Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Examples of goals in a person's life. Composition on the topic: The highest that a person can achieve is wisdom ... (Option 28) The highest that a person can achieve

What is wisdom? How do the concepts of information, knowledge, wisdom relate? What is the danger of endorsing baseless opinions? B. M. Bim-Bad considers these and other questions in his text. But in more detail the author considers the problem of upholding unfounded opinions.

To draw the reader's attention to this issue, the author cites as an example his friend's school director, who proudly tells that in his school children without preparation write essays on complex philosophical topics. At the same time, students are encouraged to express their opinions and to defend these immature thoughts. The author resented this approach to learning: “But what about intellectual honesty? Doubt? Set to refrain from judging, if there is no knowledge of what and why others think about it? The problem of defending baseless opinions is relevant in our time, there are many people who have their own opinions about various problems, but often these opinions turn out to be erroneous. This problem takes place in various situations, for example, during the educational process or during a dispute between two or more people.

For proof of this point of view, I turn to fiction. So, the hero of the work of I. S. Turgenev, Yevgeny Bazarov, does not tolerate unfounded opinions, he respects science and requires that every statement be proven. He hates self-confident people, which is proved by his dispute with Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. Bazarov demands Kirsanov to back up his opinions with scientific facts and sound reasoning. Thus, Bazarov does believe that unfounded opinions lead to overconfidence.

Let me give you another literary example. The hero of the work of Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes, is a master of solving crimes. He can, with the help of evidence, verify any opinion, any testimony. According to Sherlock Holmes, upholding unfounded opinions leads not only to excessive arrogance, but also to more serious consequences.

Thus, it is impossible to approve all the opinions expressed, they must be proved or refuted, otherwise it can lead to self-confidence, arrogance and more serious consequences.

I want to tell a story from my life. This is a real fact, which I happened to be a witness and observe the development of events for many years.

Once, a conversation took place between two people whom I knew well. These were my work colleagues: Let's call them Victor - the head of the shop of one of the largest factories in my city and Sergey - the head of the technical bureau of the same shop. While on a business trip, colleagues closely communicated for several days, and they had enough time to have long conversations about work, life, hobbies, etc. And so, in one of the conversations about work, about goals and ways to achieve them Sergey asked Victor a question:
- Why are you trying so hard and eager to manage the plant, because there are so many difficulties and troubles, so much hassle and disappointment. Are you not enough with what you already have? The salary is good, there is power, the family is dressed and fed. All that you have would be enough for me.
To this Victor replied:
Do you know what is the difference between you and me? The thing is, you don't want to go beyond what you have. So you have reached your peak. You will always be who you are in the moment. You will grow professionally and develop horizontally. This is your path that you have chosen for yourself. And I want to grow up. I have higher ambitions.

I found out about this conversation by accident, just chatting with Sergei once during a lunch break, but Viktor's words stuck in my memory.

Our heads are covered with gray hair. Sergei worked for the rest of the time as a technologist. He really developed horizontally and improved in his skill. He was respected in the technical circles of the plant. His opinion was always considered and consulted. But he lived his life modestly, often denying himself desires.
His low income limited his horizons, did not allow him to look at the world more broadly. He often had to endure injustice and humiliation from less intelligent, but more fortunate people. In his soul, dissatisfaction with his position, his fate, was born and strengthened. He often expressed this in conversations with colleagues.

Victor kept and developed his desire to grow up. This desire turned into a passion. He set himself a lofty goal and acted. His actions were aimed at achieving his goal. The managers of the plant could not fail to notice this, and the first success was not long in coming. He was offered a promotion. Further more. However, there were also falls. When he had already reached a great height on the career ladder and took the post of First Deputy General Director of the plant, he was suddenly removed from his post and did not find a place at the plant at all. There were strong opponents who had influence on the Government of the country. Victor did not participate in the life of the plant for about a year, but continued to be interested in its affairs, continued to rotate in the circles of his former colleagues, and remained aware of all events. He did not lose his qualification, but, on the contrary, continued to improve it. He did not abandon his goal and continued to act.

