Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Kazakh Geographical Society. Kazakhstan: history of the state

 17.10.2014 00:42

Kazakhstan - until 1936 it was Kazakhstan, i.e. Cossack camp. In February 1936, the Decree of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the Kazakh SSR “On the Russian pronunciation and written designation of the word “Cossack” states that the last letter “k” is replaced by the letter “x”. In accordance with this, it was necessary to write in “Cossack” and not “Kazakhstan”, but “Kazakh” and “Kazakhstan”. And that the lands of the Siberian, Orenburg and Ural Cossacks were included in the current Kazakhstan.

Until 1936, not only did the state “Kazakhstan” not exist in the world, but there were no Kazakhs as a nation at all. There was a common concept - the Kyrgyz. That was the name of the hordes of nomads from the Caspian Sea to Altai. Among these hordes there was one clan called “Kazakh”, who roamed between the lakes Zaisan and Alakol at the very borders of China. And then suddenly this unknown clan turns into a national republic with a territory dozens of times larger than the territory of the “titular” Kyrgyz nation and the second after Russia. On the borders of the Wild Field (a geographical name that took root behind the Cossack steppe in the 16th century), the Ural Cossack army stood in the west, the Orenburg and Siberian army in the north, and the Semirechensk army in the east. Cossack troops vigilantly guarded their lands from uninvited guests. Hundreds of Cossacks left for the steppe for weeks, and as soon as the vagrants with their flocks appeared within the Russian borders, they were driven with whips up to the Aral and Balkhash.

Before Gorbachev's perestroika, the problems of nations and nationalities in the Soviet Union were of particular concern to few. There was a community of people “the Soviet people”, everyone lived “in a single family of fraternal peoples”. They lived until Yeltsin blurted out: "take as much sovereignty as you can swallow." And they took it, and swallowed it, did not choke. Now the Ural, Semirechensk, partly Siberian and Orenburg Cossacks became subjects of the “Khan” Nazarbay and an oppressed nation. Uralians write to the President of the Russian Federation and Russian parliamentarians that as a result of the inhumane national policy of the Kazakh authorities, the “non-indigenous” Russian-speaking population is being expelled not only from Kazakhstan, but also from all spheres of life and activity. Kazakhstan has already left 3.5 million people, which is 25% of the total population of the republic. In 2000, another 600,000 people left the republic. The socio-economic situation of Russians has sharply deteriorated, unemployment is growing, Russian schools and cultural institutions are being closed, and the history of Russia is being falsified in Kazakh schools. And yet, despite the oppressive situation, the Ural Cossacks do not want to leave the graves of their ancestors, their land, watered with the sweat and blood of their fathers and grandfathers.

By a decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of August 26, 1920, the Ural Cossack region was renamed into a province and included in the autonomous Kyrgyz Republic; On April 5, 1925, by decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars, the Kirrepublic was renamed the Cossack Soviet Socialist Republic. From now on, the Kyrgyz will be called "Cossack-Kyrgyz". In 1925, Shaya Goloshchekin, one of the main killers of the royal family in Yekaterinburg, became the ruler of the Republic of Kazakhstan. During the 7 years of Shai's reign, a third of the Cossack-Kyrgyz people died of starvation in the first years of collectivization in Kazakhstan. In February 1936, the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the Kazakh SSR issued a resolution “On the Russian pronunciation and written designation of the word “Cossack”. The resolution says that the last letter "k" is replaced by the letter "x". In accordance with this, now it is necessary to write not “Cossack” and “Kazakhstan”, but “Kazakh” and “Kazakhstan”.
The North Kazakhstan region was formed as part of the Kazakh SSR on July 29, 1936. Previously, it was the Petropavlovsk district of the Omsk province of the RSFSR (existed in 1919-1925), which was transferred on August 26, 1920 by decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR to the formed Akmola province of the Autonomous Kyrgyz Republic 1920-1925, later the Kazak ASSR from 1925-1936.

Comments: 66 comments

    As always, the self-aggrandizement of Russians is striking. Listen to you - so God was Russian and the first people on earth were Russian. The Russians below would never have given even a piece of their land. The great ancestors of the warlike Kazakhs guarded their lands well. By the way, Tyumen comes from the word Tomen (lowland), Omsk-Omba (A lot of snow), Ural-Oral (to return), Altai- and there is no need to translate. Try to name Russian villages with Kazakh names. You would, to put it mildly, disagree. So, what else needs to be figured out is who owes whom. In general, no one in Kazakhstan oppresses Russians. We live peacefully. It is only after a neighbor or ex-employee who moves to Russia says that he was harassed (to receive cash benefits as refugees) that we are very disappointed.

    • Alena, we have our own versions of the origin of city names and names, but what can you object to the above? As for harassment, read your press as frankly Russophobic, not to mention something else. We only respond to Russophobic attacks.

      Gone are the days when Russians were hospitable and loyal. Gratitude did not wait - only a "knife in the back."

      I'm afraid the Russians have their eyes on Kazakhstan)))

      in Ukraine, too, Russians have never been offended

      • No need to invent. It feels like you just want to stir up ethnic strife in Kazakhstan. Calm down, you still won't get anything. We have no Russophobia! Glory to the Almighty, we have a conscious people! And the article is provocative and illiterate!

    • Alyona! So everything is easy for you! Nobody oppresses Russians in Kazakhstan????? I can give a lot of FACTS how the oppression of the Russians is going on! DAI, that's the true name of DAYishnikov, where there is an undisguised genocide, Paperwork in your executive committees, a problem for the Russians! First of all, a national hero, a batyr, will be hired, regardless of the fact that this batyr is dumber than a simple wooden block, and there is a lot of things!

      • What kind of oppression are you talking about? How many had to be issued (although we have no longer had "executive committees"), the only problem is the unwillingness of employees of such institutions to work normally (and even then not always and not everywhere) - Kazakhs also face this, it turns out that they are also oppressed?
        get a job - if in the civil service or in the state. enterprise, then there must be knowledge of the state. language. the main problem is usually in the mentality of some employers - they first “need” to arrange for their relatives, and the fact that they are boobies is not a reason for them to refuse “their own”.
        the only thing that is really unpleasant is the new generation of young people who think little with their brains and believe that Kazakhstan is for Kazakhs, and only Kazakh speakers. such people are not ashamed to make a remark to an elderly Kazakh if ​​he speaks Russian in front of them. this is already “education” and other flaws of the “new time”.
        and so far, no one here openly oppresses us. and all the "Russophobia" is piled up in a few cheap newspapers and magazines of dubious quality. it is clear that a fool will read and believe, moreover, he will also take it for his opinion. but so far the devil is not so terrible as he is painted.
        and the article, although it cites facts, operates with them in a strange way. without taking into account either the language, or its history, or etymology, etc., although there is such a thing as transliteration. therefore it was “Cossack”, and not “Kazakh”, because in Kazakh "Kazakh" sounds like "Cossack" (specific "k" in 1 and 2 cases)

        • I think that we are obliged to speak Kazakh. After all, the Kazakhs know Russian, although this is their land.

      “Let them scold us from the Western capitals -

      We don't care about them, we can't be taken on a show off:

      Russia has no borders!

      Russia has only a horizon!..” (I. Rasteryaev)

      I completely agree with you and support you!

      Alyona! Until June 15, 1925, present-day Kazakhstan was called the Kirghiz Autonomous SSR under the RSFSR, which included all Kyrgyz villages up to the Syr Darya and Kara Kalpakia. If you stay in MOSCOW, go to the V. LENIN Museum on Red Square. In the hall of the museum there is a large map about 10 meters long, compiled in 1905. The territory of the Kyrgyz Khaganate from the Volga to Vladivostok is indicated there! All the names of the area remained from the Kyrgyz, and not from the Kazakhs, who were formed in 1936. This story!

      • brr..what are you smoking? you need to protect yourself from illusions)) "Kyrgyz" historian))

      you are either completely blonde .. or dumbass flyaway miram

    It's logical. Where would the Kazakhs get such a territory from? How and by whom could they protect these lands?
    And what’s more… long before the revolution, they turned to the Russian Tsar for help in protecting their small territories. The city of Alma-Ata is the former Verninskaya fortress. Then Became the city Faithful. The Russians, of course, kept this fortress from raids (guess from 3 times).

