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Lessons for the development of speech at home. Summaries of thematic classes on the development of speech

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V.V. Gerbova

Classes on the development of speech in the senior group of kindergarten

Lesson plans

Library "Programs of education and training in kindergarten" under the general editorship of M. A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Armorial, T. S. Komarova

Gerbova Valentina Viktorovna -candidate of pedagogical sciences, author of manuals on the method of developing children's speech and introducing them to fiction.

The successful implementation of program tasks depends on a number of factors and, above all, on the way of life of a preschool institution, the atmosphere in which a child is brought up, on a specially set, thoughtful developmental environment.

The effectiveness of education and training is achieved through the painstaking work of teachers who work directly with children, and all employees of a preschool institution who communicate with preschoolers during the day.

The system of work on teaching children the native language, familiarizing them with fiction is presented in the works of V.V. Heraldry "Development of speech in kindergarten" (M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2008), "Introducing children to fiction" (M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2008).

The manual “Classes on the development of speech in the senior group of kindergarten”, written as part of the “Program of education and training in kindergarten”, edited by M. A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbovoy, T.S. Komarova, supplements the recommendations on the most important area of ​​pedagogical activity - targeted and systematic teaching of preschoolers in the classroom. The practical purpose of the book is to give educators approximate guidelines for planning classes (determining the topics and goals of training, ways to implement them).

Features of the development of speech in children of the sixth year of life

Speech is a tool for the development of the higher departments of the psyche of a preschooler. By teaching a child to speak, adults simultaneously contribute to the development of his intellect. The development of intelligence is a central task in the education and upbringing of children of senior preschool age.

The strength of the native language as a factor that develops the intellect and educates emotions and will lies in its nature - in its ability to serve as a means of communication between a person and the outside world. The sign system of the language - morphemes, words, phrases, sentences - encodes (encrypts) the reality surrounding a person.

The pace of speech development depends on the perfection of speech skills (especially phonetic and grammatical). What are the speech skills of 5–6 year old children and what determines their successful formation at this age stage?

As you know, the period of the highest speech activity is the fifth year of life. According to A. Gvozdev, by the age of five, children master a complex grammar system, including syntactic and morphological patterns, and intuitively use words that are exceptions to the rules correctly.

high enough and level of vocabulary development. Synonyms, antonyms, figurative comparisons and contrasts appear in the speech of children. Preschoolers use nouns with different suffixes without errors (bear - bear cub - bear cub - bear - bear). In their stories, there are surprisingly accurate assessments of objects and phenomena. (studded, swirling, icicle). Children begin to use adjectives in different degrees of comparison (heavy - very heavy - lighter - the lightest), as well as designations of shades of colors (lilac, lilac, crimson, dark gray, etc.). The number of verbs increases noticeably, and preschoolers use synonyms with different emotional connotations. (walks - walks - paces - weaves - wanders). In the statements of children, a lot of words appear that refer to different parts of speech and denote the activities of people, their relationships, actions, behavior, experiences. Apparently, this is due to the fact that the period from five to seven years is the age of formalization of socially standardized speech (P. Blonsky and others).

In situations that require something to compare, explain and prove, the speech of a child of the sixth year of life becomes more difficult. Cumbersome and undivided statements appear (“Then the prince wanted to live with Cinderella forever, but he had such work at home that he always worked, could not move away from this work and went only to Cinderella”, - Alyosha, 5 years 8 months ).

By the age of five, not all children master the correct pronunciation of sounds: some may have delays in their assimilation, others may have their incorrect formation (for example, throat or one-hit pronunciation of a sound R and etc.). Some children do not differentiate by ear and in pronunciation whistling and hissing sounds, and sometimes sounds R and l. This leads to the fact that the child does not always correctly pronounce words in a sentence containing several words with sounds that sound similar to him ( s - h, s - c, h - w and etc.). The reason for the incorrect pronunciation of sounds, fuzzy speech may be defects in the structure of the speech organs, insufficient mobility of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus. These children require special attention of a speech therapist and educators.

The powerful pace of mastering the native language, characteristic of the fifth year of a child's life, slows down in the sixth year of life. Researchers of children's speech believe that after the age of five, speech skills improve slightly, and some become even worse. Thus, the number of brief requests and orders is increasing. (Step back! Put it here!) and the number of benevolent, well-argued, containing explanations is reduced. (Don't bother me, please - don't you see, I'm starting the plane!) According to G. Lyamina, the number of cases of explanatory speech is halved. Now children are less likely to accompany their actions with speech. However, if a 5–6-year-old preschooler is presented with a task that he has difficulty solving, he develops external speech, although not directly addressed to the interlocutor (L. Vygotsky's experiments described by A. Luria). Psychologists explain this by the fact that at the senior preschool age a new function of speech is formed - intellectual, that is, planning, regulating practical actions (speech "for oneself", speech mastery of one's own behavior). The intellectual function of speech has a communicative purpose, since planning one's behavior, solving mental problems are components of the activity of communication.

Features of working with children in the classroom

Organization of speech development classes

In the older group, the speech of adults still remains the main source of the speech development of preschoolers.

Teaching children sound pronunciation, it is necessary to clearly and correctly articulate the sounds of speech and their combinations; exercise in voice modulation (strength of voice, pitch, tempo of speech, timbre) when expressing various feelings: joy, annoyance, approval, affection, bewilderment, etc.

The formation of lexical and grammatical skills is due to how seriously the teacher listens to the answers and reasoning of each child, helps him express his thoughts, promptly suggesting more accurate and appropriate words.

Different styles of speech are determined by the synonymy of the language: lexical, grammatical, phonological (a variety of intonations when pronouncing the same phrase). And the more synonymous words children will hear and use, the richer and more expressive their speech will be.

Various vocabulary is constantly updated, as the child enriches his experience through new impressions and information. At the same time, the educator needs to clarify and activate the dictionary in the process of communicating with children in everyday, game situations and in the classroom. For this, special didactic games and exercises are used. Some of them are carried out based on visibility: “Tops are roots”, “Who is superfluous and why?” (“What is superfluous?”), “Determine by touch” (the material from which the object is made: silk, velvet, gauze, etc.), “What is wrong?” (pictures-confusion), "What has changed?" etc. Verbal didactic exercises are also effective: “Who will say otherwise?”, “Who will notice more?” (qualities, details), “Who will tell you more?”, “But what about the other way around?” (use of antonyms), etc.

A special place is occupied by exercises in which the teacher and children make up various nonsense: “Wow!” (“In the spring, the animals had cubs: the elephant had a fox cub, the fox had a hedgehog ...” The teacher invites the children to continue the story); “Someone screams like that” (“And we ended up in a wonderful country. There elephants meow, frogs crow”, etc.); "What in the world does not happen?" ("Fish fly, roosters hatch chicks, mice hunt cats," etc.) These activities prepare children for engaging in fun games ("Whatever happens, it happens," "Who was that?") activating the vocabulary, and for the development of imagination, the ability to joke and laugh.

Through a variety of games, children master the morphological means of the language. To this end, it is necessary to pay attention to the sound of the grammatical form, the sound design of a particular grammatical category. These requirements are met by exercises in which you need:

Listen to the sound of some words (refrigerator, all-terrain vehicle, navigator, missile carrier) and explain their etymology;

Form single-root words (cat - cat - Kotofeich etc. ) ;

Form nouns by analogy (sugar bowl - sugar bowl), adjectives (eared - big-eyed - handy); correctly use indeclinable nouns, the comparative degree of adjectives (clean - cleaner, sweet - sweeter etc. ) .

Special linguistic means should be introduced into the active vocabulary of children, with the help of which it is possible to connect the structural parts of the judgment (because, after all) to concretize the thought (for example, here) to summarize what has been said (always, never).

For improving the syntactic side of speech it is important in the learning process to create situations in which the child must explain something to the teacher or peers (an error in the story of a friend, the rule of the game), convince others of something, prove something.

It is necessary to teach children to understand questions and answer them correctly: how would you do it? how can you help? etc. When answering questions, especially when discussing moral and everyday situations, children should give detailed answers. The educator should evaluate not only the content of the answer, but also its speech design. (“Oli’s answer turned out to be strange. Listen to what she said and help correct the mistakes.”)

