Biographies Characteristics Analysis

How to unlock your potential and achieve success. How to unlock your potential: step-by-step instructions

Elizaveta Babanova

To what extent are you realizing your potential? at this stage of your life?

You can say: “I’m not realizing it well,” or, conversely, “I feel that every day I’m revealing my potential more and more.” Or “I want to realize it, but I don’t know how to unlock the potential.”

Or you can rate your potential on a scale out of 10, which will give you a clearer picture.

Well, how did you rate it? Overall, do you rate your implementation as a 10, a 5, or a 1?

How fulfilled are you in your work? In family? In society?

The Bible says that if we do not use the talents God has given us, we commit sin. This means that the question of how to unleash your creative potential should concern everyone.

If we consider sin as a deviation from a given vector of development, then this means that the further we move away from the course, i.e. from realizing our destiny, the less happiness and fulfillment we will experience.

In order to reduce the difference between given vector and your current reality (to move from a state of unhappiness to happiness), each of us needs to find our professional calling and begin to unlock our individual potential.

Each person has his own task and his own internal potential: someone has to be a biologist, someone has to be an architect, someone has to be a teacher, and someone has to be a writer. And each of us has a mission, by implementing which we become happy.

Does your current activity make you fulfilled and happy? Do you feel that it is where your limitless potential is revealed?


Most easy way knowing if you're living up to your potential is remembering the feeling you wake up with and the feeling you go to bed with.

If you go to sleep with a happy “sense of accomplishment” and think with anticipation about the next day, if you happily get up and get to work, then you have most likely already found your path.

If for you a dream is a long-awaited break from reality and, when you wake up, you think about how to get through the work day as quickly as possible, you should think about how to realize your potential, because you still have to find your dream job. It is very important to remember, however, that even in what you love, there are days when everything goes wrong, when you want to take a break. But a job you love should be fun 90% of the time.


Studying the biographies of great people, I always see a red thread running through and connecting their destinies - they are all in love with their work.

For them, rest is less pleasure than what they love.

They force themselves to rest, while the vast majority of people in our world force themselves to work. Ras


If you don't really like your job, but also don't know what your professional calling is, I recommend trying yourself in different directions, continuing to work where you work now. Disclosure creative potential It would be better to combine it with your main activity.

Leaving a job that feeds you and your family without being sure that new job will give you greater growth and wealth, does not make sense.

To receive such an award as doing what you love, you need to work a lot on yourself and not stop searching for your calling.

I also recommend constantly asking yourself the question: “What can I do that 1) will make me happy, 2) will also bring maximum benefit society and 3) what will people want to pay me decent money for if I become an expert in this field?”

Relationships very often do not stand the test of time, children grow up and leave native home, economic and political systems... But if a person has once found his favorite thing to do, he can always remain happy and in demand, despite changing circumstances.


If you don't stop in your personal and professional development, if you continue to experiment with different areas of activity, you will eventually find that job, thanks to which:

  • You'll be up at 5 a.m. full of energy and enthusiasm, looking forward to a new day.
  • You will forget about time unless you count the hours at work.
  • You will stop separating work and rest, since work will be no less (if not more) exciting pastime.

You deserve to find your dream job and realize your talent in the profession!

I encourage you to not stop until you find your calling. Search for it with optimism, patience and gratitude for everything you already have in life!

I am very interested to know what rating you gave yourself today in the field of professional fulfillment. In what are you more fulfilled - in work, in family or in society?


The word "potential" translated from Latin means: ability, power, strength. We are given different potential by nature, and we also use it differently.

Some people do not use even half of what they are given, while others achieve great success even with more modest indicators.

How to develop your potential?

1. Desire always serves as an incentive to develop potential.

The stronger it is, the more energy we put into it. It is this energy that helps us use all our “sleeping” capabilities to the maximum. But they wake up only when we really, and our desire becomes so strong that it turns into a goal.

2. It is always useful to have before your eyes an example of the success of an iconic personality in the area that interests you.

Most The best way take specific person and learn his strategy for success.