    I would not want to offend anyone ... But these are historical documents. The truth needs to be known. It is impossible to be led by enemies who erase the history of our Motherland.

    Russian barbarians broke into villages, auls, camps, leaving behind cities, libraries, universities and theaters ... as well as factories, factories, power plants ... Baikonur ...

    Russian = incest.

    1. "Drowsyness" - a practice in the Russian village, in which a man - the head of a large peasant family (living in the same hut) has sexual intercourse with the younger women of the family, usually with his son's wife

    Cho argue! Kazakhs were nomads, their tribes were even before Genghis Khan. then they became part of the golden horde; children and grandchildren ruled in the steppe. and therefore they are there Cho is not true, it's true! Then the horde broke up and from here another story began

    The Kazakhs own only the territory of present-day Kazakhstan - from which the Kazakhs, with three horns in three different years, became part of the Russian Empire - everything else is a transfer to management within a single country and for the time of the state of both Republics (RSFSR and KazSSR) as part of one country ...
    All three contracts with maps and the listed settlements are available (in three copies) and are stored
    in Moscow, A-Ata and Orenburg ...
    Here, according to these documents, and within the territories specified in them - go .... if you want to be independent ....
    The remaining territories are either part of Russia or in the form of autonomy with dual control (Kazakhstan and Russia) ....
    how the people will decide and the countries will agree ....

    alternative is very bad
    - 1 - - this is an example of Donbass - which is 1 to 1 - by the seven territories that were included in 1923 by Lenin into the Kazakh SSR in addition to those territories - from which they became part of the Republic of Ingushetia / Cossacks ...
    - 2 - and the territory of the Virgin Lands given to the management of the Kaz SSR when the leadership of the USSR was Khrushchev, and the Kazakh SSR - Brezhnev - this is 1: 1 - the situation with the Crimea (only not 1954, but a little later).

    until this situation returns to the legal field - the probability of repeating something like in the Donbass of 2014-15 - with a probability of 146%%%% - do you need this??????

    • Kazakhstan plans to toughen punishment for separatist activities. This is reported by Tengrinews with reference to the representative of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic Arman Ayaganova.

      A tougher punishment, as noted, is provided for by the draft of the new Criminal Code of Kazakhstan. In particular, for calls for “illegal, unconstitutional change of the territorial integrity of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, the perpetrator will face imprisonment for up to seven years. If this kind of illegal campaigning is carried out using one's official position, the punishment can be up to 10 years in prison.

      In the current version of the Criminal Code, Article 170 (“Calls for the violent overthrow or change of the constitutional order or the violent violation of the unity of the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan”) provides for a fine or imprisonment for up to five years. For separatist appeals in the media, the perpetrators can be punished by a fine or imprisonment for a term of three to seven years.

      The draft of the new Criminal Code of Kazakhstan was developed at the initiative of President Nursultan Nazarbayev. It is currently under consideration by Parliament.

      The authorities of Ukraine also intend to toughen the responsibility for separatism in the near future. The Verkhovna Rada plans to consider the corresponding bill on Tuesday, April 8. This was preceded by the loss of Crimea by Ukraine, which became part of the Russian Federation, as well as a series of pro-Russian speeches in the east of Ukraine, during which demands were put forward for the self-determination of the region.

      • Raihan, you hear a ringing, but you don't know where it is. It is now primarily about this (I attach the video below). And once again I advise you to familiarize yourself with the definition of the word "separatism".

    In 1954, the Central Committee of the CPSU decided to expand the sown area in the country through the development of virgin lands in the northern regions of Kazakhstan. The development of virgin lands proceeded at an accelerated pace: if in two years it was supposed to plow 13 million hectares, then in reality 33 million hectares were plowed up. For 1954-1960 41.8 million hectares of virgin land were raised. For comparison, the area of ​​the united Germany is 35.7 million hectares, Poland 31.2 million hectares. In the virgin lands, only in the first two years, 425 grain state farms were created. Volunteers were mobilized from the western regions of the USSR to provide new lands with a labor force. After the end of the campaign, about six million Russians and Ukrainians remained in the Kazakh SSR. The scale of the work carried out has no analogues in world practice.

    Guys, I'm looking at a site here that is more or less honest (more or less because even though the comments are apparently not deleted, the infa itself is false), and therefore I will post the following information here.

    Quote from this article:

    "By the decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of August 26, 1920, the Ural Cossack region was renamed into a province and included in the autonomous Kyrgyz Republic"

    Look at the wiki:

    “The Ural region is a region in the Russian Empire that existed in 1868-1920. The current West Kazakhstan region as part of the Republic of Kazakhstan "

    That is, we immediately find a forgery, because the "Ural COSSACK region" never existed in nature, but was simply the "Ural region".

    Another quote from this article:

    “Before 1936, not only did the state “Kazakhstan” not exist in the world, but there were no Kazakhs as a nation at all”

    And now let's see how it really happened:

    “Why were the Kazakhs called “Kyrgyz” in pre-revolutionary Russia?”

    The self-name (the name by which the people call themselves) of the indigenous people of Kazakhstan, the Kazakhs, is KAZAK.

    This name was given to the Cossacks (Kazakhs) in 1459, when two Chingizid sultans Zhanibek and Kerey, dissatisfied with the power of Khan Abu-l-Khair (a state that arose in the steppes of western and northern Kazakhstan as a result of the collapse of the Golden Horde, in 1428-1469) , with clans and tribes subject to them, left it and migrated to the Chu and Kozy-Bashi districts in the south-east of Kazakhstan.

    Who could have foreseen then that the migration outside the country of a group of clans and tribes dissatisfied with the supreme power, led by these sultans, would turn out to be fateful. Meanwhile, history has developed in such a way that it was this event that became the beginning of today's Kazakhstan. And the emergence of the ethnonym Cossack and the toponym Kazakstan is one of the results of that migration.

    The fact is that in that era, the Turkic word “Cossack”, known since the first half of the 13th century, was used to denote the temporary state of free people who, for various reasons, broke away from their social environment or state and were forced by circumstances to lead the life of adventurers.

    Since Kerey, Zhanibek and their adherents were people who left their lands and wandered around the outskirts of the state, they were called Cossacks. The name stuck with them.

    We also look at why the Cossacks (Kazakhs) began to be called "Kyrgyz".

    “From the 18th century, in Russian sources, and then in European literature, the Cossacks (Kazakhs) were mistakenly called “Kyrgyz-Cossacks” and “Kyrgyz-Kaisaks” (“Kaisak” is a distorted “Cossack”).

    These names were shortened to "Kirghiz" in 1867.

    So why did the Russians begin to call the Cossacks "Kyrgyz-Cossacks"?

    “I will end my digression about the Kirghiz with one remark; they do not call themselves Kirghiz, but call themselves Cossacks, which means "horseman" - according to some, "warrior" - according to others.

    They claim that the Bashkirs call them Kirghiz, but they do not know where this word came from.

    Continuation of the previous post.

    The situation is described in more detail in an article from the “Collection of Laws on the Kirghiz of the Steppe Regions”, written by I. I. Kraft, senior adviser of the Turgai regional administration, in 1898:

    “Under the name of the Kirghiz, the nomads inhabiting the steppe regions are known: Akmola, Semipalatinsk, Ural and Turgay, the Inner (Bukeev) horde of the Astrakhan province, part of the Syr-Darya region and the Amu-Darya department.

    Prior to the introduction of temporary provisions in these areas in 1867 and 1868, the Kyrgyz were often called Kirghiz-Kaisaks or Kirghiz-Cossacks in official acts.

    The Kirghiz themselves still call themselves Cossacks.

    Under the same name they are also known among the neighboring Asian peoples.

    There is an assumption that the renaming of the Cossacks into the Kirghiz-Cossacks was done by the Russians (Siberians), in contrast to the Cossacks, the descendants of the conquerors of Siberia"

    And here is the information directly from the historical source.
    Probably, the publication in the media of the 19th century can be considered as such.

    “The Kirghiz call themselves Cossacks.

    The Kyrgyz (Kirghiz) call themselves nomads of a completely different tribe, living in the vicinity of Lake Issykul (i.e. Issty-Kul, hot ash) and to the south of it beyond Tian-shan, near Kashgar and on the upland Pamir square.

