Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Can blacks capture the world. Statistics of crimes in the United States committed by blacks

The ancestors of American blacks were taken out of Africa about 300 years ago. On the territory of Africa, trading posts of slave dealers were created, who in every possible way (by violence, soldering, deceit) captured blacks, chained them in stocks or chains. Ships regularly came from the United States, on which blacks were driven into the holds, battened down and taken into slavery.

By the way, the cost of one slave in the United States reached $2,000, while in Africa it was bought from dealers for 400 liters of rum, or $20. The slave traders explained the considerable cost of the Negroes at that time by their high mortality on the way from Africa to America. In fact, according to historical sources, out of every ten blacks on the coast of the United States, only one most often reached. In the years 1661-1774 alone, about a million live slaves were imported from Africa to the United States, and more than nine million died along the way.

US black to white ratio

Since 1790, a census has been regularly conducted in the United States every 10 years. I think that no one will be surprised by the fact that the absolute number of blacks is growing every year. If in 1790 there were 757,208 of them, then at the time of the last census in 2000, there were already 37,104,248 blacks in the United States.

However, if you look at the relative numbers, then a rather interesting situation arises. In 1790, the United States was 19.3% black and 80.7% white, and in 2000 the ratio of blacks to whites was already 13% and 82%, respectively. Do you notice the strangeness? The relative number of whites practically does not change and is about 80% of the population, while the relative number of blacks has decreased by almost a third over 200 years. Why? To answer this question, let's turn to genetics ...

Gene Migration

In the US, offspring from mixed marriages between whites and blacks are classified as blacks. The frequency of the allele that controls the Rh factor in the white population of the United States is 0.028. In blacks of African tribes, the frequency of this allele is 0.630. However, in the modern black population of the United States, whose ancestors were taken out of Africa 300 years (about 10 generations) ago, the frequency of this allele is already 0.446. Thus, the flow of genes from the white population to the Negro went at a rate of 3.6% per 1 generation. As a result, after 10 generations, the share of genes of African ancestors is now 0.694 of the total number of genes of the modern black population of the United States. Or, in other words, about 30% of the genes of American blacks inherited from the white population.

If things continue like this, then in 600 years the blacks of the United States will be no different from the whites. Moreover, the lower the percentage of Negro blood in a Negro, the more likely is incest between him and a representative of the white race, so the mixing of races can occur even faster. Compare for yourself the likelihood of conceiving a child between an 18th-century blue-black Negro slave and a white man with the likelihood of a relationship between a modern-day American mulatto and a white American brought up on the principles of political correctness.

But I think that it is difficult to convince anyone with numbers and statistics. Therefore, let us turn to more illustrative facts, namely, to compare the appearance of the population of Liberia and the blacks of the United States.

Liberia, Liberia is a free country...

By the way, what do you know about such an African country as Liberia? Is it just what is shown on TV in the news? That some rebels are fighting there, and the population is asking the United States to send its troops there to maintain peace? Do you know why Liberians love and trust the US so much that they ask them, and not, for example, the UN, to intervene in their internal problems?

Well, it's quite a long story, but I'll try to be brief. Look at the picture with the Liberian flag. Does he remind you of anything? ;-) And it was like this...

In 1816, a group of white Americans founded the American Colonization Society in the United States, which set itself the goal of solving the "Negro problem" by settling freed black slaves in Africa. In 1818, two representatives of the society were sent to Africa in search of a place to settle, and in 1820, 88 black colonists, led by three white Americans, headed for the shores of Sierra Leone. Before leaving, they signed a document stating that a representative of the American Colonization Society would manage the future settlement. True, already in Africa, due to the outbreak of malaria, 25 of these colonists died, including all three whites. Of the 63 blacks who survived, some remained in Sierra Leone (whose capital, in memory of this, is called Freetown, that is, “the city of freedom”), and some founded their own settlement.

In 1824, the entire territory of this settlement was named Liberia (from the English liberty - freedom), and its capital - Monrovia in honor of US President James Monroe. About 5 thousand liberated blacks from the United States, having learned about Liberia, went to live in this "country of freedom".

In 1847 the Declaration of Independence was promulgated and a constitution adopted. So there was the first independent state in Africa called the Republic of Liberia. English became the official language, and the Liberian dollar became the currency. True, many years later, English in Liberia turned into “Liberian English”, and the US dollar became the currency.

But I will not continue to tell the history of Liberia, although it is full of very interesting facts and curious events. In particular, I have nothing to say about the world's largest merchant fleet, which sails under the Liberian flag. About how the government of Liberia, secretly trading in diamonds from Sierra Leone, almost destroyed the entire global diamond market. About how the American company "Firestone" bought several hundred hectares of the territory of Liberia, where until the Second World War (and possibly still) slaves worked on the plantations, extracting rubber for car tires produced by "Firestone". About how Ukraine sold weapons to Liberia, and what came of it. Perhaps I will tell all these stories some other time, but for now I will continue the story about the Negroes.

