Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Interesting statuses about school life in numbers. Statuses about the school and your class

What is a school? This is the most great time in the lives of many people. It's time when there is enough time for everything, and for friends in social network Internet, and friends in life, and hobbies. Of course, they are online all the time. There they share information, communicate and worry about each other. Virtual life is in full swing, and the statuses about the school are new every time. Because school is almost for them native place, an institution where they go every day, where they find new friends. No matter how carefree this time may seem, children need rest after school. Therefore, online communication and funny statuses about school have become so popular. The main thing is not to forget that you need to communicate live and you should not get used to the Internet.

Statuses about the school and your class

Those who go to school every day are more likely to post on their page funny statuses about school, and sometimes even angry with unflattering reviews about teachers, lessons, homework and classmates. Nostalgic statuses about the school are put by those who have long been unlearned in their first institution. In statuses about the school, they share with others warm memories of a long past carefree time. funny statuses about the school will give good mood and will make you remember the happy moments of your classmates that you experienced together.

For schoolchildren who go to grade 7, grade 8, grade 9, any new statuses about school from this section and statuses about study. For students in grade 10 and grade 11, they can come in handy: statuses about the session, statuses about the university or institute, because admission is just around the corner.

Statuses for Odnoklassniki

The time of study is the most difficult and, at the same time, the most romantic in life. It is a pity that the charm of this time is known only later. Nevertheless, beautiful statuses about the school can always be chosen.

What a pity that the school years do not return

  1. No matter how badly we behaved, there were still teachers who allowed us to cheat.
  2. Even the most "repulsed" schoolboy has pleasant memories.
  3. Who would have thought that final exams are not only the beginning of a new life, but also the irreversible end of the old one.
  4. As it turned out, it was easier to count the minutes until the end of the lesson than the hours until the end of the working day.
  5. The teacher will no longer write with white chalk on the blackboard. And childhood will not be a dream. Now it is far away.
  6. Maybe the school didn't give us all necessary knowledge but it was she who taught the discipline.
  7. Copy-books, briefcases-backpacks. I miss you now, then faded with longing.
  8. Snow at school is not only beautiful, but also dangerous: there is a risk of being thrown with snowballs.

Holiday September 1

The first teacher, the first love, the first deuce and the first five. Like it or not, but all this remains in the memory and is described in beautiful statuses about the school.

  1. The world is too cruel. I want to go back to school.
  2. With a bright feeling, teachers are remembered, to whom it was not at all necessary to give flowers and gifts.
  3. And yet, what more teacher loves his subject, the more his students love him.
  4. At school, we were required to know 15 subjects, but now half of us do not even know one.
  5. Think about it, even the most diligent honors student has ever liked a fellow classmate.
  6. It’s not a fact that they don’t teach unnecessary things at school. All life, in principle, consists of this.
  7. What a pity to look at excellent students who have not been helped by their algebra, geometry or history ...
  8. I miss the time when after the bell you could rush home, hastily learn lessons and walk carefree until the evening.

Sometimes sleepless nights

Statuses about the school with meaning say everything about the same thing: how you want to return everything back, and what a pity that we did not appreciate anything before.

  1. They say that school is an eternal lack of sleep. But how disappointed you are when it turns out that you left school, but the lack of sleep remained.
  2. Only sweet nostalgia remained from studying, and it seems that it was two days ago.
  3. Bad behavior at school can be embarrassing, good behavior boring.
  4. My class used to be hell for me, and then I went to university...
  5. How I wanted to be great. As hard as I tried, I got tired. But live normal life Apparently I'm late.
  6. As soon as a new girl appeared in the class, the girls were already faced with fierce female competition.
  7. I even miss tests. But now I'm an adult, and I have other tasks to solve.
  8. I already forgot the ringing of the first bell. But somewhere he is, and he is not calling me.

11 years like 5 minutes

Good statuses about the school are mainly put by those who have already graduated from it. But how I would like at least one of the current schoolchildren to realize that they are actually in paradise ...

