Biographies Characteristics Analysis

The Turov pontoon crossing has been built, but have all questions been resolved? What are pontoon bridges? Bridge construction.

It only took four hours to . With the joint efforts of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Armed Forces, the bridge was built - a pontoon, 150 meters long. On December 10, civilian transport drove along the floating structure. But it’s too early to relax: no one knows what will happen to the crossing when ice becomes on Pripyat.

The fact that everything was done conscientiously and wisely was proved by the first two days, when the work of the floating bridge was just settling down, there were no emergency situations. Its width allows you to organize the movement of vehicles in only one direction. Therefore, traffic controllers temporarily work at the crossing, on both sides of it, control the order of entry of vehicles. And today the traffic lights should work. The traffic is running smoothly, Sergey Konakov, Chief Engineer of RUE "Gomelavtodor" explained to us. The floating bridge is open to cars, trucks and public transport.

By the way, there was no surge of complaints when traffic on the emergency Turovsky bridge was suspended, says Svetlana Savonova, manager of the affairs of the Ozeransky village executive committee. People reacted to the difficult situation with understanding: there are shops and an outpatient clinic on the territory of the village council.

A team of specialists from the Ministry of Defense is on duty at the crossing around the clock - in case of an emergency. The structure should be regularly checked for integrity and strength. The only and so far the main limitation on the bridge is transport up to 40 tons. But the pontoon crossing will easily withstand a load of 60 tons. Although in "Gomelavtodor" they deliberately lowered the maximum allowable weight for greater safety.

The recommended speed is 30 km/h. The pontoon bridge is movable, and when loaded, it “plays” on the water. Therefore, a safe distance between vehicles should be established based on the professionalism of each car owner. On the other hand, the minimum distance between vehicles also depends on its mass. When loading, for example, 25 tons, the next machine must be at least 30 meters away. If there are two-ton cars, the distance is much shorter.

We tried to find answers to the most pressing questions.

How long will the temporary crossing serve as the main connecting thread? It's hard to say. The repair of the Turovsky bridge will take at least a year, calculated in Gomelavtodor. Now the fate of the cracked span is being decided. A commission of nine people from various organizations has been created, including the Ministry of Emergency Situations, designers, and road service specialists. The emergency area is being monitored.

What will happen to the floating bridge in winter? The practice is that with the onset of frost, these bridges are removed from the surface of the water. So it was, for example, in Verhnedvinsk. Until 2009, until a regular bridge was built connecting two districts - Verkhnedvinsky and Miorsky, a pontoon with wooden decking helped out: they started laying it with the arrival of spring ice drift. Then it took three days to assemble a structure over 200 meters long! With the onset of frost, the pontoons were removed. And people either made a big detour, or, risking their lives, made their way to the other side on the ice.

When can the Turov crossing be removed? Andrey Kurakov, head of the engineering troops of the Armed Forces - head of the engineering troops of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, says that everything will depend on weather conditions and the thickness of the ice formed on the river. The manual for the pontoon-bridge park does not provide for long-term operation in conditions of continuous freezing. The pontoon plating is only two millimeters thick iron. With a heavy load, the bridge sags, and if the pontoon turns out to be encased in ice, the pressure on the sides will increase and the risk of damage will increase. The floating ferry will become unsafe to use.

As soon as the thickness of the ice begins to threaten the integrity of the structure, emergency measures will be taken. To do this, the section of the river adjacent to the bridge will be freed from ice so that the tape stays afloat. The bridge will be removed only as a last resort. This was also confirmed in Gomelavtodor: even in severe frosts, the pontoon crossing will work, despite the fact that it will have to fight with ice.

The development of crossing and bridge facilities of the engineering troops of the Armed Forces of Russia was based on the rich military and historical experience of the Russian army.

Elements of military engineering already existed in the army of Kievan Rus. In campaigns, paths were laid, bridge crossings were arranged. A specialty appeared - bridgemen, who were engaged in the construction of bridges and crossings over rivers. These were the first predecessors of Russian sappers and pontooners.

