Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Retrograde Saturn. Can you give me some illustrative example? Retrograde Saturn - Individuality

(translation of article by Dr.Shanker Adawal)

Retrograde Saturn, no matter where it is placed in the chart, always represents neglect of responsibilities in a past or previous life. With Saturn retrograde, a person comes into the current life with a tendency to continue the same goals that he left unfinished in the previous life as undone.

Saturn can be a benefactor or a bringer of suffering and obstacles, depending on the ways in which the person has formed in the past. The qualities of the zodiac sign in which Saturn retrograde is located clearly indicate responsibilities ignored, canceled or not completed in the past. If, for example, Saturn is retrograde in Leo, then the responsibility of management has not been finalized or has been used incorrectly. If Saturn is in Cancer, then the feelings, mercy and indicators of Cancer were ignored in the past, the mind was used for other purposes.

Effects of Saturn regression in different houses:

1st House: Reverse Saturn in the 1st house shows that the person has not developed flexibility in the previous life and has set his own paths based on personal rigid opinions. The native has problems of a personality nature and to be sound, observant, responsible, Saturn R offers a flexible approach and caution in regulating situations.

2nd House: Saturn in regression established in the 2nd house reflects a materialistic approach to life in the past in exclusive possession - everything is mine, appropriating someone else's wealth. Therefore, Saturn in the second house treats a person through denial, restrictions, disappointments of material resources, adapting a person to manage material resources through frugality or accumulation. (Only through karma can a person have wealth).

3rd House: Removal of responsibility regarding brothers and sisters in the past (shifted all efforts of responsibility onto them), current life, to the fullest extent possible, consistently forces one to take responsibility for relatives, regardless of the possibility of being able to fulfill it or not.

4th House: Neglect or abuse of human feelings towards mother, education, residence (home), Saturn tends to establish a constructive atmosphere at home and its environment - relatives, regardless of the efforts of the native.

5th House: In this position, Saturn in regression will talk about the problems that children bring (especially in the modern world, children early become addicted to vicious habits, which naturally brings suffering, grief, and disappointment to their parents). (Or it delays the birth of children, giving them the opportunity to comprehend and realize their unworthy deeds). Natural creativity has been spoiled by negligence or other indicators. Treatment - cultivate good attitude to the children.

6th House: Here Saturn monitors the concepts - duty, diligence, official obligations, unnecessary or hard painstaking work with minimum wage, working conditions, the ability to work for a long time. painstaking, focused work - if this is not there, then there is something to work on. Saturn polishes the edges of the “diamond” life experience in serving a group, collective or humanity as a whole with patience, without expecting reward and support from others, which brings results for past non-participation or avoidance.

7th House: Past infringement or limitation of interests of partners, harsh behavior towards partnership, reverse Saturn in the 7th house leaves a person to make the only alternative solution to partnership in marriage or in business (business) - learn compromise and negotiations in order to correct the lack of trust in each other to friend.

8th House: Seeking truth in secret knowledge, higher study of metaphysical sciences and transmission to others, providing a helping hand in this sector of acquisitions, mitigates the result of neglect or misuse of secret knowledge. This is the significance of Saturn in regression in the 8th house.

9th House: A dogmatic approach to religion, establishing violence and cruelty (I think we should also look at the aspect of Mars), expressed in religious persecution and its philosophy towards life - has impoverished dharma (spiritual purpose). The task is to cultivate the qualities of a cosmopolitan and find your destiny, guarding the light of truth, endowing yourself and others with faith and wonderful inspiration.

10th House: Saturn in regression in the 10th house shows a person a method of performing professional skills, far from the standards, but necessary in a professional environment, lending a shoulder to help colleagues grow in society. And his own growth depends on the trust of others in him, how much he earns it.

12th House: The need for solitude and impersonal service. Abilities in the field of psychology and a deep understanding of life processes. Asceticism, the ability to overcome any difficulties and hardships. - These qualities are carried over into this incarnation to complete their task, taking into account the unaffected Saturn in the 12th house.

Affected Saturn produces isolation and severe, long-term depression.

11th House: house of profit and growth - An unbridled thirst for the illegal fulfillment of desires and aspirations, goals and aspirations in the past by any means, puts the influence of retrograde Saturn as a limiter to this thirst, forcing a person to put overtime to fulfill desires without any guarantees to balance this area.

12/02/2010 | Visitors: 109440

Article by Lynn Koiner. Retrogrades in the Natal Horoscope.

All planets, with the exception of the Sun and Moon, have a retrograde period. Retrograde motion is when a planet moves in the opposite direction when viewed from earth. When you see Venus/Mercury rising before the Sun, which means they are moving in (to) retrograde (y) motion. Mercury begins its retrograde phase when it outpaces the Sun by about 14 degrees, and Venus by about 30 degrees. Mercury is retrograde for 3 weeks 3 times a year, and Venus is retrograde for 19 months. Other planets only go retrograde when they are in opposition to the Sun. In a natal chart, any planet in opposition to the Sun will always be retrograde. The Sun can also form trines to retrograde planets.

* Mars is in retrograde motion for a little less than 2.5 months over the course of two years;

* Jupiter and Pluto are retrograde every year;

* Jupiter is retrograde for 4 months;

* Saturn and Pluto are retrograde for 5 months;

When a planet is retrograde, it acts differently. Often, this is the time when something needs to be changed, or the beginning of internal, psychological work, in order to express it externally in the future (the results of this work).

Mercury retrograde

When Mercury is retrograde, thought processes are more introverted and deep. Before implementing personal affairs externally, they must be well thought out. This means that if you want to discuss something (of a personal nature) with a person who has such a signature in his natal chart, then you must first warn him about it. If you want an immediate answer from this person, then you will not get an honest answer; he needs time to think everything through carefully.

They need a lot of time in order to correctly understand the question and formulate their thoughts (consistently, so that there are no pitfalls), they are afraid of not taking something into account, of making a mistake if they were not prepared in advance.

They prefer not to make hasty conclusions.

They can easily discuss topics that do not affect their (themselves) internal state. Since this has already been understood/thought about before...

When they are asked personal questions, they feel: “wait, we need to think about this, look at it from different angles.”

They have good perception because they know how to feel things deeply. Their perceptions (perceptions) are very individual.

They prefer analysis by thinking (“what if?”, “what if so?”, “and if this is not true, then maybe...”). In truly complex matters, they are rarely superficial; they tend to analyze, double-check, and do until they feel inner satisfaction.

They strive for absolute knowledge in order to be confident in words like: “always” or “never.”

Many people feel that they have never spoken like a child, that is, thoughtlessly.

Their mental activity tends to be clearer, deeper and more subjective. They may be prone to “day-dream” (during the day, their consciousness is directed inward, they may seem to be distracted and do not care what is happening in the outside world). This is especially true if Mercury is in cadent houses (3, 6, 9, 12); this is even more pronounced if there is an aspect with Neptune, it goes into its own world.

Position in 3-6-12 houses can lead to dyslexia, attention deficit disorder, cognitive disorders. One child was deaf in one ear, and he tried to compensate by eavesdropping often (to make sure that his hearing would remain intact while they were not listening).

This is the signature of a scientific thinker. Many astronauts have had Mercury retrograde.

Speed ​​of Mercury

The speed of Mercury indicates at what speed a person will process (understand) information efficiently. One of my friends Mercury was very fast (moving at a speed of 2 degrees per day), he thought very quickly and clearly. She had the rare gift of thinking quickly with less time available for reflection.

Those born with Mercury retrograde take longer to process information, but their solutions to problems are more insightful and wise.

I ANSWER: “I have learned that when something is quickly presented, I say: “I need time to think.”

Mercury in the 2nd house can be a speculator or a shopaholic.

Mercury in 3rd/4th house

Needs calm in order to think correctly. This often applies to Venus R in these houses. They have a problem with concentration when they are distracted by something at home (“well, when will she arrive? I’m worried,” “what’s wrong with her? 0_o suddenly she: (! but I need to finish my diploma today, I can’t! I’m worried about her").

Mercury in the 3rd house

Tendency to explore, but they can only do this when they are calm. They can be slow because they need to have all the facts to begin with (ie, understand the basics).

Mercury in the 5th house

They may think more than create, but this is a matter of time. They are often good teachers. They are successful in games that require enormous concentration.

Mercury in the 6th house

Here we meet someone who is highly skilled in their work, they may take a lot of time to collect all the facts, otherwise they do not feel solid ground under their feet.

Mercury in the 7th house

Experiences difficulties in forming their opinion about marriage, they can get married at lightning speed and then change their mind. They often have problems understanding each other with their partner.

Mercury in the 8th house

Ideal for exploring 8th house themes.

Mercury in the 9th house

They may be ardent information collectors, constantly worrying that they cannot gather all the necessary information to form a coherent image. Any planet in the 9th house can serve as an indicator that there is interference with learning; something always interferes or distracts. Often, breaks in study.

Mercury in the 12th house

Performs well in psychological research. My friend works as a therapist in prison. She says that she has a lot of irrational thoughts, which she raises with great difficulty to awareness; there is constant chaos in her thoughts. She doesn't show others how bad she feels. They (in general) may have trouble sleeping.

Venus retrograde

Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven.

An innate feeling of lack of ability to love, which was brought from a past life (and what was not brought from the past? :D). Sometimes, they feel that in childhood there were no manifestations of love for them (manifestations of love could have been for them, they probably simply were not understood). This is a real karmic pattern brought from the past. They have a feeling that they are: unlovable, unworthy, they learn to appreciate what others often overlook. This may motivate them to philanthropic actions, or they may only attract those people who they (with R Venus) believe are much better than them.

They have great potential for manifesting selfless goals.

Several years ago I looked at the horoscopes of the great saviors who participated in the Second World War. Many of them feel that others are much more valuable than themselves, that is, others are much more important than me (the owner of R Venus), they risked their lives to help the Jews escape from the Nazis.

