Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Verbal portrait of a criminal. The order and rules for describing the appearance of a person

"verbal portrait".

Verbal portrait - this is a forensic method of describing a person's appearance using common terms, carried out according to a certain system for the purpose of criminal registration, search and identification of living persons and corpses.

Principles of the verbal portrait method:

    1. consistency (determines the sequence (order) of the description);
    2. completeness (provides a detailed description).

Method for describing the signs of a person's appearance

1. Signs are fixed that characterize:

    • general physical elements of appearance: gender, age, nationality (anthropological type), height, physique;
    • anatomical features of individual areas of the body and elements;
    • functional features of related items.

2. The description of the signs of appearance is carried out according to the scheme "from general to particular" and "top - down":

    • overall figure,
    • head as a whole
    • face in general
    • separate elements of the face,
    • neck, shoulders, back, chest,
    • hands-legs.

3. Each of the anatomical elements is characterized by

    • form,
    • size,
    • position,
    • some are in color.

3.1. When describing the form, the name of geometric shapes (round, oval, rectangular, triangular, etc.) or geometric lines (straight, convex, winding, etc.) is used.

3.2. The description of the dimensions of the elements is given not in absolute terms, but in relation to other elements of the exterior. At the same time, its height, length, width, quantity, etc. are characterized. The gradation of values ​​is most often three-term: large, medium, small. Five-membered can also be used, with the addition of: very large and very small. With a seven-term gradation, they add: "above average", "below average". If there are doubts about the size characteristic, then it is indicated in two values: "medium-small", "large-medium".

3.3. The position of the element is determined relative to the vertical and horizontal planes of the body (horizontal, inclined, beveled inward, etc.), as well as by mutual position (fused, separate).

3.4. Characterized by color (black, dark blond, light blond, blond, red, gray); eyes (black, brown, grey, etc.) and sometimes skin color (very red, yellow, bluish-red nose, birthmark color, etc.).

4. For the description, uniform terms accepted in the verbal portrait should be used. excluding discrepancy and ambiguity.

5. Anatomical features are described in relation to two angles:

    • front view (full face);
    • side view (profile).

In this case, the head should be in a "normal" position, when the horizontal line passes through the bridge of the nose, the outer corner of the eye and the upper third of the auricle (the so-called French anthropological horizontal). The muscles of the face should be in a calm state (without a smile, facial expressions, grimace), there should be no cosmetics, hair removed from the forehead and ears, glasses and a headdress removed (their description is given in the accompanying signs).

Scheme for describing external features using the "verbal portrait" method

Elements and features of the face in front:

1a. Anthropometric points of the face:

A - upper frontal, B - glabella, C - upper nasal, D - pupillary, D - nasal, E - chin, G - mandibular.

1 - forehead height, 2 - forehead width, 3 - eyebrow position line, 4 - palpebral fissure position line, 5 - pupillary line, 6 - palpebral fissure length, 7 - nasal bridge width, 8 - nose height (nasal part of the face), 9 - width of the nose, 10 - height of the upper lip, 11 - length of the oral fissure, 12 - height of the chin, 13 - protrusion of the auricle, 14 - height of the auricle, 15 - axial (medial) line.

1 - hairline, 2 - areas of the frontal tubercles, 3 - areas of the superciliary arches, 4 - heads of the eyebrows, 5 - contours of the eyebrows, b - tails of the eyebrows, 7 - inner corners of the eyes, 8 - outer corners of the eyes, 9 - contours of the folds of the upper eyelid, 10 - nasolabial filter, 11 - contour of the border of the upper lip, 12 - contour of the border of the lower lip, 13 - contour of the chin, 14 - contour of the curl, 15 - contour of the antihelix, 16 - contour of the tragus.

Description of anatomical features

Floor: male, female.

Age. Installed:

    1. according to documents, if they are not in doubt;
    2. "in appearance" (indicating this circumstance and within certain limits: in appearance 25-30 years old, in appearance 50-60 years old, etc.);
    3. according to medical or forensic medical examination.

Nationality (type of person). In the absence of documents and other reliable information confirming the nationality of a person, it is permissible to determine the type of person. This can be an anthropological type of appearance characteristic of a particular race (Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid, etc.) or a comparative definition of the type in relation to our country: European type, Caucasian, Central Asian, Mongolian, etc.

Overall figure

Growth is most often determined by a three-term gradation:

  • low (for men up to 160 cm),
  • medium (for men from 160 cm to 170 cm),
  • high (for men over 170 cm).

Permissible characteristic: very low, very high. If data of anthropometric measurements are available or can be obtained (medical record, etc.), then the height is indicated in absolute terms.

For women, these figures apply for each category 10 cm less.

The physique is characterized depending on the development of the musculoskeletal system and the degree of body fat. There are physique: weak, very weak, medium, stocky, athletic.

According to the degree of fatness, a person can be characterized by the following features: thin, thin, average fatness, full (features - very thin, very full - "fat").

Description of functional features

Posture - the usual position of the torso and head (the usual posture of a person). At the same time, the position of the head relative to the body is noted (deflected to the right or left shoulder, tilted forward, thrown back), as well as the position of the body in relation to the vertical (back is straight, stooped, hunched).

Gait - a set of habitual automatic movements when walking as a manifestation of a certain dynamic stereotype formed in a person. This circumstance determines the constancy of such elements of gait as step length (left, right), step width, step angle, turn angle, and feet. Therefore, when describing the gait, the step size (long, short) is noted. Step width (narrow or short spacing of the feet, setting of the feet when walking (toes out, toes in, parallel), pace (fast, slow), appearance (gait is soft, heavy, staggering, waggling, bouncing, mincing, wobbling). also lameness, dragging the leg, the position of the arms when walking (waving the arms, hands in the pockets, laid behind) The gait can change under the influence of diseases of the legs, the nervous system, and past head injuries.

