Biographies Characteristics Analysis

What is the name of the feeling when you keep old things that give you memories of the past.

Are your thoughts constantly somewhere in another world? Do you remember actions that happened some time ago? What is this feeling? What is it called when you remember the past with a pleasant smile on your face? What is the name of the feeling when you constantly think about the old times, and to some extent you want to return it.

This subtle feeling is called - nostalgia. It can occur both in a positive way and in a negative way. It is believed that negative nostalgia is an addiction, from the point of view of psychology. Frequent outbursts of nostalgia "pull" consciousness down, leaving no room for new emotions and experiences.

Why and who gets nostalgia – who “charges” from it

First of all, I would like to note that the so-called memories of the past are most characteristic of people with a fine mental organization. Vulnerable, sensitive personalities most tightly remember the sensations of the past.

Nostalgia - positive or negative associations, memories of a past period of time. This is a collective definition. As a rule, memories are felt in a complex way: people participating in the events of the past days, the atmosphere, surrounding things, specific events, dialogues, interactions.

Nostalgia "comes" with pictures-memories, clippings of dialogues, integral plots, long episodes from life.

Most often, the emotion of nostalgia occurs during a period of rethinking, psychological restructuring, comparison.

If you are interested in what the emotions of memories of the past are called, then most likely you are at one of these stages.

So, during the period of the so-called "midlife crisis" - nostalgic thoughts about a beautiful, stormy youth and carefree childhood can overtake. During the senile period - about the life passed, its epic moments.

Causes of nostalgia - how to deal with it

As already mentioned earlier, nostalgic thoughts about the days gone by can have negative roots.

If any memories make you sad, you need to remove the very “litmus test” that encourages such emotions.

The most common reasons, in addition to mental restructuring, that evoke memories of the past:

  • Smells;
  • Photo;
  • Interior items;
  • Old songs, movies, TV shows.

You will be surprised, but some individuals who are actively engaged in the practice of meditation deliberately evoke nostalgic emotions, “charging” from them.

So, it is believed that the purest, sincere and "young" emotions can be gleaned and returned to the body, tightly remembering childhood. Through meditation, they are completely immersed there, experiencing those childhood emotions in the present day.

To understand what feelings are, you need to understand by what criteria they can be evaluated. Criteria is another basis for classification.

Criteria serve to ensure that experiences can be measured, characterized and called a word, that is, defined.

There are three criteria for feelings:

  1. valency (tone);
  2. intensity (strength);
  3. sthenicity (activity or passivity).

The table of feelings No. 1 allows you to characterize any complex experience:

For example, a person may experience a positive strong sthenic experience. It could be love. If the intensity of sensations is weak, it is just sympathy.

The table of feelings, characterizing experiences, does not allow us to call them a word. The name can only be guessed. A person does not always have enough knowledge and experience to decide how to correctly name the emotional excitement experienced. This is not surprising, since there are a lot of them. However, some people cannot even name ten feelings, and yet so many, on average, a person experiences every day.

The third basis for classifying socially conditioned experiences is based on the underlying emotion.

American psychologist Paul Ekman identified seven basic emotions:

  • joy;
  • sadness;
  • anger;
  • fear;
  • astonishment;
  • disgust;
  • contempt.

The table of feelings No. 2 involves the search for the name of the experienced emotional experience, starting from the first four basic emotions:

FearAnxiety, confusion, panic, nervousness, distrust, uncertainty, insecurity, apprehension, embarrassment, anxiety, doubt and others.
SadnessApathy, despair, guilt, resentment, concern, sadness, depression, weakness, shame, boredom, longing, depression, fatigue and others.
AngerAggression, rage, disgust, rage, anger, envy, hatred, discontent, disgust, intolerance, disgust, contempt, neglect, jealousy, annoyance, cynicism and others.
JoyCheerfulness, bliss, delight, dignity, trust, curiosity, relief, revival, optimism, peace, happiness, peace, confidence, satisfaction, love, tenderness, sympathy, euphoria, ecstasy and others.

The second table of feelings complements the first. Using these two, one can understand what kind of power has taken possession of the mind and heart, how to describe and call it. And this is the first step towards awareness.

List of moral, intellectual, aesthetic feelings

To the question: “what are the feelings”, each person can give his own answer. Someone often experiences strong and deep feelings, while for someone they are light and short. The ability to feel depends on the temperament, character, principles, priorities and life experience of the individual.

Most often, feelings are classified depending on the sphere in which the object of experience is located:

  • Moral

These are sympathy and antipathy, respect and contempt, affection and alienation, love and hatred, as well as feelings of gratitude, collectivism, friendship and conscience. They arise in relation to the actions of other people or their own.

They are conditioned by moral norms accepted in society and acquired by the individual in the process of socialization, as well as his views, beliefs, worldview. If someone else's or one's actions correspond to moral standards, satisfaction arises; if not, indignation arises.