My neighbor has Venus retrograde in the 9th house and has never been interested in having a lot of money. In his life he often communicated with spiritual teachers. Currently he has gone to China and is teaching English there. I see a pattern that people with this signature go to less developed countries to teach the population English. They do not earn much money from their work, because they, first of all, feel that the main thing is to help others, not themselves.

Emotional frozenness is possible due to fear of rejection.

They are often very worried about the fact that they don’t succeed like everyone else, they don’t like what the majority loves and appreciates, because of this they are often misunderstood, and they are forced to spend their lives alone.

Let me give you an example: One woman was overweight, but very attractive, her mother knew that she would never become a beauty queen. She always felt that she was not loved because she appearance was not one her mother would have liked. The rest spoke of her as a very beautiful and attractive woman. As her Venus progressed and became directive, she accepted herself for who she was and began to appreciate beauty based on her opinion.

Sometimes they feel that they are not worthy of attention.

They can be asocial, they feel more comfortable in one-on-one interactions, they do not need the public to look at them and admire them. They do not like superficial relationships with people. They are “not sociable guys.”

Reply to comment: “I have always had problems with my peers. I grew up early, early in life, after my mother died.” She talks about learning compassion and understanding of other people. However, I noticed that she allowed men to take advantage of her. She is afraid to say no to people because she is afraid of offending them. Now she lives alone. These people have a deep resentment towards arrogant people.

CHANGING MOVEMENT R TO D: Sandra Leigh-Serio gave a lecture on this topic. She noticed when Venus changes its type of movement (this a rare event), it has a huge impact on the feeling of intimacy in general.

Venus in the 2nd

Inner insecurity can make these people crave financial security. They may marry for money, but this is only to avoid this feeling.

EXAMPLE: One woman with Venus retrograde in Aquarius in the 2nd house was a prostitute who fell in love with her clients and served them for free. She complained that she didn't have enough money. But, she still wanted to have some money and a small property, so as not to feel like a nobody.

Another person with Venus retrograde in the 2nd house in Aquarius loved to give gifts to other people so that they would appreciate him...he was a very loving person.

Venus in 3rd/4th house

They need peace and tranquility in their environment. They do not want to quarrel, argue, or establish themselves in their environment.

Venus in the 6th house

May underestimate himself and his work. Some people, when doing their work, may be very worried about the results, because... they didn't do it exactly the way they wanted. Often, they do not charge money for their work.

Venus in the 7th house

Suggests you like reserved/taciturn/modest/"those you'd like to reveal." They will not demand anything from their partner, and are ready to accept him as he is.

Venus in the 9th house

Often they are married to someone who is socially marginal in some sense. This can give them a feeling of superiority. Delays in education - they may let others pass ahead of themselves, they may be afraid to express their opinions, they may get carried away with helping their friends/acquaintances and completely forget about their assignments.

Venus in the 10th house

Their timidity is noticeable to everyone. They allow the boss to dominate, they are afraid to contradict.

Venus in the 11th house

They can easily make sacrifices for the sake of the group.

Venus in the 12th

Contains the meaning of Venus retrograde in general. She has a lot of emotional experiences, she can sacrifice everything for the sake of others, because she does not love herself, she underestimates herself. They can help poor people. Their values ​​are different from the generally accepted ones. Happiness comes when they realize why they chose this path, when they realize it. They feel they don't deserve to ask anyone for help.

Retrograde Mars

Mars rules our endeavors, shows how we take initiative, and also how we express anger.

When I see what's in the natal chart retrograde Mars, this often means that the person comes from a family in which no one knew how to express and manage anger.

Reactions, aggressive actions of retrograde Mars manifest themselves internally in some way. At first glance, everything seems calm, but a volcano may be raging inside. In other cases, anger is expressed completely inappropriately, the person may shake, etc. And perhaps he will constantly look askance, in a passive-aggressive state.

These people don't know how to express their indignation.

That house where Mars is retrograde is where you gurgle (keep your anger inside) and BANG! – a sharp release occurs. They keep their anger inside them serious problems with its pouring out.

They are uncomfortable in competitive competitions, preferring to work alone or in secondary roles (this can manifest itself through the encouragement and support of others...for example, as a coach).

EXAMPLE: A client with retrograde Mars in Libra has difficulty dismissing employees. As an owner successful business, she hired an aggressive woman who likes to fire... that's her job.

Internal anger can lead to psycho-somatic disorders, such as depression. These people are often prone to minor troubles, which is called “33 misfortunes” or “someone who gets into all sorts of accidents more often than others.”


* in situations where there is aggression, I keep my mouth shut and tell myself “I am calm”;

* As a rule, drunk people rarely show their anger. When the drunk stops drinking, their real anger becomes apparent;

* self-destruction, as well as great severity towards oneself;

* they often complain, but do not often rush to solve these problems;

* they suppress their anger until it becomes invisible outwardly (as long as others do not see it);

* her father was an alcoholic and a rude person, but she learned to talk to him in such a way as not to add coal to the stove;

* these people suppress their anger well, but also their ambitions. One woman said “we struggle with this all our lives”;

TRANSITION OF MARS FROM R TO D: My husband has Mars retrograde in his natal chart, and five others retrograde planets. When his progressed Mars began moving direct, he stopped drinking, participated in “12-step recovery,” got divorced, and began studying Poekelan (an Indonesian martial art).

Mars in the 2nd house

There is sabotage (deliberately disrupting an event) - a pattern with anger - he can work hard, save money, and one day get angry with his wife, collect all his money and buy a Porsche... after that, he will calm down again and start saving money .

Mars in 3rd/4th house

He tries to get along with his family, and then, BANG! He hasn't spoken to them for two years. In the 3rd house, a person's behavior at school can change dramatically from a good boy to a bandit.

Mars in the 5th house

Great for motivating other people to be creative. Dancing or helps them realize their energies.

Mars in the 12th house

Frequent frustrations and passive-aggressive behavior that others notice, but not them. Very good position to help the disadvantaged.

Retrograde Jupiter

Some manifestations of retrograde planets are quite good, retrograde Jupiter good for that confirmation. When Jupiter is direct, there is harmony with the outside world. The energy of its manifestation is that which is acceptable to the majority.

When Jupiter is retrograde, if you have materialistic goals, you will find that when you achieve them, you do not feel satisfied, and the more you achieve externally, the more dissatisfied you will feel.

They can search for a long time, but as long as they look inside themselves, they understand that there is nothing here that will help them calm down.

There is always doubt inside. They are always in search of giving their lives spiritual, philosophical meaning.

Jupiter is direct in my natal chart, I always collect knowledge and information. But if my Jupiter was retrograde, then I needed something that would enrich me internally and give me a true understanding of life.

Retrograde Jupiter looks deep, it looks beyond external manifestations. I often tell students: “where a retrograde Jupiter is present in a person’s natal chart, there the person can revive something that previously seemed dead or forgotten (by everyone, including).”

Jupiter plays a big role in accepting/receiving approval. Retrograde Jupiter is very selective in these matters. One person with retrograde Jupiter said: “everyone in my family was happy that I looked (in socially) looked good, but I was always unsatisfied." He believes that this is deception, happiness, first of all, is inside.

Retrograde Jupiter in 2nd-6th-8th houses

Has a natural healing ability, but they don't always work in places where they heal physically. Earth signs and Scorpio have natural healing abilities. Their ability to heal includes: animals, nature, and others (updating and repairing antiques, especially if Jupiter is located in the 2nd or 4th house). They have the natural ability to bring something back to life.

Retrograde Jupiter in the 1st house

Very strong in speaking on spiritual, philosophical and psychological topics. They do not strive for financial stability, a career, they do not want to be the center of attention. They may actually neglect physical existence because they are susceptible to higher vibrations. They must avoid intellectual speculation (get off the ground). Rob Hand has retrograde Jupiter in Cancer and is a lover of ancient philosophies, even though they may be impractical.

One of my acquaintances with retrograde Jupiter in the first house in Sagittarius says: “Sometimes I feel like a broken trough, because, in family life, we do not see the higher meaning (spiritual) in everyday worries.”

Retrograde Jupiter in 3rd/4th houses

They have the ability and willingness to build relationships between people. EXAMPLE One person made friends with all his neighbors and introduced them to each other, now they live amicably.

Retrograde Jupiter is always trying to go back and reconnect (some kind of re-ligio).

They have the ability to renovate, restore homes and buildings - they have a natural need to breathe life into the forgotten/broken/dead.

Jupiter in the 5th house

I saw their great persistence in wanting to understand children and help them. IN love relationships they have a stash and stay in shape for a long time.

Jupiter in the 7th house

A person needs a partner of a philosophical, spiritual nature. When a relationship seems to be falling apart, they can restore it to a state that is better than it was before the relationship went wrong. They have the ability to combine marital responsibilities in marriage, as well as constantly replenish the energy of marriage so that it does not become a burden. They also have the ability to resurrect broken hearts.

GEISLER: For example, Jupiter Retrograde in Cancer ruling the 7th house - spouses can have their own views on many things, and at the same time, they do not need to show them to others. There may be problems with the home; perhaps the spouses will feel like strangers in the country in which they live. They may move frequently. The spouse may be on business trips in distant countries (for example, India).

Jupiter in the 9th house

People don't know what to believe, they are always searching. They may get carried away by religions, philosophies, and then realize that this cannot provide all the answers to their questions. There are a lot of doubts about their worldview, religion, they feel the foundation is unsteady, especially when a dark streak begins in their life. Often such people find salvation in true turning within...holotropic breathing, yoga, autogenic training, self-hypnosis, astrology...

They often (constantly) correct their worldview to a higher, more moral one. One person could not finish high school.

Jupiter in the 10th house

Often means that a person will receive more than one higher education.

Retrograde Saturn

Saturn symbolizes the rules and regulations that you have dealt with in early age. The sign shows what quality cultural influence per individual.