Gesticulation is a complex of movements of the hands, shoulders (sometimes the head) of a person with which he accompanies his speech in order to give it more expressiveness. When describing gestures, its tempo (fast, slow), expressiveness (live, energetic, sluggish), the nature of gestures and their content (indicative, pictorial, etc.) are recorded.

Mimicry is the movement of muscles and facial elements that change its expression depending on the emotional state of a person or his desire. It can be very developed or unimpressive. Usually, the most pronounced and familiar facial expressions are noted (raising the eyebrows, biting the lips, winks, etc.).

Speech - in relation to it, both data related to speech itself and data of the speech mechanism are characterized. In the first case, the languages ​​spoken by a person are noted, and which of them is native to him, dialect or adverb, accent, pronunciation features, construction of phrases, use of slang words, clogged speech (“here”, “you understand”, etc.) .).

In a relationship speech mechanism note the pace (slow, fast), character (speech is calm, excited), features of speech (burr, lisp, nasal, etc.). The voice is characterized by timbre (bass, baritone, tenor, alto, treble), strength (weak, medium, strong) and purity (clear, hoarse, deaf, hoarse).

Manners (habits) of behavior are formed in the process of human life and are expressed in the monotonous (usually automatic, uncontrolled) performance of certain actions (rubbing the palms, stroking the head, mustache, stepping from foot to foot, lighting, greeting, etc.).

Description of related elements and their features

This description refers to clothing, footwear, headgear and items that. usually a person has with him (glasses, a ring, chains, a pendant, etc.) With regard to clothing, its name is noted (jacket, raincoat, jacket, etc.), type (civilian, sports, military, uniform, etc.). etc.), style and cut (single-breasted jacket, raglan coat, earflap hat, etc.), color, pattern, material, clothing condition, performance characteristics. Other related items are described in a similar way.

Appearance and portrait of the criminal

Temperament and portrait largely determine the behavior and, consequently, the fate of a person. Here we consider the appearance of men as the main carriers of crime. Although, it is believed that any character traits, including criminal ones, are most stable in a woman, since she is a “permanent” memory of mankind, while a man is a “operational” memory. No one more than a woman can disguise an evil inclination in herself, behind a beautiful appearance - a cold heart, behind wet eyes with a veil - ruthlessness. An artist-dancer of the Orenburg Theater of Musical Comedy laundered the instrument of crime from blood - a tourist hatchet, with which her husband Ionesyan, an artist of the same theater, killed victims, including children, penetrating into apartments under the guise of an employee of Mosgaz. Conscious of their evil inclination, women more often than men, being potential criminals, do not succumb to the call of fate and follow the “religious line”, becoming soothsayers, fortune-tellers, healers like the former Komsomol member and failed prophet of the end of the world Masha Tsvigun from the White Brotherhood.

As a rule, the criminal past and the present are felt in the face and manner of behavior. In older people, the past leaves distinct traces on the face, fixed as a result of the constant repetition of emotions. It is more difficult to read evil or other secret vices on a young face, especially if the person is experienced in the art of hypocrisy. The higher the development, the more differentiated are the muscles of the face, making it possible to convey or mask moods and thoughts. If a person is tuned in to something, is really concerned about something, this is reflected in his appearance. Aside from the heavy mandible, cleft chin, and sharp facial wrinkles, the biggest overpowering effect is the criminal's stare, which, like nothing else, reveals who one has to face. The look corresponds to the character of a person, but more often it is consciously developed to suppress not only the victims, but also their environment.

A criminal sometimes hides under the guise of a refined, refined and well-mannered person who graduated from a university, speaks English, is a connoisseur of literature and art, and collects antiques. Therefore, there will be no general approach to describing the portrait of a criminal; we will try to give average information that can be used as a recommendation. We offer some characteristics of a person from Moreau-Christophe's book "The World of Swindlers". Try to evaluate yourself and those around you according to the described portraits.

By temperament, people, as you know, are different.

Cholerics have a bilious temperament. The destiny of these people is hard work, great talents, deep delusions, serious crimes. They strive to achieve everything by force, violence, violence, are influenced by imagination and passions. They have a bold and daring appearance, shining eyes, a lean face, black hair, a strong but not stout physique, strong muscles, a thin figure. Often they are frequenters of the prison, or at least they are predisposed to such actions that should lead them there.

Melancholy have a sad expression, sunken eyes with a sullen expression, black and straight hair, tall and thin stature, long limbs. The look is restless and timid. In appearance they seem weak, but they have remarkable strength. Suspicious, unsure of themselves, jealous, envious. The imagination retains in memory the most insignificant impressions; little things are perceived as incidents. These are the most dangerous scammers and criminals.

Phlegmatic they are distinguished by a weak and delicate physique, a calm face, straight hair of an indefinite color and dull eyes. At the same time, they have a portly body and thick, albeit weak, muscles, leisurely movements. Due to laziness, they are moderate in vices, as well as in everything else - in virtue, feelings, thoughts. They are only looking for peace. Criminals, from whom energy and dynamics are required, are rare and then forced.

Sanguine even less dangerous than phlegmatic. Always excited, prone to vivid impressions, carried away, easily consoled in grief and satiated with passions. They are not capable of strong mental tension, of serious reflection. Quiet, patient, calm, obedient. They are distinguished by small stature and corpulence, proportional build, fresh and cheerful face, lively eyes, soft and delicate skin. Generally light and agile.

By shape heads you can draw the following conclusions about a person:

Square - energy, firmness, confidence;

Round - initiative, speed of reaction, courtesy;

Oval - mental alertness, flexibility, independence;

Triangular - mind, resourcefulness, cunning.

Face It is the only part of the human body that is enlivened by thought. With some experience, it can be hidden. But even the most experienced swindlers get tired of their game, and then vice puts a seal on the face, twitches the muscles, obscures the eyes, beauty is replaced by ugliness, and a rogue, a thief, a murderer is revealed.

