Biographies Characteristics Analysis

When to add ing in English. Ed, -Ing endings in English

Many students are often confused -ed And -ing ending at English language. For example, you want to say that you miss ( bored ), but it turns out that you are boring ( boring ) or vice versa. There is a big difference between these two meanings, confusion may occur, and this is due to misuse endings. But the rule is actually very simple. You will find in this article rules for using adjective endings, examples of their use, exercises with answers, and.

Rules of use -ed And -ing endings in English

Many adjectives have endings -ing or -ed. It's best to understand the difference by looking at specific examples:

Oleg has been reading the same story for a very long time. He does it for his little son John, because John likes the story very much. Oleg is already bored with it.

(Oleg spends a lot of time reading the same story to his little son John, because John really likes this story. Oleg is already bored with this story.)

Ending -ed used to express the feelings and emotions of a person or any living creature.

Ending -ing used in an adjective that describes a thing, evoking feelings or emotions.

Oleg is reading the very boring story. Oleg is bored because the story is boring. (Oleg is reading a very boring story. Oleg is bored because the story is boring)

Can a person be boring? Of course, then he causes boredom in others:

Oleg is boring, I am bored with him.(Oleg is boring, I'm bored with him)

Comparisons and examples

IMPORTANT: you cannot use –ed endings with things, since things do not have feelings and emotions.

Exercises on endings in English -ed and -ing

  1. It’s very irritated irritating when people don’t listen when you’re tlaking to them.
  2. I think the whale is the most fascinated fascinating creature in the ocean.
  3. I heard some really interested interesting news yesterday.
  4. The new project sounds excited and exciting. I'm looking forward to working on it.
  5. It was a truly terrified terrifying experience. Everybody was very shockingly shocked.
  6. The hot chocolate was comforted comforting.
  7. The storm was threatened threatening.
  8. I was really amazingly amazed when I was offered the job.
  9. I was very annoyed annoying when my sister forgot our dinner date.
  10. My children were very hungry. The apples were satisfying satisfied.
To view the answers, click on this phrase

Have you ever wondered why endings are needed in words? With them you have to learn more rules, and the language only becomes more complex.

However, these are required components of any language. Endings connect words in a sentence with each other and indicate their logical connections. With them, serenades sound more lyrical, and you can’t go wrong with the instructions for fragile equipment.

In English, unlike Russian, there are only three endings: -s, -ed And -ing. But they have many more cases of use.

Let's take a closer look -ing ending in English. It is added to:

  1. The initial form of the verb to form continuous tenses:
    • Present Continuous: I am water ing the flowers now– I’m watering the flowers now.
    • Past Continuous: Jane was drinking ing tea at 5 o’clock yesterday– Jane was drinking tea at five o’clock yesterday.
    • Future Continuous: We will play ing football from 4 till 6 tomorrow– We will play football tomorrow from 4 to 6.
    • He said that they would be work ing the whole day“He said they would work all day.”

    Please note that all verbs with an ing ending are translated into Russian in imperfect form- answer the question "what to do?". This will give you a hint when doing all kinds of exercises.

    • Present Perfect Continuous: I have been read ing since 3 o'clock– I’ve been reading since three o’clock.
    • Past Perfect Continuous: We had been walking ing for an hour when we saw the city– We had been walking for an hour when we saw the city.
    • Future Perfect Continuous: Children will have been sleeping ing since afternoon when the teacher comes– The children will sleep from noon when the teacher comes.
    • Future-in-the-Past Continuous: Jack said that they would have been writ ing the essay for 2 hours when the bell rank John said that they will be writing the essay for two hours when the bell rings.

    Ending -ing always points to duration of action- remember this as well as the fact that London is the capital of England.

  2. Verb to form forms of participle, gerund and infinitive
    • Gerund: I like to be ing praised– I like it when people praise me.
      We are fond of cook ing – We like to cook.
    • Participle: The talk ing boy is my cousin– The talking boy is my cousin.
      Hav ing visited our friends, we went home– After visiting our friends, we went home.
    • Infinitive: I am happy to be danc ing with you“I’m happy that I’m dancing with you now.”
      We are sorry to have been speaking ing so loudly“We're sorry we spoke so loudly.”
  3. The ing ending is also used for formation of other parts of speech, for example, adjectives: An amus ing TV show- funny show
    A shock ing disaster- shocking disaster
    An interest ing fact- interesting fact
  4. There are also parts of speech in which expressions can end with the ending –ing. But you're in luck - you can be sure that in them it's just part of the word: dur ing - during, during
    sibl ing - brother or sister

As you noticed, at the end –ing There are many uses in English. You are required to stop trembling in your knees and remember that it indicates duration of action, used with impersonal forms verb or helps form other parts of speech.

