Biographies Characteristics Analysis

traces of other civilizations. What kind of creatures did the ancient masters capture? Traces of ancient civilizations on Earth

In the development of life on Earth, the history of mankind is only a brief moment. The history of the development of civilization began much earlier than the appearance of writing, as evidenced by numerous archaeological data. Thousands of years ago, a great civilization lived and created on Earth, the level of which we have not reached today.

Why did the great civilization of antiquity disappear? Perhaps the flourishing of cultures was interrupted by the Flood, which is described in the Bible, the Sumerian "Tale of Gilgamesh", hundreds of legends and myths of ancient peoples? During the brief history of mankind on our planet, there was a sharp melting of glaciers at the end of the last ice age, which ended between 15,000 and 10,000 BC. e. Traces of an ancient civilization have been found on all continents of the Earth:



Three main pyramids of Giza

The three main Pyramids of Giza are positioned relative to the Nile Valley in such a way that they reproduce the position of the three stars of Orion's Belt relative to the Milky Way in 10450 BC. Arguing with astronomical calculations, Robert Bauval and Adrian Gilbert ("Secrets of the Pyramids") put forward a hypothesis about the estimated time of the beginning of the construction of the Giza complex - 10450 BC.

The British writer and journalist Graham Hancock (The Sphinx Mystery) called the Giza space monuments "a stone book that came down from heaven," since the three great pyramids of Giza are the earthly counterparts of the three stars of Orion's Belt, and the Sphinx is the earthly representation of the constellation Leo.

The ancient Egyptians called the Giza complex - "the house of Mr. Rostau" - one of the titles of God Osiris. According to the list of the ancient Greek historian Manetho, the reign of God Osiris is the middle of the 11th millennium BC. e.

The Great Pyramid - the pyramid of Cheops consists of 203 rows of masonry, 2.3 million blocks, weighs over 6 million tons. The weight of especially large blocks is 10-15 tons. In ancient times, the pyramid was lined with 115,000 polished slabs, each weighing 10 tons. The dimensions of the slabs were maintained with an accuracy of about 0.2 mm, the joints were adjusted so that it was impossible to insert a knife blade into them.

The ancient builders of the Great Pyramid with outstanding accuracy adjusted the angles of the base of the pyramid to 90 °: the southeast angle is 89 ° 562273, the northeast - 90 ° 3223, the southwest - 89 ° 562273, the northwest - 89 ° 592583. Such precise construction technique defies explanation.

“However, there are no traces of such an evolutionary process in Egypt. The Great Pyramid and its neighbors at Giza appeared as if from a black hole in the history of architecture, so deep and wide that neither its bottom nor sides can be seen ”(Graham Hancock“ Traces of the Gods ”).


The Sphinx is the largest solid sculpture in the world: 20 meters high, over 70 meters long. According to the "Emerald Tablets" of Hermes Trismegistus, the age of the Sphinx is 10 - 15 thousand years.

The American clairvoyant Edgar Cayce claimed that the Sphinx was built between 10490 and 10390 BC. e. Some researchers believe that the Great Sphinx is an indicator of the Age of Leo according to the equinox calendar and corresponds to the period between 10970 and 8810 BC.

American geologist Robert Schoch argues that the Sphinx's furrows were formed by water, which would require at least a thousand years of constant, heavy rains. Computer calculations based on this theory have shown that the Sphinx is 10-15 thousand years old.


Osirion is composed of huge monolithic blocks of granite using the technique of megalithic masonry. The stone is carefully processed, the blocks are fitted to each other without a gap and the use of mortar. The central part of the building has two colonnades of 10 granite columns. The cross section of each column is a square with a side of 2.5 meters, the height of the column is about 4 meters, the weight of each monolith is 65 tons! The corners of some monoliths have a complex polygonal profile, the blocks are joined according to the puzzle principle.

The buildings of Osirion are oriented strictly to the northeast, as is the Belt of Orion, which, according to the beliefs of the ancient Egyptians, became the House of Eternity of Osiris. According to ancient legends, in Osirion there is the tomb of the God Osiris, who ruled more than 10 thousand years ago.

There are many facts indicating that Osirion was subjected to destructive long-term exposure to water, erosion, which could occur during the “wet” period of Egyptian history, which occurred at the end of the last Ice Age - about 11 thousand years BC.


Chichen Itza is the most famous Mayan center in the Mexican Yucatan. Until now, there is no answer to the many secrets and mysteries that the witnesses of the Mayan and Toltec eras in Chichen Itza keep: the Kukulkan Pyramid, the Great Ball Field, the Caracol Observatory, the Temple of Warriors, the Temple of the Jaguars, the “Group of a Thousand Columns”.