It is difficult to judge the personality of a person by facial features, but a preliminary impression can be made by clarifying later, if possible, by analyzing behavior, verbal and non-verbal characteristics. The upper part of the face characterizes mental abilities, the middle part - spiritual, sensual qualities - the lower part, from the tip of the nose to the end of the chin - material properties and a tendency to vices and crimes. Wide face - great self-confidence; if the bulk of the face is located below the nose, then the person also has great physical activity and energy. Narrow face - indecision; the bulk of the face is located above the nose - a person has great mental energy. He will not be pissed off by small and even large failures. Pointed profile - insight. A face that expands from the mouth to the ears and then narrows - greed.

Wide, square, prominent forward corners - a creative person, thinker, courageous, wise;

Prominent in the middle is the analyst's forehead;

Convex at the temples - a subtle mind and cunning;

Straight, tall, narrow - undeveloped imagination, slow-witted, but firmness of character and consistency of actions;

Beveled back - quick wit, wit, practical orientation.


Silky, soft, thin - weak character, lack of energy;

Hard, curly - a strong character, a serious mind, a heavy disposition;

Straight, thick - a rough, dull mind;

Blond - sensitivity and tenderness;

Chestnut, black - energy, passion, voluptuousness;

Red - irritability, irascibility, anger;

Redheads - extreme viciousness or the greatest kindness;

Thick hair - strength, firmness, courage, cruelty;

Sparse hair - weakness, tenderness, cowardice;

Hair of a different color than eyebrows is a sign of pretense.


Approximate to each other, thick and overhanging determine a powerful mind, strength, energy, firmness;

Divided, rare and smooth - weakness of the mind, weakness of physical strength, meekness.


What epithets they give to the eyes: a mirror of the soul, a pledge of fidelity, a crater of hatred, a symbol of vitality, soft, tender, piercing, hard, empty, expressionless, glassy, ​​cold, absent, in love, laughing, crying. In fact, all possible definitions of human feelings can be attributed to the eyes. A look can excite, rivet, express pain and hatred, it can “kill”.

Eye shape:

Large, bulging - mental mediocrity, good memory, open character, reliability, will, energy;

Round, small - insight, cunning, anger, mockery, unreliability, superficiality, susceptibility to influence;

A low upper eyelid that extends over the pupil is a lack of analytical abilities; the upper eyelid is not visible - a strong analyst.

Eye position:

Widely set - coldness, sobriety, practicality, indecision, breadth of nature;

Narrowly set - idealist, fanatic, striving for excellence, exactingness, easy excitability.

Eye expression:

Lively, clear and brilliant - kindness, timidity and weakness of the mind;

Inexpressive, dull - low prudence, inability to emotional unrest.

Eye color:

Black, brown - courage and fortitude;

Blue - on the contrary;

Greenish - ardor, irascibility, courage, courage;

Black with blue squirrels - anger, greed (gypsy eyes).

Eyelashes are thick, eyelids are not open enough - rudeness and stupidity; eyelashes and eyelids are very open, the pupil is clearly defined - the mind is original, bizarre.

Straight, almost perpendicular to the face - courage, constancy, perseverance, independence;

Eagle - strength of character, will, thoughts, love for food;

Flattened, inclined to the lip - gluttony and voluptuousness;

Dumb and short - a simple mind, easily deceived;

Small, thin, mobile - mockery;

Smooth, straight, motionless - narrowness of mind, coldness, skepticism;

Upturned - credulity, a tendency to obey.

Correct outlines - a strong, judicious mind;

Compressed, straight narrow lips - coldness, practicality, a tendency to acquisitiveness, stinginess, love of order;

Open - stupidity;

Thick lips - kindness, frankness;

Compressed lips - vanity, cunning, a tendency to anger and cruelty;

Shortened lips - stinginess, greed, greed;

Raised upper lip - kindness or weakness of the mind;

A drooping lower lip is a high mind;

The fleshy lower lip is passion (which is why women love to paint it on themselves, trying to deceive with excessive sexuality);

Lowered corners of the lips - bad qualities, pessimism.

Jaws, teeth:

Wide jaws - strong, cruel, adventurous;

Long teeth - weakness, timidity;

Small teeth - cunning, subtlety of mind, vindictiveness, heavy character;

Prominent teeth - lack of energy, sharp mind;

Open upper gum - phlegmatic, coldness.

Large, wide, thick - stupidity, a penchant for practical matters;

Not very big - intelligence, inner weakness;

Motionless - coldness, selfishness;

Saggy, mobile, thin - a sharp mind, courage, independence.


Round with a hollow - kindness;

Soft, fleshy, forked - sensuality;

Wide, flat - coldness, selfishness, pugnacity;

Angular - smart, dexterous;

Fat, fat - stupidity;

Cut back - weakness of moral qualities;

Protruding forward, pointed - courage, sarcasm, stubbornness;

Bony, thin, pointed - greed, ambition, intelligence, cunning.

C. Fourier described 600 normal human characters. There are no less of them in crime. The given portrait characteristics, on the one hand, make it possible to understand a person, but on the other hand, knowing them, you can disguise your appearance and intentions by putting on a false mask. There is a set of stereotypes that mislead a person. For example, full a man seems to us in most cases talkative, good-natured, accommodating, trusting, emotional, open; tall, skinny- nervous, ambitious, suspicious, solitude-loving, secretive; athlete- Courageous, courageous, self-confident, energetic, daring, enterprising. It should be added that such a stereotype often deprives us of the opportunity to correctly understand a person, especially when it comes to the high rank of leaders.

Additional stereotype attributes are clothing, cosmetics, voice, etc. For example, a military or police uniform provides complete confidence in a person. Robbers like to dress like this before a raid. Marriage swindlers seduce women with a suit of a sailor, a pilot, sometimes even a general's uniform. If, for disguise, you put on a priest's costume, which is widely practiced today by scammers, then it is easy to make sure that trust in the holy father is absolute. How cosmetics can mask is known to every woman. Instead of one person under a crudely painted or skillfully applied mask, one can see a completely different one. An indispensable attribute of a thief and a swindler is glasses. A person immediately seems more intelligent, diligent, decent.


