Biographies Characteristics Analysis

What are the secrets of longevity. why do we live so little? “Suspicious” silence of space

Often the cause of poverty lies in people's subconscious. They see and hear what their parents report and act according to the pattern, unconsciously. This is how genetic poverty is developed, poisoning the lives of many generations who cannot escape the tenacious clutches of stereotypes and the underlying principle of behavior.

How often have you paid attention to people? Have you noticed that some people behave relaxed, smile, enjoy life and are always in high spirits? And there is another type of people - always in a hurry, with their heads bowed low, grumpy and unkemptly dressed. Do you feel the difference? And often it is not the people themselves who should be blamed for such behavior, but those who showed and said that this is correct.

Causes of genetic poverty

To understand what is hidden behind the term “genetic poverty”, it is necessary to delve into the essence of this process and understand the mentality of people who are dragging themselves into the swamp joyless life, not realizing that you can live differently by simply breaking the pattern.

Reason one: mentality

Imagine a situation: you come to visit a person and are amazed at what is happening in his house. Dirty floors, old wallpaper, a shabby sofa, unwashed windows... And your brain begins to paint you pictures of what you would do with this room, how you would clean it, what you would change. Dirt is one of the signs of poverty. Where there is untidiness, unnecessaryness and a desire to give up, there is this very poverty. The mentality of people is different, but those who are used to living in a mess are poor in soul and are unlikely to be able to change their lives for the better. This behavior often appears in those who have lived their whole lives looking at the similar life of their parents or relatives.

Reason two: philistinism

Think back to your childhood. Surely many of you will remember how they were told that they should not touch anything new. Here is a sideboard, it has new beautiful dishes, but under no circumstances should they be touched, because this is for guests. And you continue to drink tea from a chipped mug with a chipped handle, sighing over a soup plate yellowed from time to time with small cracks and scratches. And so it is in many families: everyone is waiting for some special occasion, continue to admire the beautiful purchased items, but do not allow themselves to use them. This negative program is passed on to children who will adhere to the same line of behavior, limiting themselves in anticipation of the same thing. holiday when beautiful and new things come in handy. It’s just that over time they turn into garbage and rubbish, but they continue to be carefully stored. The brain no longer perceives them as garbage, and draws pictures of fresh, just purchased towels, sheets...

Reason three: sheer savings or Cinderella syndrome

The terrible word “hoarding” haunts many throughout their lives and is passed on “inheritedly” to children. Saving and the desire to save up for something can be beneficial, but what is much more common is a beggarly understanding of this process. People deny themselves everything, don’t buy good products, wear the same clothes for years. This understanding is far from a happy life. The desire, for example, to buy a dacha or a car is commendable, but you should not forget about yourself. Living from hand to mouth in order to become the happy owner of a treasured house in the outskirts after many, many years? Will this bring happiness in the end? Often at the moment when cherished goal achieved, people can no longer live differently and continue to strictly limit themselves in everything. Their children, brought up on the principle “we can’t afford it,” begin to lead the same lifestyle, mercilessly saving on necessary purchases and being embarrassed to buy for themselves new thing because that's how their parents raised them. This is called genetic poverty, the fear of spending money on yourself and not denying yourself the purchase necessary items everyday life

Reason four: subconscious programming

As children grow, they observe the behavior of their parents and get used to the environment that surrounds them. If parents do not bother themselves to clean things up, do cosmetic repairs, and even take a bath, wash clothes, and take care of shoes, children perceive this behavior as normal. They copy their behavior and carry it through their entire lives, programming their offspring to do so. poor life in captivity of his own devil-may-care attitude. Agree, you don’t have to spend huge sums to make your home look cozy. Inexpensive but clean furniture, fresh wallpaper, clean floors, windows - all this creates cleanliness in the minds.

Ways to get rid of genetic poverty

There is a way out of any situation. People themselves can help themselves break out of vicious circle and say goodbye to negative habits and mentality. After all, we see, hear and feel the delicious aroma of fresh bread, the smell of cleanliness and freshness after cleaning and airing, smiles and pride from the repairs done. We ourselves make our life comfortable in our own understanding.

If you need to change something, be sure to change it! Get rid of old junk on the balcony. Believe me ski pole, which you “will need for something” has been lying in the corner for years. Throw it away. And these plastic bottles- How much more water or juice will you buy? So what, do you need every plastic container? This is how the impoverishment of the mind begins - with the accumulation of supposedly necessary and necessary things. What about this shirt? Yes, my love, but she is already many years old, she looks like a doormat. Don't you notice this? So wipe the mirror, wash the windows and look around.

