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The most prestigious college in the world. Best Universities in Russia: Economics and Management

Our university status is influenced by quite a few factors: the quality of education, the number of Nobel laureates, special programs, scientific works, awards and many others. But there are institutions that are leaders in all respects. You will learn about them now.

Harvard University

The oldest and one of the most famous universities in the USA. It was founded on September 8, 1636. Located in Cambridge, Massachusetts. More than forty Nobel laureates, politicians and businessmen (Theodore Roosevelt, Barack Obama, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg) studied within its walls. Tuition cost: about $40,000 per year. It has the largest endowment fund among universities in the world ($37.6 billion). Web site

Stanford University

A private university in the USA, which is one of the most prestigious in the USA and in the world. It appeared relatively recently - in 1891 and is located near the city of Palo Alto, California. It was created with the goal of educating graduates who are not just educated, but also in demand in the labor market, so that the focus on public benefit remains at Stanford to this day. That is why among the graduates of the university there are many innovators and inventors who have made great changes in our world (Elon Musk (though he did not graduate), Larry Page, Sergey Brin). Web site

A most prestigious educational institution, famous not only for the quality of teaching, but also for its amazing international atmosphere, as it studies a large number of students from all over the world. Founded in 1701. Located in New Haven, Connecticut. Tuition fee: about $40,500 per year. Among the university graduates you can recognize leaders various countries world, as well as famous public figures, scientists and entrepreneurs (George Bush, John Kerry, Meryl Streep, John Templeton) Website

Oxford University

One of the oldest universities in Europe and the real pride of the British education system. Cherished dream thousands of students from all over the world. The exact date of the founding of Oxford University is unknown, but education at Oxford began as early as 1096. Located in Oxford, Oxfordshire, England. To this day, Oxford maintains its traditions and premium level of education. Tuition fee: about $14,000 per year. Among famous alumni: Lewis Carroll, John Tolkien, Margaret Thatcher and Tony Blair. Web site

Cambridge university

A truly legendary educational institution, it is the oldest in Europe after Oxford. The university grew out of a meeting of learned people in the city of Cambridge (Cambridgeshire), which was founded, according to chronicles, in 1209. No university in the world can boast as many Nobel laureates as this one, equal to eighty-eight. Famous alumni: Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Francis Bacon, James Maxwell, Vladimir Nabokov, Frederick Sanger. Tuition fee: about $14,000 per year. Web site

A university in the USA with an excellent academic reputation that attracts the most talented students from all over the world. Founded in 1746 in Princeton, New Jersey. Tuition fee: about $37,000 per year. US President Woodrow Wilson, actress Brooke Shields, and US First Lady Michelle Obama studied there. Web site

Columbia University

A university in the state of New York that has produced many talented graduates in the most various fields. Among them are forty-three Nobel laureate, three presidents, as well as worldwide famous writers And public figures. Founded in 1754 in New York. Tuition fee: about $45,000 per year. Notable alumni: Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Mikheil Saakashvili, Warren Buffett, Jerome Salinger, Hunter Thompson, Barack Obama, Kathryn Bigelow.


No. 10. National University of Singapore

Singapore has created a world-leading university in the medical and social sciences. Bright minds from all over the world study here. Of course, high demands are placed on applicants in terms of knowledge, talent and potential.

No. 9. Tsinghua University

Most developed Technical University China. The structure includes faculties covering almost all spheres of life. The university provides a number of international scholarships for foreign students; need I say that the competition reaches 100 people per place? Ninth place in the Top 10.

No. 8. Johns Hopkins University

This title prestigious university took from the Johns Hopkins Research Institute, which existed in Europe. Today, research plays a large role in education, which is appreciated by students from Southeast Asia.

No. 7. University of Georgia

Located in a small area of ​​America known as Athens. Many graduates have become international famous professors medicine and veterinary medicine.

No. 6. University of Chicago

The University of Chicago is a private institution in America, which includes 6 faculties - professional areas and 4 interdisciplinary departments. In addition to this, there is a department for foreign students and a department of interethnic relations. Traditions are highly valued at this university.

No. 5. Yale University

Yale university was founded in 1701 in Connecticut, where education is vital important role in the development of human behavior and feelings. Today the university is known throughout the world. The oldest university today bears the latest knowledge. Fifth place in the Top 10 The best and most prestigious universities in the world.

No. 4. Oxford University

Oxford University in any era remains among best universities in the world. Today it is one of the most advanced institutes in the world, with thousands of students studying there. The quality of education is always excellent. To enter here you need careful preparation, because... competitive selection quite tough. It also contains one of the.

No. 3. Princeton University

Princeton University is an ancient university of the United States of America, which was built in 1764. It is already inscribed in history, because many famous minds came from it. Humanitarian sciences, Social sciencies, technical disciplines and business, which, by the way, today is one of the most prestigious faculties of the university.

No. 2. Caltech

Californian Institute of Technology is in second place. He created an excellent technical base for researchers and gathered the best professors and doctors of science as teachers. Modern technologies appear here in the hands of students!