    The Russians called the first Kirghiz-Cossacks, which later became Kirghiz-Kaisaks, and then, releasing the word Kaisak, simply Kirghiz.
    Actually, the Kirghiz are called Karakirghiz, because their Monaps (rulers) are of simple origin, and not of white bone, like the sultans of the Kirghiz-Kaisaks;

    then the wild-stone Kirghiz are called the Kirghiz, wandering in the granite mountains, they are also called in Chinese: Burut "

    An excerpt from the article "Kirghiz", the magazine "Niva", 1873, No. 5

    Here, by the way, is infa from the same article, when and how the Russian Cossacks actually appeared in the Kazakh Steppe.

    That is, according to these data, the settlement of the Cossacks began only in 1849 as a measure against Kazakh raids on Russian fortifications in the Steppe.

    That is, there can be no talk of any Kazakhstan as a kind of "Cossack camp"))

    The Cossacks were resettled purely as a military force, and this resettlement began, as I indicated above, only in 1849, and before that, the Kazakhs lived there for thousands of years:

    “The Kyrgyz (i.e. Kazakhs) are one of the ancient ethnic groups of Central Asia. The first mention of the Kirghiz in ancient Persian and Chinese sources occurs in 201 BC.

    “In 1837, Sultan Kaip, in alliance with two batyrs - Nestay and Dzhulaman, greatly disturbed the steppe.
    In 1838, two more batyrs appeared: Sultan Kasim and his son Kenisar.

    Under the administration of the Orenburg Territory, Obruchev undertook the construction of a number of fortifications along the Orenburg steppe, and in 1849 the settlement of the steppe by the Cossacks began.

    "Niva", 1873, No. 5

    yes ... it was funny about the Cossacks
    they were sent to kazakhstan to suppress uprisings of the kazakhs…..

      • Separatism means breaking into pieces. There was real separatism when the USSR was destroyed, and this is still our biggest problem. You are fighting separatism correctly, but you are looking for it in the wrong place. I have not heard from a single Russian that he wants to annex part of Kazakhstan to Russia. On the contrary, many do not want to leave, but some have to. If anyone wants a piece of your land, it will most likely be China.

    well, guys, before writing, they would read the history documents

    Do you Russians not like it when your history is being rewritten in Europe?
    Already there they forgot that the victorious people who suffered in World War 2 are the majority - Russians
    The West, in their concept of a new reading of the history of the Second World War: the savior of mankind from the plague of the twentieth century - totalitarianism (in the form of Nazism and "Stalinism"), and the Russian Federation - the heir to the aggressive totalitarian Soviet empire.

    MYTH 2. "Battle of Kulikovo"

    This is a myth about the "liberation" of Russians from the Mongol-Tatar yoke. However, the Muscovite principality will stop paying tribute and gain real independence only after the collapse of the Horde and the break with the khanates. And this will happen only in the 16th century, i.e. after a few hundred years.
    MYTH 3. “Kyiv is the mother of Russian cities”

    Like many other historical stamps, it is a myth that is of central importance in the mythical history of Russia being created. Even if we assume that Oleg said these words, then they have nothing to do with Muscovy, and even more so with modern Russia. In those days there was neither the first nor the second. There was Rus'. the main territories of Rus' in those days were the lands of modern Belarus and Ukraine. Even Novgorod and Suzdal were included in the understanding of Rus' only in a very broad sense of this concept.

    - these are the texts of your Ukrainian brothers

    Thus, the American historian H. Baldwin believes that 11 battles (“great campaigns”) decided the outcome of World War II. In particular, Operation Market Garden in Holland, the landing of Anglo-American troops in Normandy, the Battle of Midway Atoll in the Pacific theater of operations. Of the battles won by the Soviet army, he mentions only the Battle of Stalingrad. The concepts of the West German historians G. Jacobsen and G. Dollinger, which have 7 "turning points of the war", have a similar character. There are other options for "decisive battles" and "turning points". And in all these concepts of Western historians, preference is given to the Pacific and North African theaters of military operations, and the Soviet-German front is given a secondary place.

    One thing is clear: the Russians themselves have always admitted that the name of the Cossacks "Kyrgyz" is a mistake.

    Here, for example, is an excerpt from the book of the Russian ethnographer and geographer E. K. Meyendorff “Journey from Orenburg to Bukhara”, written at the end of the 19th century:

    → Isn't it funny yourself? To cite Meyendorff's Jewish nonsense as evidence!

    Yes, you are weak in the head. This is due to hybrid genes.

    my ancestors lived there before and Astana was called simply a village or. This happened all over Rus'. Previously, for example, in Bashkiria there was not more than one settlement with a Bashkir name. Yes, you look at the genes, they are all Chinese once defeated by Saint George and appropriated their nationalities by the way under the Romanov Jew. Which confirms that the Romans are henchmen of the West! England for introduction into governments. Thank you to the authors for a good deed to fight against English lies.

    look at the Caucasus, the Cossack cavalry! and at the genes of the Caucasians? who are they and the captured Turks! they still communicate with the Turks in the same language! the Slavs are just fooling you!

    Bashkirs by genes are Japanese in general

    So, Internet users, all of you, without exception, have your own couch truth - this is bad, because infa is one-sided and little analyzed and it is not possible to see the whole picture, and the worst thing is there is no time machine and therefore none of you can answer for the market (for this you are all shit, Russians take poop in their hands and throw it at a Kazakh, and the Kazakhs, in principle, are also picking up Russian shit, mixing their shit, throwing it at the Russian and it's not about who has more of it, but that everything is in shit, in general nothing special here, but when is the light at the end of the sewer tunnel?

    I agree with the speakers Astana and KAZAK!
    Slavs are fooling us!
    And they do it because we allow ourselves to be fooled. And this happens because of our pathological under-education.
    You need to understand that all Mongoloids are former Chinese. And now let's figure out where the Great Wall of China, built to protect against the Mongoloids, and where they - the Mongoloids - are now.
    Who is not yet clear that there is a systematic seizure of Slavic lands through assimilation and genocide?
    Who else wants to marry an oriental beauty?
    Who else thinks a mestizo child is cool?

    I left Kazakhstan in 2002 and at that time no one personally harassed me, there was not even a hint of any nationalist issues, but there were episodes among my acquaintances ..., the army, for example, at that time, attempts, extraction, property, nuances were , but this fact cannot be ignored everywhere, no matter where the concept of KAZAKHSTAN came from, it’s important that on the former Russian lands, and another 100 years have not even passed since K was replaced by X, the Kazakh camp to Kazakhstan, and the Russian language almost disappears, every nation has the right to self-determination, no matter what country it lives in, even if this people is not from where, the revolutionary authorities formed a whole nation, so there is no need to complicate life for everyone, and put the Kazakh language formed under the USSR with the direct help of Russians above all other interests , like peace, a clear azure sky above your head and a merging flag of the country with the sky, the peace and well-being of the country is what matters most, and ambition ..
    how will this all end?

    • In the meantime, we all do not unite together again or again not a single RAce will survive in this situation .. look that the TVARIAT are the mighty of this world ... The planet is already shaking from all this.

    Thanks to all the authors of these comments!) And the author of the article too. It's nice to see, hear and read people who are able to think rationally and analyze the secrets of an intricate and invented history! Without quarrels and anger, we can better know our past, and therefore have a future!!! 🙂 hello everyone ... sovereign Rus'!

    Very informative comments...super!
    Especially Kazakh representatives. There are, were, will be and will be the concept of the WHITE RACE. Look with your own eyes wider (wider or wider) who and how is climbing towards you. China has been with you for a long time. Ask yourself the question - why are the loopholes on the Chinese wall directed towards China? Taraz and what cargo flows come from you?

    And the degree of reasonableness is visible when they refer to all sorts of "Russian entnographff" Mayerschvonders about the creation of nationalities in this territory.

    Dear Raihan, be so kind when you write about separatism, pull out what sticks out of your eye. The author showed only what was done by the “Mayeramishvonders” from the revolution. And would you have been born at all if not for many components and in particular these decrees. Be grateful to the Gods that they were printed for you (just like you women of Asia) in the first place, and brought you to the same level with men.