If you see that your home looks more like an antiques shop, and your wardrobe is almost a couple of decades old, then you urgently need to get rid of these things. Not immediately, gradually, getting used to the new state of freedom and independence from old stuff and rubbish.

One fine morning, take that proverbial new cup and pour your favorite drink into it. It will be much tastier than what you drank yesterday, but from an old cup. If you don't believe me, check it out!

Turn on your favorite music and take down the curtains from the window (it’s time to wash them anyway). Go to the store and buy yourself something new. One, not expensive, but new. With label. Put it on right in the store, and old thing throw it in the trash. Yes, that's possible!

Lay down new bed linen and listen to your feelings in the morning - your mood has improved, you slept sweetly and comfortably. It works!

Clear out the clutter of unnecessary things. Just do it. Not immediately, gradually. Throw away this old newspaper and the mountain of dusty books that you don’t like. Give them away, put them outside with a note, sell them - just get rid of what's taking up space in your home.

Start transforming everything and soon you will feel great relief and joy from every new day. Remember that poverty is in the mind, and it is in your power to get rid of this obsessive and sticky feeling of dependence on other people’s opinions imposed on you. Your life is your rules. As soon as you begin your transformation, life will begin to present you with pleasant surprises, believe me! We wish you happiness and success, and do not forget to press the buttons and

Anthropic principle instead of God?

Around the middle of the 20th century, scientists began to call the anthropic principle the comparison of the features of our world with the possibility of the existence of life and intelligence in it. In a free and more understandable formulation, this principle affirms an amazing phenomenon, namely, that our world was created and exists solely so that a person can appear and exist in it! In other words, all the properties of the Universe are adapted for the emergence of intelligent life, since we, observers, are present in it!

Why do we live in three-dimensional space?

Nature chose for our existence three dimensional space(length, width and height), although some physicists believe that in reality our space has 11 dimensions (!). But 8 of them are “collapsed”, so we don’t notice them. However, if the geometric parameters of the “collapsed” dimensions increase, then someday they will seriously influence the dynamics of our world. It is worth adding to this that such an important phenomenon of evolving reality as sustainable movement is possible only in three-dimensional space!

If our space had only two dimensions (length and width), or only one (length), then, as is obvious to everyone, movement in such a space would be so constrained that the emergence of life in it would be out of the question. If the number of dimensions in our space were more than three, then, for example, the planets could not stay near their stars - they would either fall on them or fly away! A similar fate would also befall atoms with their nuclei and electrons.

Let us recall that today we know four types of basic natural forces: gravitational, electromagnetic and intranuclear - weak and strong.

So, it has been proven that even the slightest change will lead to a significant transformation of our Universe! Similar restrictions exist in the ratio of electron and proton masses. Changing them would entail unpredictable consequences.

The factor of stability is time!

Few people know that our space, strictly speaking, has not three dimensions, but four! Moreover, the fourth coordinate is... time!

Its most important difference from the other three coordinates is its irreversibility, that is, time, for reasons unknown to us, flows only in one direction - from the past to the future! And yet, without this coordinate, there would be no development or any evolution in the world.

According to modern scientific ideas, space, time and matter were born simultaneously as a result of the so-called big bang. This idea is fairly well developed by scientists, although how it all happened at the micro level remains largely unclear.

In particular, it remains unclear why, as a result of the Big Bang, the amount of matter formed turned out to be slightly greater than antimatter, although it seems that they should have been equal! “Someone” took care of this antisymmetry, because with an equal number of particles and antiparticles, they would all disappear (annihilate) and there would be nothing to create complex systems from.

Conditions for the existence of protein bodies

It is clear that intelligent life can exist only on a protein basis, and in a very narrow temperature range. Therefore, the orbits of the life-bearing planets must be chosen so that average temperature did not go beyond these limits on them! It would be good if this orbit were circular - otherwise the winters on these planets would be long and disastrous for all living things. And a too hot summer would kill the survivors! Moreover, our Earth is also tightly chained to its orbit - most living creatures on it would not be able to survive even if its orbit changed by just a tenth!

They say that the Moon, with its ebbs and flows, is extremely necessary for the development of intelligent life on Earth. But it was suggested that our planet once did not have a Moon. They say “someone” brought her here! This fact is confirmed, in particular, by the very careful “installation” of the Moon on earth's orbit: its diameter is 200 times smaller than the diameter of the Sun and it is located 200 times closer to us. As a result, during the period of complete solar eclipse The disk of the Moon exactly covers the disk of the Sun and we can see the night sky in broad daylight! “Someone” needed to show us this amazing picture!

