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Who shot off the Sphinx's nose. The sculpture was buried under sand for a long time

The Sphinx of Giza is one of the oldest, largest and most mysterious monuments ever created by man. Disputes about its origin are still ongoing. We collected 10 little known facts about a majestic monument in the Sahara Desert.

1. The Great Sphinx of Giza is not a Sphinx

Experts say that the Egyptian Sphinx cannot be called a traditional image of the Sphinx. In classical Greek mythology The sphinx was described as having the body of a lion, the head of a woman, and the wings of a bird. There is actually a sculpture of an androsphinx at Giza, as it has no wings.

2. Initially, the sculpture had several other names

The ancient Egyptians did not originally call this giant creature the "Great Sphinx". The text on the "Dream Stele", dating from around 1400 BC, refers to the Sphinx as the "Statue of the Great Khepri". When the future pharaoh Thutmose IV slept next to her, he had a dream in which the god Khepri-Ra-Atum came to him and asked him to free the statue from the sand, and in return promised that Thutmose would become the ruler of all Egypt. Thutmose IV unearthed the statue, which had been covered with sand over centuries, which then became known as Horem-Akhet, which translates as “Horus on the horizon.” Medieval Egyptians called the Sphinx "balkhib" and "bilhou".

3. Nobody knows who built the Sphinx

Even today people don't know exact age this statue, and modern archaeologists argue about who could have created it. The most popular theory is that the Sphinx arose during the reign of Khafre (Fourth Dynasty Ancient kingdom), i.e. The age of the statue dates back to approximately 2500 BC.

This pharaoh is credited with creating the Pyramid of Khafre, as well as the necropolis of Giza and a number of ritual temples. The proximity of these structures to the Sphinx has prompted a number of archaeologists to believe that it was Khafre who ordered the construction of the majestic monument with his face.

Other scientists believe that the statue is much older than the pyramid. They argue that the face and head of the statue show signs of obvious water damage and theorize that Great Sphinx already existed during an era when the region faced extensive flooding (6th millennium BC).

4. Whoever built the Sphinx ran away from it headlong after the construction was completed

American archaeologist Mark Lehner and Egyptian archaeologist Zahi Hawass discovered large stone blocks, tool sets and even fossilized dinners under a layer of sand. This clearly indicates that the workers were in such a hurry to get away that they did not even take their tools with them.

5. The laborers who built the statue were well fed

Most scholars think that the people who built the Sphinx were slaves. However, their diet suggests something completely different. Excavations led by Mark Lehner revealed that workers regularly dined on beef, lamb and goat.

6. The Sphinx was once covered in paint

Although the Sphinx is now a sandy gray color, it was once completely covered in bright paint. Remnants of red paint can still be found on the face of the statue, and there are traces of blue and yellow paint on the Sphinx's body.

7. The sculpture was buried under sand for a long time

The Great Sphinx of Giza fell victim to the quicksand of the Egyptian desert several times during its long existence. The first known restoration of the sphinx, which was almost completely buried under sand, occurred shortly before the 14th century BC, thanks to Thutmose IV, who soon after became Egyptian pharaoh. Three millennia later, the statue was again buried under the sands. Until the 19th century, the statue's front paws were deep below the desert surface. The Sphinx was completely excavated in the 1920s.

8. The Sphinx lost her headdress in the 1920s

During the last recovery, Great Sphinx part of his famous headdress fell off, and his head and neck were seriously injured. The Egyptian government hired a team of engineers to restore the statue in 1931. But that restoration used soft limestone, and in 1988, a 320-kilogram piece of the shoulder fell off, nearly killing a German reporter. After this, the Egyptian government again began restoration work.

9. After the construction of the Sphinx, there was a cult that worshiped it for a long time

Thanks to the mystical vision of Thutmose IV, who became pharaoh after unearthing giant statue, in the 14th century BC, a whole cult of worship of the Sphinx arose. The pharaohs who ruled during the New Kingdom even built new temples from which the Great Sphinx could be seen and worshiped.