    “The beginning and the end of the Cossacks. An epic 800 years long":
    “The Russian principalities, like other neighboring states, pay tamga (tribute) to the “Mongols” - cattle, grain, fodder and a “live” tithe, i.e. 1/10 of the total population annually. As a result, the image of Baba Yaga is born, mothers scare the children: “Don’t cry, Babai-aga (“old uncle”) will come and take you.”
    The number of "Mongols" is small. We have to involve the conquered tribes (Russian, Finno-Ugric tribes) in the protection of borders and communications. The "Mongols" bring the guys into dozens, teach horse riding and handling light weapons. Being in the saddle for days, they turn into remote riders. The "Mongols" call them "Cossacks" - by the name of the nomads, conquered (correction - not conquered, but united) by Genghis Khan. Ear earrings and whipped forelocks of nomadic Cossacks quickly take root among other "Cossacks" - Russian, Finno-Ugric, etc.
    The Cossacks call Temnikov (ten-thousanders) "atamans" from the Mongolian "ata tumen" - "father of the tumen" (father commander).
    In battle, the Cossacks attack in the "Mongolian" way - with lava. Breaking into small groups, the first echelon with the Mongolian roar "Uragh!" (“Forward!”) (there is an error, not “Forward!”, But “Aruah”, the name of the holy spirits) covers the enemy from the flanks and rear, the second echelon takes the yasyr. They divide it on the “blown” mound according to the rule “duvans don’t blow without an ataman”, otherwise bloody feuds are inevitable (“duvan” - “advice”, “duman” (kaz.) - “fun, feast, holiday”).

    Warriors of Genghis Khan, the so-called. “Mongols”, in those days they were called COSSACKS, because they were all from the Cossack (Kazakh) tribes (Naimans, Konrats, Zhalaiyr, Kerei, etc.). Military ranks ataman, zhasaul, battle cry ARUAH (they called the holy spirits).
    Here is the version of Russian historians on the origin of the Cossacks: “The word “Cossack” is of Turkic origin and means “free man”, “daring man”. Undoubtedly, the first Cossacks were people from the steppe hordes, united in detachments, subordinate to their own leaders, who advanced due to their military talents and courage. During the great campaigns of the Horde khans, the Cossacks joined their armies, in peacetime they hunted for robbery and cattle rustling. Over time, Russian daredevils, the so-called "zapolyans", who went to the steppe ("zapolnye") rivers "in youth", begin to join the ranks of the Cossacks. They adopted the way of life of the "Horde" Cossacks, their economic activities, and most importantly - the methods of waging a steppe war .... "
    Here is how Ibn Ruzbikhan characterizes the ethno-political situation on the territory of the Eastern Desht-i-Kipchak of that time: “Three tribes are classified as Uzbeks, which are the most glorious in the possessions of Genghis Khan. Now one of them is shibanites. The second tribe is the Cossacks, who are famous all over the world for their strength and fearlessness, and the third tribe is the Mangyts, and of them the Astrakhan rulers.

    The longest war is officially considered the "Hundred Years' War". In fact, the most bloody, fierce and longest war in the whole world in the entire history of mankind is the Kazakh-Dzungarian war (more than 200 years). Compared to this war, the "hundred year war" is like a fight between boys. As a result of this war, one side of the confrontation disappeared from the face of the earth, the other side lost half of the population. Russia helped the Dzungars. The Kazakhs at that time waged war on other fronts against the Kalmyks, Bashkirs, Kokand, etc., and also systematically raided Russia.

    Look at the old map of Crimea and compare the names of the places with the names of the Kazakh tribes.

    Internet shattering. The Ural Cossacks are natives of the Kuban, Don Cossacks and settled in the Urals in times long before Catherine. These are Cossacks who fled from the law, who loved the freemen, the robbers who fled like the Cossacks from the law. During the time of Catherine, the issue with the Ural Cossacks became the most acute concern of Russia, since Catherine was afraid of the formation of the state of the Ural Cossacks within the state.
    Then the question was "amicably". The Cossacks bought the lands and the Urals in the inhabited territory from Catherine for 5,000 rubles in gold (at that time it was HUGE money), but with the condition that the Cossacks would provide their army at the request of Russia. So ACTUALLY during Yeltsin's division of Russia, neither Russia nor Kazakhstan had the right to these lands! Historically, the legal owners of these lands were and remain VHF (Ural Cossack Host)

    Vladimir absolutely agrees with you! I will say more that justice in relation to the Ural Cossack Army will prevail sooner or later!

    Well done "ADMIN" correct and truthful chronicle. Each "pimple" is trying to present himself as a "great people", and after the departure of the RUSOVs, he crawls onto our land asking for mercy, and on the TYPE of their land taken and LEFT by us, they abandon everything and do not want to work. LOOK HOW MUCH IN "INDEPENDENCE" they created, not a single new factory (large), not a single new city, and they themselves are again returning to "THEIR ORIGINS OF THEFT AND PILLAGE".

    Let's remember the intentionally forgotten Great Tartary. Or Scythia. In it, the peoples spoke both Russian and Turkic languages. Writing is both Russian and Arabic. If you read the "Genealogy of the Tatars" it directly says that the Tatars and Cossacks are brothers. The horde was an army, a guard. Khans and bats (Batu) were called commanders. Genghis is the supreme khan, the ruler over all. When Tartaria was destroyed, the lands were practically empty. So the Dzungarian tribes settled from the east. And from the west, the troops of the Russian Empire were clearing out. Those who survived swore allegiance to Russia. And they joined the Cossack troops. Look at the map in the world British Encyclopedia of the 18th century and in other sources. Libraries have digitized map material, books. On the territory of that modern Kazakhstan, until the 18th century inclusive, there was a Free, or independent Tartaria. Look now everything you can see and learn. Well, so that there are no disputes about what is happening with the ethnic composition of the population. You can ask about the 1989 census. And compare it to what it is now. Yes, and Kulikovo field has long been recognized at the highest state level on the basis of research that there was a civil war between Russians for power. In the end, all the secret becomes clear

    Alena, in fact, Rus' or Russians, these are Bularus, that is, White Rus'. Then, the outskirts separated from them, this is today's Ukraine. They created Kievan Rus. And, Russia was created by petrom1 only 300 years ago. Peter 1 and many tsars were vassals of Europe, and therefore to this day there is no peace in Russia. Because the Europeans believe that it was they who created Russia from the Moscow principality. And they are right, because Peter 1 was always trying to cut a window to Europe. Catherine is the daughter of some king of Austria. The Germans, Karl Marx and Engels destroyed the creators of the USSR, communism and a country without a market economy in 1917. In the collapse of the USSR, 91 Americans believe that this is their merit. In general, as long as there are racists like the authors of this article, Russia will fall apart all the time. In principle, the same as the Roman, Mongol, Russian, Great British, Iranian, Macedonian, Hun, Chinese empires. Then, the author, not a Cossack, but Қa Saқ. In Russian, we were Kyrgyz Kaisak Autonomous Okrug.

    The fact remains that the name Kazakhstan (like the entire people of the Kazakhs) was only the desire of the Russians not to confuse the Kazakhs with the COSSACKS, because of which, they decided to rename the people, even if they protested, but this people swallowed everything, as it was supposed to now Kazakhs. I lived for a long time in Central Asia and China. I can say with full confidence that I have never seen a more miserable, cowardly and servile people than the Kazakhs (I'm sure if the Russians wanted to call them just slaves, they would not have arisen). The Kazakhs constantly fawned and bowed to me, which eventually got so tired that I simply asked if the Kazakh was a case, to which I undoubtedly received a positive answer. I hated being around them, but working in this region was exhausting. After all, every time I met a friendly person, I always found signs of service to me, which, as a trigger, foreshadowed future deceit on the part of a lackey in a Kazakh face. I met an overgrown and intelligent woman who told me about the history of the Kazakhs, in connection with the nature of her work. She spoke about the fact that this people appeared recently and many people mistakenly believe that the Kyrgyz and Kazakhs have a relationship, but this is complete nonsense.