  • intellectual

A person also has such experiences that arise in the process of mental activity or in connection with its result: joy, satisfaction from the process and result of work, discoveries, inventions. It is also inspiration and bitterness from failure.

  • aesthetic

Emotional unrest arises when perceiving or creating something beautiful. A person experiences incredible sensations when he sees the beauty of the Earth or the power of natural phenomena.

A person feels a sense of beauty when looking at a small child or an adult harmoniously built person. Beautiful works of art and other creations of human hands can cause delight and elation.

Since this classification does not reveal the entire palette of feelings, it is customary to classify them for several more reasons.

What is the difference between feelings and emotions

All people experience emotional experiences and excitement, but not everyone knows how to name them and express them in words. But it is precisely the knowledge of what feelings are that helps not only to correctly determine, but also to control, manage them.

Feelings are a complex of experiences associated with people, objects or events. They express a subjective evaluative attitude towards real or abstract objects.

People in everyday life and some psychologists use the words "feelings" and "emotions" as synonymous words. Others say that feelings are a kind of emotions, namely higher emotions. Still others share these concepts: emotions are classified as mental states, and feelings as mental properties.

Yes, there is a direct relationship between them, because they are human experiences. Without mental unrest, the individual would not live, but exist. They fill life with meaning, make it diverse.

But still, there are significant differences between feelings and emotions:

  • Emotions are innate and instinctive reactions of the body to changes in the environment, feelings are social experiences developed in the process of upbringing and learning. A person learns to feel, everyone knows how to express emotions from the moment of birth.
  • Emotions are difficult to control by willpower, feelings are easier to manage, despite their complexity and ambiguity. Most of them arise in a person's mind, emotions are often not recognized, as they are associated with the need to satisfy an instinctive need.
  • The feeling changes, develops and fades away, varies in strength, manifests itself in different ways, can develop into its opposite, emotion is a certain reaction. For example, if a person feels hatred for another person, it is possible that this experience will develop into love, and the emotion of fear is always fear, regardless of the object (it can be unreasonable). Fear is either there or it isn't.
  • Emotions have no subject correlation, feelings do. They are experienced in relation to something or someone differently. For example, loving a child is not the same as loving a spouse. And for example, bewilderment is always expressed in the same way, regardless of what specifically causes it.
  • Feelings are a stronger motivator than emotions. They encourage, inspire, push to commit acts in relation to the object to which they are directed. Emotions only give rise to actions in the form of responses.
  • Emotions are short and superficial, albeit vivid manifestations, and feelings are always complex and strong emotional disturbances.

It can be difficult to determine when a combination of emotions will give rise to a feeling, and what higher experience is expressed in a particular series of emotional manifestations. These are close, accompanying phenomena, but still they need to be distinguished. A person is responsible for his highest emotions and for the actions that they entail.

How to manage your feelings

When strong emotions and worries take possession of a person, even if they are positive, the psychological balance is disturbed.

For psychological health and well-being, you need to be able to measure how to enjoy positive feelings, and be upset by negative ones.

To cope with excessive sentiments that prevent you from responding adequately and acting reasonably, you need to:

  1. Characterize emotional sensations: determine valency, intensity, sthenicity (Table of feelings No. 1).
  2. Determine the underlying emotion. Choose what the experience is more like: fear, sadness, anger or joy (Table of Feelings No. 2).
  3. Decide on the name and try to understand the experiences on your own.

Sometimes spiritual impulses take possession of a person so much that he literally cannot sleep or eat. Prolonged strong experiences are stressful for the body. It is not for nothing that nature intended that even a bright period of falling in love, when the blood is oversaturated with adrenaline, oxytocin and dopamine, does not last long, developing into a calm and thorough love.

Each person must have his own table of feelings if he wants to be a conscious person.

The eternal dispute between the mind and the heart is the question of the ability to regulate emotional, sensual impulses through the mind.

Experiencing deep and powerful experiences, a person lives life to the fullest. Limiting your sensitivity is unwise, and sometimes simply impossible. It's all about what experiences a person chooses: positive or negative, deep or superficial, real or fake.