Describing objects, children of the sixth year of life name color, size and other distinguishing features, which contributes to the appearance of sentences with homogeneous members in their speech. It is important for the teacher to note this. (“Listen to how interesting Andrei told about this fox: a red-haired beauty, cheerful, very bright.”)

Older preschoolers rarely use subordinate clauses, therefore, when analyzing their statements, one should repeat complex sentences composed by children. (“Dima’s answer pleased me. Listen to him again.”)

Preschoolers can be taught to use complex sentences using the “Complete (finish) the sentence” technique. (“Autumn brings sadness, because ...”, “We called to ...”, “We called when ...”, “We decided to make a stop, because ...”) For the same purpose, children decipher a letter that got caught in the rain, dictate the text of the letter to a sick teacher (peer).

Children rarely use verbs in the subjunctive mood in speech, and if they do, it is usually with errors. Therefore, it is useful to exercise them in building statements on topics such as: “If I were a teacher” (Santa Claus, clown, cook, etc.).

In the older group, children are taught differentiate the most frequently mixed sounds: hissing and whistling (w - s, w - s, h - c, u - s), voiced and deaf (c - f, h - s, f - w, b - p, e - t, d - k), sonorous (l and R).

In the classroom, special games and exercises are used, aimed at formation of sound culture of speech.

The teacher mixes up two sounds similar in sound, for example, and and h, and children (by prior arrangement) show movements that characterize the image with which the sound is associated: and- movement of the hands of both hands ("a bug flies"), h - waving motion with the hand (“mosquito repelling”), etc. First, the teacher finds out how the children understood the task, and then works with the whole group. Then the girls perform the exercise, and the boys observe and analyze the results; then the task is performed only by boys (or children sitting at the first tables, etc.). The teacher takes note of those who make mistakes and identifies the cause of the difficulties (the child does not differentiate sounds, does not have time to work at a given pace, which is very important for the future student). In order to set a certain pace of work, the teacher, uttering sounds (later - words), counts to himself: “One, two, three”, and raises his right hand, giving the children a signal: “Put your hands on the table!”

The teacher says 9 - 11 words with similar sounds, for example, f - h, and the children, as in the previous task, show the corresponding movements. The teacher selects not only nouns, but also verbs, adjectives, adverbs (crane, umbrella, squint, green, yellow, tomorrow, from afar, vest, buzzes and etc.).

The teacher reads the whole rhyme or the passage necessary for work 2-3 times.

Mouse in a green mug
Boiled millet porridge.
Dozen kids
Looking forward to dinner.

Czech song, translation by S. Marshak

The teacher offers to name words with sound and. It is easier for children to complete this task if supporting objects are used. (“I put three pyramids on the table. So, you need to name three words with a sound and, which are found in the sentence: “A dozen children are waiting for dinner”.) As they are called, the teacher removes objects.

The teacher asks the children to remember and name words containing a certain sound (names of objects, actions, qualities, etc.).

The teacher invites the children to choose words that are close in sound (rhyming): chamomile - bug - zamarashka - tumbler; top - bull - knot - cricket - old man - heel - Cossack; birdie - little song - small - dove - strawberry - blackberry - krupenichka.

The teacher conducts the game "Tell (suggest) a word." (Speech material for this exercise can be taken from a variety of educational books for preschool children, children's magazines.)

The hunter shouted: “Oh!
doors (animals) are chasing me!
There are no roads in the swamp.
I am for cats (bumps)- lope yes lope!

A. Shibaev "The letter got lost"

Children (based on pictures) make up a “chain of words”. Guessing what sound the word ends with bus, the guys name the second picture, which depicts an object whose name begins with the last sound of the first word (sled). Next, the children choose their own pictures. It is important that each child can make up his own chain of words, having received the original picture from the teacher or choosing it on his own. (Children should have a lot of pictures at their disposal.) The child who correctly compiled the longest chain for a certain period of time wins.

Older preschoolers often break the smoothness of speech, as they finish a long sentence on the exhale when they breathe. So you have to watch them. breath and exercise in a low, drawling pronunciation of sounds and, at, onomatopoeia ay, the words echo.

The development of speech breathing is facilitated by the pronunciation of tongue twisters. First, the teacher recalls the text, then the children pronounce it in chorus several times at different tempos. After that, you can start individual exercises (speaking at a fast pace).

In a preschool it is recommended to have dictionaries. For five-year-old children, spelling is more suitable. The teacher should show it to the children, talk about what a wonderful and unusual book it is, provide an opportunity to explore the dictionary: “Maybe you can guess why I praise this book so much with a strange arrangement of text and no pictures.”

After listening to the reasoning and considerations of the children, the teacher tells them what a dictionary is, shows columns of words that begin with a certain letter of the alphabet. You can play with children. Let's take an example.


The game "Who will name more words starting with the letter (A)"?

“So, you were able to remember twelve words starting with the letter A,” says the teacher. - That's a lot, but there are many more in the dictionary, maybe a hundred or two hundred. Now I will name the words with the letter A, which I especially like to pronounce, and you will try to explain what they mean: lampshade, apricot, August, aviation, autograph, alphabet, adagio, admiral, adjutant, openwork, amethyst… So, you are only familiar with five of the eleven words so far, but I am sure that at the end of the year you will know the meaning of a much larger number of words. Here, our musical worker must be surprised when he hears the word “adagio” from your lips. Let's ask him to let us listen to a recording of the adagio from the ballet."

You can refer to dictionaries at any time convenient for preschoolers and the teacher: indoors and outdoors, communicating with all children or only with those who want to hear different words starting with a familiar letter. Listening to the interpretation of words by children, the teacher should not forget to correct their speech, suggest which word is appropriate to use in this case and how to build a phrase or a short statement more correctly. Exercises based on reading to children words from the dictionary and their interpretation, at first glance, are formal. However, older preschoolers like them, and their effectiveness is amazing: the children's vocabulary is enriched, there is a steady interest in the meaning of words; they begin to listen and hear the teacher's story in a different way, perceiving not only its meaning, but also its speech design. As a result, children have questions like: “What did you call him?”, “What did you just say?”, “Did you say a new word?”

In the process of communicating with children in the classroom and in everyday life, it is necessary improve dialogue. And although dialogue is an arbitrary contextual speech, it must be taught using a variety of games and exercises for this, involving interaction with a teacher who is a carrier of a communicative culture. This manual presents classes in which children learn the rules of behavior and learn cultural speech interaction. In the classroom, you can use visual and didactic aids that allow children to solve practical problems, using the accumulated life experience (for example: Gerbova V.V. Development of speech in kindergarten. Visual and didactic aid for classes with children 4–6 years old. - M .: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2009.)

Serious attention should be paid teaching children storytelling: retelling, describing the subject, compiling a story based on a picture and pictures with a consistently developing action.

In the older group of children begin teach retelling. It is very important to choose the right text for this type of work. The text should capture the child so emotionally that he listened to it with interest many times, both in the performance of an adult and in the retelling of peers (for example, the story of V. Bianchi "Bathing the cubs").

At the beginning of the year, many children need the help of an adult when retelling. He should start the story, and the child should continue it. In the process of retelling, if necessary, it is appropriate to prompt the child with the necessary phrase. In the second half of the year, children learn to retell the text together or three. The child must decide for himself when to stop so that the second narrator (he is chosen by the child himself) can take over. The ability to divide the text into parts, observing the logical completeness of passages, will be necessary for children at school.

In the senior group, much attention is paid to working with pictures. The ability of children to title individual pictures and several pictures at the same time is being improved; tell meaningfully and consistently, guided by a plan.

The plan is drawn up at the first acquaintance of children with the picture. Let's take an example.


The teacher, setting the children up to look, offers attention to the initial phrase (phrases) of the future story: “On a warm summer evening, the hedgehog brought the hedgehogs to the forest clearing. Everyone is busy, who is what. Further, the teacher tells the children where it is more convenient to start looking at the picture: “The hedgehogs have a lot of things to do. They scattered across the clearing. It is so? Tell me about it…”

Listening to the children, the teacher asks clarifying questions, suggests more precise words that characterize the situation, summarizes what was said in a short story.

Then the teacher draws the attention of the children to another part of the picture: “The hedgehog does not interfere with the kids. She has her own business, doesn't she? Tell me what's the matter?"

