Biographies Characteristics Analysis

The truth of the heroes' lives at the bottom. "Three truths" in play A


Goals : consider the characters’ understanding of Gorky’s play “truth”; find out the meaning of the tragic collision different points vision: the truth of a fact (Bubnov), the truth of a comforting lie (Luke), the truth of faith in a person (Satin); determine the features of Gorky’s humanism.

During the classes

I. Introductory conversation.

Imagine for a moment that by the will of fate you found yourself in Moscow without money, without friends, without relatives, without cell phones. You have traveled to the beginning of the century. How would you try to improve your life or change the situation you find yourself in? Will you try to improve your life or will you immediately sink to the bottom?

The heroes of the play we are studying stopped resisting; she sank to the “bottom of life.”

The topic of our lesson: “Three truths in M. Gorky’s play “At the Bottom.”

What do you think will be discussed?

What questions will we consider?

(Suggested answers: What is truth? What kind of truth can there be? Why three truths? What thoughts about truth do the heroes express? Which of the heroes thinks about this question?

Teacher's summary: Each hero has his own truth. And we will try to find out the positions of the characters, understand them, understand the essence of the dispute that arose between the characters and decide whose truth is closer to us, modern readers.

Literary warm-up.

You know that you cannot competently defend your point of view without knowledge literary work. I offer you a literary workout. I read a line from the play, and you determine which character it belongs to.

What is conscience for? I'm not rich (Bubnov)

We must love the living, the living (Luke)

When work is a duty - life is slavery (Satin)

Lies are the religion of slaves and masters... Truth is god free man! (Satin)

People live... like chips floating down a river... (Bubnov)

All love on earth is superfluous (Bubnov)

Christ had compassion on everyone and commanded us (Luke)

Petting a person is never harmful (Luke)

Human! It's great! It sounds proud! Human! We must respect the person!

Updating knowledge. Call.

You have demonstrated good knowledge of the text. Why do you think you were offered the lines of these particular characters? (Luka, Satin, Bubnov have their own idea of ​​truth).

What is the main leitmotif of the play? Which character is the first to formulate the main question of the drama “At the Bottom”?

The dispute about truth is the semantic center of the play. The word “truth” will be heard already on the first page of the play, in Kvashnya’s remark: “Ah! You can’t stand the truth!” Truth – lie (“You’re lying!” – Kleshch’s sharp cry, sounded even before the word “truth”), truth – faith – these are the most important semantic poles that define the problematics of “At the Bottom”.

How do you understand the meaning of the word “truth”?

IS IT TRUE, -s,and. 1. What actually exists corresponds to the real state of affairs.Tell the truth. Hear the truth about what happened. The truth hurts my eyes (last). 2. Justice, honesty, just cause.Seek the truth. Stand for the truth. The truth is on your side. Happiness is good, but truth is better (last). 3. Same as(colloquial).Your truth (You are right).God sees the truth, but will not tell you soon (last). 4.introductory sl. The statement of truth is true, in fact.I really didn't know this.

Those. truth can be private, but it can also be ideological

So, let's find out the truth of Luka, Bubnov, Satin.– What is truth for the heroes of the play? How can their views be compared?

II. Work on the problem stated in the topic of the lesson.

    The philosophy of truth in Gorky's play.

"Luke's Truth" - In the work of every talented writer, the name of the hero necessarily means something. Let's turn to the origins of the name Luke. What meanings can it have?

1) Ascends on behalf of the Apostle Luke.

2) Associated with the word “Evil,” that is, cunning.

3) “Lukovka”, by the time you get to the middle, you’ll take off a lot of “clothes!”

How does Luke appear in the play? What are the first words he says? (“Good health, honest people,” he immediately announces his position, says that he treats everyone well, “I respect swindlers, too, in my opinion, not a single flea is bad.”

What does Luke say about attitude towards people around you?

Let's consider how Luka behaves with each of the inhabitants of the shelter.

How does he feel about Anna? (She regrets, says that after death she will find peace, consoles, helps, becomes necessary)

What advice does an actor have? (Find a city that offers treatment for alcoholism, it’s clean, the floor is marble, treatment is free, “A person can do anything, as long as he wants to.”)

How does he propose to arrange Vaska Pepl’s life? (Go to Siberia with Natasha. Siberia is a rich region, you can earn money there and become a master).