    Since the Kyrgyz came from the Yenisei and they constituted the aristocratic nobility in Central Asia, as well as on the Yenisei. And the Kazakhs are a conventional designation of hereditary slaves without history. They were separated from other peoples so that they would breed only with their fellow tribesmen. Kazakhs spent most of their lives in the service of other peoples, but at the end of their work they were sent to the so-called pen, where they lived with their fellow tribesmen and went out only when their owners needed them. The peoples using their services from time to time drove new neighbors to them, who were captured. At this point, she had to go to the hospital, after which we saw each other only once and there was no time to continue. I felt sorry for this people, but their compatriots falsify the history of their people in every possible way, because of which I think that pity for them does not make sense, because now they have already been given freedom and deprived of their history of their ancestors, because of which there is a stain in their history won't pop up again, at least not on a large scale. In the near future, I went to Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan. Amazing peoples. The most noble and militant people live on the banks of Issyk Kul. In Samarkand, people are able to tell everything about Islam, while living completely according to Sharia, which at the present time is hardly to be seen anywhere. The wisest and most honest people are in Balkanabat. In Khujand, people will help everyone, even if the problems themselves are immeasurable.

    In general, my business trip did not start in the best way, but this stage was passed and now this is the most unforgettable trip in my life.
    On the advice of my Issyk-Kol friends, I went to the Yenisei and there I found the true concept of beauty.
    In the future I am going to go again to Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan, but not Kazakhstan, there will be no repeat mistake.

    • I have never met a more brazen slander and lies against an entire nation, the author probably offended you by the Kazakhs? I don’t see any other reasons, except for medical ones like schizophrenia.

    Force Sarjomart
    31 minutes ago
    @Sky******* yeah, 10,000 Kalmyks were sitting and teaching 18,000,000 Kazakhs, laughing under the table
    It was a Kazakh who wrote to me that there were 18 million of them in the 19th century)))))))))))) Kazakh storytellers

History of creation


The extractive and processing industries are developed in Kazakhstan, and in the last five years the growth rates of these industries have been increasing. Large industrial facilities are being built and put into operation, which leads to an increase in air pollution, to a deterioration in the environment of Kazakhstan as a whole. For many years, more than twenty billion tons of waste have accumulated in the republic, about a third of which are toxic. The main part of these wastes is the result of the activities of the mining and processing industry, ferrous metallurgy, petrochemistry, and the production of building materials. Despite the fact that large companies and the government are developing programs to combat air pollution, the environment in Kazakhstan still requires the joint efforts of the state and society. A big problem is the utilization of associated and natural gases in the production of hydrocarbons. When associated gas is flared, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, and soot are emitted into the atmosphere. In the cities of Kazakhstan, the main contribution to air pollution is made by road transport. The low quality of the fuel used and the lack of filters for cleaning exhaust gases, the poor condition of the rolling stock of vehicle fleets, the increase in the number of cars in cities, leads to the fact that a huge amount of carbon monoxide, lead, etc. is emitted into the atmosphere. The main pollutants are dust, sulfur dioxide , nitrogen dioxide, hydrocarbons, phenol, lead, hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen chloride, ammonia, etc. Each of these substances adversely affects health in its own way. If there are several types of pollutants in the air, which usually happens, the negative effect is even more intensified. This affects the immune system, which often leads to cancer. The state of our biosphere affects not only us - the inhabitants of Kazakhstan, but also the unique fauna of our country, which is of concern to the Kazakh Geographical Society, which is ready to provide all possible support to truly effective projects to study and improve the state of Kazakhstan's ecology. Everything that can preserve and pass on to our descendants the natural splendor of Kazakhstan, everything that will improve our environment deserves close attention of the Kazakh Geographical Society.

History and archeology


We're going south

"KazGeo - 2011: We are going to the south!" - the first major project of the Kazakh Geographical Society, the Antarctic automobile expedition to the South Pole state flag of Kazakhstan. The expedition started on December 3, 2011 from the airfield of the Russian polar Antarctic station Novolazarevskaya. On December 14, the expedition reached the South Pole and hoisted the State Flag of Kazakhstan on it, and also took part in the celebrations on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the conquest of the South Pole by the expedition of Roald Amundsen. On December 21, the expedition returned to the starting point of the route at the airfield of Novolazarevskaya station. While moving along the route, the participants completed a comprehensive scientific program: meteorological and environmental studies, geodetic work, collection of photo and video materials, and much more. An important point of the expedition's program was the collection of materials for the preparation of a proposal for the opening of the Kazakh polar scientific station in Antarctica.

Scientific program of the expedition of the Kazakh Geographical Society to the South Pole

Expedition tasks:

  • Performance of meteorological observations along the route to the South Pole. Carrying out a series of measurements (six base points): air temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind direction and speed, etc.
  • The study of the ecological state of the snow-ice cover and the air basin with sampling of materials (ice, snow, air) for further research in the laboratory.
  • Performing geodetic works to determine the longitudinal profile of the ice and snow cover along the route "Novolazarevskaya Station - South Pole" (for the first time).
  • Determination of the thickness of continental ice.
  • Performing background radiation measurements.
  • Acquaintance with the conditions of life support of operating polar stations.
  • Implementation of joint work with Russian scientists and researchers at the Novolazarevskaya polar station. The study of the ecological state of the shelf zone of Antarctica, the collection of photo - video materials.
  • Collection of materials for a comparative analysis of climate change for the period from 1911-2011
  • Reconnaissance survey and preparation of proposals for the organization of the Kazakh scientific station in Antarctica.
  • Study and preparation of the necessary materials for considering the possibility of joining the Republic of Kazakhstan to the current international Antarctic Treaty.

Main results:

  • Collection of research materials on meteo-climatic, ecological and other data of Antarctica.
  • Collection of photo - video materials.
  • Making a proposal to the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the opening of a Kazakhstan scientific hydrometeorological station in Antarctica.
  • Publication of an illustrated photo album about Kazakhstanis who worked in different years at Antarctic stations.
  • Establishing a sports result for conquering the South Pole in cars (for the first time)

Kazakhstan Film Festival

The Film Festival “Kazakhstan: Kaleidoscope of Film Pictures” (Los Angeles, USA) is a unique opportunity to demonstrate the cinematic art of Kazakhstan to the leaders of the world film industry. The aim of the festival is to bring countries and cultures closer together through cinema, music and other forms of art.

We help open the doors to the world of big cinema for Kazakh filmmakers, and give the American audience the opportunity to get acquainted with the modern culture of Kazakhstan.

Expedition team of technical mountaineering

Expedition of technical mountaineering

A new project in which the Kazakh Geographical Society takes an active part is the expedition of the technical mountaineering team in the Central Tien Shan "Challenge on the brink of the possible."

Kazakh and Russian climbers will hold training camps and make a number of ascents to the peaks of a higher difficulty category. During the route, the team of climbers will carry out scientific activities aimed at studying the ecological state of the glacial zone of the Central Tien Shan.

Creative competition among journalists and photojournalists

From October to December 2011, the Kazakh Geographical Society and the Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan held a creative competition

Residents of Kazakhstan on December 16 and 17 will celebrate the main state holiday - Independence Day.

The Republic of Kazakhstan is a state in Central Asia, 19.65% of the territory is in Europe. It borders in the north and west with Russia, in the east with China, in the south with Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan.

The steppe territories of the modern state of Kazakhstan have long been inhabited by nomadic tribes: Massagets, Saks, Dakhovs (Dai), Huns, Oguzes, Kipchaks, Kangly, Usuns and others. In the III-I centuries BC. on the territory of modern Kazakhstan, the state formation of Kangyuy arose.

From the 6th century to the beginning of the 13th century, on the territory of Kazakhstan there existed, successively replacing each other until the Mongol invasion, the Western Turkic, Turgesh, Karluk Khaganates, the states of the Oghuz, Karakhanids, Kimeks, Kypchaks.

In the XIII century, the territory of Kazakhstan became part of the Golden Horde, after the collapse of which in the XV century, the Nogai Horde in the west and the Uzbek Khanate in the east were formed on this territory.

The Uzbek khanate in Kazakhstan reached its greatest power under Abulkhair Khan (1428-1468). After the death of Abulkhair, the Uzbek khanate broke up into destinies, then united again under the leadership of Muhammad Sheibani Khan, and in 1498-1500 the tribes led by him moved to the territory of modern Uzbekistan. The liberated areas in the lower reaches of the Syr Darya were occupied by the Kazakhs.

In 1511, the Kazakh tribes were united by Khan Kasym (1511-1523), who is considered the creator of the first real Kazakh state.

In the 16th century, the main external threat to the Kazakhs was the invasion from the east of the Mongol tribes. The Western Mongolian state, the Dzungar Khanate, that arose in the late 16th - early 17th centuries, increased the pressure on the Kazakh lands.

