Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Armanenshaft - Hitler's Freemasons. The Great Conspiracy Theory: How Secret Masonic Lodges Made the History of the USSR Hitler Was a Freemason

At the end of the 19th century, List revolutionized the heritage of the ancient orders. General humanistic sentiments were replaced by Pan-German, Nordic ideas. This was the dawn of the originality of the Germanic occult tradition. The central thought of all theories of mystical domination is the existence of a secret power of the initiates. It was first expressed by List at the end of the 19th century, but later he significantly expanded it.

Guido von List, founder of Armanenshaft

The very word "Armanenshaft" refers to the ancient estate of the priests of Wotan, the main god of the Teutons. Based on the myth set forth by the Roman historian Tacitus in the book "Germany", List interprets the legend in his own way. In the original text, the three tribes, named after the sons of the god Manus, the Ingevons, the Hermiones, and the Istevions, were divided geographically: the first lived on the coast, the second on the continent, and the last inhabited the mountain valleys. According to the new interpretation, these names did not denote the names of tribes, but caste groups within the nationality.

The power was in the hands of priests - Hermions, who led on behalf of the mystical solar king Tarnhari. Guido von List changed the Latinized pronunciation of this word to "Armanen", from which the term "Armanenshaft", "Arman Brotherhood" came from. The priestly kings were responsible for all other castes. Therefore, their knowledge and wisdom were one step higher than those of other members of society. Keeping secrets was considered the basis of political domination, and the hierarchy was built with this principle in mind.

Describing the Armanenshaft device, List used the principles of Freemasons and Rosicrucians. All clergymen were divided into three ranks according to their initiation. The top was made up of masters - Masons, who ruled the brotherhood. Below all stood neophytes, that is, those who comprehend the foundations of the doctrine. Each group had its own rituals, handshakes and signs. Its members exchanged information using a special code, which only the initiates could correctly understand. This made it almost impossible for outsiders to access information.

Students, in order to get into the order, had to study the charter for seven years, read ancient sacred texts and comprehend the basics of rune magic. At the next stage, they made a pilgrimage to mystical centers associated with Wotan and other Gods, gaining additional experience and receiving blessings. After fourteen years, the disciple was given the opportunity to pass the tests and join the full initiation. After that, the adept was considered a master.

Knowledge at the highest levels was transmitted directly, since they could not be communicated using any language. This highest occult tradition naturally proved to be the most vulnerable, and was described in alchemical terms only approximately. In addition to power within the estate, the priests had full power over the unenlightened majority. They were endowed with all possible privileges. Secular power in its pure form did not exist, since the king and all the nobles were elected by the college of masters. The knowledge of the Armanenshaft members was so perfect that they could hold any position, being at the same time priests, judges, and teachers.

The centers of government were called chalgedoms, that is, the highest zones, and were at the same time centers of spiritual perfection. Therefore, power in ancient German society, according to List, combined law and holiness. Later, under the influence of these ideas, in the Third Reich, Baron Sebotendorf will create the concept of "Halged". Its essence was to release the spirit of the Aryan race and thus prevent the end of the world.

However, this knowledge was not destined to reach our days, List saw the reason for this phenomenon in the strengthening of Christianity. In his opinion, it was a Jewish conspiracy against the original Armanist faith in order to undermine its power. The Christianization of the Germanic lands led to the fact that the Nordic customs and cults of the former gods were forgotten. The preaching of love and mercy to one's neighbor violated the strict Aryan rules and weakened the spirit of the people. New spiritual communities destroyed the old tribal unions organized along ethnic lines.

Guido von List and his followers claimed that the activities of the missionaries began with the destruction of the ruling elite of the Armanenshaft. First of all, the sanctuaries were destroyed, since they were not only educational and religious, but also political centers. This led to the destruction of the sacred foundations on which the Armanist faith stood. The kings-priests had to leave their homeland and hide from the advancing Christians. Some of them went to Scandinavia and Iceland to keep the remnants of knowledge secret there. Some still remained, having turned into ordinary artisans and healers.

However, the persecution of Armanism did not end there. The new religion declared the old one nothing more than a satanic heresy, and the priests began to be called sorcerers associated with dark forces. Old places of worship were consigned to oblivion, and ancient holidays were called only Sabbaths and demonic gatherings. All those who resisted the new orders were awaited by the court of the Inquisition and a terrible death at the stake.

During the Middle Ages, the history of the German people was rewritten so that they could never learn about their dark past.

The remaining adherents of the Nordic faith realized their defeat and began to create secret orders. Since that time, the Rosicrucians, Freemasons, and Templars, who, despite their differences, are a surviving part of the Armanenshaft, originate. Many mystics of Nazi Germany were well acquainted with these occult orders. At the beginning of the 17th century, in the German city of Kessel, the book “The Alchemical Marriage of Christian Rosencreutz” was published, in which the existence of a secret organization was announced that aimed to transform the whole world. The cross surrounded by four roses was chosen as its symbol - a symbol of mystical knowledge. A significant part of the book is devoted to the description of magical and Kabbalistic rituals, with the help of which one can achieve a better life. The author announced that he had discovered the secret of the philosopher's stone and was able to use it to make the elixir of eternal life. Subsequently, the Rosicrucians became part of the Masonic order.

To them is added the Order of the Knights of the Temple, which is better known as. It was founded in 1118 on the lands of occupied Palestine. Although the crusaders later had to leave this region, it was believed that the templars never broke off contact with the East. It was from there that occult knowledge came to them, which brought them notoriety and great wealth. These two facts led to the fact that they were opposed by the King of France with the support of the Catholic Church. accused of blasphemy, links with the Devil and idolatry. Their monasteries were destroyed and their leaders burned at the stake like sorcerers. However, the gold was never found. But among the people there was a belief that the true masters escaped death and organized an order that continued its secret activities.

The legacy of the Knights of the Temple called themselves the Freemasons. On the one hand, their movement originates from the medieval Brotherhood of Freemasons, which arose under the auspices of John the Baptist. Representatives of the order set as their goal moral and spiritual perfection. Later it split into several independent currents and spread to the countries of Europe, the Middle East, and America.

In 1737, the Masonic-Templar order was formed in France under the leadership of Gottfeld von Hund. He declared himself the custodian of the ancient documents of the Templars and a certain Plan, the execution of which gives the key to power. The templars, in his opinion, were involved in the secrets of the mystical temple of Solomon in Jerusalem, which was the reason for their great power.

Gyido von List considered all these orders to be the heirs of the secret Armanist knowledge, protecting it throughout the era of the domination of Christianity. Thus the tradition kept the continuity of the Nordic cults all the time. Recreating "Armanenshaft" he resurrected the forgotten mystical past of great Germany. Through some comparisons and conjectures, List came to the conclusion that the Maltese cross is an overlay of two swastikas oriented in clockwise and counterclockwise directions.

In the descriptions of their rituals, he saw the long-forgotten passes of the priests of Wotan. The history of the secret orders gave List a reason to see in the oppression of the occult currents, the continuing denial of the Nordic religion. He strengthened himself in the existence of a secret conspiracy against the Aryans, which was allegedly headed by Jews who had penetrated the Freemasonic lodges.