How does he console Nastya? (Nastya dreams of big, bright love, he tells her: “What you believe in is what it is”)

How does he talk to Medvedev? (Calls him “under,” that is, flatters him, and he falls for his bait).

So how does Luka feel about the inhabitants of the shelter? (Okay, he sees a person in everyone, opens positive features character, trying to help. He knows how to bring out the good in everyone and instill hope).

Read the remarks that reflect Luke’s life position?

How do you understand the words: “What you believe in is what it is?”

In contrast to the “prose of fact,” Luke offers the truth of the ideal—the “poetry of fact.” If Bubnov (the main ideologist of literally understood “truth”), Satin, Baron are far from illusions and do not need an ideal, then Actor, Nastya, Anna, Natasha, Ashes respond to Luke’s remark - for them faith is more important than truth.

Luke’s hesitant story about hospitals for alcoholics sounded like this: “Nowadays they are curing drunkenness, listen! Free, brother, they treat... this is the kind of hospital built for drunkards... They recognized, you see, that a drunkard is also a person...” In the actor’s imagination, the hospital turns into a “marble palace”: “An excellent hospital... Marble.. .marble floor! Light... cleanliness, food... everything for free! And marble floor. Yes!" The actor is a hero of faith, not the truth of fact, and the loss of the ability to believe turns out to be fatal for him.

Which heroes need Luke's support? (Actor, Nastya, Natasha, Anna. What is more important to them is not the truth, but words of consolation. When the Actor stopped believing that he could recover from alcoholism, he hanged himself.

A person can learn goodness... very simply, says Luka. What story does he give as an example? (Incident at the dacha)

How do you understand the “story” of the righteous land?

So, Luke’s truth is comforting, he turns to the remnants of humanity in the souls of the night shelters, gives them hope.

- What is Luke’s truth? (Love and feel sorry for a person)

“Christ had pity on everyone and commanded us to”

“What you believe is what you believe”

“A man can do anything, he just wants to”

“To love – we must love the living, the living”

“If someone has not done good to someone, he has done something bad”

Which of the heroes (Luka, Satin or Bubnov) seemed to you the darkest character?

Which character's position is opposed to Luke's?

"Bubnova's Truth"

Who is it? (Kartuznik, 45 years old)

What does he do? (trying old, torn trousers on blanks for hats, wondering how to cut)

What do we know about him? (I was a furrier, I dyed furs, my hands were yellow from paint, I had my own establishment, but I lost everything)

How is he behaving? (Dissatisfied with everything, treats those around him with contempt, looks sullen, speaks in a sleepy voice, does not believe in anything sacred. This is the gloomiest figure in the text).

Find lines that characterize his worldview.

“Noise is not a hindrance to death”

“What is conscience for? I'm not rich"

“People all live... like wood chips floating down a river... They build a house, but the wood chips go away.”

“Everything is like this: they are born, they live, they die. And I will die... and you."

When Anna dies, he says: “That means she’s stopped coughing.” How would you rate it?

How do these words characterize him?

What is the truth about Bubnov? (Bubnov sees only negative side life, destroys the remnants of faith and hope in people. A skeptic, a cynic, he approaches life with evil pessimism).

Bubnov’s truth consists in exposing the seamy side of existence, this is the “truth of fact.” “What kind of truth do you need, Vaska? And for what? You know the truth about yourself... and everyone knows it...” he drives Ash into the doom of being a thief when he was trying to figure himself out. “That means I’ve stopped coughing,” he reacted to Anna’s death.

After listening to Luke’s allegorical story about his life at his dacha in Siberia and the harboring (rescue) of escaped convicts, Bubnov admitted: “But I... I don’t know how to lie! For what? In my opinion, tell the whole truth as it is! Why be ashamed?

Bubnov sees only the negative side of life and destroys the remnants of faith and hope in people, while Luka knows that in a kind word the ideal becomes real:“A person can teach goodness... very simply,” he concluded the story about life at the dacha, and in setting out the “story” of the righteous land, he reduced it to the fact that the destruction of faith kills a person.Luka (thoughtfully, to Bubnov): “Here... what you say is true... It’s true, it’s not always due to a person’s illness... you can’t always cure a soul with the truth...” Luke heals the soul.

