Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Anatoly Georgievich Kushnirenko, Soviet and Russian mathematician and information technology specialist.

Anatoly Georgievich Kushnirenko - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Mechanics and Mathematics Department of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, Head of the Department of Educational Informatics, NIISI RAS. In 1979, he began to read a new programming course at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University, since 1985 he took an active part in the deployment of a school course in computer science in the USSR, led the development and implementation in schools and universities of the software systems “Microworld”, “E-workshop”, “ Fortran Workshop”, “KuMir”. Author and co-author of many textbooks on mathematics and computer science. Among them - a textbook for universities "Programming for Mathematicians" and a school textbook "Fundamentals of Informatics and Computer Engineering", published with a circulation of more than 8 million copies.

A.G. Kushnirenko studied in the first mathematical class in the USSR (school No. 444) with S.I. Schwarzburd. Graduate of the Mechanics and Mathematics Department of Moscow State University (supervisor V.I. Arnold). From 1970 to the present, he has been teaching at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University. For 5 years he taught in the mathematical classes of the Moscow school number 7. In the period from 1990 to 1998. taught at several American universities (Rice, Harvard, Rutgers, Penn State). To the scientific interests of A.G. Kushnirenko include: the theory of dynamical systems, questions of system programming, the theory of Newton's polyhedra and the theory of few terms. At present, at NIISI RAS, under the supervision of
A.G. Kushnirenko is developing production and educational software, in particular, the popular KuMir programming environment is getting a second life.

Alexander Georgievich Leonov - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor, Leading Researcher of the Mechanics and Mathematics Department of the Lomonosov Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, Head of the Department of Educational Informatics, NIISI RAS, author of the KuMir system, scientific editor of the Informatics volume, one of the most popular volumes of the Encyclopedia for Children series. Avanta+”, author of numerous textbooks, manuals and popular science articles.

A.G. Leonov is a graduate of the Mekhmat of Moscow State University. Since the beginning of the informatization of school education in the USSR in 1985, he has been giving new courses of lectures in Moststankino, MATI im. K.E. Tsiolkovsky, at various faculties of Moscow State University. He has prepared and taught over 30 different courses on programming, compilation theory, information systems design, etc. As the author of many school textbooks, he manages a number of related software projects. He has over 150 publications. Supervises the development of a new version of the multi-platform programming environment "KuMir".

Course concept

The informatics course provides several special knowledge and skills, without which it is impossible to be successful in the labor market today, or to get an education that will allow you to remain successful tomorrow. One of the most important human skills is the ability to draw up and then implement a plan for some future activity. Looking in the encyclopedic dictionary, you can find that such a plan is called a program. The habit of spending time and energy on thinking, writing down and working out plans for the future activities of oneself, other people or large teams is called the algorithmic style of thinking. Mastering an algorithmic style of thinking is not easy. To do this, you need to learn how to predict situations that may happen in the future in advance, and plan for the correct behavior in these situations. On the other hand, like other human skills, the algorithmic thinking style can be developed and trained through a purposefully selected system of exercises. Such a system of exercises is offered in the course of computer science, in the cycles of tasks for encoding information and drawing up plans for the future activities of computers and other automatic devices. Thus, the computer science course teaches you to plan for the future in the simplest situation, when it comes only to automatic devices, but not to people.

Lecture 1. Main objectives of the course

Methodology for building a course. Problem approach. Theory is learned through practice. The KuMir system is an effective support for traditional concepts of procedural programming languages ​​and traditional debugging methods. Examples of using "KuMir" in pre-professional courses.

Almost a quarter of a century has passed since the discipline of informatics "registered" in the schools of Russia (USSR). Computer science is one of the most modern and exciting sciences of the 21st century. Its study at school solves the problem of the formation and development of several fundamental aspects of the thinking of a young person of our time, without which it will be impossible to do in the 21st century. This important social task is assigned by the information society to the institution of the general education school. The task of forming a thinking style can be formulated more clearly, based on explicit and implicit requirements for a high school graduate, formalized in state standards, programs of the Unified State Exam, and other documents of the federal level. The most important element of the graduate model is the system of knowledge, skills and abilities that people of the information society need. The main ones are:

the ability to plan the structure of actions necessary to achieve a given goal with the help of a fixed set of means;

· the ability to build information structures to describe objects and systems;

The ability to organize the search for information necessary to solve the problem.

newspaper number

Lecture 1. The main objectives of the course. Methodology for building a course. Problem approach. Theory is learned through practice. The KuMir system is an effective support for traditional concepts of procedural programming languages ​​and traditional debugging methods. Examples of using “KuMir” in pre-professional courses.

Lecture 2. Practical acquaintance with the “KuMir” system: Robot performer. The concept of an algorithm. Controlling the robot performer using the remote control. Linear algorithms. Recording the algorithm. Digression: Karel-Robot in the initial course of programming at Stanford University.

Lecture 3. Methods of “visual” recording of the algorithm. Software control of the robot. Cycle " n once". Use of auxiliary algorithms. Writing algorithms in an algorithmic language.

Control work number 1.

Lecture 4. Arithmetic expressions and rules for their recording. Algorithms with “feedback”. "bye" command. Conditions in an algorithmic language. Commands "if" and "choice". Control commands. “Visual” representation of commands. Digression: rules and form of writing arithmetic expressions in Fortran of the 21st century.

Lecture 5. Quantities in the algorithmic language. Information input/output commands. assignment command. Auxiliary algorithms. Algorithms with results and algorithms-functions. The "for" cycle. Table values. Logical, symbolic and literal values.

Control work number 2.

Lecture 6. Methods of algorithmization. Recurrent relations. iteration method. cycle invariant. Recursion.

Lecture 7. Physical foundations of modern computers. The microprocessor is the heart of the modern computer. How to build a computer.

Lecture 8. Virtual and real performers in the KuMir system. Performer Draftsman. Lego-Robot is a program-controlled executor of "KuMir". Hypertexts in the KuMir system. Preparation of assignments for students and their automatic verification.

Final work.

