Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Silver wind. Chronicles of mental travel

Recently, through a close friend, the book Echoes of the Silver Wind fell into my hands.
The book, or rather a series of books, so stunned me and began to awaken deep memory so much that now there is practically no time and desire for blogging, I am completely absorbed in their world and characters. It is in view of this fact that the work of the blog will be slowed down for a couple of weeks, and I very I advise you to read it to anyone who would like to experience something soberingly cosmic.

If you can believe in space magic, this series is for you. No sweet channelings and sessions even by 1% reflect the universal splendor of the true Spirit that reigns in these books! You will get acquainted with many civilizations and characters, survive their ups and downs, but most importantly, your heart will really open to the silver wind and the ideology of the Aarn Order, which implies open interaction of billions of souls free from any shackles and templates.

Here is one of the most powerful passages, much like my own:

Initiation to Aarn:

Sit down, my children! And don't worry, nothing bad will happen to you. I'll just wake up some kinds of your brain cells. All rational beings have such cells, but they can only awaken in those who do not want to snatch something for themselves, their loved ones, who are “not like that”, who are strange and incomprehensible to most rational beings. Who yearns for the incredible and unattainable more than life.

Ras smiled and headed down to the platform itself. He calmly sat down in one of the chairs in the first row and leaned his head back into a comfortable niche. A black hemisphere that had come out of the headrest slowly closed overhead. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the hushed newcomers slowly taking their seats. Feren and Rada were sitting nearby. Across the chair, he saw his mother smiling at him and Ana's frightened face. Ras smiled at them all - it's good that fellow countrymen are nearby. It's good that mom and this cute girl are here! And he received four smiles in response - fervent from Feren, shy from Rada, nervous from her mother and uncertain from Ana. Still, somewhere in the depths of his soul he was scared - after all, now something unknown should invade his mind and irreversibly change this very mind. But he believed in the order, believed in the Commander and his fierce love. In addition, he remembered the confident and joyful strength of each of the aarns he met on the ship.

Relax, - commanded the Commander standing in the center of the platform. - We begin.
Ilar looked at the excited faces of the newcomers and smiled softly. The spaces had already completely turned inside out, and the primordial Darkness began to pour out from the soul of the magician into the world. And then came the turn of the Light. The symphony of Creation sounded in Ilar's soul. Ancient spells intertwined as if by themselves, helping to tune this great symphony in unison with the universe. And the worlds opened their face, something fundamental moved from its place, moved and pulled everything around with it.

If someone from outside could see what is happening, it would be quite surprised. On the Commander from open space alternately the rings of Light and Darkness collapsed, millions of multi-colored lightning beat around, each of the initiates was wrapped in thousands of energy threads, brightly glowing against the background of the blackness of the hall. Ilar no longer felt his body, he was in a different space and a different time. The cosmos of ancient galaxies shone all around him, and he touched the suns with his hands.

Somewhere out there, in the distance, one could feel the smile of the Creator, the Creator of the Universes. Affectionate and kind smile with which a loving father looks at the fuss of still stupid, but beloved children. Greetings from those who were equal in strength and knowledge poured over Ilar, greetings from those who had long ago left biological existence behind and gone higher, higher and further.

“I have not yet done all that I must, my brothers! I'm not ready yet! - the Commander answered their call. - I brought my children to you again, look at these pure and beautiful souls... Yes, I understand what I risk by bringing them here. I risk myself and my soul. But what does it matter? No, you're wrong. I love them, understand...” The magician shifted space and time, connected what could not be connected, which violated the very course of time and their connection with spaces. He destroyed the children's karma as such, burned it out. And the laws of Retribution furiously attacked the violator. But Ilar did not resist their influence, he is ready to pay his price. The mage just kept doing what was necessary.

