Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Is it possible to change DNA and edit human genes. Do genes (DNA) change during a person's life? And if they change, then with what frequency? (cm

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When, from time to time, publications appear in the media about miraculous healing from a deadly disease using autosuggestion, a special diet, bioenergetics, or some other unconventional method, skeptical smiles usually appear on the faces of doctors and scientists.

Even when it comes to indisputable facts, confirmed by modern methods of research, traditional medicine either dismisses them or tries to explain the unexpected recovery of the patient by an error in the initial diagnosis.

However, the American geneticist Bruce Lipton claims that with the help of true faith, solely by the power of thought, a person is indeed able to get rid of any disease. And there is no mysticism in this: Lipton's studies have shown that directed mental influence can change ... the genetic code of an organism.

“The placebo effect has not been canceled”

Over the years, Bruce Lipton specialized in the field of genetic engineering, successfully defended his doctoral dissertation, and became the author of a number of studies. All this time, Lipton, like many geneticists and biochemists, believed that a person is a kind of biorobot whose life is subject to a program written in his genes.

Bruce Lipton

From this point of view, genes determine almost everything: features of appearance, abilities and temperament, predisposition to certain diseases and, ultimately, life expectancy. No one can change their personal genetic code, which means that we can only come to terms with what is predetermined by nature.

The turning point in Dr. Lipton's views was his experiments in the late 1980s to study the behavior of the cell membrane. Before that, it was believed in science that it was the genes located in the nucleus of the cell that determine what should be passed through this membrane and what should not. However, Lipton's experiments showed that external influences on a cell can influence the behavior of genes and even lead to a change in their structure.

It only remained to understand whether such changes could be made with the help of mental processes, or, more simply, with the power of thought.

In fact, I did not come up with anything new, says Dr. Lipton. - For centuries, doctors have known the placebo effect - when a patient is offered a neutral substance, claiming that it is a medicine. As a result, the substance actually has a healing effect. But, oddly enough, there has not yet been a scientific explanation for this phenomenon.

My discovery made it possible to give such an explanation: with the help of faith in the healing power of a drug, a person changes the processes taking place in his body, including at the molecular level. He can "turn off" some genes, force others to "turn on" and even change his genetic code.

Following this, I thought of various cases of miraculous healing. Doctors have always dismissed them. But in fact, even if we had only one such case, it should have made doctors think about its nature.

We are all in a hurry for miracles...

Academic science has taken these views of Bruce Lipton with hostility. However, he continued his research, during which he consistently proved that without any drugs it is quite possible to influence the genetic system of the body.

Including, by the way, and with the help of a specially selected diet. So, for one of his experiments, Lipton bred a breed of yellow mice with congenital genetic defects that doom their offspring to overweight and a short life. Then, with the help of a special diet, he ensured that these mice began to give offspring that did not look like their parents - the usual color, thin and living as long as the rest of their relatives.

All this, you see, smacks of Lysenkoism, and therefore the negative attitude of academic scientists to Lipton's ideas was not difficult to predict. Nevertheless, he continued experiments and proved that a similar effect on genes can be achieved with the help of, say, the influence of a strong psychic or through certain physical exercises. The scientific direction that studies the influence of external influences on the genetic code is called "epigenetics".

And yet, Lipton considers the power of thought, what is happening not around, but inside us, to be the main influence that can change the state of our health.

It has long been known that two people can have the same genetic predisposition to cancer, says Lipton. - But one of the disease manifested itself, while the other did not. Why? Yes, because they lived differently: one experienced stress more often than the second; they had different self-esteem and self-awareness, a different train of thought. Today I can say that we are able to control our biological nature; we can influence our genes with the help of thought, faith and aspirations.

The great difference between man and other creatures on Earth lies precisely in the fact that he can change his body, heal himself from deadly diseases and even get rid of hereditary diseases, giving the body mental guidelines for this. We do not have to be victims of our genetic code and life circumstances.

Believe that you can be healed - and you will be cured of any disease. At first glance, everything is extremely simple. But only at first glance...

