Biographies Characteristics Analysis

UNESCO Heritage in Greece. UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Greece

Second large layer cultural heritage in Greece they form monuments of Orthodox (Byzantine-Christian) architecture. During existence Byzantine Empire gradually formed its own architecture school, passed the way from the Christian basilicas of the late Roman period to the exquisite cross-domed Orthodox churches of the late Byzantine period. Monuments of Byzantine architecture ( orthodox churches and monasteries) are scattered throughout Greece, but some places where they gather, unique open-air museums, are included in the UNESCO list: Thessaloniki, Mystras, Meteora, Holy Mount Athos.

(Western Macedonia) was founded in the 4th century. BC. king of Macedonia and received the name of his wife Thessalonica. The city's heyday came during the Byzantine era, when Thessaloniki became the second Christian center of the empire after Constantinople. It was here that the enlighteners of the Slavs were born - Saints Cyril and Methodius. The masterpieces of medieval architecture include the early Christian and Byzantine churches IV-XIV centuries with monuments of mosaic art. The White Tower, built in the 15th century, rises above the historical part of the city. on the foundations of ancient structures.

One type of monument of Byzantine architecture includes three monasteries located in different parts Greece, but built at approximately the same time (the era of the second “Golden Age” of the 11th-12th centuries under Emperor Justinian) and are similar in appearance. This is (Attica, near Athens), Monastery of Ossios Loukas(Phocis, near Delphi) and Nea Moni monastery(O. Chios in the Aegean Sea). The monastery churches were built according to a cross-domed design. Their large domes rest on octagonal bases. The monasteries are decorated with marble carvings and mosaics on a golden background.

(Laconica, south of the Peloponnese peninsula) was founded in the 13th century. on a fairly steep slope of the mountain, on the top of which there was a fortress. In the 15th century Mystra became major center Byzantine culture. Orthodox churches and monasteries were built in the city, connected by steep stairs. In the Cathedral of Mystras in the middle of the 15th century. The last Byzantine emperor, Constantine Palaiologos, was crowned. But in the 19th century. the city was captured by the Turks and abandoned local residents. And so the ruins of the medieval Byzantine city have stood on a mountainous slope to this day.

(Greek “floating in the air”) is an entire “monastic country” in the mountains of Thessaly, in northwestern Greece. Above the green valley rise monolithic rocks over 400 m high, on the tops of which by the 16th century. 24 monasteries were founded (currently only 6 monasteries remain active). In Byzantine times, these inaccessible rocks became a shelter for hermits, and later, thanks to the gifts of the emperor, monastery buildings were rebuilt here. They are made of stone, covered with red tiles and connected by wooden galleries overhanging the precipices. The walls of the temples were covered with frescoes, icons were painted by artists of the Cretan school. If earlier it was possible to get to the monasteries only in special nets lifted by monks, now you can get there along steps carved into the rocks.

(Chalkidiki peninsula, Western Macedonia) has the status of a theocratic republic, recognized in 1926 and governed by a council of four members and an assembly consisting of representatives of 20 monasteries. Athos became the spiritual center of Orthodoxy immediately after the schism of Christianity in 1054. Orthodox monasteries were founded from the 10th to the 16th centuries. At first they were controlled byzantine emperors, then by the Ottoman Turks. But even during the Ottoman rule, women were not allowed into the monastic republic, and the Sultan had to leave his harem on the border of Athos. Now about 1,400 monks live in the monastic republic of Athos. To get there you need a special pass. The Athonite community has its own police force.