In 1718, the Kazakh Khanate, under the blows of the Dzhungars, was divided into three Zhuzs (Hordes), which their khans began to rule: the Senior Zhuz (southern), the Middle Zhuz (north-eastern) and the Younger Zhuz (western).

In 1710, 1728 and 1729, the militias of the Kazakh tribes defeated the Dzungarian armies, but the raids from the east continued, turning into a "great disaster". Under these conditions, the rulers began to seek support from Russia. At the beginning of the 19th century, the Russian administration began to introduce a system of direct control in Kazakhstan.

After the death of the khans of the Middle Zhuz Bukei (1815) and Valii (1819), the tsarist government liquidated the khan's power. In 1822, the "Charter on the Siberian Kirghiz" (as the Kazakhs were called in Russia) developed by Speransky was introduced, which provided for the creation of eight "outer districts", divided into volosts, and those, in turn, consisted of auls. In 1824, the liquidation of the khan's power in the Younger Zhuz, divided into three parts, headed by sultans-rulers, followed. Thus, the rights of the feudal nobility and tribal elders were limited.

Since the 1860s, the territory of modern Kazakhstan has been divided among several administrative units of the Russian Empire. The northwestern regions were part of the Turgai and Ural regions (formed in 1868), the southwestern regions were part of the Transcaspian region (1882), the northeastern regions were part of the Steppe Governor General, which consisted of Semipalatinsk (1854) and Akmola ( 1868) areas.

In February 1917, power in Kazakhstan passed to the regional and district committees of the Provisional Government, executive committees and commissariats in cities and volosts.

On August 20, 1920, in the territories inhabited by the Kazakhs of the Middle and Younger Zhuzs, an autonomy was formed, called the Kirghiz Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. For the convenience of managing the autonomy, a part of the Orenburg province was temporarily attached to it, and the city of Orenburg became the capital of the ASSR.

On July 6, 1925, the Orenburg province was returned to the subordination of the RSFSR, and the capital of Kazakhstan was transferred to the city of Kyzyl-Orda. In 1927, the capital was moved to the city of Alma-Ata.

In November 1929, the collectivization of agriculture began in Kazakhstan. Land and livestock were confiscated, and the peasants united in collective farms (collective farms) under the leadership of party activists. In the period from 1929 to 1933, more than a million Kazakhs died of starvation in Kazakhstan, many fled to China.

On December 5, 1936, the Kazakh ASSR was transformed into a union republic within the USSR - the Kazakh SSR.

In the late 1930s, the Soviet authorities forcibly resettled Poles from Western Ukraine and Belarus (1936), Koreans from Primorye and Sakhalin (1937) to Kazakhstan. During the war years, the Volga Germans (1941), Greeks from the Krasnodar Territory (1941), Kabardians and Balkars (1943), Chechens and Ingush (1944) from the North Caucasus, Crimean Tatars from the Crimea (1944) were deported. The development of virgin lands in the 1950s led to the resettlement of another million new residents from Russia to Kazakhstan.

During the Great Patriotic War, more than 400 plants and factories from the center of Russia were evacuated to Kazakhstan, on the basis of which the local industry grew. New cities and villages, roads and bridges were built.

In the 1960-1980s, a powerful industrialization was carried out in the republic, as a result of which large enterprises were built in Alma-Ata, Pavlodar, Karaganda, Ekibastuz and other cities. During these years, construction teams from all the universities of the Soviet Union were sent to Kazakhstan.

From the beginning of the 1990s, the leadership of Kazakhstan began large-scale transformations of the entire socio-political system.

On April 24, 1990, the post of the President of the Kazakh SSR was approved by the Law, Nursultan Nazarbayev was elected the first President.

On October 25, 1990, the Supreme Council of the Kazakh SSR adopted the Declaration of State Sovereignty, which for the first time consolidated the indivisibility and inviolability of the territory, defined the country as a subject of international law, introduced the institution of citizenship, as well as equality of forms of ownership.

After the collapse of the USSR, on December 16, 1991, Kazakhstan was the last of all the union republics to proclaim its independence. In December 1991, Nursultan Nazarbayev won the first nationwide presidential election in Kazakhstan, receiving 98.7% of the vote.

In January 1993, a new Constitution of Kazakhstan was adopted, and on its basis, in March 1994, the first parliamentary elections were held. In the same year, Parliament was dissolved, and in 1995 a new constitution was adopted.

On February 26, 1993, the Law "On the state border of the Republic of Kazakhstan" came into force, which confirmed the principles of integrity, indivisibility and inviolability of the territory of the republic.

Legislative power in Kazakhstan is exercised by the Parliament, which consists of two Chambers - the Senate and the Mazhilis, acting on a permanent basis. Executive power is exercised by the government.

On October 20, 1997, by the Decree of the President, the city of Astana (until May 6, 1998 - Akmola) was declared the capital of Kazakhstan.

On July 5, 1998 in Astana, President Nursultan Nazarbayev and the first President of Russia Boris Yeltsin signed the Treaty of Eternal Friendship and Cooperation between Kazakhstan and Russia.

In February 2007, the President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, proposed a constitutional reform that would reduce the presidential term from seven to five years from 2012, increase the number of parliament deputies to 154, and hold elections to the Mazhilis only on party lists.

On May 18, 2007, the parliament of Kazakhstan adopted amendments to the constitution, limiting the powers of the country's president to two terms. At the same time, the parliament adopted amendments proposed by a group of deputies, removing restrictions on the number of presidential terms for Nursultan Nazarbayev.

According to the materials of the site "History of Kazakhstan", the online encyclopedia "Krugosvet" and the Internet project "HeritageNet - Central Asia"

K:Wikipedia:KU pages (type: not specified)

Kazakh Geographic Society- a public non-profit organization in Kazakhstan, founded on April 30, 2010, engaged in the development of geographical and related sciences, the promotion of scientific achievements, the organization and conduct of expeditions of various nature, including international ones.

History of creation

Public association"Kazakh Geographical Society" was established on April 30, 2010 by a group of like-minded people who are interested in geography and travel. The main initiator of the creation of the "Kazakh Geographical Society" is Abduov Nurlan Kanatovich. He is also the first and current Chairman of the Presidium. From 2015 to the present, Tastanbekov Tulegen has been the Chairman of the Presidium. Abduov Nurlan took the post of Chairman of the Board of Trustees.

Basic goals:

  • Promoting the development of geographical and related sciences of nature and society.
  • Promotion of scientific achievements.
  • Promoting the dissemination and implementation of scientific results in practice.
  • Promoting the development of scientific creativity in the field of geography and related fields of knowledge.
  • Promoting the development of travel as a way of knowing the world.


  • Organization, conduct and assistance in organizing expeditions of various nature, including international ones
  • Carrying out research activities
  • Implementation of publishing activities, including the publication of book, topographic and cartographic products
  • Conducting review competitions of expeditions and travels, as well as photo and video competitions

Active members of the society

  • Tolegen Tastanbekov - Chairman of the Presidium of KazGeo.
  • Nurlan Abduov- Chairman of the Board of Trustees of KazGeo.
  • Mazbaev Ordenbek Blisbekovich. Doctor of Geography. Member of the First Kazakhstan Scientific Expedition to the South Pole. Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Geography KazNPU.
  • Baimagambetov Berik Omarovich. Member of the First Kazakhstan Scientific Expedition to the South Pole, Director of the Hydrology Department of Kazhydromet.
  • Esekin Bulat Kamalbekovich. Candidate of Technical Sciences. International Consultant, Special Representative Republic of Kazakhstan in international programs
  • Konstantin Orlov - Project Manager of Research Programs.
  • Sergey Bodrov - Project Manager of Research Programs.
  • Boris Sergeevich Stepanov - Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor. One of the leading experts in Kazakhstan on mudflow protection and a member of the Mudflow Association of Russia.



The Kazakh Geographical Society promotes the development of geographical science in the country, as well as the promotion of Kazakhstan through projects of international importance. The first projects were:

First Kazakhstan Automobile Expedition to the South Pole

First Kazakhstan Ski Expedition to the North Pole


The extractive and processing industries are developed in Kazakhstan, and in the last five years the growth rates of these industries have been increasing. Large industrial facilities are being built and put into operation, which leads to an increase in air pollution, to a deterioration in the ecology of the country as a whole. The state of the biosphere affects not only the inhabitants of Kazakhstan, but also the unique fauna. The goal of the Kazakh Geographical Society in this direction is to preserve and transfer the flora and fauna of Kazakhstan, as well as to draw public attention to these areas in order to improve the environment.