Considered together, these skills form the operational (algorithmic) style of thinking that is necessary for every young person living in the information society, regardless of his professional training and orientation. We remember the slogan put forward by Academician A.P. Ershov in the 80s of the last century: “Programming is the second literacy!” . In the years of the beginning of computerization of Russian schools, this slogan adorned school informatics classrooms throughout the country and seemed to many a beautiful exaggeration. Today, in the age of personal computers, phones, communicators, e-books, the Internet, ATMs and digital libraries, the need for “information literacy” is beyond doubt. The question is, what is this literacy and how to master it?

The proposed lectures are devoted to the answer to this question.

A remarkable scientist and our colleague G.V. Lebedev in 1991 delivered a course of lectures for computer science teachers in Arkhangelsk. These lectures were later edited by A.G. Kushnirenko and published in the form of a book written in the first person “12 lectures on why a school course in computer science is needed and how to teach it”. Let's start the discussion of the question of what a computer science course should be like at school with an extensive quote from this book. G.V. Lebedev writes:

“The course ... figuratively speaking, is based on three “pillars”:

1) the first and main “kit” is called “Algorithmic style of thinking”: the main goal of the course is the development of the algorithmic style of thinking as an independent cultural value, independently, in a sense, from computers and everything else;

2) the second "whale": the course must be "real". The word “real” means that in the process of simplifying the concepts of computer science, we should not “throw out the baby with the water”, i.e. one can simplify only as long as the content, the essence of the matter, is not lost;

3) the third "whale": the course should form "an adequate idea of ​​the modern informational reality." This means a certain isolation, completeness, sufficiency of the set of course concepts. In other words, if the second “whale” forbids in the process of simplification to move on to something convenient for presentation, but not related to “real computer science”, then the third “whale” requires that an adequate understanding of computer science be nevertheless formed so that there was enough material and the course contained a set of concepts necessary for this, covering today's realities.

With all the seeming transparency of G. Lebedev's position, his statements are quite deep and need clarification.

The algorithmic style of thinking is not given to us from birth. In one school, a computer science teacher in class proposed a thought experiment:

“Imagine that you live near a Milk store and there is a bakery one block from your house. Mom gives you an order to buy milk and bread.” The students were required to describe the algorithm for completing the task set by their mother.

It seems surprising, but the vast majority of schoolchildren suggested that they first buy milk in the nearest store, and only then go for bread, completely ignoring the fact that they would have to go to the bakery loaded with milk bags. A more economical algorithm would be to go “light” to the bakery first, and only then buy milk on the way back. Despite the fact that both solutions are formally correct, the test result showed that the students did not think about the effectiveness of the algorithm.

Informatics, like any other school subject, regardless of the interest of students in it, cannot (unfortunately subject teacher J) occupy all the time of a student. The subject of "computer science", like any other subject, is given a certain number of hours. And the course should fit into them. In addition, computer science at school exists side by side with other, no less complex and important subjects, contributing to the flow of knowledge that flows to the student. This means that one must not only be afraid to “throw out the baby” by simplifying the course, but also be afraid to overload the course and, so to speak, wash away a real student with a stream of knowledge. That is, to achieve the maximum effect of assimilation of the material, the latter should be possibly more compact by volume, possibly simpler by content. You can imagine a Christmas tree with branches - knowledge, where the top is associated with the first day of the child at school, and the spreading crown at the bottom of the tree - with the final exams. Each level of spruce is a stage of mastering the knowledge system, and the student's difficult task is to bypass all branches of the knowledge tree and become a full-fledged member of society. This ridiculous association would have remained a joke if the teachers had not made efforts to complicate the task of the student, diligently growing their part of the crown, making some levels almost impassable. However, there is another approach. It is possible, having looked around the tree of knowledge, to find a place for your subject, without really increasing the fluffy crown. If at the same time it is possible to single out a compact amount of knowledge that is available for mastering by a student of the earliest possible age, then this volume can be placed closer to the top, that is, it can be started to study in the lower grades. At the same time, only the most important, most necessary concepts will have to be selected, but they will also be assimilated by an order of magnitude better than at an older age.

And finally - the "real course" cannot be entirely devoted to the development of skills in using computers and software of today. The use of computers in all school disciplines, ie. improvement of particular subject methods by means of a personal computer and information and communication technologies may seem to be a fundamental task for the teaching staff. However, for all the importance of the task of mastering new information technologies, one cannot slide only into the formation of specific skills for solving a certain range of tasks. Indeed, over time, the information technologies used can not only become obsolete, but also transform, changing the interface of interaction with a person, replacing one obsolete functionality with another.

In one of the Western “space” series, the action takes place in the distant XXII century, when humanity, enslaved by machines that have gone out of control, is fighting for its freedom with the last of its strength. The killer machines are controlled from the center by the superbrain, using an analog radiotelephone line and a modem as a communication line. The modem, without a doubt, was one of the important elements of the World Wide Web at the end of the last century. Modems were discussed in school textbooks and methodological literature, however, with the development of digital communication technologies, classical analog modems have lost their positions and will disappear altogether in the coming years, and the freed term “modem” will describe completely different entities. Thus, the ability to set up a modem and knowledge about its device, which were important at the dawn of the Internet, have lost any practical significance today. This example is typical: in our turbulent information age, technologies are changing so quickly that the mastery of the functionality that is widespread today everywhere by a seventh or eighth grader may become irrelevant by the time they graduate from school. For example, the skills and motor skills acquired during the development of Norton Commander are unlikely to be useful to a modern high school student after graduation (unless he decides to take up the history of science :).

Summing up, we can say that the skills of using this or that software (this or that information technology) are useful, but the student must learn not only to solve certain problems using the technical means known to him, but also learn how to look for a solution to similar problems that have arisen. in a different environment with a conscious choice of adequate technical and computer means. Skewed towards the development of specific software by schoolchildren can subsequently lead to inability and unwillingness to master new tools.

In practice, however, the compilation, discussion, recording of algorithms is impossible without the use of some notation, some language. The language should be simpler and more formal than natural language. Academician A.P. Ershov, at the beginning of the introduction of informatics to the school, proposed a school algorithmic language. Initially - in the 1985/1986 academic year - this language was considered only as a tool for writing algorithms in a “machineless” computer science course. Here is a quote from an article by A.P. Ershov 1985: “…unlike rigid programming languages, an algorithmic language has some syntactic freedom inherent in the language of “business prose” oriented towards a human reader.”