When awareness is not enough...

If everything were so simple, then most people would easily solve any health problems by saying simple mantras like "I can heal from this ailment", "I believe that my body is able to heal itself" ...

But none of this happens, and, as Lipton explains, it cannot happen if mental attitudes penetrate only into the area of ​​consciousness, which determines only 5% of our mental activity, without affecting the remaining 95% - the subconscious. Simply put, only a few of those who believe in the possibility of self-healing with the help of their brain actually really believe in it - and therefore succeed. Most subconsciously deny this possibility.

Even more precisely: their very subconscious, which, in fact, automatically controls all the processes in our body, rejects such a possibility. At the same time, it (again at the level of automatism) is usually guided by the principle that the probability that something positive will happen to us is much less than the further course of events according to the worst case scenario.

According to Lipton, it is in this way that our subconscious begins to tune in during early childhood, from birth to six years, when the most insignificant events, intentionally or accidentally spoken words by adults, punishments, traumas form the “experience of the subconscious” and, as a result, the personality of a person. Moreover, the very nature of our psyche is arranged in such a way that everything bad that happens to us is deposited in the subconscious much easier than the memory of pleasant and joyful events.

As a result, the "experience of the subconscious" in the vast majority of people is 70% "negative" and only 30% "positive". Thus, in order to really achieve self-healing, it is necessary, at the very least, to change this ratio to the exact opposite. Only in this way can the barrier set by the subconscious mind be broken in the way of the intrusion of the power of our thought into cellular processes and the genetic code.

According to Lipton, the job of many psychics is precisely to break down this barrier. But he suggests that a similar effect can be achieved with the help of hypnosis and other methods. However, most of these methods are still waiting to be discovered. Or just widespread recognition.

After the worldview revolution that occurred for Lipton about a quarter of a century ago, the scientist continued his research in the field of genetics, but at the same time became one of the active organizers of various international forums with the aim of building bridges between traditional and alternative medicine.

At the congresses and seminars he organizes, famous psychologists, doctors, biophysicists and biochemists sit next to all sorts of traditional healers, psychics and even those who call themselves magicians or sorcerers. At the same time, the latter usually demonstrate their capabilities to the audience, and scientists arrange a brainstorming session to try to explain them scientifically.

And at the same time, they are thinking about future experiments that would help to identify and explain the mechanism of the hidden reserves of our body.

It is in this symbiosis of esotericism and modern methods of treatment with the main reliance on the capabilities of the psyche of the patient himself, or, if you like, magic and science, that Bruce Lipton sees the main path for the further development of medicine. Whether he is right or not, time will tell.

Jan Smelyansky

DNA is a chemical substance that is subject to external influences. These influences can be physical (temperature, ultraviolet and radiation) or chemical (free radicals, carcinogens, etc.).

## Temperature

For every 10 degrees increase in temperature, the rate of a chemical reaction doubles. Of course, in the cell nucleus (where DNA is stored) there are no such temperature drops. But there are small changes that can cause the DNA to react with some substance dissolved nearby.


Ultraviolet affects us almost always. In winter, these are negligible doses. In the summer - significant. If an ultraviolet photon hits a DNA molecule, its energy is enough to form a new chemical bond. Neighboring DNA links (nucleotides) can form an additional bond with each other, which will lead to disruption of DNA reading and replication. Or the UV photon can cause the DNA strand to break due to its high energy.


radiation radiation. Do you think it is only on the reactor? There is a so-called normal radiation background, that is, several particles fly around and through us every second, and this does not always happen without a trace for our DNA. To understand the magnitude of background radiation, look here.

But don't be afraid. The background is called normal for a reason. Not all particles pass through the skin, not all of those that have penetrated penetrate deeply, and those that have penetrated often crash into other molecules and atoms in the cell, of which there are a lot. Only a few get to DNA, and that may not have any effect on it.