10. The Egyptian sphinx is much kinder than the Greek one

The Sphinx's modern reputation as a cruel creature comes from Greek mythology, not Egyptian mythology. IN Greek myths The Sphinx is mentioned in connection with a meeting with Oedipus, to whom he asked a supposedly unsolvable riddle. In ancient Egyptian culture, the Sphinx was considered more benevolent.

11. It’s not Napoleon’s fault that the Sphinx doesn’t have a nose

The mystery of the Great Sphinx's missing nose has given rise to all sorts of myths and theories. One of the most common legends says that Napoleon Bonaparte ordered the nose of the statue to be broken off in a fit of pride. However, early sketches of the Sphinx show that the statue lost its nose before the birth of the French emperor.

12. The Sphinx was once bearded

Today, the remains of the Great Sphinx's beard, which was removed from the statue due to severe erosion, are kept in the British Museum and in the Museum of Egyptian Antiquities, established in Cairo in 1858. However, French archaeologist Vasil Dobrev claims that the statue was not bearded from the very beginning, and the beard was added later. Dobrev argues that removing the beard, if it had been a component of the statue to begin with, would have damaged the statue's chin.

13. The Great Sphinx is the most ancient statue, but not the most ancient sphinx

The Great Sphinx of Giza is considered the oldest monumental sculpture in human history. If the statue is considered to date from Khafre's reign, the smaller sphinxes depicting his half-brother Djedefre and sister Netefere II are older.

14. Sphinx - the largest statue

The Sphinx, which is 72 meters long and 20 meters high, is considered the largest monolithic statue on the planet.

15. Several astronomical theories are associated with the Sphinx

The mystery of the Great Sphinx of Giza has led to a number of theories about the ancient Egyptians' supernatural understanding of the cosmos. Some scientists, such as Lehner, believe that the Sphinx with the pyramids of Giza is a giant capture and recycling machine solar energy. Another theory notes the coincidence of the Sphinx, the pyramids and the Nile River with the stars of the constellations Leo and Orion.

Egypt is a country with an extraordinary culture and history. It was here that the first monumental architectural monuments in human history were built. Many people learn about Egyptian culture, pyramids and other sights from school, looking at photos or reading information on Wikipedia. In fact, each of these sculptures deserves to be touched and seen by as many tourists from all over the world as possible. It is considered one of the most impressive architectural monuments Egyptian Sphinx. This sculpture is full of mysteries and legends. In addition, the Great Sphinx in Egypt is included in the list of ancient sculptures. Its size is impressive and somewhat frightening. The length of the statue reaches 73 meters, and the height of the figure is 20 meters. The shape is no less striking - the head of a man is connected to the body and paws of a lion.

Where is the Sphinx

The popular attraction is located on west bank Nile, in the city of Giza. Address: Nazlet El-Semman, Al Haram, Giza. The map shows the Great Sphinx in Egypt inside the Pyramid Complex at Giza, not far from the Pyramid of Cheops. The city of Giza is located 30 km from the capital of the state, Cairo.

How to get there

Since the Great Sphinx in Egypt is in great demand among tourists, getting to it is not difficult. You can go straight to the Sphinx plateau by taxi. The journey will take about half an hour. According to tourists, a taxi will cost about 20-30 dollars. You can also spend a little more time and save money by taking a regular route. by bus from Cairo. Buses to Giza leave at intervals of about half an hour. The ticket price reaches 5-7 dollars. If your hotel is located in other areas of Egypt near the metro, from there you can get to Giza station. Further attractions are approximately 2 km away, which can be reached by taxi or on foot.

Origin story

The history of the Sphinx is full of mysteries that, thousands of years later, scientists cannot solve. Today science does not answer the question of when, why and who built the Sphinx in Egypt. However, there is still official version origin of the sculpture. According to the theory, the Sphinx is 4517 years old, as it was built in 2500 BC. Presumably the architect was Pharaoh Khafre. In making such a statement, scientists rely on the similarity of the material used for the construction of the Sphinx and the Pyramid of Khafre - the blocks are made of baked clay.