Let's look at photographs of blacks in Liberia, in particular photographs of the descendants of former American slaves, and compare them with photographs of blacks living in the United States (hover over the photo to see the captions):

To the question How do African-Americans behave in America? ? What is their percentage in the country of the total US population? given by the author Andrey Gorelov the best answer is African Americans make up 12.4 percent of US citizens, 14.8 percent are Hispanics. According to the Census Bureau, people of color will make up the majority of Americans by 2042. This is only legally living in the States. In fact, there are more whites than people of color. Currently, the Negro population is widely represented in many US states. But if in the south a significant part of blacks (up to a third) still lives in rural areas, then in the north of the United States - in large cities, where many traditionally live in special areas with a relatively low standard of living - ghettos. The Negro population is characterized by higher employment in industry, mass sectors of the service sector (trade, etc.). At the beginning of the 20th century, many blacks in search of better work moved from the South to the industrial states of the Lake District and the Midwest, large cities. Since the late 1970s, the opposite trend has been observed: more and more immigrants to the north and their descendants are returning to their small homeland - the southern states. The reason for this is the removal of labor-intensive industry to these areas and, as a result, "negro" jobs. In 1863, a crowd of white New Yorkers, dissatisfied with the introduction of universal conscription, staged a large-scale African-American pogrom. Thousands of people were killed, including children. Many were burned alive. Since the abolition of slavery in the South, "lynching" has been practiced - extrajudicial reprisals against African Americans accused of any offense, which ended with the hanging of the victim (the last - in 1946). Since 1865, in the South, the Ku Klux Klan and a number of other racist terrorist organizations have pursued a policy of intimidation of African Americans in order to reduce their political activity. Demonstrative murders of African-American political activists were used as a means (the last - in 1981). In 2005, during the hurricane and flood riots in New Orleans, there were outbreaks of racially motivated violence. In US prisons, since the days of desegregation, there have been regular bloody clashes between prisoners of different skin colors. The traditional region of residence of American blacks is the south of the United States, where they have made a significant contribution to the formation of a unique image of the region, and especially music, cooking, and art. The mass immigration of white Europeans at the end of the 19th century was directed mainly to the north of the country, as well as to the Great Plains. Therefore, with the beginning of the natural growth of the black and colored population, it was the majority in several states of the south. So at the end of the 19th century, blacks made up 75% of the population of South Carolina, more than half (about 60%) of the population of Mississippi, 55% of the population in Louisiana, from a third to a half of the population of Texas, Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, Tennessee, Arkansas, Virginia etc. The position of blacks in the traditional regions of the south was very difficult due to the dominance of the Ku Klux Klan and the rule of Jim Crow laws. In the 1930-1970s, the so-called Great Migration of African Americans took place, when hundreds of thousands of them went en masse to work in factories and factories in large cities of the north (Chicago, New York, etc.) ...

It would seem that the answer to this question is on the surface. In the 15th century, the first Europeans appeared in America - the conquistadors. And in the 16th-17th centuries, an active importation of free labor from Africa began there, where local black princelings sold their fellow tribesmen into slavery for alcohol and weapons. However, already the first conquistadors were told by the locals about some ancient civilization that passed on its knowledge to subsequent generations.

Here is a documentary record that was made according to the words of one Aztec sage by the Spanish monk Sahagun who accompanied the conquistadors: “Long ago, in times that no one now remembers, a mighty people came here who had great legislators, talented artists and wise thinkers. This people founded the state of Tomoanhan (literally translated from the Mayan language, this means “homeland of rains and fogs”). It is from this people that all the knowledge and art that the Toltecs, Aztecs, Maya and Zapoteki are proud of come from. Later, other Spanish historians found in the Aztec legends new references to the mysterious country of Olman (“The place where rubber is mined”) and its inhabitants, the Olmecs. But then who believed the old legends of “those eccentric Aztecs”?!

And only a completely accidental discovery by the Mexican traveler José Melgar in the 19th century on the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico of a meter-long human head carved from basalt drew the attention of the scientific world to this part of Central America. Is it really here, in the wilds of the impenetrable coastal jungle, mangrove forests, once there was a civilization? But the discovery of Melgar confirmed the Aztec legends: this territory (currently the Mexican states of Veracruz and Tabasco) really has an extremely humid climate, and high quality rubber is still mined here.

The prehistory of the states of Veracruz and Tabasco does not end on one basalt head. To date, six similar sculptures have been discovered there. All of them are huge - from 1.5 to 3 meters, carved from monolithic blocks of black basalt and are characterized by pronounced negroid features: a short wide nose and thick lips. Therefore, Negroes visited America even before the birth of the ancient Mayan culture, which is much older than the ancient Egyptian. How did people of a definitely African type get here in such a distant antiquity? But these are sculptural portraits of specific people, as evidenced by the fact that the features and facial expressions differ from each other. Some of them look openly, slightly smiling with the tips of their lips, others are preoccupied with something and sternly frown their stone eyebrows. Hence, another sensation: an African colony in ancient America? Meanwhile, archaeological discoveries in the southern states of Mexico continued to multiply. True, they were no longer so impressive, but no less valuable. These were figurines of jaguar people, various kinds of dwarfs and cripples with strange pear-shaped heads, richly decorated stone axes, all kinds of rings,
bracelets, brooches. And all this was found in the three archaeological sites of Tressapotos, Tukhtla and La Venta, located on the coast. And most importantly, they are all made of jade, which is almost never found in these parts.

The choice of material already speaks of the value of these finds. Even Montezuma himself, presenting gifts of gold to Cortes, said: “And to this I will add a few pieces of jade, each of which is equal in value to a pack of gold.” How rich must have been a culture that abounded in products made from such a valuable material!

So where did blacks come from in prehistoric America? The Polish historian Lucian Znich makes an assumption, the essence of which boils down to the following: both African blacks and Negroid colonists in South America are representatives of the same people - the Atlanteans. After the death of Atlantis, most of them moved to Africa, and some, and, apparently, the most talented part reached the American shores ...