Who told the Maya astronomical knowledge about Uranus, Neptune and Pluto? What was the meaning of the Mayan calendars with calculations for millennia ahead? Scientists believe that the principle of the calendar was put at the basis of the pyramid of Kukulkan, and the pyramid had astronomical significance.

Researchers put forward a hypothesis about the foundation of Chichen Itza by representatives of a highly developed civilization in the period before the Flood, which is dated to the era of Leo.


Researchers express different versions of the origin of Palenque. The complex was abandoned a long time ago, traces of its inhabitants disappeared, and the local population did not have any reliable information about the ancient ruins. According to one of the hypotheses of Palenque, the “Great City of Serpents” was built in ancient times by a people who came from the Atlantic under the leadership of a leader named Wotan.

Scientist and traveler Andrey Sklyarov (“Ancient Mexico without crooked mirrors”) believed that large blocks of some buildings in Palenque retained traces of processing with advanced technologies, many times superior to the capabilities of all Mesoamerican civilizations known to historians.

The ancient founders of Palenque used technologies that are found on other continents. Some elements of block processing and the so-called polygonal masonry of the Palenque Palace show similarities with the ancient buildings of the Egyptian Osirion.


Teotihuacan, like the Egyptian pyramids, is an amazing example of geometric, mathematical and astronomical mysticism. The development of Teotihuacan took place along the Road of the Dead. The main buildings are the Pyramid of the Sun, the Pyramid of the Moon and the Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl.

The perimeter of the base of the Pyramid of the Sun is 895 meters, its original height was about 71 meters. The ratio of the perimeter of the base of the pyramid of the Sun to its height is 4 "pi", which means that the ancient builders of the pyramid knew the number "pi"?!

According to legend, after the Flood, the Gods returned to Teotihuacan to "re-create the world." As Andrei Sklyarov, an advocate of alternative history, wrote (“Ancient Mexico without distorting mirrors”), this hypothesis is confirmed by the orientation of the Teotihuacan complex not strictly to the north pole, but to a direction that deviates from north by 15.5 degrees to the east, which can be explained by a change in the position of the poles after the Flood.


Until now, researchers have not received answers to the questions: what is the true age of Machu Picchu, who built it, why and for what purposes was it built on a hard-to-reach cliff, and why was it abandoned?

Machu Picchu is built on top of a mountain range, at an altitude of 2450 meters above sea level, to build in such an inaccessible place required incredible skill. During the construction of the terraces of Machu Picchu, giant blocks were used, some weighing up to 200 tons. The size and shape of the blocks of the "Main Temple" and the "Temple of Three Windows" shows that the masonry of the walls was created by a highly technologically advanced civilization. The temples were built according to the earthquake-resistant technology of megalithic polygonal masonry. Among the blocks there are massive hewn polyhedrons with sharp edges.

Perhaps these structures existed millennia before the rise of the Inca empire? Perhaps the Incas built Machu Picchu on the ruins of much more ancient structures of the megalithic culture? The American writer, popularizer of the theory of the alien origin of man, Zakharia Sitchin, in the book “Armageddon Postponed”, hypothesizes that the stone structures and megalithic walls of Machu Picchu were the creations of representatives of a prehistoric civilization.


One of the mysteries of the past of mankind is the huge and bizarre drawings - the geoglyphs of the Nazca desert plateau. Their purpose is unknown to anyone, as well as their age. Local residents say that these images are not the work of people, but of demigods - Viracocha, who left their traces in the Andes many thousands of years ago.

Almost all of the drawings are made on a cyclopean scale, the lines sometimes stretch to the horizon, they intersect and overlap each other, uniting in mysterious patterns that make the Nazca desert look like a giant drawing board.

According to the results of many expeditions to Peru, a number of scientists came to the conclusion that the Nazca plateau is part of a frozen mudflow with pronounced "tongues" descending between the surrounding mountains, which were formed during the return of the waters of a powerful tsunami that hit South America during the Flood. .


Ollantaytambo is located at an altitude of 2800 meters above sea level. The powerful walls of the fortress are assembled from stone blocks that weigh tens of tons, the blocks are fitted to each other with amazing accuracy, although they have joints that are not rectangular, but of very different shapes. Stone monoliths, the so-called platform of the Temple of the Sun, reach more than 4 meters in height, their weight is estimated at hundreds of tons, they are placed at the very top of a steep row of artificial terraces.