All this gave rise to both the recognition of occult orders and distrust of them. Georg Hess borrowed many Masonic rituals for use in the SS. Hitler himself emphasized the effectiveness of the rites, but said that they should serve the benefit of the Reich. “Don't you understand that our party must be of the same character? The order, the hierarchical order of the secular priesthood… We, or the Freemasons, or the Church, there is room for only one of the three…” – this is how the Fuhrer spoke about other occult currents.

Later, on March 1, 1942, the Fuhrer issued an order: to withdraw the archives of "freemasons" and to identify materials that could be useful to the SS. This was followed by an ambulance with competitors. The Third Reich after some time itself began to create secret orders, much of which was taken from Armanenshaft.

The history of this order is not over, at the moment it has been revived again in Germany...

No one, anywhere, ever comes to power by accident or of their own free will. For hundreds of thousands of years, the best of the best were elected to power, possessing a sufficient level of evolutionary development, the necessary knowledge, skills and qualities, including magical abilities. In the last few thousand years, our enemies began to push puppets obedient to them into power, doing their dirty deeds with their hands.

Hitler was a Freemason

They constantly try to convince us that Hitler hated Jews and Freemasons. The facts, however, show the opposite. He was both a Jew and a Freemason. His entourage also consisted of Jews and Freemasons. And, finally, its true owner was the "world government" - Zionist financial mafia...

The Second World War, like all wars of the last millennia, was unleashed by the Jewish financial mafia, which at the time of the outbreak of the war already completely controlled the governments of all the leading world powers.

The Soviet Union turned out to be not completely controlled, due to the fact that half-Jewish Stalin (mother was a mountain Jew and had a mixture of Khazar blood with Jewish blood) ceased to obey his masters unquestioningly and did not want to carry out a world revolution at the expense of the USSR on the bayonets of Soviet soldiers.

He, as some might think, did not feel sorry for the Russian people, just at a certain moment Stalin realized that his half-blooded Jewry would never allow him to stand on a par with the Levite Jews, even if he brought such a desired world revolution and final victory for the latter over all the goyim.

Realizing this, Dzhugashvili (meaning "son of a Jew") decided that it would be better for him to become the master himself, and ceased to obey unquestioningly. He decided that it was better to be the ruler of the USSR than to be nobody in the new world state.

Such severe disobedience to the Levites among the Jews is always punishable by death. This is stated in the obligatory for all Jews rules of conduct recorded in the Torah and the Talmud. Stalin and those Jews who took his side handed down their own death sentence, disobeying the Levites, refusing to carry out a world revolution and starting actions to create their own superstate.

The execution of the sentence was only a matter of time. And in 1941, Hitler, on the orders of the same Zionist authorities, to whom Stalin did not obey, attacks the USSR. Then the Zionists failed to punish Dzhugashvili. The world government got to him only in 1953, surrounding him with his people and, ultimately, poisoning him.

The extermination of some Jews by Hitler during the Second World War was not an act of hatred towards this nation. He destroyed only those who went against the owners, i.e. "world government".

As has already been proven, Adolf Hitler himself was an Austrian Jew and, if only for that reason, could not hate the Jews. It has already been proven that the destruction of 6 million Jews during the 2nd World War is a falsification. More than 150,000 Jews served in the Nazi troops.

When they say that Hitler did not like Freemasons, this is the same situation as with the Jews. Well, the organizer of several Masonic lodges in Germany, a member of a Masonic organization, the Grand Master of one of the lodges, cannot hate Masons, who, by the way, “by chance” were almost all Jews. His speeches against the Freemasons were only a political game.

Masons and Hitler

Hans Ulrich von Kranz

In his speeches, Hitler stigmatized not only the Jews. He attacked the Masons, who, according to him, helped the Jews seize power over the world and entwined all countries with their secret lodges, trapping their political and business elite in a strong net.

To be honest, I know literature on the history of the Third Reich quite well, but with such a book (“ Baron von Sebottendorf. Before Hitler came") I didn't have to deal with. However, I was not surprised by this fact. Across the second page was a large ink stamp " To destruction". Such a stamp, as far as I knew, was placed on publications that should have been immediately confiscated and destroyed - on the writings of Marx, Lenin and other "dangerous books." But what could Sebottendorf have written so dangerous? The situation frankly intrigued me.

Reference publications could not tell me much. Only after contacting the publishing house that published the book back in 1933, I learned interesting details: it turns out that almost the entire circulation of the book was destroyed a day after it appeared on the shelves. Publishers almost ended up in a concentration camp. Why Hitler spared Sebottendorff remains a mystery.

What did the baron write in this book? In boundless naivete, he decided to describe, Who helped Hitler come to power? and thought he could get away with it. It did not work out - secret knowledge had to remain secret. But today we can lift this veil over them...

Who are you, Grand Master?

Baron von Sebottendorf

Baron Sebottendorf in his book described the activities of a certain secret society. He deliberately did not name names. However, the members of society themselves did not name them either - in communicating with each other they used digital codes. The task of the secret society was one: to make the future Fuhrer the Grand Master, the head of the Masonic organization.

For this, Hitler had all the makings. They often talked about his ability to clairvoyance (moreover, without any sawing out of the "third eye"). Once, while at the front, he left the place in advance, where a shell fell a few seconds later.

And even later, already when he was a major political leader, Hitler showed phenomenal luck. According to my information, about 40 assassination attempts were made on him, and only during one of them (July 20, 1944) did the Fuhrer receive a shell shock and several scratches. The rest did not even leave bruises.

Who was involved in the preparation of the future Grand Master?

The first group consisted of: Russian emigrant Masons. Hating the power of the Reds, they sincerely believed in National Socialism and took up the "education" of Hitler. Moreover, the latter, despite all his openly proclaimed hatred of the Slavs, treated these people with respect.

Obviously, he considered them to be the descendants of the Germans, who made up the noble elite of the Russian Empire. The head of these Russian Freemasons was a Baltic German Scheubner Richter, who made a huge contribution to the development of Hitler as a political leader. True, Russian Freemasons advocated a strong Russian-German alliance - a lesson that the head of the NSDAP did not want to learn under any sauce.

Russians (what kind of Russians they are, it is clear by their surnames - approx.) Walked along with Hitler on the cobblestones of Odeonplatz in Munich on the day of the "beer putsch". General Biskupsky will shield the Fuhrer from a bullet with his body. Another bullet will hit Scheubner Richter. " Everyone is replaceable, but not him”, - so said Hitler, having learned about his death.

However, the Russians quickly seized the initiative Haushofer. His " Luminous bed"will work to create a more powerful Masonic organization, at the head of which it will be possible to put Hitler. It is clear that in relation to the Luminous Lodge itself, this organization will have to occupy, according to Haushofer, a subordinate position.

Indeed, such a lodge was created. True, she did not receive a serious independent role (in fact, she even received it, it was just a top-secret organization and therefore the data is classified - approx.). She could not oppose herself to Hitler, since he was considered the Grand Master, while the Fuhrer himself preferred to rely on a mass party, and not on a small, albeit highly intellectual sect. In the attitude of the Fuhrer towards the Freemasons during this period, hatred and admiration begin to mix.