The combination of a goal, a passionate desire to achieve it, and actions in this direction have done their job. There were people in the management of the plant, in the government of the country, who returned this person to the plant and, subsequently, appointed him the director of the plant. Victor's life has become much brighter and richer. The horizon has expanded. He saw the whole world with his own eyes. Well, the financial situation provided him and his family with completely new opportunities.

What I have just told is just one example of many cases where people, having set themselves a certain goal, having a passionate desire to achieve it, acted. And, thanks to their actions, they achieved their goals.

There are very few people who go through the whole chain: thought - idea - desire - goal - faith - decision making - action - victory, in the modern world. Statistics say that they are only about 5% of the total population of the Earth. However, this is not a dogma. This figure can be changed upwards. It is available to every person. Everything depends on him, on his choice - who he should be.

Human possibilities are far from being exhausted.
Take a look at what people who set goals and take action can accomplish. It would seem - it is impossible! But your eyes don't deceive you. It is the result of hard work combined with faith and a passionate desire to get things done.

This guy has congenital cerebral palsy. And this is what a clear vision of purpose and action does to a person -

And this man proved to everyone and, above all, to himself, that if you set a goal and act without retreating in the face of difficulties, you can achieve the impossible.

Meet Miles Hilton Barber, the blind pilot.

And finally, what can people achieve if they persevere towards their goal ...


(1) Let me remind you of the famous saying: “Where is our wisdom lost in knowledge? Where is our knowledge, lost in information?”

(2) The highest that a man can attain is wisdom. (3) She should have become a school subject, wisdom must be taught. (4) More precisely, wisdom must be taught - as a caution in judgments, refraining from insufficiently substantiated statements, the ability to take into account many factors, based on what is born of a variety of historical experience. (5) It is more than knowledge. (b) It is also an intuition and an aversion to self-deception. (7) A wise person is never presumptuous: he does not consider the results of his thoughts to be final, he admits their fallacy, comparing them with directly opposite statements and finding gaps in what seemed indisputable.

(8) Wisdom needs knowledge, but is not reduced to it.

(9) Someone may know, say, all varieties of butterflies and understand nothing about environmental problems. (Yu) Not even interested in them. (11) In this case, a person loses sight of the connection of a single butterfly with the structure of the world.

(12) 3 knowledge answers the question “Why?”, And information only answers the questions “What? Where? When? How?". (13)3 knowledge consists of "understandings" and is the property of science. (14) 3 knowledge needs information, but is not reduced to it - it is higher, because it knows how to check the reliability of information.

(15) 3 knowledge in the European, and now in the global scientific tradition has always been opposed to opinion. (16) An opinion is just a certain attitude to something, and knowledge is, I repeat, an understanding of a pattern. (17) It is important not so much to defend your opinion by all means, but to think about how it is proved, at least strives to become knowledge. (18) The desire to encourage baseless opinions in every possible way as an end in itself is very dangerous for a growing person. (19) It is not enough to think on your own - you must also think correctly.

(20) The taste for freedom, for the flight of thought, takes a long time to learn. (21) Remember: Pinocchio's thoughts were short, short. (22) And a very young Pushkin wrote these words in a letter to a friend: “I am learning to keep the attention of long thoughts ...”

(23) It turns out that one’s own thought requires a long and painful argument with oneself, an internal strict requirement for checks and rechecks, building long chains of reasoning. (24) They must all be kept in the circle of their intense attention - this is serious work. (25) This is what it means to "keep the attention of long thoughts."

(26) And for some people this is a pleasure. (27) Socrates, as the legend says, was once so carried away by reflection that he stood motionless in one place for almost a day, not noticing anything around.

(28) People can obviously be divided into two categories: those who are able to "keep the attention of long thoughts" and those who prefer short, simple thoughts, which does not interfere with their complacency and narcissism. (29) When unfounded opinions are encouraged, they support this narcissism and a tendency to self-deception in a person.

