Biographies Characteristics Analysis

A detailed retelling of the story of a young peasant woman. Presentation and retelling of the plot

The plot and characters of the story by A. S. Pushkin "The Young Lady-Peasant Woman"

1830 is the most serious milestone in the life and work of A. S. Pushkin. The best works the great poet were created precisely in the autumn of 1830, the Boldin autumn. Among these works is the cycle "Belkin's Tale", which completes the light and joyful story "The young lady-peasant, where everything is both jokingly and seriously. "In The Young Lady-Peasant Woman, Pushkin draws amazing images that remain in the heart of the reader for a long time.

The generation of "fathers" of the story is represented by Ivan Petrovich Berestov and Grigory Ivanovich Muromsky - heroes with opposite characters.

Muromsky is "a real Russian master. He lives in grand style, spends money thoughtlessly, equipping the estate on English mode keen on innovation. Despite the debts, the daughter of Muromsky has an English tutor as Madame.

All this is not to the liking of his closest neighbor - Ivan Petrovich Berestov, a strong business executive, a conservative and, in principle, a beloved and respected person by all. "Hatred of innovation was distinguishing feature his character, - the author says about Berestov, emphasizing the difference between the characters. Ivan Petrovich "could not talk indifferently about his neighbor's Anglomania and every minute found an opportunity to criticize him. Muromsky" endured this criticism impatiently, he "furiously called Berestov" a bear and a provincial.

The events of the story begin to develop when Alexei Berestov, the son of Ivan Petrovich, comes to the village to his father. He is a university-educated young man who intends to enter military service which his father opposes. “Alexey was really well done,” the author says about him. Berestov Jr. is educated, smart and handsome. Ivanovich.

Liza is a girl of pleasant appearance, she is spoiled, frisky, loves pranks. Muromskaya lives in the wilderness, and Aleksey, who suddenly appears, arouses the lively curiosity of the “black-eyed minx. This curiosity is further inflamed by her maid Nastya, who, having visited the cook’s wife’s name day, says that young Berestov is surprisingly good-looking, besides, he is cheerful and an extraordinary prankster.

Liza and Nastya, despite the different social status, are very close, and therefore Lisa quickly finds herself an assistant who supported her crazy idea to dress up as a peasant woman and get to know Alexei in this way.

The peasant lady won the heart of young Berestov at first sight. Already after the first meeting, he was in awe and spent the whole day thinking about his new acquaintance. She conquered him with the charm of her simplicity, the charm of youth. In addition, such relationships were new to him, and therefore so exciting. Pretty soon, they develop into a real feeling, to which Lisa herself reciprocates. It would seem that Lizina's game led her to stalemate, but everything is resolved by His Majesty the case, which reconciled Ivan Petrovich Berestov with his Angloman neighbor.

Lisa finds a rather original way out of a difficult situation for her, when Berestov Sr., together with his son, comes to visit them and when she has to appear before them. She dresses up in such a way that even her own father hardly recognizes her, but those who know Lisa and are accustomed to her pampering perceive what is happening as another prank of an eccentric young lady.

The reconciled fathers suddenly recognize the marriage of their children as mutually beneficial, and Berestov Sr. forces his son to matchmaking. This is where Alexei shows true nobility and decency. He dares not only to oppose his father, but also to marry a peasant woman, defying conventional norms.

Fortunately, everything ends according to the laws of the genre: Alexei suddenly finds out that the cutesy young lady and the peasant woman dear to his heart are one and the same person. The unsuspecting fathers can only rejoice for their children.

The story of A. S. Pushkin "The Young Lady-Peasant Woman" is a truly fascinating work, pleasing the soul with the radiance of purity and extraordinary charm.

Pushkin, Composition

Belkin's Tales: Young lady-peasant

In one of the remote provinces, on his Tugilov estate, lives a retired guardsman Ivan Petrovich Berestov, who has long been a widow and never travels anywhere. He does housework and honors himself" smartest person in the whole neighborhood, "although he does not read anything except the Senate Gazette." Neighbors love him, although they consider him proud. Only his closest neighbor Grigory Ivanovich Muromsky does not get along with him. Muromsky started a house and household in the Priluchino estate in the English manner , while the conservative Berestov does not like innovations and criticizes his neighbor's Anglomania.

