Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Vadim Zeland how to make wishes come true. How to prepare melt water

In a world trying to make you believe that it's better to be a scoundrel than a good person... Be careful. Be compassionate. Be a big man.

Be tolerant. Be stronger than the broken heart, pain and bitter past.

Be the one who knows how to love, no matter how many times love has played a cruel joke on you. Be someone who knows how to be kind to a world that is sometimes so ruthless.

In a world trying to make you selfish, learn to share. Learn to give, learn to surround yourself with people who make you happy. Learn to be the best friend, the best parent, or the best partner.

Learn to be someone you can turn to for help or advice. Learn to be someone you can rely on and lean on. Think of the heart you had before it was broken.

In a world that forces you to be indifferent, lonely and detached, be brave, vulnerable and considerate. Be the most caring person. Be the first to say "I love you".

Be the one who tries to do it, not the one who wonders "what would happen if ..."

Be someone who is not afraid to get hurt, instead of being afraid of getting hurt, thereby missing out on the fun.

In a world that says you don't have the right to dream, to believe, find the courage to look at people living the life you've always dreamed of. Believe that you too can have such a life.

Life is hard, but at the same time it can be very easy. She is cruel, but at the same time she can be very soft. Life is unpredictable, but it can also give you the most generous gifts.

In a world that does everything to make you see the glass as half empty, learn to see it as half full.

In a world trying to convince you to live a lie, live the truth. Life will be easier if you understand who you really are and accept yourself with all your flaws, mistakes and weaknesses.

Life will be easier if you stop playing other people's roles and become yourself, because this is exactly what the universe rewards you for. What people are drawn to.

Life will be easier when you stop trying to please others and start living the life you want.

Learn to fight for your heart in a world trying to turn it to stone. Learn to keep kindness in your heart, learn to love more, because I know one thing for sure: when life comes to an end, you will not remember the days when you were cruel, heartless or afraid.

You will remember times when you felt in love. Moments that made you smile. The people who were close to you, as well as the people you moved forward, inspired and loved.

When your days come to an end, you will only remember the love that you experienced and that you gave to other people. And then you will look back and realize how meaningless everything else is.

Publisher: Gaya - March 25, 2019

The energy of the soul is that invisible and imperceptible that supports us in difficult moments and helps to maintain balance.

If your tender soul is tired, then this is quite normal. And there is nothing wrong with wanting to be kind to yourself. As in feeling what you feel.

And you may well break under the "weight of your own bones." Feeling unwell is also normal, as is sometimes sadness of incomprehensible origin that overcomes you. It is pointless to force yourself to feel eternal happiness, sometimes it is worth taking the time to mourn.

Being human is challenging and beautiful at the same time. Life surprises us in the most incredible ways, but it can also break our hearts. It provides valuable lessons that help us grow and also help us become the person you have always dreamed of. And it also carries losses that will change you, sometimes drastically.

Life will force you to work, to know yourself, and to heal, even in the face of pain. In this world, it is important to be brave and be able to stand up for yourself.

However, courage does not mean real battles, fast driving, or willingness to take unnecessary risks. Courage is the calmest quality among all known to mankind.

Courage is to wake up in the morning, despite the heaviness in the body and the reluctance to see the light of day. Courage is to face what makes you suffer, give your fear a name and conquer it at all costs.

Courage is kindness to yourself, especially when it seems out of place, when it's not easy, and when you feel not at all what you wanted to be.

Courage means forgiving yourself. It is also the work you do with your demanding and weary soul.

Courage determines how strongly you reach for the light and how you change as you move closer to kindness. Even if you don't know what you are looking for. Being brave means allowing yourself to believe that you are progressing when you don't really feel it.

Being brave means believing in yourself, even if the path is frightening with its unpredictability. Courage is the belief that something more is waiting for you. You are still able to save yourself and be able to find happiness in this crazy world.

Publisher: Gaya - March 25, 2019


Be yourself. Don't let the people around you convince you that you are something different. If you are not able to remain faithful to yourself, then you should not expect that you will remain faithful to someone else.

Of course, the lifestyle of American Indians has changed a lot since the beginning of the 19th century. But still, even today, tribes have survived that still live according to the rules created many centuries ago. They have great respect for the planet and the gifts we receive from it.

The Indians developed one of the oldest sets of rules on Earth, which allows you to learn a lot of useful things even for modern people. Here is some of them…

1. Get up early, pray.

Get up with the dawn to get the most out of your day. Pray as often as possible. We have a lot to be thankful for, so it's always worth taking the time to give credit for everything we already have.

2. Be kind to those people who have not yet managed to find their way in life.

Often we get angry at people who do not adhere to the standards by which we ourselves live. But all people who have not yet found their place in life should be treated kindly and try to help them find their way.

3. Find yourself.

4. The person who came to your house should feel welcome.

Never be rude to people visiting your home. Always offer them the best: it is about food, drink and a room in which they will stay.

5. You must earn what you take.

Don't claim things as yours if you haven't put in the effort to get them. Be respectful of other people's property and don't think that you have a right to things just because you want to.

6. Respect everything that the earth gives us.

Never mistreat representatives of flora, fauna and people. These are gifts of nature, and they should be treated with great reverence.