As Andrei Sklyarov wrote (“Peru and Bolivia long before the Incas”), “in order to deliver blocks weighing tens of tons to Ollantaytambo, they had to be lowered down a very steep slope of about 800 meters, then transported through a stormy mountain river, dragged upstream river for about 8 km, then climb a steep slope to the construction site. The ability of the Indians to manually move such huge blocks over such rough terrain is very doubtful.

The nature of the destruction of Ollantaytambo indicates that the complex was destroyed as a result of the catastrophic events of the Flood, which for South America are associated with a powerful tsunami that came from the Pacific Ocean.


Sacsayhuaman is located at an altitude of 3650 meters above sea level. Its "calling card" is three tiers of zigzag walls over 350 meters long and over 15 meters in total height.

The unique structure was built from huge blocks, which were delivered here over rugged mountainous terrain from quarries remote at a distance of several tens of kilometers. The weight of the largest block, reaching more than 8 meters in height, is about 350 tons. Blocks of andesite, a very hard material, form a polygonal masonry with stones fitting together without any mortar.

In the chronicles of the Peruvian historian Garcilaso de La Vega, the authors of the construction are not named, he only retells local legends in his own words: “... these three walls were erected as if by magic, created by demons, not people - there are so many stones in them, and they are so huge ... It is impossible to believe that these stones were cut in quarries, since the Indians had neither iron nor steel tools to remove and hew them ”


The Spanish historian, geographer, Catholic missionary Jose de Acosta, in his essay “The Natural and Moral History of the Indies,” tells how the Indians talk about their origin: “They mention a lot the flood that happened in their country ... The Indians say that all people drowned in this flood. But Viracocha came out of Lake Titicaca, who first settled in Tiahuanaco, where to this day you can see the ruins of ancient and very strange buildings, and from there he moved to Cuzco, from which the multiplication of the human race began ... "

Ancient legends say: “For some sin, people who lived in ancient times were destroyed by the Creator ... in the Flood. After the Flood, the Creator appeared in human form from Lake Titicaca. Then he created the sun, moon and stars. After that, he revived humanity on earth ... "

According to the materials of excavations, the ancient settlement is 14 thousand years old. The Bolivian scientist Arthur Poznansky, having carried out astronomical calculations, determined the dating of Tiahuanaco - 15,000 BC.


The pyramid and temple complex, resting on the seabed near the island of Yonaguni, according to scientists, rose above the surface of the water at least 10 thousand years ago, when the water level in the world's oceans was 40 meters lower than the current one.

The Japanese Step Pyramid is similar to the Pyramid of Djoser in Egypt. The blocks are hewn and neatly stacked in five steps in a ziggurat. Side base of the pyramid - 180 meters, height - 30 meters.

Professors of geology Masaaki Kimura and Robert Shoh, who studied the underwater complex, believe that the mysterious five-stage structure was artificially created more than 10 thousand years ago, when the bottom near the island was dry land, that is, at the end of the last ice age. Who was involved in such grandiose architecture is unknown.


The buildings of Baalbek are larger than the pyramid of Cheops, the largest granite blocks of which are the ceiling of the King's Chamber, weighing 50 - 80 tons. Colossal megalithic blocks, called trilithons, are 21 meters long, 5 meters high, 4 meters wide, weighing 800 tons each!

Moreover, these monoliths lie at an eight-meter height. On the blocks, traces of machining of the planes are visible. Despite their grandiose size, the blocks are so neatly stacked and so precisely connected to each other that it is almost impossible to stick even a razor blade between them. According to an ancient legend, these blocks lay here forever and have long been considered sacred.

Two kilometers from the Baalbek terrace, in the nearest quarry, there is the so-called "Southern Stone", which is considered the largest processed stone in the world - 23 meters long, 5.3 meters wide and 4.55 meters high, its weight exceeds 1000 tons. The block at one end stuck into the ground at 30 degrees, which suggests that it was raised to a great height.


These questions have fired the human imagination for thousands of years. Academic science does not provide answers to these questions. Legends and myths tell different stories about the origin and purpose of ancient structures.

Many scientists and esotericists believe that the “stone monuments” of our planet are the works of the Lemurians and Atlanteans and are built in such a way that they cannot be “pulled apart” and “lost”.

American researcher James Churchward put forward the theory that the inhabitants of the continent of Mu, which disappeared 25 thousand years ago, used technologies far superior to modern ones, including antigravity, which allowed them to move huge objects and build colossal buildings.

Legends have been preserved that in ancient times people possessed unique technologies: “softening stones” and lifting and transferring stones using acoustics and sound. Perhaps the ancient people owned the torsion theory and used it to create stone processing technologies and build giant monuments of antiquity?