  1. School friends rarely stay with us for long, but it's nice to meet them from time to time.
  2. For many, the drawing homework was not theirs, but their mother's.
  3. It was so embarrassing to be a loser, so it doesn’t matter now ...
  4. Whatever one may say, in the classes a stream of somewhat useless knowledge poured on us. But a tiny part of them made us what we are now.
  5. September 1 is a small life test in the life of a little man.
  6. Everyone had such a desk mate, with whom the time of the lesson went faster.
  7. School is not the same real life, and not even a university.
  8. Our school was not highly specialized. Everyone studied there, and everyone was treated equally. Maybe that's why we love her equally.

Ah, childhood, childhood

Later we learn that real teachers loved us all. Even the most spoiled Losers. This is because a teacher is, first of all, an educator. About this in short statuses about school.

  1. The school was good without Google.
  2. Do not rush to become a student. You'll regret it.
  3. There were few study days.
  4. Fear is after the parent meeting.
  5. Enjoy your holidays while they last.
  6. Did you learn to take lessons? Learn to write.
  7. 5 minutes to the end...
  8. We scattered like autumn leaves ...

Good, pure, eternal

Then no one knew whom and what life would force. beautiful statuses with a meaning about school - a little sad, but too pleasant.

  1. I hear the bell on September 1 and imagine that it is time for me to go to the next class.
  2. Then we could not understand how happy we were, but now we cannot return the time ...
  3. Childhood is when mom will definitely ask how things are at school.
  4. Today there are clubs, restaurants, and earlier, for fun, it was enough to leave the airplanes in the classroom.
  5. Reading and literature is why I don't like to read now.
  6. Now the school is only a part of our memories, but then there were no memories in principle to worry about them ...
  7. In order to dress up for school, it was enough to put on a big bow.
  8. School is, of course, life, but not all.

Do not forget about those times, because this is practically the beginning of your life!

I wonder how schoolchildren in our time write essays? Don't you want to put a smiley at the end of the sentence?))) :D

Geometry is not my favorite subject, but you and I are like schoolchildren, And we are no longer twelve years old, But we draw triangles again ...

(schoolchildren on excursions) - in brackets so as not to run away

Only Russian schoolchildren to the question: Have you read Oblomov? They can answer: What did he write?

Before, after school, my friends and I went to the gazebo to play cards, now schoolchildren drink Strike after school. What will happen in 5 years? I'm afraid to imagine!

More than others, schoolchildren crave change in the classroom!

Only schoolchildren in Russia go on the first of September with flowers and briefcases, and on the last day with beer and a cigarette!

Horror story for schoolchildren: - Baba USE.

You are a professor famous university? Do your homework with a 2nd grade student modern textbooks- feel like an idiot.

Twenty years ago, I did not believe that many American schoolchildren could not find their country on the map. Now I believe. Now ours can't either.

On September 1, drunk schoolchildren bathed in fountains and smashed textbooks on their heads, shouting "for knowledge!"

Schoolchildren are cheerful people) ... in the stsu * and .. they stuck paper clips from a stapler into toilet paper !!)

And on one of the Moscow channels after midnight they began to show erotica ... But because of the time difference, Kamchatka schoolchildren began to be late for classes!

In order for schoolchildren to better remember the multiplication table, they will begin to print it on cigarette packs!

Why are there lessons at school and couples at college? because schoolchildren study, and students take a steam bath =)

that's what schoolchildren can come up with after watching "gossip girls" now we have a diary and a formspring of our school gossip ..

Schoolchildren receive 90% of knowledge before exams, and students before the session

Ordinary people count the days until the New Year ... And students and schoolchildren first the days before the exam, and then until the new year!

Chelyabinsk schoolchildren are so severe that the director and the head teacher write an essay every autumn about how they spent the summer!

Only students and schoolchildren can sit and mentally tune in for 3 hours in order to learn something, but in the end they won’t learn anything :)))

Chinese schoolchildren, having learned the alphabet, retire ...

students are students! people, let's come up with some original name for students?)

A cool sniper can make it so that out of 10 shots he will hit 11 times! AND A SCHOOLCHILD CAN MAKE IT SO WHAT OF 6 LESSONS HE SHOULD KNOW 8!... who is cooler?