1. Recognizing a person is difficult, almost impossible. Monstrous selfishness, often covered with refined charm, hides the intentions of the criminal. Therefore, the above features can only become auxiliary material, using which in a criminal situation, the victim can try to find the spiritual strings of the criminal on which to play.

2. If this fails, do not resist, do not show any antagonism - you are the victim of a criminal who often needs to destroy you. There is a small chance of being saved. Try to use it.

3. The given portrait characteristics can be used by imposing them on well-known leaders of the state, deputies and local figures. Most of their deeds are known, and one can judge from them the correspondence of portrait characteristics and declared official statements. This is a good test for beginner physiognomists.

From the book In Search of Truth author Ishchenko Evgeny Petrovich

Portrait-hypothesis In the spring of 1978, Antonin Aleksandrovich Popov brought a letter from the chairman of the Novorzhevsk regional executive committee to the Leningrad laboratory of forensic examination with a request to help the regional folk museum in recreating the appearance of their fellow countryman, the Decembrist N.P.

From the book Criminal Code of Ukraine in jokes the author Kivalov S V

Article 118

From the book Features of the National Court author Cherkasov Dmitry

Article 124

From the book Criminology. Selected lectures author Antonyan Yuri Miranovich


From the book Encyclopedia of a Lawyer author author unknown

Chapter III. Identity of the perpetrator

From the book A course of criminal law in five volumes. Volume 1. General part: The doctrine of crime author Team of authors

1. Basic approaches to the study of the personality of a criminal Successful prevention of crimes is possible only if attention is focused on the personality of the criminal, since it is the personality that is the bearer of the reasons for their commission. Therefore, we can say

From the book Magi Crime author Danilov Alexander Alexandrovich

2. The main features of the criminal's personality Let us consider some features of the criminological characteristics of the criminal's personality, primarily socio-demographic. Studying and taking into account the criminological characteristics of a person will make it possible to establish specific differences

From the author's book

4. Formation of the personality of a criminal

§ 7. The subject of the crime and the personality of the offender Each person who has committed a crime is the bearer of many socially significant qualities. Of these, only age, sanity and, in some cases, signs of special

From the author's book

Chapter 6. Portrait of a thief in a modern interior "First of all, you don't have to be poor" Talleyrand Psychological portraits of thieves and thieving figures We said that beggars and thieves predominate in our society. But there is another approach that allows us to highlight in today's

Own elements

and signs

general physical

Anthropological type


Body type

head as a whole

Whole face




facial hair





Special signs

Birthmarks, traces of operations, tattoos, peculiarities in movement, etc.

Associated features



An example of a description using the verbal portrait method.

The photograph describes only those signs that are observed or known.

The male, about 30 years old, European type, height about 185 cm, average build.

Head medium height, egg-shaped.

Hair dark, straight, of medium density and length, the hairline is M-shaped, the hair is combed from left to right, without parting.

Face narrow, oval, with medium features, medium fullness, convex profile.

Forehead medium height and width, straight, tilted back.

Brows arcuate, long, tapering to the temples, oblique position, closely spaced, high, medium density.

Eyes almond-shaped, of medium length and opening, oblique position, gray-blue, with a moderately pronounced lower eyelid.

Nose of medium height (length), width, protrusion and depth of the nasal bridge, with a sinuous contour of the back of the nose, the base is horizontal.

Mouth of medium length, the corners of the mouth are horizontal, the contour of the closing of the lips is straight, the height of the upper lip is medium, protruding in profile.

Chin oval profile, low height, medium width, protruding.

auricles medium size, sloping back, general protrusion, rectangular in shape, with a separate attachment of the earlobe to the cheek.

hairline missing on the face.

Neck medium height and thickness, straight, Adam's apple of medium severity.

Special signs: a scar on the right side of the neck, 4 cm long.

dressed in a gray shirt, the collar is unbuttoned.

With personal observation, the functional elements of appearance are described.

Task number 9.3.

From a complete description of the appearance of a person, select the signs that should be used in the search, and draw up an operational-search orientation.


















General provisions of forensic identification of a person by signs of appearance

The need for identification arises in the process of carrying out many operational and investigative actions, during the search and detention of persons hiding from the investigation and court, persons who have fled from penitentiary institutions, during examination and presentation for identification, during a check on the records of missing persons and unidentified corpses, when checking identity documents, when expertly establishing the identity of a person depicted in two or more photographs.

Forensic habitoscopy is a branch of forensic technology, including a system of theoretical provisions on the external features of a person and a set of methods and scientific and technical means that ensure the collection, research and use of these features to identify a person.

The forensic habitoscopy is based on the data of anatomy, anthropology, and biology. It makes extensive use of the provisions and methods of forensic identification. The subject of study of habitoscopy is the appearance of a person, the signs of his appearance that naturally characterize him, their classification and use for the purposes of identification, the methods of such identification.

The external appearance of a person is called his appearance, which is a collection of data perceived visually. Its elements are decisive in appearance. The concept of an element in this case is quite broad. These are individual anatomical organs (head, arm, etc.), and entire areas of the body (chest, back), and individual parts of the whole (forehead, eyes, lips, etc.), and functional manifestations, as well as clothing and others. related items.

Each element, like any property, is characterized by certain features, which in habitoscopy are divided into anatomical, functional, concomitant (or indirect).

Anatomical features determine gender, age, height, physique, anthropological features of appearance, structure of the body, head, face and its elements. Of course, special attention is paid to the face of a person as the most individualizing personality in its visual perception. The skin of the face (head), especially those that are characterized by a closely spaced bone and cartilage base of the skull, are relatively stable throughout a person’s life (forehead, nose, ears, etc.) - This circumstance makes it possible to identify a person whose appearance was recorded with a significant time interval (years, decades).

