Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Where do you get hydrogen from? Producing hydrogen by electrolysis of water

Hydrogen energy arose as one of the lines development of scientific and technological progress in the 70s of the previous century. As research into the production, transportation, storage, and use of hydrogen has expanded, the environmental benefits of hydrogen technologies in a variety of applications have become increasingly clear. National economy. Efficiency of development of some hydrogen technologies ( fuel cells, metal hydride systems, hydrogen transport systems, etc.) have shown that the use of hydrogen gives completely new qualitative indicators in the functioning of units and systems.

Conducted feasibility tests have shown that, despite the fact that the element hydrogen is a secondary energy carrier, that is, it is more expensive than natural fuels, its use in some economic cases is already advisable today. Therefore, work in the hydrogen energy industry in most countries, especially those with developed industry, is considered priority areas development of technology and science. They are increasingly supported by finance from the state and private capital.

Properties of hydrogen

At normal conditions In the free state, hydrogen is a colorless, odorless gas. Hydrogen has a density relative to air of 1/14. It is usually found in combination with other elements, for example, carbon in methane, oxygen in water, in various organic compounds. Because hydrogen is extremely reactive chemically, it is rarely found in an unbound form.

Hydrogen, cooled to a liquid state, occupies 1/700 of the volume of its gaseous state. When combined with oxygen, hydrogen has the highest energy content per unit of mass: 120.7 GJ/t. This is one of several reasons why liquid hydrogen is used as a rocket fuel and serves as energy for modern spaceships, for which the specific energy content of hydrogen is high and low molecular mass It has great importance. In pure oxygen, when burned, the only products are water and high temperature heat. Thus, in the case of the use of hydrogen, no harmful greenhouse gases are emitted and there is no disruption of the natural water cycle.

Hydrogen production

Hydrogen resources contained in water and organic matter, are almost inexhaustible. Breaking these bonds makes it possible to produce hydrogen, after which the hydrogen is used for fuel. Many processes have been developed to separate water into its constituent parts.

When water is heated above 2500°C, it begins to decompose into oxygen and hydrogen (direct thermolysis). Such high temperatures are obtained, for example, using solar energy concentrators. The problem here is to prevent the recombination of oxygen and hydrogen.

Today in the world, the bulk of hydrogen produced on an industrial scale is obtained during steam methane reforming (SMR). Thus, hydrogen production makes it possible to use it as a reagent for the oil purification process and as a component of nitrogen fertilizers and for rocket technology. Thermal energy and steam at temperatures of 750-800°C are necessary for the release of hydrogen from carbon basis in methane, which is what happens on catalytic surfaces in chemical reformers. The very first stage of the PCM process separates water vapor and methane into carbon monoxide and hydrogen. In the second stage, a “shift reaction” converts carbon monoxide and water into hydrogen and carbon dioxide. This reaction occurs at 200-250°C.

In the USSR in the 30s industrial scale Synthesis gas was obtained through steam-air gasification of coal. Today, at the Institute of Chemical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, located in Chernogolovka, a technology is being created for gasification of coal in a superadiabatic mode. This technology makes it possible to convert the heat energy of coal into thermal energy synthesis gas with an efficiency of 98%.

Since the 70s of the previous century, in our country projects of helium high-temperature reactors (HTGR) of energy-technological nuclear power plants (AETS) for ferrous metallurgy and chemical industry: ABTU-50, and then - a project for a nuclear power plant with a VG-400 reactor, with a capacity of 1060 MW for a chemical-nuclear complex for the production of hydrogen and mixtures containing it, for the production of methanol and ammonia, several more projects in this direction.

The basis for all HTGR projects was the development of nuclear engines for hydrogen-based rockets. Test high-temperature reactors produced in our country for these purposes, as well as nuclear demonstration engines for rockets have shown performance when hydrogen is heated to maximum temperature 3000K.

High temperature reactors based on helium coolant – newest type universal environmentally friendly nuclear energy sources, the unique characteristics of which are the ability to receive heat at temperatures above 1000°C and highest level safety - determine the incredible possibilities of their use for production in the gas turbine cycle electrical energy with high efficiency and to provide high-temperature heat and electricity to production processes for hydrogen production, technological processes in oil refining, chemical, metallurgical and other industries, for water desalination processes.

