Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Diary of a successful woman (beige, beige block, undated). Diary of a happy mother

For many of us, the beginning of the year is strongly associated not with the calendar New Year, but with September 1st. It’s not surprising, because for so many years this day has been for us a harbinger of something new, exciting, surprising and long-awaited. And now, having returned to Moscow warmed by the summer sun, I begin planning “ school year» in the Club of Passionate Mothers and in its own life. Traditionally new stage, « New Year"I'm starting with a new planner. Today, at the request of my subscribers on social networks, I’ll tell you more about the diaries that I chose for this fall.

Diary of a successful woman

The first tool for overall success that I want to talk about is "Daily successful woman» (Labyrinth, Ozone). The author of this weighty notebook is Sofya Timofeeva, director of a network of children's clubs, author of books, teacher, consultant on opening children's clubs. Some time ago I already had the diary of another owner of children's clubs - Zarina Ivanter (), so it was quite interesting to compare them.

I’ll say right away that I’ve only been using this diary for a couple of days, so I can’t yet evaluate in practice its durability and some other parameters, but from my rich experience of getting to know other diaries, I can highlight the following pros and cons of the “Successful Woman’s Diary.”

  • Nice design. A noble, moderately “businesslike” checkered design on the outside and pleasant pages in warm colors with subtle patterns, unobtrusive pictograms and frames.
  • The strap allows you to quickly open the diary on the desired page.
  • There is a division into matters tied to a specific time, and matters related to one of the areas - work, family or personal. There is a special place for recording personal care and sports plans. In general, everything is in order to maintain a balance between these areas.
  • Under each day there is a plaque to record the day's achievements and lesson.
  • At the end of each week there is a parable of the week, and each page has inspirational quotes. I can’t say that this is a significant plus, but I know that many people love it, and besides, I have never seen parables in diaries before, so this can be considered the highlight of this publication.
  • The diary is very thick and quite heavy, while the mass of pages in it has no practical use for most of us - these are various tables of measures and weights, telephone codes cities, a calendar for as many as 3 years and some completely incomprehensible texts about the well-known secrets of cheerfulness and successful negotiations. In general, what you least want to find in your diary.
  • There is only one spread at the very beginning to write down your goals for the year, “dreams” and new ideas. The following are only pages for daily planning. I would definitely remove all those weights and measures charts and add weekly or monthly planning sheets instead.
  • A successful woman's day begins at 9 am and ends at 8 pm. I understand that for a successful woman this may be quite normal, but personally, for me, a good half of the active time of the day does not fit into this framework. And I think this is relevant both for supporters of what is popular today, and for those who, like me, practice late lights out.
  • Due to its volume, the diary is difficult to hold in open position(you need 2 free hands), and somewhere in the middle it always tries to close. For example, while working, or just during the day, I keep my diary open so that it is convenient to look into it. But a “successful woman” prefers to shut herself up and keep her secrets from prying eyes.
  • There is catastrophically little space for planning the weekend. Essentially, these are a few lines under the parable of the week, and it’s good if the parable is short.

In general, as a desktop diary option for planning work and personal tasks in “broad strokes,” the successful woman’s diary suits me. My rating is a solid “four”.

Notepad for Highly Effective People ( Labyrinth, Ozone)

This notebook, it seemed to me, partly uses the name of Stephen Covey on the cover. However, this does not detract from its obvious advantages, thanks to which it receives excellent rating in my review today. And that's why. This is a notebook that has nothing superfluous, but has a lot of what “real” diaries lack. It contains what I consider necessary for effective planning highly effective mothers. Of course, I'm talking now about pages for planning the week, as well as a special place for writing down results, conclusions, and insights. In the notebook, this page is called the summary page for the time spent with the notebook. There is a page for planning your week, broken down by day and with space to write down the most important things. The daily planning pages look extremely concise - on the left there is a place to write down things with a deadline, on the right - things without a deadline. Below is the most important. There are also inspiring thoughts, but only one per week, so the pages of the notebook don’t look overloaded with information at all.

Tired of the mess in your nursery? Tired of endlessly collecting toys for your child?

Why did I write that the publication was speculating on the name of Stephen Covey? The fact is that Covey’s approach is not directly related to the notebook itself. That is, in principle, any other theory of personal effectiveness could be presented on the pages of the notebook. How did the authors “attach” Covey to the notebook? We added pages describing the 7 principles and some of his tips. “The notebook will help you understand Covey's ideas, refer to them often because he's always at hand, develop useful skills, and integrate them into your life,” says the notebook's introduction, and it's hard to argue with that.

Of the minuses, perhaps, we can note the small size of the notebook - I counted only 21 weeks in it, the absence of a lasse and also a “short day” - from 9 to 20. For Saturday and Sunday there is more space - a page for 2 days, but still there is “ discrimination” on weekends, but Covey called for planning time with family!

Happy diary

The previous 2 diaries were still designed for working people, this explains the limitation of planning time working week and time from 9 to 20. But I also have a diary created specifically for those who work 24/7, that is, for mothers. Since in in this case We are dealing with samizdat, it would not be out of place to talk about the quality of the diary. This is a notebook on a spring, with a transparent plastic cover and fairly thin pages.