A schoolboy and a pensioner are standing at the bus stop. The pensioner sneezed. Schoolboy: - Be healthy, - Thank you, - Yes, it’s not necessary, - Yes, it’s not worth it, - Don’t be smart, - Fuck you!

The schoolboy decided to take revenge on the Trudovik for a 2-ku in a quarter, and when he left the store he threw a brick at him, but the revenge turned out to be even more cruel. The brick fell into a bag of vodka.

every schoolboy should know the formula... that the square of two scarlet lips is equal to a kiss...

Vovochka, are you a student? - I'm not a schoolboy, I'm a sadist. I go to kindergarten.

The student demanded to give him 5 in mathematics, threatening teachers that he would wet his mantle

a friend tells me all this is a blessing! that love is just a ghostly mirage! I don't sleep at night like a schoolboy! I torture the guitar to tears! if I love! then I love! and not how to get serious!

A hungry schoolboy is so severe that he smears melted cheese on bread, and puts regular cheese on top! :)

a promise that every schoolboy or student made: [I'll do it for tomorrow! honestly!]..xDD

I wonder what they show on the Shkolnik channel at 2.15 am in the program German with pleasure!?

If you write cheat sheets on banknotes, then an attempt by a teacher to take away a cheat sheet from a student is already extortion.

soooo. tomorrow to study algebra, chemistry, literature, Russian and history. where do we start? Let's start with contact

In the game of spinning the bottle, Lucy from the 10th “B” was embarrassed not so much by the presence of a physical education teacher and a Trudovik, but by the absence of other girls.

Before school performance said a lot about the character and upbringing of the student, but now this is deceptive ...

Spring has come, too lazy to study, you sit at your desk like a deer!!!

The first stage of writing the Diploma - I created a folder on my computer with the appropriate name "ass". To be continued.

Defeat is a school from which the truth always comes out stronger.

I'll just say: SCHOOL, I LOVE YOU))))

Did you know? Beethoven couldn't multiply.

When you graduate from school or college, endless possibilities open up before you.

I don’t understand those people who, on the very first day of school, begin to do something, immediately learn something. I immediately throw bricks in such ones, I throw them in my head, mentally.

How terrible it is when the whole class knows that you have a proofreader.

I can't write a review. and my beloved says to me: "until you write, I will not answer you." cute of course, but the essay had to be written))

At school I had an old fizruk, instead of "clearly" he said "clear x * d", and there was also a classmate with the surname Yasin, who did not like the fizruk.

Gnosiophobia is the fear of knowledge. Hmm, can I get a referral? I will tell the physicist so!

The school is a classic, the foundation of the foundations, and in order to understand at least something, each student must build this foundation for himself.

Believe me, after a 6-meter room in a hostel for three, a 3-room apartment for two, this is just a fucking palace!

I do not need you anymore! - I said to the brain, having found the GDZ in the last subject.

Hello, where are you? -In hell! - Okay, when you get home from school, give me a call.

[. And today, as always, School-> Friends-> Smiles Home-> Pillow-> Tears. ]

I would now better books read, which at school were asked for the summer, than he worked.

Grades 1-7: So, the book is here, the notebook is in place. Grades 8-11: so, the headphones are here, the player is here, where is the notebook? Yes, and figs with her.

I will always remember school, remember my teachers, whatever they were, they gave us knowledge, taught us how to get out of situations. Whatever opinion we have about them now, in 40 years we will be with difficulty but with warm feelings remember their names.

My parents wanted me to excel. And so it happened. The sense came out, the stupidity remained =)

Today we wrote to the GIA: (I'm shaking with a large shiver. What are the skydiving there? Exams - that's a real adrenaline!

You know, I even want to study a little. But no, it seemed!

Why do many teachers need glasses when they wear them on their noses anyway?

At graduation we were congratulated by our German teacher. For the first time in my life, I understood what she was saying.

In any class, there are at least 2 idiots sitting in the back of the desks and screaming that the thread is hilarious!