Luka’s position is more humane and more effective than Bubnov’s naked truth, because it appeals to the remnants of humanity in the souls of the night shelters. For Luke, a person “no matter what he is, is always worth his price.”“I’m just saying that if someone hasn’t done good to someone, then they’ve done something bad.” "To caress a person never harmful."

Such a moral credo harmonizes relationships between people, abolishes the wolf principle, and ideally leads to the acquisition of internal completeness and self-sufficiency, the confidence that, despite external circumstances, a person has found truths that no one will ever take away from him

Satin becomes the spokesman for another life truth. One of the climaxes of the play is Satin’s famous monologues from the fourth act about man, truth, and freedom.

Reading Satin's monologue.

"The Truth of Satine"

How does this character appear in the play?

What do we understand from his first words?

(Appears with a growl. His first words indicate that he is a card sharper and a drunkard)

What have we learned about this man? (Once served in a telegraph office, was educated person. Satin loves to pronounce incomprehensible words. Which?

Organon – translated means “tool”, “organ of vision”, “mind”.

Sicambrus is an ancient Germanic tribe that means “dark man.”

Satin feels superior to other night shelters.

How did he end up in the shelter? (He went to prison because he stood up for his sister’s honor).

How does he feel about work? (“Make the work pleasant for me - maybe I will work... When work is pleasure, life is good! Work is a duty, life is slavery!

What does Satin see as the truth of life? (One of the climaxes of the play is Satin’s famous monologues about man, truth, and freedom.

“Lies are the religion of slaves and masters”

“Man is free, he pays for everything himself: for faith, for disbelief, for love, for intelligence...”

“Truth is the god of a free man.”

How, in his opinion, should a person be treated? (Respect. Do not humiliate with pity. Man - this sounds proud, says Satin).

- According to Satin, pity humiliates a person, respect elevates a person. What's more important?

Satin believes that a person should be respected.

Luke believes that a person should be pitied.

Let's look at the dictionary


    Feel pity, compassion;

    Reluctant to spend, spend;

    To feel affection for someone, to love


    Treat with respect;

    Be in love

What do they have in common? What is the difference?

So, each of the heroes has their own truth.

Luke - the comforting truth

Satin – respect for man, faith in man

Bubnov - the “cynical” truth

It is interesting that Satin supported his reasoning with the authority of Luke, the man in relation to whom we at the beginning of the playrepresented Satin as an antipode. Moreover,Satin's references to Luke in Act 4 prove the closeness of both."Old man? He’s a smart guy!.. He... acted on me like acid on an old and dirty coin... Let’s drink to his health!” “Man – that’s the truth! He understood this... you don’t!”

Actually, the “truth” and “lies” of Satin and Luke almost coincide.

Both believe that “a person must be respected” (emphasis on the last word) is not his “mask”; but they differ on how they should communicate their “truth” to people. After all, if you think about it, it is deadly for those who fall into its area.

If everything has faded away and one “naked” person remains, then “what’s next”? For the actor, this thought leads to suicide.

What role does Luke play in addressing the issue of “truth” in the play?

For Luke, the truth is in “comforting lies.” Luke takes pity on the man and entertains him with a dream. He promises Anna an afterlife, listens to Nastya’s fairy tales, and sends the Actor to a hospital. He lies for the sake of hope, and this is perhaps better than Bubnov’s cynical “truth,” “abomination and lies.” In the image of Luke there are allusions to the biblical Luke, who was one of the seventy disciples sent by the Lord “to every city and place where He Himself wanted to go.” Gorky's Luka makes the inhabitants of the bottom think about God and man, about the “better man,” about the highest calling of people.

“Luka” is also light. Luka comes to illuminate the Kostylevo basement with the light of new ideas, forgotten at the bottom of feelings. He talks about how it should be, what should be, and it is not at all necessary to look for in his reasoning practical recommendations or survival instructions.

Evangelist Luke was a doctor. Luke heals in his own way in the play - with his attitude to life, advice, words, sympathy, love.

Luke heals, but not everyone, but selectively, those who need words. His philosophy is revealed in relation to other characters. He sympathizes with the victims of life: Anna, Natasha, Nastya. Teaches, giving practical advice, Ashes, Actor. Understandingly, meaningfully, often without words, he explains with the smart Bubnov. Skillfully avoids unnecessary explanations.

Luke is flexible and soft. “They crumpled a lot, that’s why it’s soft...” he said in the finale of Act 1.