By the way, the higher above the ground, the brighter the background radiation. This is due to cosmic radiation, from which the earth's magnetic field and atmosphere protect us to a greater extent. The farther from the earth, the weaker the magnetic field and the thinner the atmosphere, and more high-energy particles bombard our body.


Among chemicals, a greater role is given to free radicals, which are constantly formed in the cell. It is a by-product of redox processes, without which life is impossible. Of course, over millions of years of evolution, only those organisms have survived that have developed a system for neutralizing free radicals. We have it too. But nothing is 100% effective, and no, no, a few radicals manage to damage DNA.

Speaking of radiation. It is also responsible for the formation of free radicals. Those high-energy particles that have reacted with substances surrounding DNA often result in the formation of radicals.


With regard to carcinogens, a good example is benzpyrene, a substance formed during the combustion of coal and hydrocarbons such as gasoline. It is found in exhaust gases and smoke from a fire. Bezpyrene has a high affinity for DNA and is integrated into the DNA structure, thereby disrupting the nucleotide sequence. There are other mechanisms of DNA damage.

Causes are not limited to external influences. The interior kitchen is also not without flaws. DNA is a dynamic molecule that often doubles, constantly unraveling and tangling, changing its position in space. Not all of these processes go smoothly, and DNA strand breaks, rearrangement and even loss of chain sections, and the fusion of several molecules into one can occur. When a cell divides, not all chromosomes can keep up with newly formed cells, and one of the daughter cells may have fewer chromosomes, while the other has more. This is also a mutation.

DNA duplication also occurs not exactly, but with errors. Moreover, each copy is slightly shorter than the original because the edges (telomeres) are difficult to copy. Sooner or later (when we are already old) telomeres shorten so much that the coding sections of DNA fall into the "under the knife".

All this sounds scary, but firstly, mutations are often indifferent and rarely have negative consequences, secondly, in the course of evolution, a DNA damage repair mechanism has arisen that does its job well, and thirdly, the mutation process is a necessary component for evolution and allows the birth of something that has not yet been in nature.

Changing human DNA that is passed on to future generations has long been considered ethically closed and banned in many countries. Scientists report they are using new tools to repair disease genes in human embryos. Although the researchers are using defective embryos and have no intention of implanting them in a woman's uterus, the work is troubling.

A change in the DNA of human eggs, sperm, or embryos is known as a germline change. Many scientists are calling for a moratorium on the revision of clinical embryos, editing the human germ line, and many believe that this type of scientific activity should be banned.

However, editing the DNA of a human embryo may be ethically acceptable to prevent illness in a child, but only in rare cases and with guarantees. These situations can be limited to couples where they both have serious genetic conditions and for whom embryo editing is really the last reasonable option if they want to have a healthy baby.

The danger of deliberately changing genes

Scientists believe that editing a human embryo may be acceptable to prevent a child from inheriting serious genetic diseases, but only if certain safety and ethical criteria are met. For example, a couple cannot have "reasonable alternatives" such as being able to select healthy embryos for in vitro fertilization (IVF) or through prenatal testing and abortion of a fetus with a disease. Another situation that may meet the criteria is if both parents have the same medical condition, such as cystic fibrosis.

The scientists warn of the need for strict government oversight to prevent germline editing from being used for other purposes, such as giving a child desirable, distinctive traits.

By editing genes in patient cells that are not inherited, clinical trials are already underway to fight HIV, hemophilia and leukemia. It is believed that the existing regulatory systems for gene therapy are sufficient to carry out such work.

Genome editing should not be to increase potency, increase muscle strength in a healthy person, or lower cholesterol levels.

Human germline gene editing or human germline modification means the intentional modification of genes that is passed on to children and future generations.

In other words, creation of genetically modified humans. Human germline modification has been considered a taboo subject for many years due to safety and social reasons. It is formally banned in more than 40 countries.