The teacher again summarizes the stories of preschoolers and switches their attention to the perception of the last object (the beauty of the meadow). The teacher completes the examination with a final phrase that conveys his attitude to the picture: “It’s good to have hedgehogs in a forest clearing on a warm summer evening!”

With such an organization of work, the children talk about the picture without repetitions and omissions, since the teacher unobtrusively suggested to them a plan consisting of only three points.

In the older group, the ability of children to create pictures using the matrix picture and handout pictures is consolidated and developed.

Considering pictures with plot development of the plot (with sequentially developing action), children are happy to line them up in a certain sequence and comment on their actions, using quite a lot of complex sentences. Logic, completeness and figurativeness of children's stories are determined both by the content of the pictures and by the nature of the questions and tasks provided by the educator. Pictures with a plot development of action encourage children to compose creative stories, activate their imagination.

For classes with older preschoolers, you can use the following manuals: Gerbova V.V. Pictures for the development of speech of children of senior preschool age (M .: Education, any edition), Radlov N. Stories in pictures (any edition). You can also use the appropriate pictures that are periodically printed in children's illustrated magazines.

In the course of working on pictures with a consistently developing action, the following features should be taken into account.

When asking children to put the pictures in the correct order, it is necessary to give them the opportunity to discuss their actions. This moment is most favorable for working out such speech formulas as: “I think (I think, I am sure, I believe) that the series is built correctly”; "I have some doubts (there are objections)"; “It seems to me that Sasha made a small mistake”; "I'd like (I'll try) to explain my actions." First, the educator will have to tell the children for a long time and persistently about what words are appropriate in this or that address, about how they enrich a person’s speech. Over time, the children themselves will begin to suggest to the educator how, in one case or another, you can turn to an adult or a peer. And then non-standard speech turns will appear in the independent speech of children.

The lesson on compiling a story from pictures should be built as follows.

Having approved the sequence of pictures, the teacher invites the child (from among those who wish) to compose a narrative story based on the first picture. The teacher listens to the answer and finds out from the children what else could be included in the story to make it more interesting and meaningful. (“I think that ...”; “It seems to me that ...”; “I’m not sure, but it seems to me that ...”) Then the teacher invites another child (optional) to write a story from the second picture. And so on.

In conclusion, one of the children makes up a story based on all the pictures. The teacher finds out if there are still those who want to make a story. If necessary, the teacher invites the children to listen to their story and asks them to pay attention to unusual and rare words.

Pictures with sequentially developing action are excellent material for creative storytelling. Building pictures in a certain sequence, children discover that some important climactic plot is missing (more often this is the third picture). This activates their imagination, makes them think about what happened to the characters.

It is useful to exercise children in compiling endings to well-known folk tales. For example, the educator reads or tells the Russian folk tale “Hare-braggart” (arranged by O. Kapitsa) to the words: “I saw a hare how dogs shake a crow, and thinks ...” What exactly did the hare think about, did he risk helping the crow or chickened out if helped, then in what way, and if he didn’t help, then how he later justified himself - all this is composed by children. Then the teacher reads the end of the story.

Or the teacher tells the children the Nenets folk tale “The Cuckoo” (translated by K. Shavrov) to the words: “Brothers, look, look, our mother is flying away like a bird!” shouted the eldest son. The children continue the story.

You can compose an ending to the fairy tale by D. Bisset "About Binky the tiger cub, whose stripes disappeared" (retelling from English by N. Shereshevskaya). Children come up with where the tiger cub was looking for stripes, whom he asked to lend them to him or draw, how his adventures ended.

And the fairy tales of G. Rodari, which have three endings (“The Dog That Couldn’t Bark,” etc.), are good didactic material that focuses on creative storytelling.

Outside of class, it is useful to exercise children writing short stories without reference to literary texts. The teacher sets the topic for the children, helps them compose a story and present it clearly for the audience. You can suggest the following topics to children:

Tale of how the bear cub caught the moon;

The tale of how the polar bear wandered into Africa, and what came of it;

A tale about how a rude hedgehog and a goody hare traveled;

A fairy tale about how a badger gained courage.

In the senior group, the improvement of the ability to compose stories based on personal experience. Here, too, the choice of topic and the presence of a story plan are very important. You can offer the children the following topics: “How we congratulated the kindergarten staff on the holiday”, “How we looked for traces of autumn” (collective experience); “My favorite toy (favorite cartoon)”, “Our naughty cat (my familiar dog)”, etc.


lesson on the development of speech in the middle group No. 7 on the topic:

"My dear mother"

Compiled by the educator

Serebryakova N.A.


Republic of Tatarstan.

Theme: "My dear mother"

Target: develop dialogic speech, encourage a monologue; continue to learn to answer clearly to questions; compose a descriptive story from a photograph; activation of adjectives and verbs in children's speech.

Material: photographs depicting mothers, drawing paper, sheets (petals) of paper for making a collage.

Course progress.

Introductory part.

The teacher reads a poem by Ubair Rajay, addressing the children:

Who came to me in the morning? Mommy!
Who said: “Is it time to get up? Mommy!
Who managed to cook porridge? ....
Who poured tea into a cup?
Who braided my pigtails? ...
Cleaned everything at home, swept it? ....
Who is a child who loves laughter?...
Who is the best in the world? .... Mommy!

Who is this poem about?

What are your moms' names? (name, patronymic).

What beautiful names your mothers have.

Main part.

Guys, do you love your moms? (Yes). Do you want to give a gift to moms? (Yes). Here, look, what a magic chest. Let's pick the most tender, affectionate words for our mother and put them in our chest. (Children choose words. The teacher helps the children with leading questions. Writes the words on a piece of paper in the form of a petal).

When mom hugs, strokes, kisses? Which? (affectionate).

When mom smiles, laughs? Which? (cheerful).

When the children are naughty, but the mother does not scold? Which? (kind).

And if you love your mother, then what is she like? (affectionate).

Well done! That's how many wonderful words we have collected in a chest for mom.

In the meantime, we will close it so that our words are not confused and forgotten.

Game "Tell me about mom"

The teacher starts first. He shows the children a photo and talks about his mother. For example: “My mother's name is Valentina Anatolyevna. She works in a hospital as a doctor. My mom heals people. She is kind, cheerful, affectionate, beautiful, beloved….”Then the children show a photo of their mother and talk about her.

Fizminutka "Mom".

The teacher reads the poem, the children perform the appropriate movements.

I love my mom
I will always help her.
I wash, caress,
I shake the water off my hands.
I will clean the floor
And I'll chop wood for her.
Mom needs to rest
Mom wants to sleep.
I walk on tiptoe
And never, and never
I won't say a word.

How good it is when every child has his own mother. What kind of mothers do animals have? (Game with illustrations).

The mother of the rabbits is a hare.

The mother of foxes is a fox.

The mother of the cubs is a bear.

The mother of the wolf cubs is a she-wolf.

The squirrels' mother is a squirrel.

Game "Find a couple".

The teacher lays out on the table inverted pictures depicting domestic and wild animals and their cubs so that they make pairs, and invites the children to take one picture at a time, but not show it to anyone. As soon as the music starts, “mother animals” and “calves” begin to move around the group, imitating the movements of a bear, fox, squirrel ... If it is difficult to find a mate by movements, then they call each other with characteristic sounds.

Animal moms love their babies just as much as your moms do. They teach them everything: to wash, brush their fur, run, jump, get their own food.

Guys, show how your mother taught you everything (children show movements, repeat verbs).

  • Walk
  • Jump
  • wash your face
  • comb your hair
  • eat with a spoon
  • stomp your feet
  • Clap your hands

Guys, let's loudly say to moms for teaching us everything “Mommy, thank you!”.


Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 17"


on the development of speech in the middle group

"Forest Animals"

Compiled by the educator

Serebryakova N.A.

Nizhnekamsk city.

Republic of Tatarstan.

Program content:

  • Clarify children's knowledge about wild animals, about their dwellings, about what they eat.
  • To teach children to distinguish and highlight adjectives with nouns in gender and number in phrases.
  • To teach children to write a short description of stories about wild animals according to the proposed plan.