FOR EXAMPLE: D/R Saturn in Sagittarius may mean that in childhood you were not given adequate answers (so that you really understood) to your answers, but were offered faith, and you yourself believed in something you don’t understand! Not knowing why.

When Saturn is retrograde, you definitely (completely) don't understand what these rules are for, why they are the way they are, and how responsible you should be. Often such people are very responsible, for example, one of my friends, when he performs rectification, he writes his thoughts in such detail that even a person who is superficially familiar with it can understand his thoughts correctly.

Within the framework of responsibility, you may be prone to extremes: either everything is down to the centimeter, or absolutely sloppy. Often you are dissatisfied with yourself, believing that you rest more than others, while others are constantly improving at this time.

Often they do not know what they can and cannot do.

Where you find Saturn retrograde, it is difficult for a person to say “NO”, to define limits, boundaries. They do not understand boundaries (where are these boundaries?!), have difficulty establishing boundaries in the relationships of others to them, as well as the relationship of self to others. (Can I ask him about this?! And if he says: “I rolled my lip?” But, I always help him! And although, it’s always like that for me).

Retrograde Saturn knows no boundaries (to be understood generally and abstractly).

Sometimes they tend to limit themselves, and sometimes they tend to forget about boundaries...and do what they want! They have no boundaries (transcendentality) - this is a real problem (?) when Neptune or the Pisces channel is strong. One person admitted that he does not always pay rent for his apartment, taxes, he would not like to work, wash himself... for what?! He is looking for a woman who would take care of him.

When we find Saturn retrograde in the natal chart, it means that these people must learn to limit themselves, tell themselves “NO”, they must learn their boundaries of what they can and cannot do. They must learn to understand what others expect from them. They create an invisible barrier for themselves (perhaps something like: “I will never be able to ...”, “I will never succeed ...”).

They are often fixated on the idea that others are better than them.

You can compare the manifestation of retrograde Saturn with people who had a near-death experience ( clinical death etc.).

They can become very worried about responsibility if they are offered something they have already dealt with (they immediately picture all the possible failures that could happen to them). It is very difficult for them to take the first step. They are afraid that their responsibilities will bring them to such a state that they will not be able to give it all up at some point when plans change. They must gain self-confidence, and for this they need to be more self-aware, understand themselves more.

Retrograde Saturn in the 1st house

Typical position for Saturn. This situation often occurs in those who were conceived by accident, that is, they did not prepare for this, or they wanted a girl, but a boy was born. He feels responsible for others, he can be very worried about others before himself. Directive Saturn can isolate itself from the unwanted (strangers) for its own safety. When Saturn is retrograde, people take responsibility for others because they do not know how to refuse help. They can imagine that if someone makes a mistake, he can say to him “why didn’t you warn me that it would turn out this way?”

ANSWER: 1) One woman told me: “I always feel like a guest in my home when others come to visit me.” She works on the phone in the office, and feels that she cannot take a break for food or anything else. , because someone will call at this time, and she will not be able to help that person. 2) “I care about everyone!” 3) Another woman is very afraid of being restricted or falling into some kind of trap (for example, the Greeks will steal and you will be there cracking nuts from morning to morning).

They have problems (again? This is a problem until it is realized, and while a person associates himself with the opinion of society) with the fact that they consider themselves obligated to everything, especially when Saturn is in 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11 houses.

Saturn in the 2nd house

Believes that he will only receive as much as he worked for, and he will pay others for their work only as much as they deserve. Often these come from families where parents had to work hard for money to provide for the family. Therefore, they believe that they must work for seven in order to feel safe. When Saturn is retrograde, he feels financially responsible for everything: “my mother provides for our entire family.” One person said that his father could not save money, he did not see boundaries, he ended up going broke, and now she is very frugal with money because she is afraid of repeating a story like the one that happened to her father.

Saturn in 3rd/4th houses

He cannot say NO to family members. In the 3rd, there may be problems at school, because he does not know what the volume of tasks will be, and what their complexity is, and how well they need to be completed. They may have hearing problems, which may cause them to misunderstand the material. They are very concerned about understanding everything correctly, without any cognitive distortions. When they are preoccupied with something, they feel stuck - they can't do anything until they solve what they care about. One person with Saturn retrograde in the 3rd house says that he had to deal with different cultural norms in communication and it was a constant source of anxiety for him.

Saturn in the 5th house

It is difficult for them to say “NO” to a child, especially to their firstborn! She can usually say NO to the second child or other people's children, but not to the first born! One woman said that she was overly responsible, even helping the nanny who was looking after the child. Others say that the child taught them to focus their energies and organize their lives more correctly.

Saturn in 6th/10th house

They are perfectionists at work because they do not know (do not set) boundaries. It is difficult for him to slow down his pace of work; he does not want others to overtake him in skill. Bosses and employees can benefit from the kindness of these people. If such a person is a boss, it will be very difficult for him to dictate his terms to others; rather, he will be soft and pliable to their requests.

Saturn in the 7th house

They attract adult (very strict) partners, or completely irresponsible ones...their relationships can be built on the parent-child principle. They may feel that they never satisfy their partner (with their services or something else).

Saturn in the 9th house

Especially retrograde, they feel that religion does not inspire them (at least the kind that is mass religion), and how confusing everything is here. Several students noted that these individuals' parents often came from different cultures/nationalities. This is often the case when Saturn retrograde is in the 3rd house. They are often constantly in the process of learning. There may be breaks in education. One man changed several universities because of his doubts about the right choice. As a rule, they do not like the philosophical views of their parents and are disgusted with the church. If they accept faith without a doubt, they feel guilty and ashamed, and if they show it in public, then others will tell them “you don’t believe in GOD!”, although the fact is that others simply do not want to think about the absurdities in religion.

Saturn in the 11th house

Among friends they choose older people, because they feel bored with their peers. When Saturn is direct, they feel like a functional part of a group, and a unity. When Saturn is retrograde, they are afraid of groups (they may have friends who are much older than them; they have the same difficulty with peers as the directive Saturn). Directive Saturn easily accepts responsibility in a group, but retrograde Saturn often says “he can’t, and that’s his principle.”

Saturn in the 12th house

Has a fear of getting involved with management, and is very afraid of not being accepted by anyone. They are often isolated from society voluntarily.

@ruby_trump helped me translate this small fragment before Uranus retrograde

* One student noted/commented that she was not allowed to do anything for herself - starting with ordinary things like laundry, cooking and cleaning, so as an adult she does not know how to take responsibility for herself.

* According to Pat Geisler: While the phenomenon of Saturn moving backward (retrograde) may indeed imply the loss of a father, a retrograde condition rather indicates a lack of authoritative direction from the father. The father may be present but not involved in the child's development. Work can usurp (take up) all his time. He may not be able to give such instructions due to lack of his own structure. Or it may be oppressive or prone to anachronism. The situation is indeed one of Saturn dysfunction, where the actual father is present or not.

There are conditions that require modification of this guidance (direction). Saturn retrograde in the 10th in Capricorn is unlikely to indicate a lack of authority. In addition, in the absence of a father in reality, there are compensating configurations, such as the lunar nodes and their aspects. These configurations suggest a maternal presence that provides guidance. Both mothers and fathers are lonely.

And then, there is time. The answer given by a teenager may change completely as the teenager grows. An idyllic childhood can actually be seen as terrible, as age involves developing oneself and taking on responsibilities. A client who swears that a parent was "present" may not have a clear understanding of the importance of parental absence until much later in life. Or their life situation does not require a high degree of leadership in order to function in a normal way.

For example, I have Saturn retrograde in the 9th house. I definitely didn't grow up in a religious family. In any case, I did not study any religion or spiritual discipline. Since I was a teenager, I have done a lot of soul-searching to figure out what would make me happy spiritually, and as it turns out, nothing satisfied my need. Any form of dogmatic spirituality or religion does not satisfy me completely. I think I'm a self-proclaimed atheist. The only time in my life that I ever wondered if there really was a “God” or a “higher source” was when my oldest daughter’s father died in a car accident when I was 17—it took me a while to regain my faith. I just don't understand how a loving spirit could take away the only person I could call my soul mate. I was very young and it took a while to stop grieving and move on with my life. This may sound scary to some, but in his death, I learned a lot about life, love and faith.

In the initial stages, children's fears and parental care of the child can be calm and outside the “good boy/good girl” syndrome.

In medium degrees indicates difficulties associated with changing circumstances.

Late degrees indicate leadership qualities through a position of independence and high responsibility.

Saturn at 9

May indicate or reflect interest in other people's opinions. That is, the opinion of other people is very important to a person, he respects them very much, perhaps more than his own opinion.

Retrograde Saturn in the 12th acts like direct Saturn

He needs external incentives for self-motivation throughout the entire area of ​​the home with which he is associated.

Retrograde Uranus

Not a bad position. This person is more revolutionary, sharper, but he does not always notice it. It's like Mars retrograde when you mutter and mutter and then, BLZHAD!! A sharp takeoff.

When Uranus is direct, a person experiences that his intuitions and independence are so natural, everything happens smoothly, as if in a flow. But when it's retrograde! Damn! (a person feels higher vibrations flowing into him, it turns him on so much, he cannot sleep! He feels that right now he must manifest it, tell the world about it), a sharp explosion, A-A-A-A! DO YOU GET IT ALL RIGHT?

Their intuition suddenly bursts into them, they catch the flow, a huge amount of insights begins to flow into them, different topics. hey, as a rule, they have sad periods (creativity, even if it doesn’t work), but then an EXPLOSION will definitely follow!

Retrograde makes Uranus more powerful each time it visits the ego. This Uranus expresses higher vibrations than direct Uranus.

With retrograde Uranus, the contrast of extremes becomes very bright; they can turn a mouse into an elephant. They may perceive such extremes as dogma and not notice it. They can come up with something, believe it, most likely others will consider them crazy.

