Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Qualities that are essential to a true leader. Ability to gather people into a team

02/27/2018 on the basis of a municipal government institution additional education"Center for Extracurricular Activities and Youth Policy" p. In Stepnoe, the already traditional regional competition “Leader-2018” was held. The goal of which was to create conditions for self-realization of talented leaders of children's and youth public associations and bodies student government.

The event was attended by leaders of children's organizations and student government bodies educational institutions Stepnovsky district. Each stage of the selection of leaders was evaluated by jury members. 9 students from schools in the area took part in the competition.

In the competition “Me, my organization and my Motherland!”, participants presented the program of activities of their children's public association or student government and showed their ability to speak in front of an audience. The best were Tagidneva Alina (MKOU secondary school No. 6) and Sarkisov Georgy (MKOU secondary school No. 2).

The “Face of Russia” competition gave participants the opportunity to show intellectual abilities, as a result of which large quantity Alina Tagidneva (MKOU secondary school No. 6), Tatyana Kornienko (MKOU secondary school No. 9) and Alena Kononenko (MKOU secondary school No. 5) scored points.

In the competition "Defense social project» presentations were prepared and presented by the participants. In their projects, the participants proved the relevance of the chosen problem, showed the algorithm for implementing their project and the presence of a high-quality result. The best were Alina Tagidneva (MKOU secondary school No. 6) and Georgy Sarkisov (MKOU secondary school No. 2).

In the variable block of the “Blitz Game” and “Disaster in the Ocean” competitions, participants showed the ability to quickly find solutions in a new and unexpected situation. They showed their worth with dignity communication skills Tagidneva Alina (MKOU secondary school No. 6) and Sarkisov Georgy (MKOU secondary school No. 2).

The places were distributed according to the number of points as follows:

1st place – Alina Tagidneva (MKOU Secondary School No. 6);

2nd place – Lyudmila Epanova (MKOU Secondary School No. 3);

3rd place – Tatyana Kornienko (MKOU secondary school No. 9).

1st place – Georgy Sarkisov (MKOU Secondary School No. 2);

2nd place – Katsuba Panteley (MKOU secondary school No. 7);

3rd place – Alena Kononenko (MKOU Secondary School No. 5).

In the correspondence competition, participants had to create a VKontakte page and promote it in in social networks, and also post an essay on it on the topic: “Leader of our time: responsibility for oneself or for others?”

The best person to present your point of view and reveal the problem in your essay was Alina Tagidneva (MKOU Secondary School No. 6), but Ivanova Yessenia (Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1 named after Hero) created her own page and talked about her children’s public organization Soviet Union P.I. Nikolaenko).

The winners were awarded diplomas and memorable prizes.

Georgy Sarkisov and Alina Tagidneva will represent the Stepnovsky district in Stavropol, March 23, 2018, in the finals of the regional competition “Leader-2018”.

We wish Georgy and Alina success in the finals of the regional competition!

Organizing Committee of MKU DO TsVR MP

Whatever we do in business, we deal with people.

And these people, our employees, are our reflection. We attract people who we are. A productive person will attract productive people, a capable person will attract capable people, and a slacker person (if you have one in your hiring pool) will attract slacker people.
There are exceptions, it happens that the leader himself can move mountains, works day and night and “in the morning” still manages to revive those who were “blown away” by the morning. It sometimes happens that you want to pick up a “Kalashnikov assault rifle” and yet at that moment you understand that the reason for their failures is in yourself. They are you. I am them. And it’s a sin to scold them, because it turns out that you’re scolding yourself, perhaps your past self, but still yourself.

As a rule, we show emotions only in relation to those “mistakes” of our employees that we ourselves once committed.

Below, instructions written by me for the leaders of my organization (a little “smoothed out” for public access). If the ideas I have presented are close to you, let your friends read this article. I sincerely want to make this world a little better.

Enjoy reading.


It will be, at least, strange to describe all the technology of working with people and the technology of hiring personnel when all this has already been written and all this is in our office. We have this in more in simple form : in the form of courses adapted to the world of business Public organization


We have this in an even, even, simpler form, and, in my opinion, it couldn’t be simpler.
In the form of instructions written by me and my friends. These instructions are TWO PAGES long. In my opinion this is not much. So - instructions are needed. new employees and onboarding, a quick period of apprenticeship and all this interspersed with exams, testing of the real product at the post and screening those who failed - exactly in this sequence, without missing anything.