“We believe that the most destructive factor in such troubled neighborhoods is the murders. It is followed by the second - this is the drug market in the open air. When people sell drugs right on the street corner. When anyone can come and get drugs. It attracts drug addicts, prostitutes of the worst kind, and in general the worst element, ”says David Kennedy. In the photo - Harlem - an area of ​​\u200b\u200bNew York, inhabited by African Americans

If you think that in the USA the majority of the population is white, then you are deeply mistaken. It used to be like that. Today, whites in America are a minority! How does the government hide this fact? It lists Hispanics and Jews as white, on the basis that Latinos are not a separate race.

The racial issue is very acute in large cities where the majority of the population is non-white. The exceptions are a few large cities in the northern states, such as Minneapolis. Whites are reluctant to pay welfare (about $500 per month per family member), even if they are entitled to it. They prefer to work and pay taxes, even if the salary is low. It's just that a normal person cannot stop working and sit on the neck of the state. By the way, with a very low income, the state also provides free medical insurance for all family members (Medicaid). But among the "whites" there are many who want to hang on the neck of the state. Guess from three times - what nationality are these “whites”? That's right, it's the "whites" of the Brighton Brooklyn Nation. The whole of Brighton and Borough Park are on benefits from the state.

This is actually a separate topic, but since I started talking, I’ll add that they also receive housing from the state free of charge. Of course, there is a queue for housing, but I have not yet seen a single Jew standing in line for an apartment (this they call it “according to the 8th program”) and did not receive it. Then many successfully rent out this housing. Now, however, the scale of assistance has decreased, but as they say, “this does not affect the speed.”
Despite the fact that most blacks, Jews, Latinos sit on the neck of the state, they sometimes raise uprisings and riot. You probably see commercials or messages about butches in America on TV. In all universities in the USA there is a massive propaganda that all nations are equal, therefore, leaving the walls of the alma mater, the whites will seriously tell you that they say we (whites) should just build them (colored) affordable (read free) housing and life will get better again.

Yes! There are white organizations in America, conscious people are trying to change something, but they are so small that their voices are almost not heard.
Many bands, such as the National Alliance, have made a good business of selling nationalist products or Nazi songs and folk from their website. This marketing can be learned from them. But most of them have excesses towards either Nazism or Christianity. Fervent Christians are the BNP British National Party
I tried to listen to the music they are pushing and I couldn't listen to the end of a single song. Solid noise. Try it. if anyone doesn't know what it is.

In Russia, few people know that there is a law here, maybe not in all states, but in New York for sure, regulating the hiring of civil servants on a racial basis. That is, if in the city of New York African Americans make up, for example, 50%, then 50% blacks should also sit in the office for monitoring occupational health. This law is in full swing. I am a witness. Working for office moving companies, you often see this pattern. The team is coming. In the basement of a high-rise building, there is a pile of office junk. Around 10 black warehouse workers sit and drink coffee. One is the chief, and nine deputies. They just don't give a damn about everything, because the state pays for everything in any way. Three Russian guys start packing and transporting the furniture. Blacks continue to drink coffee and tell jokes. The question is, why was it necessary to call the company when their loafers have nothing to do? And the fact is that the company takes orders for transportation from the city. And city officials are getting a kickback from a company that “won the tender.” Everyone stays a winner. The city pays. Well, the fact that there are no whites in city offices, with the exception of 2-3 Jews from Russia, has long been known to everyone. Talking about anything with such workers is a waste of time. They will forget to enter something into the computer anyway.

So, dear Russian people, when they show you white American top managers on TV, it's a window dressing. White America still exists in small one-story towns. It also retained democracy. Relative, of course, but still to a greater extent than in the Russian Federation. Read about local democracy in the following articles. In the meantime, just take it for granted that it is impossible for a normal person to live in megacities, because
representatives of other races behave simply disgusting. There is no passage from them anywhere.

An American black woman deliberately starved to death of her three children. You know, we brought up on a positive image of blacks, cultivated purposefully in the USSR, here in America we had to face the harsh reality. Blacks are an extremely destructive, wild, unlike very cultured Muslims, a race with a complete rejection of our culture. As one of our friends, who has been here for a long time, said: "Blacks have only three instincts: to eat, to have sex, and to hurt the whites."

One newspaper reported that an ambulance driving down the street saw a black mother strangling her daughter right on the street, and a neighbor covering the murder scene with a raincoat. Blacks have absolutely no concept of family, care for children, the elderly and women.
Here every year some black students kill their white teacher with extreme cruelty. In Brooklyn, they stabbed their teacher in the back so that it fell out in front of her. Another teacher was shot dead when he begged on his knees not to kill him, a guy of about 35 who wanted to instill culture in them.
In their series, how exactly do they piss on classical music! You know, black blacks from Africa are more modest in public, but American blacks are a complete hurricane.

We were always poked in the nose with Harlem. Harlem was a fashionable neighborhood when whites lived in it. Here in America they are building a completely new microdistrict, with stadiums, etc., live, don’t work, here’s a complete benefit for you, just don’t kill - they can’t. After how many years they turn any new microdistrict into ruins.

The police are all sticking out in black areas, there are simply no police in whites, and yet they can’t cope with blacks.
That's how they lived in Africa as tribes, so now they are gangs in cities and are fighting, pulling each other on drums and at the same time whites that come across to them. Therefore, this is a deliberate subversive policy, mixing blacks with whites in order to eliminate the white race. Where you see it, you can already clearly see the horns and tail of all the same figures who wish all kinds of good to white people. And note that there were a lot of them in the USSR, these black patrons. Before these blacks, your Caucasians, oh how far away.