There is a rule in NLP:

“If at least one person knows how to do something effectively, and it can be described, then it can be learned.”

When we have information about people who have succeeded in a particular area, we can study their success strategy and mindset in detail. And apply this information in your own practice.

Even if it is not possible to simulate these people in person, it is worth collecting as many as possible additional materials and study primary sources. All this will help you more clearly see the difference between your and other people’s strategies and provide food for thought. Yeltsin’s daughter Tatyana Yumasheva once told how a businessman was pecked out of Abramovich.

Life time Abramovich was coming to an end. In the army there is such a concept - the “demobilization chord”, which consists in the fact that a soldier must do something useful for the unit. Roman and other demobilized soldiers were tasked with cutting a clearing for the future road. The work is not easy. May take several months. But I want to go home. What did Abramovich do? He divided the forest to be cut down into equal parts and went to the nearest village, saying local residents, which sells the right to cut down the area entrusted to it. Since everyone had stove heating in their houses, there was no need to offer twice. The clearing was cut down in two days. Roman divided the money very wisely. One part went to the officers, the other is for friends, who still remained to serve, and the third was divided by the participants of the “demobilization chord”. There was a lot of money. Enough for everyone! And already on the third day, Abramovich and the other demobilizers went home.

3. It is necessary to divide your goal into many stages that will connect Current state your affairs and what you want.

It's like you reach the top. Today you take one milestone, tomorrow another, the day after tomorrow a third. And you always have some starting point.

4. Try to maintain your direction of movement towards the goal.

What often happens is this: you go through a certain way, but at the first hitch questions arise: " Is this where I'm going? Maybe I chose the wrong direction?

It is very important to answer them as early as possible. But sometimes we don't have enough information to be objective about ourselves.

If you feel you have enough resources to figure out the answer to these questions, go ahead on your own. But sometimes outside help, for example, the support of a coach, will significantly help in your progress towards your goal. After all, a good coach never gives ready-made recipes, he simply asks the right questions, and the necessary answers are born in you.

5. Find something you enjoy at every stage of the process.

Our highest potential always occurs when we enjoy what we do.

Don't forget to thank and praise yourself for the slightest successes!

6. Control your thoughts and feelings.

Their colossal power on our ability to achieve (or not achieve) results has long been proven. It is very important to monitor your internal dialogue" when you do something. Less criticism and more faith in your potential will help you develop it.

Almost every person has some kind of ambition.

But very often we find ourselves between two poles:

On the one hand, they are unrealistically overpriced.

When I looked at the, I was amazed by the number of requests“how to marry a billionaire.” There were 31557 of them!

While the number of billionaires in the world according to dataForbes for last year amounted to only 1210 people.

And if you consider that in Russia there are only 62 of them, and most of Do any of them already have a family?

Think about it, the demand for “poor billionaires” exceeds the supply by more than 1000 times!

But this does not stop anyone from their dreams. Dream big. Maybe that’s why only 6,714 women wanted to become a millionaire’s wife.

You need to dream! But you shouldn’t break away from reality so far. Otherwise, you will direct all your energy in the wrong direction, risking missing out on more real opportunities.

Where our energy is directed, everything happens.

Imagine what kind of “Vesuvius you must awaken” in yourself for your dream of becoming the wife of a billionaire to come true. Most people can't do this.

The second pole is another contrast when we say: " I'll never be able to!"

The saying is quite appropriate here: " You never know what you can do till you try".

Surely, everyone can remember at least one successful case of its use in their life.

Remember your success often, and make the saying your motto if you really really want something.

Check reality with reality.

Ask yourself questions:

- What needs to happen for my wish to come true?

Answer these two questions as honestly as possible and they are:

  • will help you cope with excessive timidity towards yourself;
  • will help to discard excessive fantasies;
  • they'll tell you right directions on how to develop your potential.

All in your hands! And I wish you good luck!

Incredible facts

Each of us is familiar with the concept of energy. Everything in our world is energy that is spent and accumulated, transformed into something new, but never leaves without a trace. How does a person’s energy differ from his energy?