Let's add here a few more elements, qualities that any leader must have in order to be good leader, and which can be attributed to magic, to the supernatural abilities, your talent... for anything you want.

These are the elements, these are the qualities:

  1. The executive director must SEE whether it is given to a person or not! It is the ED (executive director, hereinafter referred to as ED; often this is CEO
  2. ; any manager at the top of the organization’s management) and the head of the HR department decide whether fate and life have given a candidate a job, for example, to sell or not even worth trying. It is given to him to lay bricks - or he should not be allowed anywhere near bricks, much less people.
  3. Is he allowed to do accounting or is it a fool’s errand to force this particular “accountant” to fill out a 4-line declaration. Communicate more with candidates and staff members. Delve into their production process. WATCH, not listen, but watch - can he do his job or not. Does he provide the product or not? Is HE even here? Or there is only the body and its mental “machines”, and the guy is stuck a couple of light years away. Fine! Does he do what you want and within the time frame you give him? It doesn't matter whether he has instructions or not. You are buying from him the result of his labor. Are you satisfied with the result? Are you ready to pay for such a result out of your (your) pocket? If you are not willing to pay out of your own pocket for “such” results and yet, finding excuses, pay out of the pocket of the business owner, then you, along with this guy who does not provide the product, are robbing him. You steal from all those employees who provide the product. What's right about this? It is very important to interest a person in receiving the product. It is very important to give importance, to do
  4. what's important is what it does and what it produces. ruining the system of payment in the form of interest and making it hated and not accepted means not paying the earned interest on time a couple of times. You take and for one reason or another pay everyone a little and only salaries, regardless of the person’s actual contribution. You do this because there is not enough money and because everyone needs money, everyone needs to live somehow. I congratulate you! Now, that guy who brought you money and did not receive his interest will no longer work and you will have no money or people at all (including those who had nothing to live on and you “helped” him; only he will run away first, accusing you of bad work).
  5. If the managing director said “I will fire everyone who does not produce results in the first two weeks as a manager,” he must fire everyone who does not produce results after 2 weeks (let me remind you that hiring must be massive and constant).

If the ID didn’t do this ONCE, didn’t do it the second time (he has his own cockroaches that force him to love the proletariat; or maybe he’s a communist; or maybe... I don’t know who he is), well, no one will work anymore. For what? ID is good, he will regret it and understand.

No. With such an ID, people will be unhappy and soon he will no longer have people. They will find someone who will ask them, skin them, force them, train them, but achieve production and then pay on time.

People scream, grumble and criticize those who force them to work. But they run away from those they like and follow those who FORCE them to GET THE PRODUCT at any cost. Deep down in their souls, they instinctively understand that the one who harshly and cruelly forces them to live is what they need. From their point of view, the one who can “hang” a neighbor because he had bad coffee in the morning is a leader and must be obeyed and followed. The democrat who calls for honesty and rationality, who tries to get his way through ethics and reason, will be pelted with rotten eggs and forgotten, and he will die a beggar, in a ditch, forgotten even by his friends. The tyrant who hanged a third of the nation will have monuments erected during his lifetime, will be worshiped, obeyed, worked, received money and carried in their arms. And he, a tyrant and scoundrel, will build

I'm not asking you to be scoundrels and jerks in order to achieve success. I ask you to understand the society in which you live. So far it is exactly as I describe it. Look where our democrats are now. I personally know Grigory Yavlinsky, Boris Nemtsov, Vladimir Lukin, Boris Nadezhdin, ... I saw many and communicated with many, even if it was a short conversation. But this was informal communication that allowed us to understand the person. Okay, let's take G.A. Zyuganov. You know, he's smart he is a social democrat. I spent one day with him, in principle, in an informal setting. Why is he or the Democrats not in power? Why are they no longer (democrats) in the Duma? Why isn't there any

  1. democratic movement . Their people do not support.
  2. Who do they support? Who are they following? You've got your answers. High five for you. Manage people. Use people. Rearrange them like pieces on a chessboard. Move them. Use them, including for your own personal purposes. If you use them, you have them. If you don't use them, they will spit on you, start a rebellion and find a new owner who will simply use them. Yes, here's another thing. Someone, reading this order, will begin to be indignant and scream “how dare he treat people like that!!!”, “he treats us like cattle!” - Use IT first. Mind-emotion-power.
  3. Reason doesn't help, turn on emotion (the force is already at the ready, you are ready to cut off his head and he sees it), emotion doesn't help - turn on force. The force doesn’t work - “cut off” his head - and he will follow you like a dear and others, looking at this “bloody mess”, will say: “a real boss, I’ll go to work.” Don't be nice and nice to your employees. Strengthen the power of the one who is stronger than you and do not waste a second on the one who stands and complains about his miserable life. Then, when you become powerful, you will send him candy by courier. Now, strengthen the one who is stronger. If you want to survive in this crazy world (and that world is crazy), don’t try to burden someone who is stronger than you with problems and work. So, strengthen the one who is already strong.