You Russians are happy people that your blacks are just Caucasians. You are not real black yet
seen. Look at the Neanderthal:

The US government and all the more or less significant government and public institutions in the US have been seized by Jewish extremists to such an extent that even the minimal Congressional aid allocated to the Palestinian Arabs goes to Israel. How can this be done, and why is it so? And because the number of Jews in the United States is not 6 million people, as it has been reporting unchanged for more than 100 years, but not less than 100 million people.
That is, the business predominance of the Jews is primarily due to the fact that they, taking into account not only pure, but also hybrids, as well as crypto-Jews, have been the relative majority of the US population for at least fifty years. Don't believe? Let's count them, but in such a way that both halves and quarters and those who do not want to be openly called Jews are counted.

Blacks in the US, making up only 11% of the US population, commit crimes six times more than the remaining 87% of the population. Dominant crime? - Murders. But there was a time in the USA when in 1911, for example, in the USA there was only one murder per year! And he was lynched right away. You can guess that when conscientious citizens take justice upon themselves, then there is no crime in the country, as it was in America before the 20th century, but when justice is usurped by a corrupt state, then it sets criminals on honest citizens and starts a real war against its own citizens with the help of a criminal element, depicting between the fact that they say they are protecting citizens from criminals, while
in fact, they protect criminals from popular retribution. Crime, in fact, can be ended in one day if citizens take into their own hands the legitimate business of administering justice taken from them. And now blacks kill whites in the USA every year as much as they did not kill in the entire Second World War

War. In fact, the physical extermination of white people by blacks is encouraged, except for Jews, of course. And this seems to be the way it should be. Some people find it very satisfying. Whom? World Thieves International! They alone have the money to arrange it all. Divide and rule! In addition, pay attention to the fact that the safety of which single nation in the world is ensured in all countries with

with anti-Semitism laws! Who rules the world? On the pages of the Truz at Last newspaper, many specific cases are given when blacks kill whites in the USA, and who are the lawyers in America? - 90% of American lawyers are Jews. This is their legal system. She puts everything on the brakes. But if it's worth a negro to hurt a Jew - the death penalty. What do you want around the world, justice has been in the hands of the Jewish caste for a long time and it is carried out in accordance with the Seven Laws of Noah. Haven't heard of them? - Absolutely in vain. You live by them! Ignorance of the law is no excuse.

The Seven Laws of Noah, according to which all the courts in the world are already working on an implicit basis, except, perhaps, some Muslim countries and China. Why? Because the administration of justice in all countries is in the hands of the Jewish caste, and therefore it is taken away from all indigenous peoples in all countries. For the chosen race, there are other laws - Moses, for the right goyim - Noah - and the rest for liquidation. Indeed, why in Russia they are tied to some ancient laws of the Shulchan Aruch - when the entire modern judicial system in all Western countries is completely officially guided by even more ancient Noah's laws, this is precisely why they are called civilized. And you thought because they have more technological progress? You are naive people, it is high time to remember obscurantism rules the world. How? And with the help of demagogy, lies and slander.

How long? yes, already 6 thousand years, since the appearance of the chosen race, before it was a secret, but now it is already possible to speak, because only fools do not know this.

Truz at Last, an American local newspaper in the state of Georgia, has a regular column "Negroes kill whites - cases not reported by the press." Lots of cases in every room. Ordinary cases.

White Mom and her adorable six-year-old blond-haired son were walking in a park in Clayton County, Georgia, which is said to be like American Zimbabwe - all blacks. A negro came to a 32-year-old mother and child and ordered them both to get into the trunk of their own car, took her money, took it to a black area and set fire to the car. Mother and boy were burned alive. The examination showed that my mother was furiously trying to tear with her nails, to escape through the wall of the back seat.

In Indianapolis, Indiana, a 20-year-old boy was at a college party. One black guy asked me to take him home. Upon arrival in the black area, he took out a gun, ordered the white kid to give all his money, two dollars, and shot him in the head. He told the investigators that he fired accidentally, but the examination showed that the shot was close to the head.

In Columbus, Ohio, three black men entered a house rented by three college students and shot all three in the back of the head during a robbery after tying them up.

In San Francisco. Maxine Danner, 17, knew her parents didn't approve of her dating a black man. On one date, her 21-year-old black boyfriend raped and strangled her.

In Winona, Minnesota, a 29-year-old white woman also got a black boyfriend. She also had a daughter from a broken
marriage, daughter was 10 years old. The black “friend”, by the way, a professional boxer, broke into her and strangled her, after that he raped her daughter and strangled her too.

Also in Columbus, Ohio, a terribly black city, three black teenagers ordered a young white girl, waitress Andrea Nance, 24, to get into the trunk of her car. Then they drove up to the bank and withdrew from her debit
$350 cards. Then they drove off to a deserted place and set fire to the car along with the girl in the trunk.

Here, for example, is a very interesting book: “The Color of Crime”. Link cover. The book reviews statistics: American blacks are seven times more likely than other races to commit murder and 8 times more likely to be robbed. When blacks commit crimes, they are three times more likely to use firearms and twice as likely as whites -
steel arms.

The Mexican race commits violent crimes three times more often than the white race, while the narrow-eyed race commits violent crimes 4 times less than even the white race.

That is, in the first place in the commission of murders, violence and robberies with the use of weapons, blacks are in the lead by a wide margin, then there are Mexicans, then whites, and at the far end is the narrow-eyed, most non-violent race, in comparison with which blacks commit violent crimes 32 times more often . Here are the legends of the Chinese mafia.
It is noted that the most accurate indicator of crime in the United States is the percentage of blacks and mesikos in a given territory. Of the 770 thousand annual interracial crimes, that is, in relation to each other, in the United States, with the commission of violence, the crimes of blacks against whites account for 85%, and only 15% are crimes
whites against blacks. That is, against whites, blacks annually commit more than half a million violent crimes. That is, every year more than half a million white Americans (that is, an entire large city) become victims of
Negro violence.