Patterns changed and became accidents, accidents turned into patterns, a huge egregor<1>Order was already nearby and joyfully greeted his Master. Ilar acutely felt each of the newcomers, they were all ready, everyone was shocked by what they felt, and waited, looked forward to what would happen next. The commander smiled and continued to weave spells, combining probabilities with primordial powers. The matrices of consciousnesses of the new aarns opened up one by one and froze in amazement before the incredible diversity of myriads of worlds and spaces.

**<1>Egregor (from lat. ex and grex - literally "from the herd") - a collective mind (or soul), an entity that is in relation to the social community the same as the soul is in relation to a single person. An egregor is understood as a real or imaginary non-material object, spontaneously generated by the human community and acquiring existence independent of the latter. The strength and durability of egregor depends on the consistency and size of the group.

Ras floated in some kind of viscous void, the majestic chords of uplifting music thundering in him and around him. It seemed to him that he had become one with everything around him, he felt the same joy and the same amazement of thousands and thousands of people nearby. Streams of incomprehensible energies permeated the entire body, and a person floated over the Universe in admiration of inhuman beauty. Something irreversibly changed in himself, Ras heard, felt that he was loved, loved and loved again. Countless other creatures - not only people, he felt among them others who were not at all like people. And he loved them all.

Ana, too, swam in the void and no longer felt like anyone and never needed. She heard that they all need it, they really need it. And how they all love her... It seemed impossible, but Ana heard their feelings, felt that some kind of giant warm reliable hand keeps her in the air and never lets her fall again. Everything terrible and bitter inside her crumbled into fine ashes and went into the unknown, the girl was born again and laughed. There was no more soul-draining loneliness, there were those who would always help and always support in any trouble.

Irena, who was nearby, smiled at Anya tenderly and affectionately. And thousands more smiles fell on the astonished girl. Happiness! What happiness! And this giant Shadow that covers and protects them all? Who is it? And I realized - it's him, the Commander. It is he who covers Aarn from the fury of the worlds and does not allow evil to penetrate to them. Ana gave the Master a timid smile and was rewarded with a feeling of love that shot through her. She was truly loved!

Confident and joyful strength gradually filled the girl, she felt the thoughts and feelings of millions and millions of beings. And without any fear, she revealed herself to them. Every hidden corner of the soul, every feverish dream and every desperate hope. And everyone was interested, everyone needed her and her hopes and were close. The girl would never have found words to convey all this, and words are not needed here. Not a single language of the Universe has created such words.

Ilar slowly folded the spaces and carefully returned the souls to the bodies of the newcomers shocked by the Merger. However, no, now they are no longer newcomers, now they are part of the brotherhood of Aarn. He felt everyone completely, felt their admiration and amazement. It remains only to put a protective block, otherwise increased empathy can cause shock in unusual people. A shock equivalent to that received by a man who has come out of the dungeon into the bright sun, or a blind man who has seen the light. Well, that's it, now you can wake them up. Yes, for him the price for each Initiation is high, but he paid and will pay this price - it's worth it. A message of gratitude higher powers for help - a flash of Light and a soft weight of Darkness in response. Energy threads dimmed and curled up, the chords of harmony of the spheres slowly subsided. Ilar continued to act very carefully, so that, Creator forbid, not to harm even a small one of the children.

That's all. The initiation is over, now they will begin to wake up to feel themselves both themselves and part of a huge whole. Tight balls of pain slowly tossed inside the magician, but he did not allow even a drop of this pain to go beyond the limits of the emo-shield. The price will be paid. Only at the first opportunity should one crawl into an empathy-proof cabin where one can relax a little. And now he has to take a hit, the children are starting to wake up.

Important addition from the comments:

Q: Yes, unfortunately, even in a barrel of honey there is a fly in the ointment... but I really wanted to believe in purity! - specifically: I was surprised to find online reviews of one book by the author - - genre - attention! curtain! - BDSM fantasy)) - commentators unanimously complain that, they say, it is coolly written, but the work is too full of cruelty and perversions ... True, it was back in 2009, people still seem to be changing. .. As always, we separate the wheat from the chaff.