History, archeology and culture

One of the significant tasks of history is the education of the Kazakh patriotism. In turn, patriotism is impossible without the formation of a historical consciousness that links the present society with its past. Therefore, an objective study of history, culture and traditions, and their popularization are so important today.

Popularization of works related to the formation of Kazakh statehood, the period Golden Horde. Support for any scientific projects to reveal the "blank spots" of history and ethnography Kazakhstan, as well as culture and traditions, based on purely scientific and objective approaches, is one of the priority areas of the Society.


We're going south

"KazGeo - 2011: We are going to the south!" - the first major project of the Kazakh Geographical Society, an Antarctic automobile expedition to South Pole A group of Kazakh scientists in three specially prepared vehicles headed for the South Pole to hoist the state flag on it on December 16, the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan Film Festival

Film Festival “Kazakhstan: Kaleidoscope of Film Pictures” (Los Angeles, USA). The aim of the festival is to bring countries and cultures closer together through cinema, music and other forms of art.

Expedition team of technical mountaineering

Expedition of the technical mountaineering team in the Central Tien Shan "Challenge on the brink of the possible." Kazakh and Russian climbers will hold training camps and make a number of ascents to the peaks of a higher difficulty category. During the route, the team of climbers will carry out scientific activities aimed at studying the ecological state of the glacial zone of the Central Tien Shan.

Creative competition among journalists and photojournalists

From October to December 2011, the Kazakh Geographical Society and the Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan held a creative competition among journalists and photojournalists for the best material about Kazakhstan. The competition accepted works dedicated to the development of geographical and related sciences about nature and society, ecology, history and culture of Kazakhstan, extraordinary personalities, ordinary citizens of Kazakhstan, whose activities contribute to the development of Kazakhstani science, culture and environmental protection.

Summer children's camp of the Kazakh Geographical Society "Young Traveler"

The Kazakh Geographical Society, together with the Kazakh climber Maksut Zhumaev, created a summer camp aimed at developing children's tourism and raising healthy, strong and active youth - the Camp of Young Travelers "KazGeo". The idea of ​​the camp is the organization of communication and interaction of children with the nature of their native land, outside the urban environment. While in the camp, young travelers will acquire useful communication skills and life outside the usual conditions of civilization, learn to interact with nature without disturbing its natural balance.

Expedition "Legends of Kazakhstan"

Kazakh Geographical Society and Mercur Auto with the trademark Volkswagen were the organizers of the autoexpedition "Legends of Kazakhstan". The route of the expedition included corners of the nature of Kazakhstan. The total length of the route was 14,000 kilometers. The project was supported by: the Tourism Committee of the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kazakhstan Tourism Association and the Faculty of Geography of the Kazakh State Pedagogical University named after Abay.

The first international scientific conference "The potential of the Earth and people"

The Kazakh Geographical Society initiated and held in Astana the First International Scientific Conference "The Potential of the Earth and People". Within the framework of the five main sections of the conference, various issues of geographical and related sciences, ecology, tourism, and environmental protection were discussed.

"Kazakhstan - Terra Incognita"

"Kazakhstan - Terra Incognita" is a comprehensive project aimed at popularizing the history and culture of Kazakhstan and designed to unlock the tourism potential of the country's regions. Within the framework of the project, it is planned to conduct a number of studies in the field of history, archeology, cultural studies, ethnography, ecology and sociology. Specially organized expeditions will visit each region of Kazakhstan with the task of finding and showing unique natural monuments, historical and cultural sites, as well as modern sights of the region. This large-scale project involves historians, archaeologists, local historians, culturologists, ethnographers, as well as a professional film crew, photographers and photojournalists from leading online publications.

Magzhan Sagimbaev's cycling around the world - "Bike The Earth!"

On May 1, 2014, the Kazakh Geographical Society launched a project - a solo trip around the world on a bicycle with a length of 40,000 km. The project is designed to promote an active lifestyle, adventure and science, to draw people's attention to the possibility of cycling, studying the culture of different countries. The travel route ran through three continents (Eurasia, North America, Australia), 18 countries in Europe, Asia, America and Australia. Daily mileage ranged from 50 to 170 km.

Project "Bike The Earth" was successfully completed on May 16, 2015. Magzhan Sagimbaev visited 21 countries and left more than 345 notes about his journey.

First Kazakhstan Ski Expedition to the North Pole: Barneo Station - North Pole

The moment of conquering the North Pole and hoisting the flag of Kazakhstan

The expedition began on March 30 and ended on April 14 with the hoisting of the flag of Kazakhstan, the flag of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, the flag of Kazakhstan's application for representation in the UN in 2017-2018, at 90 degrees.

The scientific part of the project: the study of the ethnogenesis of the Norwegians - the indigenous inhabitants of Norway and the inhabitants of the island of Svalbard. According to historical data, DNA testing of samples will be carried out. Based on the results obtained, it will be possible to identify the origin of the Norwegians and their genetic links with each other and with other ethnic groups in general, and with the Kazakhs in particular.

Expedition "ULY DALA ELI"

The expedition “ULY DALA ELI”, dedicated to the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate, started on September 11 in three different cities of Kazakhstan in the north, east and west of the country. On October 7, the paths of the three directions of the expedition converged in the city of Taraz. The final day of the expedition was also marked by the opening of a memorial complex dedicated to the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate. The purpose of the Expedition was to strengthen the Kazakh identity on the basis of knowledge and propaganda of the historical, cultural and spiritual heritage of the people of Kazakhstan.

Rescue of the snow leopard

Assistance and support of the Science Committee of the RSE on the REM "Institute of Zoology" in the research project: Snow leopard in conditions of intensive anthropogenic development of mountain ecosystems in the Almaty region, the state of populations, assessment of the main threats and ways of conservation.

The aim of the project is to assess the current state of the snow leopard population and its habitat in the conditions of intensive anthropogenic development of mountain ecosystems in the Almaty region in order to develop recommendations for its conservation.

You can find the full activities of KazGeo, as well as the details of this and other projects on the society's website:

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An excerpt characterizing the Kazakh Geographical Society