The most modern in this area is the international GT-MGR project, which is being developed through the joint efforts of domestic institutes and the GA company from the USA. The companies Fuji Electric and Framatom are also collaborating with the project.

Receipt atomic hydrogen

The source of atomic hydrogen are substances that split off hydrogen atoms when they are irradiated. During ultraviolet irradiation, for example, hydrogen iodide, a reaction begins to occur with the release of atomic hydrogen.

To release atomic hydrogen, thermal dissociation of molecular hydrogen is used on palladium, platinum or tungsten wire heated at a pressure of less than 1.33 Pa in a hydrogen atmosphere. The separation of hydrogen into atoms can also be achieved using radioactive substances. There is a method for synthesizing atomic hydrogen in a high-frequency electric discharge with further freezing of molecular hydrogen.

Physical options for methods for producing hydrogen from mixtures containing it

Hydrogen in significant amounts found in many mixtures of gases, in coke oven gas, for example, which is released during the pyrolysis of butadiene, in the production of divinyl.

To isolate hydrogen from mixtures of gases containing hydrogen, use physical methods concentration and release of hydrogen.

Fractionation and low temperature condensation. This process is described high degree obtaining hydrogen from gas mixture and profitable economic indicators. As a rule, at a gas pressure of 4 MPa, for the release of 93-94% hydrogen, the temperature should be 115 K. When the hydrogen content in the source gas is more than 40%, the degree of its production can reach 95%. The energy consumption for concentrating H2 to 70-90% is equivalent to 22 kWh per 1000 m3 of hydrogen produced.

Adsorption release. This process occurs through the use of molecular sieves and adsorbers operating cyclically. It can be sold under a pressure of 3-3.5 MPa with extraction of up to 80-85% H2 in the form of a 90% concentrate. In comparison with the low-temperature method of producing hydrogen, this process requires approximately 25-30% less material costs and 30-40% less operating costs.

Adsorption hydrogen production using liquid solvents. In some cases, the method is suitable for producing hydrogen in pure form. This method allows you to extract up to 80-90% of the hydrogen contained in the initial mixture of gases, as well as achieve its concentration in the final product up to 99.9%. Energy consumption for hydrogen production reaches 68 kWh per 1000 m3 H2.

Producing hydrogen by electrolysis of water

Electrolysis of water is one of the common and well-studied methods for producing hydrogen. It guarantees obtaining the product in its pure form (99.6-99.9% H2) in one technological step. To obtain hydrogen in production costs, the cost of electricity is about 855.

This method is used in several countries that have significant reserves of inexpensive hydropower. The largest electrochemical complexes are located in India, Canada, Norway, Egypt, but many small installations have been created and operate in different countries peace. This method is also considered important because it is the most universal in relation to the use of primary energy sources. In connection with the spread of nuclear energy, a new flourishing of water electrolysis processes has become possible due to inexpensive electrical energy nuclear power plants. Electric power resources today are insufficient to synthesize hydrogen as a product for further use in the energy sector.

The electrochemical method for producing hydrogen from water has the following advantages:

1. High purity of hydrogen in the final product - up to 99.99% or more;

2. Lightness and consistency technological process, the process can be automated, there are no moving parts in the electrolytic cell;

3. The possibility of obtaining very valuable additional products - oxygen and heavy water;

4. Inexhaustible and accessible feedstock – water;

5. Possibility of producing hydrogen directly under pressure;

6. Physical distribution of oxygen and hydrogen during electrolysis.

In all the above examples of producing hydrogen by decomposing water by-product are large volumes of oxygen. This opens up new possibilities for its use. It can find its place not only as an accelerator of technology processes, but also as an indispensable purifier of water bodies. This application of oxygen can extend to soil, atmosphere and water. Combustion of increasing amounts of household waste in oxygen will help solve the problem of solid waste in large cities.

Another valuable product of water electrolysis - heavy water - is an excellent neutron moderator in all nuclear reactors. This heavy water can be used as a raw material for the synthesis of deuterium, which serves as a material for thermonuclear energy.