Thus, the fears of the settlement of the territory of Russia by the Chinese is something else, but if blacks and Mexicans are exported to Russia - wow!
Blacks are estimated to be 39 times more likely to kill whites than vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit white robberies than vice versa. That is, for one white murder of a black man, blacks respond with 39 murders of whites, and for one white robbery of a black, blacks respond with 136 robberies of white people. Decent proportion.
What is this if not a war of blacks against whites in America, which is not covered in the American press at all? For some reason, this aspect of crime does not attract the press and TV.

Further: only 10% of young whites are members of criminal gangs, while 90% of members of criminal gangs are black and Mexican creative minority of the population. In the United States, from 1980 to 2003, the number of arrests tripled, from 139 to 482 per 100,000 population, so that today there are 4 million prisoners in the “democratic” United States (while in the “totalitarian” USSR in the 1980s years there were only 1 million sitting). AT
there are 7 times more blacks in prisons than whites, and there are three times more Mexicans than whites, although the practice is that blacks are conditionally released, thus, with the majority of the population in the United States, whites are an absolute minority in prisons, to which the manipulators of consciousness declare that because whites are racists.

It is noteworthy that in the Arab diaspora of America, as well as in Muslim countries in general, there is practically no crime at all:

Jews are not represented in the statistics, since there is no such column in American statistics at all, and Jews
can write themselves either as white, or as a Mexican, or as narrow-eyed, or as a black man. Thus, there is no information about Jewish crime at all. There are Jews, but there is no information about their criminality. Although when the Germans briefly
led their country from 1933 to 1945, then for this period the statistics

there is a separate section on Jewish crime.

Politically incorrect statistics of interracial crime in the United States are deliberately hushed up.

As a result, no - even remotely related to real life in America - data on the statistics of crimes (in the interracial part, it is already known) is known to the absolute majority of the population.

This does not mean that someone in the US government "secret" these data - they are openly published and anyone can view them at any time, including from the Web too.

But think for yourself, which of the non-specialists in statistics in general - and even more so when a person is not a narrow specialist in exactly this area of ​​\u200b\u200bit - and in general when he climbed into government databases for some kind of numbers?

People who are professionally engaged in the analysis of data from such sources and then their discussion in news reports, articles and reviews published in the media will never “allow themselves” the publication of such data that may be considered “politically incorrect” in America.
“Not accepted” in the country of America to write about this.
The journal gives a direct link to the page of those statistics and comments on some data from there:
In the United States in 2005, 37,460 white females were sexually assaulted or raped by a black man, while between zero and ten black females were sexually assaulted or raped by a white man.

In 2005, there were more than 37,000 cases in America [only cases officially proven in a court of law fall into those statistics] when a white woman was the victim of sexual violence by a black man, while during the same period there were less than 10 (ten) such kind of cases where a white man raped a black woman.
What this means is that every day in the United States, over one hundred white women are raped or sexually assaulted by a black man.
This means that every day in America, more than a hundred white women are victims of sexual violence by black men.

The journal also provides more detailed information on the official statistics of such crimes:
In the 111,590 cases in which the victim of rape or sexual assault was white, 44.5 percent of the offenders were white, and 33.6 percent of the offenders were black.

There were over 110,000 cases of sexual violence against white women in America in 2005. Of all such crimes, 44.5% of the time, the perpetrator of the attack on a white woman was also a white American. Black men were responsible for 33.6% of these cases.
[recall that: 1) blacks make up 12.5% ​​of the US population; 2) the remaining cases - not discussed here - occur when the crimes were committed by Americans of other racial composition].

In the 36,620 cases in which the victim of rape or sexual assault was black, 100 percent of the offenders were black, and 0.0 percent of the offenders were white. The table explains that 0.0 percent means that there were under 10 incidents nationally.

Black women were victims of sexual violence in more than 36,000 cases that same year. And in 100 percent of all these cases, the crimes were committed by blacks and men.

…Got married. I ride a 650 cc bike, I can handle it quite well. Here everyone observes the traffic rules, the traffic is regulated so much that despite the fact that EVERYONE has almost no traffic jams here.
But blacks are a pipets - monkeys. I freaked out from what I saw. If anything destroys America, then it is not the terrorists, but they. In short, they have their own philosophy. Namely, “once we were slaves to the whites, now they are our slaves.” They never work, they have huge benefits for renting housing in black high-rise buildings. Their unemployment benefits are enough for everything you need. And if you give birth to a dozen children and receive benefits for them, then there will be enough for a Rolls-Royce - these are the cars that stand in front of the houses “for the poor”.

This is the fastest growing part of the American population. And this part doesn't work and SHIT A LOT. American cities, beautiful, clean, well-groomed. Everywhere trust in everything. That is, there are no fences in front of the houses, because no one steals anything, there are almost no guards in the shops.