Functional signs appear in the course of a person's life, characterizing his motor and physiological functions (gestures, facial expressions, etc.). Among the anatomical and functional signs, there are those that are pathological forms-anomalies. Since such anomalies are of great identification value, they are classified as special signs. Special signs can be congenital (shortened limbs, birthmarks, hump, etc.) and acquired (scars, tattoos, curvature of the back of the nose, etc.). For the purpose of search from among the special ones, "catchy" signs can be singled out into a separate group: relatively rare, pronounced, easy to remember.

Accompanying, or indirect, signs are signs of clothing and other items associated with a given person (glasses, a ring, a cane, etc.). It is especially important to fix the signs of clothing when an unidentified corpse is found.

The identification value of signs of appearance is different. It is determined both by the relative stability of the trait and the frequency of its occurrence. The most significant are the anatomical features based on the bone-cartilaginous basis of the head and face. Of these, rare ones are of particular value (very large nose, very large unibrows, etc.). Functional signs are easier to change, but among them there can be quite stable ones, due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure (for example, lameness as a result of a shortened leg). Accompanying signs are widely used in the process of searching for a criminal "in hot pursuit" when he does not have the opportunity to change clothes. The rarer the feature, the higher its importance. Sometimes two or three special (catchy) signs will be enough for a search and detention.

The person being checked (sought) is identifiable by the signs of appearance. It can be a suspect, an accused, a defendant, a convicted person. The identifying objects can be:

a) a mental psycho-physiological image of the external appearance, imprinted in the memory of the victim, witness, other persons, when identification is carried out by presenting for identification;

b) material fixation of appearance on photograph(s), film, videotape;

c) a verbal (verbal) description of a person's appearance using othecial terminology and a description system (in a forensic record file, in search orientation, etc.) or in any form (protocol of interrogation of a victim, witness);

d) human remains (corpse, skeletonized corpse, skull).

Methodology for describing the signs of a person's appearance (method of verbal portrait)

When verbally fixing the signs of appearance, they are guided by special rules that are part of the "verbal portrait" technique. Verbal portrait is a forensic method of describing a person's appearance using common terms, carried out according to a certain system for the purpose of criminal registration, search and identification of living persons and corpses.

The description rules according to the verbal portrait method are based on the interconnected principles of consistency and completeness. The principle of consistency determines the sequence (order) of the description. The principle of completeness provides a detailed description.

1. First, signs are recorded that characterize the general physical elements of appearance: gender, age, nationality (anthropological type), height, physique, then anatomical signs of individual areas of the body and elements; after that - functional signs of related items.

2. The description of signs of appearance is carried out according to the scheme "from general to particular" and "from top to bottom". At the same time, they first characterize the figure as a whole, the head as a whole, the face as a whole, its individual elements, neck, shoulders, back, chest, arms, legs.

3. Each of the anatomical elements is characterized by shape, size and position, and some - by color,

3.1. When describing the form, the name of geometric shapes (round, oval, rectangular, triangular, etc.) or geometric lines (straight, convex, winding, etc.) is used.

3.2. The description of the dimensions of the elements is given not in absolute terms, but in relation to other elements of the exterior. At the same time, its height, length, width, quantity, etc. are characterized. The gradation of values ​​is most often three-term: large, medium, small. Five-membered can also be used, with the addition of: very large and very small. With a seven-term gradation, they add: "above average", "below average". If there are doubts about the size characteristic, then it is indicated in two values: "medium-small", "large-medium".

3.3. The position of the element is determined relative to the vertical and horizontal planes of the body (horizontal, inclined, beveled inward, etc.), as well as by mutual position (fused, separate).

3.4. Hair is characterized by color (black, dark blond, light blond, blond, red, gray); eyes (black, brown, grey, etc.) and sometimes skin color (very red, yellow, bluish-red nose, birthmark color, etc.).

4. For the description, uniform terms accepted in the verbal portrait should be used, excluding discrepancy and ambiguity.

5. Anatomical features are described in relation to two angles: front view and side view (full face and right profile). In this case, the head should be in a "normal" position, when the horizontal line passes through the bridge of the nose, the outer corner of the eye and the upper third of the auricle (the so-called French anthropological horizontal). The muscles of the face should be in a calm state (without a smile, facial expressions, grimace), there should be no cosmetics, the hair is removed from the forehead and ears, glasses and a headdress are removed (their description is given in the accompanying signs)

1. Below is a scheme for describing external features using the "verbal portrait" method, compiled in compliance with the above principles.

Description of anatomical features

Gender: male, female.

Age. Established: a) according to the documents, if they are not in doubt; b) "in appearance" (indicating this circumstance and within certain limits: in appearance 25-30 years old, in appearance 50-60 years old, etc.); c) according to the data of a medical examination or a forensic medical examination.

Nationality (type of person). In the absence of documents and other reliable information confirming the nationality of a person, it is permissible to determine the type of person. This can be an anthropological type of appearance characteristic of a particular race (Caucasian, Mongoloid, Negroid, etc.) or a comparative definition of the type in relation to our country: European type, Caucasian, Central Asian, Mongolian, etc.

Overall figure

Growth is most often determined by a three-term gradation: low (for men up to 160 cm), medium (for men from 160 cm to 170 cm) and high (for men over 170 cm). Permissible characteristic: very low, very high. If data of anthropometric measurements are available or can be obtained (medical record, etc.), then the height is indicated in absolute terms.

The physique is characterized depending on the development of the musculoskeletal system and the degree of body fat. There are physique: weak, very weak, medium, stocky, athletic. According to the degree of fatness, a person can be characterized by the following features: thin, thin, average fatness, full (features - very thin, very full - "fat").

Description of functional features

Posture - the usual position of the torso and head (the usual posture of a person). At the same time, the position of the head relative to the body is noted (deflected to the right or left shoulder, tilted forward, thrown back), as well as the position of the body in relation to the vertical (back is straight, stooped, hunched).