A: I agree, in some things the stick is really bent. it should be understood that the author is working to expand the spectrum of consciousness, touching both high and low frequencies. expansion implies, if not acceptance, then at least familiarization with the problem, or with its possible sides/consequences, otherwise we are dealing with ostrich politics. the Inquisition at one time worked hard in the field of the atrocities described by the author, but this does not prevent the church (of which the Inquisition was an integral part) from being "holy" in the eyes of hundreds of millions of people to this day.
where is the line that separates real world"from fantasies of any kind?
where is the line separating the timid and squeamish ostrich from the perverted daffodil, bright prince from a bloody dictator, a hellish spider from a fluffy arachne, a wise lizard from a vile reptilian? mud lies in our head, "concepts", mores, customs. what is chaos for a fly, everyday life for a spider. the bottom line is that we always have a choice of what exactly to take for our everyday life, what to see and how to react to circumstances and others.
There is always a way out, even the most incredible one, you just need to believe in magic)


Iar Elterrus

Echoes of the silver wind

Dedicated to the memory of my mother, Raisa Gladun.

Thank you for teaching me to strive to be better, not to live better!

Thank you for teaching me to dream of the unprecedented and impossible!


Do you live, work, do you moan from grief,

Do you meet the thunderstorm and the wind with a song, -

And somewhere the country of Plutonia is dormant!

Which was nowhere in the world?!

What does it mean was?.. What does it mean it wasn't?!

The question is not idle! The question is worrisome...

Perhaps we consider it a fiction,

What we still don't understand?

We do not like wonderful and strange,

We don't believe in everyone who is different!

We seem to feel the cover of the skin,

that their dissimilarity hurts our hearts...

After all, we see - they do not drown

in paper backwaters, in everyday life!

They step into their Plutonia...

Which was not, is not and will not be?!

Do you really want to always be right?

And in their rightness - indestructible? ..

But if we are right, we are right

And suddenly - Plutonia ... Why, what is it for ?!

She same logic - not tested!

She didn’t exist? .. She was invented ?!

She is in common sense does not fit!!!

Oh, calm down, good ones!

The strange tribe will not touch you at all ...

You are not invited to the country behind the clouds? ..

You - and will not be allowed into this Plutonia!

The country of Plutonia is not for the resigned,

not for those who live by bread alone,

with any untruth easily got along,

not raising their heads to the sky!

O indifferent, O strangers!

After all, this is to spite you - those who do not see it!

Live and live the country of Plutonia,

beloved country of the unsound.

Raisa Gladun 1932-2001

Measures of weight, length, time, various terms in the novel are given in units familiar to the Russian-speaking reader. The main thing for me, as an author, was to convey the main idea, my attempt to find a way out of the impasse in which our world found itself. A dead end of meanness, cruelty and self-interest. Therefore, the world of the Order of Aarn may seem somewhat schematic to the sophisticated reader. Quite possible. So I did not pretend to be more, minor details and scientific certainty do not have for me special significance. All coincidences with reality existing people or events are accidental, the novel from beginning to end is the fruit of the author's imagination.