The difference between Retrograde and Directive Uranus is that the retrograde one does not feel that these explosions are something abnormal, while the directive one sometimes gets scared and avoids them. It is more difficult for them to control Uranian energy, they feel like something higher is breaking into them, and they do not care about any prohibitions and beliefs, this must be announced “I told you so!” I have to tell everyone about this right now! I don’t care if it’s night!” A friend of mine with an unaspected Uranus retrograde in the 9th house finds it impossible to incorporate his metaphysical knowledge into his professional life (she is a psychotherapist).

Students tell me that during such insights, they feel that they must integrate this information into their minds, even though it contradicts their beliefs.

They must understand/realize WHY they must rebel in order to realize themselves.

Uranus in the 1st house

Independent...but when Uranus is retrograde, a person sometimes does not realize that in fact he is SUPER INDEPENDENT. This position emphasizes the desire for connections to something revolutionary; perhaps a person wants to meet people just like him (this does not scare him, on the contrary, it turns him on). Their revolutionary nature manifests itself in all areas of life, this can happen in relationships, in a career or even in place of residence (for example, a person can live in a refrigerator box, and he will be happy about it). He's attracted to all sorts of radical/revolutionary ideas...whether it's sun eating or Bungee jumping, he's attracted to things that no one else is interested in. He may say: “To hell with your karma! I feel like this is all fiction! I came up with all this myself! And you too! You were created by my unconscious self..."

Uranus in the 2nd house

If a person works at a regular job, then most likely he will have financial instability. The reason for their financial instability is themselves.

They can earn a stable income only by doing some kind of non-traditional work. If they work in the government, in any high positions, then they will not feel happy. They would probably get sick or be in a constant state of nervous breakdown. They need a long time to understand what they need unconventional work, and the longer they think about it, the more powerful the changes will be.

Uranus in the 3rd house is similar to Mars

Problems are possible at school because of their radical beliefs “to be different from others, to not count like others.”

Uranus in the 5th house

Society perceives them as abnormal; in ordinary matters they act contrary to the views of the majority. They are definitely “wallflowers” ​​(girl/boy without a partner) until they find themselves in the unconventional world.

With Uranus retrograde in the 6th house

The person may be very sensitive physical body. They can work even when their body is exhausted. They like to work alone because their aura is dissonant with the aura of those around them. They may be intolerant of employees. They make great efforts to introduce innovations in their work. They get tired of people hovering around them or simply staring at them while they are working.

Uranus in the 7th house

They prefer sudden love. When a relationship starts to fade, the relationship ends quickly. It seems that everything is fine, and then BAM - a break in the relationship. They are not strong in confrontation (confrontation, confrontation, clash). I noticed that they prefer relationships to being in love rather than serious relationship, they find them boring.

Uranus in the 8th house

One person told me that such people can successfully change other people's financial habits. Often very strange events “out of their control” happen to them, which subsequently make major changes in their lives.

Uranus in the 10th house

Putting great effort into a job where someone else has given up. Uranus does not like to be compared to others. This situation indicates failure if a person engages in traditional professional activities.

Uranus in the 11th house

Gives sudden changes in goals and hopes, and it seems to him that these changes are leading him into darkness (into uncertainty).

Uranus in the 12th house

Afraid that others will think he's crazy. Perhaps his parents criticized him like this: “You behave in such a way that others perceive you as crazy.” They can connect their life with new age, this most likely allows them to feel comfort.

Retrograde Neptune

Direct Neptune's house position is where you strive to make your dreams come true, where you strive to escape reality. In the directive state, you can easily understand whether it is an illusion or reality. Creative potential is realized, as a rule, traditionally (meaning traditional spheres).

When Neptune is retrograde, it tends to be more vague, less clear, and the person may not know how to express their creativity. If Neptune becomes direct in progression, people begin to understand what they should do to express themselves creatively. This could be something they've been doing all their lives, and then again! Realized!

Neptune shows where you have the ability to manifest creative imagination, Neptune retrograde does not seem to be aware of this ability. Retrograde Neptune is more sensitive due to its connection with the “unseen realms” (invisible worlds). Often their creative potential is realized through: clairvoyance, extrasensory perception, metaphysical and spiritual activity, which, traditionally, cannot be called creativity (in fact, we are creators, all our perceptions are a creative act).

Due to their sensitivity, they need to avoid drugs, alcohol, etc. There is a tendency to develop addictions that negatively affect the astral body, solar plexus. Their increased sensitivity can serve the development of phobias, fears, neuroses, paranoia - this is the result of their connection with the invisible world, they bring out what others do not notice.

Many people with this signature have a tendency and ability to work with the psychic, but often they do not know how. They may be afraid of all this. These people perceive well what is happening on the astral plane; they can accept the thoughts/feelings of other people as their own. Smoking negatively affects their mental abilities.

EXAMPLE: When I read and interpret the tarot and am surrounded by cigarette smoke, my psychic abilities are reduced and my intuition is dulled. I know many people who, through smoking, turn off this wide astral channel that is constantly available to them; it can drain them.

Retrograde Neptune is alien to material things. They can easily develop abilities that they will never show in reality. They can attract losers. They see potential...that will never actually manifest itself.

Neptune in the 1st house

These people are so sensitive to their environment that they don't know who they are or how they feel. They must learn to consciously manage their receptivity so as not to mix their moods with the moods of other people.

Neptune in the 3rd house

Nicknames are often used because it changes their vibration. They study numerology, and indeed, they work well with this system. They love to find synchronicities and connect them with numbers. They often get lost...

Neptune in the 4th house

Overly sensitive to his family and home, but they don't realize it. They should find a calm, serene environment and living space. Living in the forest, alone with nature, is very useful for them. Chaos and disorder at home stresses them out very much.

Neptune in the 5th/7th house

Constantly looking for some kind of perfection in relationships. They don't know how idealistic they are! There are frequent disappointments. Neptune is in these houses, looking for a relationship that would allow him to escape from this world, to avoid pain. When they feel pain they leave...

Neptune in the 6th house

Hypersensitive to the work environment and order in the environment (work). They need an ideal work environment, they are naive. They can often change jobs, constantly searching for an idyll.

Neptune in the 9th house

He vitally needs utopian ideas in order to live in this world. While they are unfamiliar with them, they experience great sadness. As a result, they can become very cynical. They need higher meaning, they refuse to believe that everything is as modern (probably before the appearance of David Wilcock on the world stage) materialistic science describes it.

Neptune in the 10th house

They dream of doing something creative in their lives... but have no idea what that could be (for the time being, of course).

EXAMPLE: I taught career courses using astrology. All the students in the group had a strong Neptune - they did not know what they wanted to do as their profession, they studied something that they did not have a soul for, or something that seemed prestigious to them.

Neptune in the 11th house

Looks for unclear ideals and people who would embody them. They don't know exactly what those ideals should look like. Often they are running away from fear in their own lives, and so they seek out such people. They attract idealists. Often they are not satisfied with any one group, they are in constant search. These people can participate in groups that help alcoholics, drug addicts, and the mentally ill.

Often they are found in unorganized/illegal associations, where groups of people embody a certain ideal, for example, preserving the ecology of the planet, but no one knows what they are actually doing.

Often their friends are alcoholics or dreamers. They do not seek material gain from their friends. They must avoid the people they like, that is, the people they want to save, there is no savior, there are only two people who play the roles of victims.

Neptune in the 12th house

Mediumistic, difficult contact with reality.

Retrograde Pluto

Pluto is more intense when it is retrograde, this intensity manifests itself in the psyche, they can be very suspicious as they think that others have the same terrible thoughts as them.

Direct Pluto is more interested in: external power, prestigious work, money...

Pluto retrograde is definitely more psychological: healing, transformation, dream exploration.

They notice things that those with direct Pluto do not notice. They see a lot of negativity.

These people have an excellent ability to penetrate into the essence of the subconscious. Among them a large number of loners and introverts. They may have trouble relaxing when surrounded by people.

There are enormous forces for restoration and improvement in the area where Pluto stands.

Pluto in the 2nd house

Wants to control all of his resources. The directive has a problem of power. Retrograde – afraid of psychological vulnerability.

Pluto in the 3rd house

Can control people's minds by directing them towards one thing, towards one goal. They can become great teachers, people who can sense the thoughts of many (groups of) people.

Pluto in the 6th house

Intense power at work. They don't want to take breaks.

Pluto in the 7th house

It is a little difficult for a person to establish a relationship, because they want their relationship to be very intense, others simply may not have enough energy.

Pluto in the 8th house

Often feels like he has to manage the finances of the marriage. One woman said that her husband always wanted to pay for everything, but, unfortunately, he could not.

Pluto in the 11th house

A person will not be very impressed with working in a group, but this person can understand the essence of the group's activities, and guide them towards optimal solutions, ignite their enthusiasm. They have a talent for creating groups (bringing people together) and managing them.

Pluto in the 12th house

Can be as intensive as possible in research, it can go deep into the essence. Their greatest ability is to help other people understand themselves. They are prone to psychological analysis. They can quickly see other people's weaknesses and strengths. By helping others, they help themselves.

Like direct Pluto, Pluto retrograde, shows the area where you will have protection from dangers.


1 training and organizing

2 when I translated this fragment, I myself felt this energy flowing through me

3 solipsism

4 A word about a word, Elizarov Evgeniy

5 The Astral Body and Other Astral Phenomena, Powell Arthur E.

EXAMPLE: Saturn in Sagittarius (both direct and retrograde) indicates that in childhood they did not adequately answer your questions (they did not try to explain in such a way that you really understood), in return they offered you faith, and they themselves also believed God knows what! And they didn’t look for explanations.

Saturn retrograde indicates that you do not fully understand the meaning of the rules, why they are the way they are, and how responsible you need to be. Often such people are very responsible, for example, one of my friends, when performing a rectification, describes his conclusions in such detail that even a person who knows nothing about it can understand it.