– a small rocky island of the Dodecanese archipelago in the eastern part Aegean Sea. In the Hellenic era, an acropolis was built here, and the Romans used the island as a place of exile. According to legend, at the end of the 1st century. John the Theologian was exiled here, where in one of the caves he received a revelation that formed the content of the Apocalypse and the Gospel. At the end of the 10th century. The largest monastery of St. John the Evangelist in Greece was founded here, outwardly resembling a powerful fortress. The monastery complex rises above the white ecclesiastical and civic buildings that form a small settlement on the mountainside. The cave of the Apocalypse in the rock is also a sacred place. The monastery is a place of pilgrimage and a center of Greek Orthodox education. Atypical for Greek architecture and not fitting into the canons of Byzantine-Christian art, there are two cultural heritage sites in Greece. One of them (Rhodes) is a medieval city with a noticeable Roman Catholic and partly Muslim heritage. The second (Corfu) is a medieval city where, thanks to the Venetians, a mixture of different architectural styles.

- the largest island of the Dodecanese archipelago, located at the junction of the Aegean and Mediterranean seas near the coast of Asia Minor. IN ancient times Rhodes was home to one of the seven wonders of the world - the statue of the Colossus of Rhodes. In the Middle Ages, the island constantly changed hands, which was reflected in the architecture of the main city of the island. IN early XIII V. Rhodes was captured by the Knights of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem (future Order of Malta). The city turned into a powerful citadel with thick fortress walls. The Upper Town, which includes the Grand Master's Palace, the Grand Hospital and the Street of the Knights, is one of the most beautiful medieval Gothic ensembles. In the Lower Town, Gothic architecture coexists with mosques and other buildings from the Ottoman period. Monuments from the ancient era have also been preserved in Rhodes.

- a city on the island of the same name in the northern part of the Ionian Sea west of mainland Greece. The island is of great strategic importance on the trade route connecting the West and the East across the Adriatic Sea. There were Romans, Goths, and Normans here. The Venetians built three fortresses here, which they defended for almost four centuries. merchant ships Venetian Republic from the Ottoman Empire. For this reason, Corfu is called a fortified city. What makes Corfu so charming is not only its unique mixture of architectural styles, but also its narrow, picturesque streets called “kantunya”, where you can wander for hours.

Cradle of civilization. For many centuries, Greece remains a unique place where the most ancient monuments of culture and architecture have been preserved. Many of them are included in the World Heritage Sites. In particular, one of the most famous objects is the Athenian Acropolis. It was built back in the 5th century BC on a rocky peak. Below the Acropolis lies the picturesque Ilios Valley. Over time, the building was repeatedly destroyed by invaders. The Acropolis, on which the craftsmen who built the Parthenon and the Temple of Athena Nike worked, was severely damaged after the explosion of an Ottoman gunpowder magazine in the 17th century. Due to the earthquake and military conflicts, this landmark has survived to this day in a dilapidated state. But today they are used to preserve it Newest technologies on restoration and preservation of architectural monuments.

Many UNESCO sites in Greece require no less maintenance than the Acropolis of Athens. For example, the Palace of Knossos on the island of Crete is a unique example of ancient architecture discovered by archaeologist Arthur Evans. At the beginning of the 20th century, he initiated excavations, as a result of which the remains of a majestic building were discovered. Thanks to restoration work, it was possible to restore ancient Cretan frescoes and vessels. In addition, the palace is identified with the ancient myth of the Minotaur. Allegedly, here was the very labyrinth where the monster lived.

Holy Mount Athos is a truly legendary place, protected by UNESCO in Greece. There are twenty Orthodox monasteries located here, which gives this attraction great importance in religious world. At different times, the mountain belonged to the Turks and Venetians, but still retained its originality and today receives pilgrims from all over the world. To others a shining example religious architecture are the monasteries of Meteora. They are located in the mountains of Thessaly. The monasteries are located on the tops of huge rock formations. Geologists believe that the sea dried up at this place in the prehistoric period, which led to the formation of these blocks. Today, six of the twenty-four built monasteries of Meteora are functioning.

Greece is a country with a unique, world-famous, picturesque nature and a huge cultural heritage that has great importance not only for Europe, but for the whole world. To date, 15 cultural monuments and 2 objects of cultural and natural origin are included in the UNESCO list. In addition, 8 more objects are in line for the well-deserved title of World Cultural Heritage.