The Negro areas are AFRICA. This is garbage, eternal disassembly and fires. On average, 3-4 fires per week for one high-rise building the size of our average house of series 83. They can destroy a car at a traffic light if a white man is sitting in it.
If one of the politicians is trying to somehow make them work and live like human beings. His career ends here. They are VOTERS and have the right to vote. The only way to interact with them is to indulge them in everything. It is difficult to describe what horror they created for themselves from their own lives. And sooner or later the country's economy will not withstand this ulcer and it will end badly.
There are blacks who have become people and it is pleasant to deal with them. But there are only a few of them compared to the multi-million army of loafers. These units are ashamed of the color of their skin because of the shame that this same color has branded itself in America. There are blacks - emigrants from Africa. They work hard and conscientiously. They do not have voting rights and benefits, and therefore the right to idleness. It’s a paradox, but from a native, “uncivilized” African or a rastaman from an eternally stoned Jamaican, the country seems to be more useful and useful from them than from African Americans.
Whites are oppressed. There is an organization “black power”, but if someone tries to create a white power, he will be immediately sued for Nazism. And black Nazism is state policy. Black cannot be fired from his job and sued. They become impudent and discontent grows here. New Orleans showed how many blacks live in the ghetto and what they are capable of. I'm afraid it will all end in uprisings and massacres. I really don't know when. I'm serious.

And allowances - let's count together.
Allowances are given for Chicago (figures are half a year old)
Poverty Benefit (NOT Unemployment) – $658-822 per month.
Food Stamps (food stamps) - $ 140-288
Single mother co-payments - $ 145-265
Supplement for a child under 18 years old - $ 670-980
Food stamps per child - $220-296
Benefit for paying utility bills - 96-100%
Medical insurance MedicAid - 85-100%

And now let's calculate the COSTS for living (taking into account living in a state house - “prajekt”)
Apartment rent - $10-75 per month.
Buying food - food stamps are usually enough.
Utilities (minus telephone) - free of charge.
Medical expenses are almost completely covered by MedicAid.
The average family in prajikta is a single mother with three cubs. Even if we count by the minimum, then she receives $2813 per month (this does not include food stamps in the amount of $800 that go to food)
But this is all provided that she is a black woman born in the USA. Naturalized emigrants and representatives of other races receive completely different benefits, an order of magnitude less.
Therefore, if you drive around the Prajekt districts, then it is Rolls-Royce, Bentley and Maybach that are much easier to see there than in rich suburbs.
With Latinas in general and Mexicans in particular, the story is COMPLETELY different. For the most part, they work. And they stick to the conscience. And for such money, for which the average emigrant from Russia will not even tear his ass off the couch.
Who is good in America?

In addition to the Jews, who, according to statistics, own 87% of real, that is, real estate in the United States, blacks, of course, are lafa. Or, as they prefer to call themselves, black. Modern blacks simply do not realize, like many other things, what a wonderful piece of history they live in.
In the US, there is and operates the “Law of Affirmative Action”, adopted in the 60s, which stops all disputes and gives preference to blacks in all disputes. That is, if you need to fire an employee, then the white one will be fired. If you need to be admitted to the institute, then black will be accepted.
The USA is a country of racism in reverse, a country of legitimate black racism declared to be a positive factor.
Where does this position come from? Very simple - the Zionists use blacks to destroy the white population. Blacks don't work for the most part. There are already entire generations of blacks for whom neither parents nor grandparents worked.
grandmas, everyone sat their lives on welfare.
Why such a privilege? Very simple - all that is required of blacks is to decompose whites, that is, to instill in them
their own immorality and the absence of any culture, as well as such a characteristic black sign as the complete non-recognition of such a social factor as the family; the complete lack of chastity in the female sex, namely the complete
promiscuity, addiction to grub and drugs; and of course, the hatred of blacks for whites is stimulated in every possible way, and weapons are put into their hands - shoot blackies - shoot whites, our lawyers will smear you, do not be afraid, cut them with knives, we will smear you.
Race equality theory? - This is a long-past stage - In the United States, the theory of racial superiority of blacks has long been in vogue. But
when blacks are no longer needed - they will be destroyed even faster than blacks are being destroyed in Africa now - this will really be a “movie“ Circus ”. America still formally celebrates Christmas.

However, as a Christian country, America no longer exists, although 200 years ago, the founding fathers specifically proclaimed America a Christian state.
What did it mean? “It meant that the official god in America is Christ. Now in America it is forbidden to exhibit a Christmas tree and other Christian symbols in public institutions, as this gets on the nerves of the Jews.
There is no doubt that George Washington is rolling over in his grave. Wherever there is Christian symbolism, there should be a Jewish menorah nearby, even in a single entrance - otherwise it will be a scandal. Christmas as such is no longer in America, it copes half with the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah.
What is the holiday of Hanukkah? “The Jews are celebrating for a whole week the times when, more than 2,000 years ago, Jewish commanders from the Maccabean clan carried out a successful genocide of the non-Jewish population of the Middle East. But these are still flowers, Christmas is being intensively squeezed out in America in addition to a holiday specially imposed on blacks, which is called “Kwanzaa”.
What it is and what it is about - no one knows, except for the Jews, but they do not tell anyone. Not a single Negro can explain what Kwanzaa is, and what this holiday is about, because they did not invent it. And the secret is simple - it's just that blacks are forced to sniff weed while celebrating Kwanzuu, and not Christian Christmas. Celebrate whatever you want, but not Christmas. This is the measure of the hatred of the radical Jews for Christ, which is absolutely boundless. Make sure Kwanzaa in America gets it right for Christmas. This is the official site of Kwanzaa, which is not maintained by blacks. Kwanzaa is a concrete example of ideological sabotage:

White people have been brought up on false claims of the sameness of races. However, all the events of the last 50 years in the United States show that blacks in the mass are an absolutely wild race. They have absolutely no desire to work. They are prone to earning money in other ways, to robberies, senseless murders, drug addiction, homosexuality,
they have absolutely no concept of family and they do not raise their children. 87% of black children are raised only by their mother. Where are the fathers? “They play basketball, promiscuity, and in between they burn white women in the trunks of their cars. But the central press of the United States and TV do not cover, and the social science of the United States does not analyze these phenomena, they have other tasks - the task of destroying the white race in general. Why do they want to destroy the white race? Read the rabbi's speech

For bandits, using their name, special people write books. Not for free, and someone pays for everything and provides these books with millions of copies and sales in the best bookstores in America and, accordingly, black boys grow up dreaming of becoming gangsters and distributing drugs, and this is the real truth that the US shadow junta needs in this army of drug dealers.

