Biographies Characteristics Analysis

All-Russian scientific journal social sciences reviews. Scientific journal “Universum: social sciences”

The magazine is aimed at professional historians, sociologists, researchers and university teachers. The publication publishes articles of a problematic and scientific-practical nature.

Key differences of the journal “Universum: Social Sciences”:

Reviewin three days from the moment of submitting an application for publication. The international editorial board includes doctors and candidates of science in history, sociology, political science and philosophy.

Output articles – on the magazine’s website on the day of payment publications.

Magazine release published on the website after 10 days after the deadline for accepting articles.

I.Scientific bases

After 15 days, all articles in the issue are transferred to:

  • Ulrich's Periodicals Directory: international catalog periodicals, which is the largest database in the world and is used by everyone scientific institutions in reference and information work.
  • EBSCO Discovery Service: single search window - databases that can be accessed 85% of US universities and which are the main search tool scientific information in academic libraries in America.
  • GoogleScholar

II. Review

All articles pass:

  • check for plagiarism(the service is used). The originality of the text must be at least 80% of the volume of the article;
  • mandatory review editorial board.

III. Editorial team

Chief Editor

Bleich Nadezhda Oskarovna , dr. historical sciences, professor, cand. pedagogical sciences, Department of Psychological, Pedagogical and Medical Problems social work, Faculty of Social Work, North Ossetian State University. K.L. Khetagurova. Honored Worker of Science and Education.

Members editorial board:

Vigel Narine Liparitovna , Doctor of Philosophy Sciences, Professor of the Department of History and Philosophy of the Rostov State medical university, Rostov-on-Don.

Gritsenko Galina Dmitrievna , Doctor of Philosophy Sciences, Professor of the Department general sociology and political science of the North Caucasus federal university, Stavropol.

Guzhavina Tatyana Anatolevna , Ph.D. Philosopher Sciences, Associate Professor Department of Sociology and social technologies Cherepovetsky state university.

Karpenko Vitaly Evgenievich

Karpenko Tatyana Mikhailovna , Ph.D. Philosopher Sciences, reviewer at ANS "SibAK".

Kupchenko Konstantin Vladimirovich , Ph.D. ist. Sciences, Associate Professor Department of Natural Sciences and Humanities, Smolensk branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution VO "Russian the University of Economics them. G.V. Plekhanov."

Lebedeva Nadezhda Anatolevna , Doctor of Philosophy in the field of cultural studies, professor of philosophy at the International Personnel Academy, Kyiv, member of the Eurasian Academy of Television and Radio.

Popova Irina Viktorovna , Doctor of Sociology Sciences, Professor of the Department of Management and Law, Kostroma State Agricultural Academy, Kostroma.

Solovenko Igor Sergeevich , Ph.D. ist. Sciences, Associate Professor Department of E&ACS Yurginsky Institute of Technology(branch) of Tomsk Polytechnic University.

Sopov Alexander Valentinovich , Dr. History sciences, prof. Department of History of State and Law of Maikop State University of Technology, academician (full member) of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, member of the European Academy of Natural Sciences (EANH), member international academy of Natural Sciences (IANH), member of the Scientific Advisory Group of the European Academy of Natural Sciences (SCG ANH).

Sorokin Alexander Nikolaevich , Ph.D. ist. Sciences, Associate Professor, Art. scientific employee of the laboratory of social and anthropological research of the National Research Tomsk State University, associate professor. Department of Sociology, Psychology and Law of the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University.

Tararoev Yakov Vladimirovich , Doctor of Philosophy Sciences, Prof., Head of the Department of Philosophy of the National Technical University "Kharkov Polytechnical Institute", Harkov city.