Experiments on the creation of genetically modified people and the science of eugenics

However, in recent years, new methods of genetic engineering have been used to experiment with human embryos. For research, genes and human embryos associated with beta blood disease - thalassemia were used. The experiments were mostly unsuccessful. But gene-editing tools are being developed in labs around the world and are expected to make it easier, cheaper, and more accurate to edit or delete genes than ever before. Modern yet theoretical methods of editing the genome will allow scientists to insert, delete and tweak DNA with positive results. This holds the promise of treating certain diseases, such as sickle cell disease, cystic fibrosis, and certain types of cancer.

Selection in relation to humans - eugenics

Gene editing of human embryos or the direction of eugenics leads to the creation of genetically modified very different people. This causes serious security due to social and ethical issues. They range from the prospect of irreversible harm to the health of future children and generations, to opening doors to new forms of social inequality, discrimination and conflict and a new era of eugenics.

The science of eugenics for human selection came into existence in the middle of the last century as a science of the Nazi direction.

Scientists are not allowed to make changes to human DNA, which is passed on to subsequent generations. Such an innovative step in the science of eugenics should be considered only after additional research, after which changes can be made under severe restrictions. Such work should be prohibited in order to prevent serious illness and disability.

Variation caused by changing genes is also called mutations.

It is a long taboo against making changes in the genes of human sperm, eggs or embryos, because such changes will be inherited by future generations. This is taboo in part because of the fear that mistakes could inadvertently create new artificial diseases that could then become a permanent part of the human gene pool.

Another problem is that this species can be used for genetic modification for non-medical purposes. For example, scientists could theoretically try to create a child constructor in which parents try to select the traits of their children to make them smarter, taller, better athletes, or with other supposedly necessary attributes.

Nothing like this is currently possible. But even the prospect causes fears of scientists to significantly change the course of evolution and the creation of people who are considered genetically improved, to come up with what dystopias of the future, described in films and books.

Any attempt to create babies from sperm, eggs or embryos that have their own DNA and attempt to edit can only be done under very carefully controlled conditions and only to prevent devastating disease.

It can be difficult to further distinguish between using gene editing to prevent or treat a disease and using it to enhance a person's abilities.

For example, if scientists manage to find out that gene changes increase mental abilities to fight off dementia in Alzheimer's disease, then this can be considered preventive medicine. If you simply radically improve the memory of a healthy person, then this is no longer a medical direction.

When is it allowed to change DNA

The ability to edit genes can be used to treat many diseases and possibly even prevent many devastating disorders from occurring in the first place by editing out genetic mutations in the sperm, egg and embryo. Some potential changes could prevent a wide range of diseases, including breast cancer, Tay-Sachs disease, sickle cell anemia, cystic fibrosis, and Huntington's disease.

Clinical trials for gene editing should be allowed if:

  • no “reasonable alternative” to prevent “serious illness”
  • it has been convincingly proven that genes, when edited, eliminate the cause of the disease
  • changes are aimed only at the transformation of such genes that are associated with the usual state of health
  • Sufficient preliminary research work has been carried out on the risks and potential health benefits
  • continuous, rigorous supervision to study the effect of the procedure on the health and safety of participants, and long-term comprehensive plans
  • there is maximum transparency in accordance with patient confidentiality and reassessment of health, social benefits and risks is underway
  • there are robust oversight mechanisms in place to prevent the spread of a serious disease or condition.

Proponents of human germline editing argue that it could potentially reduce, or even eliminate, the occurrence of many serious genetic diseases that would reduce human suffering throughout the world. Opponents say that altering human embryos is dangerous and unnatural, and does not take into account the consent of future generations.

Discussion on the change of the human embryo

Let's start with the objection that changing the fetus is unnatural or playing against God.

This argument is based on the premise that natural is inherently good.

But illnesses are natural and people by the millions fall ill and die prematurely - all quite naturally. If we only protected natural beings and natural phenomena, we would not be able to use antibiotics to kill bacteria or otherwise practice medicine or fight drought, famine, pestilence. The health care system is maintained in every developed country and can rightly be described as part of a comprehensive attempt to thwart the course of nature. Which of course is neither good nor bad. Natural substances or natural treatments are better, if they are, of course, possible.