They, in fact, do not fight drugs, but only make an appearance, but in practice they stimulate it; the criminal regime cannot do without crime because the Criminal International rules everything, and in this case, the shadow junta cannot do without an army of distributors, which is why they cultivate it. This training system for the network of drug dealers has its own “vocational schools, technical schools, institutes and universities”, in which the black population of America is trained, under the guise of freedom, put on a needle.

I'll tell you more, the Negroes were the happiest of all, and they had zero crime when they lived in so-called "slavery". And in the world that has become “free”, people have been left to their own devices, and forced to engage in banditry since childhood, because those who really lead this society do not give them any other choice, and then, with supposedly “slavery”, they they were just with the owner who took care of them, and as a result they led a completely decent and prosperous life - if we call a spade a spade. This is an unfinished doctoral dissertation, on the topic: “Increasing the exploitation of man by refusing to support the worker as the real economic basis of the so-called “democracy” by the owner.

US presidential candidate Donald Trump in one of his regular speeches touched on the social status of the African American population. So, he stressed that African Americans live in poverty, and the schools that teach African American children are "no good." Hillary Clinton, if she wins the presidential election, is more likely to provide jobs for refugees from the Middle East than African Americans who "become refugees in their own country."

Of course, Donald Trump's words are just words. In an attempt to win the support of African-American voters, Trump will continue to promise them a better life if he wins the election. But as far as the social status of the African American population is concerned, there is no doubt about the truth of Mr. Trump's words. African Americans are indeed a socially disadvantaged group of the American population - and this despite the fact that they are not immigrants, migrants or refugees.

Despite the fact that in the United States the equality of the white and black population is declared in every possible way, the socio-economic situation of African Americans practically does not change from this. Moreover, measures to "eliminate discrimination" are almost exclusively advocacy in nature. For example, the use of the word “Negro” in the United States began to be interpreted almost as a crime, as discrimination against blacks, but at the same time, millions of African Americans live in total poverty and in order to pull them out of this state, no steps are taken from this state. You can make thousands of films with a positive black hero, introduce special tolerance courses into school curricula, even make a black person the president of the country - but in the absence of real measures to eliminate unemployment, improve education, increase wages, all these propaganda steps turn into empty air shaking. There is no relationship between black President Barack Obama and the millions of socially deprived populations in American cities. Some experts speak of current American policy towards the Negro population as "affirmative discrimination." Now they prefer not to talk about discrimination against blacks in the United States, ignoring the very fact of the deepest social and economic problems that are associated with the situation of the African American population of the country.

One of the most important manifestations of the true social position of African Americans in the United States is economic inequality. Until now, African Americans, on average, are much poorer than representatives of other ethnic and racial groups in the American population. This is due to the persistence of poverty in African American communities. Poverty is inherited, poverty drags on, becomes the most important obstacle to social mobility. Many African Americans have achieved success in the US - they are present in politics, in business, in sports, in culture. But the majority of the country's African Americans still remain much poorer than whites. Moreover, the poverty of the African American population is growing, not decreasing. This is facilitated by the specifics of the development of the American economy. As the market demand for unskilled labor declines, more and more African Americans without a normal education remain in the category of perpetual unemployed. If in 2000 the median income of an African American household was 64% of the income of a white American household, then eleven years later, in 2011, it was already 58% of the median income of a white household. That is, the income of the African American population on average decreased by 6%. In the four years from 2005 to 2009, the gap in the financial wealth of African Americans and whites also widened. If in 2005 African Americans had eleven times less assets than whites, then in 2009 they already had twenty times less assets.

Total poverty forces many African Americans to depend on social assistance from the state and charitable organizations. At the same time, it is worth dispelling the illusions of some Russians who believe that the amount of social assistance in the United States is very significant, and that most African Americans live precisely “on benefits”. This is nothing more than speculation. In the end, it is beneficial just to the American leadership, since the full responsibility for the social and economic situation of the black population in this case is shifted from the state to the African Americans themselves - they say, the state does everything it can, pays benefits, and the blacks themselves are lazy and do not want to work. In fact, there are approximately 14 million people in the United States who receive gratuitous social assistance. Of these, 65% are children and adolescents. That is, two-thirds of social assistance falls on helping children from low-income families. Strictly speaking, what else can children live on, if not on benefits, if their parents are either absent or unable to earn money? Most of the remaining 35% of social assistance recipients are women. And it's not only African-American women, but also white ones. There are even more whites - 38% against 37% of African Americans. The remaining recipients of social assistance - representatives of other racial and ethnic groups, including Hispanics, Asians, Indians.

The economic inequality of African Americans is exacerbated by social inequality. At one time, the famous French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu wrote about three types of capital - economic, social and cultural. Social and cultural capital is equally important, since it is the possession of them that allows families to provide education and careers for their children. The African American population of the United States, with rare exceptions, has minimal social and cultural capital. Today, over 70% of African American children are born out of wedlock. It is clear that most of them are then brought up in single-parent families, where the only breadwinner is the mother. For comparison, only 25% of white children are born outside of official marriage. Naturally, this circumstance alone has a huge impact on the social position of the African American population, determining the future of most children at the bottom of the social hierarchy of American society.