7. Learn to listen and understand the words and desires of the people around you.

Allow the person to express their opinion. Never treat people as your enemies just for their way of thinking. If this person's opinion contradicts yours, you can speak up after they have finished speaking.

8. Don't judge.

We all like to judge someone sometimes, but the Indians believe that by doing so we attract negative energy. And she will return to you with double strength.

9. Be lenient.

Any of us can make a mistake, it is important to be able to find the strength to forgive a person who has made a mistake.

10. Negative thoughts are harmful to health.

Negative thinking is bad for your mental health, body and spirit. Stay optimistic, strive for bright things even in difficult moments of life.

11. Nature is not something that belongs to us, but something that is part of us.

Thanks to nature, we all came into this world, so it is part of human existence, gives us food and air. Never consider yourself masters of nature.

12. There is no future without children, so always treat them with respect.

Our children will grow up and become great people. Therefore, they deserve good and respectful treatment - the same as their parents.

13. Never hurt people.

If you stab someone in the heart, yours will ache in return. This evil will definitely return to you in the future.

14. Stay honest no matter what.

Never lie to save yourself. The truth will give you a lot more good, although it can hurt a little at first.

15. Find balance in your life.

Don't allow any one side of your personality to develop to the detriment of other aspects of you. Your mental, spiritual, emotional and physical development should take place in a harmonious way.

16. Think consciously.

It is always worth remembering that our thoughts are material. Take responsibility for all your actions.

17. Respect private property.

Never touch anything that is not yours unless you have been given permission to do so. Invading someone's personal space is unacceptable.

18. Be yourself.

Don't let the people around you convince you that you are something different. If you are not able to remain faithful to yourself, then it is hardly worth expecting that you will remain faithful to someone else.

19. Respect the beliefs of others and do not impose your own.

Let people confess what they believe without judging them for it. They are free to do whatever they want with their lives.

20. Share your happiness and wealth with others.

If you are lucky in life, then remember the people to whom luck is not so merciful. Be kind and generous to everyone, and pay special attention to those who are now worse than you.

These rules were created more than one century ago, but still have great power. The thing is that human nature remains the same as it was several thousand years ago. If you don't know what to do, just follow these rules and you will never go wrong!

Publisher: Gaya - March 25, 2019


Letting go of someone you've lived with for years isn't easy, and we all know that very well. Sometimes it's so hard that we prefer to continue to be a part of unhealthy relationships instead of just stop clinging to them!

But the fact is that if you do this, you are only betraying yourself, depriving yourself of happiness with your own hands.

However, it is impossible not to admit that when we part with our partners, it seems to us that we are doing something unworthy, that we give up and give up. It hurts us a lot from the thought that we are abandoning relationships that we previously considered worthy and real, which seemed to have a future ...

In fact, it’s really hard for you to give up not the relationship itself, but the image that has settled in your head: a utopian image of something big and wonderful, an image that looks like a dream. But when that image falls apart, it feels like you've let yourself down, like you're missing out on something very important.

But in reality, everything is completely different, by letting go of a person, you won’t really lose anything - simply because you never had this, to be honest.

It's just that now you have forgotten about the negative and bad things that abound in your relationship, and only remember the good times and happy days that you and your partner experienced together. And all these memories that you revive in your memory over and over again make you feel as if your breakup will destroy your whole world, that it will be the real end of the world.

But will it really be so? Or will the world remain in its place, and you in it too?

You must understand that in order to find happiness, you still have to let go. Of course, you cannot do this in one moment - it is a whole process. And you will have to go through this process if you really want to be completely healed.

Yes, it's definitely not easy. And there are as many as five stages in the process of getting rid of what you no longer need, which you willy-nilly have to go through:

1. Denial.

We begin by denying that such a thing is possible at all. We assure ourselves that the partner could not refuse such a wonderful relationship with wonderful us. We make sure that they will certainly return sooner or later, and then everything will be incredibly good with us. We continue to check every minute if a text message has arrived, we expect that when the phone rings again, we will see a familiar number.

We continue to pray to fate that they come to us and "save" us, refusing to admit that this will never happen again.

The most important thing at this stage is to give up trying to contact a former partner. Just try to understand and realize that exactly what happened to you happened. And it happened for the best.

2. Anger.

At this stage, you finally realize that this has happened. That you really break up. Realize that you will have to stop clinging to fizzled relationships. You begin to closely examine everything that has ever happened in them, first of all, looking for the bad.

You begin to accuse your partner of all mortal sins and believe that only he is guilty of this situation. You are burning with a thirst for revenge and want him to suffer no less than yours, because you are sure that he treated you terribly unfairly. And so... so just calm down and try to forgive your partner for all the bad things he did or could do. Believe me, forgiveness will only benefit you.

3. Bargaining.

At this stage, you begin to try to do something so that you can deal with the realities of a broken relationship. Something... anything. Some of us in such a situation go headlong into work, some begin to fill their grief with wine, some sob all night long, someone complains that the whole world has taken up arms against them ...

We bargain with fate in the hope of at least a little easing the pain we feel, when in fact none of this really helps us.