Corfu Island

Corfu- this is the Italian version of the name Kerkyra Islands, located in the northern part of the Ionian Sea. For the sophisticated tourist, there are many attractions here - these include various architectural monuments, observation platforms, temples, monasteries, museums, and parks.

Temple of Poseidon, ancient Paleopolis city, Royal Palace, Paleo Frurio fortress, Achilleion Palace, ruins of the Temple of Artemis– important monuments of history, culture and architecture. These buildings and even the ruins of some of them clearly reflect the former atmosphere and convey the spirit of ancient times. In addition, it is known for its unusually picturesque landscapes. Panoramas from observation deck Paleokastritsa and the Pantokrator Mountains allow you to relax not only with your body, but also with your soul. No less important cultural sites are temples, monasteries, churches and museums.

Ancient cities - Mycenae and Tiryns

The archaeological sites of Mycenae and Tiryns in the nome of Argolida were included in the UNESCO list in 1999. The main attractions of Mycenae are Mycenaean Castle with a unique construction of fortress walls, and Lion Gate, opening the way to the ancient city. The defensive structures of Tiryns, as well as its acropolis, are important architectural objects. Their historical and cultural value lies in the unique finds of artifacts reflecting traces of the ancient Mycenaean civilization.

Archaeological sites of Vergina

Located 80 kilometers from Thessaloniki, it lived a quiet provincial life for a long time, until in 1977 the burials of great historical figures were discovered here - King Philip II and Alexander IV, the son of Alexander the Great. In addition, tourists come here for the ancient acropolis and beautiful views on the sea.

Delos Island - home of the gods

Delos is one of the islands of the Kekladas archipelago, added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1990. The island has many attractions, including the dried-up Sacred Lake, the Minoan fountain, the market square, the temples of Isis and Hera, the house and statue of Dionysus, the terrace of lions, and the house of dolphins. In ancient times, the island was a huge trading port.

Olympia - ancient Greek sanctuary

One of the most ancient sacred places is located in the region of Elis on Peloponnese island. Recognized as a world architectural value in 1989. The sanctuary was originally located on fertile lands at the foot of the hill, and was dedicated to the goddess Gaia. In the 12th century BC. Olympia became the property of the Aeolians and Dorians, who proclaimed the cult of Zeus here.

It is also known for the fact that chariot competitions were held here, which over time were supplemented by other sports disciplines, turning into Olympic Games. The first Olympics took place in 776 BC. e.

The main attraction of Olympia is the sanctuary of Zeus, which includes the treasury of the city, the temples of Zeus and Gaia, the stadium and many other objects, built in different times. Each era and government has developed the culture of Olympia, which is reflected in the rich architectural heritage cities.

Acropolis of Athens

It is difficult to name a more memorable object of ancient architecture than the famous acropolis located in Athens. It occupies almost the entire area of ​​the hill in the central part of the city, and is visible even from remote areas of the capital.

The Acropolis was rebuilt many times, destroyed and rebuilt. Today, it has been preserved here Temple of Athena, patroness of the city, temple of Nike, sanctuary of Pandion, Theater of Dionysus, and more than two dozen architectural objects.

During antiquity, the Acropolis served protective function– its walls reliably hid supplies of water, provisions and gold from enemies. In addition, religious celebrations were held in this sacred area every year.

Mystras - a medieval city

Mystras is located in the state of Laconia, recognized as a cultural and archaeological heritage in 1989. In the territory medieval city many Orthodox monasteries were built (Metropolis, Brontochion, Pantanassa, Perivlepta) and churches (St. Sophia, Evangelistria). Architectural sights of no less interest are the Palace of the Despotate, as well as various ruins against the backdrop of picturesque landscapes.

Rhodes city and medieval fortress

The Rhodian fortress is located in the city of the same name, which is part of the Dodecanese island archipelago. At one time, one of the seven wonders of the world was located here - the Colossus of Rhodes, which served both as a lighthouse and a monument to ancient greatness.

