Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Baby tsakhes summary by chapter. Little Tsakhes, nicknamed Zinnober

In a small state ruled by Prince Demetrius, each inhabitant was given complete freedom in his undertaking. And fairies and magicians value warmth and freedom above all, so under Demetrius, many fairies from the magical land of Jinnistan moved to a blessed little principality. However, after the death of Demetrius, his heir Paphnutius decided to introduce enlightenment in his fatherland. He had the most radical ideas about enlightenment: all magic should be abolished, fairies are busy with dangerous witchcraft, and the ruler’s first concern is to grow potatoes, plant acacias, cut down forests and instill smallpox. Such enlightenment dried up the flowering land in a matter of days, the fairies were sent to Jinnistan (they did not resist too much), and only the Rosabelverde fairy managed to stay in the principality, who persuaded Paphnutius to give her a canoness position in a shelter for noble maidens.

This kind fairy, the mistress of flowers, once saw on a dusty road a peasant woman, Liza, asleep on the side of the road. Lisa was returning from the forest with a basket of brushwood, carrying in the same basket her ugly son, nicknamed little Tsakhes. The dwarf has a disgusting old muzzle, twig legs and spider arms. Taking pity on the evil freak, the fairy combed his tangled hair for a long time ... and, smiling mysteriously, disappeared. As soon as Lisa woke up and set off again, she met a local pastor. For some reason, he was captivated by the ugly baby and, repeating that the boy was wonderfully good-looking, decided to take him up. Liza was glad to get rid of the burden, not really understanding how her freak began to look to people.

Meanwhile, the young poet Balthazar, a melancholy student, is studying at the Kerepes University, in love with the daughter of his professor Mosh Terpin, the cheerful and charming Candida. Mosch Terpin is possessed by the ancient Germanic spirit, as he understands it: heaviness combined with vulgarity, even more unbearable than the mystical romanticism of Balthazar. Balthazar strikes at all the romantic eccentricities so characteristic of poets: he sighs, wanders alone, avoids student feasts; Candida, on the other hand, is the embodiment of life and gaiety, and she, with her youthful coquetry and healthy appetite, is a very pleasant and amusing student admirer.

Meanwhile, a new face invades the touching university reserve, where typical burches, typical enlighteners, typical romantics and typical patriots personify the diseases of the German spirit: little Tsakhes, endowed with a magical gift to attract people to him. Having wormed his way into the house of Mosh Terpin, he completely charms both him and Candida. Now his name is Zinnober. As soon as someone reads poetry in his presence or expresses himself wittily, everyone present is convinced that this is the merit of Zinnober; if he meows vilely or stumbles, one of the other guests will certainly be guilty. Everyone admires the grace and dexterity of Zinnober, and only two students - Balthazar and his friend Fabian - see all the ugliness and malice of the dwarf. Meanwhile, he manages to take the place of a freight forwarder in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and there a Privy Councilor for Special Affairs - and all this is a deception, because Zinnober managed to appropriate the merits of the most worthy.

It so happened that in his crystal carriage with a pheasant on the goats and a golden beetle on the backs, Dr. Prosper Alpanus, a magician wandering incognito, visited Kerpes. Balthasar immediately recognized him as a magician, but Fabian, spoiled by enlightenment, doubted at first; however, Alpanus proved his power by showing Zinnober to his friends in a magic mirror. It turned out that the dwarf is not a wizard or a dwarf, but an ordinary freak who is helped by some secret power. Alpanus discovered this secret power without difficulty, and the Rosabelverde fairy hurried to pay him a visit. The magician told the fairy that he had made a horoscope for a dwarf and that Tsakhes-Zinnober could soon destroy not only Balthazar and Candida, but the whole principality, where he became his man at court. The fairy is forced to agree and refuse Tsakhes her patronage - all the more so since Alpanus cunningly broke the magic comb with which she combed his curls.

The fact of the matter is that after these combing, three fiery hairs appeared in the head of the dwarf. They endowed him with witchcraft power: all other people's merits were attributed to him, all his vices to others, and only a few saw the truth. The hairs were to be pulled out and burned immediately - and Balthazar and his friends managed to do this when Mosh Terpin was already arranging the engagement of Zinnober with Candida. Thunder struck; everyone saw the dwarf as he was. They played with him like a ball, they kicked him, he was thrown out of the house - in wild anger and horror he fled to his magnificent palace, which the prince gave him, but the confusion among the people grew unstoppably. Everyone heard about the transformation of the minister. The unfortunate dwarf died, stuck in a jug where he tried to hide, and as a last blessing, the fairy returned to him the appearance of a handsome man after death. Nor did she forget the unfortunate mother, the old peasant woman Lisa: in Liza's garden grew such wonderful and sweet onions that she was made the personal supplier of the enlightened court.