The social inequality of African Americans and whites is a natural consequence of the discriminatory policies implemented in the first half of the twentieth century. After all, the abolition of segregation in the United States occurred only in the 1960s, and then thanks to an active social movement on the one hand, and the difficult international situation on the other. In a country that today is trying to pass itself off as a stronghold of world democracy, a few decades ago there was an officially confirmed inequality of the rights of representatives of different races. Until now, white and black Americans consider themselves to be representatives of different social groups. African Americans have their own identity, which in some aspects not only does not intersect with the common American identity, but also contradicts it. What is, for example, the massive spread of Islam among black Americans. To some extent, the adoption of Islam was seen by many African Americans as a way to emphasize their "otherness", belonging not to the world of European culture associated with Christianity, but to the Afro-Arab world. However, the majority of African Americans still profess Christianity, although many of them belong to purely African American church communities, which also practically do not intersect with the "white" world.

African American culture emphasizes the differences between African Americans and whites. To a certain extent, we are dealing with "racism in reverse." The ideologists of African American socio-political movements in the first half - mid-twentieth century. they tried to develop their own concepts that explained the differences between blacks and whites and even some superiority of blacks over whites. Africans were prescribed greater sensuality, intuitiveness, in contrast to representatives of the Caucasian race. During the period of decolonization of the African continent, the ideas of "African exceptionalism" were raised to the shield by many politicians who came to power in African countries. These ideas, in particular, imply a critical attitude towards the achievements of European civilization, which is regarded as less humane than the civilizations of the African continent. Of course, the inhabitants of the African-American "ghettos" in the United States do not think about such high matters, but they draw a line of difference from whites quite clearly. For example, among African-American teenagers, the image of a school honors student, a guy or a girl, poring over textbooks and linking his future activities with mental work, is not popular.

Among African-American teenagers, another model of achieving success in life is more popular, associated at best with a sports or musical career, and at worst, simply with crime. Many African American children, even those who are born capable, deliberately do not show diligence in their studies so as not to stand out from the general African American environment and not come into conflict with other blacks. This, in particular, was written by George Akerlof in his work The Economics of Identity. But if the white Akerlof could still be reproached for tendentiousness, then what about the conclusions of another researcher - the Nigerian sociologist John Ogbu, who moved to the USA and got a job teaching at the University of Berkeley in California? Ogbu even coined the term "Bad Diligence Syndrome", which he uses to characterize the attitude of African American children towards learning. Moreover, even children from high-status and wealthy African-American families who attend prestigious schools, in which representatives of various racial and ethnic groups study, do not strive to study. “Positive discrimination” also played a role in consolidating such an attitude to learning - such children expect to enter colleges and universities on the benefits that exist for African Americans without making any special efforts. It turns out that if the children of the African-American intelligentsia argue this way, then what can we say about the children of the slums?

Economic and social inequality are combined with social deprivation of the African American population of the country. As is known, in percentage terms, the proportion of the Negro population is highest in the southern states, which were once strongholds of plantation slavery. There is still a very large African American population in states such as South Carolina, Mississippi, Louisiana, which are considered the most "black" US states. But an impressive number of African Americans also live in large cities of the country, primarily in New York. In areas densely populated by African Americans, sociologists note a much worse standard of living than in areas where white Americans live. "Negro quarters" are, in fact, social ghettoes in which total poverty caused by unemployment, street crime, drug addiction and drug trafficking, alcoholism, and prostitution flourish.

At one time, the American government tried to solve the problems of the slums in which African Americans lived, and began to build new residential areas. However, the high-rise areas inhabited by African Americans have turned into even worse ghettos than the old slums. Sociologist Sadhir Venkatesh notes that plans to improve the living standards of the African American population have actually failed. In residential areas where African Americans live, the main problems have become: overcrowding of apartments, poor and failing public utilities infrastructure, mass poverty on the verge of poverty. Of course, the new areas also have a high level of crime and drug addiction.

The social inequality of the African American population is also clearly manifested in the health sector. Since most African Americans belong to the lower social classes, they simply do not have the money to take care of their health. Plus, the lifestyle that African Americans lead is by no means conducive to improving medical indicators. The life expectancy of African American men and women is 5-7 years lower than the average life expectancy of white Americans. Among African Americans, diseases such as diabetes and hypertension are much more common. Over 30% of African American men and over 41% of women are obese, reflecting poor quality and malnutrition. With regard to the level of AIDS among the African American population, it is approaching the level of African countries. African Americans make up 48% of AIDS patients, while the proportion of African Americans in the total US population is 12.6%. Needless to say, high-quality medical services for the vast majority of African Americans are simply inaccessible due to their high cost, and the culture of caring for one's health has not been developed in African American ghettos. Despite the fact that African-American families have a fairly high birth rate, the crisis of family values ​​in "black" America manifests itself much more clearly. A huge number of children, as we noted above, are born out of wedlock, in fact, a typical African American family is a mother and children or grandmother, mother and children.

From time to time, real uprisings of African Americans break out in the United States, the reason for which, as a rule, is the brutality shown by the police. As a rule, the state solves the issues of suppressing such protests harshly and promptly, not shunning the use of military force, including the introduction of tanks into the streets of rebellious cities. At the same time, of course, the American authorities completely forget about the pseudo-democratic demagogy applied to other countries in such situations. However, the violent suppression of protests does not mean that the problem of social and economic inequality of African Americans can be solved in this way. On the contrary, the position of the African American population has an obvious tendency to gradually worsen, which will be especially noticeable in years to come, given the higher birth rate.