Undoubtedly, stone structures in different parts of the Earth were created by an unknown high-tech, possibly extraterrestrial civilization.

The scientist, esotericist Drunvalo Melchizedek in the book “The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life” writes that “during the transition of our planet and humanity from the third to the fourth dimension, all synthetic materials will return to the state of a chaotic set of elements from which they were created. This can explain the fact that a highly developed extraterrestrial civilization created structures using very durable natural materials that would have survived for tens of thousands of years. The artificial materials created by our ancestors did not go through the last interdimensional transition 13,000 years ago.”

According to a number of scientists, gigantic megalithic structures on Earth were built by a civilization of a planetary type. Japanese physicist Michio Kaku in his book "Parallel Worlds" writes about what will be the technology of civilizations that are thousands and millions of years away from us.

By scanning the sky for signs of intelligent life, physicists look for objects with energy output consistent with Type I, II, and III civilizations. A Type I civilization is a civilization that uses planetary forms of energy.

Why don't we see alien civilizations in space? Perhaps they are so advanced that they have little interest in our primitive society like 0.7? Maybe they died during the period of time when they sought to achieve the status of a Type I civilization?

And how will humanity make the transition to a type I civilization? Perhaps the development of "space elevators" based on the latest achievements in the field of nanotechnology will bring mankind closer to space travel and help unravel the mysteries of ancient civilizations that left traces on our planet millennia ago?

Skeptics say that in the past there were no civilizations with advanced technologies and incredible structures. They try to explain each strange artifact or trace of the past from their point of view - they say, this is done by hand, and this is a natural formation. However, there is such convincing evidence of the presence of advanced civilizations in ancient times that even the most convinced skeptics and rational scientists cannot refute them.

This archaeological complex called Sahasralinga is located on the Shalmala River in the Indian state of Karnataka. When summer comes, and the water level in the river drops, hundreds of pilgrims come here. A variety of mysterious stone figures carved in time immemorial are exposed from under the water. For example, this amazing education. Are you saying it's handmade?

Barabar is the generalized name of a group of caves located in the Indian state of Bihar, near the city of Gaya. Officially, they were created in the III century BC, again, from the point of view of historians, manually. Is this so, judge for yourself. In our opinion, to make such a structure of hard stone - with high ceilings, with walls so smooth, with seams that a razor blade cannot penetrate - is very difficult today.

Baalbek is an ancient city located in Lebanon. It has many different attractions. But most of all, the temple of Jupiter with multi-ton marble columns and the South Stone are surprising - an evenly hewn block weighing 1500 tons. Who and how could make such a monolith in time immemorial and for what purposes - science does not know the answers to this question.

West Baray is a man-made reservoir in Angkor (Cambodia). The size of the reservoir is 8 km by 2.1 km, and the depth is 5 meters. It was created in ancient times. The accuracy of the boundaries of the reservoir and the grandeur of the work performed are striking - it is believed that it was built by the ancient Khmers. Nearby are no less amazing temple complexes - Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom, the layout of which is striking in its accuracy. Modern scientists cannot explain what technologies the builders of the past used.

Here is what Youko Iwasaki, director of the Geological Research Institute of Osaka, Japan, writes:

Beginning in 1906, a group of French restorers worked in Angkor. In the 1950s, French specialists tried to lift the stones back onto the steep embankment. But since the angle of the steep embankment is 40º, after the first step 5 m high was built, the embankment collapsed. In the end, the French abandoned the idea of ​​​​following historical technologies and installed a concrete wall inside the pyramid to preserve the earthen structures. Today we do not know how the ancient Khmers could build such high and steep mounds.

Cumbe Mayo is located near the Peruvian city of Cajamarca at an altitude of about 3.3 km above sea level. There are the remains of an ancient aqueduct, which was clearly not made by hand.

It is known that it was built before the advent of the Inca Empire. Curiously, the name Kumbe Mayo comes from the Quechua expression "kumpi mayu", which means "well-made water channel". It is not known what civilization created it, but presumably it happened around 1500 AD.

The Cumbe Mayo aqueduct is considered one of the oldest structures in South America. Its length is about 10 kilometers. At the same time, if rocks were encountered on the path of the ancient path for water, then unknown builders cut a tunnel right through them.

6. The Peruvian cities of Sacsayhuaman and Ollantaytambo

Its weight is about 600 tons. It is known that it was created BC. The stone is a local landmark - and looking at its photographs and old drawings, you understand why it is so popular.