Special crossing equipment, as a service vehicle transported behind the troops, appeared in Russia at the beginning of the 18th century. It was a ferry park, consisting of five boats (plows) and a convoy, transported "with the troops on a par with artillery weapons", as well as 20 carpenters led by a bridge master with them.

In 1704, a pontoon park was developed, which, with the staff of a team of pontooners, was introduced into the Russian army. The design of the pontoons was repeatedly improved: at first it was a wooden frame with tin lining, in 1759, at the suggestion of Captain Andrei Nemoy, the tin lining was replaced with canvas. These pontoons at that time were an effective means of transportation and were in service until 1872.

Providing troops with crossings across the rivers became increasingly important. Experience was accumulated in arranging crossings over large water barriers, such as the Dnieper, Berezina, Neman, in the course of the pursuit of the Napoleonic army, and subsequently across a number of rivers in Western Europe.

As a result of the military reforms of 1860 - 1870. there were significant changes in the engineering troops, which received more advanced crossing facilities, in particular, in 1872 - the metal pontoon and rowing park of P. P. Tomilovsky.

When crossing the Danube in 1877, pontooners with sappers ensured the crossing of troops along floating bridges, covering the flanks from Turkish ships with river mines. When arranging the crossings, in addition to standard equipment, local floating facilities and building materials were widely used.

The legacy of the Red Army was inherited from the old army in a small amount by the pontoon-oar park of Tomilovsky (carrying capacity of the floating bridge - 7 tons), the motor-pontoon park of Negovsky (carrying capacity of the floating bridge - up to 20 tons), light crossing means: a bag and a collapsible canvas boat M. A Iolshina, Polyansky's inflatable floats. These funds were accepted as personnel and were used during the Civil War of 1918-1920.

The insufficient number of personnel funds forced the widespread use of local and improvised means (fishing boats, ferries, barges, barrels, logs, etc.).

The role of local and improvised means increased even more, since it was impossible to use the existing sedentary pontoon parks to provide crossings when successively overcoming several rivers.

In the period from 1921 to 1941, the floats of Polyansky were modernized, the carrying capacity of the pontoon-rowing park - the bridge was increased up to 10 tons. In 1926 - 1927. a crossing and bridge park is being created on A-2 inflatable boats (carrying capacity 9 tons). The park was transported on paired horse-drawn carts. Experiments were carried out on the use of tugboats, outboard motors with a power of 5 to 12 hp.

In 1932, the MPA-3 pontoon fleet was put into service on A-3 boats with a maximum carrying capacity of 14 tons. The MPA-3 fleet was transported on carts adapted for both horse and mechanical traction.

The appearance of tanks weighing 32 tons and artillery systems with an axle load of 9 tons determined the creation of two types of pontoon parks: heavy and light. This task was successfully solved by the Military Engineering Academy and the Military Engineering Testing Ground (NIII of the Red Army from December 12, 1934) in 1934 - 1935, when the heavy pontoon park H2P was adopted by the Red Army, and soon the light park - NLP. Pontoon parks were developed under the guidance of I. G. Popov by a group of specialists: S. V. Zavadsky, B. N. Korchemkin, A. I. Uglichinin, N. A. Trenke, I. F. Korolev and others. In these parks, for the first time, high-quality steels were used for the manufacture of the upper structure, and tugboats were used to motorize the crossings.

The development of the domestic motor transport industry made it possible to use tractors for the transportation of new fleets, and then cars.