Luke with his “lies” is sympathetic to Satin. “Dubier... keep quiet about the old man!.. The old man is not a charlatan!.. He lied... but it’s out of pity for you, damn you!” And yet Luke’s “lies” do not suit him. “Lies are the religion of slaves and masters! Truth is the god of a free man!”

Thus, while rejecting the “truth” of Bubnov, Gorky does not deny either the “truth” of Satin or the “truth” of Luke. Essentially, he identifies two truths: “truth-truth” and “truth-dream”

Features of Gorky's humanism. Problem Human in Gorky's play "At the Depths".

Gorky put his truth about man and overcoming the dead end into the mouths of Actor, Luka and Satin.

At the beginning of the play, indulging in theatrical memories,Actor selflessly spoke about the miracle of talent - the game of transforming a person into a hero. Responding to Satin’s words about books read and education, he divided education and talent: “Education is nonsense, the main thing is talent”; “I say talent, that’s what a hero needs. And talent is faith in yourself, in your strength...”

It is known that Gorky admired knowledge, education, and books, but he valued talent even more highly. Through the Actor, he polemically, maximalistically sharpened and polarized two facets of the spirit: education as a sum of knowledge and living knowledge - a “system of thought.”

In monologuesSatina the ideas of Gorky's thoughts about man are confirmed.

Man – “he is everything. He even created God"; “man is the receptacle of the living God”; “Faith in the powers of thought... is a person’s faith in himself.” So in Gorky’s letters. And so - in the play: “A person can believe and not believe... that’s his business! Man is free... he pays for everything himself... Man - that’s the truth! What is a person... it is you, me, them, the old man, Napoleon, Mohammed... in one... In one - all the beginnings and ends... Everything is in a person, everything is for a person! Only man exists, everything else is the work of his hands and his brain!”

The Actor was the first to speak about talent and self-confidence. Satin summarized everything. What is the roleBows ? He carries the ideas of transformation and improvement of life, dear to Gorky, at the cost of human creative efforts.

“And that’s all, I see, smarter people They’re becoming more and more interesting... and even though they live, they’re getting worse, but they want to be better... stubborn!” - the elder opens up in the first act, referring to the common aspirations of everyone for a better life.

Then, in 1902, Gorky shared his observations and moods with V. Veresaev: “The mood for life is growing and expanding, cheerfulness and faith in people are becoming more and more noticeable, and - life is good on earth - by God!” The same words, the same thoughts, even the same intonations in the play and the letter.

In the fourth actSatin remembered and reproduced Luke’s answer to his question “Why do people live?”: “And - for the best, people live... For a hundred years... and maybe more - for better man live!.. That's it, my dear, that's all, as it is, they live for the best! That’s why every person must be respected... We don’t know who he is, why he was born and what he can do...” And he himself, continuing to talk about a person, said, repeating Luke: “We must respect a person! Don’t feel sorry... don’t humiliate him with pity... you have to respect him!” Satin repeated Luke, speaking about respect, did not agree with him, speaking about pity, but something else is more important - the idea of ​​​​a “better person”.

The statements of the three characters are similar, and, mutually reinforcing, they work on the problem of the triumph of Man.

In one of Gorky’s letters we read: “I am sure that man is capable of endless improvement, and all his activities will also develop with him... from century to century. I believe in the infinity of life...” Again Luka, Satin, Gorky - about one thing.

3. What is the significance of the 4th act of Gorky’s play?

In this act, the situation is the same, but the previously sleepy thoughts of the tramps begin to “ferment.”

It started with Anna's death scene.

Luke says over the dying woman: “Much merciful Jesus Christ! Receive the spirit of your newly departed servant Anna in peace...” But last words Anna had words about life : “Well... a little more... I wish I could live... a little more! If there is no flour there... here we can be patient... we can!”

How to evaluate these words of Anna - as a victory for Luke or as his defeat? Gorky does not give a definite answer; it is possible to comment on this phrase in different ways. One thing is clear:

Anna spoke for the first timeabout life positively thanks to Luke.

In the last act, a strange, completely unconscious rapprochement of the “bitter brethren” takes place. In the 4th act, Kleshch repaired Alyoshka’s harmonica, after testing the frets, the already familiar prison song began to sound. And this ending is perceived in two ways. You can do this: you can’t escape from the bottom - “The sun rises and sets... but it’s dark in my prison!” It can be done differently: at the cost of death, a person ended the song of tragic hopelessness...

