largest number of satellites among planets solar system the planet Jupiter has as many as 63. In addition to them, this planet also boasts a system of rings. The first 4 satellites were discovered back in the Middle Ages in the 17th century using a telescope, and the last (most of them) were discovered at the end of the 20th century using spacecraft. The size of most of them is not too large - only 2 to 4 kilometers in diameter. Saturn has slightly fewer satellites - 60. But one of its satellites, Titan, is the second largest in the Solar System and has a diameter of 5100 km.

The third largest number of satellites is Uranus. He has 27 of them. And planets such as Venus and Mercury have no satellites at all. 5-11-2010

Have you read the answer to the question Which planet has the most satellites? and if you liked the material, bookmark it - “Which planet has the most satellites?? . Which car is best for taxi work? This is controversial...

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At Jupiter...

Mercury has no satellites.

Venus also has no satellites

The Earth has one satellite: the Moon
The Moon is the only natural satellite of the Earth. It is the second brightest object in the earth's sky after the Sun and the fifth largest natural satellite in the solar system. Also, it is the first (and as of 2009 only) extraterrestrial object natural origin, which a person visited. The average distance between the centers of the Earth and the Moon is 384,467 km.

The planet Mars has two satellites: Phobos (Greek - fear) and Deimos (Greek - horror).
Both satellites rotate around their axes with the same period as around Mars, therefore they are always turned to the planet with the same side. The tidal influence of Mars gradually slows down the movement of Phobos, and will eventually lead to the fall of the satellite onto Mars. On the contrary, Deimos is moving away from Mars.

Jupiter has 63 moons
The moons of Jupiter are the natural satellites of the planet Jupiter. To date, scientists know 63...

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The central star of our system, around which all the planets pass in different orbits, is called the Sun. Its age is about 5 billion years. It is a yellow dwarf, so the size of the star is small. Its thermonuclear reactions are not consumed very quickly. The solar system has reached approximately the halfway point of its life cycle. After 5 billion years, the balance of gravitational forces will be disrupted, the star will increase in size and gradually warm up. Nuclear fusion converts all of the sun's hydrogen into helium. At this point, the size of the star will be three times larger. Ultimately, the star will cool down and shrink. Today the Sun consists almost entirely of hydrogen (90%) and some helium (10%).

Today, the satellites of the Sun are 8 planets, around which other celestial bodies revolve, several dozen comets, as well as a huge number of asteroids. All these objects move in their orbit. If you add up the mass of all the solar satellites, it turns out that they are 1000 times lighter than their star....

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The science

Our Solar System contains a huge number of different cosmic bodies, including 200 large satellites orbiting the main planets, dwarf planets and even asteroids. Many of these satellites have interesting features. In this article you can get acquainted with the 10 most interesting companions our star system and learn about their features.

1) Nereid, satellite of Neptune

Nereid was discovered in 1949 Gerard Kuiper. It is Neptune's third largest moon. It has the most eccentric orbit of all the satellites in the solar system. Because of this, the distance between the planet and its satellite varies greatly. The closest the satellite can get to Neptune is 1.4 million kilometers. The farthest it can go is 9.6 million kilometers. To make one revolution around Neptune, given such a far distance from it, Nereid requires 360 Earth days.

2) Mimas, satellite of Saturn

This small satellite was discovered in 1789 William Herschel. The average diameter of this object is about 400 kilometers. Mimas is notable for the fact that on its surface there is a giant crater Herschel with a diameter of about 130 kilometers and a depth of 10 kilometers. Herschel is not the best large crater satellites of the solar system, but it is very unusual. The crater covers one third of Mimas's surface and makes it look like the Death Star station from Star Wars.

3) Iapetus, satellite of Saturn

Discovered in 1671 Giovanni Cassini, Saturn's moon Iapetus has been recognized as one of the strangest moons in the solar system. The diameter of Iapetus averages 1,460 kilometers. Distinctive feature of this satellite is that it has sections different color that reflect light differently. One half of the planet is pitch black, while the other half is exceptionally light and bright. Because of this, we can only observe the satellite when it appears on one side of the planet. Iapetus also has mountain range- an equatorial mountain ring that reaches a height of about 10 kilometers and encircles the object along its equator. Scientists have put forward 2 hypotheses to explain the appearance of these mountains. According to one version, the ring formed at the beginning of the satellite’s existence, when Iapetus rotated much faster than it does now. Other scientists believe that the mountain range was formed from material from another satellite, which belonged to Iapetus itself, but crashed, and its debris settled on Iapetus' equator.

