Biographies Characteristics Analysis

I'm happy because you are. Happy because personality! Self love is important

Don't speed up your heart - happiness has deceived us. The beggar demands participation - we cannot endure the pain now.

I am truly happy. My worldly tiny worries make me so, even life pleases and inspires. My soul sings roulades - I love everyone, I offer friendship to everyone.

I do not prevent you from getting to the pain, to that happy bird that is locked up. I am dying from the desired pain - no one is able to save me.

My moments of happiness. You are ringing. Your name is on the phone - I admire, I do not answer. Darling, suffer, worry, call, worry. I'm satisfied.

The existence of happiness is proven by millions of passions in the moment of waiting.

A smile from ear to ear, a gait from the hip, French souls, a hairpin and an envious whisper: "It takes so little to be happy."

A happy person always knows whom to thank for his inner world, for his family, power, sunset, rivers and clouds.

Superstition is a delicate matter and requires secrecy. Positive emotions, success cannot be boasted. Say that you are happy - the state will disappear, moving away.

Read the continuation of the famous aphorisms and quotes on the pages:

I have an unlimited tariff Personal happiness!

Nothing-nothing! They don't die of happiness!

I'm happy because you're happy too. I am immensely happy. You and only you are on my mind when I wake up and when I fall asleep

Love in the heart, spring in the soul and on the street, a smile on the face and in the eyes! What else is needed for happiness?!

I'm happy! - What happened? - Nothing. - Why are you happy? “Just because I have no reason to be unhappy…”

I'm happy!.. there is a smile and sparkle in the eyes again... only forward!!! Towards happiness...

I'm happy! I am doing what I love...

Happiness is a quiet, continuous enjoyment of little things! Enjoy the little things! They have a wonderful ability to quietly make their way into the soul.

The greatest happiness in the world is the belief that you are loved!

I'm happy! I'm expecting a baby! I'm happy! I'm happy!!!

Strong coffee, favorite music in the headphones, joy and tenderness in the soul ... as happy as before!

When listing what we need to be happy, we often forget to add ourselves. – Leszek Kumor

Happiness is when wishes come true before you have time to make them...

With happiness, the situation is the same as with watches: the simpler the mechanism, the less often it deteriorates. — Nicola Chamfort

People say that impudence is the second happiness! And how to live without happiness? - here you have to look

They say that misfortune is a good school; may be. But happiness is the best university. - Alexander Pushkin

And yet I'm happy. Yes, I'm happy. Nobody can deny it. They don't have proof!

Do not disturb ... found happiness ...

I'm happy. You gave life to my heart again.

Happiness is not to own what you want ... but to want what you own

Happiness is not a goal, but a way of life.

She parted the curtains to brighten the street. I am beaming with happiness.

Changed .... Change .... And I will change……. Your Life for the Better!

The task - to make a person happy - was not part of the plan for the creation of the world. - Sigmund Freud

Happinnes exists. I know him. I know his phone number, habits, the color of his eyes. They are beautiful.

Happiness is good health and bad memory. — Albert Schweitzer

To be happy is to make others jealous. But there is always a person who envies us. The main thing is to find out who he is. — Jules Renard

Happiness is like a butterfly. The more you catch it, the more it slips away. But if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit quietly on your shoulder.

Don't be ashamed of your bad habits. Smoking, wine, impulses of passion - of course, shorten life, but they can prolong moments of happiness.

Being drunk from happiness is much cooler than from alcohol!

I am very happy! Yes Yes Yes! And who will spoil my mood - I will throw slippers!

I'm happy in my own way, but mind you, I'm happy!

My heart beats in the rhythm of happiness and no one will stop it ...

A person who has a place where he is loved and expected is already happy.

People can be happy only on the condition that they do not consider happiness the goal of life. — George Orwell

Whoever says you can't buy happiness has never bought a puppy

Even the black stripes of my life are made of chocolate!!! Happiness is… It is near!

I'm happy by default! Please do not meddle in the settings!

Do you know what happiness is to me? Happiness is just... it's You and Me!

Happiness can only be found on the beaten path. – François René de Chateaubriand

The greatest happiness in life is the certainty that you are loved

I'm happy! I like that the story of our love runs around the house ...

You need to go to the dream with someone by the hand.