He wrote: " Their hierarchical organization and initiation by means of symbolic rituals, which, so to speak, do not burden the brain, but force the imagination to work through the mediation of magic and the symbols of the cult, are all dangerous elements, elements that I borrowed. Don't you think that our party should have the same character? The Order is what it should be. Yes, an order, a hierarchical order of the secular priesthood...».

Let's look at the footage of the German newsreels of those years. Here the Fuhrer speaks, and we see a complete set of secret Masonic gestures! Hands crossed at right angles on the chest - yes, yes, that's what the Masonic masters did.

This is an image of the runic sign "double axe", a symbol of power. In books on black magic, it is interpreted as follows: The master's gesture - crossed arms on the chest, of course, is nothing more than a symbol of death and rebirth, used in the ritual of calling the dead ... ».

Therefore, there could be no question of any defeat of the Masonic organizations. But putting them under state and party control is a completely different matter. Here the Nazis did their best.

The Masonic lodge, which did not really come into being, was embodied in the institute " Ahnenerbe". A significant part of his cadre was indeed from among those whom Haushofer intended to be followers of Hitler.

Karl Haushofer

However, Haushofer's opinion was not so interesting at that time. He has already created his own, subordinate only to him Masonic lodge. It was into it that he integrated the institute " The legacy of ancestors”and all other projects related to the Freemasons of the Third Reich. Naturally, with Masons obedient to him, since Hitler did not tolerate contradictions.

This lodge was supposed, in particular, to put under its control all the independent Masonic organizations of the Reich. In addition, she was to take upon herself contacts with foreign Freemasons - insofar as it would be possible, and thus contribute to the foreign policy of the Third Reich. Hitler appointed one of his closest associates as the head, Grand Master of this lodge. The name of this lodge is SS.

Behind the facade of the Masonic Temple

Yes Yes exactly. Hitler considered the SS to be a certain analogue of the Masonic lodges and more than once called Heinrich Himmler their personal mason. Indeed, Freemasonry in many ways served as a prototype of the SS formations. Masonic practices were actively introduced in such areas as psychological processing, hierarchical structure, and education. At the same time, making such borrowings was by no means considered shameful. In the end, the Freemasons themselves once borrowed all this from the Teutonic Order - this color of German chivalry.

Before World War II, the SS was an elite organization. Admission to their ranks of new members was accompanied by complex ceremonies, the selection was carried out very carefully, as if in the acquisition of Masonic lodges. Even the SS initiation ceremony was, in fact, borrowed from the Freemasons.

A candidate member of the SS had to first of all present his pedigree, which would clearly and clearly prove his Aryan origin. Experience: "pure blood" should have been exceptionally long - two and a half centuries, from the end of the 17th century. After that, he had to undergo a certain internship, which strongly resembled a monastic obedience. And only after this "trial period" did the young man become a full-fledged SS man. He was given a dagger and a ring (by the way, these regalia were also borrowed from the Masons).

The highest hierarchs of the SS Order - the twelve Obergruppenführers, with whom Himmler constantly consulted - sat at a special oak table. All this was supposed to reproduce the atmosphere of the meetings of the Knights of the Round Table.

Each of these initiates had his own oak chair, on which a silver tablet with his name flaunted. In addition, he wore a specially shaped dagger and a massive silver ring.

Meetings of the elected were usually held in the castle Wewelsburg- the "capital" of the SS empire, Himmler's favorite residence. It was erected in the shortest possible time on the site of an ancient medieval castle that belonged to a robber baron. Until the 20th century, only picturesque ruins survived from the historical building.

The location of the castle is not accidental: it is the center of a kind of mystical triangle, which is formed by three sacred places.

The first of them - Teutoburg Forest, where at the beginning of a new era, the leader of the Germans Arminius defeated the Roman legions of Varus. This victory is sacred to all Germans, as it stopped the Roman invasion of Germany and ensured the independence of the Germanic tribes.

The second vertex of the triangle is Externstein rocks, a place where the ancient German fire cult was maintained in antiquity. On these rocks, hanging over the Rhine (a sacred river for all Germans, which they call only Father Rhine), the priests set up an observatory, from where they watched the movement of the stars and predicted the future. A runic zodiac circle was created here.

Third summit - ancient city of Armabeg from which only ruins remain. Archaeologists from the "Heritage of the Ancestors" assumed that Armabeg is at least 10 thousand years old and, therefore, it is older than all known cities in the world.

The castle itself, which was built by a famous architect Herman Bartels, was also triangular in plan. The number "three", as well as "twelve", was generally sacred in the rituals of the SS. The north tower of the castle was intended for the meetings of the Reichsführer SS and his twelve initiates - antipodes of the Christian apostles (well, where without it! - approx. Impcommiss).

The frequency of meetings also had a certain ritual meaning. Under the tower there was an underground room - a crypt - where the sacred eternal flame was lit. Three steps led to it, and around the fire there were twelve elevations for solemn ceremonies. It was supposed to conduct rituals of mystical burials and solemn burning of coats of arms here. However, according to some data, it was also supposed to bring human sacrifices here.

There were also research laboratories in the castle, though not many. Scientists who created psychotronic weapons and studied the mechanism of human control worked here. After the war, all the results of these studies disappeared somewhere. However, this does not surprise me.

However, Himmler's plans for the future regarding Wewelsburg were truly grandiose. If Hitler's megalomania still kept within certain reasonable limits - at least there were no strong breaks with reality - then Himmler in his mystical plans surpassed all reasonable limits. He was going to erect a whole city around the castle, the quarters of which would form concentric circles. In accordance with geomancy - the doctrine of the "magic of the Earth" - Himmler considered Wewelsburg the energy center of the world.

Specialists from the Ahnenerbe, especially from departments related to the occult sciences, knew perfectly well what sensitive strings should be pressed in the soul of their boss. Funding for the relevant areas was constantly growing, and scientists presented the Reichsführer SS with more and more evidence of the action of occult forces. In 1942, they issued a statement that their opponents - primarily Russians - are resorting to the services of some otherworldly entities that allow them to win!

Great Britain and the United States, they said, are entangled in Masonic lodges, which, with the help of mystical tricks, are trying to break the German nation. Consequently, the experts of the Heritage of Ancestors summed up the logical conclusion, it is necessary to counter the enemy efforts with the same methods. For example, to use the ancient ritual of “pendulum location” for military purposes, adapting it to modern conditions.

However, it is worth talking about this in more detail.

Pendulum, but not Foucault

How many people do you think can be engaged in the resurrection of the old tradition of dowsing, used by treasure hunters in the Middle Ages. Laboratory? Department? No, my friends! An entire scientific institute, who worked within the framework of the Anenerbe system. The institute was called simply and without frills - pendulum institute, welfare was renamed into a more modern and pleasing to the scientist's ear "pendulum location". The case of this institution is very revealing.