But practice made its own adjustments, in the same 1985 the first programming system in this language appeared, and it began to be considered by A.P. Ershov as a “pseudo-code”, which has a rigid core with a fixed syntax and semantics. In this capacity, the language was expanded, refined and implemented on all computers used in schools in the USSR (IBM PC, Yamaha, Corvette, UKNC, etc.). As an educational programming language supported by the KuMir software system, the school algorithmic language gained wide popularity in the early 90s.

Despite the fact that over the 20 years of the practice of using the school algorithmic language, many arguments have been published in favor of its use in the school educational process, let us dwell once again on several fundamental points.

One of the difficulties in choosing a language for writing algorithms in the school of A.P. Ershov called the contradiction between the diversity of the language practice of programming and the unity of the educational process at school. Indeed, with production programming languages ​​such as Pascal and C, Java and Basic, it's hard not to choose one of them. But after all, the school does not train programmers, and, moreover, from a pedagogical point of view, the study of any algorithmic language in the process of pre-professional training at school can and should be considered not as obtaining specific production skills, but as a propaedeutic for learning many production programming languages ​​in a subsequent career.

On the other hand, the school algorithmic language is developed enough to be used in the classroom, at home, in everyday life. The ability to use the school algorithmic language to describe “everyday” or well-known algorithms allows the teacher not only to formulate popular algorithms, for example, the algorithm for solving a quadratic equation from a mathematics course, but also to use the language to formalize descriptions of natural processes around us.

An important point is also the national coloring of the school algorithmic language, its Russian language (as well as the possibility of localizing the vocabulary of the language in the national republics). Indeed, already at preschool age, the child is faced with natural algorithms in everyday life. Of course, these algorithms are formulated in the native language. Sending her beloved child to the store, the mother gives an order: “Buy two loaves of 13 rubles each and a city bun for 7 rubles. If a not will be 13 then buy one for 18”. Even in a nightmare, it is impossible to imagine a mother who, for some reason, switches to a foreign language when issuing such a task to her own child. Therefore, it is quite natural to write down algorithms in the native language, which makes it possible to use everyday and linguistic experience already accumulated by the child. During the period of entering a new and difficult course for the child, it would be unreasonable to ignore this experience already accumulated and consolidated in practice and add to the substantive difficulties of the new subject the technical difficulties of mastering many new incomprehensible words. Such a vicious practice will lead to an impenetrable jungle in the crown of the tree of knowledge. If you think that learning a dozen words in English and using them when compiling algorithms is not difficult, read the following wonderful passage from A.K. Zvonkin "Kids and Mathematics":

Let's take the place of a child and try to learn arithmetic ourselves... but only in Japanese! So, here are the first ten numbers for you: ichi, ni, san, si, go, roku, city, hati, ku, ju. The first task is to learn this sequence by heart. You will see that it is not so easy. When you finally succeed, you can proceed to the second task: try to learn how to count in reverse as well, from ju to ichi. If this is already possible, let's start calculating. How much dignity will be added to rock? And take it away from the city? And hati divided by si?

A.P. Ershov also considered it essential that the school algorithmic language allows a verbal description of natural algorithms, he gives the following example:

The main methodological problem of this and other similar examples is the uncertainty of the rules of the game. Although the STREET CROSSING algorithm looks clear on the surface, it remains unclear who gives the commands, say, the command “let the car through”, and who executes these commands. The relationship between the individual commands also remains unclear: you need to read the algorithm for a long time to assume that the question “car is close” should be asked immediately after the execution of one of the commands - “look left” or “look right”.

The resolution of all these uncertainties lies in the introduction of the metaphor of the performer and the basic set of concepts:

performer, a system of commands for the performer;

· algorithm, computer - executor of algorithms.

This set of concepts was introduced in several computer science textbooks in the late 1980s.

In those days, it was believed that computer science should be taught in high school, and textbooks were designed for grades 9-11. Is this point of view correct? When is it possible and necessary to teach computer science at school?

In the works of Academician A.P. Ershov points out the need for continuous information education. For each of the stages of school education, he defined the following content:

- First stage: a set of the most fundamental skills, knowledge, concepts and ideas necessary for the formation of an operational style of thinking;

- central high school classes: a set of applied skills and abilities necessary for applying the ideas and methods of informatics in other areas of human activity;

- senior high school: a system of basic provisions of informatics as a science in accordance with its place in the modern system of scientific knowledge;

- graduation class: a set of knowledge necessary for a general orientation in the possibilities of modern and advanced computer technology and information systems.

In the realities of the school, we have a different picture today, rarely when computer science classes begin before the 5th grade.

The skills and knowledge that a citizen of the information society in the modern world should possess include a wide group of concepts and skills that are closely and even directly related to computer science in all its manifestations. Concepts such as robot, commands, control,programming etc., have long gone beyond textbooks in computer science and computer technology. A weak understanding of stock trading or the financial market cannot prevent a young person from finding an adequate application in the labor market, however, the lack of an elementary information culture (including the inability to program a household appliance or control a cell phone) will lead him to the camp of functionally illiterate people, demand on which the labor market is falling every day.

Thus, the thesis of Academician A.P. Ershov “Programming is the second literacy!” can be consistently paraphrased into the thesis “Everyone should be able to (a little) program” or into an even stronger thesis - “Programming is the new literacy”. This new literacy may be acquired in parallel with traditional literacy or even precede the child's ability to read and write.

Indeed, while the older generation has difficulty mastering modern information technologies, whether it is plastic credit cards or drafting an appeal to government agencies using the Internet (Electronic Government), the youngest, even before mastering the initial level of literacy, receive skills in programming home digital appliances, robot toys, get to know the computer and take the complex information environment around them for granted.

Therefore, it is quite fair to ask about the minimum age at which one can start classes in computer science and (or) introduce children to programming elements (for example, program control of the simplest performers). It turns out that the modern generation can be introduced to computer science even before mastering the alphabet! If you provide a child with an interesting robot toy or put him in control of a colorful and interesting character in a computer game, then at the age of 4–6 years, children can cope with management process, mentally composing program. Moreover, after successfully solving the problem, the child is quite capable of explaining how you need to solve the task set in the game, in what sequence and why you need to press buttons on the control panel, - i.e. formed in the child's mind program of action on controlling a robot toy or a character in a computer game. The peculiarity of such specific programming at a younger age is that, not being able to read and write, the child cannot put his plan into writing. However, he can successfully draw this plan or talk about it.