Song of the strange

It happens so ... It happens. You are nobody and nothing, you are again rushing about in a strange web of waves of life. A web of the incomprehensible and unknown, something that changes you, but you yourself do not notice it, thinking that you are still the same. And what to do if it is not so? Never mind! Just listen to the silver wind in the leaves of the Tree of Stars. Just don't forget that you can fly. That you are not just a piece of protoplasm, preoccupied with your own feeding. Remember! There are stars far away, and they call you into the unknown, into a world where there is no meanness and lies. Alas, how many of us forget this and lose our wings, feather by feather, and become, in the words of the poet, "wingless evil spirits". This is the truth and nothing can be done about it. But we don't want to and we can't. And glory to the Creator for this, for giving us the Other, incomprehensible to those concerned about their well-being. Well, they will never hear the Wind of the Stars, never understand the ringing beauty of the incredible. They are blind and deaf, and it is their fault, they blindfolded themselves and plugged their ears. But it is their choice and they are entitled to it. I'm not with them, I don't want to be with them, I hate to be with them. And I'd rather be alone than with one of them. Remember once and for all - WE ARE NOT SUCH. We are alien to their religion and their faith, their concepts and their hopes, their life and their death. We always got off the ground and went where they would never go, where none of them would simply be allowed to go. And for centuries and centuries we were stoned to death, we were burned at the stake, we died of hunger and cold, but stubbornly did not want to become like these. Let them. Let them pray to their gods, they will never reach the Creator, the Creator smiles at those who are able to look beyond the horizon and are not afraid to take a step beyond the edge of the abyss. Let them enjoy their riches and rejoice in their wealth. But this is not enough for them. They see the danger in us, NOT THESE. After all, something is available to us that they will never understand and they are afraid of realizing it. From the realization that ahead of them - only we. And so we are forever doomed to be outcasts. This is true. Yes, I do not want to be one of them. It's disgusting. I want to say just one more thing - we have always been and always will be, and it is we who move humanity forward. Let it be difficult for us, we know this and we have no fear. To the fire? Well... But we won't stop. We were! We are! We will!

We were!

Interlude I

The pain slowly subsided. I drank some alcohol again and smiled with relief. Well, another attack is over, another torture behind. How many of them there were and how many more there will be ... I listened carefully to what was happening on the cruiser and sighed. Someone is looking for me again. Children, children... How I love you all, how dear you are to me. It is easier for me to endure a hundred such attacks than to lose one of you. But you are not immortal, unlike me, and you leave anyway. Alas for me. But now you are happy and I am glad that I managed to give you at least a little happiness, I managed to pull you out of the world of pain and grief, despair and hopelessness. Some will say that I am an idealist. Yes, an idealist. So what? I myself often and in many ways doubt, but I still have no other way. Especially if I want to atone for the evil that I did as a Dark Master, the Black Emperor. Why did I need it? Why did I seek power and immortality? After all, I found it on my head ... Kill me Creator, if I understand. Yes, I didn't know then how much it hurts to be immortal.

I listened again to the emophone and couldn't help but smile. Tina already searched me, she had some problem. You are my good girl... If you only knew how much I love you. But you won't know. Never. My destiny is pain and loneliness, and I will not let anyone share this burden with me. You do not need, my children, to know how I have to pay for everything that surrounds you. No need. And so each of you went through hell, so even here, among those who love you and whom you love, you will be fine. Let at least here you do not know pain and grief. Live, love, create. And my task is to protect you from all the troubles of the world. No matter what the cost, but protect. Do not allow the evil reigning in the outside world to reach your souls that have forgotten about the pain.

I got up heavily from my chair, looked around my body covered with blood clots with disgust, and cleared it with a short bundle of probability. Another bundle, and nothing else reminded me that on the floor of this tiny Teur cabin I had been writhing in hellish pain for several hours. There is a lot of work ahead, too much. I checked the main energy flows and nodded in satisfaction - everything is in order. So far so good. How long will it last? Who knows…

It happens... It happens. You are nobody and nothing, you are again rushing about in a strange web of waves of life. A web of the incomprehensible and unknown, something that changes you, but you yourself do not notice it, thinking that you are still the same. And what to do if it is not so? Never mind! Just listen to the silver wind in the leaves of the Tree of Stars. Just don't forget that you can fly. That you are not just a piece of protoplasm, preoccupied with your own feeding.

Life flows according to its own rules, most often incomprehensible to people and otherwise reasonable. Changes come unexpectedly and most often when no one expects them. The Order of Aarn, which provokes hatred of the governments of the countries of the galaxy, also does not stand aside - there is a war ahead with religious fanatics who are ready to destroy for the sake of their faith intelligent life throughout the galaxy. To survive, yesterday's enemies are forced to forget about enmity and unite. They have no other choice...