No. 1. Harvard University

The best and most prestigious university in the world. His name should have popped into your memory as soon as you read the title of the rating. Its advent brought Great Britain to new heights of education. Creative thinking students and potential are an integral condition for admission. The structure includes more than 100 faculties, 100 laboratories in which students, using their knowledge, discover something new. It also contains one of the.

Among the world's universities there are special ones that are distinguished by their worthy age, universities with high prestige, the most famous. There is a ranking of the most famous universities in Russia.

The oldest universities in the world

There are universities founded several centuries ago. Among the existing ones there are known universities opened in the eleventh - thirteenth centuries. Read more about the oldest of them below.

University of Bologna (Italy)

Fights for the right to be considered the oldest university in the world University of Bologna. The year of its foundation is one thousand eighty-eight. Initially, the University of Bologna was famous high level teaching Roman law. Now more than seventy-seven thousand students study within its walls. This university is the oldest in Europe.

Oxford University (UK)

The oldest among English-speaking universities is the University of Oxford. It is the oldest in Great Britain. Unfortunately, documentary evidence has not survived exact date his discovery, however, it is reliably known that in the year one thousand ninety-six he was already working. Today, about forty students study at this university. four thousand Human.

Al-Azhar University (Egypt)

Al-Azhar University, located in Cairo, is recognized as the oldest in the world. Its story began in nine hundred and sixty-nine. It appeared almost simultaneously with Cairo itself. From the first years of existence Special attention there they devoted their time to teaching religious disciplines.

University of Salamanca (Spain)

The oldest in Spain and one of the oldest in the world is the University of Salamanca. Among educational institutions in Europe, this was the first to be awarded the right to be called a university. Initially, the University of Salamansa was opened as a school in one thousand one hundred and thirty. Ninety years later the school was awarded the title of "comprehensive school". In one thousand two hundred and fifty-four, the “general school” became a university. This university was one of the first to acquire its own public library.

The most famous universities in Russia

There are more than a thousand higher educational institutions in Russia, they are located throughout the country and differ in the level of teaching and prestige. Let's learn more about the most famous Russian universities.

MSTU im. H.E. Bauman (Moscow)

MSTU is considered not only the most famous, but also the most prestigious in Russia. H.E. Bauman. This Moscow university trains specialists in twenty-four areas and seventy-five specialties. The university trains specialists for modern instrument making and mechanical engineering.

Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Moscow)

One of the most famous universities in Russia is Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. They know about him far beyond the borders of the country. It was founded in the mid-eighteenth century by M.V. Lomonosov in Moscow. Today it is the oldest university in Russia. Thanks to its long history, an excellent material and technical base, the country's largest library, research centers, and its own museum have been created.

SPbSU (St. Petersburg)

State University in St. Petersburg occupies a worthy place among best universities Russia. It trains specialists at twenty-four faculties. St. Petersburg State University has its own museums, a publishing house and one of the richest libraries in the country.

KPFU (Kazan)

Of the permanent ones, it is Kazansky federal university- the second oldest in the country. The university in Kazan is equipped with last word technology, there is a wealth of science Library. This university is one of the objects cultural heritage countries.

The most prestigious universities today

Among the most famous universities in the world, you can choose the most prestigious ones. As you know, the more reputable the university, the easier it is for a student to find Good work. Next, about several of the most prestigious universities in the world.

California Institute of Technology (USA)

The California Institute of Technology is abbreviated as Caltech. This university is the base for NASA. In area exact sciences Caltech is a leading university in America and around the world. It is believed that studying there is not at all easy. The first American satellite and several space probes were created on the basis of this outstanding university.

University of Cambridge (UK)

Another leader in authority and prestige among universities in the world is Cambridge university. He is also one of the oldest. This university opened its doors to students in one thousand two hundred and nine. Cambridge graduates are more likely than graduates of other universities to become Nobel laureates.

Yale University (USA)

Yale University is in the top three in terms of prestige. He is located in the USA. It was founded in one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two. Today eleven thousand students study there. The university is distinguished by the fact that it has no restrictions on the admission of foreigners.

The most prestigious university in the world

On everyone's lips

Harvard University, and this is no coincidence. He is not only one of the most famous, but also the most prestigious in the world. In the USA, this university is the oldest, the year of its foundation is one thousand six hundred and thirty-six. Most of America's prominent political figures graduated from Harvard. During their studies, students use the large, rich library of the university, one of the largest in the world. The university has its own observatory and museums. Harvard University graduates often become politicians, scientists. Not only temples of science are prestigious, but also things that are bought with money, for example, cars. On the site there is a site about the longest limousines.
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Any employer appreciates a good education. Nowadays it is not very difficult to get into foreign university, you just need to prepare well for admission. It is in order to choose the optimally suitable university that ratings are compiled.

How are ratings compiled?

Criteria for evaluating universities:

  • Student reviews.
  • Quality of scientific research.
  • Admission requirements and average passing score.
  • Number of students per teacher.
  • Costs for material and technical base.
  • Students who have completed the course.
  • Career prospects.