“Suspicious” silence of space

Doesn't it symbolize the inevitability of the disastrous future of civilizations that have followed the path of our planet? Let's try to assess the chances of finding any of them, as they say, in good health. To do this, consider our star system, the Galaxy, which is believed to contain about 100 billion stars.

Our Sun lit up 5 billion years ago, and during this time intelligent life arose around it, on planet Earth, and has survived to this day. However, let’s assume that life arose around other stars much earlier—say, 10 billion years ago. Then, upon reaching the appropriate level of development and as the habitat deteriorates, the then civilization will decide to colonize the space surrounding it to populate it with its citizens. For this purpose, she will send to different sides three huge spaceship with a thousand settlers and the necessary supplies and equipment on each.

The journey of a ship flying at a speed of 10 thousand kilometers per second (!) to the nearest star will take a hundred years! Let's give the settlers another 300 years to settle in a new place and wait for the moment when they send their ships to the next stars. With such “stepwise” flights, the civilization of that time would populate the entire Galaxy in 20 million years! Moreover, this figure is clearly underestimated, since in reality it will take an inconceivable amount of time to find suitable planets. It is clear that the presented scenario can be considered absolutely fabulous, since it involves absolutely fantastic timing. And the longer the deadline, the greater the chance of encountering unpredictable events.

Universes can be different!

The entire world that emerged after the Big Bang is many times larger than the part of it that we can see through telescopes. Therefore, today scientists admit the existence of universes with their own sets of fundamental parameters and laws, and we do not see them solely because of the gigantic cosmic distances.

And as for anthropic principle, it began to be widely discussed in the middle of the last century after the publication of the book by the American scientist W. Carter “Coincidence large numbers and the anthropological principle in cosmology." The author explained this principle this way: “The Universe must be such that observers could exist in it at some stage of evolution.” Or: “Our observations must be limited to the conditions necessary for our existence as observers.”

We often dream: about holidays, about vacations, about new meetings, about shopping. Pictures of imaginary happiness activate in our nervous system neurotransmitter dopamine. It belongs to the reward system and thanks to it, when we dream, we feel joy and pleasure. Dreaming is simple and easy way improve your mood, take your mind off problems and be alone with yourself. What could be wrong with this?

Sometimes Marina remembers her previous trip to the sea. She was waiting for her so much, she dreamed about her so much. It’s a pity that not everything she dreamed of coincided with reality. The room was not the same as in the picture, the beach was not very good, the town... In general, there were a lot of surprises - and not all pleasant ones.

We rejoice looking at the perfect pictures that our imagination has created. But many people notice a paradox: sometimes dreams turn out to be more pleasant than possessions. Sometimes, having received what we want, we even feel disappointed, because reality is rarely similar to what our imagination depicted.

Reality hits us in unpredictable and varied ways. We are not ready for this, we dreamed of something else. Confusion and disappointment when meeting a dream is the price to pay for the fact that we do not know how to enjoy it. Everyday life from real things - such as they are.

Marina notices that she is rarely here and now, in the present: she dreams about the future or goes through memories. Sometimes it seems to her that life is passing her by, that it is wrong to live in dreams, because in reality they often turn out to be ephemeral. She wants to enjoy something real. What if happiness is not in dreams, but in the present? Maybe feeling happiness is just a skill that Marina doesn’t have?

We are focused on implementing plans and do many things “automatically”. We become immersed in thoughts about the past and future and stop seeing the present - what is around us and happening in our soul.

IN last years Scientists are actively researching the impact of mindful meditation on human well-being, a technique based on the development of awareness of reality.

These studies began with the work of University of Massachusetts biologist Professor Jon Kabat-Zinn. He was interested in Buddhist practices and was able to scientifically prove the effectiveness of using mindful meditation to reduce stress.

The practice of mindfulness is a complete shift of attention to currently, without evaluating oneself or reality

Cognitive-behavioral psychotherapists have begun to successfully use certain techniques of mindful meditation in working with clients. These techniques do not have a religious orientation; they do not require the lotus position or any special conditions. They are based on conscious attention, by which Jon Kabat-Zinn means “the complete transfer of attention to the present moment - without any assessment of oneself or reality.”

You can be aware of the present moment whenever you want: at work, at home, while walking. Attention can be concentrated in different ways: on your breathing, the environment, sensations. The main thing is to track the moments when consciousness moves into other modes: assessment, planning, imagination, memories, internal dialogue– and bring him back to the present.

Kabat-Zinn's research has shown that people who are taught mindfulness meditation cope better with stress, feel less anxious and sad, and generally feel happier than before.

Today is Saturday, Marina is in no hurry and drinks her morning coffee. She loves to dream and is not going to give it up - dreams help Marina keep in her head the image of the goals she strives for.