Until quite recently, the barrier of “non-written” was insurmountable: first, it was required to teach the child elementary literacy, then teach him some formal programming language written in text form, and only after that the child was able to independently compose and debug programs in some formal language. Now this barrier is successfully overcome. For example, there is a toy program on the Internet Light-bot ( it, a funny character - a robot lamplighter - must walk around the factory premises and light the emergency lighting bulbs built into the floor. The lamplighter robot is able to execute only the simplest commands: move one cell, turn, turn on the light bulb, jump one step up. The Robot moves along a checkered labyrinth field formed from passages between brick walls, some of which the Robot has to jump on. Light bulbs need to be lit in places marked with a certain color. The goal of the child is to program the Robot so that it lights up the lights in all the highlighted fields.

The main achievement of this pedagogical software product is that the child is the robot's action program, using not texts, but command pictograms robot, choosing commands from the command table displayed on the screen. Interface (drag & drop) -drag and drop) is quite simple and clear for a child aged 4–6 years old - you need to drag commands from the table into the program with the mouse.

Of course, it is sometimes not easy for a child to compose an algorithm in his mind, however, by picking up a pencil, almost any kid can draw own algorithm - a plan for future actions of the Robot. The five elementary commands of the Robot are fixed, the child can program two compound commands himself. These simple rules of the game allow a preschooler to get acquainted with the basics of programming in 2-3 half-hour sessions.

The simplest tasks for preschoolers and younger students also include the “Towers of Hanoi” and the well-known “Wolf, Goat and Cabbage”. Numerous computer implementations of the latter task have an almost identical and easy-to-learn interface. Acting characters are activated, as a rule, by “clicking” the mouse. To increase the interest of children, graphics and sound accompaniment are used. In almost any specific implementation of the game, you can find minor roughness and make a number of comments. As a rule, there is nowhere to undo the actions taken (undo, from English - rollback, undoing a previous action). However, the main drawback of such microgames lies elsewhere.

After mastering, possibly with a different interface, solving such microtasks on a computer, the student will move into a more complex environment. At best, these will be program-controlled executors of the LOGO type. In the worst case, this will be a programming environment in a “simple” programming language like Basic.

Learning LOGO and Basic in continuing education will usually be followed by Pascal, Java, or even C.

Such a change in the “rules of the game” in the process of learning informatics has both positive and negative sides. The good thing is that when changing programming languages ​​and software systems, their similarities and differences are clearly distinguished and manifested, an understanding is created of what is universal, and what is accidental and secondary. The bad thing is that it takes a lot of time and effort to master the new rules of the game, new languages ​​and programming systems, bringing the methods of using them to automatism. In other words, the more often the rules of the game change, the greater the unproductive costs.

The concept of “informatic” education continuity poses new challenges for developers of pedagogical software. To reduce unproductive costs of trainees, it is required to formulate and use a unified approach to the development and use of a pedagogical software product at the entire stage of education - from propaedeutic to specialized courses.

One of the possible approaches is the end-to-end use of the school algorithmic language from junior to senior classes, including at the initial stages of specialized courses.

Such a decision will not lead to isolation of future graduates from the real world. Firstly, the demand on the labor market for programmers with a high school diploma is zero. Secondly, the stock of skills and abilities mastered by students in one of the production development environments chosen for study at school, due to objective reasons, will turn out to be small in volume. A much greater effect will come from “investing” in raising the level of general algorithmic culture.

Another argument in favor of the developed by A.P. Ershov of the school algorithmic language - the availability of a freely distributed multiplatform programming system "KuMir". This system effectively supports the school language on almost all computer platforms, has a wide range of software executors and other methodically thought-out means of increasing student productivity.

The KuMir system uses a school algorithmic language with Russian vocabulary and built-in executors Robot and Draftsman. When entering the program, “KuMir” performs constant full control of its correctness, reporting on the program margins about all detected errors. When executing the program in step-by-step mode, “KuMir” displays the results of assignment operations and the values ​​of logical expressions on the fields. This allows you to speed up the process of mastering the basics of programming.

The “KuMir” system methodically continues LOGO, however, in the propaedeutic course, which can be started in elementary grades or even in kindergarten, there is a “software hole” that is hardly covered by heterogeneous software tools. The "younger brother" of "KuMir" - the "PictoMir" programming system - is called upon to fill this gap.

The PiktoMir system of textless, pictogram programming allows a child to “assemble” a simple program from pictograms on a computer screen that controls virtual robot performers. PiktoMir is primarily aimed at preschoolers who can't write yet, or at elementary school students who don't really like to write. "PictoMir" will prepare kids for the further use of the "KuMir" system in education.

Thus, “KuMir” will turn out to be a full-fledged pedagogical software tool for programming at all stages of studying computer science at school - from preparatory to graduation classes.

Sometimes "KuMir" is opposed to object-oriented programming languages, suggesting that they be used in high school. Here, the authors can refer to their university experience of successfully using KuMir in an introductory programming workshop at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University. “KuMir” is used in the first semester of the first year, then it is replaced by the study of the C language, and only in the second year does C ++ appear.

Of course, KuMir is not an object-oriented programming language. However, it is not that far from object-oriented. In "KuMir" the concept of "performer" is used, which is broad in its scope. An executor is understood not only as a design of the KuMir programming language, but also as a person, an automaton or other device, or a group of devices connected by common properties and having a fixed system of commands once and for all. An important property of the executor is his “ignorance” about the system that controls him, which is called in OOP abstraction.

Returning to the “KuMir” system, it is important to note that the term itself executor names not only one of the formal structures of the school algorithmic language, but at the same time refers to performers familiar to us from real life, which exist independently of any programming system. So, for a schoolchild, the simplest example of a performer (with a minimal system of commands) can be the lighting system of the room, which he has to deal with daily. Entering a dark room, a person “turns on the light”, and leaving it, “turns it off”, using a switch button. In this case, it is customary to say that the performer "light bulb" has button control mode.