Volumes 1-2. History of the Fall War. The Order of Aarn left, left himself, because he had no other choice. It is impossible for the sake of your victory to destroy intelligent life in the entire galaxy...

Life in the habitable galaxy is rapidly changing. First intergalactic expedition. A new intelligent race. The galaxy is finally divided into two camps, warily watching each other. Everyone understands that war is coming soon, terrible war, in which there may not be winners.

Terrible events are coming. But do not wait for them, obediently lowering your hands? Of course not. And again, the cruisers of the Order of Aarn come out of hyperspace near the small planet Earth. And tens of thousands of earthlings become aarn. It is they who are destined to change very, very much in the order. It is they who will be able to achieve what they have never achieved before.

Sometimes, to win, you have to lose. And sometimes even die. And even give your soul "for your friends." The commander eventually realizes what must be done: one must die in order to survive, and leave in order to stay. Then the order will still be! Not only in galaxies - in universes!

Not everyone dares to open their wings and take off. They do not dare even when there is no other way out, when to stay below means to perish. Quite still young girl decided on this, because she is a born pilot, and such people die without a sky. And the infinite Universe opened up before her, thousands of worlds, other intelligent races, joys and dangers, new friends and enemies appeared on her way. And adventures, as without them.


- You live, you work, do you moan from grief,

Do you meet the thunderstorm and the wind with a song, -

And somewhere the country of Plutonia is dormant!

- Which was not anywhere in the world ?!

- What does it mean was? .. What does it mean - was not ?!

The question is not idle! The question is disturbing...

Perhaps we consider it a fiction,

What we still don't understand?

We do not like wonderful and strange,

We don't believe in everyone who is different!

We seem to feel the cover of the skin,

that their dissimilarity hurts our hearts...

After all, we see - they do not drown

in paper backwaters, in everyday life!

They're marching into their Plutonia...

- Which was not, is not, and will not be ?!

Do you really want to always be right?

And in their rightness - indestructible? ..

- But if we are right, we have the right

And suddenly - Plutonia ... Why, what is it for ?!

It's logic - it's not checked!

She didn’t exist? .. Well, she was invented ?!

She does not fit in common sense!

- Oh, calm down, prosperous!

The strange tribe will not touch you at all ...

You are not invited to the country behind the clouds? ..

They won't let you into this Plutonia!

The country of Plutonia is not for the resigned,

not for those who live by bread alone,

with any untruth easily got along,

not raising their heads to the sky!

O indifferent, O strangers!

After all, this is to spite you - those who do not see it! -

live and live the country of Plutonia,

beloved country of the unsound.

Raisa Gladun 1932–2001

"Echoes of the Silver Wind" is my attempt to find a way out of the impasse in which our world has found itself. A dead end of meanness, cruelty and self-interest.

To the discerning reader, the world of the Aarn Order may seem a bit sketchy. Quite possible. But it was important for me to convey the main idea, and secondary details and scientific reliability are of no particular importance to me.

Measures of weight, length and time in the novel are given in units familiar to the Russian-speaking reader.

New terms are explained either in the text itself or in footnotes. The new idiomatic expressions are close to Russian and, I hope, will not cause any difficulties for the reader.

All coincidences with real people or events are accidental, the novel from beginning to end is the fruit of the author's imagination.

The author expresses his sincere gratitude to the editors Lyubov Zinovievna Leibzon and Evgeny Gennadyevich Konenkin, without whose help this book would never have taken on its final form. She has been writing for too many years. The author also thanks the participants of the forum for their help and tips, for the endless search for logical inconsistencies that lasted for years, for hundreds of ideas expressed, military concepts and types of weapons, for drawings, poems, songs and compiling an encyclopedia of a habitable galaxy , which the author himself simply would not have had the patience to compile.

The song of the strange.