1 - engine hood; 2 - a basket for a canister; 3 - sound signal; 4 - windshield washer; 5 - wiper; 6 - windshield loop; 7 - cab door; 8 - handrail; 9 - river link of the PMP pontoon-bridge park; 10 - rear roller platform; 11 - towing device; 12 - connecting head of the pneumatic system; 13 - engine exhaust pipe; 14 - handle of the locking pin of the stop-lock; 15 - main fuel tank; 16 - fastening of a spare wheel; 17 - additional fuel tank; 18 - battery box; 19 - cardan shaft of the front axle; 20 - tire VI-3 or VID-201; 21 - anchor rope; 22 - the emblem of the Kremenchug Automobile Plant; 23 - rear-view mirror; 24 - transport clamp; 25 - transport eye; 26 - platform reflector; 27 - removable retroreflector of the river link; 28 - rigid tug; 29 - rigid tug bracket; 30 - fastening of a rigid tug; 31 - pontoon lever lock handle; 32 - pontoon lever; 33 - stop-lock; 34 - winch traction cable; 35 - central brace; 36 - platform; 37 - semi-roller; 38 - arrow; 39 - lateral guy; 40 - anti-rollup guy; 41 - middle roller of the platform; 42 - headlight; 43 - sidelight; 44 - marker light; 45 - overall; 46 - direction indicator; 47 - water pump; 48 - ladder; 49 - swinging block; 50 - traction cable retainer; 51 - bypass block; 52 - protective casing of the fuel line; 53 - hook; 54 - cable laying slider; 55 - spare wheel; 56 - winch; 57 - sapper shovel; 58 - trunnion of the heel of the arrow; 59 - bearing housing; 60 - torsion bar; 61 - support body; 62 - front roller.

The carrying capacity of the ferry from the pontoons of the H2P park is 50 tons. The structure of the H2P park included open-type metal pontoons, span structures made of metal girders, gantry supports and wooden floor boards. Transportation was carried out on ZiS-5 vehicles. The main drawback of the park, identified during subsequent operation, was low survivability due to deckless (open) pontoons.

For the motorization of new pontoon parks, the following were developed: the boat BMK-70, ship outboard engines SZ-10 and SZ-20 (for the movement of ferries from N2P and NLP).

In 1935, one set of H2P park with aluminum alloy pontoons was made for trial operation.

The assembly of pontoon-bridge structures from a set of unified elements with a wide change in the number of pontoons in the floating support, girders in the supporting structure and the length of the bridge span made it possible to build floating bridges and assemble ferries of various carrying capacities. To increase the pace of bridge installation from new parks, a hinged cantilever bridge building system was adopted similar to the MdPA-3 park, in which the river part of the park was made up of identical links assembled near the coast, and then inserted into the bridge line and quickly closed using two simple hinged locks . The inclusion of BMK-70 towing and motor boats in the fleet and the use of SZ-10 and SZ-20 outboard motors contributed to a reduction in bridge building time.

These technical solutions of the NLP and N2P parks provided them with high tactical and technical indicators, and the principles of formation of pontoon bridge structures laid down in them turned out to be so successful that they were subsequently used in the development of even the post-war pontoon-bridge park of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, which in fact represented a deep modernization of the H2P park.

From the set of the H2P fleet, floating bridges of the articulated-cantilever system with a carrying capacity of 12 and 24 tons and ferries with a maximum carrying capacity of 50 tons were initially built. After the KV heavy tank was put into service in 1940, bridges of a continuous system were developed and tested, which ensured the construction of bridges from the elements of the H2P park for loads weighing up to 60 tons. At the same time, instructions were issued to the troops for assembling six types of bridges from the park kit: 16 20, 30, 35, 40 and 60 tons, both hinged and continuous scheme. It should be noted that at that time the Wehrmacht had a pontoon-bridge park with a maximum load capacity of up to 16 tons, and the US Army - up to 32 tons.

The main drawback of the mentioned means is the low transport characteristics (carrying capacity, maneuverability), which did not correspond to highly maneuverable combat operations.

In 1939, a special pontoon park SP-19 was put into service, which had closed self-propelled pontoons and made it possible to build double-track bridges and collect ferries for any military cargo (from 30 to 120 tons) through wide water barriers with high flow rates.