All data is passed through many filters, and you should not refuse a suitable offer just because of a line in the rating.

100 best universities in the world

In the top 2015, the first 10 places are occupied by universities in the USA and Great Britain. The ranking of world universities was compiled by an independent commission; the survey was conducted in 9 languages.

So, Harvard University is opening one hundred of the best universities in the world. This is a very old educational institution, opened in the 17th century. Many US presidents have emerged from its walls.

The second place is taken by the University of Cambridge. Of the currently existing ones, this is the most old university. It was founded in 1209.

Oxford takes third place. This educational institution, like the two previous ones, is very old and world famous.

All these educational institutions have been known for a very long time, have an impeccable reputation, and after graduating from one of the universities you can count on 100% employment.

The list includes universities from both Europe and Asia. The last, hundredth place on the list is the University of Massachusetts. Thus, the list is closed and opened by a US university.

Of course, to choose a top university, you need not only large cash injections, but also basic knowledge and knowledge of the language of the country where the educational institution is located.

Best technical universities

Technical specialties are in demand and are popular along with humanities. IT specialties are especially valued.

Rating technical universities world leader in the USA. Its peculiarity is that students learn by doing, rather than cramming tedious theory. Therefore, the university is a leader in intra-university research. It is worth noting that the competition for admission to this university is unrealistically high, and to get there, you need to try very hard.

The Indian Institute of Technology is also in the top five. This real forge personnel for the IT sector. There is no clear specialization at the institute, and students study approximately 40 disciplines. For foreign students A scholarship is paid as part of the exchange of cultural experiences.

The top ten includes Imperial College London. Training there is relatively inexpensive - 12 thousand pounds per year. But there will be large expenses for housing, because the college does not have a dormitory. And in London high prices for real estate.

The top twenty includes Australian University South Wales. The teaching principles are very similar to the University of Massachusetts.

Russia ranks 66th among world technical universities. At this place Moskovsky State University named after Lomonosov.

Top Medical Universities

In first place in the top medical universities Oxford is located. As you can see, it is not only included in the ranking of universities in the world, but also the best among teaching medicine.

In second place is Harvard University.

Cambridge takes third place.

Fourth place was given to Imperial College London.

Stanford University, located in the USA, closes the top five.

And here Russian universities were not included in the ranking of medical universities in the world.

Top global business schools

Business schools are usually part of large universities and very rarely exist separately. After graduation, graduates become managers at various levels.

Harvard is in first place among business schools.

Second place awarded University of London and his business school.

The University of Pennsylvania ranks third.

Ranking of prestigious universities in the world, according to the U.S. agency. News

In first place, as in almost all rankings, is Harvard University.

Second place belongs to the Massachusetts Technical University.

Third place awarded University of California in Berkeley.

A British university appears only in fifth place - the University of Oxford.

In general, almost only US universities are represented in the first twenty positions. Then you can find universities in Japan, Canada, China, Australia, Singapore and European countries. But the most common are American universities. Therefore, there are concerns that agency experts, out of patriotic feelings, may slightly overestimate educational institutions in their country.

Ranking of world universities by specialty

In addition to the general rating, ratings of specialties are compiled. This is done so that the applicant can choose the most suitable university. Because not all universities have every department or department equally strong. A university may be in the top ten of the overall ranking, but after admission it turns out that at a lesser-known institute, the knowledge in a particular specialty is deeper, more interesting than internships, and so on.

The lists are compiled in six areas:

  • humanitarian;
  • engineering and technical;
  • biosciences;
  • physics and chemistry;
  • medicine;
  • social direction.

MSU took several positions in different areas at once: 35th place in the direction of “Linguistics”, 36th place in “Physics and Astronomy”, in the specialty “ Computer science And information Technology"entered the top 100. In addition to Moscow State University, the hundred includes St. Petersburg University.

Russian universities in international rankings

IN Soviet times Education in our country was considered the best in the world. During the years of perestroika and during the 90s, the level decreased slightly, but currently it has begun to rise in the world.

According to the QS agency, which analyzes all higher education institutions in the world and compiles a rating, Russian universities are located in the following places:

  • In 114th place is Moscow State University. Lomonosov.
  • On the 233rd - St. Petersburg State University.
  • On the 322nd - MSTU named after. Bauman.
  • In 328th place is the Novosibirsk National Research Institute.
  • From 400th to 500th place are the Peoples' Friendship University, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, St. Petersburg Technical University, Tomsk State University.
  • From 500th to 600th places - Tomsk politechnical University, graduate School Economics, Kazan University, Ural University them. Yeltsin, Saratov State University.
  • 800th place is occupied by the Southern Federal University, Russian the University of Economics Plekhanov, FEFU and Voronezh State University.


When choosing a suitable educational institution you need to focus not only on the rating of the most prestigious universities peace. This is a very conditional indicator; various ratings are marketing tools, and their compilation to the common man may be unknown. Of course, there is no reason not to trust popular agencies, but when choosing a university, it is better to focus on your interests.