Dictionary: lair, hollow, hole, lair, fluffy, golden, toothy, dexterous, agile, clumsy, hairy.
Equipment: subject pictures depicting wild animals, plot pictures depicting dwellings of wild animals.

Course progress.

Listen to the story "Who sleeps where"

Educator: Children:. Educator: Children: agile, nimble,.

Children: Educator: Children: M. .

Children: d. Educator:, h Children:.

Children: Hare. Educator: Children: B. Children: Children: .


Children: Oh. (Children's stories)


OOD on the development of speech in the second junior group.

Journey through the fairy tale "Teremok"

Target: development of coherent speech of children.


Developing: development of attention, visual and auditory perception, intonational expressiveness of children's speech, the ability to coordinate words with movements,development of creative imagination: the image of the habits of animals, imitation of the movements of animals - the heroes of a fairy tale.

Educational: familiarization with the national culture, fostering interest in Russian folk art and the native language, fostering friendly relationships, friendship, and mutual assistance.

Educational:enter adjectives into the active dictionary (Russian folk, gray, nimble, green, fluffy, evil, cunning, red, clubfoot),enrich children's ideas about wild animals, note their characteristic features.

Preliminary work:reading the fairy tale "Teremok", looking at toy characters, illustrations for the fairy tale.

Equipment and materials:squirrel toy, basket of nuts, screen, slide show equipment (laptop), wolf face sheets (according to the number of children), pencils.

GCD progress:

Educator: Guys, today we will remember the fairy tale "Teremok".

A squirrel toy appears.

Squirrel : Hello guys! I came to you with nuts so that you could help me count them (shows a basket of nuts).

Finger gymnastics "Squirrel"

A squirrel sits on a cart

She sells nuts

Chanterelle-sister, sparrow, titmouse,

Bear fat-fifted, hare-eared

(children bend their fingers in a row).

caregiver : How many nuts did the squirrel sell? (children's answers)

Squirrel : Guys, I also really like walnut jam.

Articulation gymnastics "Let's lick our lips", "Delicious jam".

Squirrel : Guys, I also brought you a riddle. Try to guess it.

A house appeared in the field,

He turned into a home

For a mouse and a tit,

Hare, wolf and fox.

caregiver : Did you guess what fairy tale the riddle is about?

Children : About the fairy tale "Teremok".

caregiver : Guys, today in the lesson together with Belka we will remember this fairy tale. Squirrel, what kind of fairy tale is this - Russian folk or not?

Squirrel : Russian traditional.

caregiver : Guys, why Russian folk?

Children : Russian folk, because people invented it.

caregiver : Guys, how does the fairy tale "Teremok" begin?

Children : "There is a teremok in the field."

caregiver : Guys, what is a teremok?

Children: House.

caregiver : That's right, this is such a small elegant house.

Guess the riddle and find out who discovered this house first.

Lives in a mink

Gnawing on crusts.
Short legs;

afraid of cats.

Children : Mouse. Mouse-norushka.

caregiver : Correctly. First, the mouse found the teremok. Describe the mouse, what is it like?

Children : Small, gray, nimble.

caregiver : What does the mouse like to eat?

Children: Crusts, cheese.

caregiver : How does the mouse run? Show.

Children depict the running of a mouse - on toes, tucking their front paws, in small steps.

caregiver : The mouse knocked on the tower and what did she ask?

Children : “Terem-teremok! Who lives in the terem?

caregiver : It turned out that there was no one in the house. What then happened?

Children : The mouse settled in the tower.

caregiver : Who next found the tower? Guess!

What a strange animal
Jumping along the track?
And not a soft toy
And not a round ball.
She has only one word:
Knows only "Kva, kva, kva ..."

Children: Frog.

caregiver : What is a frog? What does he eat?

Children: Green, eats mosquitoes and midges.

Educator: show our guest Belka how frogs jump.

Children jump on the rug. Then they sit down again in a semicircle on the carpet.

caregiver : What did the frog ask when she came to the tower?

Children: “Terem-teremok! Who lives in the terem?

Educator: And the mouse answered “I am a mouse-norushka” and invited the frog to live with her. They began to live together: a mouse-louse and a frog-frog.

caregiver : After the frog, who came to the tower?

A ball of fluff, a long ear,

Jumps deftly, loves carrots.

Children: Runaway Bunny.

Squirrel : Guys, I know an interesting game "A gray bunny is sitting" and I suggest you play it on the rug.

The game "The gray bunny is sitting"

Bunny gray sits

And wiggles his ears.

(raise your palms above your head and wave, depicting ears)

Like this, like this

He moves his ears!

It's cold for a bunny to sit

You need to warm up your paws.

(rub your forearms)

Like this, like this

Gotta warm up the paws!

It's cold for a bunny to stand

Bunny needs to jump.

(jumping in place)

Like this, like this

The wolf scared the bunny!

The bunny immediately ran away.

(sit down)

Educator: So the runaway bunny settled in the tower. Three of them live: a mouse-louse, a frog-frog and a runaway bunny.

Educator: Who next came to the tower?

Children: Little fox sister.

caregiver : Describe the fox. What fox?

Children : Sly, redhead, playful.

Finger game: "About the fox."

The fox runs along the bridge.

Sweeps the railing with a ponytail.
And towards the bunnies,

Little fingers.
“We are not afraid of the fox,

Let's quickly hide in the forest!"

Educator: began to live in four:a mouse-leaf, a frog-frog, a bunny-runaway and a fox-sister. And the next to the tower came ...

Children : A spinning top is a gray barrel.

caregiver : What wolf is on the screen?

Children: Grey, angry.

Educator: How does a wolf growl?

Children: Rrr.

caregiver : Guys, is there an evil wolf in this fairy tale?

Children: No.

Squirrel: Guys, however, in this tale the wolf is not at all evil. I have pictures of a wolf, let's draw a smile for him.(work with pencils, draw a smile on the face of the wolf)

caregiver : Five of them began to live: a mouse-louse, a frog-frog, a bunny-runaway, a fox-sister and a top-gray barrel.

Educator: Well, the latest who came to the tower?

Children : The bear is clumsy.

Educator: Why is a bear called a bear? Show how he walks(children show how a bear walks: clubfoot, waddling).

Squirrel : Who guys knows the poem about the bear?

Reading poetry by A. Barto

"The bear is walking through the woods"

bear clumsy
walks through the forest
collects cones,
sings songs.
Suddenly a bump fell
right on the bear's forehead.
Teddy bear got angry
and foot - top!

" Bear"
Dropped the bear on the floor
They cut off the bear's paw.
I won't leave him anyway
Because he's good.

Educator: They called the animals and the bear to live with them. But the bear is big - climbed into Teremok, it won’t fit in any way. And then he decided to climb onto the roof. What came of it?

Children : Teremok collapsed

Educator: At first the animals were upset, and then what did they do?

Children: We decided to build a new teremok, all together. And built better than before. And they began to live together, live and make good.

Squirrel : Guys, what does this fairy tale teach?

Children : This tale teaches that you need to be friends, help each other.

Squirrel : Guys, I really enjoyed visiting you.

What fairy tale did we remember today? (children's answers)

Did you enjoy talking to me today, playing? If yes, then clap your hands; if not, then stomp your feet.

You just jumped, played, helped me remember the fairy tale "Teremok", for your help I give you this basket of nuts.

caregiver : Thank you, squirrel. Goodbye.


OOD for the development of speech in the senior group.

"In the land of fairy tales".

Program content: Develop the ability to recognize individual fairy tales by characteristic features and be able to beat them, activate speech, enrich vocabulary, learn to form adjectives from nouns that define characters; to maintain interest in fairy tales and theatrical and gaming activities, to cultivate a benevolent attitude towards the heroes of fairy tales and to each other.

Demo material:A panel for compiling the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s hut”, cards for word formation with painted parts of the body of animals, a didactic guide - a cube with fairy tales, a TV layout, costume elements of a storyteller, a hare, a bear, a fox, a rooster.

The course of the lesson.

Teacher: Hello children!

Children: Hello!

Educator: Children, do you know what this magic word "Hello" means?

Children: Be healthy, when we greet someone, it means that we wish these people good health.

Educator: Now let's play a game called "Hello" (children perform movements in the course of words together with the teacher)

Hello game

Educator: Hello legs!