At all times, the city was the main port and center of trade. The architectural design reflects a huge part history of Rhodes. On the territory of the Rhodes fortress, the walls of which were long considered impregnable, there are many cultural, natural and architectural sites: museums of Byzantium and archeology, Hippocrates Square, the gates of Ambulaz, Liberty and Platia Simiz, the street of Socrates and the Knights, the Suleiman Mosque - these are the attractions which are definitely worth a visit in Rhodes.

Epidaurus – the cultural center of Greece

Archaeological Epidaurus objects have been a cultural heritage of world significance since 1988. Today, attractions include the temple of Askilepion, an archaeological museum and a beautifully preserved theater. It is the theater that is the main object that attracts the attention of the whole world. Epidaurus Theater- a brilliant combination of architectural thought, engineering technology, art and high skill of builders. The design of the theater is impressive in size. The most interesting thing is the acoustics - the theater is built in such a way that even the whisper of an actor can be heard by each of the 14 thousand spectators.

Meteora – monastery complex

Meteora. Monastery of St. Varlaam

They are one of the largest rock monastery complexes. They were included in the list of world cultural heritage in 1988 and the number of monasteries is 24. Today, only a quarter of them are active. were founded in the 10th century, and have been operating continuously since then. Besides the huge cultural significance, they are also amazing natural places. The monasteries are located on high cliffs, which creates the effect of structures “floating in the air.” The natural inaccessibility and seclusion of the rocks provided ideal conditions for the creation of an entire monastic settlement.

Delphi - the center of the world

City of Delphi is located in the region of Phocis. The ruins of the ancient city were included in the UNESCO list in 1987. The Pythian Games, the second most important after the Olympic Games, were held in Delphi. According to mythology, it was in Delphi that two eagles met, which Zeus sent towards each other to find the center of the earth. Today the city is an open-air museum. The main attractions are the ruins of the Temple of Apollo Pythian and the tholos of Athena Pronaia. No less valuable cultural objects are treasuries with various military trophies and other valuables of the townspeople, an ancient stadium for 6 thousand spectators and the Delphic Theater. Nowadays, the Delphic Games are held, which are considered a creative branch of the Pythian Games. Those who want to touch the secrets of the ancient city can visit the Kastalskie springs.

There are still many cultural sites that are in the queue for honorary title UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site. Unique nature, amazing vegetable world, the unique architecture of temples, acropolises, castles, fortresses are masterpieces created by nature and man. The extraordinary performance of the entire architectural ensembles, the creation of which seems difficult even with modern technologies. Despite the constant attacks of enemies, the ancient sights are well preserved and continue to attract tourists here.

To preserve world values ​​that are considered heritage world heritage, to protect them from any damage and destruction and pass them on to future generations, in 1945 an organization for the protection of monuments, on issues of culture, science, education - UNESCO was created.

Heritage protection is important factor in maintaining and strengthening peace, strengthening intercultural dialogue and calling for mutual respect in various ways life, at the same time enriches with knowledge and skills transmitted through culture from one generation to another.

In order to integrate monuments or natural and cultural sites on the UNESCO World Heritage List, they must meet many criteria.

17 Greek monuments are included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, such as the Acropolis of Athens, Meteora, Olympia, the Byzantine monuments of Thessaloniki, the royal tombs of Vergina, etc. Some monuments are candidates for inclusion in the World Heritage List, such as the Palace of Knossos in Crete, the Samaria Gorge, Lavrion, Nikopol and others.

- Temple of Apollo Epicurean (Ναός Επικούριου Απόλλωνα)

The majestic temple, dedicated to the God of healing and the sun - Apollo, was built in the mid-5th century BC. on the steep mountains between Ilia, Arcadia and Messinia, on the Peloponnese peninsula. The temple combines archaic and Doric styles, with some optical subtleties and architectural features.

