Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Literature presentation "Analysis of the poem by A.A. Akhmatova" One goes the straight path. Go the straight path One goes the straight path analysis

GO STRAIGHT. GO THE STRAIGHT WAY. Book. Express. To live honestly, doing justice, acting without tricks and deceit. [ Godunov:] It is easy for you, Nikita Romanovich, to follow the straight path, You calmly and quietly look at this world with sadness!(A.K. Tolstoy. Death of Ivan the Terrible).

  • - "...2...

    Official terminology

  • - who, what, how, what, what, what To carry out activities; develop...
  • - who act independently, purposefully, not succumbing to other people's influence. You must grit your teeth and go your own way, you have a different destiny. M. Shatrov, Dictatorship of conscience...

    Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

  • - who carry out their activities openly, without tricks and deceit; live and act honestly, in accordance with their life principles, ideals. A permanent line of conduct is implied ...

    Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

  • - go / go your own way your own way Act, act independently, independently. From noun. with meaning persons: an artist, a scientist, an artist ... goes his own way ...

    Educational Phraseological Dictionary

  • - MOVE, -a, about the move, in the course and the move, pl. moves, -ov, hodShy, -ov and moves, -ov, ...

    Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

  • - GO YOUR WAY. GO YOUR WAY. Remaining true to his convictions, act independently, not succumbing to the influence of others. Whatever Nelson and his assistants wrote, Ushakov followed his own, Russian path...

    Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

  • - GO STRAIGHT. GO THE STRAIGHT WAY. Book. Express. To live honestly, doing justice, acting without tricks and deceit. It is easy for you, Nikita Romanovich, to follow the straight path, You calmly and quietly look at this world with sadness! ...

    Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

  • - You don't drive straight along a curve ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Raven., Sib. Frankly, openly. SRNG 17, 86; FSS, 106...
  • - Narodn. Same as Good luck! Balakai 2001, 435...

    Big dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - adverb, number of synonyms: 1 diagonally...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 3 unhypocritical frank straightforward ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 3 straightened straightened straightened ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 3 straightened straightened straightened ...

    Synonym dictionary

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Anna Akhmatova
One goes straight...

One goes straight
The other goes around
And waiting to return to his father's house,
Waiting for an old friend.
And I'm going - I'm in trouble,
Not straight and not oblique
And to nowhere and to never,
Like trains off a slope.

read by Alla Demidova

Anna Akhmatova's "phenomenon" arose at the turn of two centuries, and both of these centuries were filled with tragic and monumental events for Russia and the whole world: the globe was shaken by two cruel wars, revolutions thundered. Of course, these events also led to the formation of new literary trends characteristic of this particular era. The tragedy and emotional tension of those times contributed to the development of a new sub-genre in "female" poetry, deeply saturated with personal experiences. The representative of this trend in poetry, or rather, the pioneer, was Anna Akhmatova. The first critics of her works for a long time picked up analogies that could at least somehow characterize her work, managing to stop only at a distant, distant resemblance to the Greek singer of ancient times - Sappho; this comparison went side by side with the poetess from the beginning of her career until her death.

The earliest works (for example, "The White Flock" and "Evening") by Akhmatova are almost all imbued with love feelings and experiences of the poetess. The style of the early poems turned out to be so fresh and innovative that contemporaries simply could not pass by: how many poems about love and feelings were written and rewritten, how many authors expressed the most daring thoughts on this subject, Akhmatova’s poems turned out to be completely different from anything that had ever seen before .

Of course, many critics were confused in the classification of Akhmatova as a poetess: her style was rather vague, and critical works sometimes called her a representative of symbolism, sometimes an acmeist, not noticing, at first, all the novelty and freshness of love lyrics.

It is worth noting that the image of the heroine in Akhmatova's poetry is her own image. This is quite surprising, because given the diversity of characters and destinies in the works of the poetess, you begin to wonder: can this really be the fate and character of the same person? Throughout her life, Akhmatova managed to play many roles, to experience the whole variety of possible female destinies: she was a mother and a wife, a lover, a wife. All these images are present in her poems, and the fact that she herself went through the described difficulties and anxieties gives the poems a sense of honesty, truthfulness and emotional elaboration.

It is quite difficult to classify, "sort out" the character of Akhmatova's hero in the way that schoolchildren do, considering, for example, Pushkin. Everything here is much more complicated and diverse - in fact, for this so many people re-read the works of Akhmatova many times!

Anna Akhmatova
One goes straight...

One goes straight
The other goes around
And waiting to return to his father's house,
Waiting for an old friend.
And I'm going - I'm in trouble,
Not straight and not oblique
And to nowhere and to never,
Like trains off a slope.

read by Alla Demidova

Anna Akhmatova's "phenomenon" arose at the turn of two centuries, and both of these centuries were filled with tragic and monumental events for Russia and the whole world: the globe was shaken by two cruel wars, revolutions thundered. Of course, these events also led to the formation of new literary trends characteristic of this particular era. The tragedy and emotional tension of those times contributed to the development of a new sub-genre in "female" poetry, deeply saturated with personal experiences. The representative of this trend in poetry, or rather, the pioneer, was Anna Akhmatova. The first critics of her works for a long time picked up analogies that could at least somehow characterize her work, managing to stop only at a distant, distant resemblance to the Greek singer of ancient times - Sappho; this comparison went side by side with the poetess from the beginning of her career until her death.

The earliest works (for example, "The White Flock" and "Evening") by Akhmatova are almost all imbued with love feelings and experiences of the poetess. The style of the early poems turned out to be so fresh and innovative that contemporaries simply could not pass by: how many poems about love and feelings were written and rewritten, how many authors expressed the most daring thoughts on this subject, Akhmatova’s poems turned out to be completely different from anything that had ever seen before .