It is worth noting that German scientists put forward another hypothesis, according to which the landmark was erected in 7000 BC. This claim is based on studies of the material and erosion of the statue. According to the French Institute of Egyptology, the sculpture has undergone at least 4 restorations during its existence. One day, strong winds and sandstorms wiped out the Sphinx from the face of the Earth. Several centuries later, the statue was discovered by Khafre and restored.

There is also a theory according to which the customer was Pharaoh Khafre. The same one who, according to another hypothesis, was an architect. However, the obvious manifestations of the features of the Negroid race on the face of the Sphinx are, rather, a denying argument. Experts resorting to computer technologies, created the appearance of the pharaoh and his relatives. After comparative analysis the conclusion was that the statue and the pharaoh's family could not have similar facial features.

Purpose of the Sphinx

In ancient Egypt, people called the statue " rising sun"or they believed that it was dedicated to the Nile. Known fact it became only that the majority of civilization saw a symbol in sculpture divine origin, namely the Sun God – Ra. If we delve deeper into the origin of the name of the statue, the word “sphinx” is ancient Greek and means “strangler.” According to other assumptions, the sculpture was created as a symbol of the protection of the pharaohs after death and as an assistant in the afterlife. But more often, scientists agree that the image of the statue is a collective one, symbolizing the four seasons, where the wings are autumn, the paws are summer, the face is winter, and the body of the lion is spring.

Secrets of the Sphinx

For several millennia, scientists and researchers around the world have not been able to come to a consensus on the origin and purpose of sculpture. The mysteries of the Egyptian Sphinx remain unsolved and leave more questions than answers. Who, when and why built the statue are not the only mysteries.

Hall of Chronicles

The first who began to claim about existence underground passages , was Edgar Cayce, an American scientist. His claim was confirmed by Japanese scientists who discovered a five-meter rectangular chamber under the lion's left paw. Edgar Cayce expressed the idea that the Atlanteans left traces of their existence in the “hall of chronicles.” Astrologers, in turn, interpret the location of the room and pyramids in the Necropolis in their own way - in 1980, researchers drilled about 15 meters deep. Aswan granite was found here, although there is no natural occurrence of this rock here, which indicates traces of the “hall of chronicles.”

Disappearance of the Sphinx

Herodotus, an ancient Greek philosopher, traveled to Egypt. After the trip, he began to describe in detail the location of the pyramids, their number, and age. Even the number of slaves involved and the food they were fed were included in the description. Among other things, Herodotus did not mention a word about the Egyptian Sphinx. Scientists believe that the statue was swept away by sand during this era. This happened with the sculpture more than once. In the last two centuries alone, the figure has been excavated more than 4 times. It was only in 1925 that the Egyptians were able to completely unearth the lion.

Guarding the Sunrise

Another interesting detail of the statue is the inscription on the chest “I look at your vanity.” The figure is endowed with majesty and mystery. The eyes radiate wisdom and alertness. The lips depict contempt and irony. It would seem that the statue has no power and cannot in any way influence the course of events. A story that happened to one journalist proves the opposite. A young photographer wanted to take unique photographs by climbing onto the statue. After trying to get closer, as if someone had pushed him, the journalist fell, and when he woke up, he discovered that the shots taken had been erased from the film. magical power Sphinx showed up more than once. Therefore, the Egyptians firmly believe that the statue protects them and watches for the Sunrise.

Why does the Sphinx have no nose or beard?

Another amazing feature of the oldest statue in the world is the absence of a nose and beard. There are three most common versions on this matter. The first one says that The Sphinx's nose was hit by an artillery shot during the war with Napoleon. Official sources reject this as the drawings show more early age the figure is already without a nose and beard. According to the second version, in the 14th century an Islamic extremist climbed onto the figure and barbarically mutilated it, wanting to rid the world of the idol. After which the fanatic was caught and burned right at the feet of the lion.

The third version has scientific confirmation and speaks of the absence of parts of the face due to water erosion. This theory is supported by French and Japanese scientists.