For those who do not know, I will try to briefly describe the principle of dowsing. In the old days, it was believed that underground rivers and wells, as well as treasures, could be found using a hazel twig. The branch should be in the form of a fork - a person takes in each hand a branch of this "fork" and slowly moves forward. As soon as he is above the underground object, the branch in his hands will deviate.

It was this phenomenon that the representatives of "Ahnenerbe" were going to use for military purposes. How, you ask? Yes, very easy! To search for British submarines. Do not think that modern dowsers flew over the sea in airplanes. They were quite satisfied with nautical charts, over which they sat for days on end in comfortable offices. And then at the end of the day they issued reports about the “discovery” of enemy submarines. I think it is not necessary to specify that the data differed from reality absolutely, if we exclude single random coincidences.

True, there were exceptions. For example, someone Straniak, an architect by profession. He really demonstrated extraordinary abilities that could not be rationally explained. He didn't need a walnut twig to locate the ship - as soon as he looked at the photo of the ship, he immediately named the approximate area of ​​\u200b\u200bits location. Straniak was tested for some time on German ships, and the errors turned out to be surprisingly minor. Most often, the architect correctly indicated the location of the ships.

Straniak's talent came in handy in 1943, when a coup d'etat took place in Italy, as a result of which Hitler's friend and ally, Benito Mussolini, was overthrown and imprisoned. Naturally, the Fuhrer's first desire was to save his friend. But bad luck - the place where the deposed Italian leader was kept was unknown.

Military intelligence failed to cope with the task - Mussolini was constantly transported from one place of detention to another, and the information received through the Abwehr was constantly out of date. The specialists of the Pendulum Institute came to the rescue, who attracted Duce Straniak to the search.

However, in this case, a talented architect made a mistake. He said that the Duce is on the island of Maddalena in the Mediterranean. In fact, Mussolini was kept in a mountain hotel, about which military intelligence was finally able to get reliable information a couple of days later. After this incident, the credibility of the Pendulum Institute fell and no one took its recommendations seriously. In 1944, the institute was quietly liquidated.

However, in addition to such semi-comic institutions, within the framework of the Ahnenerbe there were many scientific groups that were engaged in serious work. However, we still cannot cover all their projects with our attention. Therefore, let us finally turn to the holy of holies of the "Heritage of the Ancestors" - its rituals and plans for the future.

Rites of the "Ahnenerbe"

In addition to Wevelburg, the Masons from the SS had another center of power. We are talking, as you understand, about another medieval castle. He was not in the south, but in the east of Germany. It was a building of the XI century - the legendary Wartburg castle in which Martin Luther translated the Bible into German. The place, in general, is sacred to all Germans, especially Protestants. It was in this castle that the leadership of the Anenerbe was located. It was here that projects for the creation of a military-spiritual state were drawn up.
It was here that the ideology of the future state was formed. Renowned racialist and psychologist Erich Ensch claimed: " Race and blood, blood and race - this is the basis of everything. A single straight line stretches from the structure of the capillary network to the worldview. The world of human ideas depends not only on spiritual factors, but also on the general being ...».

In order to form a single caste of SS knights, it was planned to create four special “ordersburgs” - “order castles”, closed boarding schools, where the elite of tomorrow was to be brought up. Each castle was designed for five hundred people.

The first of the "ordersburgs" - Vogelsang castle- opened in 1935. On its gates (as well as on the gates: concentration camps), the creators found it necessary to write a short and capacious expression. The phrase was chosen Blind obedience"- the first and main law that future knights had to learn. One should not ponder and discuss the orders of the elders, they must be carried out unquestioningly and fanatically.

The influx of those wishing to get into the order castle, despite the strict selection and hardships of military education, was huge. The craving for uniforms, on the one hand, and the longing for medieval romance, on the other, had an effect. After all, everything here was painted in the mysterious colors of the past, mystical and mysterious. Even the initiation ritual itself - the “bloody baptism” - inspired awe and fear. This ritual was developed taking into account the latest achievements in psychology and made it possible to achieve a complete zombification of young people.

The pupils were kept on a special diet, which Himmler personally developed for them. For example, they did not drink coffee at all, but they consumed mineral water in huge quantities. It was believed that this cleanses the body of toxins, healing it. For the same purpose, "magnetic sessions" were carried out.

Physical activity was very serious, training took the lion's share of the time of the pupils. However, the matter was not limited to this: candidates for the Order of the SS were required to study runes, ancient German traditions, and racial theory.

The marriage of a young SS man could only take place with the personal permission of the Reichsfuhrer, after a thorough check of the Aryan origin of the bride. At the same time, the life of a young family was strictly controlled. In the bowels of the Anenerbe, instructions were created on this subject, which can only be called crazy.

For example, newlyweds were recommended to conceive children not just anywhere, but in cemeteries. As a result of research, it was allegedly found that those conceived in such conditions children inherit the spirit of the dead lying in the grave. Archaeologists from the Heritage of Ancestors conducted test excavations of cemeteries to determine what kind of dead lay there. If the remains belonged to people of the Nordic type, then the cemetery fell into a special list recommended for the conception procedure.

A little later than the order castles, preparatory schools were established, the so-called " Napola". The motto of these schools was: Believe, obey, fight!».

The selection criteria were much less stringent. After graduating from such schools, the best went to castles, where the elite was formed, all the rest fell into the front-line units and camp guard units, which became more and more every year. Accordingly, the number of "Napol" also grew.

Everyone leaving the gates of the "order castle" was obliged to take a vow of fidelity and obedience. Those who broke the vow were dealt with in the cruelest way. The SS man no longer had the opportunity to return to normal life, he did not belong to himself. Head of the German Labor Front Dr. Lei spoke about this:

“Each of you should remember that whoever is deprived of the right to a brown shirt by the Party will not only lose his job. He will be destroyed along with his family, wife, children. Such are the cruel, inexorable laws of our order…”.

The initiation ceremony was distinguished by a special, gloomy solemnity. It was almost completely copied from the ceremony of initiation into the knights of the Teutonic Order. After her, a recruit who received two lightning-like "zig" runes could consider himself part of a special, superhuman race. Himmler sought to do everything in order to distance this race as far as possible from ordinary people. He dreamed of his superhumanity. And the Ahnenerbe experts willingly supported their Reichsfuehrer.

The Order of the SS was to become a closed corporation, a state within a state. Members of the order were to be subject only to the jurisdiction of the order, to obey only the laws of the order. It was planned to create cities and villages of SS veterans around the world, like colonies in the human world. In the end, it was even planned to create a special SS state on the territory of ancient Burgundy. In his speech in the spring of 1943, Himmler spoke on this subject as follows.

“At the peace conference, the world will learn about the resurrection of ancient Burgundy. This country, which was once the land of sciences and arts, was reduced by France to the level of an appendage in alcohol. The sovereign state of Burgundy, with its army, laws, coins, mail, will become a model state of the SS. It will include Romanesque Switzerland, Champagne, Franche Comté, Hainaut and Luxembourg. The official language will, of course, be German. Only the SS will rule, the National Socialist Party will have no power in Burgundy. The world will be shocked and delighted with the state where our concepts will be applied…”.