Of course, many critics were confused in the classification of Akhmatova as a poetess: her style was rather vague, and critical works sometimes called her a representative of symbolism, sometimes an acmeist, not noticing, at first, all the novelty and freshness of love lyrics.

It is worth noting that the image of the heroine in Akhmatova's poetry is her own image. This is quite surprising, because given the diversity of characters and destinies in the works of the poetess, you begin to wonder: can this really be the fate and character of the same person? Throughout her life, Akhmatova managed to play many roles, to experience the whole variety of possible female destinies: she was a mother and a wife, a lover, a wife. All these images are present in her poems, and the fact that she herself went through the described difficulties and anxieties gives the poems a sense of honesty, truthfulness and emotional elaboration.

It is quite difficult to classify, "sort out" the character of Akhmatova's hero in the way that schoolchildren do, considering, for example, Pushkin. Everything here is much more complicated and diverse - in fact, for this so many people re-read the works of Akhmatova many times!

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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Analysis of the poem "One walks the straight path ..." by A.A. Akhmatova Compiled by: teacher of Russian language and literature Gustoy K.S. KGB POU No. 7 2015

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On May 13, 1934, a friend of Akhmatova, the poet Osip Mandelstam, was arrested and sent into exile. She worked hard, went to visit. “We once confessed to each other with Akhmatova that the strongest feeling that we experienced was stronger than love and jealousy, the strongest of all, it was fear and its derivatives - a vile consciousness of shame, bondage and complete helplessness,” wrote N. Mandelstam, wife poet. On October 27, 1935, her son, a student of the Faculty of History of Leningrad University, Lev Nikolayevich Gumilyov, and her husband, Nikolai Nikolayevich Punin, professor at the All-Russian Academy of Arts, were arrested. Both were soon released. Lev Gumilyov

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The monstrous repressions of the 1930s, which fell upon almost all of Akhmatova's friends and like-minded people, also destroyed her family hearth: her son arrested three times in 1938 received 5 years in the camps. Akhmatova herself lived all these years in constant expectation of arrest. In the long and woeful prison lines to hand over the package to her son and find out about his fate, she spent, according to her, seventeen months. In the eyes of the authorities, she was an extremely unreliable person: the wife, although divorced, of the "counter-revolutionary" N. Gumilyov, who was shot in 1921, the mother of the arrested "conspirator" Lev Gumilyov, and, finally, the wife of the prisoner N. Punin. N.N. Punin

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Akhmatova could not but understand that her life was constantly hanging by a thread, and, like millions of other people, stunned by unprecedented terror, she listened anxiously to any knock on the door. It would seem that in such conditions it was unthinkable to write, and she really did not write, that is, she did not write down her poems, refusing, in her words, not only from pen and paper, which could become evidence during interrogations and searches, but also from printing. But the poem "One goes his own way" was still born in 1940. It appeared in print only in 1963 under unusual circumstances.

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The history of the publication of the poem "One walks the straight path" B. A. Slutsky was one of the compilers and a member of the editorial board of the 1963 yearbook "Poetry Day". The young poet Vladimir Saveliev, who was then in charge of the poetry department in the magazine Rural Youth, brought him his poems. Slutsky told him: "Anna Akhmatova praised one of your poems - about horses ...". And he recommended calling A.A. After a conversation with Slutsky, Savelyev made up his mind - he called Akhmatova and received an invitation to visit her. She lived then on Ordynka near the Ardovs. He took a friend with him, they drank for courage and went to Ordynka. He did not read his poems - he was embarrassed, but said with the bravado of a tipsy person: “Anna Andreevna, I would like to publish your poems in the Rural Youth magazine ... To which A. A. reasonably replied: “But I don’t have poems for the magazine Rural Youth! He promised with vehemence: “I will print any of your poems!” And she, smiling, gave him two poems that were impenetrable at that time: “One walks a straight path ...” and “The run of time” ... Naturally, they did not appear in the magazine. In March 1963, a team of Moscow writers, authors of the Rural Youth magazine, went "to the great construction site of communism" in Novokuznetsk, at the Metallurgical Combine. And on March 16, a selection of poems appeared in the factory circulation "Metallurgstroy" under the title "We are visiting the magazine" Rural Youth ". It was a whole newspaper strip of poems, and among them are both poems by Anna Akhmatova.

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One goes straight, The other goes in a circle And waits for the return to the father's house, Waits for the old girlfriend. And I'm going - trouble follows me, Not straight and not obliquely, But to nowhere and never, Like trains from a slope. 1940

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The history of the creation of the poem “Time (1930s) was apocalyptic. Trouble was on the heels of all of us, ”A.A. Akhmatova believed. Family, friends, acquaintances, comrades in the shop - some in the grave, some in prison. Surveillance, waiting for arrests, torture, humiliation, death, in a word - despair.

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Find keywords-images. Direct path, in a circle, trouble, nowhere, never, from a slope Words of what part of speech prevail in this poem? - In the first part, nouns predominate (way, circle, return, home, girlfriend) - In the second part, adverbs (not straight, not oblique, nowhere, never)

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What are the features of the composition of the poem? Compositionally, the poem is built on antithesis. The author contrasts different paths, lines of fate. The lyrical heroine has a special path: "not straight and not obliquely, but to nowhere and never ...". Graphically, it looks like this:

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What is the tone of the poem? What figurative means did the author use? The intonation of tragedy, sadness sounds in the work. The despair of the heroine is clearly indicated in the last line of the poem with a capacious metaphorical comparison: "like trains from a slope."

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