And Balthazar and Candida lived happily, as a poet should live with a beauty, whom the magician Prosper Alpanus blessed at the very beginning of his life.

Option 2

In a small state under the rule of Prince Demetrius, each inhabitant had complete freedom of action in all his undertakings. Many fairies from the magical land of Jinnistan moved to his small principality. After the death of Demetrius, the heir Paphnutius introduced enlightenment in the state. He decided to abolish any magic, and make the cultivation of potatoes, planting acacia and deforestation the main occupation. Thanks to this enlightenment, the flowering region dried up in a matter of days. All the fairies returned to the magical land, except for the Rosabelverda fairy.

She persuaded Paphnutius to appoint her canoness in an orphanage for noble maidens.

One day, the fairy met a peasant woman, Liza, on the road, who was returning from the forest with a basket of brushwood and fell asleep on the side of the road. In addition to the brushwood in the basket was her ugly son, nicknamed little Tsakhes. He had a disgusting old muzzle, thin legs and arms. Taking pity on the freak, the fairy began combing his tangled hair. Smiling mysteriously, she disappeared. When Lisa woke up, she met a pastor who wished to take her son to be raised. At the same time, the young poet Balthazar is studying at the University of Kerepes, who fell in love with the daughter of his professor, the lovely Candida. Balthazar loves to roam alone and avoids student parties, while Candida is cheerful and cheerful.

A new face appears in the university reserve: little Tsakhes, who is endowed with a magical gift to attract the attention and favor of people. He charms the professor and his daughter. His new name is Zinnober. Those around him admire his grace and dexterity, and only two students - Balthazar and his friend Fabian can see all the ugliness and anger of the dwarf Tsakhes. Zinnober received a position as a freight forwarder in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and then the post of Privy Councilor for Special Affairs. All this happens with the help of deceit, for Zinnober had the gift to appropriate the merits of the most worthy.

One day Kerpes was visited by a wandering magician who showed Balthazar and Fabian Zinnober in a magic mirror. They saw that the dwarf was not a wizard or a dwarf, but an ordinary freak, who was affected by some kind of secret power. A fairy came to the magician, and he informed her that, based on the horoscope he had compiled for a dwarf, he could soon destroy the entire principality. The fairy denies Tsakhes her magic.

At the moment when the professor arranged the engagement of Zinnober with his daughter, thunder struck, and everyone saw Tsakhes as he really was. The unfortunate dwarf ran away from everyone. He died stuck in a jar in which he tried to hide. After his death, the fairy returned him the appearance of a handsome man.

Essay on literature on the topic: Summary Little Tsakhes, nicknamed Zinnober Hoffmann

Other writings:

  1. In a small state ruled by Prince Demetrius, each inhabitant was given complete freedom in his undertaking. And fairies and magicians value warmth and freedom above all, so under Demetrius, many fairies from the magical land of Dzhinnistan moved to a blessed little principality. Read More ......
  2. E. Hoffmann is an outstanding prose writer of German romanticism. His witty, chimerical in meaning short stories and fairy tales, amazing twists and turns in the fate of his characters, stunning transitions from reality to fantasy beat off the excitement and confusion of a romantic writer in front of the outside world and at the same time Read More ......
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  4. The famous German romantic writer, artist, musician Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann wrote many stories and novels in which the fantastic is combined with reality so tightly that it is difficult to determine the border. The fantastic in the works of Hoffmann attracts and enchants so much that you begin to perceive the story, Read More ......
  5. In "Little Tsakhes" there are traditional fairy-tale elements and motifs. These are miracles, the clash of good and evil, magical items and amulets. Hoffman uses the traditional fairy-tale motif of the enchanted and kidnapped bride and the test of heroes with gold. But the writer violated the purity of the fairy tale genre. Combining real Read More ......
  6. Hoffmann's work is considered innovative in German romantic literature. Nevertheless, his growth from a romantic writer to a satirical writer is clearly traced. It was the work “Little Tsakhes, nicknamed Zinnober” that enabled Hoffmann to take the place of an outstanding and unsurpassed satirist in German literature. A kind of fairy tale novel Read More ......
  7. Dissatisfaction with society, social changes, and polemics with the ideas and artistic principles of the enlighteners, and rejection of bourgeois reality. However, the main romantic conflict - the discrepancy between dream and reality, poetry and truth - acquires a hopelessly tragic character for the writer. In the view of T. Hoffmann Read More ......
  8. The son of a poor peasant woman, Frau Lisa, an absurd freak who never learned to speak and walk well until the age of two and a half, Ts. frightened those around him with his appearance. His spider legs, his head sunk into his shoulders, a growth on his back that looks like a pumpkin, combined Read More ......
Summary Little Tsakhes, nicknamed Zinnober Hoffmann