There are pages for planning the month and week, making to-do lists for the month and week, working on the habits of the month, pages for taking notes and summing up the month, and “My Dreams” pages. There is a cardboard bookmark with a calendar. But essentially there is no room for detailed daily planning! That is, the weekly plan in this case immediately includes plans for individual days. The whole week takes up one spread, where you need to fit all your plans for the day into small cells (a quarter of an A5 format). Of course, there is no room here for dividing tasks into those with or without a deadline, highlighting important tasks and summing up the results of the day. True, there is a cell “Achieve the main thing” in a week, but its size does not allow it to save the situation.

For me, a significant drawback was that the cells for planning are colored grey colour- intense enough to make a diary spread filled with plans look gloomy. Not a very suitable solution for a diary happy mom.

Printed products
Volume: 368 pages.

Each of us wants to be a successful woman, because we were born for happiness and success. A wonderful hairstyle, stylish clothes, a smile on the face, admiring glances of men looking after us - everyone dreams of this. And also about having a cozy home, an affectionate loving husband and playful children. Personal achievements related to work or their own business are also important for a woman of the 21st century. Habits that lead to success are not complicated and lie on the surface. The most important habit is to manage your time effectively.

Would you like:
achieve your goals;
achieve success in all areas of your life;
stay cheerful and energetic while doing a lot of things;
learn to look impressive every day, and not just on holidays;
stop feeling guilty that you are a bad mother, wife, housewife or colleague;
understand yourself and believe in own strength;
see and evaluate your achievements;
feel successful and happy every day you live?
Our diary will help you achieve this. Believe in yourself and take action! Start taking small steps towards great success right today!
The diary is equipped with calendars for 2016-2018, as well as new parables for each week and useful pages from the author: “Secrets of vigor and energy”, “Secrets of achieving goals”, “Secrets of self-confidence”, “Secrets of successful negotiations”.
Beige pages.
2nd edition.

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Vanity, fear, lack of time and confusion make our lives dressed up and full stressful situations. I invite you to change your life in the most magical and in a simple way and become a successful and happy woman.

Successful woman- this is a woman who values, loves, respects herself and does what she loves, which, in addition to joy, also brings her income.

Happy woman is a woman who can combine family, self-care and creative self-realization, while feeling harmony in the soul and love in the heart.

How to become a successful woman? How to become more joyful and calm? Today I will tell you about it.

How to become a successful woman

All the best lies within you! And you just need to get the necessary information out of yourself. The fact is that people more often think about bad things and concentrate their attention on unpleasant events than on something pleasant and joyful. We take for granted what is pleasant and joyful. But if something bad happens to us, then emotions always overflow. We are dissatisfied with the unfair treatment of ourselves, while experiencing more and more indignation, resentment and disappointment.

And in return we get more and more more problems. I suggest reading in more detail about how this happens in the article:.

You need to learn to focus on the good, this will help you become happier and more successful. I suggest you create your own data bank, which you can call whatever you want. It could be “The Magic Diary”, “The Diary of a Successful Woman”, “My happy life", and so on. I personally call my diary “magical”, this name is very consonant with me.

Magic diary. How to create it and what to write in it

To get started, buy yourself a nice large notebook or notebook. You can create a wish card on the cover or spread of your diary. I think everyone knows how it's done. Paste yours in the center best photo, and around you paste pictures from magazines that characterize and personify your dreams and desires. The point is that as soon as you see and read your diary, you will immediately be in a better mood and motivated to live.

So, now about what exactly you should write in your diary:

1. Your desires and dreams (map of desires).

2. Written goals and dreams, both immediate and future. This is written in the present tense in the form of affirmations.

3. The steps you will take to achieve your goals. For example, the affirmation “I am getting richer every day.” Write down what you will do for this (and read affirmations every day, learn and develop, work on a project, and so on). Or “with every second I am becoming slimmer and slimmer, my figure is ideal” and what will you do for this (exercise, exercise at a sports club, diet, and so on).

4. After writing down your goals and steps, create the next section called “Gratitude.” In the article “I already wrote that in order to receive something, you need to thank for it as if you had already received it. On this page, write down your gratitude for what you had, have and will have. This can be gratitude to Life, God, the Universe, your family, and also to yourself.

5. After the gratitude page, create a praise page. And not only to her husband, but also to herself, first of all. Learn to praise yourself and see in yourself good features, character qualities, and of course, advantages in your appearance.

6. IN next section In a diary, write down your important things and plans that you definitely need to do.

8 . The next page will become a “page of joy.” Here, write down everything that made you happy during the day. You can also write down your achievements and what you are proud of here. You will understand how important it is to write down and record your joys and successes every day. This is very stimulating and inspires self-respect.

9 . On the last page, write down everything that prevented you from doing the planned things that day. Write it down here life lessons, which you received on this day and your conclusions.

Such a daily magical diary will be your most best friend and an assistant. By filling it out every day, you will become more successful and confident.