The Pyramid of Menkaure (or Menkaure) is located in Giza and is one of the Great Pyramids. At the same time, it is the lowest among them - only 66 m in height, which is half the size of the Cheops pyramid. But she strikes the imagination no less than her famous neighbors.

For the construction of the pyramid, huge monolithic blocks were used, the weight of one of them is about 200 tons. It still remains a mystery how it was delivered to the place of construction. The quality of the finishing of the blocks outside and inside the pyramid, as well as carefully crafted tunnels and internal chambers, is also surprising.

In this pyramid in the 19th century, a mysterious basalt sarcophagus was discovered, which was decided to be sent to England. But along the way, the ship got into a storm and sank off the coast of Spain.

Used materials from the site

Skeptics say that in the past there were no civilizations with advanced technologies and incredible structures. They try to explain each strange artifact or trace of the past from their point of view - they say, this was done at a later time, otherwise it was a natural formation in general. However, there is such convincing evidence of the presence of advanced civilizations in ancient times that even the most convinced skeptics cannot refute them.

10 traces of ancient civilizations

Sahasrasling complex

The archaeological complex called Sahasralinga is located on the Shalmala River in the Indian state of Karnataka. When summer comes and the water level in the river drops, hundreds of pilgrims come here. A variety of mysterious stone figures carved in time immemorial are exposed from under the water. For example, this amazing education. Are you saying it's handmade?

Caves of Barabar

Barabar is a generalized name for a group of caves located in the Indian state of Bihar, near the city of Gaya. Officially, they were created in the III century BC, again, from the point of view of historians, manually. Is this so, judge for yourself. In our opinion, to make such a structure of hard rock - with high ceilings, with walls so smooth, with seams that a razor blade cannot penetrate - is very difficult today.

South stone in Baalbek

Baalbek is an ancient city located in Lebanon. It has many different attractions. But the temple of Jupiter with multi-ton marble columns and the South Stone, an evenly hewn block weighing more than a thousand tons, are most surprising. Who and how could make such a monolith in ancient times and for what purposes - science does not know the answers to these questions.

Baray Reservoir

West Barai is a man-made reservoir in Angkor (Cambodia). The dimensions of the reservoir are 8 × 2.1 kilometers, and the depth is five meters. It was created in ancient times. The accuracy of the boundaries of the reservoir and the grandeur of the work performed are striking. It is believed that the reservoir was built by the ancient Khmers. Nearby are no less amazing temple complexes - Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom, the layout of which is striking in its accuracy. Modern scientists cannot explain what technologies were used by the builders of the past.
Here is what Yoshi-nori Iwasaki, director of the Geological Research Institute of Osaka (Japan), writes about this: “Starting from 1906, a group of French restorers worked in Angkor. In the 1950s, French specialists tried to lift the stones up the steep embankment again. But since the angle of the steep embankment is 40°, after the first stage five meters high was built, the embankment collapsed. In the end, the French abandoned the idea of ​​​​following historical technologies and installed a concrete wall inside the pyramid to preserve the earthen structures. Today we do not know how the ancient Khmers could build such high and steep embankments.

Cumbe Mayo Aqueduct

Cumbe Mayo is located near the Peruvian city of Cajamarca at an altitude of about 3.3 kilometers above sea level. There are the remains of an ancient aqueduct, which was clearly not made by hand. It is known that it was built before the advent of the Inca Empire. Curiously, the name Kumbe Mayo comes from the Quechua expression kumpi mayu, which means "well-made water channel." It is not known what kind of civilization created it, but presumably it happened around 1500 BC. The Cumbe Mayo aqueduct is considered one of the oldest structures in South America. Its length is about eight kilometers. At the same time, if rocks were encountered on the path of the ancient aqueduct, then unknown builders cut a tunnel right through them.

Sacsayhuaman and Ollantaytambo

Sacsayhuaman and Ollantaytambo are the remains of ancient structures in the Cusco region (Peru), on the territory of a huge archaeological park. The area of ​​this park is 5000 square meters, but most of it was buried under an avalanche many years ago. It is believed that these cities were built by the Incas using the most primitive tools. However, the huge stones of the fortress, tightly fitted to each other, as well as even traces of stone cuts in both ancient cities, are surprising. The Incas themselves were amazed at the grandeur of these buildings.
The Peruvian Inca historian Garcilaso de la Vega wrote about the Sacsayhuaman fortress: “It strikes with the size of the stone blocks that it consists of; one who has not seen this himself will not believe that something can be built from such stones; they inspire horror to those who examine them carefully. See for yourself the remains of the fortress and the blocks from Ollantaytambo and make sure that it is simply impossible to create this manually, without the help of high technology.