Little werewolf. - The great danger that threatened the pastor's nose.

How Prince Paphnutius planted enlightenment in his country, and the fairy

Rosabelverde ended up in an orphanage for noble maidens.

Not far from a friendly village, by the very road, on the ground heated by the heat of the sun, lay a poor, ragged peasant woman. Tormented by hunger, tormented by thirst, completely exhausted, the unfortunate woman fell under the weight of a basket filled to the brim with brushwood, which she had with difficulty gathered in the forest, and since she could hardly catch her breath, it occurred to her that death had come and the end of her inconsolable grief had come. . Nevertheless, she soon gathered her strength, loosened the ropes with which the basket was tied to her back, and slowly dragged herself onto the lawn that had happened nearby. Then she began to complain loudly.

Really, - she complained, - really only I and my poor husband should endure all troubles and misfortunes? Aren't we the only ones in the whole village who live in constant poverty, although we work to a sweat, and earn just barely enough to satisfy our hunger? About three years ago, when my husband, digging up the garden, found gold coins in the ground, we really imagined that happiness had finally turned to us and carefree days would go. And what happened? Thieves stole the money, the house and the barn were burned to the ground, the bread in the field was beaten with hail, and so that the measure of our grief was fulfilled, God punished us with this little werewolf that I gave birth to the shame and ridicule of the whole village. By the day of St. Lawrence, two and a half years have passed, and he still does not control his spider legs and, instead of talking, only purrs and meows like a cat. And the accursed freak eats like an eight-year-old big man, but all this is not good for him. God, have mercy on him and on us! Are we really compelled to feed and raise the little boy for ourselves in flour and need even more bitter; day by day the baby will eat and drink more and more, but will never work. No, no, no one can bear it! Oh, if only I could die! - And then the unfortunate woman began to cry and groan until grief overcame her completely and she, exhausted, fell asleep.

The poor woman could justly cry at the vile freak she gave birth to two and a half years ago. What at first glance could be mistaken for a strange stump of a gnarled tree, in fact, was an ugly child, no taller than two spans, lying across the basket - now he crawled out of it and grumbled through the grass. The head sunk deep into the shoulders, a growth resembling a pumpkin stuck out in the place of the back, and immediately from the chest went legs, thin as hazel twigs, so that he looked like a forked radish. A blind eye would not have made out the face, but looking more closely, one could notice a long, sharp nose protruding from under the black matted hair, and small black sparkling eyes - which, together with wrinkled, quite senile features, seemed to reveal the little Alraun.

And when, as it is said, the grief-stricken woman fell into a deep sleep, and her son leaned against her, it happened that Fraulein von Rosenschen, the Canoness of the nearby asylum for noble maidens, was returning from a walk along that road. She stopped, and the disastrous sight that presented itself to her touched her greatly, for she was by nature kind and compassionate.

Righteous heaven, - she exclaimed, - how much need and grief in this world! Poor, unfortunate woman! I know she is barely alive, for she works beyond her strength; hunger and care knocked her down. Now I just felt my poverty and impotence! Oh, if only I could help the way I wanted! However, everything that I have left, those few gifts that the hostile fate could neither steal nor destroy, everything that is still subject to me, I want to firmly and not falsely use it to avert misfortune. Money, if I had it, would not help you, poor thing, and perhaps even worsen your fate. You and your husband, both of you, are not destined for wealth, and to whom it is not destined, gold floats out of his pocket, and he himself does not know how. It only causes him new sorrows, and the more it falls to him, the poorer he becomes. But I know that more than any need, more than any poverty, your heart gnaws that you gave birth to this tiny monster, which, like a heavy sinister yoke, is forced to bear all your life. This boy will never become tall, handsome, strong, intelligent, but perhaps he will be able to help in another way.