Probably each of us remembers standing at the chalk board during a lesson in the beautiful and powerful Russian language and, for some unknown reason, drawing an arc, a tick, or a square over a word. This whole entertaining process was pathetically called parsing a word into morphemes, namely: prefix, root, suffix and, of course, ending. Today we will talk about the latter, but only in English. There might be something you don't know!

Speaking purely in grammatical terms, the concept of “ending” ( ending) or the buzzword “inflection” ( inflexion) from the Latin “to bend” - to bind, refers to the variable part responsible for the process of forming different variations of the same word, to the basic form of which special elements are added. Through these manipulations it is expressed grammatical meanings, that is, the special role that a unit of speech plays in a sentence. The endings in English grammar include: possessive case (“ s); plural (- s / -es); present tense 3rd person + singular (- s); past tense (- d), (-ed) or (- t) and ending (- ing). Well, now in order.

Inflection ""s" in English

Possessive ( possessive case ) we use when we need to say that something belongs to someone. This very case is formed by adding a special sign to the end of the word “ " "apostrophe and endings" - s" Below are a few examples for clarity.

Ending -s / -es / -ies in English

First, the simple present tense, known to everyone as the Present Simple. It is used when we talk about some facts or ordinary actions.
We form the present tense using basic form infinitive (without the particle to). Golden Rule: third party in singular (he / she / it) just requires an ending - s / -es / -ies. For example:

Every morning Kelly eat s a sandwich with blueberry jam and peanut butter and drink s a mug of coffee for breakfast.
Every morning Kelly eats a sandwich with blueberry jam and peanut butter for breakfast and drinks a mug of coffee.

Secondly, when it is necessary to use a plural noun ( plural nouns), according to the rule of education plural to the singular form of a noun, depending on which letter is at the end, the ending is added - s / -es / -ies. For example:

Pumpkin, don't forget to buy 10 donut s, 5 orange s and 3 bananas s, please.
Pumpkin, please don't forget to buy 10 donuts, 5 oranges and 3 bananas.
vowel + y / other cases -ch / -sh / -s / -ss
-x / -z / -o
consonant + y
to slay - he / she / it slays
a gun - guns
to fuss - he / she / it fusses
a coach - coaches
to ply - he / she / it plies
a wherry - wherry

Ending -ed / -ied / -d / -t in English

Firstly, the ending - ed inherent correct English verbs(regular verbs), which are used in Past Simple . As you know, the simple past tense is used to state a fact or describe a series of actions that immediately followed each other in the past. Education formula: verb(without to): bombinate ( buzz) + ed = bombed(buzzed). Example in context:

James got in the old clunker started the engine and drove off.
James got into his wreck, started the engine and drove off.
consonant consonant + y vowel irregular forms
to yell - yelled
to belong - belonged
to vary - varied
to cry - cried
to whine - whine
to bake - baked
to send - sent
to feel - felt

Secondly, - ed also occurs in the past participle ( participle II). The participle is the golden mean, where the characteristics of a verb, adjective and adverb coexist comfortably, which answers the question “ what (c)did he?», « Which?" For example:

The quote, present ed in the article, caught my attention.
The quote presented in the article caught my attention.

The quote " which? or " what did she do?» — presented, i.e. the action seems to have already been completed - it has already been used in the article. The participle defines the subject in a sentence, supplementing it with new facts and characteristics.

The ending -ing in English

Firstly, the ing ending is used when constructing long English tenses Continuous = Progressive. For example:

Currently, my bearded mate is playing ing PS4.
IN this moment my bearded friend plays on PS4.

Here Present Continuous: auxiliary linking verb to be V in the required form+ infinitive of the semantic verb without to, but with the ending - ing. However, tenses that emphasize an action or state in the process also include Perfect Continuous = Perfect Progressive. For example:

A bearded mate of mine has been play ing PS4 for six hours already.
My bearded buddy has been playing on PS4 for 6 hours now.

Present Perfect Continuous: linking auxiliary verb to have in the required form + been + infinitive of the semantic verb (without to), but with the ending - ing.

Secondly, - ing also occurs in the present participle ( participle I), which answers a number of the following questions: “ Which?», « what is he doing?», « what are you doing?. Example:

That woman, chill ing on the sofa, is my future wifey.
That woman relaxing on the couch is my future wife.