But now Marina wants to learn to feel happiness not from anticipation, but from real things, so she is developing a new skill - conscious attention.

Marina looks at her kitchen as if seeing it for the first time. Blue doors facades illuminates sunlight from the window. Outside the window, the wind sways the treetops. A warm beam hits your hand. It would be necessary to wash the window sill - Marina’s attention escapes, and she begins to plan things as usual. Stop - Marina returns to non-judgmental immersion in the present.

She takes the mug in her hand. Looks at the pattern. Peers into the unevenness of the ceramics. Takes a sip of coffee. Feels the nuances of taste, as if drinking it for the first time in his life. He notices that time stops.

Marina feels alone with herself. It was as if she had been traveling for a long time and had finally returned home.

about the author

clinical psychologist, member of the Association of Cognitive Behavioral Therapists, works at the Doctor Nearby clinic. More details on her website.

Third dimension - why do we need it?

- What is the fourth dimension? — You might be surprised, but every person goes there every day!

Thoughtful people have always existed, with great experience, wisdom, and knowledge. They noticed and talked about it, but when society solves the problems of survival in the physical world, it becomes not up to them. However, it should be recalled: you are not only the body, the task of survival is not the only one facing you, otherwise a person would not be so different from an animal. Evolution never stops, it continues.

A person is not only a physical body, it is something much more. The body is a temporary limitation of the form of expression of your essence, which you voluntarily accepted for yourself in order to gain a certain experience. You can’t even imagine how majestic and huge you are. The physical body and the world in the third dimension greatly limits your potential. Your essence in this form is not entirely comfortable here. Therefore, the continuous imprisonment of free consciousness in a shell (and, moreover, in extreme conditions) - serious challenge. A serious test and a unique experience that evokes respect for you, for the determination and courage of your essence. But constant stay in physical body quite difficult, unbearable and even impossible. Without anything other than the factors necessary to survive (water, food, favorable conditions environment) a person cannot live?

- Without sleep.

Modern science is not able to give an answer - what is it (on this moment Scientists only record brain states during sleep). During sleep, while the body is resting, you (your consciousness, which is you) leaves the body. And this is another dimension. When you wake up in to a greater extent remember nothing or only the last moments of your activity in another dimension, which are quickly forgotten, because this is the world of the third dimension (it, more precisely, our bodies are designed in such a way that you can start everything from clean slate, and so that neither the limitless possibilities, nor the vast experience and store of knowledge of our essence from other dimensions, nothing could prevent us from obtaining the experience we want. These are the rules of the game that we agreed to of our own free will. After all, playing by the rules is much more interesting than playing without them.

As we gain experience in the game, everyone goes through a path, an evolution of consciousness, stages of growing up from infancy to old age, from solving problems of survival to the experience of the sublime, from the illusion of separation to a much greater awareness of oneself as part of the Whole. Only sometimes, in exceptional cases, at especially important, decisive moments of the game, the rules can be broken by those who created this game, an entity without restrictions can come. This has already happened in the history of the Earth and it will happen again.

What we do in our dreams is our reality. The memory of what happened in a dream remains with you forever, but when you are in the physical body, restrictions are activated, and experiences that are not appropriate for you are blocked. It is difficult to access information that is blocked, but it is possible through training, certain techniques, and hypnosis. If what happens to you in a dream is important for you to know in order to successfully gain experience and fulfill your goals in embodiment, then as a rule, immediately after waking up you can remember this dream, remember it throughout the day or under special circumstances in life.

Have you paid attention to what is happening to you in your dreams, what are you capable of there?

At first glance, it may seem that there is complete chaos or, on the contrary, emptiness. In both cases it will be yours real experience there. In both the first and second cases you will be right. You just reflected, projected yourself into another dimension.

In a dream, time and distance do not exist, but there are consciousnesses of entities that together create everything. They create through thought and immediately, instantly experience the result of their thought (for example, if you think about a person or place, you can instantly move there). Moreover, you experience more deeply, more vividly, more fully experience emotions from what is happening to you, as you can call the astral plane, on which we cognize emotional sphere. The emotions of entities manifest themselves incomparably with the Earth (even taking into account the fact that on Earth emotions are very expressed) brightly and in a wider spectrum.

Now let's take a critical look at ourselves. Admit to yourself that sometimes you have a mess in your head: a mess in your feelings and chaos in your thoughts. Imagine for yourself what will happen if this is not a harmonious consciousness, this chaos is instantly transferred to the fourth dimension, where thought determines your reality, and the emotions experienced are even deeper? Agree, not the best best experience. This causes chaos on our physical plane as well. That's why we learn to survive here first (but there are always those who teach us Human qualities, without this we would never have survived), and if we manage to survive and not destroy ourselves, then humanity will continue its development, over time learn to control itself and one day completely complete its evolution on planet Earth.