4. Depression.

When this stage of the separation process comes, the mood falls straight into a black abyss. You feel overwhelmed and thrown to the sidelines of life. But remember, sooner or later you will get better.

All you need to do this is to have patience and treat yourself as kindly as possible. And you must also understand that you will always have a person with you who will always love you and never let you down, and this person is you yourself.

Accept and love yourself just the way you are. Also try to do everything that brings you happiness - and as much as possible.

5. Acceptance.

Sooner or later, you will accept the fact that you need to let go of this person. You will overcome the emotions that have overwhelmed you, and, leaving them behind, you will begin to take the first steps forward. And do not worry - you survived, and now everything will be fine with you!

You are a strong soul, and you are able to withstand any life's adversity!

Publisher: Gaya - March 25, 2019


We live in a judgment-oriented culture. We live in an era of lawsuits, protests, debates, stereotypes and finger pointing. For many of us, it is much more comfortable to find the cause of our troubles in the actions of others than in ourselves.

This can be explained by the fact that the opinion has developed that society is a collection of individuals whose actions are in no way connected with each other. However, this postulate is wrong. In truth, each of the people is a mirror image of yourself.

That is, it means that when we get angry, lose our temper and get upset, we begin to transfer these emotions to the people around us. When we accuse our friends or family members of being petty or rude, we are actually behaving that way. We always reap what we sow.

Evidence for specularity

You are constantly confronted with evidence. Haven't you ever noticed that if you're overwhelmed with negative emotions while driving, you start to get worse at driving, stop at every traffic light, and always get behind slow moving vehicles?

You can also see how true this statement is while shopping. If you are in a frustrated state, you are likely to stand in the longest line, run into a rude cashier and overpay for the purchased goods.

We like to think that we are angry because all this is happening to us. In fact, the reason why these unpleasant things happen is because of our bad mood. And the more people reflect this mood, the more we get upset and angry.

But accepting the fact that each person is a mirror image of yourself can be very difficult.

The idea of ​​a mirror image can be a very bitter pill for some that is hard to swallow. It's just that it's much more convenient for our ego to blame external circumstances for the troubles that happen to us. But it is much more difficult to take full responsibility for your sufferings and misfortunes.

However, if we begin to look for guilt within ourselves, we can actually do the work that will allow us to overcome pain, anger and sadness. All we really want is to live without suffering. Therefore, it is more rational to use our time and energy to do this work.

Once we can accept the idea that other people are mirrors of ourselves, we will gradually begin to let go of the patterns of thought and behavior that cause us to suffer. Of course, it may take some time to fully grasp this concept. But having mastered it, we will begin to find the cause of our failures within ourselves. This will allow us to change our own lives for the better not in words, but in reality.

An easy way to stop blaming others

So, the next time someone is rude to you or does something unpleasant to you, instead of being angry with this person, analyze your behavior better. Try to remember what you were thinking and doing in those moments that preceded this interaction.

If you practice this introspection constantly, you will begin to notice that every unpleasant encounter with people begins precisely with your negative inner state.

You can also practice this technique when people are kind and polite to you. Watch your thoughts and behavior before "positive" contact with anyone. You will most likely realize that you were in a positive mood at that time.

Now that you have almost read this article to the end, you have an understanding of how this technique works. But this does not mean that thanks to this you will be able to change your whole life overnight.

Some of you will easily slip back into your old mode of blaming from time to time, as it still does with me. And that's okay. Just keep making the effort to constantly notice how your mood affects the world around you. This will greatly facilitate and simplify the process of creating pleasant interactions with the people around you.

Publisher: Gaya - March 25, 2019

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

In life, one has to see and hear unpleasant, difficult, even terrible things. There's nothing you can do, that's life. It is impossible to plug your ears and close your eyes, although, to be honest, impressionable adults do this sometimes - during a scary movie. Or change the channel quickly. And in life there is no switch button. And we voluntarily listen to the sad and tragic stories of people. Friends, acquaintances, relatives... Or listen to the complaints of the sick and sympathize. We see their suffering. Or we learn about a tragic case from the media and are imbued with sympathy. We are people. It's okay to hear, see, know, participate.

But then it's so bad at heart! We constantly think about what we have learned. It affects our mood and our overall health. And what can happen is that a similar story will happen to us. Illness, accident, injury… Why? But because we are subconsciously involved in someone else's scenario. We kind of said to ourselves: “This can happen to anyone! Nobody is safe. Life is unpredictable!". Actually, sympathy occurs because we imagine ourselves in the place of another. And from the presentation to the real embodiment of the event, there is only one step. Especially if you are an impressionable person.

We need to help and empathize. But there is still a “magic button” for switching channels. Even the kids know her. There is such a childish proverb: I saw a dead dove, for example, you must quickly say: “pah-pah-pah three times, not my infection!”. Funny? A little funny. But this is the moment of mental hygiene. We realize that this is not our situation. Not our destiny. What happened has nothing to do with us. This is not our story, this is the sad story of another person. It doesn't belong to us.