On a limited scale, the method of interaction of water vapor with phosphorus and thermal decomposition hydrocarbons:

CH 4 (1000 °C) = C + 2 H 2 (released as a gas).

In some cases, hydrogen is obtained from the catalytic splitting of methanol with steam

CH 3 OH + H 2 O (250 °C) = CO 2 + 3 H 2,

or as a result of catalytic thermal decomposition of ammonia

2 NH 3 (950 °C) --> N 2 + 3 H 2.

However, these starting compounds are produced on a large scale from hydrogen; Meanwhile, obtaining hydrogen from them is especially simple and can be used in industries that consume it in relatively small quantities (less than 500 m 3 /day).

The most important methods for producing hydrogen.

1. Dissolution of zinc in dilute hydrochloric acid

Zn + 2 HCl = ZnCl 2 + H 2

This method is most often used in laboratories.

Instead of hydrochloric acid, you can also use diluted sulfuric acid; however, if the concentration of the latter is too high, then the released gas is easily contaminated with SO 2 and H 2 S. When using not completely pure zinc, other compounds that pollute hydrogen are also formed, for example AsH 3 and PH 3. Their presence determines bad smell hydrogen obtained by this method.

For purification, hydrogen is passed through acidified solution permanganate or potassium dichromate, and then through a solution of potassium hydroxide, as well as through concentrated sulfuric acid or through a layer of silica gel to remove moisture. The smallest droplets of liquid captured by hydrogen during its production and enclosed in gas bubbles are best removed using a filter made of tightly compressed ordinary or glass wool.

If you have to use pure zinc, then two drops of hydroplatinic acid or copper sulfate must be added to the acid, otherwise the zinc will not react.

2. Dissolving aluminum or silicon in caustic alkali

2 Al + 2 NaOH + 6 H 2 O = 2 Na + 3 H 2

Si + 2 KOH + H 2 O = Na 2 SiO 3 + 2 H 2

These reactions were previously used to produce hydrogen in the field (for filling balloons). To produce 1 m 3 of hydrogen (at 0 ° C and 760 mm Hg) only 0.81 kg of aluminum or 0.63 kg of silicon is required, compared to 2.9 kg of zinc or 2.5 kg of iron.

Instead of silicon, ferrosilicon is also used (silicon method). A mixture of ferrosilicon and solution caustic soda, introduced shortly before the First World War in French army called hydrogenite, it has the property of smoldering after ignition with the energetic release of hydrogen according to the following reaction:

Si + Ca(OH) 2 + 2 NaOH = Na 2 SiO 3 + CaO + 2 H 2.

3. Effect of sodium on water

2 Na + 2 H 2 O = 2 NaOH + H 2

Due to the fact that pure sodium reacts too vigorously in this case, it is more often introduced into the reaction in the form of sodium amalgam; This method is used primarily for the production of hydrogen when it is used for reduction "in statu nascendi". Other alkali and alkaline earth metals react similarly with sodium and water.

4. Effect of calcium hydride on water

CaH 2 + 2 H 2 O = Ca(OH) 2 + 2 H 2

This method is a convenient way to produce hydrogen in the field. To obtain 1 m 3 of hydrogen, theoretically, 0.94 kg of CaH 2 is required and, apart from water, no other reagents are required.5. Passing water vapor over red-hot iron

4 H 2 O + 3 Fe = Fe 3 O 4 + 4 H 2

Using this reaction in 1783, Lavoisier first analytically proved the composition of water. The iron oxide formed during this reaction can be easily reduced to metallic iron by passing a generator gas over it so that passing water vapor over the same iron can be carried out an arbitrary number of times. This method has long been of great industrial importance. It is still used on a small scale today.

6. Passing water vapor over the coke.

At temperatures above 1000 °C, the reaction proceeds mainly according to the equation

H 2 O + C = CO + H 2.

First, water gas is obtained, i.e. a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide with an admixture of small quantities carbon dioxide and nitrogen. Carbon dioxide is easily removed by washing with water under pressure. Carbon monoxide and nitrogen are removed using the Frank-Caro-Linde process, i.e., by liquefying these impurities, which is achieved by cooling with liquid air to -200 ° C. Traces of CO are removed by passing the gas over heated soda lime

CO + NaOH = HCOONa - sodium formate.