Girls he loves me!!! I am the happiest.

When I went to school, they asked me what I want to be when I grow up. I wrote happy. They told me: you did not understand the task, I answered them - you did not understand life

I love the truth, but still I prefer happiness ...

Finally, I'm in seventh heaven with happiness. I warn you, you don’t need to substitute the ladder, I won’t get down anyway

Never consider someone lucky who depends on happiness! – Seneca

Most people are only as happy as they choose to be. - Abraham Lincoln

After every next Bitch you fall in love with me... and I leave every loved one for you...

To hell with pink glasses - they don't suit me, to hell with the past - it prevents me from being happy in the present ... To hell with everything that was - I'm happy!

Happiness is pleasure without remorse. - Lev Tolstoy

If You are happy, You can make the whole world happy.

If you want to be happy - be it! – Kozma Prutkov

Life gives a person, at best, a single unique moment, and the secret of happiness is to repeat this moment as often as possible. – Oscar Wilde

Life is worth seeing in the mirror of a happy person.

Happiness will definitely come .. He is also interested

I am happy that every day I see my future more and more clearly ... next to him ...

And when I get married, will you call me? - No, I will shout to you from the next room: “My beloved, put our son to bed already”

I'm happy by default 🙂 please don't touch the settings!

Until the seventh, there was only one heaven left for me ...

In order to be happy, you need to have a good stomach, an evil heart and no conscience at all.

One is in my heart, the other is in my thoughts, the third is on the screensaver of the phone ... I'm happy!

A small female happiness is worth a huge male effort…..

I just believed in a dream... and my dream came true.

I'm happy! The son returned from the army! Hooray!

Do not disturb ... found happiness ...

I'm happy! Spit on all the nuances and vicissitudes of fate. I am happy at least because I love one person very much ... whom I see in the mirror every day

A smile on your face. And go baby. They need to know that you are happy...

At first I was a good girl... and then we turned off the lights!

Beautiful smile, Confident gait, A drop of perfume, Heels and a whisper behind her back: “She is still happy”

And I don’t need someone else’s happiness ... I would like to keep mine in my hands ...

Ask yourself if you are happy and you will no longer be happy. — John Stuart Mill

If they were building a house of happiness, the largest room would have to be taken as a waiting room. — Jules Renard

She parted the curtains to brighten the street. I am beaming with happiness.

There must be some kind of happiness blockage in my body. I don’t know how this thing turns off, but it definitely is!

We have no right to consume happiness without producing it. – George Bernard Shaw

There are many shades of white. Happiness, like spring, changes its appearance every time. — André Maurois

I am the happiest woman. I am happy in my life. Why? Probably because I was born to be like this.

He has gentle hands and he smiles gorgeous!

A person is never as unhappy as he thinks, or as happy as he wants. — Francois La Rochefoucauld

I'm just happy that I have you ... This is happiness.

I’m so happy that I don’t even have to embellish anything! ..

I'm happy! Spit on all the nuances and vicissitudes of fate. I am happy at least because I love one person very much, whom I see every day ... in the mirror.

I realized that in the Universe there is not only one person who can make me happy.

The desire for happiness in man is so great that he is able to make many people unhappy. – Tadeusz Gietzger

Is loving yourself good or bad? Let's talk about respect for the individual in the life of each of us.

Since childhood, we have been taught that selfishness is bad. Taught to love the motherland, family, friends. They were taught to treat others with compassion and help in trouble. Everyone, all over the world. The message of humanity has been instilled in us for decades. And that's not bad! He brought kindness to the world. But this message was missing one important detail - a person's love for himself. A woman's love for herself. Respect not only for others, but for yourself as an individual.

Self-care in everyday life

What did it lead to? In our country, which has long transcended the era of the Soviets, more than one generation of women who know how to love has grown up. We love children, selflessly and unconditionally, leaving our interests in the background. We love our husbands, turning a blind eye to their shortcomings and seeking to ensure their comfort. We love our parents, despite the reproaches, and trying to pay more attention to them. We love the dog, cat, parrot and guinea pig that live in our house.