(ZO) Therefore, today it is so important to get away from approval, from encouraging short thoughts, like Pinocchio’s, and to learn from Pushkin with his preference for “long thoughts”.

(According to B. Bim-Bad*)

* Boris Mikhailovich Bim-Bad (born in 1941) - Academician of the Russian Academy of Education.

The writing

Thought, thinking, thinking… We quite often hear these words with the same root and use them in our speech, not really thinking about their meaning. If you turn to a psychology textbook, you can read that thinking is a special step in the process of reflecting objective activity by consciousness. And Academician Bim-Bad, reflecting on how to learn to think, gives a more accessible definition of this amazing creative process. In his opinion, thinking is a serious job. Only by checking and rechecking various hypotheses, building and keeping long chains of reasoning in memory, one can learn to think - this is the position of the author.

How to disagree with an academician? Moreover, he refers to Pushkin and Socrates - "the powers that be." A curious incident in the life of Socrates reminded me of another connected with Archimedes. The fact is that Archimedes was so carried away by his work, to such an extent that he did not even notice how the city was occupied by enemies. When a formidable warrior with a sword stood in front of him, the Sicilian waved him away like an annoying fly, and, without raising his head from the drawing, muttered: “Don't interfere! I'm calculating! That's what it means to "keep attention"!

How to teach a person to think? The French philosopher Michel Montaigne pondered this question. In one of his works, he introduces Plato's teaching method, which first made the students speak, then he spoke himself. Thus, the philosopher activated the mental activity of the wards. In his further reflections, Montin emphasizes that the task of the mentor is to force the student to "as if sift through a sieve" everything that is presented to him. Only then will he cease to resemble a donkey loaded with sacks of useless knowledge.

Maria Stepanovna skillfully includes us in the thought process. She never “hams us in,” considering that what is best remembered is what she discovered for herself. Thanks to Maria Stepanovna, we analyze the texts of works of art quite well, and argue our position. In the words of Pushkin, we learn to "keep the attention of long thoughts ..."

At first, humanity reluctantly recognized that a person's abilities for something are contained in his genetic code, then he agreed that character traits are also laid down there from birth. Based on this, we will have to agree that the best profession for each person is also indicated in the human genetic code, since it is determined to a decisive extent precisely by the combination of the best abilities with favorable character traits for it.

One can only be surprised that with the modern development of science for the vast majority of people, finding the best profession for themselves is still a problem. However, the existence of this problem has its own reliable explanation, which says that in the vast world of social systems, everything that happens is determined by the interests of social groups and communities. If we talk about modern Russia, then not a single social group explicitly expresses its interest in solving this problem, and the children of representatives of all groups, in search of their place in life, play roulette with fate, betting on anything. Some of them win and most don't. But with the current level of development of knowledge, almost any person, if his parents take up this matter in time, and then he himself, can find for himself your best profession or at least very suitable and achieve business success. But, if each person is able to solve this problem one day for himself, then another, even more complex, but less obvious, opens up behind it. Let's try to show it.

How to find the answer to the question: what can a person achieve if he works in the best profession correctly chosen for himself? Perhaps the simplest answer: it all depends on how much he will work in life, how lucky he is, thereby turning everything into the role of various random factors in our life. Of course, random factors can have a serious impact on anything, including our lives, but are they of decisive importance for a person who has found his profession in time? It is unlikely, for sure, there are also quite systematic influences, factors and phenomena.

Consider a simple example of two outstanding athletes (wrestlers, weightlifters or boxers) who have become world champions or even Olympic champions. Of course, these are outstanding, talented athletes who do their job, which they successfully proved in a difficult fight with rivals. But one of them is a heavyweight, and the second is in the bantamweight division. Now imagine what will happen if they compete among themselves for the title of absolute champion? Most likely, the heavyweight will win. Therefore, weight categories were once introduced in some sports in order to separate athletes in accordance with their natural data and capabilities.

An example is given from sports, and in most professions no one separates people according to any of their natural data.