This can be expressed as:

  • make sure he has more free time;
  • never burden him with problems;
  • don't make him wrong;
  • take his wrongness upon yourself: “boss, you have nothing to do with it, it’s not you who are to blame for his “death” (maybe without quotes), it was I who slammed him, he dared to look askance in your direction.”

take on as much of his work as you can; And study L. Ron Hubbard's article “The Responsibility of Leaders”, it is about this very thing. And you are in danger by having power or being close to someone who is in power.

They won’t dare kick him, but they will dare you. You will be kicked, criticized, ridiculed and spat on.

You won't be envied! But you are a LEADER and others will follow you. The world is sweet! Watch TV, especially on weekends. The world is nice. Everything in it sparkles and shines.

But this is only external tinsel, behind which cruelty and violence are hidden.

And in this world, as Hubbard wrote, only tigers survive and even they have a hard time.

The ID is obliged to know and apply the above data and use it for any reason. And the ID must know that if an employee, having studied
detailed instructions
, describing all his work, and how he should produce something (provided
proper training

), requires some more instructions, then nothing can be done to help him. He has stage 4 brain cancer.

How to become a real leader? This question has worried humanity since time immemorial, because everyone wants to leave a bright mark in history. Therefore, discussions about the essence of leadership became the main topic of this essay.



Competitive essay on the topic “I am a leader XXI century".

President of the School Parliament

GBOU "Republican Mariinsky Boarding School"

Only by mastering the fire in your own soul can you ignite someone else’s soul.

Leonid Leonov, Russian Soviet writer.

How to become a real leader? This question has worried humanity since time immemorial, because, whatever you say, history is the result of actions outstanding people, and everyone wants to leave a bright mark on history. Therefore, discussions about the essence of leadership go back to hoary antiquity, but do not lose their relevance today.

Confucius also believed that a ruler should honor “5 excellent qualities”: not to be wasteful in kindness; when forcing labor, do not provoke anger; not to be greedy in desires; be majestic, but not proud; to command respect in the absence of cruelty.I think that much of the above needs to be remembered by a modern leader. But it seems to me, first of all, you need to have a certain goal, a high idea, because the closest synonyms to the word “leader” are the words “leader”, “leader”, “leading”. No wonder Maximilian Robespierre, one of the leaders of the Great French Revolution, wrote: “A leader has two important features: firstly, he himself goes somewhere, and secondly, he can lead people.”

And further important point: yes, they came for you, but will everyone get there? So I think a true leader has to balance fine line: be strict, but not rude; be friendly, but not weak, modest, but not timid, show firmness and confidence, but not arrogance, have a sense of humor, but at the same time be tactful. And, most importantly, he must remember that leadership is responsibility. Responsibility to the people who trusted you, and to the work you do together. That is, there is a direct emotional and moral connection between the leader and those who follow him. Charisma plays a big role in these relationships - the ability to make a strong impression on others, charm. If a leader is charismatic, then not just a few people will follow him, but the masses will follow him. But the moral responsibility of such a person is much higher.

These are the qualities that a person who has chosen the role of a leader should have, and I think that these qualities are universal for any era. However, one cannot ignore temporary factors, because each period human history leaves its mark on everything, including the perception of the leader.

So what should it be successful leader in the 21st century? Some things remain unchanged: good organizational skills, a developed sense of responsibility, self-confidence, personal charm - these are always valuable. But that's not enough in the world of high information technologies, and today, in my opinion, we also need such qualities that time itself dictates: the ability to quickly make decisions, insight, the ability to find new ideas. In addition, a modern leader must be able to absorb information from all possible sources and see new opportunities before others. It’s not for nothing that the proverb that characterizes our age is the words: “Whoever owns the information, owns the world.”