Moonstone in Peru

Here, in the Cusco region, in the same archaeological park, there is a curious attraction - a stone called Killarumiyoc. This is a Quechua Indian word, which literally means "moonstone". It is believed that this is a sacred place. People come here for rituals, meditations and purification of the soul. Pay attention to its unusual perfectly symmetrical shape and incredible quality of finish.

Al Naslaa in Saudi Arabia

The cut line of this amazing stone is surprising - both surfaces are perfectly smooth. Who exactly cut this stone and how, remains a mystery. Scientists are sure that nature tried here: they say, this perfectly even line is a consequence of weathering. But this version seems untenable - there are no similar formations in nature.


Near the Japanese city of Takasago is the famous huge megalith Ishino-Hoden. Its weight is about 600 tons. It is known that it was created BC. The stone is a local landmark - and looking at its photographs and old drawings, you understand why it is so popular.

Pyramid of Menkaure

The Pyramid of Menkaure (or Menkaure) is located in Giza and is one of the Great Pyramids. At the same time, it is the lowest among them, but it strikes the imagination no less than its famous neighbors. For the construction of the pyramid, huge monolithic blocks weighing up to 200 tons were used. It still remains a mystery: how were they delivered to the place of construction? The quality of the finishing of the blocks outside and inside the pyramid, as well as the carefully crafted tunnels, are also surprising.
In this pyramid in the 19th century, a basalt sarcophagus was discovered, which they decided to send to England. But along the way, the ship on which he was transported fell into a storm and sank off the coast of Spain.
This is not yet a complete list of amazing sights, looking at which you want to rewrite history books. We will talk about them in other publications.

The green continent, unlike other parts of the planet, is not so rich in megaliths. Perhaps they are simply buried under the sands of vast deserts occupying 44% of the mainland's surface. Some traces of an ancient civilization seem to be hidden under the thickness of coastal waters. Well, the fact that in the territory of Australia in the distant past there was a developed civilization called Uru, many Australian researchers do not raise the slightest doubt. According to one version, it arose as a result of the contact of local native tribes with newcomers from the other side of the Indian Ocean - the Indians. In support of this theory, some finds also speak - drawings and figurines of Hindu gods. The natives themselves attribute the construction of a few megaliths to mysterious creatures without mouths, with halos around their heads, which they called vonzhins.
The Australian Aborigines have a myth that their ancestors had white skin and came from the stars. Variations of this myth are known in the traditions of many tribes.

Legends of heroes from the stars

This is how, for example, one of the versions of the myth from Central Australia sounds: “Long ago, in the distant Time of Dreams, a large red egg flew from heaven. It wanted to calmly descend, but it did not succeed, and the egg cracked from a strong blow to the ground. White-skinned heroes and their children came out of it. The heroes themselves soon died, either from old age, or because they could not breathe the local air. But the children were young, they were able to adapt well to the new environment and therefore survived. To perpetuate the memory of their parents, the children of the heroes began to carve and draw their images on the walls of the caves. The remains of a large red egg were destroyed, and eventually rusted so much that they mixed with the earth, which in central Australia is still red because of this. And the children of heroes multiplied and populated the entire Australian continent, but their skin turned black due to the hot climate. And only their rock paintings still remind of what their ancestors looked like when they arrived from heaven, and how they dressed.

The tribes of the Blue Mountains west of Sydney also depict strange, unusually dressed figures of aliens from the past. One of their totems is a fish-like object in which the inhabitants of heaven once arrived.

They believe that the heroes visited ancient Australia not by chance, but because they took pity on the ancestors of the natives, who did not know how to get their own food. Heroes brought culture to people: the ability to hunt and make fire, use a boomerang and a dart thrower.

Traditions of rock painting

As in many other places on the globe, Australian Aboriginal rock paintings depict the world around them, such as animals and hunting scenes. But in Australian rock art, you can also see strange humanoid figures that look like astronauts, as well as objects that resemble spacecraft or UFOs. Many of these paintings are thousands of years old.

Researchers of rock paintings of primitive tribes note a characteristic naturalism, expressed by the motto "I paint only what I see." This is confirmed by the fact that the images of animals are anatomically correct, and the captured poses reflect habits known even today. But in this case, the ancient Australians simply could not invent everything else that they drew.

Vanjin murals

A good example is the Western Australian Aboriginal rock painting tradition known as Wanjina. This word denotes both the characteristic style of painting itself, and those amazing figures that can be seen on it. A few decades ago, this tradition became so popular that Wanjin figures began to appear in Australian urban graffiti and borrowed into a wide variety of modern design elements. The matter went so far that the natives had to demand a legislative ban on this kind of drawings for everyone who is not related to tribal religious ceremonies.