Around there are a lot of more complex performers who also have push-button controls: a video player, a telephone, a car, and, finally, a computer. It is in view of the prevalence of performers in modern life that the development of concepts executor, executor management, executor's command system children of any age passes instantly and does not present any methodological problem. In the same way, the metaphor of modeling the performer and his control panel on the computer screen and the appearance of a virtual performer in the school informatics course is instantly mastered. Robot and the Robot control panel (see figure).

When push-button control of the Robot, the remote control “remembers” the control protocol. From here it is not far to the idea of ​​controlling the Robot according to a previously memorized protocol and, further, to the idea of ​​programmatic control of the Robot - drawing up a plan for the future actions of the Robot and transferring the process of executing this plan to a computer.

In conclusion, we note that the school algorithmic language and KuMir are, in a sense, complete, closed. The language introduces two fundamental concepts of action structuring - branching/repetition commands and auxiliary algorithms, and two fundamental concepts of object structuring: table values ​​and executors.

Actions -> Commands (Cycles)-> Helper Algorithms

Objects -> Quantities (Tables) -> Performers

These concepts are simple and accessible to schoolchildren, they can be understood and mastered in the process of solving problems, and all together they form the foundation on which one can develop both a person’s internal abilities for algorithmic thinking and an understanding of the realities of the surrounding world. Having mastered the basic concepts of modern information culture, you can develop in different directions: from learning how to design data structures and new programming languages ​​to solving more complex applied problems.

The article of the same name can be found in the A.P. Ershov: . With the same exaggeration as made by A.P. Ershov in the early 80s predicted that soon every person on Earth would have several microprocessors for daily personal use. 12 lectures on what a school computer science course is for and how to teach it: A.G. Kushnirenko, G.V. Lebedev. Toolkit. M.: Laboratory of basic knowledge, 2000. It is curious that a similar problem has already been discussed in fiction. In the well-known book by V. Azhaev “Far from Moscow”, an important role in the development of the plot is played by the optimization of the algorithm for transporting pipes along the route of an oil pipeline under construction, invented by one of the heroes. Zvonkin A.K. Kids and math. Home club for preschoolers. M.: MTsNMO, MIOO, 2006. Fundamentals of informatics and computer technology: A.P. Ershov,
A.G. Kushnirenko, G.V. Lebedev, A.L. Semenov, A.Kh. Shen.
Trial textbook for secondary schools. Ed. A.P. Ershov. Moscow: Education, 1988.

Fundamentals of informatics and computer technology: A.G. Kushnirenko, G.V. Lebedev, R.A. Swine. Textbook for secondary educational institutions. Moscow: Education, 1990–1996 (the total circulation of different editions of this book was 7 million 560 thousand copies; the book was translated: into Moldovan, published in 1991 in Chisinau by the Lumina publishing house; into Uzbek, published in 1991 in Tashkent by the publishing house “Ukituvchi”).

Performers in “KuMir” are used in two ways. At the initial stage, the KuMir system allows you to use ready-made executors and learn programming by compiling algorithms for managing them. At subsequent stages in KuMir, you can create new internal executors in the program, using them as a method of structuring objects and actions in the program.

Kushnirenko, D. G.

ed. book. "On the chemical composition of the waters of the Kharkiv water pipeline." (1900).


Big biographical encyclopedia. 2009 .

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    Kushnirenko, Anatoly Georgievich Anatoly Kushnirenko Soviet and Russian mathematician and computer scientist Date of birth: July 3, 1944 (1944 07 03) (65 years old) Place of birth ... Wikipedia

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    - (12/28/1919 01/01/2000), screenwriter. Honored Artist of the RSFSR: Laureate of the State Prize of the RSFSR. He studied at the Faculty of Electromechanics at the Moscow Power Engineering Institute (1937 1941) and in absentia at the Industrial Institute (1945 ... ... Cinema Encyclopedia

    Anatoly Kushnirenko Soviet and Russian mathematician and computer scientist Date of birth: July 3, 1944 (1944 07 03) (68 years old) Place of birth: RS ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Shevchenkovo. The village of Shevchenkove in Ukraine. Shevchenkove Flag Coat of Arms ... Wikipedia

    - "HOW TO BECOME HAPPY", USSR, MOSFILM, 1985, color, 89 min. Fantastic comedy. Once, on New Year's Eve, photojournalist Gosha met a strange old man who called himself an inventor. He kept his latest invention in a suitcase and ... ... Cinema Encyclopedia

    This term has other meanings, see Idol. Kumir ... Wikipedia

    - "I DON'T WANT TO BE ADULT", USSR, MOSFILM, 1982, color, 77 min. Musical comedy. The parents of six-year-old Pavlik, each in their own way, are trying to make him an erudite and a superman. Arriving to visit his grandmother in the village, Pavlik receives permission to ... ... Cinema Encyclopedia

    Wikipedia has articles about other people with this last name, see Kovarsky. Anatoly Efimovich Kovarsky Date of birth ... Wikipedia

    Anatoly Efimovich Kovarsky (January 23, 1904, Popovka, Konotop district, Chernigov province January 31, 1974, Chisinau, Moldavian SSR) Soviet breeder, agronomist, geneticist, botanist, doctor of agricultural sciences (1940), professor (1940), ... ... Wikipedia


  • Criminalistics. Workshop. Textbook, Kushnirenko Svetlana Petrovna, Pristanskov Vladimir Dmitrievich, Nizamov Vyacheslav Yurievich. It involves mastering the theoretical knowledge of the scientific foundations of forensic science, forensic technology, tactics and methods of investigation of individual groups and types ...

listen)) is a Soviet and Russian mathematician and information technology specialist. Head of the Department of Educational Informatics, NIISI RAS, author of many textbooks on informatics, developer of the KuMir educational programming system. Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University.


In his 1967 article, A. G. Kushnirenko introduced the concept A-entropies(in English literature, the term was later fixed "sequence enthropy"), which is a modification of the concept of metric entropy of a dynamical system introduced by A. N. Kolmogorov. A number of works by Kushnirenko are devoted to the study of systems of polynomial equations and obtaining estimates for the number of solutions to such systems; his results (in particular, the “Kushnirenko theorem” and the “Kushnirenko principle”) have firmly entered the arsenal of researchers working in this area of ​​mathematics.