01. Domestic history.

02. General history.

03. Archeology.

04. Ethnography, ethnology and anthropology.

05. Historiography, source studies and methods of historical research.

06. History of science and technology.

07. History international relations and foreign policy.

Philosophical Sciences (09.00.00)

08. Ontology and theory of knowledge.

09. History of philosophy.

10. Aesthetics.

12. Logic.

13. Philosophy of science and technology.

14. Social philosophy.

15. Philosophical anthropology, philosophy of culture.

16. Philosophy of religion and religious studies.

Political Science (23.00.00)

17. Theory and philosophy of politics, history and methodology of political science.

18. Political institutions, processes and technologies.

19. Political culture and ideology.

20. Political problems of international relations, global and regional development.

21. Political regional studies. Ethnopolitics.

22. Conflictology.

Acceptance of articles for the next issue

Until the 18th of each month inclusive

Imprint and announcement of the article

On the day of payment for the article

Publication of the issue on the website

Monthly on the 28th

No later than the 07th of each month

Article review

Within 3 days

Submitting articles to citation databases

Within 5 days after publication of the issue on the website

No later than the 16th of the next month

VI. Requirements for article formatting

  1. The article must not have been published previously or submitted for consideration for publication in another journal.
  2. Articles of at least 5 pages of text are accepted for publication.
  3. To type text, formulas and tables, you should use the Microsoft Word editor for Windows. Before typing, configure the following text editor parameters: page format: A4 (210x297 mm), margins 2 cm; font Times New Roman, size – 14; line spacing – 1.5; width alignment; paragraph indent 1 cm; Sheet orientation is portrait. Images used in the article must be in the following format: jpg, gif, bmp; images made in MS Word are not accepted. All figures and tables must be numbered and provided with titles or captions and located in the text where required by meaning (and not at the end of the document).
  4. Title design in Russian: (in capital, bold letters, aligned to the center of the line) ARTICLE TITLE; on the next line (bold italic font, right aligned) – full name. the author of the article in full; on the next line (italic font, right aligned) – academic degree, academic title, position, name of the university, full address of the university indicating postal code, countries, cities (abbreviations are not allowed); on the next line (italic font, right aligned) – E-mail for contacts. If there are several authors of an article, then the information is repeated for each author.
  5. Formatting the title, full name and position in English: information from clause 4 is repeated in English.
  6. Abstract in Russian and English languages.
  7. Key words (given in Russian and English) are separated from each other by a comma.
  8. After 1 line – the text of the article.
  9. After 1 line - the inscription “Bibliography”. After it is a list of references in alphabetical order, with continuous numbering, drawn up in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5 - 2008. Links in the text to the corresponding source from the list of references are drawn up in square brackets, For example: . Automatic pagination links are not permitted.

VII. Example of article design


Egorov Andrey Nikolaevich

dr. ist. Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of History, Cherepovets State University,

162600, Russian Federation, Vologda Region, Cherepovets, Lunacharsky Avenue, 5


Andrey Egorov


Brief information reflecting the main content of the article.


A summary, reflecting the subject matter of the article.

Keywords: keywords, keywords, keywords, keywords.

Keywords: keywords, keywords, keywords, keywords.

Article text. Article text. Article text. Article text. Article text. "Quote" . Article text. Article text. Article text. Article text.


1. Bogatov I.P. Letters from cadet Chelnokov (1907-1913) // History of the USSR. - 1965. - No. 2. - P. 213-214.

2. The bourgeoisie and landowners in 1917. Private member meetings State Duma/ Ed. A.K. Drezena. – M.; L., 1932. - 327 p.

3. The bourgeoisie on the eve February Revolution. Sat. doc. and mat. / Ed. B.B. Grave. – M.; L., 1927. - 204 p.

VIII. Example of a list of references

A unified format for the design of bibliographic lists of articles in accordance with GOST R 7.05-2008 “Bibliographic reference” (Examples of the design of references and article bibliographic lists)

Glukhov V.A. Research, development and construction of a system for electronic delivery of documents in the library: Author's abstract. dis. ...cand. tech. Sci. - Novosibirsk, 2000. - 18 p.

Analytical reviews

Economics and politics of Russia and neighboring countries: analyst. review, Apr. 2007, Russia acad. Sciences, Institute of World Economy and International. relationships. - M.: IMEMO, 2007. - 39 p.