Children: Hello! (Hands on the belt, march in place, raising the knees high and pulling the sock on each syllable)

Educator: Hello, hands!

Children: Hello! (Clap hands for each syllable, simultaneously with the words).

Educator: Hello cheeks!

Children: Hello! (head turns to the right to the left)

Educator: Hello sponges!

Children: Hello! (Blow kisses to each other)

Educator: Well done. Guys, would you like to be wizards? What magical items would you like to have?

Children: Boots - runners, a carpet - an airplane, an invisible hat, a magic pipe).

Educator: What are they for? Do you want to meet a fairy tale today? Then we go to fairyland. But on what we will get there, a riddle will help to guess.


He will take you anywhere

Wherever you wish

And you won't have time to look back

How to meet suddenly with miracles

And he doesn't need a pilot at all

After all, this is magical ... (carpet plane)

Well done, guessed it, and here is my magical assistant, sit on the carpet - the plane will carry us to the land of fairy tales. 1,2,3 take off, we all close our eyes

We are flying to a wonderland, past the blue skies 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 you can open your eyes (the teacher transforms into a storyteller with the help of costume elements: a kokoshnik and a fabulous sundress-apron)

The storyteller meets: Hello guys! I am a storyteller. Who knows why they call me that? So today we will meet with different good fairy tales. But in my fairyland, trouble happened. Guys, the evil wizard got angry with me and bewitched all my fairy tales, maybe you can help me to disenchant them?

Children: Yes, we will help.

Here is the first task: This is my cube with fairy tales, if you answer my questions correctly, then you will find out what fairy tales are hidden in this cube.

The first fairy tale is hidden under the number 1, listen to my question: In which fairy tale “is a girl sitting in a basket behind someone’s back” (Masha and the Bear) or

The second tale under the number 2

Guess the story from the riddle:

"There is no river, no pond

Where to drink water?

Very tasty water

In the hole from the hoof "(Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)

The next fairy tale is number 3

We need to find out from which fairy tale this passage is (any passage from the fairy tale Geese-Swans)

Well, well done.

And you will guess the rest of the tales if you untie the knots of the fabulous ball. It is necessary to guess which fairy tales curled up into a ball:

“Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman, and they had a hen Ryaba. Once she laid a testicle, a hen Ryaba. The woman put it on the window to catch a cold. And grandfather went to pull the turnip. He pulls, pulls, but he cannot pull out. ("Ryaba Hen", "Gingerbread Man", "Turnip").

Thank you for helping me to disenchant my fairy ball. But that's not all. I have a magic TV that shows different fairy tales, but the evil sorcerer broke it, the image disappeared, all the characters became invisible, so you need to guess the hero of the fairy tale by one fragment of the body.

Working with cards (word formation):

The comb of a rooster is cock, the paws of a bear are bear, the tail of a fox is fox, the ears of a hare are hare.

So what kind of fairy tale is enchanted in my TV?

Children: "Zayushkina hut."

And what kind of fox was in this fairy tale? (evil, cunning, clever)

Look carefully and say: what kind of hut did the bunny have in the fairy tale?

Children: The bunny had a bast hut.

What does bast mean? (wooden)

And what kind of hut does the fox have?


What happened to the bunny in this story?

(the fox asked the bunny to warm up, and then kicked him out)

And who helped the bunny in his trouble?

(dog, bear and cockerel)

How did the fox scare the animals? (as I jump out, as I jump out, shreds will go along the back streets)

Who was not afraid of the fox and helped the bunny drive the fox away? (cockerel)

What words did he say? (I carry a scythe on my shoulders, I want to cut a fox)

Now let's play with you

Finger game in pairs "Zayushkina hut"

(children stand opposite each other)

Our bunny lived in a hut (hands above his head, fingers interconnected in the form of a house)

He never grieve (the head is turned from side to side)

He sang the song cheerfully (nod his head)

And on the pipe, the dudel (imitation of playing on the pipe)

But the fox knocked (knock fist on fist)

She drove our hare away (clap their hands).

Now the sad bunny walks (circling).

He does not find a place for himself (sigh, and spreads his arms to the sides)

Both the dog and the bear (wag their tail, then sway from side to side)

They approach our hare (they approach each other),

And with nothing they leave (disperse).

Only one rooster

He helped our hare (waving their hands up and down).

And now they live in the house (hands above their heads, fingers connected to each other in the form of a house)

Clover, in harmony (hugs each other).

Well, well done, so we remembered a little of this fairy tale. And now you want to see it and show it yourself?

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut"


The guys were artists,

And you guys showed a fairy tale.

Artists, audience - all were good

Let's clap each other heartily!

Thank you guys, you are very interesting.

You are all so great, thank you for reviving my fairy-tale heroes, helping to disenchant the evil spells of the sorcerer, and for this I want to thank you and give you these coloring books with fairy tales. Well, now it's time for you to fly back to your group, get up all on the carpet of the plane and it will take you wherever you wish.

1,2,3 we take off, close our eyes again

1,2,3,4,5 here we are in the group again, you can open your eyes. (while pronouncing the words, the teacher takes off the costume of the storyteller)

Educator: So our lesson came to an end, and you and I ended up back in our group.

The development of the speech of a child of early age (1-3 years) is a very important stage in mastering the native language. The speech of the crumbs is not just rapidly developing - it is being formed. Therefore, helping the baby in the development of speech during this period is especially relevant. Properly organized speech communication and speech classes not only spur the development of the child's speech, but also help to compensate for possible violations, for example, a lag in speech development.

How to determine the level of development of the child's speech?

Most modern parents are aware of the importance of the development of the child's speech and zealously follow how their baby speaks. This is manifested primarily in comparing the level of development of the child's speech with how his peers speak. It is great if the baby speaks willingly and quite legibly. But if a child speaks very little, is so illegible that it is impossible to understand him, or is silent at all, this seriously worries his loved ones.

However, in order to determine the level of development of a child's speech, it is not enough to compare his speech with how his peers speak. To determine the compliance of the baby's speech with age norms, tables of the dynamics of speech development are used. This kind of information is in the public domain and gives a general idea of ​​the stages of speech formation in a child - in what periods cooing, babble, first words and phrases appear, how his passive gradually develops (what the child understands, but does not yet speak himself) and active vocabulary (what the child understands and uses in his own speech). By carefully testing the child's speech, you can identify gaps in its development.

Creation of a developing environment

In order for the child's speech to develop, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for this. The most important thing is to talk with the child as much as possible, because speech is based on imitation - the repetition of words and phrases after an adult. Speech should constantly surround the baby, he should "bathe" in speech. To do this, an adult comments on all everyday situations, sensitive moments and other events in the baby's life.

For example, washing: "Let's go wash. Let's open the tap. No, not in this direction, in the other. Like this. Where is the soap? Here is the soap. Take the soap and lather your hands. Put the soap in the soap dish. Let me help you. Three hands Now let's wash off the soap. Put your hands under the water - like this. Now let's wash your face. Put some water in your hands and rub your face. Turn off the tap. Now let's shake the water off your hands - like this. Where is the towel? Take a towel, dry your face and hands. Well done! Look how clean he has become."

Perhaps such a constant conversation with the baby at first will cause some difficulties for adults and will require a change in the style of communication and behavior. But as experience shows, this is a matter of training: if there is a desire and enough perseverance, then an adult can eventually learn to communicate with the baby more constructively in terms of the development of the child's speech. At the same time, with experience comes a "sense of balance": you need to speak constantly, but at the same time do not overdo it and not be overly verbose, speak with normal volume, in simple phrases and only to the point.

Speech development classes

Taking an active position in relation to the development of the speech of their baby, parents, in addition to rich speech communication, should organize regular classes on the development of the child's speech. Of course, this will require special training and new knowledge.

In the development of a child's speech, two main directions can be distinguished - the development of speech understanding and the development of the child's own active speech. In addition, it is necessary to pay enough attention to such additional areas of work as the development of breathing and hearing, imitation and fine motor skills.

Please note that speech development classes are not only useful, but necessary for all children - both normally developing (in this case, such classes will spur all aspects of the baby's development), and children who have a delay in speech development (in this case, there is an opportunity successfully compensate for the delay before the child reaches the age of four), as well as for children with speech therapy problems that are systemic in nature - general underdevelopment of speech, etc. (in this case, at an early age, you can study according to the system described here, and later organize special classes with speech therapist).