And this love dictates the rules of everyday life. Morning rise and delicious breakfast for the whole family. Then the child's fees for kindergarten or school - my baby should be the most beautiful. Then sending her husband to work - he should always be neat and well-fed. Then household chores, because the house should be clean, comfortable, beautiful and smell delicious with dinner. Then walk the dog, pick up the child, meet the husband, feed, play, put to bed. The day has passed. What was not in it? An important component - in it there was no attention to itself.

Where is the line that no woman should cross in an effort to be useful to others? Where is the limit of everyday activities and personal affairs, which is important to observe? One of my friends didn't figure it out in time. She and I studied together at the university, and in our group she was the most luxurious beauty. She did not marry for a long time, she chose a companion to her liking and with money. Chose, got married.

Of course, she did not have to look for work, because she was financially secure. And of course, she passionately began to take care of her family, life. But after 2 years, her husband left her. Said, “You are like a book to me. And I'm not interested anymore." Shock? Misunderstanding? Not at all! A woman who has limited her world to the walls of her own house will indeed be quickly read by a man and forgotten, like a familiar book on a shelf.

Self love is important!

Self-care comes from the details. And its most important component is an understanding of oneself as a person, and not just a mother and wife. A person has the right to his own interests and his own opinion. A good wife, as a rule, lives by the interests and opinions of her husband. A person can devote enough time to their hobbies or, finally, appearance. A good mother devotes all possible time to the child, to the family. A person can be self-sufficient, happy. A good wife and mother - never fully, because she realizes herself only halfway.

And this half-heartedness sooner or later begins to manifest itself in relationships with loved ones. Mutual discontent grows, grievances appear and accumulate. There is a bitter realization “I gave them all of myself, and they!” ... And why did I give? Who asked you for this? Who made you decide to give up a part of yourself?

Sharing responsibilities equally

You can not put aside personal interests, even if the time is sorely lacking. Don't be afraid to take your child to grandma's for a couple of hours if you need to visit a beauty salon. Or leave your husband and children at home if you plan to meet with friends. Don't forget the activities that bring you pleasure. Reading, painting, embroidery or beadwork - all your hobbies that were present in life should not leave it simply because it has become more responsibilities. Learn to share these responsibilities among households, do not take on too much.

Why do you think that washing dishes and cleaning the house is exclusively a woman's job? If you involve your husband, you can deal with it twice as fast. And in your free time, go for a walk with the whole family. Why do you think you have to cook something for dinner every day? If you are not in the mood, invite your family to dine in a cafe. And it will bring pleasure to both you and the children. The number of responsibilities in your daily life will be exactly what you allow. And in the same way, you have the right to determine how much time to spend on yourself, your interests, appearance and hobbies.

Realizing yourself completely, you will be confident, calm, harmonious internally and externally. And this is the secret of not just a good, but the best wife and mother. A real woman who never forgets that she is a person.

The Green Album is the group's sixth album, the second part of the "Happy Because I'm Pregnant" dilogy. It was thought that the interval between albums would be equal to the woman's pregnancy. In fact, the Green Album was released later because the publishers didn't want to release the album during the "off season". The album includes such hits as "Birthday", "Wolves" and "Rivers" in a duet with Natalia Vetlitskaya.

Album Review

Art-punk with the outrageous, rampaging manner of Pokrovsky's singing in the "Green Album" turned even, in fact, the lyrical hit "Wolves" into paranoia. What can we say about the mass of shock rock and roll?! Schizophrenic fun is the most accurate definition of a release. The main hit from him is "Birthday" - a wild, neurotic song about a guy who has a birthday today and no one will come to see him. Naturally, to match the unfortunate moment, it’s just right to swear. What Max does with pleasure, inserting the word "bl...b" into the hit. Both producers and journalists blame the group for this. Like, the scene is not a beer scene and we are not dissolute chronicles without brains and respect for each other. To which Max dismisses: “A lot of spectators come to the concert to enjoy this particular word!” However, he does not really resist the fact that only the “normative” version is broadcast. For those for whom one word in a song is not enough ...
I am happy because I have taken place as a daughter, a loving and affectionate wife, a caring and good mother. I am happy because I hear the laughter of my daughter, because I wait in the evenings when my beloved man comes home from work. I am happy because my life has turned out this way and I can be proud of myself. Happy because my family needs me. Happy because Woman, Wife and Mother. After all, this is all that is needed for simple Women's Happiness!
... here, for example, you are lying on the couch with your eyes turned to the wall, and he comes up thinking that you are sleeping, straightens the blanket and kisses your hair barely touching; or like this: it’s +40 outside, you’re wearing stilettos in the morning, you go home, take off your shoes, and there the air conditioner is on))) you come to a friend, and her 2-year-old daughter runs to a meeting with outstretched arms, you squat down, and she hugs you tightly around the neck! You lie down in bed, and he takes massage oil and you turn into a goosebumps training ground! Or one more thing: you go at night on the last day of rest at the sea, and the water there is especially warm and gentle, you swim so slowly, and the sea glows from waving your hands in the water! And when mom comes up to congratulate among the first guests immediately after the phrase “and now you can kiss the bride”, and there are tears in her eyes! The list goes on, but the truth is, these are just moments in life that each of us enjoyed and lifted to the peak of pleasure.
And I’m happy not because something happened, I’m not hot from fire or hot water))) I’m happy by default, a priori, initially, without any conditions for this! In conclusion, I will only add the lines of a famous poem about happiness:
What is happiness? It’s easier not to answer: Everyone has it - Who has children)))