During the Great Patriotic War, existing facilities were modernized and new ones were created:

DMP-42 was developed through a significant modernization of the wooden bridge park DMP-41;

Wooden lightweight pontoon bridge park DLP (carrying capacity of the bridge and ferry - up to 30 tons);

Park N2P-41 - upgraded version of N2P;

Heavy bridge park TMP (with metal closed half-pontoons).

Pontoon-bridge parks N2P and TMP in terms of basic performance characteristics - simplicity of design, carrying capacity, ease of use, high rates of bridge building were more advanced than similar means of the Nazi army and the Anglo-American troops.

Means of motorization were developed in the form of outboard motors and towing boats: BMK-70 (1943) and BMK-50 (1945).

Successful experience in the operation of pontoon-bridge parks with wooden pontoons made it possible to develop and put into service in 1943 a light DLP park as a service tool. From plywood half-pontoons of two types weighing 640 kg each, floating bridges of various carrying capacities could be assembled. Hidden half-pontoons could be nested into one another, which made it possible to transport several products on an ordinary truck. The frame of the pontoon was assembled from pine boards and bars and sheathed with bakelized plywood.

The DLP park made it possible to build bridges with a carrying capacity of 10, 16 and 30 tons and ferries with a carrying capacity of 6, 10, 16 and 30 tons. The maximum length of a bridge with a carrying capacity of 10 tons from a set of DLP fleet is 163 m, and a 30-ton one is 56 m. In terms of bridge building, the DLP fleet was approximately twice as large as the NLP fleet and was more difficult to flood in combat conditions.

A significant drawback of wooden parks was the need for their pre-soaking after long-term transportation or storage.

After the war in 1945-1947. taking into account the operating experience, a new wooden pontoon park DMP-45 with a carrying capacity of 60 tons with improved pontoons was developed.

Of great historical interest is the experience of overcoming water obstacles by troops with weapons and military equipment during the Second World War. The widespread use of crossing facilities during large-scale military operations made it possible to take a fresh look at their ratio in the troops: there was a gradual abandonment of bridge crossings in favor of ferry and landing facilities, due to their greater survivability and maneuverability.

In 1946-1949. a heavy pontoon park of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry has been developed, the design of which partially implements the idea of ​​combining into a single transport unit both a package of span elements located on its rotary turnstile and a roadway, which eliminated the need to carry 220 kg runs and 80 kg flooring boards by pontooners and made it possible to significantly reduce bridge building time. The carrying capacity of floating bridges is 16, 50 and 70 tons, of ferries - 16, 35, 50 and 70 tons. The fleet was transported by ZiS-151 and ZiL-157 cars (since 1961). Motorization of the fleet on the water was carried out by BMK-90 or BMK-150 towing and motor boats.

In 1949 - 1952 the light pontoon park LPP was developed and adopted in 1953 using the structural elements of the CCI park in its design, but with the solution of the block principle to a greater extent.

In 1960, instead of the CCI and LPP parks, the PMP pontoon bridge park was put into service, which received world recognition, the progressive design of which was used as a prototype when creating the pontoon parks of the US and German armies.

A large team of specialists participated in the development of the park, including the main creative initiators: Yu. N. Glazunov, M. M. Mikhailov, V. I. Asev, S. I. Polyakov, A. I. Londarev, I. A. Chechin , B. K. Komarov, A. S. Kriksunov, V. I. Savelyev and others. In 1963, work on the creation of the PMP park was awarded the Lenin Prize.

The floating bridge from the PMP fleet differed from the previous products on separate supports (TPP and LTP) by its design in the form of a continuous tape of metal displacement links joined together, folded into a compact block in the transport position.

For the first time, the idea of ​​combining all the elements of a floating bridge was put into practice - a floating support, a bearing span and a roadway.