Development of speech understanding

Consider the work on the development of speech understanding in more detail. First of all, this work involves the accumulation of a passive vocabulary, which includes different parts of speech - nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. At the same time, work is carried out not only on words, but also on phrases. To make it clearer what is at stake, we will give an approximate dictionary of words recommended for memorization by topic. Please note: for memorization, the baby is offered only those words that denote familiar objects, actions, phenomena and states that he constantly encounters in everyday life, what he can observe, what he can act with, what he feels.

Subject vocabulary: toys ("ball", "cube", "car", etc.), body parts ("legs", "hands", "head", "eyes", etc.), clothes and shoes ("hat", "scarf", "jacket", etc.), house and apartment ("house", "door", "castle", "staircase", "room", etc.), furniture ("table", "chair", "sofa", "bed", etc.), vegetables and fruits ("cabbage", "potato", "carrot", "orange", "banana", "apple ", etc.), domestic animals and their cubs ("cow / calf", "horse / foal", "pig / pig", etc.), wild animals ("wolf", "fox", " hare", etc.), etc.

Verbal dictionary: the child's own actions ("walks", "sits", "stands", "runs", "jumps", etc.), the names of actions performed by people close to the child ("reads", "writes", "erases", etc.), etc.

Adjectives, adverbs: names of colors ("yellow", "red", "blue", "green", etc.), names of certain sensations and states ("sweet", "salty", "cold", "hot" , "painful", "tasty", etc.), the names of some concepts ("big", "small", "a lot", "little", etc.).

The proposed dictionary is not a strict recommendation, however, it gives a general idea of ​​the directions in which work should be carried out on the development of speech understanding in a child. Rather, it is a foundation on which new words and new groups of words will constantly be built.

At the same time, work on a dictionary involves both clarifying the meanings of words already familiar to the child, and getting to know new words. There is work on the dictionary both in everyday communication and in specially organized games, for example, "Show the right picture!", "Listen to the riddle, show the answer!", "Find an object by color", etc.

When working on a dictionary, it is necessary to stimulate the development of phrasal speech. To do this, we offer the child to use examples of the simplest phrases consisting of words (including light versions of words) that are already well known to the baby. These first phrases carry different functions - a proposal, an incentive, a question, a statement of fact, for example: "For a carrot", "Give me a drink", "Masha bye-bye", "Danya kup-kup", "Mishka top-top" , "Where's mom?", "Who's there?", "Here's a big house", "What is this?", "This is a red car", "This is a big cube", etc. Remember that the development of phrasal speech is the most important direction in the development of a baby’s speech: phrasal speech not only helps in communication, but also moves the entire development of the child forward.

Development of active speech

Of course, all parents want their child to speak as soon as possible, so that his speech is clear and correct. Developing the active speech of the child, we first of all stimulate his speech imitation.

Speech imitation - reproduction after the speaker of the sounds, words, phrases uttered by him. The speech imitation of a small child at first looks like an echo: an adult speaks - the child immediately repeats. Over time, the possibility of time-delayed repetition appears. In order for a child's imitation of an adult's speech to be meaningful, speech must be closely connected with the child's practical activities. According to physiologists, imitation in humans is an unconditioned reflex, that is, an innate skill. The kid, without realizing it, adopts the speech that he hears from the lips of others.

If the baby's speech develops with a delay, it is necessary to carry out special work to activate the need to imitate the word of an adult. At the same time, the child's attempts to speak are accepted in any form, even if he speaks incomprehensibly and distortedly.

It is better to develop speech imitation in interesting games. For example, we run around the room with our arms spread out to the sides - we are "airplanes", we fly and buzz "Whoo!"; or we walk around the room and "turn the steering wheel" - we are "cars", we drive and signal "Bi-bi!"; we depict the game on the pipe - "Doo-doo-doo!"; or we put the doll to sleep and sing the song "Bye-bye!" to her.

Especially effective for the development of speech is the method of finishing words in familiar nursery rhymes and poems. To do this, we pause, inviting the child to finish the last word in a line of poetry or a whole line. For example:

Bird... (bird),
Here's to you ... (water)!
Here's to you... (crumbs)
On my ... (palm)!

Rooster, rooster...
(gold comb)
Look out the window...
(I'll give you peas!)

In addition, it is necessary to carry out special work on the development of the child's verbal vocabulary, taking into account the following pattern: the more words - the names of actions in the child's speech, the higher the level of development of his speech! When developing a child’s verbal vocabulary, at first use lighter versions of the words: “top-top” - goes, “kach-kach” - swings on a swing, “am-am” - eats, “koop-koop” - bathes, “bang” - fell and etc. And to make it more interesting for the child to study, you can pick up photographs of the child himself and his family members, in which they perform some simple recognizable actions.

Of course, work on the development of active speech is best done using visualization - objects, toys and pictures.

How to determine the dynamics of the development of the child's speech?

It must be warned that the results of speech work with a baby do not always appear quickly. Do not worry and be patient - often the baby needs a period of accumulation of new knowledge and skills before he begins to actively use them. And in order to still see the dynamics of the development of the child's speech, you can start a "Diary of speech development", in which not only enter new words and phrases that appear in the baby's speech, but also the dates of their appearance. Scrolling through the records for several months, you can clearly see the results of your common work with the baby.

Good luck with your child's speech development!

Elena Yanushko early development specialist


The main thing is to talk to your child often, and speak correctly (do not lisp and do not distort words), and you can also include educational video classes (for example, we constantly watched the video of the Logo School at Home)

Comment on the article "The child does not speak? Speech development from 1 to 3 years: how to do it"

Group of early musical development for children from 2 years old. GBOU DO CDT "Strogino" As part of the Guslyar Ensemble Cheerful Chime (International Winner) Additional information and registration for classes by phone 8-916-435-26-02 Anastasia Andreevna Kubareva.

In the new year for children, I came up with even more entertainment and educational programs, in these 2-hour classes your child will gain knowledge in such areas as: mathematics, speech development, the world around him, develop his sensory skills...

Early development. Early development methods: Montessori, Doman, Zaitsev's cubes, teaching reading, groups, activities with children. There are seven books in total: "Development of color perception in children from 1 to 2 years old", "Development of fine motor skills of hands for children from 1 to 3 years old", "Mobile ...

If the child is 3 years old, and development for 1.5 years, how to deal with him? I downloaded from the Internet the development of a child for our age and for a younger one and compared what he can do and what he can’t. Well, find a defectologist to accompany your classes and consultations.


She was just as concerned. I downloaded from the Internet the development of a child for our age and for a younger one and compared what he can do and what he can’t. Let's say: a child by the age of 4 knows how to: Give his name, surname, age, city where he lives, and so on. And you will see at what age the child is developed. At home, with the help of catch up. We have at the age of 3.9g. It was clearly 3 years old, although it should have been 4 years more.

At home, decide for yourself that the child understands what developments he is ready for, what he plays with, how. If in DR, ask the staff. Stringing, large cubes, a ball, and then you figure it out yourself, success!

WE OPEN DEVELOPING CLASSES FOR CHILDREN from 1 to 5 years old. address Moscow, Novosibirskaya st., 11 questions and appointment by phone Color, shape, size, environment, development of speech, development of mathematical concepts .... 2. For children 2 - 3 years old rhythmoplasty.

Children's centers. Early development. Methods of early development: Montessori, Doman, Zaitsev's cubes Payment per month for 16 lessons of 30 minutes 2200 rubles. Classes are held in the segment from We conduct classes "Together with mom" for children from 1 to 3 years old according to the methodology ...


Non-commercial Parent-Children's Club "Kind Mom" ​​in Biryulyovo -
This is a space (both real and virtual :)), where children, boys and girls, as well as their parents, freely communicate in a friendly atmosphere on topics common to all of us, where children get to know each other, play, learn to communicate and interact with each other and all of us together also take part in some good deeds.
It seems to us that it is by our own example that we can teach a child what it means to be kind, responsive, to share what you have with others.