  • During excavations, tools, stone blocks, and the remains of workers' belongings were found at the foot of the statue, which suggests that the builders quickly abandoned the site after the Sphinx was completed.
  • Excavations under the leadership of M. Lehner helped to establish the approximate diet of the workers, judging by which we can safely say that the builders received decent wages.
  • The Sphinx was colorful. Although the statue is now naturally sandy in color, there are still flecks of yellow and blue paint on the chest and face.
  • The Egyptian Sphinx has ancient Greek roots. But the Greek figure in mythology is depicted as more cruel and sullen, in contrast to the Egyptian one.
  • In Egypt there is a statue of an androsphinx because it lacks the wings and face of a woman.

Restoration of the Great Sphinx

There have been repeated attempts to restore and excavate the Sphinx from under the sand. The first who began to save the oldest sculpture were the pharaohs Thutmose IV and Ramses II. The Italians also cleaned the statue in 1817, and later in 1925. In the recent past, the Sphinx was closed to tourists for about 4 months, after which, in 2014, the restoration was completed.

What to see nearby

You can travel around Giza not only for the sake of the Great Sphinx. Nearby, on the plateau, there are 3 famous pyramids, including. All of them are located within walking distance and do not require additional transport, according to reviews from tourists.

One of the main questions in the history of existence architectural monuments Ancient Egypt is the reason why Great Sphinx on the Giza plateau near the pyramids of Ancient Egypt was left without a nose. Scientists tend to blame this Napoleon's troops , who, by order of the emperor, used the face of the wakeful guardian of the desert as a target for shooting. As a result, the half-man, half-lion found himself without a nose, reaching the height of a man. This allegedly happened in the period from 1799 to 1801 during the Egyptian campaign of the French army. Is this so and what reliable historical documented information exists in favor of this version?

Sphinx Prophecy

It is reliably known that in ancient times the body of the huge Sphinx with huge paws was covered with sand right up to its face. There is a legend that it was in this state that Thutmose IV found him, not yet being a pharaoh. The fact is that he was the 11th son in the family, and the throne, as is known, was inherited by the very first child in the male line, and his chances were very small.

While walking in the desert, the king dozed in the shadow of the huge Sphinx and had a dream in which he asked him to clear it of sand because he was having trouble breathing. In exchange, he promised to make him the pharaoh of Ancient Egypt as soon as possible. Thutmose laughed because he knew his position very well. But I decided to clean the Sphinx after all. After which he ordered the pedestal of the lion with the head of a man to be decorated with stone bas-reliefs telling the story. The Sphinx's body was completely freed from sand only when archaeological excavations in the 19th century. This is evidenced by numerous engravings and descriptions of famous European artists of that time. The body was found to be 57 m long and 20 m wide.

The gaze of the impenetrable bulk of the Great Sphinx is turned to the East. Since ancient times, the Arabs called this huge sculpture “ Father of Horror «.

Did Napoleon change the history of Ancient Egypt?

Postage stamp "Sphinx and Pyramids", 1910

Nowadays, even after restoration work, one can see on the face of the Sphinx, which, according to scientists, repeats the external features of Pharaoh Khafre, chips in the stone and cracks. Has time really left its traces? Modern historians argue that not only the image of the great architectural monument of Ancient Egypt, but also the history of civilization was significantly distorted by order of the Emperor of France.

It is known that the emperor respected the history of the great state. But in order to create his own image and in order to leave his mark on the chronology of Ancient Egypt, he ordered the names on the tombs of the pharaohs and from numerous architectural masterpieces to be erased.

The sources indicate:

“The European movement began in Egypt at the end of the 18th century with the famous expedition of the French Emperor Napoleon. His team included archaeological scientists, but this did not stop them from changing history ancient civilization. Napoleon ordered cannon batteries to be fired at the Sphinx's face.".

But here the question arises: where did guns appear in the French army in the 18th century, when they had not yet been invented?

On the contrary, the rapid development of the science of Egyptology began with the French campaign in Egypt. Napoleon's expedition is attempting to decipher the writing of Ancient Egypt.