We will provide assistance if needed. If necessary, we will express indignation or support. We will take part if necessary. But sometimes nothing depends on us at all, we saw something unpleasant, terrible on the Internet or on TV ... And we must immediately, as quickly as possible, realize that this is not our story. We have our own destiny. Your life path. We do not take this unpleasant story and imprint it in the subconscious. To capture means to seal. To accept. And this is not necessary.

So say to yourself mentally: “This is not my story. Alien. I won't take it!" And this is quite enough to protect the vulnerable soul. And save energy for active assistance, if needed. A doctor cannot think about each patient for days, he will lose his ability to work. And the doctor must apply security measures against infection. So it is with a kind impressionable person. It is necessary to switch to constructive activity. And continue to live and work. And the switch button is easy to press. “This is not mine!” Give yourself a mental order and explanation. This is enough for self-preservation.

Anna Kiryanova

Publisher: Gaya - March 19, 2019

The great Caruso was once booed at a premiere. And the famous Puccini was not just booed; the audience meowed, squeaked, and in the most tragic places they laughed ... Offensive words were shouted to both Pavarotti and Strauss. They disrupted performances with the participation of great actresses ... And then they cried in the dressing room - the audience did not like it! People criticized the speech, expressed contempt and discontent. Gotta get off the stage!

No need. First you need to understand who booed you and why; “criticized,” as one failed writer used to say. This writer went to dinner with famous and successful colleagues. And then he said in a satisfied voice: they say, he went to visit, ate a bourgeois, at the same time he criticized everything well there! It became easier on the soul! Much easier…

Even if the depreciating and "critical" reviews are numerous, do not rush to despair and doubt what you are doing. You may be booed on purpose; there are such people - clackers. They were hired to destroy the reputation of a playwright or actor; humiliate and deprive self-confidence, drive into a state of despair. Clackers were hired by envious people and ill-wishers. Or extortionists - they offered to pay money so that the singer, actress or author would not be booed and pelted with rotten tomatoes.

Such extortionists also came to Chaliapin. Like, give us money, otherwise we will publicly denounce and “criticize” you during your speech. We will destroy your career and reputation! Chaliapin immediately turned to the newspaper and publicized the case. Like, some robbers extort money from me. I won't pay! The man was of character. And he did the right thing - he did not pay a penny. He went and sang his arias. He knew his worth.

So it may well be this: you are criticized out of envy. Or they try to pressure you and get something. To force you to capitulate and give something back to the critic clackers: a position, money, a great project, the respect of the management… There are always several clackers. This group. But they agreed in advance how they will devalue and criticize you. There are usually two or three of them. Sometimes they are relatives, sometimes they are colleagues ... As soon as you go on stage, so to speak, they begin to say bad things. Whistle and throw tomatoes...

It has nothing to do with you, that's what's important to remember. The task of the clackers is to inspire you with uncertainty, to force you to abandon the goal. And give what you have - pay them. To humiliate yourself in front of them, start fawning, trembling... First of all, you don't have to believe their "criticism" - these are rotten tomatoes that they brought beforehand. Haven't watched the play yet, but already came with tomatoes in their bosoms. Secondly, we must act like Chaliapin. Openly say that you understand the reason for the attacks. This one whistles because he's jealous. And this one meows because he wants to take away this and that. This one grunts because that is his true nature. He only grunts and knows how.

Clackers can ruin your reputation and mood; but only temporarily. Pavarotti and Caruso are world famous. They still succeeded. Because the main thing is to do what normal people will appreciate. And most of them. Although at first it seems that the whole audience is against you! But it's not. Take a closer look - the same people come forward with toxic criticism. And you should not throw pearls in front of them, sing arias or invite them to dinner ...

Anna Kiryanova

Publisher: Gaya - March 19, 2019


Transurfing practitioners often set their intention on wealth and abundance and begin to actively work with it: they perform practices, restructure thinking, increase the level of personal energy ... But for some reason, everything does not always work out exactly the way you want. For example, money comes, but not in the same amount or not so quickly.

Check yourself - are you doing everything right? Or are you missing something? In order for the Transurfing and Tufti techniques in the field of money to work for you 100%, you need to follow a number of rules and take into account all the nuances. We offer you a checklist that will allow you to check in 5 minutes whether you are on the right track, moving towards wealth and success!


One of the basic principles of Transurfing in the financial field is: "Money is an attribute of the goal." And best of all, if this goal is related to your mission, purpose. As Vadim Zeland repeatedly emphasizes in his newsletters, “Money doesn’t just fall from the sky.” But they are automatically applied to your target. If you find your uniqueness, which you are called to bring into this World, and start moving along your true path, then money will come on this path by itself. Therefore, you need to focus not on money as such, but on what you share with the surrounding reality, what purpose you are fulfilling.

Ask yourself the question: what am I doing perfectly? Or, at least, what am I going to do perfectly when I develop my skill? It can be anything: oil paintings, accounting reports, negotiations with partners, car repairs, interior design ... The main thing is that this goal really “ignites” and inspires you. Having found such a goal, broadcast thought forms: “I am a highly paid specialist”, “I create real masterpieces”, “My work benefits people”, “People like my work and they are ready to pay for them”, “I brilliantly lead projects and make deals "," I am a brilliant manager. There can be many options here - choose what resonates most in your Soul and inspires you.