Energy is the ability to process, accept, transform and share energy. When a person is able to manage his energy, it is much easier for him to recover from stress, work actively, draw strength both for work and for his loved ones, as well as for hobbies and home improvement.

In other words, it is impossible to overestimate the importance of energy in a person’s life, and therefore knowledge about it will never become superfluous.

What kind of energy is there?

The biofield of each of us is a cocoon with rays of different lengths, which envelops the body from all sides. The color of the biofield, its thickness, density and length of rays can be different depending on a person’s energy reserves and his mental strength.

From birth, a person receives a specific energy potential, which, however, is not his final state, because in the process of life a person himself can influence the quality of his energy and its quantity.

Each of us has several energy bodies through which energy is distributed. Some bodies are responsible for health, others for spiritual development, others - for sexuality. All energy bodies are connected to each other through channels. In order to understand what energy exchange is and learn how to manage your energy, you need to know what specific “bodies” exist, as well as how the channels work.

Esoteric human bodies

So, except physical body, each person has a causal, atmanic, etheric, astral, mental and buddhic body, each of which solves its own problem. Different people different bodies unequally developed. In order for all bodies to function normally, constant and uniform circulation of energy is essential. Only in this case will we be happy and healthy.

When a failure occurs, order becomes chaos, and a person begins to feel tired, problems appear, lack of strength, and constant ailments. In order to assess the state of your biofield, it is not at all necessary to go to an appointment with a medium or clairvoyant. Today there are special devices that can record and evaluate the human biofield.

GDV diagnostics

Moreover, it is possible to obtain information not only about existing problems in the body, but also about diseases that are just beginning to develop; you can even see a decrease in immunity.

Such devices are called GDV diagnostics, and they work using the gas-discharge visualization method. A person touches the sensor with his finger, and the device determines the strength of the biofield based on the fingerprint.

Used in in this case gas discharge is obvious scientific fact, which he studies official science. In 2001, an unusual experiment was conducted. The man was diagnosed with GDV, and then again after the famous German healer Christos Drossinakis conducted a session with him.

As a result, the result obtained was obvious even to a non-specialist, because it could be seen even with the naked eye: the person began to feel much better, and his aura became denser and more uniform.

It has also been proven that the biofield is present not only in humans, but also in plants, animals, stones and water. This is precisely what explains the phenomenon of living and dead water, as well as mineral therapy.

Experts tried to understand what the difference is between ordinary athletes and champions. It turned out that the difference is visible even at the level of the biofield, by which one can judge not only the level of a person’s training and readiness, but also see weaknesses.

Atmanic body

This body has a direct connection with life’s purpose, mission, and the meaning of existence. When a person has this body well developed, he feels that he has a purpose and that there is a purpose in life.

When a person determines his goal in life, the energy of this particular body helps to achieve it. A person gains perseverance, self-confidence, enthusiasm, perseverance, and the strength to realize his plans.

Buddhic body

This body is responsible for values, helps to separate false from true, and also gives strength in performing everyday tasks. In order for this body to be filled and exist harmoniously, a person must do what he loves and constantly improve his skills.

Listen to your inner voice, not what society says. There is no need to follow fashion, status and the benefits of the occupation. When a person devotes himself to an unloved activity, he blocks the access of energy to the buddhic body, which becomes depleted over time.

Causal body

This body is for what we call spontaneous determination, these are the actions that we perform in obedience to our true aspirations and inner voice.

Let's give an example. You interview for a job at a high-profile company, but at the last minute you decide that you won’t go to work there because you don’t really like the job.

Immediately you decide that the time has finally come to open your own business or to do something that you have always dreamed of, but were not strong enough to decide. This is how the causal body manifests itself. It is worth noting that this body does not affect the success of your endeavor.

Its activity is very short-term, it appears just at the moment of making the decision that it is necessary to change your life in accordance with your true aspirations.

Astral body

This body is responsible for a person’s perception of emotions and various life events. It is responsible for how different people refer to the same situation. The astral body has close contact with the mental body.

Mental body

Many people call this body intuition. These are sensations and thoughts that arise on their own, influence events or predict them.