SuicideActor interrupted the song.

What prevents homeless shelters from changing their lives for the better? Fatal mistake Natasha is in disbelief of people, of Ash (“I somehow don’t believe... any words”), hoping together to change fate.

“That’s why I’m a thief, because no one ever thought of calling me by another name... Call me... Natasha, well?”

Her answer is convinced, mature:“There’s nowhere to go... I know... I thought... But I don’t trust anyone.”

One word of faith in a person could change the lives of both, but it was not spoken.

The Actor, for whom creativity is the meaning of life, a calling, also did not believe in himself. The news of the Actor's death came after Satin's famous monologues, shading them in contrast: he couldn't cope, he couldn't play, but he could have, he didn't believe in himself.

All the characters in the play are in the zone of action of the seemingly abstract Good and Evil, but they become quite concrete when it comes to fate, attitudes, relationships with the life of each of them. characters. And they connect people with good and evil through their thoughts, words and deeds. They directly or indirectly affect life. Life is a way of choosing your direction between good and evil. In the play, Gorky examined man and tested his capabilities. The play is devoid of utopian optimism, as well as the other extreme - disbelief in man. But one conclusion is indisputable: “Talent is what a hero needs. And talent is faith in yourself, your strength...”

The aphoristic language of Gorky's play.

Teacher. One of characteristic features Gorky's creativity is aphoristic. It is characteristic of both the author’s speech and the speech of the characters, which is always sharply individual. Many aphorisms of the play “At the Depth,” like the aphorisms of the “Songs” about the Falcon and the Petrel, became popular. Let's remember some of them.

To which characters in the play do the following aphorisms, proverbs, and sayings belong?

a) Noise is not a hindrance to death.

b) Such a life that just as you got up in the morning, you started howling.

c) Expect some sense from the wolf.

d) When work is a duty, life is slavery.

e) Not a single flea is bad: all are black, all jump.

e) Where it is warm for an old man, there is his homeland.

g) Everyone wants order, but there is a lack of reason.

h) If you don’t like it, don’t listen, and don’t bother lying.

(Bubnov - a, b, g; Luka - d, f; Satin - g, Baron - h, Ash - c.)

Bottom line. Whose truth is closer to you?


Express your attitude towards your work in class.

    Subject - your name

    Appendix 2 – evaluation of your work in class

    Verb 3 – describing the actions of the object, i.e. how you worked in the lesson

    A 4-word phrase expressing your attitude towards your work in class

    Summary – assessment

Today we are convinced that everyone has their own truth. Perhaps you have not yet decided what positions in life you will adhere to in the future. I hope you choose the right path.

IV. Homework. Write your reasoning, expressingyoursattitude towards the work read

What is the meaning of the dispute between Luke and Satin?

Which side do you take in the “truth” debate?

What problems raised by M. Gorky in the play “At the Lower Depths” did not leave you indifferent?

Three truths in M. Gorky’s play “At the Depths”