What is it about this painting that captivates everyone? Vanjin's figures are humanoid, but their otherness is immediately evident. Even more interesting are their robes and headgear, in the description of which the words “suit” and “helmet” are asked, and this despite the fact that for the life of the Australian aborigines before the arrival of Europeans, the concept of almost any clothing is completely alien.

The myths and legends surrounding these drawings emphasize that the fair-skinned deities depicted in them brought knowledge to the natives. According to some versions of myths, in ancient times these gods came from heaven, and according to others, they sailed from the other side of the Indian Ocean on huge ships, which is sometimes explained by the long journeys of Phoenician sailors about 3000 years ago.

Some scholars note that in the style of clothing of Wanjin's figures, parallels with the cultures of the Middle East can be seen. Evidence of this is found in the racial traits of the natives, and even in the presence of ancient Egyptian words in the Australian native languages. Nevertheless, such a hypothesis does not explain all the oddities of Vanjin's paintings and many Australian myths.

Folklore about giants

According to some myths, the celestial aliens in Australia were either all huge, or there were giants among them. In this regard, the finds of parts of huge human skeletons in Africa and Asia are usually remembered. But even in Australia itself there is evidence of the existence of giant humanoid creatures. These are, for example, traces of huge human feet.

One such footprint, found near the town of Carpet in New South Wales, measures about a meter in length, and footprints of half a meter have been found in many places. Primitive stone tools weighing from 4 to 12 kilograms are also known.

It is clear that it would be impossible for an ordinary person to handle a stone chisel or ax of such weight. According to estimates made on the basis of these facts, the Australian giants weighed at least 400-500 kilograms, and had a height of 4 to 6 meters and more.

Stonehenge at Bathurst

Australian megaliths, in particular the famous Stonehenge in Bathurst, in the state of New South Wales, are also associated with ancient giants. It was there that some of the giant stone tools were found. A significant area of ​​several square kilometers is covered with boulders lined up in straight lines, stone circles, standing stones - menhirs - and even human heads carved from stone. Researchers agree that one of the main functions of this structure was to conduct complex astronomical observations.

Most of the elements of this megalith could easily have been built by human hands. But there are also several structures that could not be created at the level of ancient technologies. For example, a round stone 4.5 meters high and about 3 meters in diameter, set on a base of carved granite blocks. Some huge boulders form precise geometric shapes, say an equilateral triangle with a side of 55 meters.

Even in order to draw a triangle of this size, not to mention the movement of boulders to the right points, you need remarkable mathematical and construction skills. Finally, in this Heo6v megalith, there are clear cultural parallels with the structures of the lost civilizations of South America and the Pacific Islands. It should also be noted that, according to ufologists, UFO activity in the areas of this and other megaliths is much higher than in other parts of Australia.

Rock structures in Queensland

Another attraction is located on a large plateau near the city of Toowoomba in Queensland. Now it is covered with forest, but in ancient times the plateau was bare. If you look at it from an airplane, then there is a clear association with the runway.

Moreover, stone pyramids about 120 meters high and with a square base side of about the same length are scattered across the territory of Queensland (the most famous is in the Jirraween National Park).

They form a regular grid covering an area of ​​hundreds of square kilometers. All this is practically not studied, since these rock formations are considered to be natural.

Star and lunar tables and maps

Near the town of Gosford in New South Wales, astronomical tables and charts can be observed carved into flat rock surfaces, often on hilltops, from where the sky is clearly visible. These tables not only depict the phases of the moon, but also mark the movement of some stars and planets. A huge stone slab with a saucer-shaped notch was found in the same area.

When this recess is filled with water, it forms a mirror that reflects the night sky well. Earth mounds were made around the plate, from the height of which ancient astronomers could conveniently observe the movement of heavenly bodies by their reflection. Similar maps and observatories are known in the Blue Mountains, but the cultures that left them remain mysterious.

More questions than answers

Were the gods or heroes of the Australian Aborigines and other ancient peoples aliens from other worlds? Why did the stars attract them so much and why did they spend so much time and energy on the device of amazing megalithic observatories?

So far, numerous volumes of research on this subject do not give an unequivocal answer. After all, we have only taken the first steps in space exploration. It may be that only when we begin to better understand distant star systems will we truly understand the history of our own planet.