And you, too, at school, put a cross with a pen on your hand as a keepsake ... and still forgot what it was for;)

are you like that too? You sit in class and you don't understand anything. will be called to the board. you get two, but at the next lesson you sit and don’t let go of your hand???

At school, as nowhere else, one can see the distribution of roles in classes, and this distribution is not subject to the choice of children, but to the choice of the nature and character of a person.

At the lesson, we are writing a difficult control, there is tension in the class, and some kid running along the corridor yelled a song: "I'm free!". smiled =)

Graduation in the ninth grade is an evening of declarations of love, great promises and tears of joy and at the same time despair.

They wrote GIA in Russian. A boy is sitting on the first desk, looking picturesquely at a piece of paper in a pencil case. The teacher on duty with cries of "yes, they will kick you out of the exam, they will put two in the certificate !!!" selects a piece of paper. On a piece of paper in large letters: "ZHI-SHI WRITE WITH THE LETTER AND". The class was crying.

What could be more important in studying than the realization that you are directly related to it?

After school, he went into the army - to mow from the institute.

We are sitting in class. Outside -30. Suddenly a fire alarm. YES WELL FUCK I BETTER BURN, AT LEAST WARM

The most popular phrase after the call: "What do we have right now?

Google will always help in home English. =D ©

Today, in history, the teacher tells us: And so that the date of Stalin's death would be remembered as their own!

I never let school interfere with my education.

W*ba. And there is no typo.

Studying is not a prostitute, it is not given to everyone. And mathematics for me in general, a believing virgin.

this exam is like a real Russian! DO NOT GIVE UP!!!

My father wanted me to have all the educational opportunities he didn't have; so he sent me to a girls' school.

The happiest time is running along the school corridors.

Best statuses about school on! Ah, school time! The first of September, the first teacher, the first deuce, school break, homework, dictations and test papers, exams, first school love, the first kiss, and this long-awaited, but so sad last call. It is at school that we first understand that life is complicated. And soon the understanding will come that exams must be taken both at the institute, and at work, and in Everyday life and not to your beloved teacher, but to Madame Fate herself! Statuses about the school will be of interest to both young people and adults. For teenagers, this is an opportunity to laugh at themselves, and for the older generation, an attempt to understand their children. But school years is not only reading educational material and writing homework. School is a time of pranks, a carefree childhood, a time when it seems to us that we know and understand everything. We have fun at breaks, and sometimes at the lesson, paint textbooks and desks, rush along the corridors and the school yard. Energy is our second name! Funny statuses about school on will become yours calling card for a page on a social network.

Many hilarious statuses about school!

Many famous people often reminisce about their school days. When, where, and most importantly, with whom they studied. The most interesting in their stories are stories about tricks in the classroom. It is a pity that twenty years ago it was not possible to quickly tell your friends in the pioneer camp about your joke. And today it has become real! Just go to our website and choose funny statuses about the school. Share with your peers funny quotes about the most wonderful period in your life!

The coolest statuses about school!

If you graduated from high school two, three, ten years ago, then you had to go to a reunion. When you can meet childhood friends, favorite teachers, walk through the classrooms and corridors of your school and remember. Remember everything that was in that distant happy time. And then, sitting with classmates in a cozy cafe, talk about your present and casually recall a funny incident from school life. And let childhood be in the past, but cool statuses about school will remind you of it!

Funny sayings about holidays for students!

And if you are still in school, then you simply cannot do without statuses about the school! And the most amazing thing is that, like many years ago, you and your parents have one word in common - holidays! Oh, these school holidays, they are like beacons, thanks to which we move forward year after year, from the first bell to the last. Our vacation statuses will help pass the time until the real vacation. And share this joy with schoolchildren all over the country. Long live school holidays! School time is by far the most wonderful time for everyone. How many interesting, new, instructive things are connected with the school - just a sea of ​​​​events! Every person has great amount bright and bright memories of that wonderful time spent within the walls of the school. It is at school that the foundations of our principles, behavior in society and ambitions are born. In our collection there is a suitable status about the school for those who visit it now every day, as well as for those who remember their school years with a warm smile.