This method gives very pure hydrogen, which is used, for example, for the hydrogenation of fats.

More often, however, water gas mixed with water vapor at a temperature of 400 °C is passed over appropriate catalysts, for example, over iron or cobalt oxide ( contact method obtaining water gas). In this case, CO reacts with water according to the equation

CO + H 2 Opar = CO 2 + H 2 (“CO conversion”).

The resulting CO 2 is absorbed by water (under pressure). The remainder of carbon monoxide (~1 vol. %) is washed out with an ammonia solution of copper monochloride. The water gas used in this method is obtained by passing water vapor over hot coke. IN Lately The interaction of water vapor with pulverized coal (the transformation of coal dust into gases) is increasingly being used. The water gas obtained in this way usually contains a large amount of hydrogen. Hydrogen (containing nitrogen) released from water gas is used mainly for the synthesis of ammonia and hydrogenation of coal.

7. Fractional liquefied coke oven gas.

Similar to production from water gas, hydrogen can be obtained by fractional liquefaction of coke oven gas, the main integral part which is hydrogen.

First, coke oven gas, from which sulfur is previously removed, is purified from CO 2 by washing with water under pressure, followed by treatment with a solution of sodium hydroxide. Then they are gradually freed from remaining impurities by stepwise condensation until only hydrogen remains; It is cleaned of other impurities by washing it with very cool water. liquid nitrogen. This method is used mainly to obtain hydrogen for the synthesis of ammonia.

8. Interaction of methane with water vapor (decomposition of methane).

Methane reacts with water vapor in the presence of appropriate catalysts when heated (1100 °C) according to the equation

CH 4 + H 2 Opar + 204 kJ (at constant pressure).

The heat required for the reaction must be supplied either externally or by using " internal combustion", i.e. by mixing air or oxygen so that part of the methane burns to carbon dioxide

CH 4 + 2 O 2 = CO 2 + 2 H 2 Opar + 802 kJ (at constant pressure).

In this case, the ratio of components is chosen so that the reaction as a whole is exothermic

12 CH 4 + 5 H 2 Opar + 5 O 2 = 29 H2 + 9 CO + 3 CO 2 + 85.3 kJ.

Hydrogen is also produced from carbon monoxide through “CO conversion”. Carbon dioxide is removed by washing with water under pressure. Hydrogen obtained by decomposing methane is used mainly in the synthesis of ammonia and hydrogenation of coal.

9. Interaction of water vapor with phosphorus (violet).

2 P + 8 H 2 O = 2 H 3 PO 4 + 5 H 2

Typically, the process is carried out in this way: phosphorus vapor, obtained from the reduction of calcium phosphate in an electric furnace, is passed along with water vapor over the catalyst at 400-600 ° C (with increasing temperature, the equilibrium of this reaction shifts to the left). The interaction of the initially formed H 3 PO 4 with phosphorus to form H 3 PO 3 and PH 3 is prevented by rapid cooling of the reaction products (quenching). This method is used primarily if hydrogen is used for the synthesis of ammonia, which is then processed into an important, impurity-free fertilizer - ammophos (a mixture of hydro- and dihydrogen ammonium phosphate).

10. Electrolytic decomposition of water.

2 H 2 O = 2 H 2 + O 2

Pure water practically does not conduct current, so electrolytes (usually KOH) are added to it. During electrolysis, hydrogen is released at the cathode. An equivalent amount of oxygen is released at the anode, which is therefore a by-product in this method.

The hydrogen produced by electrolysis is very pure, except for the admixture of small amounts of oxygen, which can easily be removed by passing the gas over suitable catalysts, for example over slightly heated palladized asbestos. Therefore, it is used both for the hydrogenation of fats and for other catalytic hydrogenation processes. Hydrogen produced by this method is quite expensive.

Application of hydrogen.