This design of the bridge provided:

Reducing the bridge building time by several times;

Multiple increase in the capacity of the bridge due to the roadway 6.5 m wide;

Quick connection of the bridge with the shore and elimination of the need for shore landings due to the successful design of the shore sections and the presence of a steel lining laid close to the shore section;

Good fit of the floating bridge into the cross-sectional profile of the water barrier due to the low draft and efficient design of the coastal sections;

High survivability of the floating bridge and ferries;

Quick transition from a floating bridge to a ferry crossing due to the ease of uncoupling the links;

Reduction in the number of pontoon cars of the fleet and the maintenance calculation of the fleet;

Possibility of approach of ferries to the shore in shallow water conditions and no need to install piers for loading and unloading transported equipment.

Subsequently, the fleet was modernized and adopted in 1975 under the PMM-M code. Modernization consisted of the following:

Inclusion in the fleet of hydrodynamic shields to increase the stability of the bridge in the current from 2 to 3 m/s;

Changing the design of the coastal link: its deck is made straight without a break;

Changing the design of the pavement, which increased its durability;

Introduction to the fleet kit: four additional BMK-T tug boats, reconnaissance equipment for water barriers, a set of equipment for commandant service at crossings, rigging equipment to hold the bridge on rivers with increased flow rates, equipment for crossings in winter.

Later, as a result of the work on the development of the design of the floating bridge-ribbon, the means of its motorization and transportation of the PMP park set, the PPS-84 and PP-91 parks were developed and mass-produced.

Main technical characteristics of a pontoon vehicle on the KrAZ-255B chassis with a river link of the PMP pontoon fleet

The mass of the equipped car with a river link, kg: 18 960

Overall dimensions of the vehicle with a river link, mm:

length - 9950

width - 3154

height - 3600

Curb weight, kg: 12170

Vehicle overall dimensions, mm:

length - 8850

width - 3150

height - 2880

Pulling force of the car winch, t:

normal - 8

with short-term overload - 12

Boom lifting capacity, t: 4

Departure of the boom from the rear bumper, m: 1.93

The highest speed of the car on a horizontal section of a straight road

with improved coating, km/h: 71

Fording depth, m: 1

Fuel range in summer, km: 750


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A pontoon bridge is a structure above water that has floating supports called pontoons. A variation is a floating bridge, which does not have separate pontoons, and span structures perform the function of "buoyancy". Such facilities were used to organize temporary crossings in emergency conditions or during the repair of stationary bridges, in wartime and when performing work to eliminate the consequences of hurricanes, but there are many examples when the pontoon bridge functions and constantly (in Russia - Pavlovo, Biysk, Tarko- Sale, Urengoy).

Buildings on pontoons have many advantages. First of all, they are transportable. They are easy to move on water and disassembled on land. The second advantage is the speed of installation. However, there are also significant drawbacks. Pontoon bridges create problems for navigation, have a low bearing capacity, as their stability depends on the water level, wind, waves. They cannot be operated during the period of freezing and ice drift.

The pontoon crossing is the result of a complex engineering process that requires special technologies and knowledge. Plastic modules facilitate this process. The pontoon bridge is a prefabricated structure consisting of floating elements. Such prefabricated structures are used for both vehicles and pedestrians.

External "lightness" and simplicity of the whole structure do not reduce the carrying capacity, so these bridges are used for military purposes.


The pontoon bridge is a modular structure that can be easily assembled in a relatively short time. At the same time, the assembly does not require any special technical skills and knowledge.

Such a structure is modular and expandable, and if necessary, you can easily change its width and shape.

Plastic modules are wear-resistant, not affected by acid, sea water, low temperatures. Pontoon bridges based on plastic modules are used on any surface of the water, are not harmful to the environment, do not disturb the aquatic fauna and flora, resist currents and waves.