It happens... It happens. You again do not know who you are and what you are, you are again rushing about in a strange web of waves of life. They change you, but you yourself do not notice it and think that you are still the same. And then you realize that this is not so, and you don’t know what to do ... Nothing! Just listen to the silver wind play with the leaves of the Tree of Stars. Just don't forget that you can fly. Just remember that there are stars far away, and they call you into the unknown, into a world where there is no meanness and lies. Alas, how many do not want to remember this and lose their wings, feather by feather, and become, in the words of the poet, "wingless evil spirits." This is the truth and nothing can be done about it. But we do not want and cannot live without wings. And glory to the Creator for this. For the fact that He gave us the Other, incomprehensible to those concerned about their well-being. Well, they will never hear the Wind of the Stars, never understand the ringing beauty of the incredible. They are blind and deaf, and it is their fault, they blindfolded themselves and plugged their ears. But it is their choice and they are entitled to it. We are not with them, we do not want to be with them, we hate to be with them. And it's better to be alone than with one of them. Remember once and for all - WE ARE NOT THESE. We are alien to their idols and their idols, their aspirations and their hopes, their sorrows and their joys. We always got off the ground and went where they would never go, where none of them would simply be allowed to go. And for this century and century we were stoned, we were burned at the stake, we were trampled into the mud and thrown into dungeons, we were laughed at and declared insane. But we still refused to give up the dream. Let them. They turned away from the Creator, and He turned away from them. The Creator smiles at those who are able to look beyond the horizon and are not afraid to throw themselves off a cliff and spread their wings, not knowing whether they will take off or fall. Let them enjoy their "riches" and rejoice in their "wealth". But this is not enough for them, we scare them, NOT THESE. We have access to something that they will never understand, and they are afraid of realizing it. From the realization that ahead of them - only we. They are eager to deprive us of wings, to convince us that we do not have these wings and cannot have them. Sometimes one of us falls, accepting their valuables, but instead of the fallen one, spread their wings and take off into the air, dozens of others, not hearing the frightened squeal of those left below. They can't stop us! We are doomed to remain outcasts in a world of pain and grief, often walking our path all alone, ignoring stones, spitting and cursing at us. Remember, it is we who force humanity to move forward, not allowing it to turn into a herd of well-fed, contented animals. Do not be afraid! Spread your wings and fly high! Yes, the price for this will be terrible, but heaven awaits us! To the fire? Well. Remember, the Creator smiles at us even at the stake! And no matter what they do, they can't stop us! We'll take off anyway, leaving the swamp below. We were! We are! We will!

Interlude I

The pain slowly subsided. I drank some alcohol again and smiled with relief. Well, another attack is over, another torture behind. How many of them there were and how many more there will be ... I listened carefully to what was happening on the cruiser and sighed. Someone is looking for me again. Children, children... How I love you all, how dear you are to me. It is easier for me to endure a hundred such attacks than to lose one of you. You are not immortal, unlike me, and you are leaving. Alas for me. But now you are happy, and I am glad that I managed to give you at least a little happiness, I managed to pull you out of the world of pain and grief, despair and hopelessness. Some will say that I am an idealist. Yes, an idealist. So what? I myself often and in many ways doubt, but I still have no other way. I must, must atone for the evil I brought into the universe twenty thousand years ago. I was then the Dark Master, the Black Emperor. I was then looking for power and immortality. After all, I found it on my own head ... Why, why did I need this? Kill me Creator, if I understand. Yes, I didn’t know then how painful it was to be immortal.

I listened again to the emophone and couldn't help but smile. Tina already searched me, she had some problem. You are my good girl... If you only knew how much I love you. But you won't know. Never. My destiny is pain and loneliness, and I will not let anyone share this burden with me. You do not need, my children, to know how I have to pay for everything that surrounds you. No need. And so each of you went through hell, so even here, among those who love you and whom you love, you will be fine. Let at least here you do not know pain and grief. Live, love, create. And my task is to close you with myself, to protect you from all sorts of troubles. No matter what the cost, but protect. Do not allow the evil reigning in the outside world to reach your souls that have forgotten about the pain.