Currently, hydrogen is produced in huge quantities. Very most it is used in the synthesis of ammonia, hydrogenation of fats and in the hydrogenation of coal, oils and hydrocarbons. In addition, hydrogen is used for the synthesis of hydrochloric acid, methyl alcohol, hydrocyanic acid, in welding and forging metals, as well as in the manufacture of incandescent lamps and precious stones. Hydrogen is sold in cylinders under a pressure of over 150 atm. They are painted in dark green color and are provided with the red inscription "Hydrogen".

Hydrogen is used to convert liquid fats into solid fats (hydrogenation), producing liquid fuel by hydrogenating coal and fuel oil. In metallurgy, hydrogen is used as a reducing agent for oxides or chlorides to produce metals and non-metals (germanium, silicon, gallium, zirconium, hafnium, molybdenum, tungsten, etc.).

The practical uses of hydrogen are varied: it is usually used to fill probe balloons; in the chemical industry it serves as a raw material for the production of many very important products(ammonia, etc.), in food - for production from vegetable oils solid fats, etc. The high temperature (up to 2600 °C) resulting from the combustion of hydrogen in oxygen is used to melt refractory metals, quartz, etc. Liquid hydrogen is one of the most efficient jet fuels. Annual global consumption of hydrogen exceeds 1 million tons.

Inventor's name: Ermakov Viktor Grigorievich
Patent owner's name: Ermakov Viktor Grigorievich
Correspondence address: 614037, Perm, Mozyrskaya st., 5, apt. 70 Ermakov Viktor Grigorievich
Patent start date: 1998.04.27

The invention is intended for the energy sector and can be used to obtain cheap and economical energy sources. Superheated water vapor with a temperature of 500-550 o C. Superheated water vapor is passed through a constant electric field high voltage (6000 V) to produce hydrogen and oxygen. The method is simple in hardware design, economical, fire and explosion-proof, and highly productive.


Hydrogen, when combined with oxygen through oxidation, ranks first in calorie content per 1 kg of fuel among all combustibles used for generating electricity and heat. But the high calorific value of hydrogen has not yet been used to produce electricity and heat and cannot compete with hydrocarbon fuels.

An obstacle to the use of hydrogen in the energy sector is the expensive method of producing it, which is not economically justified. To produce hydrogen, electrolysis plants are mainly used, which are low-productive and the energy spent on producing hydrogen is equal to the energy obtained from burning this hydrogen.

There is a known method for producing hydrogen and oxygen from superheated water vapor with a temperature of 1800-2500 o C described in the UK application N 1489054 (cl. C 01 B 1/03, 1977). This method is complex, energy-intensive and difficult to implement.

The closest to the proposed method is the method of producing hydrogen and oxygen from water vapor on a catalyst by passing this steam through an electric field, described in the UK application N 1585527 (cl. C 01 B 3/04, 1981).

The disadvantages of this method include:

    impossibility of obtaining hydrogen in large quantities;

    energy intensity;

    the complexity of the device and the use of expensive materials;

    the impossibility of implementing this method when using technical water, because at a temperature saturated steam deposits and scale will form on the walls of the device and on the catalyst, which will lead to its rapid failure;

    To collect the resulting hydrogen and oxygen, special collection containers are used, which makes the method fire and explosive.

The task to which the invention is directed is eliminating the above disadvantages, as well as obtaining a cheap source of energy and heat.

This is achieved by that in the method of producing hydrogen and oxygen from water steam, which includes passing this steam through an electric field, according to the invention, superheated steam with a temperature of 500-550 o C and pass it through an electric field direct current high voltage, thereby causing the dissociation of steam and its division into atoms hydrogen and oxygen.


    Electronic connection between atoms hydrogen and oxygen weakens in proportion to the increase in water temperature. This is confirmed by practice when burning dry coal. Before burning dry coal, it is watered. Wet coal produces more heat and burns better. This occurs because at the high temperature of coal combustion, water breaks down into hydrogen and oxygen. Hydrogen burns and gives additional calories to the coal, and oxygen increases the volume of oxygen in the air in the firebox, which promotes better and complete combustion of coal.

    The ignition temperature of hydrogen from 580 before 590 o C, the decomposition of water must be below the ignition threshold of hydrogen.