The sense of responsibility reaches one of two extremes: either everything is done down to the last centimeter, or it is absolutely sloppy. Often you are dissatisfied with yourself, believing that you rest more than others, while they, meanwhile, are constantly improving. You have no idea what you can accomplish and what you cannot. It is difficult for a person with Retrograde Saturn to say “NO”, to determine his own limits, it is difficult to understand the boundaries in relationships with others, and in both directions (can I ask him about this?! What if he says: “I rolled my lip?” But, I I always help him! Although, it’s always like that for me).

Saturn retrograde knows no bounds, literally and figuratively. This leads to the fact that even if you limit yourself in something, at times you completely forget about your own boundaries and, falling under the influence of a momentary impulse, act without thinking about them at all. possible consequences. This problem needs to be worked on.

Retrograde Saturn indicates an important karmic task

The karmic task indicated by retrograde Saturn in the natal chart is that you need to learn to limit yourself, to say “NO” to yourself, it is important to know your limits, to determine the limit beyond which you should not go. Another task is to learn to understand what others expect from you. And find the “golden mean”: do not be overly self-confident and, at the same time, do not create an invisible wall of low self-esteem around yourself (something like: “I will never be able to...”, “I will never succeed...”).

They are often fixated on the idea that others are better than them. They can become very worried about responsibility if they are offered something they have not yet dealt with (they immediately picture all sorts of failures that could happen). It is very difficult for them to take the first step. They are afraid that their responsibilities will bring them to such a state that they will not be able to give up everything at some point when plans change. They must gain self-confidence, and for this they need to be self-aware, strive to understand themselves better.

Retrograde Saturn indicates problems that await a person in society. But these contradictions exist as long as a person is dependent on the opinion of society. R. Saturn indicates that the sphere in which it is located in the natal chart will play important role on the path of self-realization. For those with Saturn in the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 10th, 11th houses, the key problem is a subconscious sense of duty towards society and its rules.

Degree value

In the initial stages, children's fears and parental care of the child can be calm and outside the “good boy/good girl” syndrome.

In medium degrees indicates difficulties associated with changing circumstances.

Late degrees indicate leadership qualities that can be realized by striving for independence and high responsibility.

Retrograde Saturn in Houses

Retrograde Saturn in the 1st house

Karmic task: By accepting yourself, you can show up as your true self.
Escape: Trying to take responsibility for other people's mistakes instead of recognizing and defending your own interests and feelings.
Daemon: Fear of mistakes
Description: This position is typical for Saturn. It occurs in those who were conceived by accident, the parents did not prepare for a child, or they wanted a girl, but the birth was a boy. A person feels responsible for others, worries about others more than about himself. With Saturn retrograde, people don’t know how to refuse help. They may feel guilty when others make mistakes, and they tend to reproach themselves for not being able to prevent the problem from occurring.

- One woman told me: “I always feel like a guest in my own home when others come to me.”
She works on the phone in the office, and feels like she can't go on a food break or anything else because someone will call at that time and she won't be able to help that person.

Another woman is very afraid of becoming a victim of swindlers or criminals.

Saturn in the 2nd house

Karmic task: Accept the fact that your, perhaps condemned by society, way of managing financial resources is complete and effective.
Escape: Be influenced public ideas“correct” management of finances.
Daemon: Fear of living in poverty.
Description: They are meticulous in financial matters, they believe that they will receive exactly as much as they worked for, and they pay accordingly for other people’s work. Often, as children, they saw how hard their parents worked to support their family. Therefore, they work hard and only then does a feeling of security come. People with retrograde Saturn in the second house are endowed with a sense of financial responsibility for their loved ones. Sometimes they say about them: “Supports the whole family.”

EXAMPLE: One woman said that she was very frugal with money because she saw her father go broke. She is very afraid that unreasonable spending may force her to repeat the fate of her own father.

Saturn in the 3rd and 4th houses

Karmic task: Accept your unusual understanding of the world and the feelings associated with it. It is uniqueness that can become the foundation of a strong personality.
Escape: Hiding behind the idea of ​​some objective knowledge, trying to find the correct logic of understanding, ignoring your own feelings.
Daemon: Fear of being misunderstood and unaccepted in society.
Description: A person cannot say “NO” to family members. In the 3rd, it indicates problems at school; it may be difficult for the child to balance the volume of tasks, their complexity, and how well they need to be completed. There may be problems with hearing, which can cause misunderstandings and, as a result, academic performance may decrease. They try very hard to understand everything correctly and strive to be objective. If they are preoccupied with something, they find themselves in limbo—they literally can't do anything until they resolve what they care about.

EXAMPLE: One man with Saturn retrograde in the 3rd house says that he is constantly concerned about different cultural norms in communication. He constantly worries whether everything was understood and explained correctly.

Saturn in the 5th house

Karmic task: Recognize the value and uniqueness of your parenting experience, build your own way of communicating with your child.
Escape: An attempt to build a “correct” relationship with a child, ignoring your own and his feelings.
Daemon: Fear of responsibility.
Description: Indicates that important experience in a person’s life will be associated with the birth of the first child. It is difficult for them to say “NO” to a child, especially to their firstborn. It becomes easier with the second child, especially since there are no problems with other people’s children.

- One woman was overly responsible, she even helped the nanny who looked after her child.

One married couple said that the child taught them to focus their strength and organize their life more correctly.

Saturn in 6th/10th house

Karmic task: Learn to define your own ambitions at work, to distinguish between working relationships and friendships. Appreciate your own professional qualities.
Escape: Replacing professional relationships with “friendly” ones.
Daemon: The fear of being unnecessary leads to an underestimation of one's own professional achievements.
Description: They are perfectionists at work as they know no boundaries. It is difficult for a person to slow down his pace of work; he fears that he may be overtaken in skill. Bosses and employees can benefit from the kindness of these people. If such a person is a boss, then it will be very difficult for him to dictate his terms to others; rather, he will be soft and pliable and often make concessions to all sorts of requests.

Saturn in the 7th house

Karmic task: Understand the deep essence of partnership and interaction. Be aware of your investments in overall processes.
Escape: Avoidance of intimacy, attempt to formalize relationships.
Daemon: Fear of betrayal and deception
Description: They attract adult (very strict) partners, or completely irresponsible ones. Their relationship can be built on the parent-child principle. They may suffer from feelings of inadequacy in close relationships, thinking that they never satisfy their partner.

Saturn in the 9th house

Karmic task: By accepting your own spiritual ideals, you will find spiritual harmony.
Escape: Try to conform to the spiritual ideals of society.
Daemon: The fear of making the wrong choice leads to the idea of ​​taking advantage of other people's experience.
Description: These people feel that religion does not inspire them and causes confusion internal contradictions between ideas and actual actions. They may not like their parents' philosophical views. Often they are literally disgusted with the church. Having accepted faith without doubt, they subsequently experience guilt and shame. Society may condemn them for showing their true attitude towards mass religion.

Parents of people with R. Saturn in the 9th house are often carriers of different cultures (nationalities). The situation is similar for people with retrograde Saturn in the 3rd house. Throughout their lives they are constantly in the process of learning. Interruptions in education are possible, this applies to specialized and higher education.

People with R. Saturn in the 9th house have difficulty defining their interests and goals.

One person changed several universities due to doubts about the right choice.

Saturn in the 11th house

Karmic task: Accepting your own imperfections.
Escape: Refusal from activity.
Daemon: Fear of negative experiences.
Description: Among friends they choose older people, because it is difficult for them to find a common language with their peers. When Saturn is direct, they feel together and act as a functional part of the group. When Saturn is retrograde, they are wary of groups. In communication they prefer people older than themselves. Direct Saturn easily accepts responsibility in a group, but retrograde Saturn often says “he can’t, and that’s his principle.”

Saturn in the 12th house

Karmic task: Immersion in yourself for the sake of comprehending your spiritual nature - the main task in life, everything else is secondary. Accept the absolute totality of this goal.
Escape: Withdrawal of attention into everyday life or work. Trying to replace your true feelings
Daemon: Fear of judgment.
Description: A person is afraid to get involved with management, and is very afraid of not being accepted by others. They tend to lead a solitary lifestyle, voluntarily isolating themselves from society.

Retrograde Saturn in the 12th house appears as direct Saturn

Retrograde Saturn

The retrograde period is 4.5 months a year. Indicates areas where a person did not reach maturity in a past life. Having refused to bear responsibility in the past, he must again face this type of responsibility in this life. And it’s better not to run away from her, but to boldly look into her eyes.

Retrograde Saturn speaks of karma, which a person, over the course of several lives, cannot muster the courage to eradicate, wasting time. As a result, he pulls a heavy load behind him.
The soul feels inhibited on all sides, especially where a person is trying to avoid retribution.
Saturn makes a person think. The person had already learned a big lesson here in a past life, but did not draw a conclusion from this, learned nothing and stayed for the second year. Now Saturn is giving him a new chance.
Retrograde Saturn has an ancient and wise soul, he appreciates what he has received in life and takes this life seriously. He is less susceptible to the pressure of traditions and external norms, and develops a sense of individuality and his own destiny. He is patient and conservative. His professional activity constantly undergoes revisions and improvements. This is a person who relies on his past moral experience. Outwardly, it seems softer and more pliable, but it has great internal strength and rigid internal settings. Being the main guardian of Cosmic law and balance, Saturn is our main overseer and cosmic judge. Saturn delivers a karmic verdict. This is a very important planet in every person's birth chart. Saturn is a wound that needs to be stitched up in the course of life, and retrograde Saturn is a wound that needs to be stitched up even more difficult. Where this wound is indicated is the sign and house in which Saturn finds himself.