This is, in my opinion, general characteristics a true leader of the 21st century. And I try to follow this ideal, because in order to become successful in the future, you need to cultivate and develop these qualities in yourself now. Of course, some may object to me that leadership qualities are akin to an ear for music: either a person has them or he does not have them. I think that to some extent this is true. But still, if you do not develop these qualities in yourself, then you can hardly count on good results, because not all people with keen ears become great musicians. The road of work, patience and perseverance leads to the heights of success.

That is why I have been part of the active class since the first class; for several years in a row I was elected commander of my cool team. When I became a ninth-grader, I took part in the election campaign for the School Parliament, the student government body, and took the post of Minister of Culture. Together with other members of the school Parliament, we developed a plan that we implemented throughout the year. I was organizing festive events, concerts, discos. To be honest, this work took me quite a lot of time and effort, but I saw the result of my labors, and it made me happy. I received recognition from the students of our school: at first they began to simply recognize me, then they began to respect me.

At the beginning of this school year I again tried my hand at the elections for the President of the School Parliament, and I managed to get greatest number votes. I must say that the struggle was not easy, but I understand that the main difficulties lie ahead. I have to prove that it was not in vain that the guys trusted me, that I really deserve to be called the leader of my school. And I believe that someday I will be able to proudly say about myself: “I am a leader of the 21st century!”

Henry Ford said that the question "Who should be the boss?" is similar to the question “Who should be the tenor in a quartet?” Obviously a man who can sing tenor. A true leader is not afraid of responsibility and is ready to answer for the people who have trusted him.

Not every person is given the opportunity to be a leader in the most in the best sense this word. Many are sure that being ahead of everyone is very prestigious, but in fact they are poorly aware of what a true leader should be, what qualities he should have so that people would strive to follow him and would like to be equal to him.

After all, in essence, this person is like a beacon that indicates where people who trust him need to move.

A leader can become a person whose interests are much broader than just his own, because he thinks extremely broadly - and, first of all, he is most interested in personal growth, development and self-realization of other people.

Qualities that are essential to a true leader

1. A clear awareness of your own goal

A true leader knows absolutely exactly and really understands where and why he is going - because this gives him the opportunity to lead other people - his followers. Otherwise he will be just a small unit of a large crowd.

2. Self-control, the ability to listen to your intuition

Know yourself well, the ability to understand what is happening inside yourself, the ability to understand and right moment listen to own emotions, sensations, intuition - really important quality a real leader.

Are you surprised that so much attention is paid to ordinary feelings? In vain. It is they who help at the right moment to correctly navigate what is happening and to “notice” in time the chance that life carefully provides. A true leader cannot be manipulated, he cannot be led astray from his intended path - after all, he clearly understands what he wants.

3. Adequate self-esteem

A leader must be calm, sober-minded, and in his own strength. All these important qualities help him behave correctly in certain critical cases, and thanks to them, sometimes he can even take risks in some way, because in certain critical situations his determination and courage are really increased.

Adequate self-confidence significantly expands the limits of a leader’s capabilities, as a result of which he can acquire new positive life experience. Usually such a person has a feeling own confidence much higher than that of his followers.

4. Moral readiness to take reasonable risks

A true leader is ready to take risks not only in business, in his own business, in his own work, but also in his normal everyday life.

Moreover, he is absolutely not afraid to do this, and all because he is quite clearly aware that he will have to pay a serious price for initiative not shown in time. That is why he is ready, in some cases, to literally get ahead of possible events and consciously take a certain risk.

5. Honesty and reliability

Any leader is, in a sense, the bearer of certain general moral norms of a certain association of people, therefore his own worldview and actions must correspond to the universal human and moral norms that are familiar to us - justice, honesty, reliability, a certain responsibility and a clear consistency in his own actions and actions.

6. Motivational activity and adequate initiative

A true leader never waits for someone else to make him want to be productive. He understands and is clearly aware that the entire responsibility for convincing himself to do something lies solely with him. Therefore, first he tries to learn how to properly motivate himself, and later he makes self-motivation a necessary and absolutely regular practice.

7. Active life position

It is she who helps the leader correctly and adequately navigate in any current situation. Thanks to her, he is always practically in the thick of any events, knows how to find out everything directly from first-hand, and as a result of this, he is well informed about everything that is happening and has an absolutely clear own opinion on every occasion.

8. Ability to gather people into a team

As a rule, he constantly attracts people to himself with his thoughts or ideas, certain ideals, as well as the power of his ability to convince, this is how he intends to certain group like-minded people, which becomes a cohesive team.