What is the name of the feeling when you keep old things that give you memories of the past

  1. there are things that you keep as a token of affection,
    and there are meaningless memories,
    just been and gone...
    it all depends on how you feel
    and sympathy
  2. affection, nostalgia for the past .... for everyone, this is a different feeling!
  3. Hello, Vlad;)
    I'll say this...
    The past keeps in itself not only memories.... it gives us something that complements us.... in a sense, we consist of the past - you are what was formed one, two, three seconds, four days, five months back.. .
    Of course, one can say that clinging to the past, one can forget about the present.
    But sometimes the past... shows us something we haven't seen before... .
    maybe it's nostalgia for something gone, sentimentality... but... it's a mature feeling of an adult who understands the value of his life and values ​​it very much;)
  4. NOSTALGIA! Or just showing respect for your childhood affections, but in general, an old teddy bear is a cool thing !! ! You cuddle up to him and immediately drop 20 years. and you don’t care about any problems in your personal life, and even more so the economic crisis in the countries of the third world, you are just a little man with a big bear.!
  5. nostalgia?
  6. materialism .. probably ...
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Surely at least once in your life you have experienced the feeling that what is happening now has already happened before. Or, from time to time, be sad that you will not see how your great-grandchildren will live. Do you know the incomparable feeling of comfort and warmth when it rains outside the window, and you bask in a warm bed under the covers? All these rather complex emotions and feelings have their own names. Most likely, among them there is the very thing that you often experience, but do not know how to express.


Not to be confused with hard drugs. Opia is a sudden feeling of excitement when one gaze meets another. Visual contact that provokes a surge of energy. If this person is pleasant to you, most likely, it will give pleasure. And if your counterpart is a potential threat, a nasty chill can run through the skin from such an exchange of glances.

deja vu

Deja vu is translated from French: deja vu - “seen before”. This feeling when you feel like you have been to some new place before, or when it seems that a new event is actually repeating itself. Deja vu is a fairly common emotion, reported by about 75% of respondents to various psychological surveys.


Ellipsism is the sadness that a person experiences from not seeing the future. This emotion is most characteristic of older people who watch their grandchildren grow up and worry that they will not live to see some important moments in their lives.


The term comes from the Latin chrysalis - "chrysalis", denoting one of the stages of butterfly development. This is a feeling of bliss, peace and security - for example, when you are in a warm and dry house, and a thunderstorm is raging outside the window.


This is the name of the feeling of annoyance that you experience after a new acquaintance, when you realize that a person is very interesting, but it is almost impossible to get to know him better or it will take a very long time. This word in ancient Greece was called the male half of the house.


This is the name of the desire to loosen control over your life and worry less. That feeling of release when you think, “I wish I could be a kid again and not have to worry about anything!”


People experience this bitter feeling when they receive an answer to a question that has long tormented them and want to return to the past in order to tell themselves about the future. There is a good proverb on this topic: "If I knew where to fall, I would lay straws."


The name for this emotion is formed by adding to the name of the ancient Greek philosopher Zeno, known for his reasoning about the impossibility of movement and the immobility of time, the name of Mnemosyne, who personified memory in ancient Greek mythology. The essence of this feeling is that with each subsequent year it begins to seem that the years pass faster and faster.


Surely everyone at least once after a dispute or some kind of discussion scrolled in his head what needed to be said and what could be said in response. These imaginary dialogues are called zhuska, and in Russian - "wit on the stairs."

Fugu state

No, we are not talking about fish now, although it is she in the photo. We are talking about a state when a person does something, talks, goes somewhere, but is not aware of all this, and then cannot remember that he did all this. This may be the result of drug or alcohol abuse.

It's no secret that emotions play an important role in our lives. Communicating with people, you can probably notice that people show emotions in different ways, share their feelings.

Emotions are an adaptive mechanism that is inherent in us by nature to assess the situation. After all, a person does not always have time when he can correctly and accurately assess what is happening to him. Suppose in a situation of danger ... And then once - I felt something and there is a feeling that I either “like” or “dislike”.

Moreover, the emotional assessment is the most correct - nature cannot deceive. Emotional evaluation occurs very quickly and reason and logic are not "mixed" here. After all, you can logically explain anything and give a bunch of all sorts of rational arguments.

Watching people (including myself) I notice that there are situations in which people either ignore their emotions, or try not to notice them, or simply do not realize. I will not now make assumptions about the reasons for this, I will only say that without listening to himself, to his emotional life, a person cannot adequately and fully perceive the situation, and thereby make the most effective decision.

In ordinary life, this can manifest itself in the fact that by ignoring or repressing one's emotions, a person can create an incorrect belief for himself. For example, if a wife is ignorant/unconscious or unwilling to admit her anger towards her husband, she may take her anger out on another person or children in a completely different situation.

Or, I had a client who had this belief: “I can’t offend a person, upset him.” As it turned out, if a person gets angry, then she will experience guilt, which she did not want to meet.

In my consultations, I very often come across the emotional sphere. I once noticed that it is sometimes very difficult for people to say what they really feel or what emotion they are experiencing right now. Even if a person realizes that he has some feeling now, sometimes it is very difficult to say it in words, to name it.

One of my clients told me so: “I feel a GOOD feeling, but I don’t know what it’s called ..”.

And I decided to fill this gap on the pages of my site. Below is a list of emotions and feelings that I managed to find, I hope that after reading it, you can significantly replenish the awareness of what can happen to you.

And by the way, you can check yourself: before reading the list, I suggest you make it yourself, and then compare how complete your list is ...