Gait - a set of habitual automatic movements when walking as a manifestation of a certain dynamic stereotype formed in a person. This circumstance determines the constancy of such elements of gait as step length (left, right), step width, step angle, turn angle, and feet. Therefore, when describing the gait, the step size (long, short) is noted. Step width (narrow or short spacing of the feet, setting of the feet when walking (toes out, toes in, parallel), pace (fast, slow), appearance (gait is soft, heavy, staggering, waggling, bouncing, mincing, wobbling). also lameness, dragging the leg, the position of the arms when walking (waving the arms, hands in the pockets, laid behind) The gait can change under the influence of diseases of the legs, the nervous system, and past head injuries.

Gesticulation is a complex of movements of the hands, shoulders (sometimes the head) of a person with which he accompanies his speech in order to give it more expressiveness. When describing gestures, its tempo (fast, slow), expressiveness (live, energetic, sluggish), the nature of gestures and their content (indicative, pictorial, etc.) are recorded.

Mimicry is the movement of muscles and facial elements that change its expression depending on the emotional state of a person or his desire. It can be very developed or unimpressive. Usually, the most pronounced and familiar facial expressions are noted (raising the eyebrows, biting the lips, winks, etc.).

Speech - in relation to it, both data related to speech itself and data of the speech mechanism are characterized. In the first case, the languages ​​spoken by a person are noted, and which of them is native to him, dialect or adverb, accent ^ pronunciation features, construction of phrases, use of slang words, clogged speech ("here", "you understand", etc. .).

In relation to the speech mechanism, the pace (slow, fast), character (calm, excited speech), speech features (burr, lisp, nasal, etc.) are noted. The voice is characterized by timbre (bass, baritone, tenor, alto, treble), strength (weak, medium, strong) and purity (clear, hoarse, deaf, hoarse).

Manners (habits) of behavior are formed in the process of human life and are expressed in the monotonous (usually automatic, uncontrolled) performance of certain actions (rubbing the palms, stroking the head, mustache, stepping from one foot to the other, the manner of lighting a cigarette, greeting, etc.) .

Description of related elements and their features

This description refers to clothes, shoes, hats and items that a person usually has with him (glasses, a ring, chains, a pendant, etc.). In relation to clothes, their name is noted (jacket, raincoat, jacket, etc.). ), appearance (civilian, sports, military, uniform, etc.), style and cut (single-breasted jacket, raglan coat, earflaps, etc.), color, pattern, material, clothing condition, performance characteristics . Other related items are described in a similar way.

Methods and means of collecting information about the external features of a person

The need to obtain and fix information about the signs of appearance arises during forensic accounting (criminal registration) of living persons and unidentified corpses; if necessary, the search for persons who have committed a crime and are hiding from the investigating authorities and the court, persons who have escaped from places of detention. The sources of obtaining information about each of the categories are different, but all of them can be divided by their nature into two groups: subjective and objective. Ways of fixing information received from these sources: verbal (verbal) description and material-fixed image or display of signs of a person's appearance.

Subjective are representations (psychophysiological reflections) about the appearance of the desired person in the memory of a person ("mental image"). This mental image can be recorded in the form of a description (in the protocol of interrogation, in orientation, report, report, etc.), as well as by transmitting images that carry a significant element of subjectivity (painted, composite portraits).

Objective sources include photographs, film frames, video recordings, radiographs.

Objective sources are also representations of human elements (a cast from the face of a corpse, a cast of a bare footprint, fingerprints, etc.), as well as bone remains, a skull. A description by the method of a verbal portrait, drawn up in accordance with all the rules under the conditions of direct, purposeful perception of the fixed person, can also be recognized as objective.

Evaluation of information from subjective sources requires a special approach. The formation of a mental image of the desired person in the memory of a person is a complex psychophysiological process. It consists of several stages, each of which can affect the reliability of information. The main of these stages are: perception, memorization, reproduction.

The perception of external appearance can be long-term, repeated, including under favorable conditions conducive to memorization (joint studies, work, living, etc.), or short-term, when a crime was committed. Perception can be influenced by both objective factors (distance to a remembered face, nature and degree of illumination of an object, duration of perception) and subjective factors (sex, age, profession of a memorizer, his powers of observation, purposefulness of perception, etc.). It happens that at some point the witness does not even realize that he is an eyewitness to the crime and does not pay due attention to the criminal. In the course of an interview or interrogation of a person (witness, victim), whose testimony is supposed to be used to draw up a description of the wanted person, the conditions of perception, memory properties of the interrogated person are necessarily identified and taken into account and his ability to reproduce the remembered features is assessed. The story of the interrogated (interrogated) must be free. The terms of a verbal portrait should not be used when interrogating him, since they are unknown to him and can be disorienting. If, however, his testimony is stated in the protocol using these terms, then he will have to sign under information that he does not understand.

At the same time, when interrogating a person about signs of appearance, it is useful to adhere to the general scheme of a verbal portrait - from general to particular, etc. It is advisable to use contour images of the face and its individual elements. On the basis of such an arbitrary description, it is possible to compile systematized orienting information.

The mental image can be transformed into a subjective portrait. In forensic technology, there are three models of such portraits: hand-drawn, hand-drawn-composite, photo-composition. Drawn portraits are made by the eyewitness himself (if he has the appropriate skill) or by the artist from his words. When compiling drawing-composite portraits, line drawings of facial elements are used, which make it possible, through various combinations, to compose a significant number of images that differ in one or another appearance. At present, the ICR-2 system is used for these purposes. In the manufacture of photocombined portraits (identikit), not drawings are used, but fragments of photographs of various faces. Photos are selected in accordance with the testimony of witnesses.

Drawn and composite portraits are subjective in nature and are used only for tracing purposes. They are unsuitable for expert identification and are not objects of forensic portrait examination.