The play “At the Lower Depths” (1902) is perhaps the most famous drama by M. Gorky. This work can be called a socio-philosophical drama, since it contains acute critical issues relating to human existence.
In my opinion, the main one among them is the question of truth - its essence, role in human life, the versatility and ambiguity of this phenomenon. Throughout the play, the characters painfully decide what is more important to them - reality or illusions, truth or lies.
All of them are “former people” who once led a “normal” lifestyle - had a job, family, friends. But on various reasons, these heroes ended up at the “bottom of life” - in a shelter. Gorky emphasizes that now social differences between his characters are erased, what remains are just people with their character and worldview, with their individual point of view on the world and man.
It is from this position that each of the characters expresses their opinion regarding the role of truth in life. So, Actor, Anna, Natasha, Nastya, as well as Vaska Ash and Kleshch prefer not the harsh truth, and life in one’s own illusions: “I rebelled very much against the truth... that’s how it should be! True - what is the truth here? And without her, I can’t breathe..."
It is illusions that help them maintain faith in a better future, in miraculous changes that will help these characters become happier.
And the heroes really need this, because each of them has lost something very important in life: the Actor - the opportunity to create on stage, the mechanic Klesh - a permanent job, the young woman Nastya - love.
Real situation"believers" is in terrible contrast to their hopes. Everything around speaks of the groundlessness of their faith. The “non-believing” neighbors constantly remind the homeless shelters of this. These include the skeptic Bubnov (mainly), Baron and Satin. These heroes gladly expose the illusions of those suffering salvation: “Whoever is weak in soul... and who lives on other people’s juices - those who need lies... some are supported by it, others hide behind it...”
Thus, from the very beginning of the play, the problem of truth is seen as a conflict between the truth of dreams and the truth of reality. This conflict intensifies and worsens with the appearance of the wanderer Luke in the shelter.
This hero is distinguished by his great kindness and love for people, sincere respect and compassion for them: “ it really possible to abandon a person like that? Whatever it is, it is always worth its price...”
Luka believes that a person’s life needs to be made easier, and he can help with this kind word and hope given or supported in time in a person. The motto of this hero: “What you believe in is what you believe in...”
And it turns out that this wanderer with his life philosophy is extremely necessary for the night shelters - they need consolation and encouragement in order to continue to fight for life or accept their fate with humility. It is Luka who helps Anna come to terms with her miserable life and imminent death: “Nothing! You can rest there!.. Be patient a little longer! Everyone, dear, endures... everyone endures life in their own way...” It is he who revives the Actor’s hope for recovery. It is he who supports Nastya, showing respect for her: “Respect the person... it’s not the word that matters, but why the word is said? - that's the problem!"
And we see that before Luka’s forced departure, the well-being of the night shelters is noticeably improving: most of them have a growing belief in the possibility of living better, some are already taking the first steps towards gaining human dignity. Luke managed to inspire faith and hope in people, warming their souls with his sympathy. Even the cynic Bubnov changed under his influence - at the end of the play he invites his neighbors to share a meal with him.
But after the wanderer leaves, the overnight stayers very quickly lose their faith again, and the Actor, unable to withstand the harsh reality, even commits suicide. Is Luke to blame for this? To a certain extent, yes. He could not see that the shelters were so weak and downtrodden that they were unable to independently maintain faith in the best, their hope. However, Luka is not to blame for their weakness - he sincerely tried to make the life of his temporary neighbors easier.
Satin also feels this sincerity in the hero: “The old man is not a charlatan! What is the truth? Man - that's the truth! He understood this...” This character is convinced (and in many ways these are the thoughts of Gorky himself) that the most main value in life - a person, his soul, his feelings, his life. A person is beautiful when he is free in his manifestations, when he has the opportunity to realize himself to the fullest. Then he is like God: “Man...that sounds proud!”
It is for humanistic reasons that Satin argues that a person does not need to be humiliated by lies, he is worthy only of the truth: “Lies are the religion of slaves and masters... Truth is the god of a free man!” And in these words of his there is a loud call for fundamental social changes in Russia.
What is Gorky's own position regarding the problem of truth? In my opinion, his position is ambiguous. I think the writer believed that in his contemporary social conditions, given the tendency of the Russian person to “cry but do nothing,” the truth is more necessary than a compassionate lie. Another time will come and compassion will become one of the most important values. human society. But for now, says Gorky, people are faced with other tasks, and lies in modern life there can be no place.
Thus, in the play “At the Bottom” the author acutely raised one of the important socio-philosophical problems - the problem of truth and lies in human life. The writer tried to reveal this issue in a multifaceted way - to show several opposing points of view, two antagonistic truths - the truth of reality and illusion. But, besides them, there is a third truth in the drama - the opinion of the author himself, who tried to find a compromise between the opinions of his characters, identify the rational grain in them and get as close as possible to the truth.

In the play “At the Bottom,” M. Gorky strives not only to depict a terrible reality to draw attention to the plight of disadvantaged people. He created a truly innovative philosophical and journalistic drama. The content of the seemingly disparate episodes is a tragic collision of three truths, three ideas about life.

The first truth is Bubnov's truth, it can be called the truth of fact. Bubnov is convinced that a person is born to die and there is no need to feel sorry for him: “Everything is like this: they are born, they live, they die. And I will die... and you... Why regret it... You are superfluous everywhere... and all the people on earth are superfluous.” As we see, Bubnov completely denies himself and others; his despair is generated by unbelief. For him, the truth is a cruel, murderous oppression of inhumane circumstances.