Happiness ... a lot of meaning in this word, and everyone puts their own! I
happy to see the smile of her son, happy to meet from work not much
tired husband! Happy to wake up in the morning and feel His warmth! I breathe ... I live ... my beloved men! And now my happiness
multiplied by the
that my husband gave me another beating
heart inside of me!!! I fall asleep and wake up with a smile on my face, which means
HAPPY! Near the closest and dearest to me people!
I'm happy. Why? On the one hand, this is the most stupid, and on the other hand, the most difficult question.
I just live by the principle: If you want to be happy, be it!
Having lived with my husband for 13 years, we gave birth to a wonderful daughter. Having overcome a serious illness, I learned to be healthy.
Another my motto: Whatever is done, everything is for the better. Because even when some troubles happen, they teach me something and make me stronger.
And most importantly: love lives in our house! And with the advent of our little miracle, our love has not just grown - it has multiplied!
I want to share my happiness with everyone!
Girls! I wish you happiness in your families too!

I'm happy! You ask - why?
Because it's spring outside!
Yes, simply because I live,
Yes, because I'm just in love!
I am happy that there is a daughter and a son,
And I'm glad that the hassle is a lot!
That peace in the family, calm, quiet life
What is on the table - the cat purrs
What is a hearth, there are children, there is love
That I have goals and dreams
I'm happy? You decide, please
After all, you also got into my happy world :))

I am happy because I am a woman and proud of it! I have
little happiness is my son, there is a husband who carries me in his arms) I
loved by my boys and love them to horror movies) In this life I have
there is everything! But, of course, for complete happiness we do not have enough
little sisters for our son, whom he asks so much) but I
I am sure that in the near future we will succeed and we will
complete and happiest family in the world)!!!

I am happy because the sun rises over sleepy houses in the morning. And because the birds sing their marvelous songs. And in the spring, a snowdrop breaks through the white snow. There are many such beauties that resonate with me with happiness. And because the beloved kisses behind the ear when he gets up in the morning. And because he loves, calling me sweet. And hugging carefully, pricks my cheeks with bristles. Here they are the feelings of manifestation, our huge and pure love. After all, happiness is like the wind, it will cover with the power of a storm, then calm. The main thing is that these moments, each of us noticed and appreciated.)))

I'm happy because... Why do I consider myself happy??? Yes, probably because I know how to enjoy every minute, every second of life, because life is BEAUTIFUL, despite the presence of black stripes in it ... I am happy because I love ... and not because I love, but because I don’t need anyone except him. I am happy because I have healthy, caring parents, and as long as their heart beats in their chest, I can still feel like a small child, because for parents we remain small children even at 30 and 40 years old. I will be even happier when MY BABY appears in my life and I hear such long-awaited words MOM!!!
I am happy because I have a loving husband, two charming children, son Artem and daughter Alenka (this is my childhood dream, son and daughter). We bought a three-room apartment (a loan for it does not scare us, together we can handle it). I also have a mom and dad who are always there. My happiness is when everyone is together and everyone is healthy.