Kushnirenko was one of the first to introduce computer science in the 1980s as an academic subject. In 1980, together with G. V. Lebedev, he created a new computer science course at Moscow State University (on the basis of this course, the textbook "Programming for Mathematicians" was subsequently created), based on original ideas. In 1987, the second textbook on computer science for the 10th grade of high school was published, created by a team of authors led by Kushnirenko. From 1990 to 1997, the textbook "Fundamentals of Informatics and Computer Engineering" was published with a total circulation of more than 7 million copies. Kushnirenko considers it necessary to study informatics in schools.

Both the course of lectures and both textbooks were based on: the concept of “performer” (proposed in the late 1970s by V. B. Betelin and developed by A. G. Kushnirenko and G. V. Lebedev) as one of the ways to implement the concept object-oriented programming, top-down programming technology, and hierarchy of data structures.

Made two presentations at the International Seminar on Computer Algebra and Informatics.


Currently, Anatoly Georgievich reads special courses and conducts special seminars. He is on the editorial board of the journal Fundamental and Applied Mathematics.



  • Kushnirenko A. G.// Advances in Mathematical Sciences. - 1967. - T. 22, issue. 5 (137) . - S. 57-65.
  • Kushnirenko A. G.// Functional analysis and its applications . - 1967. - Vol. 1, issue. one . - pp. 103-104.
  • Kushnirenko A. G.// Advances in Mathematical Sciences. - 1970. - T. 25, issue. 2 (152) . - pp. 273-274.
  • Kushnirenko A. G.// Functional analysis and its applications . - 1975. - Vol. 9, issue. one . - S. 74-75.
  • Bernstein D. N., Kushnirenko A. G., Khovansky A. G.// Advances in Mathematical Sciences. - 1976. - T. 31, issue. 3 (189) . - S. 201-202.
  • Kushnirenko A. G.// Functional analysis and its applications . - 1976. - Vol. 10, issue. 3 . - S. 82-83.


  • Kushnirenko A. G., Lebedev G. V. , Svoren R. A. Fundamentals of Informatics and Computer Engineering: Textbook for 10-11th grade. educational institutions. - M .: Enlightenment, 1990. - 224 p. - ISBN 5-09-002719-6.- was reissued in 1991, 1993 and 1996
  • Lebedev G. V., Kushnirenko A. G. Programming for Mathematicians: Textbook for universities in the specialties "Mathematics" and "Applied Mathematics". - M .: Nauka, 1988. - 384 p. - ISBN 5-02-014235-2.
  • Kushnirenko A. G., Lebedev G. V. 12 lectures on why a school course in computer science is needed and how to teach it. - M .: Basic Knowledge Laboratory, 2000. - 464 p. - 3000 copies. - ISBN 5-93208-063-9.
  • A. G. Kushnirenko, G. V. Lebedev, Ya. N. Zaidelman Informatics. 7-9 grades. 3rd ed. - M .: Bustard, 2002. - 336 p. - 10,000 copies. - ISBN 5-7107-5283-5.
  • Kushnirenko A. G., Leonov A. G., Epictetov M. G., Borisenko V. V., Kuzmenko M. A., Nazarov B. A., Khanzhin S. B. Information culture. Information encoding. information models. 9-10 grades. 2nd ed. - M .: Bustard, 1996. - 205 p. - 50,000 copies. - ISBN 5-7107-0769-4.
  • Kushnirenko A. G. New information technologies. Grade 11. - M .: Bustard, 2003. - 160 p. - 10,000 copies. - ISBN 5-7107-6729-8.
  • Betelin V. B., Velikhov E. P., Kushnirenko A. G.// Information technologies and computing systems. - 2007. - No. 2. - S. 3-10.
  • Betelin V. B., Kushnirenko A. G., Raiko G. O.// Information technologies and computing systems. - 2010. - No. 3. - S. 15-18.

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  1. . // Website of the Department of the Department of Education and Science of the Mechanics and Mathematics of the Moscow State University. Retrieved May 23, 2015.
  2. , With. eighteen.
  3. . // Site of NIISI RAS. Retrieved May 23, 2015.
  4. . // Website Retrieved May 23, 2015.
  5. . // Website of the Institute of Distance Education of TSU. Retrieved May 23, 2015.
  6. , With. ten.
  7. Varchenko A. N., Vasiliev V. A., Gusein-Zade S. M., Davydov A. A., Zakalyukin V. M., Ilyashenko Yu. S., Kazaryan M. E., Kushnirenko A. G., Lando S. K., Khovansky A. G.// Trudy Matem. in-ta im. V. A. Steklova. - 2007. - T. 259. - S. 5-9.
  8. .
  9. Anosov D.V. Metric enthropy of a dynamical system // Encyclopaedia of Mathematics. Vol. 6. Lob-Opt / Ed. by M. Hazewinkel. - Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990. - ix + 546 p. - ISBN 1-55608-005-0.- P. 208-209.
  10. .
  11. .
  12. .
  13. Sottile F. Real Solutions to Equations from Geometry. - Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, 2011. - ix + 200 p. - (University Lecture Series. Vol. 57). - ISBN 978-0-8218-5331-3.- P. 3, 4, 26, 39, 49.
  14. Rusek R., Shakalli J., Sottile F. Dense Fewnomials // Randomization, Relaxation, and Complexity in Polynomial Equation Solving: Banff International Research Station workshop on randomization, relaxation, and complexity, February 28 - March 5, 2010, Banff, Ontario, Canada / Ed. by L. Gurvits, P. Pebay, J. M. Rojas, D. C. Thompson. - Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, 2011. - viii + 216 p. - (Contemporary Mathematics. Vol. 556). - ISBN 978-0-8218-5228-6.- P. 167-186.
  15. ]
  16. Pushkareva, Tatiana// The first of September. - 2001. - No. 28.
  17. Dubova, Natalia.// Computerworld Russia. - 2000. - No. 15.
  19. Kushnirenko A. G.. // Website of the Moscow Center for Continuous Mathematical Education. Retrieved May 23, 2015.