From among the SS, the leaders of the order selected initiates, who, as a rule, joined the ranks of the Anenerbe. It was not at all necessary for them to become scientists, it was simply that in this way they were raised above the mass of stupid, thoughtless performers. As Hitler said:
“We are not talking about the elimination of inequality between people, on the contrary, it must be strengthened by putting up insurmountable barriers. What will the future social order look like? My friends, I will tell you this: there will be a class of masters and a crowd of various members of the party separated strictly hierarchically. Under them - a huge faceless mass, a collective of servants, inferior forever. Lower - defeated foreign class, modern slaves. And all this will rise new aristocracy, which I cannot yet speak about ... But these plans should not be known to ordinary members of the party ... ".

Concentration camps occupied a special place in the system of SS institutions. They were not only a reservoir of cheap labor, not only an instrument of punishment for dissidents.

They were gigantic altars, on which thousands and millions of people were sacrificed to the ancient gods. Auschwitz stoves are a ritual. Nothing more and nothing less.

The SS also had their own powerful intelligence institutions. This is foreign intelligence Walter Schellenberg, and the famous Gestapo Heinrich Müller. The best, most capable young people from the order's castles were selected here. The old cadres gradually left, making room for new, fanatical, young generations.

It is difficult to say what the world would look like if all these plans were realized. But, unfortunately for all the Freemasons, magicians and superhumans from the Ahnenerbe, the Third Reich suffered a crushing defeat in 1945.

However, was the Heritage of Ancestors institute destroyed?..

The personality and activities of Adolf Hitler had such a significant impact on the history of mankind that a variety of mystical conspiracy theories are associated with his name. In connection with Hitler, they mention pacts with the devil, and the use of ancient shamanic rituals and rituals, and even contacts with extraterrestrial intelligence and the use of alien technology and knowledge. . Of course, those who actively promote the idea of ​​a worldwide Masonic conspiracy could not pass by the figure of the Fuhrer: it turns out that Hitler and the Freemasons were closely related...

Hitler - protege of Freemasons?

Currently, there is a version that Adolf Hitler was either a protege of secret Masonic lodges, or he himself was a member of them, that is, he was directly a Freemason. There are two types of reasons for this opinion. The first type is represented by a consideration of those actual historical facts that many of the members of the Nazi Party (NSDAP), especially at the first stage of its existence, had one or another relation to the Masonic lodges. It is well known that one of the numerous German mystical societies called "Thule" was one of the founders of the NSDAP (although the party itself was founded when Hitler had no relation to it yet) and supported it at the beginning of its existence.

In addition, it is not disputed by any of the researchers that many elements of the structure of the Nazi Party, and then the Third Reich, were organized on the principle of closed Masonic lodges and, in general, various secret societies. A classic example is the SS, that is, the "security detachments", which, after Hitler came to power, were transformed into a virtually closed secret order. This order had its own special initiation rituals, its own holidays and ceremonies, which had many mystical features. Also, the very nature of the SS as a closed society of "chosen ones" (in this case, according to the criterion of "purity of Aryan blood") resembles secret societies, which also represented a community of "enlightened". From this it is concluded that Nazism is a Masonic system in its origin and structure. Consequently, it was organized by Freemasons, and Hitler himself was either a Freemason, or his "backstage puppeteers" were Freemasons.

In mythology, historical facts are not necessary.

The second type of assumptions about Hitler's Freemasonry are clearly conspiracy theories and often anti-Semitic fabrications. According to them, Nazism was generally the result of a worldwide Jewish Masonic conspiracy. Hitler was a tool for carrying out a world war, during which the Jewish Freemasons would be able to finally take over the mechanisms of governing the world. From this point of view, the Fuhrer was a direct puppet of the Masons and carried out all his actions at their behest. As arguments, boldly interpreted facts of the involvement of Freemasons in the activities of the NSDAP, alleged Masonic gestures used by Hitler during his public speeches, as well as Holocaust denial are given. Allegedly, Hitler, who himself turned out to be a Jew, did not exterminate the Jews, but only carried out repressions against those who did not support the Jewish Masonic conspiracy, and information about the millions of dead Jews is a falsification.

Careful study of historical facts makes the first type of theory about Hitler's Freemasonry dubious, and the second type obviously absurd. First of all, academic historical science is currently not seriously considering the assumptions about the falsification of the Holocaust, that is, the data on the physical destruction of millions of Jews are documented. In addition, the arguments in favor of Hitler's involvement in the Jewish Masonic conspiracy are frankly far-fetched. For example, the statement about the Jewish origin of the Fuhrer has long been refuted by historians. But among unenlightened conspiracy theorists, the legend is still widespread that either Hitler's grandfather or great-grandfather is buried in one of the Jewish cemeteries in Europe.

As for the involvement of Masonic lodges in the creation and activities of the Nazi Party and the Third Reich, various secret societies, of course, contributed to the emergence of the NSDAP. However, in Germany at the beginning of the 20th century, these secret societies contributed to the activities of many nationalist movements, circles and organizations. Being in the ranks of the NSDAP Freemasons is also not something exceptional: at that time, many representatives of the intelligentsia were members of Masonic organizations, but this membership was purely formal.

The similarity of the SS and other Nazi organizations with Masonic lodges is explained by the fact that all secret or closed societies were created according to approximately the same organizational and disciplinary principles. This did not mean an ideological kinship between them. Finally, the historical fact is the cruel persecution of Freemasons directly sanctioned by Hitler in the Third Reich, and then in the conquered European countries. The Fuhrer considered the Masons to be direct ideological opponents, as a result of which the Masons were subject to concentration camps and physical extermination: according to various estimates, the Nazis destroyed from 100 to 200 thousand members of Masonic lodges.

Alexander Babitsky

They constantly try to convince us that Hitler hated Jews and Freemasons. The facts, however, show the opposite. He himself was both a Jew and a Freemason. His entourage also consisted of Jews and Freemasons. And, finally, its true owner was the "world government" - the Zionist financial mafia ...

The entire Second World War, like all the wars of the last millennia, was unleashed by the Jewish financial mafia, which at the time of the outbreak of the war already completely controlled the governments of all the leading world powers. The Soviet Union turned out to be not completely controlled, due to the fact that half-Jewish Stalin (mother was a mountain Jew and had a mixture of Khazar blood with Jewish blood) ceased to obey his masters unquestioningly and did not want to carry out a world revolution at the expense of the USSR on the bayonets of Soviet soldiers.

He, as some might think, did not feel sorry for the Russian people, just at a certain moment Stalin realized that his half-blooded Jewry would never allow him to stand on a par with the Levite Jews, even if he brought such a desired world revolution and final victory for the latter over all the goyim. Realizing this, Dzhugashvili (meaning "son of a Jew") decided that it would be better for him to become the master himself, and ceased to obey unquestioningly. He decided that it is better to be the ruler of the USSR than nobody in the new world state.

Such severe disobedience to the Levites among the Jews is always punishable by death. This is stated in the obligatory for all Jews rules of conduct recorded in the Torah and the Talmud. Stalin and those Jews who took his side handed down their own death sentence, disobeying the Levites, refusing to carry out a world revolution and starting actions to create their own superstate.