Our good menu:
"Good flea market" (charity fair-exchange of toys, clothes),
"Delicious dinner" (together we cook food for poor people)
"The holiday is coming to us" - together with the children we prepare Christmas gifts for the elderly living in nursing homes

Please join! we will be very happy!
The project is non-commercial, but voluntary, the entrance fee is a smile :)

call, write, let's create together! Health to you and your children!

tel.8903 976 9086 Alena

28.11.2016 15:12:51, Alena "Good mother"

Dear friends! We invite you to the new studio of creative development "Rhythm" for children and adults! Moscow, Lebedyanskaya st., 38 Phone: +7 936 777 936 0

Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of household skills. Section: Development, training (summaries of classes with children 1-2 years old).

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 81"

Synopsis of direct educational activities

on speech development in the 2nd junior group

on the theme "Journey to a fairy tale"

Compiled by the teacher Rubtsova Svetlana Vladimirovna


201 5 year

Target: Remind children the content of a familiar fairy tale, encourage them to pronounce and repeat individual words, phrases, sentences after the teacher, cultivate a love for fiction.


1. Educational:

Expand the active vocabulary of children denoting objects (name of animals, signs of animals;

To form in children the ability to build sentences;

To form the ability to understand addressed speech and answer questions from an adult;

Practice pronunciation of the sounds of your native language.

2. Developing:

Develop speech breathing;

Develop auditory, visual attention, thinking, imagination;

Develop the ability to create images of fabulous animals using plastic expressive means (facial expressions, gestures, movements);

Develop motor skills in the transfer of the image;

Develop fine motor skills.

3. Educational:

Cultivate goodwill, responsiveness, a sense of mutual assistance

Equipment: a gingerbread toy, groats for drawing on plates, a split picture with the image of a fox, a multimedia presentation.

preliminary work : Telling Russian folk tales about animals to children, designing an exhibition of Russian folk tales in a book corner.

Types of children's activities in the NOD: game, communicative, perception of fiction, motor, musical and artistic.

Teacher activity

Organizing time:

The teacher gathers children around him:

We gathered in a circle.I am your friend and you are my friend!Let's hold hands tightlyAnd smile at each other!- Well done! We smiled and gave each other a good mood!- And now let's smile to our guests and say hello to them.

The teacher invites the children to take a trip to a fairy tale. After he receives the consent of the children, they all go on a journey on a train together. (exercise "Steam locomotive")

"Come to the fairy tale"

Educator: We are in a fairy tale. We are already being met. Look who is it?(slide 1 "Grandfather and grandmother"). The teacher asks the children questions: which grandfather, which grandmother, what fairy tale are they from? Clarifies that we are in the fairy tale "Kolobok", invites children to listen to the fairy tale.

"We all sit down

Let's play nice.

Get your ears ready

Let's start our story

Educator: “Once upon a time there were grandfather and grandmother. One day grandfather asks grandmother: “Bake me, old gingerbread man.” Grandmother swept the barn, scraped the barrels, collected flour, kneaded the dough and baked a bun. Here it is (shows a bun toy). What bun? Do you want to touch the kolobok?

(the teacher picks up the bun, immediately puts it in place, says that the bun is hot, offers to blow on the bun)

The teacher lets you touch the bun and specifies its qualities (round, ruddy, fried)

He continues to tell the tale: “Yes, he was naughty, he lay on the window, lay, and rolled into the forest. Did the bun do well? Kolobok wants to go for a walk in the forest. Let's accompany the kolobok on his walk, then grandfather and grandmother will not worry. The bun rolled along the path into the forest. And a bunny is walking towards him. (slide 2 "Bunny with a bun"

What bunny? He saw a kolobok and said: "I'll eat you." And the gingerbread man says: "Don't eat me, I'll play with you"

Educator: “The bunny liked how the children played and he decided not to eat the bun. Let him go. The bun rolls on, and the wolf goes towards it. (slide 3 "The wolf and the bun")

What wolf? He saw a bun and said: "Kolobok, I'll eat you." And the bun says: “Don't eat me, the children will draw other koloboks.” The wolf liked the painted koloboks, and he decided not to eat our kolobok. Let him go.

The bun rolls on. And a bear is facing him. (slide 4 "Bear and bun") What bear? He saw a bun and tells him ... And the bun answers: “Don’t eat me, the children will play hide and seek with you”

( slide 5 "Bear location")

The bear liked to play with the children, and he let go of the bun.

The bun rolls on, and the fox meets it. What fox? She saw a kolobok and said ... And the kolobok said: “Do not eat me, fox, I will praise you.” And we will help you with a kolobok: so that the fox does not eat it, we will add a picture to the fox.

Chanterelle liked our praise and decided not to eat our kolobok. She let him go. The gingerbread man was delighted and rolled to his grandfather and grandmother, began to tell whom he had seen in the forest on his journey. Let's help him.

Then the teacher invites the children to return to the kindergarten on the train.

Rides, rides the locomotive.

Two pipes and a hundred wheels.


I'll go far.

Children activities

Children stand in a circle, perform movements according to the text

Children speak with the teacher:

"The locomotive screams "Doo-doo"

I-go, go, go ”(circular movements of the hands at the waist)

And the trailers are knocking (knocking with fists)

And the cars say: so, so, so.

Children name fairy tale characters, guess what fairy tale they are from.

Children sit on chairs.

Children answer the teacher's questions.

Breathing exercise "blow on the bun (children take in air with their nose and blow on the bun)

Finger game "Hares and Drum"
Two bunnies, two boys -
clench your fingers into a fist

Bought drums.
They play loudly, they don't notice anything. -
hit with the thumb
clenched fist
Suddenly out of nowhere -smooth movements of the hands in front of you
An old fox appeared:
I will quickly catch up with you -
shaking their finger
I'll catch up and swallow!
And the bunnies did not wait, - fingers
Run, run.
Run away, run away
And the drums ... lost! -
spread your arms to the sides

"Draw a bun"

Children draw on the groats of koloboks.

Answer the teacher's question

Children determine the location of the bear: under the tree, on the tree, behind the tree, in the house.

Children collect a picture from the cut parts and select the same-root words for the word "Fox" (Lisonka, Lisa-patrikeevna, Chanterelle)

Children say goodbye to the heroes of the fairy tale.

Lesson on the development of coherent speech

in the middle group

Topic: "Retelling the story of E. Charushin" Cat "



R.p. North Yenisei

Software content.

Educational tasks:

learn to retell a previously unfamiliar text; to achieve the transmission of its content without omissions and distortions; encourage the use of copyright words and phrases; encourage expressive speech; exercise in correlating the names of animals and their cubs

Development tasks:

Educational tasks:

to form the ability to listen to their comrades, in case of difficulties in retelling, to provide assistance; cultivate a friendly attitude towards animals.

Vocabulary enrichment: snorts, puffs, bristles

Vocabulary activation: closet, purrs, well-fed, satisfied.

Visual material: pictures of animals with cubs (cat, kittens, dog, puppies, chicken, chickens, duck, ducklings, magpie). Cards - schemes for a consistent story.

Course progress.

Children enter the group, greet those present. The teacher invites them to go to the chairs.

Educator: Let's play with you guys. Remember gymnastics for fingers "Claws"

Finger gymnastics.

At the cat's daughter

Claws on paws.

Don't rush to hide them

Let the kids watch!

(Alternately bend the fingers of the right hand, firmly pressing them to the palm. The thumb is pressed to the index finger. After the last phrase, open the palm with force, say “Meow!”.

Repeat with left hand, then both hands)

Educator. And now I will guess a riddle. To correctly guess it, you need to listen carefully and think before giving an answer.

Though velvet paws,

But my name is "scratch".

I'm good at catching mice

I drink milk from a saucer.

(children's answers)

How did you guess it was a cat? (summarizes children's answers)

I suggest you listen to a new story about a cat. It's called "The Cat". The author of the story is the writer Yevgeny Charushin, already familiar to you. (draw the children's attention to the portrait of the writer)

Evgeny Charushin

This cat is Maruska. She caught a mouse in a closet, for which her mistress fed her with milk. Maruska is sitting on the mat, full and contented. She sings songs - purrs, and her kitten is small - he is not interested in purring. He plays with himself - he catches himself by the tail, snorts at everyone, puffs up, bristles.

What words do you not understand?

What is a closet?

Second reading

Who is the story about?