An excerpt characterizing Kushnirenko, Anatoly Georgievich

“Yes, but, entre nous, [between us],” said the princess, “this is a pretext, he actually came to Count Kirill Vladimirovich, having learned that he was so bad.
“However, ma chere, this is a nice thing,” said the count, and, noticing that the elder guest did not listen to him, he turned to the young ladies. - The quarterman had a good figure, I imagine.
And he, imagining how the blockman waved his hands, again burst out laughing with sonorous and bassy laughter, shaking his whole full body, how people laugh, who always eat well and especially drink. “So, please, have dinner with us,” he said.

There was silence. The countess looked at the guest, smiling pleasantly, however, not hiding the fact that she would not be upset now if the guest got up and left. The daughter of the guest was already adjusting her dress, looking inquiringly at her mother, when suddenly from the next room there was heard running to the door of several male and female legs, the rumble of a hooked and thrown chair, and a thirteen-year-old girl ran into the room, wrapping something in a short muslin skirt, and stopped in the middle rooms. It was obvious that she accidentally, from an uncalculated run, jumped so far. At the same moment, a student with a crimson collar, a guards officer, a fifteen-year-old girl and a fat, ruddy boy in a child's jacket appeared at the door at the same moment.
The count jumped up and, swaying, spread his arms wide around the running girl.
- Ah, here she is! he shouted laughing. - Birthday girl! Ma chere, birthday girl!
- Ma chere, il y a un temps pour tout, [Darling, there is time for everything,] - said the countess, pretending to be strict. “You spoil her all the time, Elie,” she added to her husband.
- Bonjour, ma chere, je vous felicite, [Hello, my dear, I congratulate you,] - said the guest. - Quelle delicuse enfant! [What a lovely child!] she added, turning to her mother.
A dark-eyed, big-mouthed, ugly but lively girl, with her childlike open shoulders, which, shrinking, moved in her corsage from a quick run, with her black curls knocked back, thin bare arms and small legs in lace pantaloons and open shoes, was at that sweet age when the girl is no longer a child, and the child is not yet a girl. Turning away from her father, she ran up to her mother and, paying no attention to her stern remark, hid her flushed face in the lace of her mother's mantilla and laughed. She was laughing at something, talking abruptly about the doll she had taken out from under her skirt.
“See?… Doll… Mimi… See.
And Natasha could no longer talk (everything seemed ridiculous to her). She fell on her mother and burst out laughing so loudly and resoundingly that everyone, even the prim guest, laughed against their will.
- Well, go, go with your freak! - said the mother, pushing her daughter away in mock angrily. “This is my smaller one,” she turned to the guest.
Natasha, tearing her face away from her mother's lace scarf for a moment, looked at her from below through tears of laughter, and again hid her face.
The guest, forced to admire the family scene, considered it necessary to take some part in it.
“Tell me, my dear,” she said, turning to Natasha, “how do you have this Mimi? Daughter, right?
Natasha did not like the tone of condescension to the childish conversation with which the guest turned to her. She did not answer and looked seriously at the guest.
Meanwhile, all this young generation: Boris - an officer, the son of Princess Anna Mikhailovna, Nikolai - a student, the eldest son of the count, Sonya - the fifteen-year-old niece of the count, and little Petrusha - the youngest son, all settled in the living room and, apparently, tried to keep within the boundaries of decency animation and gaiety that still breathed in every feature. It was evident that there, in the back rooms, whence they had all come running so swiftly, they had more cheerful conversations than here about city gossip, the weather, and comtesse Apraksine. [about Countess Apraksina.] From time to time they glanced at each other and could hardly restrain themselves from laughing.
Two young men, a student and an officer, friends since childhood, were of the same age and both were handsome, but did not resemble each other. Boris was a tall, blond youth with regular, delicate features of a calm and handsome face; Nikolai was a short curly young man with an open expression. Black hairs were already showing on his upper lip, and swiftness and enthusiasm were expressed all over his face.
Nikolai blushed as soon as he entered the living room. It was evident that he was searching and did not find what to say; Boris, on the contrary, immediately found himself and told calmly, jokingly, how he knew this Mimi doll as a young girl with an unspoiled nose, how she had grown old in his memory at the age of five, and how her head had cracked all over her skull. Having said this, he looked at Natasha. Natasha turned away from him, looked at her younger brother, who, closing his eyes, was shaking with soundless laughter, and, unable to restrain himself any longer, jumped and ran out of the room as quickly as her quick legs could carry. Boris didn't laugh.
- You, it seems, also wanted to go, maman? Do you need a card? he said, addressing his mother with a smile.
“Yes, go, go, tell them to cook,” she said, pouring herself.
Boris went quietly out the door and followed Natasha, the fat boy angrily ran after them, as if annoyed at the disorder that had occurred in his studies.