The execution of the sentence was only a matter of time. And in 1941, Hitler, on the orders of the same Zionist authorities, to whom Stalin did not obey, attacks the USSR. Then the Zionists failed to punish Dzhugashvili. The world government got to him only in 1953, surrounding him with his people and, ultimately, poisoning him.

The extermination of the Jews by Hitler during the Second World War was not an act of hatred towards this nation. He only destroyed those who went against the owners, i.e. "world government".

As has already been proven, Adolf Hitler himself was an Austrian Jew and, if only for that reason, could not hate the Jews. It has already been proven that the destruction of 6 million Jews during the 2nd World War is a falsification. More than 150,000 Jews served in the elite Nazi troops.

When they say that Hitler did not like Freemasons, this is the same situation as with the Jews. Well, the organizer of several Masonic lodges in Germany, a member of a Masonic organization, the Grand Master of one of the lodges, cannot hate Masons, who, by the way, “by chance” were almost all Jews. His speeches against the Freemasons were only political game.

In his speeches, Hitler stigmatized not only the Jews. He attacked the Masons, who, according to him, helped the Jews seize power over the world and entwined all countries with their secret lodges, trapping their political and business elite in a strong net.

"Baron von Sebottendorf. Before Hitler came

To be honest, I know the literature on the history of the Third Reich quite well, but I have never come across such a book. However, I was not surprised by this fact. Across the second page was a large ink stamp "To Destruction". Such a stamp, as far as I knew, was placed on publications that should have been immediately confiscated and destroyed - on the writings of Marx, Lenin and other "dangerous books". But what could Sebottendorf have written so dangerous? The situation frankly intrigued me.

Reference publications could not tell me much. Only after contacting the publishing house that published the book back in 1933, I learned interesting details: it turns out that almost the entire circulation of the book was destroyed a day after it appeared on the shelves. Publishers almost ended up in a concentration camp. Why Hitler spared Sebottendorff remains a mystery.

What did the baron write in this book? In boundless naivete, he decided to describe, Who helped Hitler come to power? and thought he could get away with it. It did not work out - secret knowledge had to remain secret. But today we can lift this veil over them...

Who are you, Grand Master?

Baron von Sebottendorf

Baron Sebottendorf in his book described the activities of a certain secret society. He deliberately did not name names. However, the members of society themselves did not name them either - in communication with each other they used digital codes. The task of the secret society was one: make the future Fuhrer Grand Master, head of the Masonic organization.

For this, Hitler had all the makings. They often talked about his ability to clairvoyance (moreover, without any sawing out of the "third eye"). Once, while at the front, he left the place in advance, where a shell fell a few seconds later. And even later, already when he was a major political leader, Hitler showed phenomenal luck. According to my information, about 40 assassination attempts were made on him, and only during one of them (July 20, 1944) did the Fuhrer receive a shell shock and several scratches. The rest did not even leave bruises.

Who was involved in the preparation of the future Grand Master?

The first group consisted of Russian emigrant Masons. Hating the power of the Reds, they sincerely believed in National Socialism and took up the "education" of Hitler. Moreover, the latter, despite all his openly proclaimed hatred of the Slavs, treated these people with respect. Obviously, he considered them to be the descendants of the Germans, who made up the noble elite of the Russian Empire. The head of these Russian Freemasons was a Baltic German Scheubner Richter, who made a huge contribution to the development of Hitler as a political leader. True, Russian Freemasons advocated a strong Russian-German alliance - a lesson that the head of the NSDAP did not want to learn under any sauce.

Russians (what kind of Russians they are, it’s clear by their surnames - approx. K.G.) walked along with Hitler on the cobblestones of Odeonplatz in Munich on the day of the “beer putsch”. General Biskupsky will shield the Fuhrer from a bullet with his body. Another bullet will hit Scheubner Richter. “Everyone is replaceable, but not him,” said Hitler after learning of his death.

However, the Russians quickly seized the initiative Haushofer, about which we wrote quite a lot above. His "Luminous Lodge" would work to create a more powerful Masonic organization, at the head of which Hitler could be put. It is clear that in relation to the Luminous Lodge itself, this organization will have to occupy, according to Haushofer, a subordinate position.

Indeed, such a lodge was created. True, she did not receive a serious independent role (in fact, she even received it, it was just a top-secret organization and therefore the data is classified - approx. K.G.). She could not oppose herself to Hitler, since he was considered the Grand Master, while the Fuhrer himself preferred to rely on a mass party, and not on a small, albeit highly intellectual sect. In the attitude of the Fuhrer towards the Freemasons during this period, hatred and admiration begin to mix.

He wrote: “Their hierarchical organization and initiation by symbolic rituals, which, so to speak, do not burden the brain, but force the imagination to work through the medium of magic and symbols of the cult, are all dangerous elements, elements that I borrowed. Don't you think that our party should have the same character? The Order is what it should be. Yes, an order, a hierarchical order of the secular priesthood…”

Let's look at the footage of the German newsreels of those years. Here the Fuhrer speaks, and we see a complete set of secret Masonic gestures! Hands crossed at right angles on the chest - yes, that's what the Masonic masters did. This is an image of a runic sign "double ax", symbol of power. In books on black magic, it is interpreted as follows: “The gesture of the master is crossed arms on the chest, of course, nothing more than a symbol of death and rebirth, used in the ritual of calling the dead…”

Therefore, there could be no question of any defeat of the Masonic organizations. But putting them under state and party control is a completely different matter. Here the Nazis did their best. The Masonic lodge that did not really come into being was embodied in the institute "Ahnenerbe". A significant part of his cadre was indeed from among those whom Haushofer intended to be followers of Hitler.

Karl Haushofer

However, Haushofer's opinion was not so interesting at that time. He has already created his own, subordinate only to him Masonic lodge. It was into it that he integrated the Ancestral Heritage Institute and all other projects related to the Freemasons of the Third Reich. Naturally, with Masons obedient to him, since Hitler did not tolerate contradictions. This lodge was supposed, in particular, to put under its control all the independent Masonic organizations of the Reich. In addition, she was to take upon herself contacts with foreign Freemasons - insofar as it would be possible, and thus contribute to the foreign policy of the Third Reich. Hitler appointed one of his closest associates as the head, Grand Master of this lodge. The name of this lodge is SS.

Behind the facade of the Masonic Temple

Yes Yes exactly. Hitler considered the SS a certain analogue of the Masonic lodges and more than once called Heinrich Himmler his personal Freemason. Indeed, Freemasonry in many ways served as a prototype of the SS formations. Masonic practices were actively introduced in such areas as psychological processing, hierarchical structure, and education. At the same time, making such borrowings was by no means considered shameful. In the end, the Freemasons themselves once borrowed all this from the Teutonic Order - this color of German chivalry.

Before World War II, the SS was an elite organization. Admission to their ranks of new members was accompanied by complex ceremonies, the selection was carried out very carefully, as if in the acquisition of Masonic lodges. Even the SS initiation ceremony was, in fact, borrowed from the Freemasons.