- Acropolis in Athens (Ακρόπολη Αθηνών)

Church of the Holy Almighty Savior Christ

Walls of Thessaloniki

Temple of the Prophet Elijah

Byzantine Baths

All the early Christian and Byzantine monuments of the city of Thessaloniki constitute a typological series, which had a huge impact in Byzantium. The city of Thessaloniki itself was founded in 315 BC. uh, it was big and great city, it was one of the main cities of the Byzantine Empire.

- Medieval city of Rhodes

Medieval buildings, fortresses, narrow streets, minarets, old houses with balconies, fountains, all this creates a unique feeling of another era.
The Upper Town of Rhodes is one of the most magnificent urban centers of the Gothic period. IN lower town, Gothic architecture harmoniously combines with mosques, public baths and other buildings of the Ottoman Empire.

- Archaeological site of Olympia

In the western part of the Peloponnese, in the picturesque valley of the Alpheus River, is the most famous sanctuary of ancient Greece - Olympia, which was dedicated to the father of the gods, Zeus. It was an important religious and sports center of the ancient world. The origin of the cult and the mythical confrontations that took place in Olympia are lost in the mists of time. The Olympics began in 776 BC. e. and continues to the present time.

- Archaeological site of Mystras

Six kilometers northwest of Sparta, Mystras is located, which will take you to another dimension, to the era of the Byzantine Empire. The timeless Byzantine castle of the Peloponnese creates an irresistible atmosphere and a magnificent spectacle.

- Archaeological site of Delos

In ancient times, the legend of the birth of Apollo and Artemis made the island a sanctuary - no mortal was allowed to give birth or die here All known ancient world recognized the sanctity and uniqueness of the island. From the 3rd century BC. e. and before the beginning of the Christian era, Delos had the richest trading port.

- Monastery of Daphne, Monastery of Chios and Monastery of Osiou Loukas

The three magnificent monasteries belong to the same typological series, despite the fact that they are located at a considerable distance from each other. The large dome of the monasteries rests on an arch, thereby creating an octagonal space. Inside the monasteries there was rich decoration - mosaics on a golden background, colorful marble decorations, unique frescoes.

- Ireon on the island of Samos

The mythical goddess Hera was born on the island of Samos. Here are the ruins of the Temple of Hera - these are 115 giant columns that have survived to this day. Herodotus considered the Temple of Hera the most significant in Greece. A small port in the village of Pythagorio ( ancient capital islands) is filled with magnificent Hellenic and Roman monuments.

- Archaeological site of Vergina

Necropolis and royal palace, discovered in the 19th century in the village of Egon, near Vergina, belonged to the Macedonian kings. In one of the royal tombs, there were the remains of the father of Alexander the Great - Philip II. The palace is decorated with mosaics and frescoes and dates back to the 11th century BC.

- Archaeological sites in Mycenae and Tiryns

The majestic Tiryns and Mycenae are two large and important cities of the Mycenaean civilization, which dominated and played important role in the development of classical Hellenic culture in the eastern Mediterranean (XV – XII centuries BC). Historical events in Tiryns and Mycenae, about the life of the ancient Greeks, were often mentioned by Homer in the Odyssey and the Iliad.

- Historical center with the Monastery of St. John the Theologian and the Cave of the Apocalypse on the island of Patmos ΟΓΟΥ ΚΑΙ ΤΟ ΣΠΗΛΑΙΟ ΤΗΣ ΑΠΟΚΑΛΥΨΗΣ ΣΤΗΝ ΠΑΤΜΟ)

The Monastery of St. John the Evangelist on the island of Patmos is perhaps the most important monastic complex of the Aegean. Here the saint wrote the Gospel and the Apocalypse. Patmos, with its medieval historical centre, is an excellent example of traditional Greek religious pilgrimage and has significant architectural interest.

- Old Town of Corfu

Strategic and geographical position the island of Corfu, at the entrance to the Adriatic Sea, identified it very early special role in the history of the Mediterranean. Therefore, the port of Corfu often played a leading role in all major events political history Europe. In the Old Town of Corfu there are two historical medieval fortresses that have survived to this day.