Luke's truth is the truth of compassion and faith in God. Taking a closer look at the tramps, he finds words of consolation for each. He is sensitive, kind to those who need help, he instills hope in everyone: he tells Actor about a hospital for alcoholics, advises Ash to go to Siberia, Anna talks about happiness in the afterlife. What Luke says is not simply a lie. Rather, he inspires the belief that from any hopeless situation there is an exit. “People are looking for everything, everyone wants what’s best, God give them patience!” - Luke says sincerely and adds: “Whoever seeks will find... You just need to help them...” Luke brings saving faith to people. He thinks that with pity, compassion, mercy, attention to a person, one can heal his soul, so that the lowest thief understands: “You have to live better! You have to live like this... so that you can... respect yourself..."

The third truth is Satin's truth. He believes in man as in God. He believes that a person can believe in himself and rely on his own strength. He sees no point in pity and compassion. “What good will it do you if I take pity on you?” - he asks Mite.. And then he says his famous monologue about man: “Only man exists, everything else is the work of his hands and his brain! Human! It's great! It sounds proud!” Satin is not just talking about strong personality. He talks about a person who is capable of rebuilding the world at his own discretion, creating new laws of the universe - about a man-god.

Three truths in the play tragically collide, which determines exactly the ending of the play. The problem is that in every truth there is a part of a lie and that the very concept of truth is multidimensional. A striking example to this - and at the same time the moment of collision of different truths - Satin's monologue about a proud man. This monologue is pronounced by a drunken, despondent man. And the question immediately arises: is this drunk, degenerate person the same one who “sounds proud”? A positive answer is doubtful, but if it is negative, then what about the fact that “only man exists? Does this mean that Satin, who is speaking this monologue, does not exist? It turns out that in order to perceive the truth of Satin’s words about a proud man, one must not see Satin, whose appearance is also true.

It's scary that an inhumane society kills and maims human souls. But the main thing in the play is that M. Gorky made his contemporaries feel injustice even more acutely social order, made me think about man and his freedom. He says in his play: we must live without putting up with untruth and injustice, but not destroy our kindness, compassion, and mercy.

The play “At the Lower Depths” was written on June 15, 1902, and premiered on stage on December 31 of the same year. It changed many names during the development process and overcame many obstacles due to censorship in Russian theaters, but remains interesting to this day, because in it you can find the truth about life " former people”, that is, the social lower classes of society, hence its name, to which we are so accustomed.

You can talk a lot about why Gorky didn’t give it a title, for example, “Without the Sun” or “Nochlezhka,” but the most interesting thing, in my opinion, is to talk about the conflict of this play.

I want to start with the fact that in the play we can notice three “truths”, each of which is true in its own way, they are the conflict of the work.

The “truth” of the wanderer Luke is that if a person needs a lie in order to live, he needs to lie, for this will be a lie for the greater good. Without it, a person may not be able to withstand the difficult truth and die altogether, since everyone needs consolation to continue the fight against despondency. The hero's speech is aphoristic, and in it you can see him life position. For example, the hero believes that: “What you believe in is what it is.”

There is also a second “truth”, which is displayed in the image of Satin, who is a cheater and an alcoholic. In the past, he was a telegraph operator, but he dared to kill a man and went to prison, and so he ended up in a shelter, carrying his “truth” that lying is a religion of slaves and you can’t lie to anyone, anywhere. Satin believes that a person should be respected, and not humiliated with pity. According to Konstantin, a person should not despair, and it is in his monologues that the author’s position is observed: “Truth is the god of a free man!”

The third “truth” is that you need to say everything straight, as it is, and this is Bubnov’s truth. He believes that there is no point in lying, since everyone will die sooner or later anyway.

Each person decides for himself which “truth” is closer to him, but the most difficult thing is to do right choice, because the life of a person, or even hundreds of people, may depend on it. I believe that the truth proposed by Satin is closer to me, since I think that a person should always be aware of his worth and be respected. Lies will always exist, whether we want it or not, because without evil, as we know, there would be no good. However, it cannot be cultivated and turned into an idea, justifying it with an illusory good. Everyone has their own understanding of “good,” and if we begin to deceive each other in order to achieve a “higher” goal, then we will only sow evil. The dispute over whose truth is more truthful will be resolved by force, and there will be no time for respect and value human life and personality.

Luka leaves, as do abstract ideals under pressure real life. What can he, a tramp and a beggar, advise people? How can I help you? Only to instill destructive vain hope, which, when it leaves, will break a person into smithereens.