Rostov did not take his eyes off, despite the trampling by the horses of the French gendarmes, besieging the crowd, followed every movement of Emperor Alexander and Bonaparte. As a surprise, he was struck by the fact that Alexander behaved as an equal with Bonaparte, and that Bonaparte was completely free, as if this closeness with the sovereign was natural and familiar to him, as an equal, he treated the Russian Tsar.
Alexander and Napoleon with a long tail of retinue approached the right flank of the Preobrazhensky battalion, right on the crowd that was standing there. The crowd unexpectedly found itself so close to the emperors that Rostov, who was standing in the front ranks of it, became afraid that they would not recognize him.
- Sire, je vous demande la permission de donner la legion d "honneur au plus brave de vos soldats, [Sir, I ask you for permission to give the Order of the Legion of Honor to the bravest of your soldiers,] said a sharp, precise voice, finishing each letter This was said by Bonaparte, small in stature, looking directly into Alexander's eyes from below.
- A celui qui s "est le plus vaillament conduit dans cette derieniere guerre, [To the one who showed himself the most bravely during the war]," Napoleon added, rapping out each syllable, with outrageous calmness and confidence for Rostov, looking around the ranks of Russians stretched out in front of him soldiers, keeping everything on guard and looking motionlessly into the face of their emperor.
- Votre majeste me permettra t elle de demander l "avis du colonel? [Your Majesty will allow me to ask the colonel's opinion?] - said Alexander and took a few hasty steps towards Prince Kozlovsky, the battalion commander. Meanwhile, Bonaparte began to take off his white glove, small hand and tearing it, he threw it in. The adjutant, hastily rushing forward from behind, picked it up.
- To whom to give? - not loudly, in Russian, Emperor Alexander asked Kozlovsky.
- Whom do you order, Your Majesty? The sovereign grimaced with displeasure and, looking around, said:
“Yes, you have to answer him.
Kozlovsky looked back at the ranks with a resolute look, and in this look captured Rostov as well.
“Is it not me?” thought Rostov.
- Lazarev! the colonel commanded, frowning; and the first-ranking soldier, Lazarev, briskly stepped forward.
– Where are you? Stop here! - voices whispered to Lazarev, who did not know where to go. Lazarev stopped, glancing fearfully at the colonel, and his face twitched, as happens with soldiers called to the front.
Napoleon slightly turned his head back and pulled back his small plump hand, as if wanting to take something. The faces of his retinue, guessing at the same moment what was the matter, fussed, whispered, passing something to one another, and the page, the same one whom Rostov had seen yesterday at Boris, ran forward and respectfully leaned over the outstretched hand and did not make her wait for a single moment. one second, put an order on a red ribbon into it. Napoleon, without looking, squeezed two fingers. The Order found itself between them. Napoleon approached Lazarev, who, rolling his eyes, stubbornly continued to look only at his sovereign, and looked back at Emperor Alexander, showing by this that what he was doing now, he was doing for his ally. A small white hand with an order touched the button of the soldier Lazarev. It was as if Napoleon knew that in order for this soldier to be happy, rewarded and distinguished from everyone else in the world forever, it was only necessary that Napoleon’s hand deign to touch the soldier’s chest. Napoleon only put the cross on Lazarev's chest and, letting go of his hand, turned to Alexander, as if he knew that the cross should stick to Lazarev's chest. The cross really stuck.
Helpful Russian and French hands, instantly picking up the cross, attached it to the uniform. Lazarev looked gloomily at the little man with white hands, who did something to him, and continuing to hold him motionless on guard, again began to look directly into Alexander's eyes, as if he was asking Alexander whether he was still to stand, or whether they would order him walk now, or maybe do something else? But nothing was ordered to him, and he remained in this motionless state for quite some time.
The sovereigns sat on horseback and left. The Preobrazhenians, upsetting their ranks, mingled with the French guards and sat down at the tables prepared for them.
Lazarev was sitting in a place of honor; he was embraced, congratulated and shook hands by Russian and French officers. Crowds of officers and people came up just to look at Lazarev. The buzz of Russian French and laughter stood in the square around the tables. Two officers with flushed faces, cheerful and happy, walked past Rostov.
- What, brother, treats? Everything is in silver,” said one. Have you seen Lazarev?
- Saw.
- Tomorrow, they say, the Preobrazhensky people will treat them.
- No, Lazarev is so lucky! 10 francs for life pension.
- That's the hat, guys! shouted the Preobrazhensky, putting on a Frenchman's shaggy hat.
- A miracle, how good, lovely!
Did you hear the feedback? said the Guards officer to another. The third day was Napoleon, France, bravoure; [Napoleon, France, courage;] yesterday Alexandre, Russie, grandeur; [Alexander, Russia, greatness;] one day our sovereign gives a review, and the other day Napoleon. Tomorrow the sovereign will send George to the bravest of the French guards. It's impossible! Should answer the same.
Boris and his comrade Zhilinsky also came to see the Preobrazhensky banquet. Returning back, Boris noticed Rostov, who was standing at the corner of the house.
- Rostov! hello; we didn’t see each other,” he told him, and could not help asking him what had happened to him: Rostov’s face was so strangely gloomy and upset.
“Nothing, nothing,” answered Rostov.
– Will you come?
- Yes, I will.
Rostov stood at the corner for a long time, looking at the feasters from afar. A painful work was going on in his mind, which he could not bring to the end. Terrible doubts arose in my heart. Then he remembered Denisov with his changed expression, with his humility, and the whole hospital with those torn off arms and legs, with this dirt and disease. It seemed to him so vividly that he now felt this hospital smell of a dead body that he looked around to understand where this smell could come from. Then he remembered this self-satisfied Bonaparte with his white pen, who was now the emperor, whom the emperor Alexander loves and respects. What are the severed arms, legs, murdered people for? Then he remembered the awarded Lazarev and Denisov, punished and unforgiven. He found himself thinking such strange thoughts that he was afraid of them.
The smell of Preobrazhensky food and hunger brought him out of this state: he had to eat something before leaving. He went to the hotel he had seen in the morning. In the hotel, he found so many people, officers, who, like him, arrived in civilian clothes, that he hardly managed to get dinner. Two officers from the same division as him joined him. The conversation naturally turned to the world. The officers, comrades of Rostov, like most of the army, were dissatisfied with the peace concluded after Friedland. They said that if they could hold on, Napoleon would have disappeared, that he had no crackers or charges in his troops. Nicholas ate in silence and mostly drank. He drank one or two bottles of wine. The inner work that arose in him, not being resolved, still tormented him. He was afraid to indulge in his thoughts and could not get behind them. Suddenly, at the words of one of the officers that it was insulting to look at the French, Rostov began to shout with fervor, which was not justified in any way, and therefore greatly surprised the officers.
“And how can you judge which would be better!” he shouted, his face suddenly flushed with blood. - How can you judge the actions of the sovereign, what right do we have to reason ?! We cannot understand either the purpose or the actions of the sovereign!
“Yes, I didn’t say a word about the sovereign,” the officer justified himself, who could not explain his temper to himself except by the fact that Rostov was drunk.
But Rostov did not listen.
“We are not diplomatic officials, but we are soldiers and nothing else,” he continued. - They tell us to die - so die. And if they are punished, it means that they are to blame; not for us to judge. It is pleasing to the sovereign emperor to recognize Bonaparte as emperor and conclude an alliance with him - then it must be so. Otherwise, if we began to judge and reason about everything, nothing sacred would remain that way. So we say that there is no God, there is nothing, - Nikolai shouted, striking the table, very inappropriately, according to the concepts of his interlocutors, but very consistently in the course of his thoughts.
“Our business is to do our duty, to fight and not to think, that’s all,” he concluded.
“And drink,” said one of the officers, who did not want to quarrel.
“Yes, and drink,” Nikolai picked up. - Hey, you! Another bottle! he shouted.

In 1808, Emperor Alexander went to Erfurt for a new meeting with Emperor Napoleon, and in the highest Petersburg society they talked a lot about the greatness of this solemn meeting.
In 1809, the proximity of the two rulers of the world, as Napoleon and Alexander were called, reached such a point that when Napoleon declared war on Austria that year, the Russian corps went abroad to assist their former enemy Bonaparte against their former ally, the Austrian emperor; to the point that in high society they talked about the possibility of a marriage between Napoleon and one of the sisters of Emperor Alexander. But, in addition to external political considerations, at that time the attention of Russian society with particular vivacity was drawn to the internal transformations that were being carried out at that time in all parts of the state administration.
Meanwhile, life, the real life of people with their essential interests of health, illness, work, recreation, with their own interests of thought, science, poetry, music, love, friendship, hatred, passions, went on, as always, independently and without political closeness or enmity with Napoleon Bonaparte, and beyond all possible transformations.
Prince Andrei lived without a break for two years in the countryside. All those enterprises on estates that Pierre started at home and did not bring to any result, constantly moving from one thing to another, all these enterprises, without showing them to anyone and without noticeable labor, were carried out by Prince Andrei.
He had in the highest degree that practical tenacity that Pierre lacked, which, without scope and effort on his part, gave movement to the cause.
One of his estates of three hundred souls of peasants was listed as free cultivators (this was one of the first examples in Russia), in others corvée was replaced by dues. In Bogucharovo, a learned grandmother was issued to his account to help women in childbirth, and the priest taught the children of peasants and yards to read and write for a salary.
One half of the time Prince Andrei spent in the Bald Mountains with his father and son, who was still with the nannies; the other half of the time in the Bogucharovo monastery, as his father called his village. Despite the indifference he showed to Pierre to all the external events of the world, he diligently followed them, received many books, and to his surprise noticed when fresh people from Petersburg, from the very whirlpool of life, came to him or to his father, that these people, in knowledge of everything that happens in foreign and domestic policy, they are far behind him, who is sitting all the time in the countryside.
In addition to classes on estates, in addition to general studies in reading a wide variety of books, Prince Andrei was at that time engaged in a critical analysis of our last two unfortunate campaigns and drawing up a project to change our military regulations and decrees.
In the spring of 1809, Prince Andrei went to the Ryazan estates of his son, whom he was the guardian of.
Warmed by the spring sun, he sat in the carriage, looking at the first grass, the first leaves of the birch, and the first puffs of white spring clouds scattered across the bright blue of the sky. He did not think about anything, but looked cheerfully and senselessly around.