Iar Elterrus

Echoes of the silver wind

Dedicated to the memory of my mother, Raisa Gladun.

Thank you for teaching me to strive to be better, not to live better!

Thank you for teaching me to dream of the unprecedented and impossible!


Do you live, work, do you moan from grief,

Do you meet the thunderstorm and the wind with a song, -

And somewhere the country of Plutonia is dormant!

Which was nowhere in the world?!

What does it mean was?.. What does it mean it wasn't?!

The question is not idle! The question is worrisome...

Perhaps we consider it a fiction,

What we still don't understand?

We do not like wonderful and strange,

We don't believe in everyone who is different!

We seem to feel the cover of the skin,

that their dissimilarity hurts our hearts...

After all, we see - they do not drown

in paper backwaters, in everyday life!

They step into their Plutonia...

Which was not, is not and will not be?!

Do you really want to always be right?

And in their rightness - indestructible? ..

But if we are right, we are right

And suddenly - Plutonia ... Why, what is it for ?!

She same logic - not tested!

She didn’t exist? .. She was invented ?!

She does not fit in common sense!

Oh, calm down, good ones!

The strange tribe will not touch you at all ...

You are not invited to the country behind the clouds? ..

You - and will not be allowed into this Plutonia!

The country of Plutonia is not for the resigned,

not for those who live by bread alone,

with any untruth easily got along,

not raising their heads to the sky!

O indifferent, O strangers!

After all, this is to spite you - those who do not see it!

Live and live the country of Plutonia,

beloved country of the unsound.

Raisa Gladun 1932-2001

Measures of weight, length, time, various terms in the novel are given in units familiar to the Russian-speaking reader. The main thing for me, as an author, was to convey the main idea, my attempt to find a way out of the impasse in which our world found itself. A dead end of meanness, cruelty and self-interest. Therefore, the world of the Order of Aarn may seem somewhat schematic to the sophisticated reader. Quite possible. So I did not pretend to be more, minor details and scientific reliability do not matter much to me. All coincidences with real people or events are accidental, the novel from beginning to end is the fruit of the author's imagination.

Song of the strange

It happens so ... It happens. You are nobody and nothing, you are again rushing about in a strange web of waves of life. A web of the incomprehensible and unknown, something that changes you, but you yourself do not notice it, thinking that you are still the same. And what to do if it is not so? Never mind! Just listen to the silver wind in the leaves of the Tree of Stars. Just don't forget that you can fly. That you are not just a piece of protoplasm, preoccupied with your own feeding. Remember! There are stars far away, and they call you into the unknown, into a world where there is no meanness and lies. Alas, how many of us forget this and lose our wings, feather by feather, and become, in the words of the poet, "wingless evil spirits." This is the truth and nothing can be done about it. But we don't want to and we can't. And glory to the Creator for this, for giving us the Other, incomprehensible to those concerned about their well-being. Well, they will never hear the Wind of the Stars, never understand the ringing beauty of the incredible. They are blind and deaf, and it is their fault, they blindfolded themselves and plugged their ears. But it is their choice and they are entitled to it. I'm not with them, I don't want to be with them, I hate to be with them. And I'd rather be alone than with one of them. Remember once and for all - WE ARE NOT SUCH. We are alien to their religion and their faith, their concepts and their hopes, their life and their death. We always got off the ground and went where they would never go, where none of them would simply be allowed to go. And for centuries and centuries we were stoned to death, we were burned at the stake, we died of hunger and cold, but stubbornly did not want to become like these. Let them. Let them pray to their gods, they will never reach the Creator, the Creator smiles at those who are able to look beyond the horizon and are not afraid to take a step beyond the edge of the abyss. Let them enjoy their riches and rejoice in their wealth. But this is not enough for them. They see the danger in us, NOT THESE. After all, something is available to us that they will never understand and they are afraid of realizing it. From the realization that ahead of them - only we. And so we are forever doomed to be outcasts. This is true. Yes, I do not want to be one of them. It's disgusting. I want to say just one more thing - we have always been and always will be, and it is we who move humanity forward. Let it be difficult for us, we know this and we have no fear. To the fire? Well... But we won't stop. We were! We are! We will!