A candidate member of the SS had to first of all present his pedigree, which would clearly and clearly prove his Aryan origin. Experience: "pure blood" should have been exceptionally long - two and a half centuries, from the end of the 17th century. After that, he had to undergo a certain internship, which strongly resembled a monastic obedience. And only after this "trial period" did the young man become a full-fledged SS man. He was handed dagger and ring(by the way, these regalia are also borrowed from the Masons).

The highest hierarchs of the Order of the SS - twelve Obergruppenführers, with whom Himmler constantly consulted, they sat at a special oak table. All this was supposed to reproduce the atmosphere of the meetings of the Knights of the Round Table. Each of these initiates had his own oak chair, on which a silver tablet with his name flaunted. In addition, he wore a specially shaped dagger and a massive silver ring.

Meetings of the elected were usually held in Wewelsburg Castle - the "capital" of the SS empire, Himmler's favorite residence. It was erected in the shortest possible time on the site of an ancient medieval castle that belonged to a robber baron. Until the 20th century, only picturesque ruins survived from the historical building.

The location of the castle is not accidental: it is the center of a kind of mystical triangle, which is formed by three sacred places. The first of them is the Teutoburg Forest, where at the beginning of a new era, the leader of the Germans, Arminius, defeated the Roman legions of Varus. This victory is sacred to all Germans, as it stopped the Roman invasion of Germany and ensured the independence of the Germanic tribes.

The second peak of the triangle is the Externstein rocks, the place where the ancient German fire cult was maintained in ancient times. On these rocks, hanging over the Rhine (a sacred river for all Germans, which they call only Father Rhine), the priests set up an observatory, from where they watched the movement of the stars and predicted the future. A runic zodiac circle was created here.

The third peak is the ancient city of Armabeg, from which only ruins remained. Archaeologists from the "Heritage of the Ancestors" assumed that Armabeg is at least 10 thousand years old and, therefore, it is older than all known cities in the world.

The castle itself, which was built by the famous architect Herman Bartels, was also triangular in plan. The number "three", as well as "twelve", was generally sacred in the rituals of the SS. The northern tower of the castle was intended for meetings of the Reichsführer SS and his twelve initiates - the antipode of the Christian apostles.

The frequency of meetings also had a certain ritual meaning. Under the tower there was an underground room - a crypt - where the sacred eternal flame was lit. Three steps led to it, and around the fire there were twelve elevations for solemn ceremonies. It was supposed to conduct rituals of mystical burials and solemn burning of coats of arms here. However, according to some data, it was also supposed to bring human sacrifices here.

There were also research laboratories in the castle, though not many. Scientists who created psychotronic weapons and studied the mechanism of human control worked here. After the war, all the results of these studies disappeared somewhere. However, this does not surprise me.

However, Himmler's plans for the future regarding Wewelsburg were truly grandiose. If Hitler's megalomania still kept within certain reasonable limits - at least there were no strong breaks with reality - then Himmler in his mystical plans surpassed all reasonable limits. He was going to erect a whole city around the castle, the quarters of which would form concentric circles. In accordance with geomancy - the doctrine of the "magic of the Earth" - Himmler considered Wewelsburg the energy center of the world.

Specialists from the Ahnenerbe, especially from departments related to the occult sciences, knew perfectly well what sensitive strings should be pressed in the soul of their boss. Funding for the relevant areas was constantly growing, and scientists presented the Reichsführer SS with more and more evidence of the action of occult forces. In 1942, they issued a statement that their opponents - primarily Russians - are resorting to the services of some otherworldly entities that allow them to win!

Great Britain and the United States, they said, are entangled in Masonic lodges, which, with the help of mystical tricks, are trying to break the German nation. Consequently, the experts of the Heritage of Ancestors summed up the logical conclusion, it is necessary to counter the enemy efforts with the same methods. For example, to use the ancient ritual of “pendulum location” for military purposes, adapting it to modern conditions.

However, it is worth talking about this in more detail.

Pendulum, but not Foucault

How many people do you think can be engaged in the resurrection of the old tradition of dowsing, used by treasure hunters in the Middle Ages. Laboratory? Department? No, my friends! Whole scientific institute, who worked within the framework of the Anenerbe system. The institute was called simply and without frills - pendulum institute, welfare was renamed into a more modern and pleasing to the scientist's ear "pendulum location". The case of this institution is very revealing.

For those who do not know, I will try to briefly describe the principle of dowsing. In the old days, it was believed that underground rivers and wells, as well as treasures, could be found using a hazel twig. The branch should be in the form of a fork - a person takes in each hand a branch of this "fork" and slowly moves forward. As soon as he is on top of an underground object, the branch in his hands will deviate.

It was this phenomenon that the representatives of "Ahnenerbe" were going to use for military purposes. How, you ask? Yes, very easy! To search for British submarines. Do not think that modern dowsers flew over the sea in airplanes. They were quite satisfied with nautical charts, over which they sat for days on end in comfortable offices. And then at the end of the day they issued reports about the “discovery” of enemy submarines. I think it is not necessary to specify that the data differed from reality absolutely, if we exclude single random coincidences.

True, there were exceptions. For example, someone Straniak, an architect by profession. He really demonstrated extraordinary abilities that could not be rationally explained. He didn't need a walnut twig to locate the ship - as soon as he looked at the photo of the ship, he immediately gave the approximate area of ​​\u200b\u200bit location. Straniak was tested for some time on German ships, and the errors turned out to be surprisingly minor. Most often, the architect correctly indicated the location of the ships.

Straniak's talent came in handy in 1943, when a coup d'etat took place in Italy, as a result of which Hitler's friend and ally, Benito Mussolini, was overthrown and imprisoned. Naturally, the Fuhrer's first desire was to save his friend. But bad luck - the place where the deposed Italian leader was kept was unknown. Military intelligence failed to cope with the task - Mussolini was constantly transported from one place of detention to another, and the information received through the Abwehr was constantly out of date. The specialists of the Pendulum Institute came to the rescue, who attracted Duce Straniak to the search.

However, in this case, a talented architect made a mistake. He said that the Duce is on the island of Maddalena in the Mediterranean. In fact, Mussolini was kept in a mountain hotel, about which military intelligence was finally able to get reliable information a couple of days later. After this incident, the credibility of the Pendulum Institute fell and no one took its recommendations seriously. In 1944 the institute was quietly liquidated.

However, in addition to such semi-comic institutions, within the framework of the Ahnenerbe there were many scientific groups that were engaged in serious work. However, we still cannot cover all their projects with our attention. Therefore, let us finally turn to the holy of holies of the “Heritage of the Ancestors” - its rituals and plans for the future.