As of 2017, more than a thousand man-made and natural sites around the world are included in the UNESCO cultural heritage list. The organization is dedicated to preserving these unique, one-of-a-kind places and promoting their cultural, historical or environmental significance. Located in Hungary, Austria, Greece, Argentina and 161 other countries that have ratified the Convention for the Protection of the Cultural and Natural Heritage.

World Heritage Convention

The fundamental document, which currently regulates the issues of preservation, restoration, protection and popularization of unique historical and cultural monuments, began to take shape after the First World War and was finally formed in the second half of the twentieth century. The World Heritage Convention in Hungary, Austria, Greece and other countries gives the following benefits to properties that have received special status:

  • additionally guarantees the integrity and safety of unique monuments;
  • promotes the popularization of objects and increases the prestige of the institutions that manage them;
  • ensures priority in the distribution of funds from the World Heritage Fund to support unique monuments;
  • promotes the development of eco-tourism;
  • improves monitoring of the condition of natural and cultural heritage sites.

Evaluation criteria

There are several criteria according to which a certain monument can be assigned a special status. Among them, for example, are the following:

  1. The object is unique of its kind, exceptional for a civilization that has ever existed and still exists.
  2. It is a masterpiece of human genius.
  3. It is of exceptional importance; the object is directly related to traditions, rituals, beliefs, artistic or literary works.
  4. Is an outstanding example of architecture, design, technology, or landscape illustrating a significant period in history.
  5. It is a natural phenomenon, exceptionally beautiful and of aesthetic importance.
  6. The object includes important natural environment necessary for the conservation of biological diversity.
  7. Is a monument of the past, reflects important geological processes, physical and geographical features.

If a monument of nature, architecture or art meets at least one of the criteria, then it can be classified as a World Heritage Site.

World Heritage Lists by country

The most outstanding monuments (53) as of 2017 are located in Italy. This is the historical center of Florence and San Gimignano and Siena, the Castel del Monte castle, traditional dwellings in the town of Alberobello, several archaeological zones, and so on. China is in second place (52), followed by Spain (46), France (43), and Germany (42). World Heritage sites are also located in Austria, Greece, Argentina, and Hungary.

In Russia there are 28 (or 29, taking into account the monuments located on the territory of the Crimean Peninsula) heritage sites, including the historical center Northern capital, Kremlin and Red Square, historical sites of Novgorod, Solovetsky Islands, monuments of Vladimir and Suzdal, Komi forests, Lake Baikal, Kamchatka natural volcanoes, Western Caucasus, Altai Mountains, Wrangel Island and so on.

Outstanding Heritage Sites in Greece

In Greece - one of the cradles of human civilization - one and a half percent of total number World Heritage Monuments, namely 18 sites. Most of them are included in the list solely according to cultural criteria, two monuments are included according to mixed criteria.

The World Heritage of Greece is represented by the following monuments (in order of addition to the list):

  1. Temple of Apollo.
  2. Ruins of Delphi.
  3. Acropolis in Athens.
  4. Mount Athos is the spiritual center of Orthodoxy.
  5. Monasteries of Meteora.
  6. Monuments of Christianity in Thessaloniki.
  7. Epidaurus is an ancient city famous for its architectural monuments.
  8. City of Rhodes.
  9. Ancient town of Mystras.
  10. Monuments of Olympia.
  11. Delos Island.
  12. Byzantine monasteries.
  13. Archaeological excavations and the temple of Hera on
  14. Archaeological excavations of Vergina.
  15. Monuments of Mycenae and Tiryns.
  16. Historical center and monuments of the island of Patmos.
  17. Old town of Corfu.
  18. Ruins of Philip.

Archaeological sites

In the territory Ancient Greece the first settlements appeared 5 thousand years ago. Archaeological excavations of such an ancient culture are today listed among the names of the World Heritage Sites of Greece. These are the excavations of Epidaurus, Vergina, Mycenae and Tiryns, the ruins of Philip, Delphi, the ancient city of Mystras and medieval Rhodes. These places became World Heritage Sites in Greece due to their significance in the early period of human history - they were cultural and historical centers, capitals, and burial places of kings.