In conclusion, I want to write that fair man much stronger and kinder than a liar: he is not indifferent if he tries to find the truth and show it to you, and not hide it or “not notice” out of banal indifference to your fate. A liar irresponsibly and cold-bloodedly takes advantage of gullibility and betrays it, and to an honest man you have to break through the armor of mistrust and act directly for your good. He doesn't use you or fool you for fun. Luka was also neither calculating nor funny, but he was far from real life and immersed in his own illusions. Satin is a realist; he has seen more in his time. This kind of prodigal son learned from his own experience how a person needs respect and truth, which, who knows, could have warned him in due time from a fatal mistake.

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In an interview about the play “At the Lower Depths” in 1903, M. Gorky defined its meaning as follows: “The main question that I wanted to pose is what is better, truth or compassion? What is more needed? Is it necessary to take compassion to the point of using lies? This is not a subjective question, but a general philosophical one.” At the beginning of the 20th century, the debate about truth and comforting illusions was associated with a practical search for a way out for the disadvantaged, oppressed part of society. In the play, this dispute takes on a special intensity, since we're talking about about the fate of people mercilessly thrown overboard by capitalist society. However, the debate that goes on in it also concerns the worldview of our contemporaries; it is important for understanding and assessing the social and moral problems of today.

In the plot of the play there is an event that affects the life of the shelter as a whole, disrupting its usual course. This is the coming of Luke. The image of Luke is associated with the development of the philosophical plan of the play, posing the question of the possibilities and purpose of man. What changed with the appearance of Luke? Among the irritated voices, hysterical screams, abuse, a gentle, kind word sounded, and tired people, who had lost faith in everything, reached out to him. With the appearance of Luka, the room seems to become brighter and more comfortable. The “amusing old man” attracts the attention of night shelters with his friendliness, sociability, and natural behavior. It costs him nothing to adapt to new people, be they “honest people” or swindlers, and to any situation. Great experience and inner balance shine through in his well-spoken speeches. He traveled a lot, saw a lot in his lifetime, and got into trouble more than once. Luka understands a lot and accurately evaluates people. He rushes to help those who suffer the most. Luke sincerely pities people and wants to “caress them, do them at least something good, give them at least a drop of honey,” however, his kindness is not unlimited: as soon as danger arises for himself, the “crafty old man” prefers to hide.

Gorky's attitude towards Luka is evident in the depiction of his character, in the identification of his subjective aspirations, in the depiction of the objective results of his consolation. Is it necessary to console a person by instilling illusions in him, resorting to lies, or is it necessary to reveal the truth to him, no matter how difficult it may be? Luka and Gorky give different answers to this question. Who did Luke’s “pleasant tales” help? Having lost faith in the existence of the hospital and in the possibility of rebirth, the Actor hanged himself. Nastya realized that there was and never will be any Gastoshi. Completely broken, embittered, she is close to suicide. Vaska Pepel finds himself in prison, his dream of getting to the “golden side” will not come true. Luke saw the man as small, powerless, in need of compassion. His consolation accustoms a person to humility, submission, passivity, and leads him away from his real attitude towards life.

I, like Gorky, am for the truth. The writer sees the truth that he proclaimed through the lips of Satin. This truth lies in the recognition of the strength, greatness of man, his right to better life. “Man... This is huge! This is where all the beginnings and ends are... Everything is in man, everything is for man!” Satin saw a person as free and worthy of respect. The person Satin is talking about does not need lies, for “lie is the religion of slaves and masters!”

Related to the debate about truth and comforting lies is the problem of imaginary and genuine humanism. Gorky's humanism does not exclude sympathy and compassion for people. But Luke, pitying people, does not believe in the possibility of changing their lives and sows illusions that lead away from the bitter truth, and in essence, reconcile with it. Gorky believes in man, in his mind and will, in his ability to actively influence the course of life.

I believe that any white lie humiliates a person. If they lie to a person, it means that they consider him weak, mentally and physically, incapable of committing an act, changing his life for the better, i.e., an inferior person, defective. And no matter how beautiful and inspired this lie may be, it will not bring relief. Even poor, exhausted Anna Luka cannot be deceived by beautiful fairy tales about the afterlife and reconciled with death. Anna doesn’t want to “die with joy”: “...I wish I could live... a little!” If there is no flour there... you can be patient here. . Can!" A person should be respected, not pitied.