It would never occur to anyone to divide lawyers or financiers by weight and height, and even by IQ, which is fashionable in some countries. Everyone competes equally. However, it is not for nothing that nature has laid in each person its own set of properties, and not just abilities and character. By analogy, we can say that among talented people in any profession there are both heavyweights and lightweights, not to mention middleweights, and they naturally have different opportunities for future success in the profession. Moreover, in the very profession that for each of them was determined by natural factors as the best. It turns out that if some profession is the best for a given person, this does not mean at all that he will necessarily become the best among other people for whom this profession is also best suited.

Professional Development Potential

To achieve success, you need to work hard. But is it the main thing? No matter how hard the lightweight in the example discussed above, it is not given to him to defeat the talented heavyweight. Although it is diligence that may turn out to be the factor that will push one of the talented athletes forward to success within a certain weight category.

We have to admit that if success in the profession requires an appropriate combination of abilities and character traits, then outstanding success will require special combinations of human properties and influencing factors.

Let's see how it looks in practice. Among the many different factors, the following four, shown in Fig. 1.3. These factors decisively shape the potential for professional development.

Rice. 1.3.

The character of a person is manifested by its properties in the seven main radicals already in early childhood and throughout his life influences all his activities and lifestyle. Character is either a factor conducive to success, or limiting success when engaging in a particular activity. But this always manifests itself individually for each person, taking into account his natural abilities. Although the psychological profiles of two different people, built taking into account the location in their characters of the main seven radicals, may be well suited for practicing a certain profession, they differ significantly from each other, and the location of the radicals in the character of both, according to the degree of their influence, will be the same. The following of two or more basic radicals can be in the same order in the profile, for example, two people have the hysteroid radical in the first place, the hyperthymic radical in the second, and the emotive radical in the third, but the degree of their severity in characters can differ significantly. Consider Fig. 1.4 and 1.5. They show examples of the psychological profiles of two people who are well suited to the profession of an artist.

Rice. 1.4.

The hysteroid radical in the first person is relatively less pronounced than in the second, but the hyperthymic radical is more pronounced in him. It is the dominance of these two radicals in the character that makes it possible to a decisive extent, with the appropriate abilities, to successfully engage in the artistic profession. But it can be assumed that due to the different combination of the degree of expression of the two defining radicals, in different types of art and different roles, these people will not achieve the same success, although the artistic profession is well suited for them.

Rice. 1.5.

The circumstance noted above is true not only for artists, but also for representatives of any other professions. A different combination of dominant basic radicals and a different degree of their expression in character will either contribute to the development of success or hinder its achievement.

It is difficult to identify a person’s professional orientation or profile of his abilities for certain types of professions, especially when he has had a correction of ideas about abilities for types of professions, which often occurs under the influence of family, acquaintances, training, work performed and other circumstances. Then a different idea of ​​one's abilities is formed in the mind than those that were released by nature. At the same time, the widely practiced use of various tests for identifying abilities for professions or career guidance, for example, based on a pairwise comparison of professions of various types, gives a picture distorted or corrected against reality, which confirms the misconception about the available abilities for the types of professions. At the same time, the identification of existing abilities is real and promising, but more “elegant”, “non-frontal” methods are needed than those that researchers usually use.

In terms of realizing the potential of a person’s professional development, we are primarily interested in him the ability to perceive emerging tasks, organize their implementation and effectively achieve results, i.e., a manifestation of business temperament. It is not easy to establish what determines the business temperament of a person. Either from the properties of character, or from the state of health, or from his internal energy, or from all this together and something else. But it is especially important for us that this is one of the features of a person, with which he can be gifted in one way or another, and for the practical implementation of which an internal supply of energy is needed.