This diary will be especially useful to you if:

You don't know how to plan your time;

Are not able to plan their steps towards the goal;

You have low self-esteem and constantly criticize yourself;

Do you often suffer from depression?

You don’t know how to learn from your mistakes and move on, and you get stuck in your failures and worries for a long time.

A successful woman, as you understand, does not suffer from all this.

This magical diary will help you:

– confirm your importance and success and give energy charge to achieve new goals;

– will become a source positive emotions, which will contain energy and vitality.

Of course, you need a large notebook and for each department take not one page, but several. Glue bookmarks with page titles. Such a magical diary is useful not only to fill out daily, but also to re-read from time to time.

Live in happiness and harmony with yourself!

If this article was useful to you and you want to tell your friends about it, click on the buttons. Thank you very much!

2 years ago I thought about the need to structure not only daily activities, but also different areas of life, my dreams and goals. This is how my “Happy Mom’s Diary” came into being. On the eve of the new one, we decided to give blog subscribers “Grow Smart!” this diary.

Attention! To get the “Happy Mom's Diary” you need:

  1. Repost this post on any of social networks(or better yet on BabyBlog) and leave a link to it in the comments below.

Everyone who was already our subscriber at the time of publication will receive the kit in a separate letter today!

What is special about “Happy Mom’s Diary”?

  • This is a set of 21 working pages that help me structure my life. Each page is dedicated to a specific topic: dreams, weekly chores, cleaning, activities with children, shopping, weekly menu and even blogging.
  • Each of the pages you can print unlimited number of times, which means that your diary will not have to be taken to the storage room when the entries in it have reached the last page.
  • You can make your own diary, taking into account your preferences and characteristics of your character. For example, removing weekly menu pages from your diary if you like to cook spontaneously or eat out. If you don’t have a blog, then pages dedicated to maintaining one will not be useful to you. But if you are a blogger, then these pages will make your blogging life much easier :)
  • The diary is thoughtful and pages without signatures, which you can safely select to suit your own ideas and needs.
  • In addition to the main pages of the diary, it contains 5 sheets with bookmark flags with and without captions, as well as pictures that can be used as stickers to decorate your diary.
  • You can choose for yourself create or decorate a cover for your diary. For example, I bought a large binder that fits great amount different pages.
  • In addition to the pages I have designed, you can always file your own pages in a folder, magazine clippings, printouts, drawings, etc.

What is the format of the diary?

Initially, we created an A4 diary, but after publication we received several reviews from mothers: “... a small A5 format would be nice...”, “... it would be great to carry it in a purse, but A4 is very large...”. A couple of hours and the diary is now in two formats to choose from: A4 and A5 (which is printed on A4 and cut in half).

How do I use the Happy Mom Diary?

1. The first pages in my diary are the pages with dreams, big plans, desires and cravings. When I open my diary, I often glance at my wish lists, but this is a great opportunity to once again think and imagine my dreams. As you know, dreams tend to come true if you talk, think, and write about them.

2. Following these pages are organizational worksheets with weekly to-do lists, cleaning, budget, and shopping lists. This section also contains sheets for preparing for the holidays and lists of gifts for family and friends.

4. Then there is a children's section with lists of necessary children's purchases, as well as ideas for creativity and activity.

5. Then a culinary section with 4 options for the weekly menu, a list of favorite breakfasts, soups, main courses and afternoon snacks, as well as favorite recipes.

6. Another section of the diary - important information with contacts, addresses, notes and lists.

7. At the end there is a personal section with ideas, favorite quotes, and a calendar in which I mark important dates.

Each section is marked with a bookmark and a flag that I glued to thick paper. On some permanent pages I have pictures-decorations pasted on them. Between the pages here and there there are some clippings, drawings and A5 pages, which, by the way, I really love for their compactness.

That, in general, is the entire “Diary of a Happy Mom.” These cute colorful pages helped me deal with my perpetual disorganization. Of course, I cannot say that now I am a mega-organized person, but I can still confidently say that I have put my dreams, goals and methods of achieving them in order, and also learned to accomplish much more than before. And I also lost the chaos in my head associated with the abundance of things to remember. Now they are all on paper and remind me to myself very delicately :) And how nice it is to hold a pencil or pen in your hands and put a tick in front of completed tasks!

I'm looking forward to the question: Why have a paper diary if now any smartphone or tablet has excellent organizing applications?

I answer: I use it too different applications, I especially appreciate Wunderlist And IWish Diary. However, due to my nature, I simply need to create lists on paper. I love writing, I love paper and colored pages, I love paper recipes and checkmarks, I love drawing dolls in the margins. Therefore, a paper diary is a small window through which I communicate with myself. You know, it’s like with a child: it’s good, but there’s no real tactile sensations. But adults are also children at heart, and it is also useful for us to feel the roughness of paper and the tricky movements of a pen or pencil, hear the rustle of pages, inhale the smell of fresh ink and see our handwriting.

We wish you cozy evenings alone with your dreams, ideas, pen and paper!