Leads to an important moment in the history of medicine and genome editing and represents promising scientific endeavors for the benefit of all mankind.

Interference with the human genome is permitted only for prophylactic, diagnostic or therapeutic purposes and without modification for offspring.

Rapid advances in the field of so-called "designer babies" genetics increase the need for bioethics to broaden the public debate about the power of science. Science is able to genetically modify human embryos in the laboratory to control inherited traits such as appearance and intelligence.

As of now, many countries have signed an international convention banning this kind of gene editing and DNA modification.

10.04.2015 13.10.2015

The human body contains between 50 and 100 trillion cells, each containing 23 pairs of chromosomes.

The sentence: “You can’t crush genes with your finger” was read and heard by many. The intended meaning of the phrase is what genes a person got from his parents, with those he will walk all his life.

Western scientists have found that 10% of DNA in the human body is involved in the construction of proteins, and 90% of biologists consider DNA "junk" on the grounds that they do not know and do not understand their purpose.

Russian scientist - biophysicist, biologist P. Garyaev, together with colleagues, established and proved by experiments that the "junk" DNA of the human body can change under the influence of sounds of a certain frequency. That is, Russian scientists have proven that miraculous healings of people from deadly diseases (stage 4 cancer, AIDS, diseases of the kidneys, liver, heart) with the help of spells are not charlatanism or inventions of traditional healers, but a fact that has a scientific explanation.

Now it is possible to explain the impact on the human body of such activities / actions as affirmation, passionate prayer, hypnosis, which can change a person's behavior for the better.

Each person is independently able to change their own DNA for the better with the help of thought, language, word and way of life.

Information on how to get rid of "bad" heredity on your own

The fact that thought is material will not be challenged by the greatest scientist, the conservative. Only the vast majority of people misunderstand the phrase "thought is material." Everyone believes that it is enough to want something, and it should immediately come true. By analogy: a person put all the necessary radio components near him, wrote the word “radio” and waits for the music to play. In order for a set of radio components to become a radio receiver, a person needs to assemble them correctly. The phrase “correctly assemble” is decisive, because when a person needs to get from Bologoye to Moscow, and he goes to St. Petersburg, no matter how intensively he “stomps”, until he turns around, he will not get to Moscow.

In order to change the "bad" heredity, a person must do several mandatory things:

1. Desire to change your genes;

2. Outline the right plan with which you can change your genes;

3. Strictly adhere to the chosen correct plan;


People involved in esotericism know that a passionate desire forms a need, that is, what a person passionately desires becomes necessary. In the universe, mechanisms are being launched by which a person can change his genes. More precisely, these mechanisms have existed since the creation of the Universe, but with his passionate desire, a person presses the “button” that is necessary FOR HIMSELF.

Map out the right plan

Let's look at the "right plan" for a person who is prone to alcoholism because his father "rewarded" such genes.

Such a person gets drunk faster than people who have normal genes, and his internal organs can quickly begin to irreversibly change from the alcohol he takes (cirrhosis of the liver, stroke, heart / kidney disease). It is not enough for such a person to simply “quit drinking”, the genes from such an act do not change, the “sword of Damocles” will always hang over him to go into a binge.

There must be a mental attitude that genes are changing - here and now. And changes will begin to occur, because the biochemical composition of a person will change. Someone will ask: "How and why?" After all, no one questions the fact that an absolutely sober person (did not drink alcohol) behaves like a drunk under the influence of a hypnotist. Think about it, the words of one person produced in another person a change in his biochemical composition and, as a result, his behavior changed.

Proper nutrition, the use of high-quality drinking water (it is necessary to melt), the correct daily routine (sleep from 19 - 00 to 24 - 00 is the most effective) and after a year a glass of alcohol will no longer have such an impact on a person as before realizing that you need what - then change in yourself.

Strictly adhere to the chosen correct plan

Here, perhaps, there is nothing to comment on. The option when we “do exercises” for a week, and then “to relax with a good snack” we drink alcohol will not work - sooner or later, irreversible processes will begin in the human body with all the ensuing consequences.