Of the young people, not counting the eldest daughter of the countess (who was four years older than her sister and already behaved like a big one) and the guests of the young lady, Nikolai and Sonya's niece remained in the drawing room. Sonya was a thin, petite brunette with a soft look tinted with long eyelashes, a thick black plait that twined around her head twice, and a yellowish tint of skin on her face and especially on her naked, thin, but graceful muscular arms and neck. With her fluidity of movement, the softness and suppleness of her small limbs, and her somewhat cunning and restrained manner, she resembled a beautiful, but not yet formed kitten, who would be a lovely kitty. She apparently considered it proper to show participation in the general conversation with a smile; but against her will, her eyes from under long thick eyelashes looked at her cousin [cousin] leaving for the army with such girlish passionate adoration that her smile could not deceive anyone for a moment, and it was clear that the cat sat down only to jump more energetically and play with your cousin, as soon as they, like Boris and Natasha, get out of this living room.
“Yes, ma chere,” said the old count, turning to the guest and pointing to his Nicholas. - Here is his friend Boris promoted to officer, and out of friendship he does not want to lag behind him; he leaves the university and the old man me: he goes into military service, ma chere. And a place in the archive was ready for him, that's all. Is that friendship? said the Count inquiringly.
“But war, they say, has been declared,” said the guest.
“They have been talking for a long time,” said the count. - They will talk again, talk, and leave it like that. Ma chere, that's friendship! he repeated. - He goes to the hussars.
The guest, not knowing what to say, shook her head.
“Not out of friendship at all,” answered Nikolai, flushing and making excuses, as if from a shameful slander against him. - Not friendship at all, but I just feel called to military service.
He looked back at his cousin and at the guest, the young lady: both looked at him with a smile of approval.
“Today, Schubert, Colonel of the Pavlograd Hussars, is dining with us. He was on vacation here and takes it with him. What to do? said the Count, shrugging his shoulders and speaking jokingly about a business that apparently cost him a lot of grief.
“I already told you, daddy,” the son said, “that if you don’t want to let me go, I’ll stay. But I know I'm no good for anything but the military; I’m not a diplomat, I’m not an official, I don’t know how to hide what I feel, ”he said, looking all the time with the coquetry of beautiful youth at Sonya and the guest young lady.
The kitty, glaring at him with her eyes, seemed every second ready to play and show all her feline nature.
- Well, well, well! - said the old count, - everything is getting excited. All Bonaparte turned everyone's head; everyone thinks how he got from lieutenant to emperor. Well, God forbid,' he added, not noticing the guest's mocking smile.
The big ones started talking about Bonaparte. Julie, daughter of Karagina, turned to the young Rostov:
- What a pity that you were not at the Arkharovs on Thursday. I was bored without you,” she said, smiling gently at him.
The flattered young man with the coquettish smile of youth moved closer to her and entered into a separate conversation with the smiling Julie, not at all noticing that this involuntary smile of his with a knife of jealousy cut the heart of Sonya, who was blushing and pretending to smile. In the middle of the conversation, he looked back at her. Sonya looked at him passionately and vexedly, and, barely able to keep the tears in her eyes and a feigned smile on her lips, got up and left the room. All of Nikolai's animation was gone. He waited for the first break in the conversation and, with a distressed face, went out of the room to look for Sonya.
- How the secrets of all this youth are sewn with white thread! - said Anna Mikhailovna, pointing to the exit of Nikolai. - Cousinage dangereux voisinage, [Disaster business - cousins,] - she added.
“Yes,” said the countess, after the ray of sunshine that had entered the living room with this young generation had disappeared, and as if answering a question that no one asked her, but which constantly occupied her. - How much suffering, how much anxiety endured in order to now rejoice in them! And now, really, more fear than joy. Everything is afraid, everything is afraid! It is the age at which there are so many dangers for both girls and boys.
“It all depends on upbringing,” said the guest.
“Yes, you are right,” continued the Countess. “Until now, thank God, I have been a friend of my children and enjoy their full confidence,” the countess said, repeating the error of many parents who believe that their children have no secrets from them. - I know that I will always be the first confidente [attorney] of my daughters, and that Nikolenka, in her ardent character, if she is naughty (the boy cannot do without it), then everything is not like these St. Petersburg gentlemen.
“Yes, nice, nice guys,” the count confirmed, always resolving questions that were confusing for him by finding everything glorious. - Look, I wanted to be a hussars! Yes, that's what you want, ma chere!
“What a lovely creature your little one is,” said the guest. - Gunpowder!
“Yes, gunpowder,” said the count. - She went to me! And what a voice: even though my daughter, but I'll tell the truth, there will be a singer, Salomoni is different. We took an Italian to teach her.

Anatoly Georgievich Kushnirenko was born on July 3, 1944. Known as a Russian and Soviet mathematician and information technology specialist, author of numerous textbooks in computer science, developer of a training system programming InfoMir and KuMir.


Anatoly Georgievich was born in the city of Taganrog, Rostov Region (USSR).

Anatoly Kushnirenko studied at the Moscow state University at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, which he graduated in 1967. A. Kushnirenko's specialization was functional analysis. The supervisor of his Ph.D. thesis was Vladimir Arnold. Based on the results of defending his dissertation, A. Kushnirenko received the degree of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.

Scientific and pedagogical activity

A.G. Kushnirenko in his 1967 article introduces the concept of A-entropy, which is a change in the concept of the metric entropy of a dynamical system, which was introduced by A.N. Kolmogorov. Some of the works of A. Kushnirenko are devoted to the study of systems of polynomial equations and obtaining estimates for the number of solutions of such systems. Anatoly Georgievich obtained results (among them, the "Kushnirenko principle" and "Kushnirenko's theorem"), which are used by researchers working in this area of ​​mathematics.

Since 1970, A. Kushnirenko has been working at Moscow State University as a full-time associate professor of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics. Since 1998, he has been an associate professor at the Department of General Management Problems (GPU). From 1976 to 1979, A. Kushnirenko served as the scientific secretary of the department of the OPU.

Kushnirenko is convinced of the need to study computer science in schools. One of the first A. Kushnirenko in the 1980s introduces computer science as a subject. Together with G.V. Lebedev in 1980, Anatoly Georgievich created a new course in computer science at Moscow State University, on the basis of which the textbook "Programming for Mathematicians" was subsequently created. The course was based on original programming ideas. In 1987, the second textbook on computer science for the 10th grade of secondary school was published, which was created by a team of authors led by A. Kushnirenko. In 1990-1997, the textbook "Fundamentals of Informatics and Computer Engineering" was published with a total circulation of more than 7 million copies.

The course of lectures and both textbooks are based on the concept of "performer", which was proposed in the late 1970s by V.B. Betelin and developed by A. Kushnirenko and G. Lebedev, as one of the ways to implement the concept of object-oriented programming, the concept of top-down programming technology and the hierarchy of data structures.

Anatoly Kushnirenko speaks twice at the International Seminar on Informatics and Computer Algebra.

In 1996-1998 A. Kushnirenko worked at the State College of Pennsylvania, where he taught mathematics.

Remark 1

To date, Anatoly Georgievich is the head of the Department of Educational Informatics of the Scientific Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, conducts special seminars and gives special courses, and is one of the members of the editorial board of the journal Fundamental and Applied Mathematics.

KuMir system

KuMir (Kushnirenko's Worlds or Set of Educational MIRs) is a programming language and system designed to support elementary programming and computer science courses in secondary and higher schools. KuMir is based on a methodology that was developed under the guidance of Academician A. Ershov in the second half of the 1980s. This technique was widely used in secondary schools in Russia and the USSR. The KuMir system uses a school algorithmic language, which was invented by A. Ershov. This is a simple Algol-like language with Russian vocabulary and built-in commands for controlling program executors (Drafter, Robot).