Could engage in barbarism against the ancients cultural monuments scientists who came to Napoleon's conclusion: "Bring Egypt into the light."

The conclusion of his words was the export of thousands of historical relics of Ancient Egypt to France. Under the guise of a scientific expedition, they were transferred for storage to European museums, where they are kept to this day.

Champollion Expedition: Egyptian hieroglyphs deciphered

In his scientific work François Champollion, who went on a scientific expedition to Egypt, about half a century after Napoleon's visit, abandoned the Horapolon theory. Let us recall that the first attempts to decipher ancient Egyptian writing were made a millennium before.

The beginning of research in the field of studying Egyptian hieroglyphs was laid by the French scientist Horapolon. He wrote the first explanations of the writing of Ancient Egypt, which contained explanatory drawings for each hieroglyph.

So is it possible to say after this that the French were so “careless” about the architectural monuments of ancient civilization in connection with these scientific discoveries?

Although events scientific discovery Champollion is behind the circumstances of Napoleon's Egyptian campaign, but is probable evidence that the French emperor was not involved in the deprivation of the Sphinx's nose.

Napoleon is not to blame!

The key work in researching the circumstances of the destruction of the face of the Sphinx was a book about the history of Ancient Egypt by Tom Holmberg. He provides evidence that the accusation of Napoleon desecrating an Egyptian shrine during the campaign is nothing more than fiction. In fact, when the French came to Egypt in 1789, they already discovered the Sphinx in this condition. The researcher says that in fact the head of a human lion was used as a target for firing cannons at the Mamluks, who at one time captured Egypt. This is evidenced, for example, by an engraving published by the traveler Frederik Norden in 1755. There are also Arabic texts that say that the Sphinx’s nose was shot off by an Arab fanatic back in early XIV century.

The English scientist Pierre Belon, who visited the country in 1546 to conduct research on the architecture of Ancient Egypt, noted that their condition had deteriorated significantly. Researcher Leslie Griner, after visiting the sights of Egypt, wrote in his scientific article: “The Great Sphinx still dominates the Giza plateau, but is no longer as beautiful as it was painted by Abdel Latif in 1200.”

The only theory left is the one that appeared in the historical bulletin. University of London School of Oriental Research. According to it, scientists confirm the version that the appearance of the Egyptian architectural monument was damaged by the Arab fanatic Muhammad Saim Al-Dahrom in 1378. This event is also described in the work of the Egyptian researcher Selim Hassan “The Sphinx: History and Modernity” (1949). So Napoleon can be blamed for anything, but not for bad attitude to Egyptian shrines. And the Sphinx's nose disappeared under completely different circumstances.

According to many studies, the Egyptian Sphinx hides even more mysteries than the Great Pyramids. No one knows for sure when and for what purpose this gigantic sculpture was built.

Vanishing Sphinx

It is generally accepted that the Sphinx was erected during the construction of the Pyramid of Khafre. However, in the ancient papyri relating to the construction of the Great Pyramids there is no mention of it. Moreover, we know that the ancient Egyptians meticulously recorded all the expenses associated with the construction of religious buildings, but economic documents related to the construction of the Sphinx have never been found.

In the 5th century BC. e. The pyramids of Giza were visited by Herodotus, who described in detail all the details of their construction. He wrote down “everything he saw and heard in Egypt,” but did not say a word about the Sphinx.

Before Herodotus, Hecataeus of Miletus visited Egypt, and after him Strabo. Their records are detailed, but there is no mention of the Sphinx there either. Could the Greeks have missed a sculpture 20 meters high and 57 meters wide? The answer to this riddle can be found in the work of the Roman naturalist Pliny the Elder “ Natural history", which mentions that in his time (1st century AD) the Sphinx was once again cleansed of sands deposited from the western part of the desert. Indeed, the Sphinx was regularly “freed” from sand deposits until the 20th century.