Retrograde Saturn - esoteric symbol

The symbol of Saturn consists of a cross and a semicircle. Here the life side of Matter and form must be united with the sincere desire of the Soul to express itself. Thus, whatever the individual does, he crystallizes into what he adds to his Spiritual nature.
The value of things is determined by the Soul itself, which must recognize what it wants to use and what it wants to avoid. When an individual looks at life through his Saturn, he may appear gloomy and serious, but he considers the relationship between idea and form. He worries about his ability to understand how much of his Soul he can actually manifest with Matter. Thus, it becomes important for him to consider his deeds as a reflection of his true inner existence.
The retrograde nature of the planet forces him to experience an internal struggle between the consciousness of his ideals, their practicality and his ability to be worthy of them. Therefore, for many people, Saturn retrograde becomes their conscience and advisor, acting as an intermediary between the perfect higher existence and how much more he needs to learn to live here on this earth.

Retrograde Saturn - Individuality

An individual with retrograde Saturn is very serious about completing everything that he has left undone in the past. He tends to go back and forth to fill in any gaps in what he hastily considered completed before. Essentially he is thoughtful and level-headed, and may at times seem overly cautious or overly frugal, but any restraint on his part is based entirely on his need to preserve the substance for important uses. He considers excessive spending or extravagance harmful, as he has experienced this in past lives. He now deeply values ​​everything he learns or receives. Often he feels an inner debt to God, which manifests itself as a powerful feeling of gratitude for everything that he sees around him.
He tries to teach other people who are less knowledgeable or experienced than himself. However, this is unsuccessful if they have not experienced his “fall from heaven” in a past life and his great struggle, which has now earned his way back. As a result of this, retrograde Saturn has a “built-in” maturity that cannot be achieved without great personal struggle and sacrifice.

Retrograde Saturn - karma

Saturn retrograde always indicates ongoing karma from past incarnations.
Whatever the lesson, the individual is unusually slow in bringing it to completion.
Thus, in this life he must carry in his soul the additional burden of the past life. When both lives eventually unite, his true mission should become apparent to him. Much of what he does in this life is a repetition of what his Saturn already stands for. But now he is faced with circumstances and situations that are a little different. The planet's retrograde action may make him feel restrained, especially if he tries to escape the weight of its lesson.
But if he follows it, realizing that patient guidance is slowly leading him to identification with something higher than he could have imagined, he can, with the help of this planet, appreciate the workings of the beautiful divine universe.
Saturn is a person's teacher, and if it happens to be retrograde, it means that the individual has experienced similar learning before this life. As life progresses, Saturn retrograde provides a wealth of wisdom.
For Saturn, the retrograde position is the most natural and comfortable, since it provides the individual with a second chance, as it were, to perfect the relationship formed between his soul, the circumstances he encountered in a previous incarnation, and how they were understood. Now, with the calm guidance of Saturn, a person can put into form everything that he has learned in the past.

Retrograde Saturn in Aries

Here the individual brings into his present consciousness all that he has learned about himself in past lives when he experienced responsibility. Essentially he is firm and independent, and does not like others to see any weaknesses in him. He achieves everything that is important to him on his own, since he has learned how to make his ideas work together and direct his energy towards the goal. This configuration adds strength and power to the horoscope, as the inner resilience of retrograde Saturn makes Aries's aspiration solid and gives it meaning. The individual ultimately becomes his own father, as he is his own best adviser throughout life. As he matures, self-confidence becomes stronger, and the usual manifestations of the Aries ego become less emphasized. An individual bases his sense of self-worth on everything he has created in himself in the past. Sometime in a past life, he was forced to stand on his own two feet at a very young age. As a result, he entered this life knowing how important it was to experience his own development.
This position also adds patience and foresight to a person, otherwise the nature would be impulsive. He will spend his whole life trying to be his own master.
Here Phase I of the retrograde process is brought to the fore, as the individual tries to move into a future that will provide him with self-respect. Karmically, he uses the formed strength of past life positions to help him make new beginnings in this life through the house ruled by Aries in the chart. His reliable support will eventually crystallize the ideas, philosophies and judgments that created the structure in his Saturn retrograde.

Retrograde Saturn in Taurus

A person may become unusually attached to things, places and ideas that seem to remind him of everything he was used to in the past. In this position, Taurus' fixed nature is reinforced as habitual life patterns are repeated over and over again. Sometimes there is difficulty in expressing what an individual knows, since language is not one of his best virtues.
What is strongly emphasized here is Phase III of the retrograde process, when the individual attempts to recreate all that he values ​​in Matter. He is interested in being able to structure his life so as to ultimately achieve the feeling that he has earned his security.
Until he knows this, he may experience fear that his reliability and security may be taken away from him. Thus, he must work to make his inner sense of well-being a permanent part of his life.
Interesting feature about Saturn retrograde in Taurus is that this placement gives the individual the ability to actually change any negative physical karma they have accumulated in the past. In her place, he can rebuild everything that is meaningful to him. To do this, he directs his thinking to re-evaluate his past burden. As a result, he realizes how accustomed his Soul is to working hard.
Until he transcends this outdated approach to life, he may tend toward negative thinking. Essentially, he may harbor anger that his life is so difficult when it is so much easier for others.

Retrograde Saturn in Gemini

Here the individual experiences difficulty communicating. He often knows what he wants to say, but doesn't know how. He continues the past life lesson in communicating with other people. Trying to find means to gain the reception and encouragement of those to whom he wants to please, he accumulates one crystallized mental form after another. Now, in this life, his smallest thoughts carry with them the full burden of all past thoughts. Thus, it is difficult for a person to reach the essence of understanding that he seeks without going through all the Saturnian thoughts that he has tied together. People with this placement of Saturn calmly take care of others.
Saturn retrograde in Gemini sees itself as the guardian of the thoughts of others. At the same time, an individual tends to repeat himself in his own thought processes. He constantly strives to be confident, but the more thoughts he accumulates, the more he doubts what he knows.
Interestingly enough, this doubt is very useful for him, as it facilitates the release of thought forms that he has crystallized in the past.
Thus, his karmic mission is actually to unlearn and through this process again achieve a simple understanding of what he once knew before he began to burden himself with the “excess baggage of highly educated opinions.”
It is in Phase I of the retrograde process that he actually complicates his life by accumulating too many thoughts. Then, having gone through great anxiety and confusion in phase II, during the final phase he is finally able to release all that is of no value.

Retrograde Saturn in Cancer

Here the individual spends most of his time in Phase III of the retrograde process, in which he continues to dwell on the emotions that have burdened him in the past. He moves through life slowly, because he feels that he must constantly be confident in himself.
The need for confidence and protection is high. Unfortunately, the more energy he spends trying to free himself from his emotional blockages, the more he actually re-creates the very barriers that further wall him off. To free himself, he must allow himself to “flow” through these barriers without using force.
There is a space in all seemingly solid matter through which water can pass.
In many cases, a strong attachment in a past life to a person who represented protection and security is transferred to a parent or older authority figure in this life, because the individual does not understand how one can live without a protective womb.
When he tries to become less withdrawn, he is not sure that he will be fully accepted by other people. Thus he tends to wall off his emotions, as if to reserve them for the only individual he may meet in the future who will symbolize the past protection he has left behind.
He tries to keep the concept of familiarity in his mind. Even when he travels, he never ceases to identify each new place with the past in which he felt comfortable.
This way he can move through life with the feeling that he has reliable roots - no matter where he is or with whom.
As he experiences life in a world that seems to be changing, it would be better if, instead of trying to force his present to fit into his past, he recognized and acknowledged past defenses and confidence. Then he would not have to constantly look for them in the outside world. In this way he can fulfill his karma of eternal birth.

Retrograde Saturn in Leo

Here the individual faces the karma of achievement. He does not consider himself worthy internally if he cannot externally create all that he is capable of. It is important for him to feel significant to himself, as well as to others. He strives to command everything he does. And the obstacles he must overcome are truly enormous. Often he will suffer for the sake of others, as he gets great satisfaction from taking on other people's responsibilities. At the same time, he can be domineering and self-willed.
He brings into this life the karmic residue of power, an era in the history of mankind where power made a person right. And he is overly concerned with being right in the eyes of others.
He wants to be respected and will try his best to defend positions or Crusades for the sake of things that make him seem more in control of himself.
He is a strict parent and quite a formidable competitor, as he is always more concerned with the strength of the position he supports than with actually defending himself. To be worthy of the expectations that were required of him in the past, he tries to accept the responsibilities of those around him.
Thus, he leads a life under the burden of responsibility rather than a natural existence. He must learn to satisfy his own obligations, and not take on others.

Retrograde Saturn in Virgo

This placement indicates a person who is trying to achieve his past ideals. He constantly digs into himself to evaluate how worthy his life is of the one he should lead. Although he may seem overly concerned with the details that form the structure of his life, it is ultimately through these details that he is able to create a neatly ordered universe that can make sense to him. He views the world through separate parts, and then tries to fit these parts into what he has formed in himself from the past. Thus, he internally absorbs what he considers to be precise segments from the outside world, then builds his structured life from these segments.
He thinks that in order to know himself, it is necessary to understand the workings of everything that comes into contact with his life. The main problem is that due to the retrograde nature of Saturn, he inadvertently pre-programs his perception of things so that they can fit into his ready-made concepts. This makes him very inflexible and seems to reduce Virgo's mutability. He can be unusually efficient in his work, especially when he knows that other people rely on him for order and efficiency.
Karmically, this individual is forced to live in an idealized world that he would like to see around him. Once he realizes how unrealistic some of his expectations are, he may become more comfortable with existing world. Then the perfection that already exists becomes obvious to him. Because it is so important for him to observe the lives of other people, which is characteristic of this position, the individual goes through phase III of the retrograde process before he actively expresses himself in phases I and II.