Hidden in a dark alley...
Small, pale, my happiness ...
He looked at me with wide eyes...
I took happiness in my arms without fear ...
I brought it into the house quietly, carefully ...
So that my happiness does not know dashing ...
I washed him, put him to bed ...
Happiness fell right on the bed ...
Warm and tender suddenly pressed against me ...
And forever in my heart remained ...
And when the next morning we got up together ...
Happiness told me: "Here will be my home."
And since then we have been together ... for many, many years ...
The dearest ... there is no better happiness!
The author of this poem is not me, but Galina Volenberg, but these lines reflect the thoughts and my soul about happiness ...

I'm happy because... dreams come true! Everything that I have ever imagined has already become a reality (I will not list, it is not difficult to guess about girlish dreams :)). And most importantly, there is still a lot of interesting things that you can dream about, and I know that it will definitely come true! After all, before the "dream maker" did not let me down :))) I wish everyone to dream and come true - it's wonderful!

I'm happy because... Is it possible to be happy "for some reason"? How can you bargain with happiness, be happy on credit, or give someone to lend your happiness? I'm happy! And I’m happy not because I have “so-and-so”. And just happy! It's like breathing. I am, I live, I breathe. I can describe the mechanism of breathing, but I cannot explain why I breathe. I came into this world in order to live, breathe, be happy. It's just the process of life. And, answering the question posed, I will still say: I am happy because I love, because I breathe, because I live!

… I am happy because I live. I can breathe, walk, see the sky, the sun, my loved ones. I love and I am loved - I have a wonderful family. This is HAPPINESS!

I'm happy because I have them!
my young man - I love him, let him be an egoist, but I LOVE ... HIM his - handsome - military - hefty. My Dear Dimka, son, I am so happy that he exists - in 2003 he made me happy with his appearance! And all the time makes me happy with my Fives!
There is a cat Lussy who also makes me happy with her pranks!)) and there is a dog that also makes us all happy)) Here I am, calm, moderately well-fed with my happiness!))
I would like to become a little happier when I see my //, and the baby on an ultrasound ...

yes, indeed, the question is: why am I happy? They say that there are many seekers, those who find it are difficult to find ... I must have found it. Once upon a time I found my life. Not dreams, not daydreams, not rosy fantasies... I found a real life. With her difficulties and joys, with all her diversity: just recently a girl, and it seems that she has been a wife for so long; I still remember the carefree childhood, and the adult life of repetitive life has already managed to tire a little; once I learned to take the first step, but soon, I'm sure, soon! I will not learn the first steps, but teach ... And someday I will understand why my mother cried so much because of my failures. I am married: to a husband, brother, friend, lover, father. It seems that God created us for each other and let us walk towards each other along the same path ... I rejoice at the new day and am immensely happy with the first wrinkles - they are my whole life, my experience of lived days and past events ... I rejoice at what is on my body there is still an infinite amount of room for these new imprints of time. I am happy because I am and there is a huge unknown world around me!

I am happy because I know how to enjoy simple things: the singing of birds, the sound of the sea, the first spring day, albeit not as sunny as I would like ...
Because I have a beloved husband, he is the very notorious stone wall behind which I can forget about all the problems;
Because I have a job, thanks to which I have the opportunity to see how the sun wakes up;
Because I have parents to whom I owe a lot in this life;
Because I have, I'm not afraid of this word, real friends ... there are not many of them, but these are the people in whom I am 100% sure;
Because I have my BTeshka, which will allow me to appear to everyone around me as a strong and independent woman ... because only here can I be weak and defenseless ...;
Because somewhere ahead of me is the most joyful event in my life... the most cherished and main gift that I'm waiting for with all my heart...
I am happy because I live… I live on this planet, I can see the beauty of this world and hear its sound, enjoy the sunrise and sunset, feel the warmth of a sunny summer and the coolness of a snowy winter…
I love my life, because I may not have another one - I have a beloved man, my husband, who gives me his warmth and all of himself, regardless of the circumstances.
Soon we will have our little one, which we have not yet seen in reality, but she is already so beloved and beloved ... And for them I live and create, I am EVERYTHING for them, like they are EVERYTHING for me!
Strange as it may seem, but these people appeared in my life only thanks to fate, which treated me so favorably and gave me a huge piece of happiness in this restrained world! Love and be loved - because we are created for this!