Then the fraulein sank down on the grass and took the baby on her knees. The evil freak floundered and resisted, grumbled and strove to bite the fraulein's finger, but she said:

Calm down, calm down, Maybug! - and began to quietly and gently stroke his head, running her hand from the forehead to the back of the head. And little by little, the baby's tousled hair smoothed out, parted in the middle, lay in dense strands around the forehead, fell in soft curls on the upright shoulders and pumpkin-shaped back. The baby became calmer and finally fell asleep soundly. Then Fräulein Rosenschen placed him carefully on the grass next to her mother, sprinkled her with fragrant spirit from a snuff bottle, and hurried away.

Awakening soon, the woman felt that miraculously strengthened and refreshed. She felt as if she had had a hearty meal and missed a good sip of wine.

Ege, - she exclaimed, - how much joy and vigor a short dream brought me. However, the sun is setting - it's time to go home! - Here she was about to shoulder the basket, but, looking into it, missed the baby, who at the same moment rose from the grass and whimpered plaintively. Looking at him, his mother threw up her hands in astonishment and exclaimed:

Tsakhes, little Tsakhes, who combed your hair so beautifully? Tsakhes, little Tsakhes, how would these curls go to you if you were not such a vile freak! Well, come here, come, - climb into the basket. - She wanted to grab it and put it on the brushwood, but little Tsakhes began to kick back and very clearly meowed:

I don't feel like it!

Tsakhes, little Tsakhes! - not remembering herself, the woman screamed. - But who taught you to speak? Well, since you are so well combed, you speak so nicely, then, surely, you can run? - She put the basket on her back, little Tsakhes grabbed her apron, and so they went to the village.

(Short story, 1819) Prince Demetrius ruled in one small state. In this state, each inhabitant was given complete freedom in his endeavors. Fairies and magicians put freedom above all else, so under Demetrius, many fairies from the magical land of Jinnistan moved to a small principality. But after the death of Demetrius, his heir Paphnutius decided to introduce enlightenment in his fatherland, which seemed to him that all magic should be abolished. Pursuing his goal, he sent all the fairies to Dzhinnistan, and only the fairy Rosabelverde managed to stay in the principality, who persuaded Paf-nutia to give her a place as canoness in an orphanage for noble maidens. The result of the expulsion of the fairies was the drying gardens of this fertile land. And then one day the Rosabelverda fairy, the mistress of flowers, saw a peasant woman Lisa asleep on the side of the road. Lisa was returning from the forest with a basket of brushwood, carrying in the same basket her ugly son, nicknamed little Tsakhes. This dwarf had a disgusting old face, twig legs and spider arms. Taking pity on the evil freak, the fairy combed his tangled hair for a long time and, smiling mysteriously, disappeared. good-looking, I decided to take him in. Liza was glad to get rid of the burden, although she did not understand why people could like her freak. At the same time, the young poet Balthazar, who was in love with the daughter of his professor Mosh Terpin, Candida, was studying at Kerpes University. was possessed by the ancient Germanic spirit, as he understands it: heaviness combined with a vulgarity even more unbearable than the mystical romanticism of Balthasar.Meanwhile, a new face invades the touching university reserve: little Tsakhes, endowed with a magical gift to attract people. then once, having got into the house of Mosch Terpin, he completely fascinates both him and Candida. Now his name is Zinnober. It is worth someone in his presence to read poetry or about to put it sternly, as everyone immediately thinks, that this is the merit of Zinnober. As soon as he mewed vilely or stumbled, one of the other guests turned out to be guilty. Everyone admires the grace and dexterity of Zinnober, and only two students - Balthazar and his friend Fabian - see all the ugliness and malice of the dwarf. Meanwhile, he manages to take the place of a freight forwarder in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and there also a Privy Councilor for Special Affairs, and all this is a deceit, for Zinnober managed to appropriate the merits of the most worthy. Once the city was visited by Dr. Prosper Alpanus, a magician wandering incognito. Balthasar immediately recognized him as a magician, but Fibian, spoiled by enlightenment, doubted at first. However, Alpanus proved his power by showing his friends Zinnober in a magic mirror. It turned out that the dwarf is not a wizard or a dwarf, but an ordinary freak who is helped by some secret power. Alpanus discovered this secret power without difficulty, and the Rosabelverde fairy hurried to pay him a visit. The magician told the fairy that he had made a horoscope for a dwarf, and that Tsakhes-Zinnober could soon destroy not only Balthazar and Candida, but the whole principality, where he became his man at court. The fairy is forced to agree and refuse Tsakhes her patronage, especially since the magic comb with which she combed his curls, Alpanus, not without intent, broke. However, after these combing, three fiery hairs appeared in the head of the dwarf. They endowed him with witchcraft power: all other people's merits were attributed to him, all his vices to others, and only a few saw the truth. The hairs had to be pulled out and immediately burned, and Balthazar and his friends managed to do this when Mosh Terpin was already arranging the engagement of Zinnober with Candida. Thunder struck, and everyone saw the dwarf as he really was. He was played like a ball, he was kicked, he was thrown out of the house. In wild anger and horror, he fled to his palace, which the prince gave him, but confusion among the people grew. Everyone heard about the transformation of the minister. The unfortunate dwarf died, stuck in a jug where he tried to hide, and as a last blessing, the fairy returned to him the appearance of a handsome man after death. She did not forget the unfortunate mother, the old peasant Lisa. In Lisa's garden, such a wonderful and sweet onion grew that she was made the personal supplier of the enlightened court.

Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann - German writer, creator of The Nutcracker. But in addition to the famous fairy tale, he wrote many more wonderful works. Not all of them are aimed at a children's audience. The fairy tale "Little Tsakhes, nicknamed Zinnober" is endowed with a deep philosophical meaning. A brief summary of this work is presented in the article.

about the author

Hoffmann was born in 1776. From an early age, he demonstrated aptitude for drawing and music. Nevertheless, not without the influence of relatives, he chose the profession of a lawyer. In 1805 he graduated from the University of Königsberg, after which he began to work as a state. In his free time, he enjoyed painting and music. All attempts by the writer to make money on his own works led to disasters. Only the inheritance received in 1813 allowed him to improve his financial situation at least for a while.

Hoffmann was not interested in the company of philistines who prefer to have empty conversations over a cup of tea. Increasingly, he retired to the wine cellar, where he sometimes spent the whole night. The romantic writer's nerves were upset. The literary images that he created sometimes frightened even himself. One of his works - " Elixirs of Satan" - once drove a certain student crazy. At least, so claimed one of the literary critics who studied the work of the German writer.

“Little Tsakhes”, a summary of which is presented below, is not a terrible fairy tale at all. Both children and adults read it with pleasure. But there is a subtext in this work that is not easy for a young reader to understand.

"Baby Tsakhes": a summary of the chapters

Hoffmann's product It's hard to classify it as a fairy tale. Readers know outwardly unpleasant characters with a beautiful soul. Such heroes one day find happiness. Suffice it to recall the fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower". There are evil and unattractive heroes in Russian and foreign fairy tales. But they certainly cause antipathy among others.

The summary of “Little Tsakhes”, of course, will not allow to fully appreciate the satirical talent of the author. But it will certainly inspire you to read the original. After all, this is an unusual story about an ugly creature both externally and internally. At the same time, Tsakhes is respected by others. The summary of " Little Tsakhes" is set out according to the following plan:

  • The abolition of magic.
  • Little freak.
  • Balthazar and Candida.
  • The extraordinary career of Tsakhes.

Elimination of magic

The action takes place in a small state, which was previously ruled by Prince Demetrius. He died, and Paphnutius took his place. The next ruler was not slow to establish new rules for the inhabitants of the state. The first thing he did was abolish magic. The only sorceress who managed to stay in the principality was the Rosabelverde fairy.

little freak

Rosabelverde, as befits fairies, did exceptionally good deeds. But not always her magic brought happiness. One day she met a young peasant woman, Lisa. The girl was heading in an unknown direction with her son, nicknamed Tiny Tsakhes. In the summary, of course, there will not be an eloquent description of this character. Let's just say that it was a rather ugly creature. The fairy took pity on him and combed his tangled hair with a magic comb.

Balthazar and Candida

Balthazar plays a significant role in the story. This is a young student, a romantic, in love with a beautiful girl named Candida. Balthazar loves poetry, loneliness. He doesn't mind being sad. As befits a romance, he does not take part in student revels. Candida is the opposite of Balthazar. The girl embodies life, joy.

The Extraordinary Career of Tsakhes

What is the philosophy of Hoffmann's fairy tale? The summary of “Baby Tsakhes" can be summarized as follows: a person who has neither beauty, nor intelligence, nor kindness, with the help of magic, gained the respect of others and a position in society. Perhaps witchcraft in this work symbolizes money.