We were!

Interlude I

The pain slowly subsided. I drank some alcohol again and smiled with relief. Well, another attack is over, another torture behind. How many of them there were and how many more there will be ... I listened carefully to what was happening on the cruiser and sighed. Someone is looking for me again. Children, children... How I love you all, how dear you are to me. It is easier for me to endure a hundred such attacks than to lose one of you. But you are not immortal, unlike me, and you leave anyway. Alas for me. But now you are happy and I am glad that I managed to give you at least a little happiness, I managed to pull you out of the world of pain and grief, despair and hopelessness. Some will say that I am an idealist. Yes, an idealist. So what? I myself often and in many ways doubt, but I still have no other way. Especially if I want to atone for the evil that I did as a Dark Master, the Black Emperor. Why did I need it? Why did I seek power and immortality? After all, I found it on my head ... Kill me Creator, if I understand. Yes, I didn't know then how much it hurts to be immortal.

I listened again to the emophone and couldn't help but smile. Tina already searched me, she had some problem. You are my good girl... If you only knew how much I love you. But you won't know. Never. My destiny is pain and loneliness, and I will not let anyone share this burden with me. You do not need, my children, to know how I have to pay for everything that surrounds you. No need. And so each of you went through hell, so even here, among those who love you and whom you love, you will be fine. Let at least here you do not know pain and grief. Live, love, create. And my task is to protect you from all the troubles of the world. No matter what the cost, but protect. Do not allow the evil reigning in the outside world to reach your souls that have forgotten about the pain.

I got up heavily from my chair, looked around my body covered with blood clots with disgust, and cleared it with a short bundle of probability. Another bundle, and nothing else reminded me that on the floor of this tiny Teur cabin I had been writhing in hellish pain for several hours. There is a lot of work ahead, too much. I checked the main energy flows and nodded in satisfaction - everything is in order. So far so good. How long will it last? Who knows…

Four young, smiling faces suddenly appeared before my eyes. I failed to save these four children at the time. There were those who took advantage of their death and created a church. The dead people lied about it, I knew them well. But it was their sacrifice that made me think about all the pain and injustice of the world. Made me try to find a way out of the impasse, which again went reasonable. How many attempts to fix at least something I made ... I don’t even remember, more than one thousand, probably. So until now, probably, I would have tried, but I realized, thank the Creator, I realized that no one can be pulled on a lasso to paradise. For them, it will only be hell. Or, to be more precise, they will turn paradise into a familiar and familiar hell in which they can mean, rape and kill. So why invite them along? Silly. Let them stay in their swamp and continue to rot. It's their choice, they made it themselves. But it is my duty to wrest from their greedy clutches those who are purer in soul than others, those who cannot and do not want to live in hell.

Someone will again say that all this is my own fabrication and there is nothing for me to interfere in God's providence. But who's to say? Just those whose opinion does not interest me or my children. Those for whom the essence and purpose of life are self-interest with meanness for a couple. So let them say what they want. We don't even care if they are alive or dead. Let them. And for us the silver wind of the stars sings its song, which none of them will ever hear, for they are not capable of dreaming. “How can they not?!” - an outside observer will shout indignantly. But is it possible to consider a dream a dream about new car or a crystal service? Of course not.

I again carefully checked that there was nothing left in the cabin that could give out at least something to someone who accidentally entered here. However, hardly anyone will find it, I hid it too well. Only the dwarchs know of the existence of such cabins on every ship and battle station we have. I had to force the malicious creatures to give their word to be silent, otherwise each of them does not have a tongue, but a pomelo. Everyone gets sick. But no, okay. An ordinary non-residential cabin in appearance. I put on my uniform and went out.