Retrograde Saturn in Libra

Saturn retrograde in this position adds inner maturity to Libra's indecisive qualities. The individual feels a strong responsibility for others. Often he experiences their karma more than they themselves, which naturally can throw him off balance. But in general his judgment is quite strong and he is able to bring himself into balance.
A born peacemaker, he often finds himself in the middle of opposing people or ideas. From this position he tries to bring agreement by establishing a balanced third point that expresses the positive aspects of both sides.
He is able to actually change and remake the karmic direction of those people with whom he comes into contact. As a result of meeting him, they begin to re-evaluate and proportionately weigh their past beliefs and the direction in which they are moving. Thus, for many people, this position provides an opportunity to objectively look at their purpose in life and re-evaluate it. For the individual with Saturn retrograde in Libra, life is a series of twists and turns until he realizes that his karmic mission in this incarnation is not directed towards him, but rather to help guide other people towards a more balanced goal. He accomplishes this by setting an example of balance through the harmonization of apparent opposites of thought. By doing this, he reveals the unity of human ideals.
His adaptability allows him to move from one retrograde phase to another entirely depending on the need of the moment. Thus, it is truly one of God's most versatile and valuable helpers.

Retrograde Saturn in Scorpio

Here the individual learns through experience the meaning of life at its basic level. He has very deep insight, most of which comes from his personal experience.
Constantly living on the edge of self-destruction, he continues to throw away everything he achieves due to lack of deep meaning. He ultimately sees this absence in almost everything.
He believes that behind what he can perceive at any moment there is a reality that he knows exists.
The construction of his essence takes place deep in his subconscious, and the fleeting delights of life do not satisfy him in the least. He always feels the inner cosmic reality, which never ceases to attract him to its center.
In the outside world, he is very firm in his positions, and rare people can deviate him away from his goal. He may be a social campaigner who is trying to transform the society in which he lives; a rebel against orthodox tradition - trying to transform himself; or a seeker of truth who wants to transform humanity. All this depends on the level of karma with which he comes into this life.
Typically this Saturn position is externally a Phase I experience, while internally a Phase III experience acts as undercurrent, which motivates all overt actions. Thus, the internal reflections of the individual about his place in the society in which he lives are the stimulus for those directions in which he would like to transform it.

Retrograde Saturn in Sagittarius

Here a person's life is built on past principles. This individual is very independent and cannot be guided by the advice of other people.
At times he seems overly confident, but the force with which he expresses his ideas to other people does not reflect his actual commitment to them. Whatever cause, principle, or mission he espouses is constantly changing. He seems to personify the human need to move away from any traditions that seem outdated.
The true nature of this individual does not emerge until mid-life, until he experiences traditional ways life and find them too limiting. He would rather be his own disciple than follow the dictates of other people who he feels do not really know what is best for him.
In many cases, he appears to get younger with age. Ultimately, he learns how to revive what was once a burden to him. He should not judge other people so as not to cause alienation. In general, however, he tries to be honest in his internal assessment of people.
He is experiencing the karma of learning how to let his higher mind understand and correct your past mistakes. In later life he does what he should have done when he was younger. The reverse effect of retrograde is emphasized here: the individual lives in phase III of the retrograde process for most of his life. adult life, because he discovers that Phase II, which he tried to live in in his younger years, does not satisfy him to the same extent as it satisfied his mentors.

Retrograde Saturn in Capricorn

In this situation, a lot of time is spent in phase III of the retrograde process, when the individual tries to restore his past image. He is used to working hard and thrives on the opportunity to one day look back on the work and projects he has completed well. Possessing a unique ability to prevent interference, he can direct his life better than with any other zodiac positions. useful purpose. This is a talent that makes him capable of achieving a lot. At the same time, it works in the opposite direction, i.e. does not begin anything before he can speculatively imagine the final product. This reinforces his practical approach to life. He can be very reserved and often secretive, since during internal planning he tries to exclude external distractions that could deviate him from the direction he has determined. He is particularly adept at collecting pieces from the past that society has overlooked and creating a remarkable life's work from these seemingly useless fragments. This is due to the fact that he cannot tolerate wastefulness.
Karmically he experiences a mission of completion, but what he achieves in the outer world is much less important than the significance of the inner meaning that these achievements bring to him. He will complete in this life everything for which he collected data in his previous incarnation. The maturity of this position allows his Soul to now bring to fruition the work of many lives in this direction. Whichever house this position falls on, this is an area of ​​life that he can (if he wants) bring to karmic completion.

Retrograde Saturn in Aquarius

Here the individual is very independent and unique. He is interested in everything that life has to offer.
His rules and traditions go beyond traditional norms, since they represent the accumulation of everything he has collected from many radically different sources.
The originality of his ideas, however, is very strong, and although he loves to listen to all new information that will increase the stock of his knowledge, he still does not change his basic positions formed in the previous incarnation. Thus, although he tries to reach out to the future, he still maintains a strong connection with the past. Perhaps it can actually exhaust those planning for the future due to its constant need to fit new discoveries into past concepts.
Due to the erratic qualities of Aquarius, it experiences all retrograde phases. Incredibly curious, he tries to achieve such an understanding of everything that it actually drains the novelty of everything new. Thus, he makes the unconventional old before time, forcing society to accept the new by adding to it an element of tradition, convention and even boredom. The more baggage it adds to everything new, the more society wants to protect it. Thus, his karmic mission is to follow the harbingers of the future and be the bridge between all that they reveal and all that society needs to know and use now.

Retrograde Saturn in Pisces

Here the individual spends most of his time in phase III of the retrograde process, as he never ceases to study in detail the essence of his past. He imagines his life's burden to be heavier than others, and for a long time he tends to dwell in past sorrows. Lacking confidence, he gives up on life too easily.
The stamina he needs to bring out his creativity always comes from the encouragement of others. But the real approval he needs comes less from the people around him than from his own sense of worth.
He never wanted to take over the world. He is usually quite timid in his youth, but as he grows, inner strength begins to emerge from the very essence of his Soul.
Part of his life is based on the reality of his current existence, but most of his inner existence has already been formed before this life. He has met and surpassed many challenges that others have yet to endure. As a result, the lack of confidence experienced in youth is replaced by a powerful inner knowing as he comes into closer contact with his Soul.
Karmically, he draws on the inner strength he has to communicate with the outside world.
Typically this placement indicates greater spiritual fortitude. However, a person does not have to be aggressive to prove his worth. Much of the understanding inherent in this position is nonverbal. The individual does not discuss ways in which he knows he can help others. He has the gift of inner guidance that he earned in a previous life, and this is the source of much of his creativity now.

Retrograde Saturn in the first house

Here Phase I of the retrograde process is highlighted, as the individual strives to find an expressive and impressive personality structure to which the world around him will respond in vibration. He tries to imprint his reality on the outside because he wants feedback, when later will experience the other two phases. Sometimes this personality structure is sorely lacking and there is a strong tendency to compensate. There are usually a number of barriers between an individual and the people with whom he would like to become close.
The distrustful attitude that permeates the entire structure of the individual is due to some past life situation in which he felt cut off from what he was trying to achieve. Now, instead of facing it, he tries to be important so that other people will recognize him and, perhaps, his pride would not be hurt.
This individual is very sensitive, even if he does not seem so outwardly. Karmically he is learning to stand on his own two feet, and since this process is slow, he is very afraid that someone may try to knock him down before he has created his own foundation.
He spends his whole life building a castle of rules that will ultimately be the structure of individuality he wants to achieve.

Retrograde Saturn in the second house

Here the individual learns the karmic lessons of possession. In previous lives he crystallized everything that was valuable to him, and now he is trying to reapply these values ​​to his current situation. Spending most of his time in phase III of the retrograde process, he never ceases to collect everything that past reliability has offered him. Thus, he is very resistant to change. He observes the world from some place in the past where he once felt comfortable. Essentially, he stubbornly continues to accumulate everything that holds him back. The fact is that he really does not understand how his values ​​fit into the world that he sees around him now. There is a barrier between what he feels and what he is able to live by, and this may actually be pushing him away from everything he wants.
If Venus is not well placed in the chart, this position of Saturn may block the expression of love. Every time an individual tries to give his love to another person, he is faced with a question regarding his values. He always feels that something is wrong, but it is difficult for him to pinpoint exactly what. This is usually due to feelings of guilt for the way he treated people in their attitude towards things.
He will achieve happiness at the moment when he clearly realizes how unfair he was to himself in the past.

Retrograde Saturn in the third house

There is a great difficulty in communication here. An individual cannot easily translate his thoughts into words that others will understand. Part of the problem is that too many of his ideas are framed in black and white and he is not aware of the many shades of grey.
Because he tries so hard to express his thoughts clearly to other people, while internally believing that they are not as receptive as he would like, he experiences great difficulty in all his relationships.
He often blocks his consciousness from sensitively perceiving signals that come from deeper parts of him. As a result, it is not fully integrated within itself. Those parts of him which he is capable of consciously understanding are to a large extent outside thoughts, rationalistic explanations and created ideas that he finds socially acceptable. No other position of Saturn crystallizes so strongly all the thought forms of current life as this.
So much importance is attached to every thought that the individual actually burdens himself with one issue after another. An interesting feature is that the answers are pre-programmed. This complicates the learning process, since what is successful confirms what is already firmly built in the belief system.
Spending a lot of time in phase II of the retrograde process, a person experiences a conflict between input and output of information. He has spent so much time in previous lives learning how to learn that he has actually become a victim of habits that cause him to consume more information than he actually needs. Karmically, he must learn to develop a clear priority of thoughts, discarding everything that is not important, while learning to better express what is significant.