The fairy who met Tsakhes took pity on him. She added three magical hairs to his tangled strands. Since then, wherever he appears, he meets with admiration and praise. He appears in the house of Professor Mosh Terpin - Candida's father - and instantly captivates the girl.

Now Zinnober is added to his nickname as a sign of respect. He is praised, poetry is read to him. If trouble happens to Tsakhes, one of those around is guilty. What he really is, only Balthazar and his friend understand. Magic didn't spread to the students. They see that those around them admire the evil and stupid dwarf.

Prosper Alpanus

In the next chapter, a doctor of magical sciences appears. Alpanus wanders incognito. However, Balthazar instantly recognizes him as a learned man. To show others who Zinnober really is, only a magician is capable of. But it's not easy for him to do it either.

Tsakhes becomes his man at court. Very soon he will be the owner of unconditional power. Then he will destroy both Balthazar, and Candida, and the principality. So predicts Prosper Alpanus.

three hairs

As already mentioned, it is in them that the witchcraft power is contained. It is worth depriving Zinnober of magical hairs, and they will no longer admire him. But it's not enough to pull them out. Hair should be burned immediately. Balthazar manages to do so before Turpin can arrange the dwarf's engagement to his beautiful daughter.

People's anger fell upon Tsakhes. The Minister, and this was precisely the rank he reached, turned out to be just an ugly dwarf. He had no choice but to run. Zinnober died, stuck in a jar in which tried to hide from his pursuers. This is the summary of " Little Tsakhes" - a fairy tale that both children and adults love.

Hoffmann clearly noticed, artistically veiled and conveyed many typical human psychotypes. And today, surrounded by lies and flattery, Baby Tsakhesas meet. A brief retelling is not a substitute for reading a literary work. The style of the German writer is quite complex, full of artistic means, archaisms. Nevertheless, the story is still popular today.

Symbols in Hoffmann's tale

The narrow-minded way of thinking so unloved by the writer in the fairy tale is symbolized by Turpin. Opposed to this image is the dreamer and romantic Balthasar. The student seeks salvation from the philistine existence in art, the joyful harmony of man and nature. And finally, it is worth saying about the main character in the book of the German writer. The magic hairs that misled the characters of the fairy tale are power, money.

In the work of Hoffmann there are features atypical for a fairy tale. However, it ends, as befits a work of this genre. Good has triumphed. Tsakhes is defeated. The disgusting world in which Zinnober was so revered can only be destroyed with the help of magic and the actions of romantic enthusiasts.

The peasant woman Lizi had an ugly son, whose name was Tsakhes. One day she was returning home from the forest with him and, stopping to rest, fell asleep. Fairy Rosabelverde, passing by, saw them. She felt terribly sorry for Tsakhes, and she decided to help him. The fairy combed his hair with a magic comb. After that, three fiery hairs appeared on the freak's head, which endowed him with witchcraft. All the merits and successes of others were now assigned only to him. And all his bad sides (of which there were quite a lot) - to others. And only a few people were able to see the truth. When Lisey woke up and started on the road again, she met a local pastor. He was so fascinated by this imaginary beauty of Tsakhes that he took him to his upbringing.

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Lisey, of course, happily got rid of the dwarf, who had always been a burden to her.

A young man named Balthazar is studying at Kerepes University. He is madly in love with the daughter of his teacher, Professor Terpin - Candida. Little Tsakhes, taking the name Zinnober, comes to this university. He rubs himself into Turpin's confidence and charms Candida. Everyone around admires the dwarf. Only Balthazar and his friend Fabian see everything as it really is. Zinnober takes the place of a freight forwarder in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and then a Privy Councilor for Special Affairs. But here again, magical power helps. Arrives in Kerpes under the guise of Dr. Prosper Alpanus, in which Balthazar guesses the magician. He reveals the secret of Tsakhes. When Rosabelverde comes to the magician, guilty of this whole story, he convinces the fairy to refuse protection to the dwarf and breaks the magic comb.

Meanwhile, Turpin is already arranging Zinnober's engagement to Candida. Balthasar comes to the feast and, tearing the magic hairs out of the dwarf's head, burns them. The magic dissipates instantly. Then everyone finally begins to see what Zinnober really is. Struck by this course of events, Tsakhes runs away from the people to his palace. He tries to hide in a jar and gets stuck and dies. After death, the fairy returns the dwarf to its former attractive appearance. And she gives the mother of Tsakhes a magical sweet onion, and she becomes the personal supplier of this onion for the court. Balthazar and Candida marry, and Alpanus leaves them his possessions and leaves for India himself.

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