Additional information about the wanted person can be obtained by examining the scene and analyzing the property situation. Traces of hands, feet (shoes), teeth, traces of hacking, etc. make it possible to judge the sex, height of the face, the size of individual parts of the body (hands, feet), his skills (professional, criminal), physical strength, etc. If you have to to collect information about the appearance of well-known persons, for example, those who fled from the investigation and the court, fled from places of detention, missing, then both subjective and objective sources of information are used for this.

Objective here are the materials of operational and forensic records, personal and accounting files of those arrested and convicted.

Information about the missing person can be obtained from his relatives and friends. They can also provide photographs. Additional data for all cases of search can be obtained from medical documentation (dental records, sanatorium books, radiographs, etc.), which record information included in the verbal portrait (growth, condition of the dental apparatus, surgical interventions, etc.) . Information about the appearance of the registered person is obtained by direct observation and examination, which allows you to more accurately perceive the anatomical structure of the body, its signs, special signs (the presence of tattoos, their content, color, location, etc.). A personal search can also serve as one of the sources of information about a person and mainly about related objects (clothes, shoes, headgear, etc.).

The completeness and method of recording data in the event of a corpse being found depends on whether it is identified or not. At the same time, it is taken into account that the corpse in general may be unidentified due to far-reaching putrefactive changes, damage to the face (head) by cadaveric pests (insects, rodents) or as a result of disfigurement of the face by a criminal. If the possibility of identifying a corpse is allowed, then only its general anatomical signs (sex, age, height, nationality, physique) and some signs of the main elements of the face (without detail) are noted in the examination protocol. Be sure to indicate visible special and catchy signs. For identification, the corpse is given a life-like appearance ("toilet of the corpse"). It is photographed at the scene according to the rules of overview, nodal and detailed photography.

If the corpse is not identified, then a detailed description is drawn up using the verbal portrait method for the card file of unidentified corpses. His fingerprints and photographs of his face (head) are also placed there: full face, right and left profile, half a turn left and right.

One way to fix the appearance is to receive a death mask.

The most objective, complete and reliable way of recording are photographs made according to the rules of signalization survey. Film frames and video recording frames are capable of conveying functional features and features of related items.

Forensic portrait examination

The most significant role in personal identification belongs to forensic portrait examination1. As a result of its implementation, the fact of identity is established.

The possibilities of portrait examination are quite extensive, which is determined both by the type of objects entering the study and by the methods of study. Depending on the nature of the objects, this type of examination can be classified into the following subspecies:

a) examination of images of people on the basis of photographic portraits in order to establish whether two (or more) photographs depict the same person;

b) examination of an unidentified corpse (photographs of which are presented) and a photograph of a living person to establish the identity of the corpse;

c) examination of lifetime photographic images of a missing person and the skull of a corpse to establish whether the discovered skull could belong to this person;

d) examination of the death mask of an unknown person and lifetime photographs of the missing person in order to identify the corpse.

The above list of objects and objectives of the study indicates that a portrait examination is carried out in the process of operational and investigative measures to search for persons who have fled from the investigation and court; persons who escaped from places of detention; missing persons, when a person similar to the wanted person is found or detained. An examination is also carried out in case of reasonable doubts about the fact that the photograph in the identity card shows the person who presented this document as his own. Forensic assistance is sought to establish the fact that photographs related to the event under investigation depict a specific person. And, finally, the importance of a portrait examination is great in establishing the identity of an unidentified corpse.

The identification of a person in relation to all the above-mentioned objects is based on a comparative study (comparative analysis) of the signs of appearance.

The success of expert identification based on photographs largely depends on their correct selection, quality, time and shooting conditions. It is advisable to take photographs without retouching, with a clear study of the details of the face, in which the identified face is depicted in the same angle and in the same lighting as in the photograph under study. At the same time, taking into account the fact that certain elements of the face (head) can be clearly seen in different photographs, it is recommended to send as many photographs as possible as comparative ones, and if necessary (at the request of an expert) also negatives.

The photographs submitted for research are examined by an expert, the most suitable for comparison are selected from them. The selected photographs are brought to the same scale (for reproduction shooting). Based on a group of photographs depicting the same identified person, a description of matching appearance features is compiled using the verbal portrait method. Along with the description, other methods of demonstrating matching features are also used: a) comparison - compared photographs are pasted side by side and matching features are marked with the same numbers; b) combination - addition of parts of images (usually the left side of one face with the right side of another) to demonstrate the combination (mutual transition) of horizontal lines: hair growth, eyebrows, eyes, base of the nose, mouth, chin; c) overlay - a combination of the same anatomical and topographic points of the image of faces made on transparent photographic films (or one image on film, the other on photographic paper).

Other techniques are also used: they measure the distances between the anatomical and topographic points of the same name, study dimensional relationships, make graphic constructions, etc.

The expert's conclusion is based on a detailed description of all the identified signs of appearance and an objective assessment of their sufficiency for the purposes of identification. If, along with coinciding signs that allow one to conclude identity, some differences are observed, they should be explained (different lighting, head position, age-related changes, changes due to an illness, etc.). Tables with photographs, both marked and unmarked (control) should be attached to the expert's conclusion.

If a skull and a lifetime image of an identified person are submitted for examination, then the study is carried out according to the following methodology. Initially, the sex and approximate age of the person to whom it belonged are established from the skull. If this does not exclude further research, then a transparencies are made from the intravital image of the face. Next, the skull is photographed in the same scale and from the same angle as the face depicted on the slide. After that, the negative images of the skull and face are combined according to the main anatomical and topographic points, and photo printing is carried out from such a combined negative. On the resulting photograph, both images should be clearly visible so that all the main anatomical and topographic points and contours coincide. If there is a match, it is concluded that the skull could belong to this person. In a categorical form, a conclusion is given only if, along with the noted, there is a coincidence of individualizing signs: curvature of the back of the nose, traces of surgical intervention on the bones of the skull, coincidence of intravital information about the state of the dental apparatus.