We live in three dimensional world: length, width and depth. Some may object: “What about the fourth dimension - time?” Indeed, time is also a dimension. But the question of why space is measured in three dimensions is a mystery to scientists. New research explains why we live in a 3D world.

The question of why space is three-dimensional has tormented scientists and philosophers since ancient times. Indeed, why exactly three dimensions, and not ten or, say, 45?

In general, space-time is four-dimensional (or 3+1-dimensional): three dimensions form space, the fourth dimension is time. There are also philosophical and scientific theories about the multidimensionality of time, which suggest that there are actually more dimensions of time than it seems: the familiar arrow of time, directed from the past to the future through the present, is just one of the possible axes. This makes possible various science fiction projects, such as time travel, and also creates a new, multivariate cosmology that allows for the existence of parallel universes. However, the existence of additional time dimensions has not yet been scientifically proven.

Let's return to our 3+1-dimensional dimension. We are well aware that the measurement of time is related to the second law of thermodynamics, which states that in a closed system - such as our Universe - entropy (the measure of chaos) always increases. The universal disorder cannot decrease. Therefore, time is always directed forward - and nothing else.

IN new article, published in EPL, the researchers suggested that the second law of thermodynamics may also explain why space is three-dimensional.

“A number of researchers in science and philosophy have addressed the problem of the (3 + 1)-dimensional nature of spacetime, justifying the choice of this particular number due to its stability and ability to support life,” said study co-author Julian Gonzalez-Ayala of the National Polytechnic Institute in Mexico and the University of Salamanca in Spain to the portal. “The value of our work lies in the fact that we present reasoning based on a physical model of the dimension of the Universe with a suitable and reasonable space-time scenario. We are the first to state that the number “three” in the dimension of space arises as an optimization of a physical quantity.”

Previously, scientists paid attention to the dimension of the Universe in connection with the so-called atropic principle: “We see the Universe like this, because only in such a Universe could an observer, a person, arise.” The three-dimensionality of space was explained by the possibility of maintaining the Universe in the form in which we observe it. If the Universe had many dimensions, according to Newton's law of gravity, stable orbits of planets and even the atomic structure of matter would not be possible: electrons would fall onto nuclei.

IN this study scientists took a different route. They suggested that space is three-dimensional due to a thermodynamic quantity - density free energy Helmholtz. In a Universe filled with radiation, this density can be thought of as pressure in space. Pressure depends on the temperature of the Universe and on the number of spatial dimensions.

Researchers have shown what might have happened in the first fractions of a second after the Big Bang, called the Planck Epoch. At the moment when the Universe began to cool, the Helmholtz density reached its first maximum. Then the age of the Universe was a fraction of a second, and there were exactly three spatial dimensions. The key idea of ​​the study is that three-dimensional space was “frozen” once the Helmholtz density reached its maximum value, which prohibits the transition to other dimensions.

The picture below shows how this happened. Left - free energy densityHelmholtz (e) reaches its maximum value at temperature T = 0.93, which occurs when space was three-dimensional (n = 3). S and U represent entropy densities and density internal energy, respectively. The right shows that the transition to multidimensionality does not occur at temperatures below 0.93, which corresponds to three dimensions.

This happened due to the second law of thermodynamics, which allows transitions to higher dimensions only when the temperature is above a critical value - not a degree less. The universe is constantly expanding and elementary particles, photons, lose energy - so our world is gradually cooling: Now the temperature of the Universe is much lower than the level that implies a transition from the 3D world to multidimensional space.

The researchers explain that spatial dimensions are similar to states of matter, and the transition from one dimension to another resembles phase transition- such as melting ice, which is possible only at very high temperatures.

"In the process of cooling early universe and after reaching the first critical temperature, the principle of entropy increment for closed systems could prohibit certain changes in dimensionality,” the researchers comment.

This assumption still leaves room for higher dimensions that existed during the Planck era, when the Universe was even hotter than it was at its critical temperature.

Extra dimensions are present in many cosmological models—most notably, string theory. This research may help explain why some of these models additional dimensions disappeared or remained as tiny as they were in the first fractions of a second after the Big Bang, while 3D space continues to grow throughout the observable Universe.

In the future, the researchers plan to improve their model to include additional quantum effects that may have occurred in the first fraction of a second after the Big Bang. In addition, the results of the augmented model can also provide guidance for researchers working on other cosmological models such as quantum gravity.