Rites of the "Ahnenerbe"

In addition to Wevelburg, the Masons from the SS had another center of power. We are talking, as you understand, about another medieval castle. He was not in the south, but in the east of Germany. It was a building of the XI century - the legendary castle Wartburg in which Martin Luther translated the Bible into German. The place, in general, is sacred to all Germans, especially Protestants. It was in this castle that the leadership of the Anenerbe was located. It was here that the projects for the creation military-spiritual state

Hitler was a Freemason

Kirill Gulevsky

They constantly try to convince us that Hitler hated Jews and Freemasons. The facts, however, show the opposite. He himself was both a Jew and a Freemason. His entourage also consisted of Jews and Freemasons. And finally, its true master was the "world government" - Zionist financial mafia...

The Second World War, like all wars of the last millennia, was unleashed by the Jewish financial mafia, which at the time of the outbreak of the war already completely controlled the governments of all the leading world powers. The Soviet Union turned out to be not completely controlled, due to the fact that half-Jewish Stalin (mother was a mountain Jew and had a mixture of Khazar blood with Jewish blood) of his masters and did not want to carry out a world revolution at the expense of the USSR on the bayonets of Soviet soldiers.

He, as some might think, did not feel sorry for the Russian people, just at a certain moment Stalin realized that his half-blooded Jewry would never allow him to stand on a par with the Levite Jews, even if he brought such a desired world revolution and final victory for the latter over all the goyim. Realizing this, Dzhugashvili (meaning "son of a Jew") decided that it would be better for him to become the master himself, and ceased to obey unquestioningly. He decided that it is better to be the ruler of the USSR than nobody in the new world state.

Such severe disobedience to the Levites among the Jews is always punishable by death. This is stated in the obligatory for all Jews rules of conduct recorded in the Torah and the Talmud. Stalin and those Jews who took his side handed down their own death sentence, disobeying the Levites, refusing to carry out a world revolution and starting actions to create their own superstate.

The execution of the sentence was only a matter of time. And in 1941, Hitler, on the orders of the same Zionist authorities, to whom Stalin did not obey, attacks the USSR. Then the Zionists failed to punish Dzhugashvili. The world government got to him only in 1953, surrounding him with his people and, ultimately, poisoning him.

The extermination of some Jews by Hitler during the Second World War was not an act of hatred towards this nation. He only destroyed those who went against the owners, i.e. "world government".

As has already been proven, Adolf Hitler himself was an Austrian Jew and, if only for that reason, could not hate the Jews. It has already been proven that the destruction of 6 million Jews during the 2nd World War is a falsification. More than 150,000 Jews served in the Nazi troops.

When they say that Hitler did not like Freemasons, this is the same situation as with the Jews. Well, the organizer of several Masonic lodges in Germany, a member of a Masonic organization, the Grand Master of one of the lodges, cannot hate Masons, who, by the way, “by chance” were almost all Jews. His speeches against the Freemasons were only political game.

Masons and Hitler

Hans Ulrich von Kranz

In his speeches, Hitler stigmatized not only the Jews. He attacked the Masons, who, according to him, helped the Jews seize power over the world and entwined all countries with their secret lodges, trapping their political and business elite in a strong net.

"Baron von Sebottendorf. Before Hitler came

To be honest, I know the literature on the history of the Third Reich quite well, but I have never come across such a book. However, I was not surprised by this fact. Across the second page was a large ink stamp. "To Destruction". Such a stamp, as far as I knew, was placed on publications that should have been immediately confiscated and destroyed - on the writings of Marx, Lenin and other "dangerous books". But what could Sebottendorf have written so dangerous? The situation frankly intrigued me.

Reference publications could not tell me much. Only after contacting the publishing house that published the book back in 1933, I learned interesting details: it turns out that almost the entire circulation of the book was destroyed a day after it appeared on the shelves. Publishers almost ended up in a concentration camp. Why Hitler spared Sebottendorff remains a mystery.

What did the baron write in this book? In boundless naivete, he decided to describe, Who helped Hitler come to power? and thought he could get away with it. It did not work out - secret knowledge had to remain secret. But today we can lift this veil over them...

Who are you, Grand Master?

Baron von Sebottendorf

Baron Sebottendorf in his book described the activities of a certain secret society. He deliberately did not name names. However, the members of society themselves did not name them either - in communication with each other they used digital codes. The task of the secret society was one: make the future Fuhrer Grand Master, head of the Masonic organization. For this, Hitler had all the makings. They often talked about his ability to clairvoyance (moreover, without any sawing out of the "third eye"). Once, while at the front, he left the place in advance, where a shell fell a few seconds later. And even later, already when he was a major political leader, Hitler showed phenomenal luck. According to my information, about 40 assassination attempts were made on him, and only during one of them (July 20, 1944) did the Fuhrer receive a shell shock and several scratches. The rest did not even leave bruises.

Who was involved in the preparation of the future Grand Master?

The first group consisted of Russian emigrant Masons. Hating the power of the Reds, they sincerely believed in National Socialism and took up the "education" of Hitler. Moreover, the latter, despite all his openly proclaimed hatred of the Slavs, treated these people with respect. Obviously, he considered them to be the descendants of the Germans, who made up the noble elite of the Russian Empire. The head of these Russian Freemasons was a Baltic German Scheubner Richter, who made a huge contribution to the development of Hitler as a political leader. True, Russian Freemasons advocated a strong Russian-German alliance - a lesson that the head of the NSDAP did not want to learn under any sauce.

Russians (what Russians are, it’s clear by their surnames, - approx. K.G.) walked along with Hitler on the cobblestones of Odeonplatz in Munich on the day of the "beer putsch". General Biskupsky will shield the Fuhrer from a bullet with his body. Another bullet will hit Scheubner Richter. “Everyone is replaceable, but not him,” said Hitler after learning of his death.

However, the Russians quickly seized the initiative Haushofer, about which we wrote quite a lot above. His "Luminous Lodge" would work to create a more powerful Masonic organization, at the head of which Hitler could be put. It is clear that in relation to the Luminous Lodge itself, this organization will have to occupy, according to Haushofer, a subordinate position.

Indeed, such a lodge was created. True, she did not receive a serious independent role (in fact, she even received it, it was just a top-secret organization and therefore the data is classified, - approx. K.G.). She could not oppose herself to Hitler, since he was considered the Grand Master, while the Fuhrer himself preferred to rely on a mass party, and not on a small, albeit highly intellectual sect. In the attitude of the Fuhrer towards the Freemasons during this period, hatred and admiration begin to mix. He wrote:

“Their hierarchical organization and initiation by symbolic rituals, which, so to speak, do not burden the brain, but force the imagination to work through the mediation of magic and the symbols of the cult, are all dangerous elements, elements that I have borrowed. Don't you think that our party should have the same character? The Order is what it should be. Yes, an order, a hierarchical order of the secular priesthood…”

Let's look at the footage of the German newsreels of those years. Here the Fuhrer speaks, and we see a complete set of secret Masonic gestures! Hands crossed at right angles on the chest - yes, that's what the Masonic masters did. This is an image of a runic sign "double ax", symbol of power. In books on black magic, it is interpreted as follows: “The gesture of the master is crossed arms on the chest, of course, nothing more than a symbol of death and rebirth, used in the ritual of calling the dead…”

Therefore, there could be no question of any defeat of the Masonic organizations. But putting them under state and party control is a completely different matter. Here the Nazis did their best ...