Money does not come just like that, but it comes for specific things. Ask yourself: what will you do when you get the amount of money you want? Buy a country house and a car? Are you going on a trip around the world? Open your business? Get an education in a new specialty for you? Sit down and write down, let you have at least 10 or 20 points - the more the better, allow yourself to dream a little. And then, thinking about money, transfer your attention from specific amounts to these things that you desire.

It would seem, what could be easier? Glass of water! Did you know that the world science learned about clusters that combine water molecules that are capable of encoding and storing information later than the first spacecraft was built and then launched into space!

They can change their shape depending not only on mechanical impact, but also through the "perception" of various energy. Water "feels" everything that happens around. Ancient people knew about this feature.

Hermes is a famous character from ancient Greek history, whose teachings were zealously guarded, according to legend, he spoke his goals, desires to a goblet of wine, which he held in his hand. Mentally drew them, after which he drank wine, bringing the energy of his desire to every cell of the brain.

But why go far? - our grandmothers, great-grandmothers knew on a subconscious level about this property of the liquid and successfully used it in healing rituals: they read prayers, conspiracies for water.

Today, the most popular techniques using the power of water are:

  • the method of Vadim Zeland, the author of the famous Reality Transurfing;
  • a technique proposed by José Silva and described in his books on the alpha state

The technique of fulfilling desires "Glass of Water" by Vadim Zeland is described in the book "Apocryphal Transurfing". The structure of the book is questions from readers who have taken the author's previous works as their life guide, to which Zeland gives detailed answers.

A woman who is disappointed in intimacy without love wants sincerity, human communication, close relationships with her loved one. She asks the author for help. In response, the author cites the "Glass of Water" as a powerful technique for fulfilling desires.

  • You need to take a glass of clean water. About what water should be, we will write below. Also take a piece of paper, a pen;
  • Formulate and write your desire (thought form, affirmation) in the following way: “I am beautiful, attractive in appearance, I am an interesting, versatile person, attractive, charming, I enjoy great attention from the opposite sex, my man comes to me, we have sincere relatives relationship ”(this is if your goal is to meet with your soulmate);
  • Place your wish list under a glass of water. Bring your palms to each other without touching them. Feel a powerful clot of energy between your palms, roll this “energy ball”, as if compacting it. If you can’t immediately feel a dense clot of energy, you should not despair, experiment, after repeated execution you will succeed.
  • Mentally repeat your wish or read it, putting its meaning into the energy between your palms. Place your palms on the sides of the glass, but do not touch it. Transfer the energy of your dreams to the water;
  • Drink water to the bottom.
  • Exercise should be done in the morning and evening. Desires can be different, but at one time (for one glass of water) there is only one wish.
  • Tap water or bottled water sold in the city should not be used, as it contains a lot of destructive energy. The best option would be melted, distilled or holy water;
  • Goals, desires (thought forms) can be anything: aimed at the professional area, financial issues, gaining health, self-development, strengthening, harmonizing relationships with loved ones. The wording should be life-affirming, clear, precise, concise, no vague, obscure phrases and semi-phrases. The use of the "not" particle is prohibited.

The Jose Silva method on how water will solve your problems

But even earlier, a native of Mexico, who had never studied at school, told the world about this technique. This, however, did not prevent him from gaining world fame, creating an unprecedented method for developing mental abilities: increasing his own IQ, healing, self-healing, fulfillment of desires.

This man is Jose Silva. Here is his interpretation of the Glass of Water technique. A person is able to program not only his own consciousness, but also animals, as well as inanimate matter. Everything around is endowed with mutual perception of vibrations.

With the help of the “Glass of Water” technique, the consciousness is programmed for further easy resolution of any problems.

Initially, the “glass of water” technique according to the Silva method was developed specifically so that a person could independently and quickly find solutions from difficult situations. But it is also great for fulfilling desires. Let's get started.

  • Before going to bed, pour into a glass of clean water. Take it in your hands at the level of the solar plexus and hold it with 4 fingers - hold the glass between the thumbs and forefingers of the left and right hands, the rest of the fingers need to be slightly spread;
  • Now the important point - you need to mentally formulate your request. For example: “Now I am looking for a solution to the problem, how can I quit smoking as quickly and easily as possible.” If we are talking about desire: “Now I am concerned about the question of how easy it is for me and without harm to other areas of my life to get a new job with a salary of 50,000 rubles or more. and above (or a new car indicating the brand, a new closet"
  • Close your eyes, lifting the eyeballs under the eyelids slightly up, drink half a glass in tiny sips, while repeating: “This is all I need to do to solve my problem”;
  • Put the remaining half glass of water not far from you, cover and go to bed;
  • In the morning, after waking up, drink the water, repeating the same statement.

How does it work and why is the technique effective?

That same night or the next day, in the form of a flash of insight or an unexpected thought, a simple, obvious solution to your problem will come to you. Why does it work?

The fact is that when a person drinks water, while the eyes are closed, brain activity increases, the brain seems to be trying to “calculate” what you swallowed. This increased brain activity paves the way for effective programming.

In order for the technique to have a more powerful effect, you can squeeze a little lemon juice into a glass of water. When you start drinking water, hold the glass exactly as described above.