And these are they - the ancient traces of the forgotten ancient civilization of Australia and the island of Tasmania, which, as usual, we like to attribute to the creation of wind, water and volcanoes:

What will survive from our civilization in hundreds of thousands - millions of years? Or what can be found on the site of civilizations that existed hundreds of thousands - millions of years ago?
When it comes to the remains of highly developed civilizations (ruins of cities and settlements, abandoned technical equipment, household items, skeletons and their parts, etc.) that died hundreds of thousands or millions of years ago, many (both archaeologists and non-specialists) believe that that they should look about the same as the remains of civilizations that existed several thousand years ago. To show how wrong this point of view is, I suggest watching the popular science film "Life After People" or reading its summary below.( . )

A. Belov. Efremov - a prophet, a dreamer or a heretic from science? (Efremov anticipated the existence of intelligent beings in the Paleozoic and Mesozoic periods)
If we go down the ladder of time down - deeper, we will see that people disappear. But mammals are represented in paleontology, even lower - reptiles, even lower - amphibians, and under them are fish. Efremov managed to prove that this ghostly ladder of evolution is actually formed by the fact that from K nigi J the remains of humans and animals are torn out. The lower we go, the less they become. And from ancient times, only aquatic and semi-aquatic species have been preserved, widespread, whose abundance and lifestyle (aquatic and semi-aquatic) contributed to their burial and mineralization of their remains. ( . )

A. Belov. Efremov - an unrecognized genius

A story about the scientific achievements and fate of I.A. Efremov, who went from a famous geologist and paleontologist, author of the finds of the largest dinosaur burials, author of the work "Taphonomy and the Geological Chronicle", laureate of the Stalin Prize, to a famous science fiction writer, whose works were banned, and who was followed. In the new science "Taphonomy", Efremov proved that land animals and people lived in the Cenozoic, Mesozoic and Paleozoic(. )

Ruins of cities and structures, roads and other material remains of the Neogene period

Underwater-underground-terrestrial megalithic complex - the ruins of cities and settlements of the Neogene period that survived catastrophes and floods (in 2 parts)

An animated fantasy world. Ruins of elf and dwarf cities in Central Turkey
A detailed areal study of the rocks of the underground-terrestrial megalithic complex allowed me to put forward a hypothesis that it was a completely different type of architectural ensembles compared to those that are being created in our time (Cities in the form of landscaped gardens and parks are a legacy of ancient civilizations that lived in harmony with nature). The underground and surface megalithic structures included in it were built in harmony with nature and only slightly supplemented and improved natural forms.This assumption was brilliantly confirmed during our research in May 2014 in Hatushash (the capital of the Hittite kingdom) and the Phrygian valley (the territory of the Phrygian kingdom) in Turkey. We have discovered and studied the remains of numerous megalithic structures, which I called "elven cities" or "elven cities" (and, and) based on the fact that they were copies of elven cities shown in fantasy films( . )

Middle-earth from fantasy films - a real country of the Neogene period

Such a large development of Neogene structures in the Mediterranean segment of the Alpine-Himalayan mountain-fold belt is determined by its history. It began to rise in the middle Miocene (approximately 15 million years ago) after the collision of Africa and Arabia with Eurasia. At the turn of the Middle and Late Miocene (11 million years ago), its uplift noticeably intensified. The uplift remained as intense in the Pliocene (5.3-2.6 million years ago) and continues to the present. As a result of a long uplift, significant areas of the Alpine-Himalayan belt inherited the features of geography (mountain ranges, valleys, lakes, rivers) of the late Miocene era ...Comparing the late Miocene geography of the Mediterranean segment of the Alpine-Himalayan mountain-fold belt with the areas of distribution of civilizations of elves, dwarves, humans and, probably, other intelligent beings of the Neogene period, it can be assumed that the southern semi-continental-peninsular land that existed from the middle Miocene to the Pliocene is mythical country Middle-earth from fantasy films(. )

Neogene Highways in Central Turkey
... there are a huge number of places on Earth where it is impossible to hide the traces of the existence of highly developed civilizations in the distant past.... One of these places is the area of ​​distribution of traces from the wheels of cars in the Neogene (Miocene) deposits in the Phrygian Valley in Central Turkey. We saw them in large numbers quite by accident while studying the megalithic and underground structures of the Phrygian Valley in May 2014.... P Gradually the road forked, then new tracks appeared near it. All of them were so deep that it was impossible to drive through them in an ordinary car.Deciding to find out the possibility of a detour, we got out of the car andopened their mouths in surprise. The ruts of the "roads" that we saw were petrified traces of wheels in the whitish (light beige) tuffaceous rocks developed here( . )