Retrograde Saturn in the fourth house

Here the individual spends a significant part of his life in phase III of the retrograde process, as he never ceases to try to find out what bothers him in the very origins of the Soul. Despite everything else he does, he remains inward almost all the time.
There is an unresolved Oedipal conflict in human character, consisting of many problems arising from early childhood. The persistence of emotional attachments may cause this individual to follow one path of crystallized feelings for most of his life. In this regard, he appears to carry a lot of astral matter and can burden others with the obvious weight of his inner emotional conflicts. Even when he receives answers to his questions, he does not seem to know how to use them to solve his problems. He tends to block himself from seeing deep meaning things that would actually set him free.
Many people with this position of Saturn have long-term phobias developed in early years that must be overcome if a person is to move beyond long-held attitudes that block self-awareness.
Of all the positions of Saturn, this binds the individual most strongly to his past. He may spend forty years trying to resolve the weight of a problem placed upon him at too young an age. As an adult, he continues to replay the traumas of his youth in his family, but often he does this on a subconscious level, so that the people around him are hardly aware of the roles that are assigned to him.
Karma here is to learn how to tolerate the emotions of other people with whom one is in close contact, without carrying a complex of guilt or responsibility for everything that happened in the past.
Once an individual can learn to live only in currently, he will discover that many of his worries are unrealistic.

Retrograde Saturn in the fifth house

With this planetary position, the individual feels a strong need to overcome obstacles to his creative process. He continues to feel that he should be doing more in life than he actually is, but he postpones much of his productive output until later in life. He feels the need to create something of genuine value in order to feel a sense of purpose.
In some cases, he will have to bear a heavy burden in paying off the karmic debt to the child, but if he does this, it will help him establish the sense of purpose that he is looking for.
He paints himself into a corner, effectively slowing down any real progress in life due to inner fear obligations. No matter how much he would be more comfortable being an observer, he continues to find himself in one situation after another, where the full burden of responsibility is placed on him. The more he seeks pleasure, the greater the burden of responsibility he finds on himself. This should teach him what real life is like.
Love affairs bloom slowly, as a fair amount of maturation must occur before intimate relationships can flow smoothly. An individual experiences a lot of self-doubt when it comes to expressing creativity. He doesn't think he can live up to other people's standards, so he doesn't allow himself much that he really needs. He will not be able to achieve the realization of opportunities if he turns them into insurmountable obstacles.
Childhood fears of inadequacy still operate in his subconscious.
Karmically, he must learn how to stop the perpetuated fears that are blocking his creative flow. Once he can do this, he will not only overcome many of his obstacles, but will also be able to make an important contribution to humanity.

Retrograde Saturn in the sixth house

The individual here feels a great responsibility to others. He would like to bear their burden for them if he could.
At work, the individual can be a fantastic organizer, able to put together disparate pieces when others do not know how to deal with them. At the same time, he must learn to stop himself, since sometimes he takes on more than he can bear.
More of a doer than a thinker, he can literally wear himself out trying to satisfy other people's expectations.
He loves to live with a sense of purpose, but questions and explores the origins of everything. This is part of his fight. He wants to find out whether a person's life is predetermined or created by himself.
He must learn that although he is involved in the mission of serving others, it is not for him to decide what the needs of those around him are. He may become so caught up in the minutiae of trying to satisfy everyone that he loses sight of the fact that God alone is the real arbiter.
He brings with him a sense of devotion into this life, and for those who need direction, his very presence will help them find their purpose. He must be careful during Phase I of the retrograde process to impose his goals on others. Functioning better as a servant, he can function smoothly during Phase III, looking at other people's dilemmas to try to help them crystallize solutions.

Retrograde Saturn in the seventh house

Here the karma of marriage is fully realized. An individual often feels that his marriage partner is holding him back. If he is single, he will feel the influence of other people trying to force him to go back down the path he has taken in order to gain a more balanced and mature view of himself.
In some cases, this position indicates a marriage with an older partner whom the person may have actually known in a previous incarnation.
The most important lessons focus on establishing harmony with other people. He knows this, but his ego tends to rebel when it gets tough. However, he has learned in past incarnations that his real confidence and reliability comes from others rather than from himself. He needs to feel protected. Essentially, even if he often complains that the marriage is boring, he knows that it is a stabilizing anchor that keeps him from what might otherwise lead to a disordered lifestyle.
Karmically, this position of Saturn retrograde gives the individual the opportunity not only to work out his childhood problems with a very influential parent by choosing a similar type of marriage partner, but also to share life with another person who in many cases appears to be a struggling student, but in reality turns out to be a teacher.
Thus, much can be learned from such a situation if the individual allows himself to experience phase III of the retrograde process. Thanks to this phase, he can accept ideas that seem beyond his current level of maturity.

Retrograde Saturn in the eighth house

In this situation, there are many karmic reciprocal exchanges with other people.
The individual tends to live by the values ​​of other people in order to transform himself through what others find meaningful. As a result of past incarnations, he has not yet learned sense of purpose. Thus, he is swayed by the influence of his marriage partner and other people.
In sex, limitation, reaching the point of impotence, is caused by many accumulated karmic fears. The person worries greatly about this and undergoes repeated testing of his sexuality just to make sure that it is there. Many women with this placement of Saturn have had unpleasant sexual experiences with an older man in their early childhood years. This is the main reason for frigidity, guilt and shame complex later. In all cases, sexual nature has roots in the past.
Devotion to what has mature value in other people gives the individual greater confidence and common sense in the world of business, where his Saturnian caution works to his practical advantage.
For the student of the mystical realms, this position of Saturn retrograde allows old karma to be resurrected in order to develop new insight into old ways of thinking. Thus, a person is able to be born again, since he can forever discard old value systems that were never really his own, but which he tried to live up to in the past.
Since many of the world's values ​​depend greatly on the sexual evolution of the human race at any time this moment, this position of retrograde Saturn in the eighth house reflects a significant part of world thinking through the personal life of the individual. Much time is spent in Phase III of the retrograde process, when old traditions are re-examined against the current standards of society.
Karmically, the individual revises and transforms all that humanity has crystallized as past traditions.

Retrograde Saturn in the ninth house

This is a special house for Saturn, since it brings the individual into contact with the already formed parts of his higher nature. In many cases, a person brings into this incarnation a mature sense of wisdom that was developed in past incarnations. Regardless of his IQ (coefficient mental development), which he often feels could be different, he has more wisdom than knowledge.
However, the retrograde nature of the planet often makes him doubt himself and seek understanding more intensely than he really should. But all this happens only before he learns that all the effort he puts into trying to think through solutions to problems is simply part of his learning how to stop thinking. The moment he does this, he will begin to notice that the answer is always there!
For many people, this position of Saturn represents a long spiritual journey, at the end of which the individual will discover self-respect in the face of God. He will begin this journey when he tries to read every book, attend every lecture and try to grasp literally every higher thought in the hope that through the apparent possession of much knowledge he will discover what he is looking for. In the end, most of the knowledge will come to him through more natural means.
If he tries astral projection, he will realize that his astral body is quite heavy and tends to disturb others unless the projection is extremely gentle.
Karmically, he is a seeker of the first rank and continues in this life the mission that he began earlier. He experiences all retrograde phases as he continues to form the essence of his philosophical and spiritual beliefs, thus transforming his collection of opinions into a very real sense of knowledge.

Retrograde Saturn in the tenth house

Here Saturn is in its natural house. The individual spends a lot of time in Phase III of the retrograde process, reconsidering the prestige and dignity that he has achieved in the past, thus determining his current opinion of himself. As such, he is highly aware of status, especially in a peer group. Occasionally he evaluates himself in terms of previous peer groups and how much he has achieved or surpassed them now.
This is a position of devotion for retrograde Saturn. The individual feels a strong sense of responsibility and must be accountable to himself for everything he does. Thus he is deeply concerned with seeing his life as some tangible formative structure that has followed a more or less reasonable path from the origins of his memory to the present.
He is quite crystallized in this respect, and reason and logic may elude him if it means deviating from a preprogrammed sense of duty to his self-image. This effect comes from those rare moments when he experiences phase I of the retrograde process.
The only way that can turn him aside is that which will improve his self-image in the future, if nothing of his past is destroyed in the process. Karmically he is trying to establish a sense of principle that he did not have until the end formed in past lives and which he truly does not have in this life.
It is formulated only in the areas of career, public image and sense of duty to society.

Retrograde Saturn in the eleventh house

This is the position of an idealist. The individual must deal with the crystallization of his dreams, hopes and goals. It is not enough for him to simply dream about them, as others do. He must feel their implementation, then he will feel like a significant person. Essentially he has the difficult task of learning how to reconcile his reality with what he would like to consider his reality. Often he takes responsibility for friends, since the individual's own life is truly not wide enough to include the reality of everything he dreams of. For this reason, he must expand it by attracting to himself those individuals whose lives symbolize those dreams of his that he is not ready or able to experience himself.
With this position of Saturn, the change in retrograde phases is very dependent on other people in the individual's life. He is a good adviser because everything he advises others is actually what he would do if he were living another person's life. IN in a certain sense this position of Saturn creates, as it were, an “Eyewitness of Karma,” in which the individual is less at the center of his own life than at the center of his dream, which may well be the lot of other people’s lives. Thus, it does not matter who he really is in his life. what they support will ultimately be more important to him than who they really are.Even if the person tries to attract important people to himself, he is subconsciously more concerned with the cause of their fame than the reality of who they are.

Retrograde Saturn in the twelfth house

This is where phase III of the retrograde process stands out, when the individual becomes deeply introspective. His greatest concern is the development of inner truth, which remains unchanged under the pressure of the world or his personal fortune. Thus he creates a foundation within himself and will essentially have to draw on the knowledge he has accumulated in past incarnations to make that foundation strong. He can feel strong debt towards those less fortunate than himself. And there is no doubt that he himself felt the heavy burden of Saturn in past lives. He now views his responsibility more as a cosmic debt to the universe than a personal debt to a specific person.
Many people with this placement of Saturn become overly introspective and begin to question the value and significance of everything they do, and their identification with collective significance or lack of it in the world around them at any given moment greatly influences their view of the world. The main lesson here is to be honest with yourself from every point of view.
This position of Saturn brings great inner maturity to the individual like no other. Whatever the outer world demands of him, his strongest feeling is the security and confidence that he feels internally, being faithful to God.
Saturn - Test of suffering.

(Aries - Virgo)
(Libra - Pisces)
Retrograde Saturn.

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