Why would lemon juice be more effective? There is a scientific basis for this. Water, when acid enters it, becomes a much better conductor for energy. And the psychotropic energy that is involved in programming, on the fingers, as if on a bridge, passes into the water.

For each new problem, the technique must be performed anew. It has a particularly positive impact on problems related to human relations.

With the help of a glass of water, the Silva method can not only find a solution to urgent problems, but also successfully fulfill desires. The meaning, as you understand, is in programming your own brain and transferring the necessary energy to it.

The common thing in the described methods is the irrefutable property of the liquid, and the human body, including the brain, as you know, consists of more than three-quarters of water, which also receives, remembers and encodes information.

So, before you make wishes or try to solve problems with "outer water", take care of the fluid that is inside you. What energy and information does your “inner water” carry? Will there be dissonance during the implementation of the technique?

Make sure that it does not happen that the cells of your “inner water” carrying negative energy and negatively colored information neutralize the cells of the water charged with your dreams and intentions to cope with the problem. Think positively, bring a positive charge into the world. Good luck to you and fulfillment of desires.

The Glass of Water Wish Fulfillment Technique is a quick way to get what you want by using the power of your subconscious mind. There are two versions of the technique: Vadim Zeland and Jose Silva. Consider their subtleties and nuances in more detail.

Water has special properties and energy, so it is often used in magical rituals and rituals. By itself, it is neutral, but it is capable of accumulating, storing and transmitting the information that is embedded in it. Therefore, by speaking water, you can attract success and learn how to fulfill desires.

Not all water is suitable for our equipment. Important points:

  1. You can not use boiled or tap water - it is devoid of "living" energy, therefore it is not capable of being charged with magical properties.
  2. You can use distilled, bottled, spring or melt water. Ideally, it should be taken from a natural source.
  3. To make the energy of water especially strong, you can add a couple of drops of lemon juice to it.

Next, we will consider the features of the execution of the glass of water technique in two versions - Vadim Zeland and Jose Silva. With the help of simple actions, you will either get the answer to the question that worries you the most at this moment in your life, or fulfill your most cherished desire.

Wish Fulfillment Technique "Glass of Water" by Vadim Zeland

Use this method when you urgently need to fulfill some desire, but you still don’t see how this can be done. Trust the power of the Universe and your own subconscious - this method will then work almost instantly.

What do we have to do:

  1. Prepare a glass beaker, fill it with clean water. You will also need a piece of paper and a pen.
  2. Formulate your desire and write it down, and then put it on the table, placing a container of pre-prepared water on top.
  3. Close your eyes and imagine that a ball of fire is spinning between your palms. Feel how it unwinds, becomes more and more dense, feel the warmth that comes from it. Try to concentrate as much as possible on your feelings.
  4. Mentally or aloud say your desire, you can do this several times. Then "throw" it into a fireball and transfer the fiery energy along with the desire into the glass.
  5. After that, you need to drink the water completely and go to sleep. Very soon your wish will come true.

Important: you need to do the technique before going to bed, do not use it in the morning or afternoon.

The Jose Silva Method

This technique is slightly different from the Zeeland method both in its execution and in the purpose of its application. The José Silva Method is not about making your dreams come true. But it helps to get an answer to some question that is very significant for you at the present moment of life.

For example, you received an invitation to work in two companies at once and cannot decide which employer to refuse. Or two men are courting you at once, and you are not able to understand who you like more. Any questions in which a choice must be made are suitable for the application of the technique.

What do we have to do:

  1. Pour water into a clean glass and sit down. Relax, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and calm exhalations. Free your mind from unnecessary emotions and extraneous thoughts.
  2. Take the glass in your hands so that you clasp it with your fingers - the thumb and forefinger of each hand. Bring the container to the area of ​​the solar plexus - here is the third chakra, which is responsible for the realization of goals. Spread your free fingers.
  3. Mentally state your question. You need to formulate something like this: “I am currently looking for a solution to a work-related problem” or “Now I am looking for an answer to the question of which of the two partners to choose.”
  4. Slowly, in small sips, drink half of all the water in the glass. Then say: "Now I have done everything that is necessary in order to get an answer to my question."
  5. Leave the glass with the remaining water on the table and go to bed. Drink the rest of the liquid in the morning.

The answer may come to you in a dream that same night, or you may receive it from a completely unexpected source. Try to see and notice everything that is happening around you: the Universe will definitely give some kind of sign soon.

Watch a video with a detailed description of the technique:

How to prepare melt water

If you do not have the opportunity to "get" suitable water for using the equipment, you can prepare melted water yourself at home.

What do we have to do:

  1. Pour tap water into a jar or pitcher and let it sit for an hour.
  2. After that, drain the water from the surface - there is most of the chlorine and impurities. Pour the rest into the pan, but do not use the liquid from the bottom either.
  3. Heat a little on the stove - the water should not start to boil, but only warm up. Follow this. Cool down.
  4. Then remove the water into the freezer and wait until it is a little puffed up with ice. This thin layer of ice must be removed and then wait until the remaining water is completely frozen.
  5. Take out the resulting piece of ice. If it has white frozen clots, dissolve them under hot water. The remaining, clean and transparent ice without impurities, melt at room temperature.