How medicine can help people change their DNA

At the gene level, there is a predisposition not only to alcoholism, but also to cancer, tuberculosis, heart / kidney / liver diseases and many others. And all these people can be helped to change their lives for the better.

I believe that this article does not need to describe the mechanism of influence on human DNA: ether, torsion fields, electromagnetic oscillations, resonant oscillations - a clear knowledge of these terms will not bring a person predisposed to any disease closer to health.

A change in human DNA in a positive direction will lead to:

· Awareness that he can change it to do;

· Actions in the right direction, his, the patient's, actions, and not the doctor, mom / dad / acquaintances / friends. “The road will be mastered by the walking one”;

A person is 85% water, in old age up to 60%. Therefore, it is difficult to underestimate the importance of high-quality drinking water for human health. Water absorbs and stores the information that a person put into it.

In the morning, after sleep, put a glass of good drinking water on the palm of your left hand, and with the palm of your right hand move clockwise around the glass and confidently say whatever you want it to happen in your body. Just don't doubt that it will happen. Doubts are able to destroy the very powerful construction, remember as in the Bible: "According to your faith it will be to you."

For some reason, people are too lazy to move, even for themselves. If you want to change your DNA, it will definitely happen, only you need to do things.

It may seem that DNA is the main center of the molecule, without which its life is impossible. In fact, DNA is a rather sensitive complex molecule, which itself is capable of rapidly changing and exhibiting special properties. It is influenced by both our thoughts and intentions, as well as physical and chemical influences.

Complex chains of genetic codes, each link of which can stop working or become active at any moment - this is what constitutes the concentration of human genetic material. In addition, gene helixes can exhibit incredible properties and help store energy for an incredibly long time. But how is this possible and how can you tune your body to heal by influencing DNA?

light trap

Photons of light are not delayed, but are constantly scattered. In plants, light energy is converted into nutrient molecules, and in the human body, a helical DNA molecule can serve to capture photons of light. This was proven in an experiment with placing DNA in a quartz container and irradiating it with light. Interestingly, the light itself also acquired a spiral structure and could be stored for a month even after the DNA molecule was removed from the container. Such transformation and storage of light energy is available only to helical molecules, which are responsible for the transmission of genetic information.

Self Healing

Many people believe that heredity plays a major role in health. In fact, experimental data on the importance of positive thinking in managing DNA suggests that genes determine us only in part, while the rest of the person is responsible for his own diseases and tendencies. With stress, irritation, constant experiences, genes stop working normally, prerequisites for the development of diseases arise. Pathologies can affect absolutely any organs and tissues, but it all starts with thinking and self-destructive mechanisms of the impact of consciousness on spiral molecules.

The source of energy for the healing of cellular molecules is love. This is a method of targeted healing rejuvenation of cells, preventing their aging and destruction. Love allows you to increase positive energy and make thoughts stronger. Without love, the body cannot develop normally. This is proved by experimental observations, when children cannot fully develop if they lack parental affection and love. It has been proven, for example, that children from shelters are more likely to suffer from autism than babies who are cared for by their parents.

mental transformations

Structural changes in DNA can be influenced at a distance through intention.
If a person consciously concentrates on good thoughts, and his brain begins to radiate harmonious waves, but the DNA helix begins to transform. Moreover, if a person influences with positive thoughts and intentions, then the changes lead to healing transformations, and if there is directed anger, anger, irritation in the thoughts, then the DNA is tuned to the wave of dying. The thing is that the brain begins to transform thoughts into energy flows that are perceived and interpreted by DNA as signals for the restoration of the body, or, conversely, for self-destruction.

According to the experimental data, there were practically no changes in the structure of DNA placed in an isolated test tube with a neutral medium in the absence of mental influence. But when thoughts were focused on the test tube with DNA, changes began in 10% of the sections of the molecule, which carries genetic information. That's how healers work. They are able to convert positive thoughts and attitudes into brain wave energy. It is these waves that give the cells of the body signals about the need to heal organs and systems.