Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Altai College of Architecture and Construction (aask): address, specialties, reviews.

Altai College of Architecture and Civil Engineering (AACC) is one of the youngest educational institutions of secondary vocational education. This college first opened its doors to applicants in 2014. Until that moment, only its predecessors existed - the Barnaul Construction College and Vocational School No. 16. AASK appeared due to the merger of these educational institutions.

College address and documents for admission

AASK operates in the capital of the Altai Territory - in Barnaul. The college has 4 academic buildings, which are located at the following addresses:

  • Lenin street, 68;
  • P. Sukhova street, 71;
  • E. Alekseeva street, 84;
  • P. Sukhova street, 22.

Every year, many applicants come to college for the purpose of admission. For this reason, 2 selection committees have been created at the Altai Architectural and Civil Engineering College. The address of one of them is Lenina Street, 68, and the address of the other is Sukhova Street, 71. For admission, you need to submit a small package of documents, consisting of a personal application, the original or a photocopy of the document on education, 4 photographs, the original or photocopy of the passport and medical certificate.

SVE programs for 9th grade graduates

Graduates of the 9th grade at the Altai College of Architecture and Civil Engineering are offered 9 specialties. On the main part of the programs, the qualification of a technician is awarded. Persons interested in technical specialties can study:

  • on "computer systems and complexes";
  • on "construction and operation of buildings and structures";
  • in the "production of non-metallic building structures and products" and some other specialties.

For creative individuals, the college offers "design". For those who want to become a programmer, there is such a specialty as “programming in computer systems”. For those wishing to work in the future as specialists in land and property relations, there is a training area of ​​the same name.

Training programs for workers and employees based on 9 classes

Graduates of the 9th grade, when entering the Altai Architectural and Civil Engineering College, can choose not only from training programs for middle-level personnel, but also from training programs for skilled workers and employees. There are more than 10 of the latter in the educational institution. An applicant can, for example, enter the master of furniture and joinery production or the crane operator.

One of the differences between the training of workers and employees and the training of middle-level personnel is the duration of training. In the specialties of secondary vocational education, the development of programs is planned for 3 years and 10 months. In training programs for workers and employees, the duration of training is shorter by 1 year. This option is suitable for those applicants who want to get a profession as soon as possible. By the way, for graduates of the 9th grade there is no opportunity to study in absentia. They are offered full-time education only.

Training programs for 11th grade graduates

Applicants entering the Altai Architectural and Civil Engineering College on the basis of 11 classes are offered a very limited list of specialties. There are only 3 of them. One of them is related to the construction and operation of buildings and structures. The curriculum of this specialty includes such subjects as:

  • design of structures and buildings;
  • organization of technological processes;
  • building maintenance;
  • reconstruction of buildings, etc.

The second specialty for graduates of 11 classes at the Altai Architectural and Civil Engineering College is "architecture". Its name speaks for itself. In the specialty, students are prepared for the design of various objects of the architectural environment. And completes this list of areas "fire safety". It trains technicians who can organize and carry out work to extinguish and prevent fires, work with fire equipment, emergency equipment, and troubleshoot such equipment.

Training programs for workers and employees based on 11 classes

In specialties aimed at training middle-level personnel, the duration of training is 2 years and 10 months. If desired, education can be obtained much faster, because for the category of applicants after grade 11 there are training programs for workers and employees. The term of study is only 10 months.

There are very few training programs for workers and employees for 11th grade graduates in Barnaul AASC. The list is limited to only 2 professions. College applicants are offered to study either as a master of dry construction or as a master of general construction works.

Entry exams

The college works in accordance with the legislation of Russia. One of the laws states that admission to secondary vocational education programs must be carried out without examinations in school subjects, on a public basis. This requirement is, of course, fulfilled in the SSUZ. There are no exams in general education subjects. Admission is carried out only on the basis of the results of the competition of certificates.

A small exception is provided for 3 specialties of AASK Barnaul. At the “design” stage, applicants take an exam in drawing. This entrance test helps college staff understand which applicants have creative talents and which simply do not. A similar exam is provided for "architecture". In this specialty, creative data is also checked. On "fire safety" the entrance exam is different. Its essence lies in passing the standards for physical fitness and passing the test for stress resistance.

I entered this college for a computer specialty in the hope that they would at least somehow teach in the specialty for which I entered. Deep disappointment is the only thing I got from studying in this place. Maybe it’s better in construction and architectural specialties (I don’t know), but in computer science there is complete anarchy and pure ...

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I entered this college for a computer specialty in the hope that they would at least somehow teach in the specialty for which I entered. Deep disappointment is the only thing I got from studying in this place. Maybe it’s better in construction and architectural specialties (I don’t know), but in computer science there is complete anarchy and pure self-education (only for those who need it). It was the teachers, the way they present the material (some do not bother with this and we just sit in pairs and go about our business) did their job, thanks to which my assessment of this college is one. There are undoubtedly good teachers, but they can be counted on the fingers: Yangolov, Rimskaya, Kotenko, Timofeeva. Unlike the rest, these people fulfill their mission in this college - they teach students. As for incompetent teachers who are not knowledgeable in their subjects, this list is immense, but it is worth highlighting the most outstanding in doing nothing: Kondrasheva A. O, taught history and society in our first and in particular in the second year, although she "led" it's loud. I can't think of a single couple where she actually explained anything to us. Basically, she constantly disappeared somewhere and always asked one thing "if someone enters, say that I just left and will be right back." At the exams, she gave fives to those who gave her sweets or something like that, it was possible with her own efforts, but this way is easier. In the end, I pulled up the grades for some, and significantly underestimated someone. Zakharova A.V., Chernova Yu.S. act according to the same principle - they humiliate students and let them know that they are stupid. They give a minimum of information (sometimes they do not give at all) and demand a maximum after that. No explanation. The answer is always the same "You will figure it out yourself." Zakharova often shifts her work to students, who are then overestimated, but she boasts of her work as if she plows without resting. , Zakharova does not work in her specialty. It's impossible to single out everyone. At the top of this institution, the bureaucracy is the director, who does not care deeply about the students, who sees only himself. He arranged for the repair of the entire college in the midst of training (from September it went to November), it was impossible to walk around the college, the plaster was constantly falling on people, it was impossible to breathe, it was constantly dizzy from the smell of paint, from dust and everything else. Instead of physical education, we removed the consequences of this repair. Boys are periodically forced to help with something instead of teaching for grades. The only thing I want to say to people who want to come here is: think about it, maybe you will save your life, after this repair I started having health problems. Training in this college with such a composition is zero