Early Christian and Byzantine monuments

Another important period in history - the development of Christianity - also took place on the territory of modern Greece. World Heritage Sites include such monuments of early Christianity and Byzantium as the monastery of Patmos (in this place, according to legend, John the Theologian preached), the monasteries of Daphne, Nea Moni, Hosios Loukas, the Church of Hagia Sophia, the Basilica of St. Demetrius, the Church of St. Nicholas, Prophet Elijah, Mount Athos and so on.

All these monuments have special religious, cultural and historical meaning for the whole world. World Heritage Sites in Greece are a must-see. Such significant places will not leave anyone indifferent.

Austrian Special Heritage Sites

There are world heritage sites in Greece, Argentina, and Austria is not far behind - one of the richest countries in the world. The list of outstanding monuments of the Republic of Austria includes nine items:

  1. Salzburg city center.
  2. Schönbrunn Palace and Gardens.
  3. Dachstein mountain range in Hallstatt.
  4. Semmering railway.
  5. and the historic center of Graz.
  6. Danube Valley Wachau.
  7. Landscape of Lake Neusiedlersee.
  8. The historical city center of Vienna.
  9. Traditional pile huts in the vicinity of the Alpine mountains.

Five facilities are located in the eastern part of the country, three more in the northwest.

World Heritage in the Republic of Hungary

The Republic of Hungary is home to eight World Heritage Sites. Hungary, Austria, Greece, Argentina - these countries are on a par in terms of the importance of the cultural and historical monuments. Notable objects include:

  1. Budapest. Special meaning has the historical center of the Hungarian capital, the banks of the Danube, Fortress Hill, Heroes' Square, the State Opera House and other buildings.
  2. Ethnographic Museum in the village of Holloko. The village in northern Hungary, whose name translates as "Raven's Stone", is not just another open-air museum. In a small settlement, a measured life flows, the same as in past centuries.
  3. Caves of the Slovak Karst and Aggtelek. The mountain range in which the caves are located is protected because it is a unique form of relief.
  4. at Pannonhalma Abbey. It is the oldest monastery in Hungary and the second largest Catholic abbey in the world.
  5. Necropolis of the city of Pecs.
  6. National natural Park Hortobágy. The largest and oldest protected area in all of Hungary.
  7. Landscape of the Förte Nature Reserve. Biosphere Reserve It is classified as a protected site due to its unique landscape and biodiversity. Natural object is the westernmost flat brackish lake in Europe.
  8. Tokaj wine region. White wines are produced there; the earliest evidence of Tokaj winemaking dates back to the mid-sixteenth century.

Eleven heritage sites in Argentina

If almost all World Heritage sites in Greece are included in the list precisely according to cultural significance, in Argentina the monuments are distributed more proportionally: three are included in the list according to cultural criteria, two - according to natural ones, and one more - according to mixed ones. Outstanding monuments in Argentina are:

  1. Los Glaciares Protected Area.
  2. Jesuit missions in Indian lands.
  3. Protected area, Iguazu Park.
  4. Cave Cueva de las Manos.
  5. Peninsula Valdez.
  6. Natural parks of Talampaya and Ischigualasto.
  7. Jesuit quarter and missions of Cordoba.
  8. An ancient path to the Uauumaka gorge.
  9. A unique road system in the Andes.
  10. House of Doctor Kuruchet.
  11. Los Alerces Natural Reserve.

World Heritage Sites (in Hungary, Austria, Greece, Argentina and other countries) are places that are distinguished by their outstanding natural, cultural, historical significance for all humanity. The stunning landscapes and centuries-old stories behind these wonders are definitely worth the trip and experience for yourself. World Heritage sites Hungary, Greece, Argentina and other countries around the world are open to visitors, so you can buy tickets to one of the countries right now.