Older than the pyramids

Restoration work, which began to be carried out in connection with the emergency condition of the Sphinx, began to lead scientists to believe that the Sphinx may be older than previously thought. To check this, Japanese archaeologists, led by Professor Sakuji Yoshimura, first illuminated the Cheops pyramid using an echolocator, and then examined the sculpture in a similar way. Their conclusion was striking - the stones of the Sphinx are older than those of the pyramid. It was not about the age of the breed itself, but about the time of its processing.

Later, the Japanese were replaced by a team of hydrologists - their findings also became a sensation. On the sculpture they found traces of erosion caused by large flows of water. The first assumption that appeared in the press was that in ancient times the Nile bed passed in a different place and washed the rock from which the Sphinx was hewn. The guesses of hydrologists are even bolder: “Erosion is rather a trace not of the Nile, but of a flood - a mighty flood of water.” Scientists came to the conclusion that the flow of water went from north to south, and the approximate date of the disaster was 8 thousand years BC. e.

British scientists, repeating hydrological studies of the rock from which the Sphinx is made, pushed back the date of the flood to 12 thousand years BC. e. This is generally consistent with the dating Flood, which, according to most scientists, occurred around 8-10 thousand BC. e.

What is sick with the Sphinx?

Arab sages, amazed by the majesty of the Sphinx, said that the giant is timeless. But over the past millennia, the monument has suffered a fair amount, and, first of all, man is to blame for this. At first, the Mamluks practiced shooting accuracy at the Sphinx; their initiative was supported by Napoleonic soldiers. One of the rulers of Egypt ordered the sculpture’s nose to be broken off, and the British stole the giant’s stone beard and took it to the British Museum.

In 1988, a huge block of stone broke off from the Sphinx and fell with a roar. They weighed her and were horrified - 350 kg. This fact has caused UNESCO the most serious concern. It was decided to gather a council of representatives from a variety of specialties to find out the reasons for the destruction of the ancient structure. As a result of a comprehensive examination, scientists discovered hidden and extremely dangerous cracks in the head of the Sphinx; in addition, they found that external cracks sealed with low-quality cement are also dangerous - this creates a threat of rapid erosion. The Sphinx's paws were in no less deplorable condition.

According to experts, the Sphinx is primarily harmed by human activity: exhaust gases from automobile engines and the acrid smoke of Cairo factories penetrate into the pores of the statue, which gradually destroys it. Scientists say that the Sphinx is seriously ill. Hundreds of millions of dollars are needed to restore the ancient monument. There is no such money. In the meantime, the Egyptian authorities are restoring the sculpture on their own.

Mysterious face

Among most Egyptologists, there is a firm belief that the appearance of the Sphinx depicts the face of the IV dynasty pharaoh Khafre. This confidence cannot be shaken by anything - neither by the absence of any evidence of a connection between the sculpture and the pharaoh, nor by the fact that the head of the Sphinx was repeatedly altered. The well-known expert on Giza monuments, Dr. I. Edwards, is convinced that Pharaoh Khafre himself is visible in the face of the Sphinx. “Although the face of the Sphinx is somewhat mutilated, it still gives us a portrait of Khafre himself,” the scientist concludes. Interestingly, the body of Khafre himself was never discovered, and therefore statues are used to compare the Sphinx and the pharaoh. First of all we're talking about about a sculpture carved from black diorite, which is kept in the Cairo Museum - it is from this that the appearance of the Sphinx is verified.

To confirm or refute the identification of the Sphinx with Khafre, a group of independent researchers involved the famous New York police officer Frank Domingo, who created portraits to identify suspects. After several months of work, Domingo concluded: “These two works of art depict two different persons. The frontal proportions - and especially the angles and facial projections when viewed from the side - convince me that the Sphinx is not Khafre."

Mother of fear

Egyptian archaeologist Rudwan Al-Shamaa believes that the Sphinx has a female couple and she is hidden under a layer of sand. The Great Sphinx is often called the "Father of Fear". According to the archaeologist, if there is a “Father of Fear,” then there must also be a “Mother of Fear.” In his reasoning, Ash-Shamaa relies on the way of thinking of the ancient Egyptians, who firmly followed the principle of symmetry. In his opinion, the lonely figure of the Sphinx looks very strange.