4) Dactyl, satellite of the asteroid Ida

Discovered in 1995 using spaceship Galileo, the satellite of the asteroid Ida - Dactyl - has about a kilometer in diameter. This satellite is notable because it was the first satellite discovered to orbit an asteroid. Scientists cannot yet say for sure about the origin of this satellite and do not know whether it is part of its native asteroid, or was once captured by this asteroid. Dactyl proves the existence of satellites on asteroids. After that, scientists noticed another two dozen similar satellites around various other asteroids in the Solar System.

5) Europa, satellite of Jupiter

Europa has been discovered Galileo Galilei in January 1610. It is quite a bit smaller than our Moon. Europa's surface is striking, carved with dark intersecting lines. Scientists suggest that the lines represent cracks and breaks in Europa's ice shell. Perhaps the cracks formed due to the influence of Jupiter and other satellites orbiting the planet. Beneath Europa's thick layer of ice there may be an ocean of liquid salt water that makes the moon special. Unlike Earth, Europa is thought to be very deep ocean, so it covers the entire satellite completely. Since Europa is located quite far from the Sun, its ocean froze, forming a crust about 100 kilometers thick. Perhaps due to internal more high temperature The water under the ice crust may remain liquid.

6) Enceladus, satellite of Saturn

Enceladus is the sixth largest moon of Saturn. It is not the largest, but has a number of interesting features. Enceladus was discovered in 1789 William Herschel. He is the brightest cosmic body Solar system and reflects 100 percent sunlight from its surface. This fact makes it one of the coldest places, the temperature on the surface of the satellite is about minus 200 degrees Celsius. As you can see in the image, this satellite has a number of impact craters, but there are also quite smooth areas that indicate that in the geologically recent past the surface of the satellite was leveled. On south pole The satellite has large dark faults, which also indicate recent geological activity. These fractures release tons of material that makes up Saturn's E ring.

7) Io, satellite of Jupiter

Io was discovered in January 1610 by the same Galileo Galilei. It is slightly larger than our Moon. Io is the most volcanically active place in the solar system. The satellite is covered with many volcanoes, which release jets of substances at a distance of about 300 kilometers above the surface. Typically, an object of this size should have ceased volcanic activity a very long time ago, but due to Io’s orbital resonances with Jupiter, Europa and Ganymede, tidal heating occurs in the bowels of the satellite. If we omit the details, we can say that increased volcanic activity satellite is associated with nearby cosmic bodies and the composition of its internal characteristics. Tidal heating forces most the substance lying beneath the surface remains in a liquid state, which constantly changes the surface of the satellite.

8) Titan, satellite of Saturn

Titan - the only satellite in addition to our Moon, on the surface of which he landed spacecraft. It was opened in 1655 Christian Huygens. Titan is the second largest moon in the Solar System. It is covered in a dense, foggy atmosphere consisting mainly of methane, nitrogen and ethane. This satellite is known for having an atmosphere similar to that of a planet. This is also the only place in the solar system where, as scientists have proven, there is liquid on the surface, although this liquid is far from water, but methane.

9) Triton, satellite of Neptune

Triton was discovered in October 1846 by astronomer William Lassell, 17 days after the discovery of Neptune itself. This is the largest of the satellites of the planet Neptune. Triton has the distinction of being the only large moon in the solar system that orbits a planet in the opposite direction to the planet's rotation. This suggests that Triton is a captured satellite of Neptune, because all natural satellites in the solar system rotate in the same direction as their planets. The only thing is that scientists cannot yet come to a consensus on how Neptune captured such a large body into its orbit. Triton is one of the coldest places in the solar system. When Voyager 2 flew past it in 1989, he found that Triton's temperature was minus 235 degrees Celsius, that is, it is close to absolute zero. Voyager 2 also helped discover active geysers on Triton, so Triton is considered one of the few geologically active moons in the Solar System.

10) Ganymede, satellite of Jupiter

Discovered in 1610 Galileo Galilei, Ganymede is the largest moon in the solar system. He more planet Mercury, as well as its size, is about three quadruples of Mars. It is so large that it would be considered a planet if it orbited the Sun rather than Jupiter. A notable feature of this satellite is that it is the only satellite in our system that has its own magnetic field. It has a molten iron core, which creates a magnetic field. In 1996, the space telescope Hubble discovered a thin layer of oxygen around the satellite, but it is so thin that it cannot support life.

Some of these moons still remain a mystery to astronomers, because not everywhere has a human foot set foot before, but somewhere the existence of living organisms is quite possible! But what we do know for sure is at least their size. This list will introduce you to the 10 largest planetary moons in our solar system.