Energy potential is the most important component for any business success. The internal energy reserve of people can vary significantly. Each person receives from nature something similar to an energy accumulator. For some, nature gives a high-capacity battery and charges it well, for others it has a smaller capacity, and for some it is very small and poorly charged. But no less important is what will happen to this battery next. Some people use their energy and do not care about its timely replenishment. One day it turns out that such people used to have energy, but now it is not enough for the job. Others, on the other hand, spend their energy prudently and replenish it regularly. They always have enough energy for the most important things. Thus, it can be said that the energy potential of a person, which is actually his energy reserve, has two components - natural, i.e. what was given to a person, and consciously supported i.e. what he himself accumulates and collects from various sources.

It should be noted that a person can control his energy reserve by increasing his energy level, but few people know how to use it effectively. It requires effort and time, regular work on yourself. Sometimes the desired result does not appear quickly. However, in the author's practice, there were cases when specialists in just 3-6 months not only restored their disturbed energy potential, but also significantly raised it.

  • Moskvin V.A. Personal professional development on the way to business success. Practical recommendations. - M.: RIOR, 2011. - 136 p.
  • Some aspects related to professional development potential are also discussed in chapter 3.
  • Ponomarenko V.V. Technologies of hidden control of people. - M.: ACT; Olimp, 2008. - 506 p.

On our way there can be many different personalities with deep knowledge, the ability to speak and think, the ability to reason and argue, deny and worship - but it is very difficult to determine which of these people is truly wise.

What is wisdom? B.M. invites us to think about this question. Bim-Bad.
Analyzing the problem, the author cites as an example the situation with his friend, the director of the school, who boasted that in his educational institution, children without preparation write essays on complex, philosophical topics. They write without immersion in the topic, without studying it in detail, without arguments - they simply express their opinion. The professor emphasizes that such an expression of thoughts cannot be called wisdom - there is no intellectual honesty in such an opinion, there is no share of doubt, there is no reliance on third-party opinions, as well as allusions to the work of famous thinkers. The author draws our attention to the fact that wisdom is not an empty statement of opinion, it is not knowledge, even deep, in the concept of "wisdom" there is no place for arrogance and self-confidence.

B.M. Bim-Bad believes that wisdom lies primarily in the caution of judgments, in the ability to base one's opinion on knowledge, taking into account many factors.

I fully agree with the opinion of the author and also believe that a person who is able to realize his mistakes, who is able to doubt what he says, can be called wise. Wisdom embodies both knowledge and the ability to express one's opinion - but knowledge must be versatile, deep, connected to each other by a chain of logic, and opinion must be based on the experience of other people, on many factors, on one's own intuition and "aversion to self-deception" .

We all know the words of Socrates: "I only know that I know nothing." This statement can be safely reckoned among the life creeds of all wise people, which, of course, was Socrates himself. In the chronicles of the life of this philosopher, it is written that, despite a large amount of knowledge, he spent his whole life searching for truth in his own opinion, which left an imprint in history. And even in the work of E. Radzinsky "Conversations with Socrates" the author emphasizes that the ancient Greek philosopher was a true sage, because he never considered his opinion to be true, tk. he always questioned his own statements and knowledge.

The hero of the epic novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". Platon Karataev was the embodiment of folk wisdom: with the help of him, Pierre was able to gain a new look at things familiar to him, confidence, inner freedom, and was able to join the folk principle. The wisdom of Platon Karataev is embodied in his soft, calm, measured movements, a smile that does not leave his face, affection and simplicity in words - and this is during the war. The hero literally speaks in proverbs, thereby making an allusion to the experience of his people; in his worldview there is Christian mercy, compassion and love for people, as well as the idea of ​​life in conscience and justice. Platon Karataev is wise because he is not attached to ordinary things and thoughts - he loves everything and everyone, he is ready to accept the thoughts and feelings of any person and project them onto himself. However, in the end, based on the experience of Pierre, everyone who has ever met this folk sage adopted precisely his philosophy of life.

Thus, we can conclude that wisdom cannot be gained by constant reading - knowledge does not make a person wise, wisdom cannot be depicted by thoughtlessly expressing one's own opinion - the presence of thoughts is not an indicator of wisdom. A person becomes wise when he is able to be critical of everything he says and does, as well as to constantly learn something.