In investigative and operational-search practice, sometimes they resort to sculptural reconstruction of the face from the skull (the method of Professor M. M. Gerasimov). The essence of the method is that a wax composition of a layer is applied to the skull, which is determined by the thickness of the soft tissues in the corresponding parts of the face (head). The resulting sculptural portrait can be presented for operational purposes for recognition, compared by the method of a verbal portrait with a lifetime image of a missing person. The results of identification or comparison of evidence have no value, since the creation of a sculptural portrait is based not only on objective data, but also on subjective ones, introduced by the sculptor. For the same reason, a sculptural portrait cannot be the object of an expert study.

Recently, also for operational purposes, a comparison has been made of drawn or composite portraits in cases related to serial crimes. Portraits created from the words of a victim or a witness in different episodes of crimes are compared. Such a technique allows, with some degree of probability, to establish that the crimes were committed by the same person. Such a study, not being an examination, is carried out for operational purposes and is formalized by a "research certificate".

Photo from

Cesare Lombroso, an Italian psychiatrist and professor of forensic medicine of the 19th century, is often called the founder of criminal anthropology. This science tries to explain the relationship between the anatomical and physiological characteristics of a person and his propensity to commit crimes. Lombroso came to the conclusion that there is such a connection, and it is direct: crimes are committed by people with a certain appearance and character *.

As a rule, criminals have congenital physical and mental defects, Lombroso believed. We are talking about anomalies of the internal and external anatomical structure, characteristic of primitive people and great apes. Thus, criminals are not made, but born. Whether a person is a criminal or not depends only on an innate predisposition, and each type of crime has its own anomalies.

Lombroso devoted his entire life to developing this theory. He examined 383 skulls of the dead and 3839 skulls of living criminals. In addition, the scientist studied the characteristics of the body (pulse, temperature, bodily sensitivity, intelligence, habits, diseases, handwriting) of 26,886 criminals and 25,447 respectable citizens.

Appearance of criminals

Lombroso singled out a number of physical signs ("stigmata"), which, in his opinion, characterize a person endowed with criminal inclinations from birth. This is an irregular shape of the skull, a narrow and sloping forehead (or a bifurcated frontal bone), asymmetry of the face and eye sockets, overdeveloped jaws. Red criminals are extremely rare. Most often, brunettes and brown-haired people commit crimes. Brunettes prefer to steal or set fires, while brown-haired people are prone to murder. Blondes are sometimes found among rapists and scammers.

Appearance of a typical rapist

Big bulging eyes, plump lips, long eyelashes, flattened and crooked nose. Most often lean and rickety blondes, sometimes humpbacked.

Appearance of a typical thief

Irregular small skull, elongated head, straight nose (often upturned at the base), running or, on the contrary, tenacious eyes, black hair and a sparse beard.

Appearance of a typical killer

Large skull, short head (width greater than height), sharp frontal sinus, voluminous cheekbones, long nose (sometimes bent down), square jaws, huge eye sockets, protruding quadrangular chin, motionless glassy gaze, thin lips, well developed fangs.

The most dangerous killers most often have black, curly hair, a sparse beard, short hands, excessively large or, conversely, too small earlobes.

Appearance of a typical scammer

The face is pale, the eyes are small, stern, the nose is crooked, the head is bald. In general, the appearance of scammers is quite good-natured.

Features of criminals

“I myself observed that during a thunderstorm, when seizures become more frequent in epileptics, prisoners in prison also become more dangerous: they tear their clothes, break furniture, beat ministers,” Lombroso wrote. In criminals, in his opinion, the sensitivity of the senses and pain sensitivity is reduced. They are not able to realize the immorality of their actions, therefore, repentance is unknown to them.

Lombroso was able to identify the features of the handwriting of various types of criminals. The handwriting of murderers, robbers and robbers is distinguished by elongated letters, curvilinear and definite features in the endings of letters. The handwriting of thieves is characterized by extended letters, without sharp outlines and curvilinear endings.

The nature and lifestyle of criminals

According to Lombroso's theory, criminals are characterized by a desire for vagrancy, shamelessness, laziness. Many of them have tattoos. For persons prone to crime, boasting, pretense, weakness of character, irritability, highly developed vanity bordering on megalomania, rapid mood swings, cowardice and painful irritability are characteristic. These people are aggressive, vengeful, they are not capable of repentance and are not tormented by remorse. Graphomania can also indicate criminal inclinations.

Lombroso believed that people from the lower class become murderers, robbers and rapists. Representatives of the middle and upper class are more likely to be professional scammers.

Criticism of Lombroso's theory

Even during the life of Lombroso, his theory was criticized. Not surprisingly, many senior government officials had an appearance that completely coincided with the description of born criminals. Many are sure that the scientist exaggerated the biological and completely did not take into account the social component in the cause of crime. Perhaps this is what forced Lombroso to reconsider some of his views towards the end of his life. In particular, he began to argue that the presence of a criminal appearance does not necessarily mean that a person has committed a crime - it rather speaks of his propensity for illegal acts. If a person of criminal appearance is well-off, he falls into the category of hidden criminals who have no external reason to break the law.

Lombroso's reputation suffered greatly when his ideas began to be used by the Nazis - they measured the skulls of concentration camp prisoners before they were sent to the ovens. In the Soviet period, the doctrine of a born criminal was also criticized for its contradiction to the principle of legality, anti-people and reactionary.

As far as we were able to find out, Lombroso's theory was never used in lawsuits - even the scientist himself did not see any practical value in it, as he said at one scientific dispute: "I work not in order to give my research applied application in the field of jurisprudence; in as a scientist, I serve science only for the sake of science." Nevertheless, the concept of a criminal person proposed by him came into use, and his developments are still used in physiognomy, criminal anthropology, sociology and psychology.

* The information is taken from the following books: Cesare Lombroso. "Criminal Man" Milgard. 2005; Mikhail Shterenshis. "Cesare Lombroso". IsraDon. 2010