As a result, you will get perfectly clean and healthy melt water, which can be used for the technique of wish fulfillment.

Secrets of formulations

To make your wish come true, you need to formulate it correctly:

  • in present time;
  • without the use of negations and particles "not";
  • in a positive way;
  • only one's own desire, which does not affect the intention of another person;
  • what you really want.

It is very important not to think about how your dream will come true. It can be fulfilled in a completely unexpected way for you. Just believe in the power of your subconscious and the support of the Universe, get rid of doubts and skepticism.

The ideal time for making wishes is the new moon. On the full moon, it is better not to use the described techniques.

The simple technique of Vadim Zeland "Glass of Water" sets the subconscious to fulfill desires and receive answers to important questions. The method is based on the well-known property of water to absorb and transmit information:

Sometimes it seems to us that life is unfair - obstacles at every turn, eternal problems, everything is not so. The world is huge and generous, everything is in abundance in it, you just need to learn to determine the true needs and master the technique of fulfilling desires. "Glass of water" works, it has been repeatedly tested on personal experience. If your plans do not include untold riches, marriage to a prince and other fabulous claims, start programming events and see for yourself.

When is the "Glass of Water" effective:

  • You are about to start a new business or solve a problem and want everything to go smoothly;
  • You have already tried to get out of an unpleasant situation in the usual ways, but nothing worked out for you;
  • You are in a depressed state and do not find the strength to overcome the blues;
  • Your health fails, you understand that the body is unbalanced;
  • Your personal life is not going well.

This is not a complete list. The main thing is to understand that the technique works, even if you don’t really believe in it. You will not need any supernatural abilities, no iron will, no blind faith.

What kind of water is suitable

The technique uses water that is free from extraneous information. Ideally, it is better to take water from a well or stream, but this option is not suitable for everyone. For urban residents, this recipe is suitable:

  1. Draw cold water from the tap;
  2. Leave it for a day in an open container so that the chlorine disappears;
  3. Put a plastic bottle of water in the freezer, the plastic will not crack when frozen. You can use enameled containers;
  4. Defrost ice - water is ready:

How it works

Vadim Zeland described in detail the technique of fulfilling desires in Apocryphal Transurfing:

  • Write a wish or question on a blank piece of paper. Formulate in the present tense and do not use a negative particle. Write as if your wish has already been fulfilled: “I have a good job with a decent salary”, “I feel great and full of energy”, “My relationship with the opposite sex is developing in the best way.” Drop the wording: “I want ...”, “I need ...”, “No one can refuse me”, etc. Do not mention events or qualities that you want to give up: “I no longer have wrinkles.” It is correct to write: “My face is young and smooth, I am completely healthy and this is reflected in my appearance”;
  • Put the sheet on the table and put a glass of water on it;
  • Rub your palms to activate the energy centers. Place your hands on the table with your palms against the walls of the glass, without touching them;
  • Usually the sensation of energy exchange is felt very soon. The energy exchange lasts a couple of minutes, after which you can remove your hands or leave them in the same position for as long as you want. Focus on your own feelings;
  • Drink water slowly, in small sips.

It is advisable to carry out this procedure in the morning or in the evening, before going to bed, or in the morning and evening. If you have multiple requests, do not write them down on one sheet. Each glass of water is one request. Identify no more than two desires that are especially important, write one in the morning, the second in the evening. Requests should be written every time anew, even if they are repeated word for word. After drinking the water, burn the paper.

It is possible that at the beginning of the work with the Glass of Water technique, you will feel a slight malaise or weakness. Don't worry, it's your subconscious mind that is overcoming the resistance of the conscious mind.

Judging by the reviews, the technique works in the vast majority of cases that are not related to sky-high dreams that consciousness cannot digest. The more realistic your desire, the higher the chances of success. Many cases are known when people passed exams using this technique, passed job interviews, found a common language with superiors and established communication with the chosen one. Also good results when working with health. All desires that do not cause internal resistance are fulfilled:

When to expect results

The technique begins to work immediately, but the speed of the fulfillment of desire depends on the strength of the resistance of consciousness. Often we ourselves forbid ourselves to be happy, healthy, successful and financially independent. We get so used to the idea that we can’t do something, it’s not supposed to be, or it’s impossible that we stop noticing contradictions. On the one hand, we really want the desire to come true, and on the other hand, we do not allow ourselves to hope for it. Even if your request is not fulfilled in the first days and weeks, be patient and do not stop working according to the method of Vadim Zeland.

The author himself proposes to speed up the course of events by adding to the request the phrase: “My desires come true quickly” or “I quickly come to my goal.” However, it is undesirable to force events, otherwise it is difficult to predict the form that your dream will take. Our subconscious has a peculiar sense of humor.

The “Glass of Water” technique from Vadim Zeland opens up tremendous opportunities when you want to solve a problem, a difficult dilemma,

When you want to finally get what you have long and secretly dreamed of.

Write a thought-form on a piece of paper.
For example:

“I am a very charming person.
From me comes the inner light of charm, love and sex.
I am a luminous being.
I attract men to me.
My man finds me."