Berestov's son, Alexei, having finished his course at the university, comes to the village to his father. The county ladies are interested in him, and most of all - the daughter of Murom Liza, but Alexei remained cold to signs of attention, and everyone explained this by his secret love. Lisa's confidante, the serf girl Nastya, goes to Tugilovo to visit her acquaintances, the yards of the Berestovs, and Liza asks her to take a good look at the young Berestov. Returning home, Nastya tells the young lady how the young Berestov played with the yard girls in the burners and how he kissed each time he was caught, how good he is, stately and blush.

Lisa is seized by the desire to see Alexei Berestov, but it is simply impossible to do this, and Lisa comes up with the idea to dress up as a peasant woman. The very next day, she proceeds to implement the plan, orders to sew a peasant dress for herself and, having tried on the outfit, finds that it suits her very much. At dawn the next day, Liza, dressed in peasant attire, leaves the house and heads towards Tugilov. In the grove, a setter dog rushes at her barking, a young hunter came to the rescue and recalls the dog and calms the girl. Liza plays her role perfectly, the young man volunteers to see her off and calls himself the young Berestov's valet, but Liza recognizes Alexei himself in him and convicts him. She pretends to be Akulina, the daughter of the blacksmith of Priluchinsky. Alexei Berestov really likes the sharp-witted peasant woman, he wants to see her again and is going to visit her blacksmith father. The prospect of being caught frightens Lisa, and she invites the young man to meet the next day at the same place.

Returning home, Liza almost repents that she made a rash promise to Berestov, but the fear that a determined young man will come to the blacksmith and find his daughter Akulina, a fat and pockmarked girl, is even more frightening. Inspired by a new acquaintance and Alex. Before the appointed time, he arrives at the meeting place and looks forward to Akulina, who is depressed and tries to convince Alexei that the acquaintance should be stopped. But Alexei, fascinated by the peasant woman, does not want this. Lisa takes his word that he will not look for her in the village and seek other meetings with her, except for those that she herself appoints. Their meetings continue for two months, until one circumstance almost destroyed this idyll. Having gone out for a ride, Muromsky meets old Berestov, hunting in these places. Thrown off by a runaway horse, Muromsky finds himself in Berestov's house. The fathers of the young people parted in mutual sympathy and with Berestov's promise to visit the Muromskys with Alexei. Upon learning of this, Lisa is dismayed, but together with Nastya she develops a plan that, in her opinion, should save her from exposure. Having taken a promise from her father not to be surprised at anything, Liza goes out to the guests heavily bleached and frown, ridiculously combed and extravagantly dressed. Alexei does not recognize the simple and natural Akulina in this cutesy young lady.

The next day, Lisa rushes to the rendezvous point. She can’t wait to find out what impression the Priluchinsky young lady made on Alexei. But Alexei says that the young lady, compared to her, is a freak of a freak. Meanwhile, the acquaintance of the old men Berestov and Muromsky develops into friendship, and they decide to marry the children. Alexey meets his father's message about this with a heartbeat. A romantic dream arises in his soul about marrying a simple peasant woman. He goes to the Muromskys to decisively explain himself to them. Entering the house, he meets Lizaveta Grigorievna and believes that this is his Akulina. The misunderstanding is resolved to everyone's satisfaction.

"Young lady-peasant" Pushkin

Ivan Petrovich Berestov and Grigory Ivanovich Muromsky, landowners, do not get along with each other. Berestov is a widower, prosperous, loved by neighbors, has a son Alexei. Murom "a real Russian gentleman", a widower, an Angloman, manages the economy ineptly, brings up his daughter Lisa. Alexey Berestov wants to do military career, the father does not agree, and while Alexei lives in the village as a "master", making an indelible impression on the romantic county young ladies, including Lisa, the daughter of Muromsky. “She was 17 years old. Black eyes enlivened her swarthy and very pleasant face.

One day Liza's maid Nastya goes to visit Berestov's maid and sees Alexei. Lisa imagined him to be a "romantic ideal": pale, sad, thoughtful, but, according to Nastya's stories, the young gentleman is cheerful, handsome, cheerful. Despite the fact that a rumor is spreading in the village about Alexei's unhappy love, he is a "spoiler", he loves to chase girls. Lisa wants to meet him. She decides to dress up in a peasant dress and act like a simple girl. In the grove he meets Alexei, who is going hunting. The young man volunteers to see her off. Lisa introduces herself as Akulina, the blacksmith's daughter. Appoints Alexei the next date. All day long young people think only about each other. Seeing Alexei again, Liza-Akulina says that this meeting will be the last. Alexey "assures her of the innocence of his desires", speaks "in the language of true passion." As a condition of the next meeting, Lisa makes a promise not to try to find out anything about her. Alexei decides to keep his word. After 2 months, a mutual passion arises between Alexei and the girl. One day, Berestov and Muromsky meet by chance in the forest while hunting. From fright, Muromsky's horse suffered. He falls, Berestov comes to his aid, and then invites him to visit him. After dinner, Muromsky, in turn, invites Berestov to come with his son to his estate. “Thus, the ancient and deeply rooted enmity seemed ready to end from the shyness of the short filly.”