Fenukhin V.I. Ethnopolitical conflicts in modern Russia: on the example of the North Caucasus region: dis. ...cand. watered Sci. - M., 2002. - P.54-55.

Online documents:

Official periodicals: electronic guide/ Ross. national b-ka, Center for Legal Information. - [SPb], / [ Electronic resource]. - Access mode: URL: (access date: 01/18/2007).

Loginova L.G. Essence of the result additional education children // Education: researched in the world: international. scientific ped. online magazine 21.10.03. / [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: URL: (access date: 04/17/07).

Novosibirsk training market: its own game / [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (access date: 10/17/08).

Litchford E.W. With the White Army in Siberia: Eastern front Army of General A.V. Kolchak / [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: URL: (access date: 08/23/2007).

Conference materials

Archeology: history and prospects: collection. Art. First interregional conf. - Yaroslavl, 2003. - 350 p.

Maryinskikh D.M. Development of a landscape plan as necessary condition sustainable development cities (on the example of Tyumen) // Landscape ecology and land use planning: abstracts of reports. All-Russian conf. (Irkutsk, September 11-12, 2000). – Novosibirsk, 2000. - P.125-128.


Tarasova V.I. Political history Latin America: textbook for universities. – M.: Prospekt, 2006. – P.305–412.

Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B. Modern economic dictionary. 5th ed., revised. and additional - M.: INFRA-M, 2006. - 494 p.


RF Patent No. 2000130511/28, 12/04/2000.

Optical-electronic device // Russian Patent No. 2122745. 1998. Bull. No. 33. / Eskov D.N., Bonstedt B.E., Koreshev S.N. [and etc.].

Article from magazines or collections:

Adorno T.V. Towards logic social sciences// Question philosophy. – 1992. – No. 10. – pp. 76–86.

Crawford P.J. The reference librarian and the business professor: a strategic alliance that works / P.J. Crawford, T.P. Barrett // Ref. Libr. – 1997. Vol. 3. No. 58. – P.75–85.

Crawford P.J., Barrett T.P. The reference librarian and the business professor: a strategic alliance that works // Ref. Libr. 1997. Vol. 3. No. 58. P.75–85.

Kornilov V.I. Turbulent boundary layer on a body of rotation during periodic injection/suction // Thermophysics and Aeromechanics. – 2006. – T. 13, - No. 3. – pp. 369–385.

Kuznetsov A.Yu. Consortium – a mechanism for organizing subscriptions to electronic resources // Russian Foundation basic research: ten years of service Russian science. – M.: Scientific. world, 2003. – pp. 340–342.

Electronic resource:

Artistic encyclopedia of foreign classical art / [Electronic resource]. – M.: Bolshaya Ross. encycl. [and others], 1996. – 1 electron. wholesale disk (CD-ROM).

IX. Publication cost

Publishing an article

170 rub./page.

Printed magazine (per copy)

350 RUR/pcs.

Printed copy (per copy)

170 rub./pcs.

Electronic certificate of acceptance of the article for publication

For free


Printed impression

Printed magazine

Printed magazine and imprint

Across Russia

For free

For free

Across the CIS
For non-CIS countries

calendar of events

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Russia Moscow

Reception announced scientific articles in the May and June issues of the All-Russian scientific journal “Social Sciences” (the journal is registered in Federal service Russian Federation for supervision in the field of communications, information technologies And mass communications, Certificate of registration of mass media PI No. FS77-39778; International registration number ISSN 2079-5505).

Cultural studies
Political science
Art history

Publication order:

Publication of articles in the Journal is carried out on the basis of partial reimbursement of the publisher’s organizational costs (for editing). The cost of editing one article is 1870 rubles. Payment for publications is made only after scientific review and confirmation by the editors of the approval of the manuscript of articles by reviewers. No other or additional fees will be charged in any form.
Each author (co-author) receives a free author's copy of the Journal. The author's copy is sent by postal parcel at the expense of the editors.

Volume limitation – up to 17 pages.