I am happy because… You can talk about this topic for a very long time and a lot. And everyone will be right. And if at least someone asks me: “Are you happy? I will proudly shout to everyone: “I am happy!! I am happy everywhere! With every cell! I am happy because there is someone else in this world besides me ... because there are parents and relatives, because I know how to love, because I have my family! I am happy because I am... I am happy because I have no time to think that I am unhappy!!! »

I'm happy because I'm happy)))
I have a wonderful beloved husband who loves me and my cockroaches. I love my job, although I begin to understand this only by the middle of the working day, when I finally wake up :))) I am completely financially independent, even from my beloved husband, for a woman in our time it is important. And finally, I'm young and beautiful))) And life is just beginning)))
I am happy because… In general, what is happiness and why do we strive for it so much? There are many definitions of happiness, but I know that in life any person strives for exactly two things - this is success and happiness. Am I successful? Yes! I have a wonderful profession, where I have already managed to realize myself. Happy? M-m-m-m-m. I have wonderful parents (who periodically like to blow my mind), a wonderful husband (easily going through life - cheerfully and with jokes, not looking and spitting (in the truest sense of the word) on troubles and problems) - my support, shoulder and vest , my pets are Yasha and Prosha (cats) and Krynya (the name speaks for itself) that do not let me lose heart and give me the opportunity to completely forget about depression, there are a lot of relatives and friends (just like a mafia clan, special forces and an ambulance in one vial). I don’t have just one thing - a small sniffling and groaning lump - a bloody lump that smells of milk and God. But there is faith that my time will come to accept such a gift. And then I will be truly and truly happy!

We often ask ourselves what is happiness? What do we need for it. And it seems that you need so much: a house, an apartment, a car, a vacation, and so much more. And if you think about it, a person does not need all this to be happy. All you need is the health of your loved ones. To say that I am happy - yes, I am happy, I have a beloved husband and I am loved. My loved ones are healthy. I have a job that I like. It’s true to say that everything is perfect - I won’t say, well, it wouldn’t be interesting to live like that, well, albino zebras are rare in life, well, it’s not necessary - the main thing is that it be white and black, not black and white. And for complete happiness, I lack a small bundle of happiness, but I know that this miracle will happen!!!

... A month after the honeymoon, my husband and I were in a terrible car accident. I remember the first week of my new life as if in a fog: I’m lying, a dark ward, my husband is sitting in a wheelchair and holding my toes ... a narrow passage between the beds, darkness ..., morning, they’re being taken somewhere, the road, again the hospital, anesthesia, heat hands, I don’t feel anything ... The car is twisted metal ... Falling asleep tonight, I noticed that my husband was looking at me and smiling ... “Why are you smiling?” I asked. “I rejoice in you! "- he answered, and gently kissed his nose. - "Good night, darling ..." Why am I happy? - because I live, because the sky is blue, the grass is green and the sun is shining ... And also because my beloved husband is nearby ...

I am happy because I am the Beloved Wife of the most beautiful Man in the world.
I am happy because I am a Loving mother of two strong and at the same time tender Sons.
I am happy because my Mom and Dad, whom I love very much, are alive and well. I also have a favorite job where you can create, teach Music to your disobedient and sweet students. And most importantly - very soon I will again become a caring, slightly sleepy, but happy Mommy for my little native lump - my third Son! Thank you Lord for all of this!
May all the women of the world be as happy)))


I am happy because... I lived for many years in illusions, in an effort to prove something to someone or to myself. Don't know. I am happy that now there is a man in my life who knows everything about me that no man is allowed to know. Knows and accepts. Knows my desires even when I don't even know them myself. He loves me more than anyone in the world, idolizes me, and despite the fact that I turned my soul inside out for him, he considers me a mystery. In order to become one, he and I turned our lives upside down and gave up the whole world for each other. Once he told me: "There are so many women in the world with whom you can sleep and so few with whom you can talk." The next day I moved in with him. I am happy that now I am raising the fruit of our love and our new life - our little daughter.

Well, and one more participant, as our girls No. 25 joke, it’s me, your Lelka Chamysheva, I really liked the idea of ​​​​Lubimaya, how can I be made a participant in competitions !!!

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!!! Lyolka Chamysheva.