We observe that the participle is formed by adding the ending - ing To basic verb form and introduces new features that are characteristic of the subject.

verb base + -ing
finagle + -ing = finagle ing

verb base + -ed
finagle + -ed = finagle ed

Thirdly, this same inflection is also used with the gerund ( gerund), a special form of the verb that behaves in a sentence as subject(subject), an object(predicate) or predicate(definition/circumstance). The gerund is to some extent reminiscent of verbal noun, for this reason it can be translated into Russian as an infinitive, subordinate clause or noun. A few examples to illustrate:

My buddy’s favorite occupation is hang ing out with friends.
My friend's favorite pastime is hanging out with friends.
Well, to be honest, I’m not engrossed in pastel draw ing.
Well, to be honest, I'm not into pastel painting.

Types of English endings

Today we have put together the most common endings that are used everywhere in the English language. We hope that from now on you will have a complete picture of what an ending is, what it can be, exactly when and where it should be used. If there are not enough endings, then catch English suffixes for dessert. Yummy!

Big and friendly EnglishDom family

The ing ending in English is a sign of several grammatical forms. The ending ing is usually added to verbs, and the action takes on the meaning of a process or duration.

ING ending in grammar

The ending -ing in English is used in the following cases:

During the time of the group Continuous.

The tenses of this group have two common features: firstly, the verb to be in the right tense, secondly, semantic verb with - ing.

For example:

Lima is constantly chatting with her friends on the Internet. (Present Continuous) - Lima constantly chats with her friends on the Internet.

Rebecca was driving home at that time yesterday. (Past Continuous) - Rebecca was driving home at this time yesterday.

I will be having dinner at eight p.m. tomorrow. (Future Continuous) - I will have dinner at eight in the evening tomorrow.

The meaning of the process, the duration of the action, is common to all the above situations, regardless of the time of action. Ending - ing - a sign of continuation of action and common element in all tenses Continuous.

When forming the form Participle 1 - Present participle.

The ending -ing is also added to the verb to form a participle. A participle can appear in a sentence:

1) Before a noun, characterizing it

Those laughing girls are well-known models. - Those laughing girls are famous models.

2) After a noun, in participial phrases.

The swans flying in the rays of the sun were amazing. - The swans flying in the sun were amazing.

3) At the beginning of a sentence, in adverbial phrases.

Having no sense of humor he couldn’t understand his friends" jokes. - Having no sense of humor, he did not understand the jokes of his friends.

When forming a verbal noun.

A verbal noun is formed by adding the ending -ing to the verb. You can distinguish it from other “ing” forms by placing in front of it possessive pronoun or a noun in the possessive case.

Debora's singing is always magnificent. - Debora's singing is always magical.

When forming a gerund.

Gerund in English is special verb form(also with the ending -ing), which combines the characteristics of a noun and a verb.

A gerund can be:

1) Subject

Swimming is useful for health. - Swimming is good for health.

2) Part of the predicate

Lima's favorite leisure activity is dancing. - Lima's favorite leisure activity is dancing.


Usually this sentence member is a gerund paired with a predicate with a preposition. This is the case when the combination “verb + preposition + gerund” is recommended for memorization as a complex.

Here are several options for such “bundles”:

insist on

Her parents insisted on moving to another city. - Her parents insisted on moving to another city.

to be afraid - be afraid of

Vera was always afraid of leaving home. - Vera was always afraid to leave the house.

accuse - accuse of

His granny accuses him of being rude. - His grandmother accuses him of being rude.

get tired - be tired of

I’m awfully tired of working around the clock. - I'm terribly tired of working around the clock.

object - object to

They strongly object to cutting down the trees around their house. - They are categorically against cutting down trees around the house.

We looked at the main cases of using the ing ending in English. From the above examples it is clear that the ing form of the verb is widespread in English. Its use cases cover several grammar rules. Despite the identity of education, this form can be in different parts speeches from different features correct use.

Ending ING in spelling

There is one more point to consider when considering the ending ing in English - the rules for writing it with a verb.

Any verb ending in English, be it -ed, -ing or -es, can change the original verb. Usually we are talking about replacing or omitting letters. These rules are the same for many endings. The same rules apply when adding the ending -ing to a word.

  • if the original word consists of one syllable and ends in a consonant, this consonant is doubled: drop - dropping;
  • if the original word ends with a consonant plus “e”, “e” is omitted: hate - hating;
  • if the original word ends in -ie, then the last two letters change to “y”: tie - tying.

The ending ING in phonetics

Nothing says “Russian English” more than a clearly pronounced “g” sound at the end -ing. As soon as the first words with this ending appear in your English lessons, carefully monitor their pronunciation - there should not be a “g” sound in it. Practice pronouncing the nasal sound correctly. Given the prevalence of this form, the ability to pronounce it correctly is important. In addition, when listening, it is important to distinguish by the sound in speech a verb with the ending -ing from a verb with the preposition in - the meaning of the statement depends on this.