Publication conditions:
1. The author sends the article for review to the editorial office’s email address:
[email protected]
2. If the article is approved, the author pays for the mail sent to him e-mail receipt.
3. Then the author sends a scanned copy of the payment document confirming payment to the editorial office’s email address.
4. Upon release of the issue from the printing house, the author’s copy of the Journal is sent to the address indicated by him mailing address. Do not forget to indicate the delivery postal address (with zip code).

Minimum requirements for article formatting:
An article submitted for publication must be up to 17 pages in length, A4 format, 1.5 spacing, 14 font. Computer typesetting in any text editor. End-to-end footnotes. The designation of footnotes in square brackets as a reference to the list of references is not allowed.
The article file must contain:
article title;
information about the author: full name, place of work (name of university, scientific organization or company), position, academic degree, academic title (if any), contact information;
article text.

UDC, LBC, annotations, keywords, etc. do not need to be indicated, this is done by the editors.

The journal is not included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission. The mission of the Journal is to provide graduate students, applicants and doctoral candidates with a serious scientific platform for publishing the main results of their dissertation research.

We remind you that subscriptions continue for the second half of 2011 (subscription index 11955, United catalog of Russian Post (“green”)).

When contacting event organizers, be sure to refer to the website as a source of information.

Organizers: Editorial Board of the Journal "Social Sciences"

Contact Information: Email mail: [email protected]

International publication of results scientific research in a short time

The magazine is aimed at professional historians, sociologists, political scientists and philosophers, researchers and university teachers. The journal publishes articles of a problematic and scientific-practical nature. Student works are accepted for consideration only if there is a scientific supervisor as a co-author.

Reviewin three days from the moment of submitting an application for publication. The international editorial board includes doctors and candidates of science in history, sociology, political science and philosophy.

Output articles – on the magazine’s website on the day of payment publications.

Magazine release published on the website after 10 days after the deadline for accepting articles.

Scientific basesin 15 days all articles of the issue are sent to:

  • eLIBRARY.RU: scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU visits more than a million unique users per month.
  • Ulrich's Periodicals Directory: an international catalog of periodicals, which is the largest database in the world and is used by all scientific institutions in reference and information work.
  • EBSCO Discovery Service: single search window - databases that can be accessed 85% of US universities and which are the primary means of searching for scientific information in American academic libraries.
  • GoogleScholar.

You can submit an application to publish an article in a journal in just a few minutes.

The contribution of history to the development of society is invaluable. The past, present and paths of future development of humanity are reflected in the articles of scientists researching historical processes. History, as a science, urgently needs an exchange of opinions between researchers and new information. For further promotion own research and conclusions, it is required to publish an article on history.

The development of the Internet and communications has accelerated the process of publishing scientific works and disseminating their contents to the general public. Now students, postgraduate students, doctoral students, teachers apply for the publication of articles on history in electronic journal. For scientists at different levels professional development, such publications have a number of advantages:
They help, avoiding subjective decisions, to develop common historical postulates that will help in further research
Organize an exchange of views, including with scientists working in other countries
They give you the opportunity to use your work when writing a dissertation or other scientific work: electronic links to publications are included in bibliographies research work

An online history journal is an opportunity to avoid the bureaucratic routine of the editorial and publishing process. Personal presence at the publishing house, the long process of preparing a magazine, including a lot of modifications, and waiting for the publication of a printed version are eliminated.

In our publishing house you get the result within one to three days. The author selects a journal suitable for the date and fills out simple form V in electronic format and attaches his work. After passing the review, a letter is sent informing that the work has been accepted by the publisher. The author, in turn, receives an electronic certificate confirming the acceptance of the article for publication, the output of the article and printed materials: a reprint of the article and the scientific journal itself (if desired).

Journals on social science topics, as well as on any other scientific issues, are published by our publishing house in accordance with state standards editorial and publishing process in Russia. Articles are assigned UDC numbers, and journals are given ISSN codes; publications are posted on official electronic library resources, including electronic library our publishing house.