This is the skill common man is most important ability, which subsequently determines him to successfully become a leader. And competent setting of the right values ​​and rational control over the adherence of the followers themselves to these goals is an important quality of the leader himself.

9. Definition and clear vision of the future

Agree that a person leading a team must know the direction where he is going. Therefore, the most important organizational qualities of a true leader, among others, also include observation, determination and clear awareness prospects for the specific activities of his team - the people who follow him. A true leader does not notice the obstacles that arise in his way, but he absolutely clearly and clearly sees the specific goal to which he strives.

10. Ability to organize and motivate a team to quickly solve assigned tasks

This is fundamental organizational quality a true leader. It lies in the ability to competently and adequately distribute responsibilities between team members, as well as the ability to properly motivate and at the right time inspire people to complete specific tasks and coordinate work if really necessary.

11. The ability to quickly navigate in any current situation

In fact, the leader is main participant complex process, he is literally in the center of events, where they interact and confront various forces, which very often, for objective reasons, cannot be independently controlled. Therefore, a true leader must feel the potential development of events, literally “feel the situation” and at the same time be able to instantly navigate it so that the decision he makes is exclusively correct.

12. Willingness to help and support your followers in difficult times

These qualities characterize a true leader as a Person. People begin to respect him even more because he always keeps their interests in mind, and if he is also puzzled by what he can give them, and not by what he, as a leader, can get from them, then respect and love for him is simply will know no boundaries. A bad leader is one who does not notice the problems of his followers and does not consider it possible to support them in difficult situation, especially when he can and is capable of doing it.

In addition to this extensive list leadership qualities a true leader must be able to thank and encourage his followers in a timely manner. This will help him perform specific functions in organizing the management process much more successfully.

How often have you met people like this in your life? Most likely, it is really rare. Sometimes life tests the strength of such comrades. They start out like true leaders, but the tests, alas, never pass, because they are weak in character or they are not leaders at all, but just ordinary upstarts.

If you suddenly notice certain leadership inclinations in yourself, then know that positive traits need development, which means that you are able to overcome all obstacles that arise, avoid possible temptations of exceeding your authority and become a real leader, but this is not achieved immediately. Don't be afraid to work on improving your own personality!

Do you know what distinguishes a boss from a subordinate? Leader from follower? Maybe a separate office with a leather sofa? Pretty secretary? Company car with driver? High salary?

Yes, exactly, the bosses have it all. Why are they so happy? For the ability to see the target? The ability to ignite and motivate others? Confident look? Honesty? Or for the ability not only to make decisions to achieve a goal, but also to take responsibility for the results of the decisions made?

Why do real leaders take responsibility?

After all, it’s much easier to either not make any decisions or blame everything on someone else. This is the original human quality- reluctance to take responsibility for one’s actions, which Adam and his wife proved by unanimously shifting responsibility for decision at everyone who caught his eye, including the Creator.

It is noteworthy that the Creator in in this case didn’t say: “well, okay, for the first time I forgive you, no matter what the child amuses himself with... you’ll still grow up.” Do you know why? Because human nature is such that a person, even if he is three times honest, but if he is allowed to do whatever he pleases without consequences, 99.5% of people through certain time will feel unpunished.

Responsibility is the price we pay for power (Winston Churchill)

Illustration. I want to tell you the story of Samson. In fact, many people know about Samson, but somehow everything is more about his antics with Delilah and in the context of female cunning. But the background to his tragedy began precisely with irresponsibility, which stemmed from impunity and immaturity.

Samson was a Nazirite. Few people find this word informative, so I’ll explain. Nazarenes are people who were dedicated to serving God from birth. God gave them exceptional abilities and talents for observing (in addition to communicating with Him) certain rituals and external visible signs. In particular, Nazirites did not have the right:

  • Eating grapes and all their derivatives (for example, drinking wine and eating raisins)
  • Cut hair
  • Touch a dead body, even if it was your own parents
  • And this is in addition to what was prescribed for an ordinary Orthodox Jew.

Samson, in his Naziriteship, possessed colossal, superhuman strength. Simply Mister Incredible. What did our hero do with his gift?