10. Oberon, satellite of Uranus (average diameter - 1523 kilometers)

Oberon, also known as Uranus IV, is the outermost satellite from the center of Uranus, the second largest of the other satellites of this planet, and the ninth largest of all known satellites of our solar system. Discovered in 1787 by explorer William Herschel, Oberon is named after the mythical king of elves and fairies mentioned in Shakespeare's A Dream of summer night" Oberon's orbit lies partially outside the magnetosphere of Uranus.

9. Rhea, satellite of Saturn (average diameter - 1529 kilometers)

Rhea is the second largest satellite of Saturn and the ninth largest satellite in the entire Solar System. At the same time, it is the second smallest cosmic body in our solar system, second only to an asteroid and dwarf planet Ceres. Rhea received this status for confirmed data that she has hydrostatic equilibrium. Discovered in 1672 by Giovanni Cassini.

8. Titania, satellite of Uranus (average diameter - 1578 kilometers)

It is the largest moon of Uranus and the eighth largest in the solar system. Discovered in 1787 by William Herschel, Titania was named after the fairy goddess from Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. Titania's orbit does not extend beyond the magnetosphere of Uranus.

7. Triton, satellite of Neptune (average diameter - 2707 kilometers)

Triton is the largest satellite of the planet Neptune, discovered on October 10, 1846 by the English astronomer William Lassell. In our solar system, it is the only large moon with a retrograde orbit. Triton moves in the opposite direction to the rotation of its planet. With its 2,707 kilometers in diameter, Triton is considered the seventh largest moon in the solar system. There was a time when Triton was considered a dwarf planet from the Kuiper belt due to its retrograde and compositional properties similar to Pluto.

6. Europa, a satellite of Jupiter (average diameter - 3122 kilometers)

It is the smallest of the Galilean moons orbiting Jupiter and the sixth closest to its planet. It is also the sixth largest satellite in the Solar System. Galileo Galilei discovered Europe in 1610 and called it heavenly body in honor of the legendary mother of the Cretan King Minos and lover of Zeus.

5. Moon, satellite of the Earth (average diameter - 3475 kilometers)

It is believed that our Moon formed 4.5 billion years ago, shortly after the formation of the Earth itself. There are several hypotheses about its origin. The most common among them says that the Moon was formed from fragments after the collision of the Earth with the cosmic body Theia, comparable in size to Mars.

4. Io, a satellite of Jupiter (average diameter - 3643 kilometers)

Io is the most geologically active celestial object in our solar system, and has earned this title for at least 400 years. active volcanoes. The reason for this extreme activity is the heating of the satellite's interior due to tidal friction caused by the gravitational influence of Jupiter and the other Galilean moons (Europa, Ganymede and Callisto).

3. Callisto, a satellite of Jupiter (average diameter - 4821 kilometers)

Galileo Galilei discovered Callisto, as well as several other moons of Jupiter, in 1610. Possessing impressive dimensions, this satellite makes up 99% of the diameter of Mercury, but only a third of its mass. Callisto is the fourth Galilean satellite of Jupiter in terms of distance from the center of the planet, with an orbital radius of 1,883,000 kilometers.

2. Titan, satellite of Saturn (average diameter - 5150 kilometers)

This is the sixth ellipsoidal satellite of Saturn. Very often it is called a planet-like satellite, because the diameter of Titan is 50% larger than the diameter of our Moon. In addition, it is 80% heavier than our Earth's satellite.

1. Ganymede, a satellite of Jupiter (average diameter - 5262 kilometers)

Ganymede in equally consists of silicate rocks and frozen water. It is a fully differentiated celestial body, rich in iron, with a liquid core and an outer ocean that may contain more water than the sum of all of the Earth's oceans. The surface of Ganymede has two types of relief. The dark regions of the satellite are littered with craters from asteroid impacts that supposedly occurred 4 billion years ago. This landform covers approximately a third of the satellite.

To the question: Which planet in the solar system has the most satellites? given by the author Lissa the best answer is Maybe I’m wrong, but at the moment the planet Earth has the most satellites. Only these satellites are artificial (and the question didn’t say which ones). There are several hundred of them.

Answer from Igor Ermolin[newbie]
The correct answer is SATURN

Answer from Wake up[newbie]
and exactly?

Answer from Eurovision[newbie]
Jupiter has Mercury-0 Venus–0 Earth-1 Mars-2 Jupiter-63 Saturn-60 Uranus-27 Neptune-13 The planet Jupiter has 63 satellites. Whereas the planet earth has only one satellite - the Moon. There are 63 satellites of Jupiter greatest number satellites discovered to date from all the planets of the solar system. Besides the more Jupiter also has a ring system of satellites.