Interesting Facts

  • The pontoon system was personally developed by the Austrian engineer Carl von Birago, who commanded the first pontoon military corps in history. This system has become widespread in all major European armies.
  • In Russia, the longest pontoon bridge has a length of almost 750 meters. It connects the suburbs of Khabarovsk with This bridge connects the island and the right bank of the Amur channel, it has been operating since 2002 from the end of May to October, agricultural machinery and vehicles move along it. Before the organization of the bridge, Bolshoy Ussuriysky Island connected with the city. In winter, people get to the island on ice, and during the period of freeze-up and ice drift, the island remains cut off from the “mainland”. The bridge is raised once a day so as not to disrupt the work of Chinese and Russian courts.
  • Interestingly, if improperly used, the pontoon bridge can "float away". This happened, for example, in 2005 in the city of Novokuznetsk, when the bridge over the river Kondoma was swept away by the current.

Compared to other floating equipment such as PMP-60, PM-70, KS-63, etc., a product of type 0021/817 K-P1-2 (Project-817) has clear advantages in terms of draft, stability, the presence of a roadbed and adjacent extreme pontoons for technical purposes, as well as the use of the product in freezing conditions.

To buy ferry Project-817 product type 0021/817 K-P1-2 pontoons from strategic storage and conservation warehouses for overcoming water barriers in summer and winter conditions, send an official request to e-mail with the seal and signature of the manager.
Based on the requirements, a berth (s) is being built from pontoons of the product type 0021/817 K-P1-2 of multifunctional use Berth-Parom.

Price Project-817: 3,900,000 rubles with VAT / set

The surfacing product includes the necessary technical means:
- winches;
- wheel breaks;
- mooring ropes;
- chains;
- anchors;
- tools for connecting pontoons;
- life buoys, etc.

The product will be delivered from warehouses geographically located in different regions of the Russian Federation.

Dimensions of the Project-817 ferry

Maximum cargo capacity of the ferry Project-817 in the standard configuration is 80 tons.

The main features of the pontoon crossing Project-817

Deployment of the ferry with a continuous floating tape;
-assembly of a ferry from a unified design of pontoons of three different types;
- pontoons of the same type are interchangeable;
- the implementation of the installation and dismantling of the ferry immediately on the water;
- redeployment of pontoons by any means of transport;
- pontoon decks can be used as a ferry carriageway;
- as part of the ferry there are ramp devices for mooring and loading and unloading operations;
-shore devices can be used as continuous slopes to the river, and further transition to the crossing without the use of special ferry berths;
- mooring of the ferry is carried out in any place of the inclined coastline and does not depend on changes in the water level;
- loading and unloading operations are carried out according to the principle of first-in-first-out in the stream, excluding excessive movement of cars;
-additional pontoons of the same type can be used for the installation of longer and lifting crossings, floating tape bridges and other floating structures;




Overall length, m.
Overall width, m
Board height, m
Width of the cargo area, m
The length of the cargo area, m
Width of ramp entrances (exits), m
Conditional capacity of different brands of cars, pcs.
Empty draft, m
Draft with full load, m
Number of medium pontoons, pcs.
Number of end pontoons, pcs.
Number of ramp pontoons, pcs.
Maximum overall dimensions of one pontoon, m

6.13 x 3.2 x 1.53

The maximum weight of one pontoon, t.

Description of the design of the pontoon type ferry Project-817

The middle pontoons are equipped with a heavy deck, while the outer pontoons are equipped with a heavy and light one.

The carriageway and cargo platform of the ferry with a total width of 8 meters between the wheel breaks use a heavy deck of middle and outer pontoons with a floor thickness of 6 mm.

The light deck of the extreme pontoons with a flooring thickness of 4 mm serves to accommodate civilians, personnel and equipment.

Welded on the flooring rods with a diameter of 6 mm increase the wear resistance of the deck, and improve the properties of adhesion of the payload to the flooring.
The plating of the sides and bottom of the middle and outer pontoons is 4 mm.

In the surface of the deck and the bottom of the middle and outer pontoons, transverse lower coupling and upper butt devices are equipped to connect the pontoons to each other in the ferry section.

Along the length, the individual sections of the ferry are connected by means of longitudinal lower coupling and upper butt devices equipped on the transoms of the pontoons.

Now Project-817 ferries are used in industrial and civil use, equipped as floating production facilities, cafes on the water, etc.