When there is a lot of energy in the mental body, a person develops the ability to predict fate, clairvoyance, etc.

Etheric body

This body is responsible for physical strength, tone and general health. Moreover, it is the etheric body that determines how others perceive you: as a pleasant or unpleasant person.

Energy by date of birth

To calculate the energy of any person, you can use a simple formula, which involves multiplying the date and month of birth by the year of birth. Next, you need to add up all the numbers obtained and evaluate the result.

Let's give an example. Let's say a person was born on April 7, 1988. Here's how the calculations should be done:

Month and day multiplied by year = 407*1988

407*1988 = 809116

The energy of this person is average, because average varies from 21 to 30.

Those who are located below 21 are people who strive to subconsciously or consciously take energy from those around them. People with low energy are most often unhappy in personal life.

If the energy potential is above 35, then this means that the person is a strong donor who feeds on energy from space and can share it with other people. As a rule, such people are never left alone, because others are always drawn to them, feeling the strongest energy potential on a subconscious level.

If after calculations you find that your energy is quite low, you don’t need to be upset right away, because the date of birth is not the only indicator that affects us. Surely many of us have met people who were born on the same day, but live absolutely different lives, endowed with different inclinations and completely different characters.



The more of our abilities we can realize in life, the more successful, prosperous and happier our lives will be. All discussions on the topic of self-realization, happiness and prosperity come down to the main question: “How to unlock your inner potential?”

The answer is quite simple. You need to live Here and Now. How can you get into this “Here and Now”?

Drop the past and the future. It's all an illusion. The only reality is to be Here and Now. Live now. Moreover, it does not matter how you manage to achieve this state. It doesn't matter whether you are poor or rich, your age also does not matter. All that matters is one thing - life Here and now.

If you constantly ask yourself the question of how to unlock your inner potential, cast aside doubts and fill yourself with confidence that you have limitless inner potential here and now. You already have everything you need. We are all created in the image and likeness of God. Our task is to manifest the inner strength of potential within ourselves.

You can show strength in yourself and understand how to unlock your potential with the help of the internal resources that are given to you at birth: special talents, knowledge, skills, strength, confidence, love, and also - positive thinking And positive attitude, which are acquired by working on oneself.

Working on yourself should be daily, every minute, every second. Define your mission and start building your life in accordance with your life purpose.

Remember that the main purpose of a person is to create, to create something that benefits people. We come into this world for the sake of creativity.

Realize, remember your deepest dream, it is your dream that will give you the strength to act when the question arises of how to unlock your potential.

Remember what you dreamed of as a child or youth, what you loved to do. Decide what business you would do if you had everything you need for life, that is, you didn’t have to work for money.

Begin to act confidently in accordance with your life goals and a plan. And your inner potential will be revealed quickly and easily. When a person does what he loves, his potential expands more and more. At the same time, take 100% responsibility for your life, realizing yourself as the Creator of your life.

If you really want to “grow” throughout your life, improve and develop, revealing your inner potential, then learn to be inquisitive, like children. Cultivate curiosity. Curious people have little difficulty understanding how to unlock their inner potential. They quickly find something they like and enjoy their lives.

Sometimes it happens that it is difficult for a person to cope on his own with questions regarding his potential capabilities. In this case, you need to seek help from a person who is more high level development of consciousness, who has walked this path and knows how to help you unlock your potential.

You can also follow this rule: “If what you do doesn’t work, do something else.” Change your behavior. Be flexible. Remember that talented and successful people have many ways of responding to situations. The more internal strategies, the greater the chances of success. You have all the necessary resources to achieve your goal.

You can also unlock your potential with the help of a question that you need to ask yourself as often as possible: “Why do I need this?” Your answer and your feelings will be a clue to you: does it lead you to your goal, does it reveal your potential, does it give you joy, does it benefit you and the people around you, etc.

Working on revealing your internal forces and your potential, be determined. Strive to achieve your goals. Remember that you simply must unlock your inner potential in order to live a fulfilling, joyful and happy life!