  • Killed a lion (pulled his head into his shoulders, waited for the result - the strength did not disappear)
  • After a while, the bees built a hive in the lion’s body - he pulled out honey (from the dead body) and ate it (he became wary - the power did not disappear)
  • He made friends with the Philistines (the sworn enemies of the Jews), drank with them and decided to marry one of their women (occasionally glancing at the sky and flexing his muscles)
  • When the Philistines did not please him, he grabbed the jawbone of a dead (!) donkey and beat with it those who came to hand (no matter where and no matter what)

So the situation with Delilah is not a question of frivolous, crazy love, but a question of irresponsibility for decisions made. Samson died untimely and not heroically. His strength returned only for a moment and only because God had his own opinion about the future of the Philistines.

Most people don't really want freedom because it implies responsibility, and most people are afraid of responsibility (Sigmund Freud)

So the question is: what is good and what is bad?

  • not make any decisions?
  • make any decisions and see what comes out of it?

But, dear ones, it is only a matter of making a decision and the associated risk. These are not questions of responsibility for decisions made. We make decisions every day. Not making any decisions is also a decision. Not caring is also a solution.

Mindlessness is also a solution. We take risks every day: no one knows 100% in advance what this or that action will lead to - Annushka could already spill her oil. Proposing solutions through creativity is great, as long as you know you won't have to answer for it. By the way, this is why the management always looks more conservative than the team - they know what to hit, if something happens, they will start with him. Thus, the best way to develop a sense of responsibility in a person is to give him this responsibility.

What if they are not promoted to responsible positions?

Secret: the lack of an inner core is painted in large letters on the forehead. Because responsibility is either fear of punishment or maturity - there is no third option. And if you are responsible only because you will be fired for poor quality work, this is not leadership responsibility at all. It's time to reconsider priorities and reframe (change the picture in your head). Everything in the world is relative.

A simple example. People look at the price of a product (service, training, etc.) from one of two points of view: in relation to the contents of their wallet or in relation to the value of what is being offered. And what’s curious is that the price does not change on its own, but if the point of view suddenly changes, the attitude changes dramatically. Those. If a training course is expensive relative to your wallet (say, $50), then when you understand WHAT exactly you will learn from this course, your attitude changes. Because you already think in other categories: in terms of profit, not spending.

What does this have to do with responsibility for the decision made? It's simple. One may decide not to make any decisions to avoid responsibility. Then others will decide for you. You have nothing to lose and nothing to gain. Perhaps in old age it will become a little sad that life has flown by and you haven’t managed to do anything. And it won’t occur to you that you didn’t have time because you didn’t want to have time.

You can start making risky decisions and taking responsibility for them. It's scary, you can fly in... Yes, you can take off. But in any case, victory or defeat, we gain Experience. The most valuable thing into which you can convert the slipping time.

I really like the phrase that one of my friends says: “If I dream about own home And every day I hammer in at least one nail, I will hit my fingers with a hammer more than once, but in five years I will have my own house and experience in building houses, which I can pass on to my son. And if I just dream about a house, in five years I’ll just become older.”

In order for the inscription on your forehead to change from “Executor” to “Leader,” you need to work a little on yourself. For example, learn to admit own mistakes and take responsibility for your decisions.

Do you want to learn how to take responsibility for making decisions?

You can start doing this like this: take a pen, a notepad and make a list. Begin each phrase with the words: “I am responsible for...” Continue the phrase with any expressions, no matter how absurd they may seem to you. Try to have at least 10 statements on your list.

Meaning: get used to this frightening phrase and learn to say it out loud.

  • Try to take on everything that was previously unknown to you. Learn new hobbies (dancing, surfing, drawing), don’t be afraid to change your hobbies and interests. Practice in public speaking(you can start in front of children, parents, a cat, a photograph) - such experience is priceless for a future leader.
  • Just avoid competitions and activities where you will have to compare yourself with others. There is a risk that
  • Rejoice in small victories, keep a Success Diary. Every day before you go to bed, write a list of at least three, and preferably seven, things that you managed to cope with. Not great, not brilliant, just manageable. Because the concept of “brilliant” is different for everyone: if for a sanguine person even moving his grandmother across the road is a brilliant act, then for a melancholic person the annual financial report of a large company will not become brilliant if he put a comma in the wrong place.

This exercise should not depend on whether the day turned out to be successful or, conversely, mediocre. Just do it every day without missing a single one. And you will see the sky in diamonds. This is no joke: you will very quickly become positive person. Stop focusing on failures and start concentrating on things and projects from which you emerged victorious. Believe the opinion of a former melancholic introvert.