When Berestov and Aleksey arrive, Liza, so that Aleksey does not recognize her, appears whitewashed, darkened, with fake curls. At dinner, Aleksey plays the role of "absent-minded and thoughtful", and Liza "simply, speaks through her teeth and only in French."

The next morning, Liza-Akulina meets with Alexei in the grove. He admits that during his visit to the Muromskys he did not even pay attention to the young lady. Begins to teach the girl to read and write. Ta "learns quickly". A week later, a correspondence begins between them. The hollow of an old oak serves as a mailbox.

The reconciled fathers are thinking about the wedding of their children (Alexey will get a rich estate, the Muromskys big connections). Alexei also comes up with "the romantic idea of ​​marrying a peasant woman and living by his own labors." He makes an offer to Liza-Akulina in a letter and goes to explain himself to Berestov. She finds Lisa at home, reading his letter, recognizes her beloved in her.

The houses of two landowners Ivan Petrovich Berestov and Grigory Ivanovich Muromsky are located nearby, but the landowners do not get along with each other. The widower Berestov has a son Alexei, the neighbors love the prosperous landowner. Muromsky is a "real Russian master", he is also a widower, an Englishman, an inept master, and has a daughter, Lisa.

Young Alexei Berestov wants to make a career in the military field, but his father does not agree with him. Therefore, Aleksey lives for the time being in the village as a “master”, impresses the county young ladies full of romantic thoughts.

Seventeen-year-old Liza, the daughter of Muromsky, also did not remain indifferent to the young man. She was a dark-skinned girl with black eyes and a pleasant appearance.

Once Nastya, Lisa's maid, went to visit Berestov's maid and saw Alexei there. Lisa saw him as a "romantic ideal." He certainly had to look pale, thoughtful and sad. However, according to Nastya's stories, he was completely different - cheerful, handsome and cheerful. There are rumors in the village that Aleksey is hopelessly in love, but his behavior indicates the opposite - he is chasing girls, and indeed a “spoiler”.

Lisa Muromskaya dreams of meeting him. The girl dresses up in a peasant dress and behaves like a simple girl. In the grove, she meets Alexei, who is going hunting. The young man offers to see her off. Liza calls herself the daughter of the blacksmith Akulina and makes an appointment with Alexei. All day young people can think of nothing but each other. On a date with Alexei, Liza-Akulina says that it will be the last. Berestov is trying to convince the girl "of the innocence of his desires", because his words are "the language of true passion." Lisa agrees to new meeting, but puts a condition - Alex should not try to find out anything about her. The young man makes a promise.

It's been 2 months. Between young people there is a mutual passion. One day on a hunt in the forest going on chance meeting their fathers. Muromsky's horse was frightened and suffered. He falls, Berestov hurries to help him, after which he invites him to visit him. After dinner, Muromsky invites Berestov to come with his son on a return visit. So the old enmity was ready to end, and the reason for this was just "the fearfulness of the short filly." Berestov and Alexei arrive at the Muromskys' house. To remain unrecognized by Alexei, Lisa appears before the guests all in white, antimony, decorated with fake curls. During dinner, Aleksey takes on the role of an "absent-minded and pensive" young man, while Lisa acts coy, speaks through her teeth and speaks only French. The next day, Liza-Akulina met with Alexei in the grove. The young man admits that he did not pay any attention to the young lady of Murom. Alexey teaches the girl to read and write. She turns out to be capable of the sciences and "learns quickly." A week later, they begin to correspond. The hollow of an old oak serves as a mailbox for them. The fathers of young people have reconciled and are thinking about how to arrange a wedding for their children. Alexey will become the heir to a rich estate, and the Muromskys have great connections. But in Alexei's thoughts - marriage to a peasant woman Akulina and life by his own labors.

In a letter to Lisa-Akulina, he proposes to her and goes to the Muromskys to explain himself to the young lady. At home, he finds Lisa, who reads his letter, and recognizes his beloved in the girl.