Place a glass of water on this sheet. Rub your palms, move them like an accordion, imagine a dense clot between your palms like a balloon. This is your energy.

Place the glass between your palms without touching it. Speak consciously and with conviction this thought-form, imagining its meaning as far as possible.

Then drink water. Do this procedure in the morning, after waking up, and in the evening before going to bed. Your intention will be realized.
I have tested this technique many times with different thought forms. Works very hard.

Men should rewrite the text in their own way. More or less like this:

“I am a very charming person.
From me comes the inner light of charm, love and sex.
I am a luminous being.
Women like me, they want me.
I find my soul mate."

And, of course, any thought forms can be used. Compose them yourself - about what you are especially striving for. For example, if you already have a couple, replace "I attract to me ..." with "people like me", or "I have a good appearance, I look attractive, and every day I get better and better." You will be very surprised how quickly reality reacts.

The particle "not" cannot be used. The thought-form must be life-affirming. And no abstract and verbose wishes. Everything should be specific, concise and directed towards one goal.

If you have several goals, then it is advisable to set only one for each glass of water.
For example, today you work with one goal, tomorrow with another.
Or in the morning with one, in the evening with the other.

Why does this technique work?
Water is not an amorphous mixture, it has a structure - its molecules are combined into clusters - conglomerates of particles that change their shape depending on external influences. That is why it is possible to record information in water, as on a magnetic tape - to “talk” it.
Oddly enough, scientists learned about clusters much later than they launched the first ships into space. And grandmothers were aware of this for a long time and successfully put it into practice.

Ordinary city water, including bottled water, cannot be used, it has absorbed a lot of destructive information. Information can be erased only by evaporation or thawing, boiling will not help. Therefore, water should be taken either distilled (prepared not somewhere, but at your place), or melted water. The latter is easy to obtain from ice. In addition, it is very useful to drink such water after waking up and before going to bed, but not earlier than an hour and a half after eating. And if the thought form is aimed at healing, then the water becomes healing - it acquires the properties of a medicine for the disease that you intend to cure, and is sent straight to the right address. The origin of holy water is similar.

A sheet of paper also has its own functions. First, when you do not just speak the thought form, but write it down, it acquires additional power.
Secondly, even just one word pasted on a container of water charges the water with information embedded in the meaning of this word. The clusters that form in this case can be seen under a microscope after freezing.
Famous experiments have shown that words such as "love you", "thank you", "hello" generate snowflakes of divine beauty, and negative words - ugly ice.
Why this happens, one can only wonder. You can't call it otherwise than by the providence of God.

Finally, the energy in your hands amplifies and localizes the intent, causing the water to be charged quickly and effectively. The information recorded in the water will spread throughout the body and set up the morphological biofield for the radiation of a given intention. Do not worry if you do not yet feel a dense clot of energy. It doesn’t work now - it will work after a week of training. In addition, water does not necessarily have a strong effect. It is enough that you simply place the glass between your palms.
Vadim Zeland, "Apocryphal Transurfing"

And a video tip :o)

So, you have mastered the powerful Glass of Water technique. It is simple and does not require energy skills.

For reference
. Reality trancerfing is an esoteric teaching published by Vadim Zeland since 2004 in the book series of the same name. Supporting the idea of ​​a multivariant world, in which events take place in an infinite number of spaces simultaneously, the author describes the teaching as a technique for moving from one “branches” of reality to another due to the concentration of the energy of a person’s thoughts, consciously directed towards the implementation of one or another variant of the development of events.
The declared practical meaning of the doctrine, as the author claims, is that a person, having established conscious control over his intentions and his attitude to the world, can freely choose the option of developing reality at will
More precisely, each person in any case chooses his own reality, based on his worldview, and it is thus to a decisive extent his (mediated) reflection; however, with most people, this happens involuntarily. Key Phrase: “Reality exists independently of you. As long as you agree with it."

Instead of the phrase "reality transurfing", the word "transurfing" is often used. The name of the theory refers to surfing - a water sport that is riding a wave - and in the author's interpretation means "sliding" along the "lines of life". The author of the term himself believes that the word "transurfing" should be written and read as "transurfing" and not "transurfing"

On the practical side, transurfing is a course of learning purposefulness and a positive attitude towards life. That is, it is proposed to consciously carry out everything that a purposeful person by nature does automatically, by virtue of character.
It is clear that goal-oriented and positive people are more likely to achieve their goals and, on average, are happier - both in what they have achieved and in the process of achieving it. According to Zeland, anyone can achieve this.

Basic principles:

  • live according to the dictates of your soul;
  • do not succumb to extraneous influences that impose other people's goals;
  • do not fight with anyone and anything (including yourself), but use what life offers;
  • do not be afraid of anything, do not lust, do not worry, but act;
  • find a goal with which both your soul and mind will be in agreement, and move towards it, casting aside doubts (etc.) - and everything will work out.

The author shows in detail the meaning and applicability of these principles using many specific examples (for example, the technique proposed above for attracting a soulmate :). As he himself repeatedly notes, it is very difficult to perform them correctly in real life.

Good luck and wish fulfillment!