During the conversation, vocabulary work is carried out on the content, the words are repeated individually: closet, hostess, well-fed, satisfied, purrs, snorts, puffs up, bristles; phrases: sings songs, little kitten.

The teacher exposes pictures - diagrams.

Installation. Guys, I'll read the story again. Listen carefully, try to remember everything in order. Pay attention to the intonation with which I read, because then you will retell it yourself.

Third reading.

After reading, a short pause to prepare the children for the retelling. Retell 3 - 4 children.

The first two retellings are evaluated. It is necessary to point out 1 - 2 qualities of a positive nature, to involve children in the assessment?

If the children find it difficult, the teacher suggests difficult words, offers to repeat the phrase or word in unison again.


Educator. And now I invite you to play. Get in a circle.

I'll be a mother cat, and you are my kittens. With my wand and spell, I will turn you into real kittens. Close your eyes and stretch out your hand: "Meow - meow - meow - kitty, you become a kitten!"

(Wand touch children's hands)

Ah, my dear kittens, you have been sleeping for so long, but now the sun has risen and it's time for you to wake up. Open your eyes. Wake up, wipe your eyes with your paws. Stretch up, (kneel) paws up, head up, bend your backs, and now lower your paws, tilt your head down, round your backs. They sat down, brushed their fur with their paws, wiped their muzzle. What clean kittens!

Wanted to eat. They meowed: “Meow - meow, give us, mom, milk!” (Children repeat the sentence)

Drink to your health!

Come on, now you can play. Kittens love to play with each other (jumping in pairs), and with their tails (wag).

Played enough, tired, it's time to rest. And it's time for you to turn into children. Close your eyes, stretch out your paw. "Meow - meow - meow - kitty, you become a child!"

After a physical minute, the children sit on chairs.


Reading a story with pictures and children's contract.

The girl Varya had a cat with kittens, a dog with puppies, a chicken with chickens, a duck with ducklings.

Once the kids ran to the river. Ducklings began to dive and swim, and kittens, puppies, chickens looked at them. Suddenly, "Tra-ta-ta-tah!" The kids got scared and ran to their mothers: kittens to the cat, puppies to the dog, chickens to the chicken, ducklings to the duck. The mothers reassured their children and they again ran to the river. Kittens run from a cat, puppies from a dog, chickens from a chicken, ducklings from a duck. They just ran to the river, as again: “Tra-ta-ta-tah!”. The little ones were more frightened than ever and again ran to their mothers. Kittens run to the cat, puppies to the dog, chickens to the chicken, ducklings to the duck. They came running and asked: “Who is it so terribly cracking?” some kind of bird darted towards the forest: it is black itself, its sides are white, its tail is long. It crackled: “Tra-ta-ta-tah!” - and disappeared.

If the children did not name, show a picture of a magpie.

And now you know?

And the kids recognized the magpie and calmed down and each went about his own business - who to look for worms, who to play.

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"Speech Development Lesson"


Lesson on the development of coherent speech

in the middle group

Topic:“Retelling of the story by E. Charushin “Cat”



R.p. North Yenisei

Software content.

Educational tasks:

    learn to retell a previously unfamiliar text;

    to achieve the transmission of its content without omissions and distortions;

    encourage expressive speech;

    exercise in correlating the names of animals and their cubs

Development tasks:

    develop coherent speech through the reproduction of a work of art.

Educational tasks:

    to form the ability to listen to their comrades, in case of difficulties in retelling, to provide assistance;

    cultivate a friendly attitude towards animals.

Dictionary Enrichment: snorts, puffs, puffs up

Dictionary activation: closet, purring, well-fed, satisfied.

visual material: pictures of animals with cubs (cat, kittens, dog, puppies, chicken, chickens, duck, ducklings, magpie). Cards - schemes for a sequential story.

Course progress.

Children enter the group, greet those present. The teacher invites them to go to the chairs.

Educator: Let's play with you guys. Remember gymnastics for fingers "Claws"

Finger gymnastics.

At the cat's daughter

Claws on paws.

Don't rush to hide them

Let the kids watch!

(Alternately bend the fingers of the right hand, firmly pressing them to the palm. The thumb is pressed to the index finger. After the last phrase, open the palm with force, say “Meow!”.

Repeat with left hand, then both hands)

Educator. And now I will guess a riddle. To correctly guess it, you need to listen carefully and think before giving an answer.

Though velvet paws,

But my name is "scratch".

I'm good at catching mice

I drink milk from a saucer.

(children's answers)

How did you guess it was a cat? (summarizes children's answers)

I suggest you listen to a new story about a cat. It's called "The Cat". The author of the story is the writer Yevgeny Charushin, already familiar to you. ( draw the attention of children to the portrait of the writer)


Evgeny Charushin

This cat is Maruska. She caught a mouse in a closet, for which her mistress fed her with milk. Maruska is sitting on the mat, full and contented. She sings songs - purrs, and her kitten is small - he is not interested in purring. He plays with himself - he catches himself by the tail, at all snorts, puffs, bristles.

What words do you not understand?

How do you understand the words - snorts, puffs up, bristles?

What is a closet?

Second reading

Who is the story about?

What happened to the cat Maruska?

What was Maruska's kitten like?

During the conversation, vocabulary work is carried out on the content, the words are repeated individually: closet, hostess, well-fed, satisfied, purrs, snorts, puffs up, bristles; phrases: sings songs, little kitten.

The teacher puts up pictures - diagrams.

Installation. Guys, I'll read the story again. Listen carefully, try to remember everything in order. Pay attention to the intonation with which I read, because then you will retell it yourself.

Third reading.

After reading, a short pause to prepare the children for the retelling. Retell 3 - 4 children.

The first two retellings are evaluated. It is necessary to indicate 1 - 2 qualities of a positive nature, to involve children in the assessment?

How did Polina speak loudly or quietly?

Do you think she told everything? Missed nothing? Did you tell everything in order?

If the children find it difficult, the teacher suggests difficult words, offers to repeat the phrase or word in unison again.

Did you enjoy retelling yourself?


Educator. And now I invite you to play. Get in a circle.

I'll be a mother cat, and you are my kittens. With my wand and spell, I will turn you into real kittens. Close your eyes and stretch out your hand: "Meow - meow - meow - kitty, you become a kitten!"

(Wand touch children's hands)

Ah, my dear kittens, you have been sleeping for so long, but now the sun has risen and it's time for you to wake up. Open your eyes. Wake up, wipe your eyes with your paws. Stretch up ( get on your knees) paws up, head up, bend the backs, and now lower the paws, tilt your head down, round the backs. They sat down, brushed their fur with their paws, wiped their muzzle. What clean kittens!

Wanted to eat. They meowed: “Meow - meow, give us, mother, milk!” (Children repeat the sentence)

Drink to your health!

Come on, now you can play. Kittens love to play with each other jump in pairs) and with their ponytails (wiggle).

Played enough, tired, it's time to rest. And it's time for you to turn into children. Close your eyes, stretch out your paw. "Meow - meow - meow - kitty, you become a child!"

After a physical minute, the children sit on chairs.


I have another interesting story for you. But I need your help, you will prompt me.

Reading a story with pictures and children's contract.

The girl Varya had a cat with kittens, dog with puppies, screaming with chickens, duck with ducklings.

Once the kids ran to the river. Ducklings began to dive and swim, and kittens, puppies, chickens looked at them. Suddenly, "Tra-ta-ta-tah!" The kids got scared and ran to their mothers: kittens to cat, puppies to dog, chickens to chicken, ducklings to duck. The mothers reassured their children and they again ran to the river. kittens run away cats, puppies from dogs, chickens off Chicken, ducklings from ducks. They just ran to the river, as again: “Tra-ta-ta-tah!”. The little ones were more frightened than ever and again ran to their mothers. They run to the cat kittens, to the dog puppies, to the chicken chickens, to the duck ducklings. They came running and asked: “Who is it so terribly cracking?” some kind of bird darted towards the forest: it is black itself, its sides are white, its tail is long. It crackled: “Tra-ta-ta-tah!” - and disappeared.

Have you guys guessed what this bird is?

If the children did not name, show a picture of a magpie.

And now you know?

And the kids recognized the magpie and calmed down and each went about his business - who to look for worms, who to play.

It's time for us to relax too.