Answer from Olya[guru]
At Jupiter.

Answer from User deleted[active]

Answer from Marina[expert]

Answer from User deleted[expert]
There is a table here Planet Distance from the Sun Orbital period Rotation period Diameter, km Mass, kg Number of satellites Density g/cm
Satellites of the planets
Mercury and Venus have no satellites. The remaining planets, with the exception of the Earth, have satellites immeasurably smaller than their planets. The Earth has only one natural satellite - the Moon, but it is unusually large compared to itself. Moon smaller than Earth in diameter only 4 times. Most satellites - 12 - largest planet- Jupiter. The next most massive planet, Saturn, has 10 of them, and the last one was discovered only in 1966. Uranus has 5 satellites, Neptune and Mars have 2 each. The largest of the satellites are Titan (a satellite of Saturn) and Ganymede (the third satellite of Jupiter). They are 1.5 times the diameter of the Moon and slightly larger than Mercury. Titan is the only moon to have an atmosphere (made of methane).
All satellites for which rotation has been established, including the Moon, are always turned to their planet with the same side. Therefore, their stellar rotation periods are equal to their periods of revolution around their planets. As a result, it is impossible to see from any planet reverse side her companions. In relation to the Sun, the period of rotation of satellites around the axis is longer than in relation to the stars, since during the revolution of the satellite the planet along with it will travel some more arc along its circumsolar orbit.
A sidereal month is the period of the Moon's revolution around the Earth relative to the stars; synodic month- This is the period of revolution of the Moon around the Earth relative to the Sun. A synodic month is the period of time between equal phases of the Moon. The sidereal month is 27.3 days, and the synodic month is 29.5 days.
The closest elliptical point to Earth lunar orbit is called perigee, and the most distant one is called apogee.
The moon is visible to us as a narrow crescent, the rest of its disk also glows slightly. This phenomenon is called ashen light and is explained by the fact that the Earth illuminates the night side of the Moon with reflected sunlight.
It is easy to understand that the phases of the Earth and the Moon are mutually opposite. When the Moon is almost full, the Earth is visible from the Moon as a narrow crescent.
Returning to the satellites of the planets, we note that the four largest satellites of Jupiter can sometimes be seen even with prism binoculars. Through a telescope, in a few hours you can see how the satellites move noticeably, sometimes passing between Jupiter and Earth, and sometimes going behind Jupiter’s body or into its shadow, into an eclipse. Observing these eclipses of satellites, Roemer in the 17th century. discovered that the speed of propagation of light is finite, and established its value.
Many of the planets' satellites are interesting because of their motion. The moons of Mars are very small. The largest of them is Phobos. It has a diameter of 16 km and is located from the surface of Mars at a distance less than the diameter of the planet. Phobos orbits Mars three times faster than the planet itself rotates on its axis. Therefore, it rises twice a day in the west and twice completely changes all phases, sweeping across the sky.
The distant moons of Jupiter and Saturn are very small, and some of them point in the direction opposite to the rotation of the planet itself.
All 5 satellites of Uranus orbit reverse direction, and the planes of their orbits, like the planet’s equator, are almost perpendicular to the plane of Uranus’s orbit.

Of the nine planets in the solar system, only Mercury and Venus do not have satellites. All other planets have satellites. The Earth has only one satellite - the Moon (but how big it is!). Mars has two satellites - Phobos (fear) and Deimos (terror). The satellites were discovered in 1877, visible only through powerful telescopes, photographed space stations. They are small, shapeless blocks, similar to asteroids, the surface of which is covered with craters.

Jupiter's moons Yo, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto are called Galilean. They were discovered back in 1610, and are visible even through binoculars. These are the largest satellites of Jupiter. Ganymede and Callisto are the size of Mercury. The moon Io is interesting because it has several volcanoes. The remaining 12 smaller satellites have irregular shape. The richest planet in terms of the number of satellites (23 of them) is Saturn. The largest of its satellites is Titan, it is 2 times larger than the Moon.

The brightest satellite in the entire solar system is Enceladus, its surface is similar in brilliance to freshly fallen snow. The planet Uranus has 15 satellites. The largest of them are: Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, Titania and Oberon. Neptune has two large satellites visible through a telescope - Triton and Nereid. The remaining four have not yet been studied well. The smallest planet in the solar system, Pluto, has so far the only known satellite, Charon; they are close in size to each other. Number open satellites There are 54 planets, but perhaps new satellites will be discovered. Science and technology do not stand still.

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