The surface of the place where, according to the scientist, the second sculpture should be located, rises several meters above the Sphinx. “It is logical to assume that the statue is simply hidden from our eyes under a layer of sand,” Al-Shamaa is convinced. The archaeologist gives several arguments in support of his theory. Ash-Shamaa recalls that between the front paws of the Sphinx there is a granite stele on which two statues are depicted; There is also a limestone tablet that says that one of the statues was struck by lightning and destroyed.

Chamber of Secrets

In one of the ancient Egyptian treatises, on behalf of the goddess Isis, it is reported that the god Thoth placed in a secret place “ holy books”, which contain “the secrets of Osiris”, and then cast a spell on this place so that the knowledge would remain “undiscovered until Heaven gives birth to creatures who will be worthy of this gift.” Some researchers are still confident in the existence of a “secret room”. They recall how Edgar Cayce predicted that one day in Egypt, under the right paw of the Sphinx, a room called the “Hall of Evidence” or “Hall of Chronicles” would be found. The information stored in the “secret room” will tell humanity about highly developed civilization that existed millions of years ago. In 1989, a group of Japanese scientists using a radar method discovered a narrow tunnel under the left paw of the Sphinx, extending towards the Pyramid of Khafre, and a cavity of impressive size was found northwest of the Queen’s Chamber. However, the Egyptian authorities did not allow the Japanese to conduct a more detailed study of the underground premises.

Research by American geophysicist Thomas Dobecki showed that under the paws of the Sphinx there is a large rectangular chamber. But in 1993 his work was suddenly suspended local authorities. Since that time, the Egyptian government has officially prohibited geological or seismological research around the Sphinx.

The history of this magnificent architecture was told in detail, and some of the secrets of the Sphinx were revealed. But being carried away by the history of the Sphinx, we completely forgot to mention and tell "WHERE DID THE SPHINX'S NOSE GO?". Let's find out together...

As you may have noticed, his giant 6,500 year old statue is near Egyptian pyramids- noseless. For many centuries, it was accused that the Sphinx's nose was deliberately knocked off for some special reason. different armies and individuals - British, Germans, Arabs. However, it is still customary to shift the blame mainly to Napoleon.

Almost none of these accusations have any basis. In fact, the only one about whom it can be said with certainty that he actually caused damage to the Sphinx was the Sufi fanatic Muhammad Saim al-Dah, whom local residents beaten to death for vandalism in 1378. However, it is unlikely that he would be able to break off a two-meter piece of stone at a height of several tens of meters.

British and german army, who visited Egypt during both world wars, are not to blame: there are photographs of the Sphinx without a nose, dated 1886.

As for Napoleon, sketches of the noseless Sphinx made by European travelers in 1737, thirty-two years before the birth of the future French emperor, have survived. When the twenty-nine-year-old general first set his sights on ancient statue, she most likely did not have a nose for hundreds of years.

Napoleon's campaign in Egypt was intended to disrupt British ties with India. French army gave two in this country major battles: the Battle of the Pyramids (which, by the way, did not take place at the Pyramids at all) and the Battle of the Nile (which had nothing to do with the Nile). Together with the 55,000-strong army, Napoleon brought 155 civilian specialists - the so-called savants (Scientists; major specialists in any field (French)). This was the first professional archaeological expedition to Egypt.

When Nelson sank Napoleon's fleet, the emperor returned to France, abandoning both the army and the "scientists", who continued to work without their leader. The result was treatise entitled “Description de I"Egypte” (“Description of Egypt” (French)) is the first accurate picture of the country to reach Europe.

However, despite all these facts, Egyptian guides still tell large crowds of tourists that the nose of the statue was knocked off by a cannonball during the Napoleonic battle with the Turks at the Pyramids.

The most plausible reason for the Sphinx's missing nose is 6,000 years of exposure to wind and weather conditions on soft limestone.