    Electronic bonding between hydrogen and oxygen atoms at temperature 550 o C is still sufficient for the formation of water molecules, but the electron orbits are already distorted, the connection with the hydrogen and oxygen atoms is weakened. In order for the electrons to leave their orbits and the atomic bond between them to disintegrate, the electrons need to add more energy, but not heat, but energy electric field high voltage. Then potential energy electric field is converted to kinetic energy electron. The speed of electrons in a direct current electric field increases proportionally square root voltage applied to the electrodes.

    The decomposition of superheated steam in an electric field can occur at a low steam velocity, and such a steam velocity at a temperature 550 o C can only be obtained in an open space.

    To obtain hydrogen and oxygen in large quantities, you need to use the law of conservation of matter. From this law it follows: in whatever quantity water was decomposed into hydrogen and oxygen, in the same quantity we obtain water from the oxidation of these gases.

The possibility of implementing the invention is confirmed by examples carried out in three installation options.

All three installation options are made from identical, standardized cylindrical products made from steel pipes.

First option
Operation and installation device of the first option ( scheme 1).

In all three options, the operation of the installations begins with the preparation of superheated steam in an open space with a steam temperature of 550 o C. The open space ensures a speed along the steam decomposition circuit up to 2 m/s.

The preparation of superheated steam occurs in a steel pipe made of heat-resistant steel /starter/, the diameter and length of which depends on the power of the installation. The power of the installation determines the amount of decomposed water, liters/s.

One liter of water contains 124 l hydrogen And 622 l oxygen, in terms of calories is 329 kcal.

Before starting the installation, the starter warms up from 800 to 1000 o C/heating is done in any way/.

One end of the starter is plugged with a flange through which metered water enters for decomposition to the calculated power. The water in the starter heats up to 550 o C, freely exits the other end of the starter and enters the decomposition chamber, to which the starter is connected by flanges.

In the decomposition chamber, superheated steam is decomposed into hydrogen and oxygen by an electric field created by positive and negative electrodes, which are supplied with direct current with voltage 6000 V. The positive electrode is the chamber body itself /pipe/, and the negative electrode is a thin-walled steel pipe mounted in the center of the body, along the entire surface of which there are holes with a diameter of 20 mm.

The electrode pipe is a mesh that should not create resistance for hydrogen entering the electrode. The electrode is attached to the pipe body using bushings, and high voltage is supplied through the same fastening. The end of the negative electrode tube ends in an electrically insulating and heat-resistant tube for the hydrogen to escape through the chamber flange. Oxygen exits from the decomposition chamber body through a steel pipe. The positive electrode /camera body/ must be grounded and the positive pole of the DC power supply must be grounded.

Exit hydrogen towards oxygen 1:5.

Second option
Operation and installation device according to the second option ( scheme 2).

Installation of the second option is intended to obtain large quantities hydrogen and oxygen due to the parallel decomposition of large amounts of water and the oxidation of gases in boilers to produce working steam high pressure for power plants running on hydrogen /hereinafter WPP/.

The operation of the installation, as in the first option, begins with the preparation of superheated steam in the starter. But this starter is different from the starter in version 1. The difference is that at the end of the starter there is a welded tap in which a steam switch is mounted, which has two positions - “start” and “run”.

The steam generated in the starter enters the heat exchanger, which is designed to adjust the temperature of the recovered water after oxidation in the boiler / K1/ before 550 o C. Heat exchanger / That/ - pipe, like all products with the same diameter. Between the pipe flanges, heat-resistant steel tubes are installed, through which superheated steam passes. The tubes are flown around with water from a closed cooling system.

From the heat exchanger, superheated steam enters the decomposition chamber, exactly the same as in the first installation option.

Hydrogen and oxygen from the decomposition chamber enter the burner of boiler 1, in which the hydrogen is ignited with a lighter - a torch is formed. The torch, flowing around boiler 1, creates high-pressure working steam in it. The tail of the torch from boiler 1 enters boiler 2 and with its heat in boiler 2 prepares steam for boiler 1. Continuous oxidation of gases begins along the entire circuit of the boilers according to the well-known formula:

2H 2 + O 2 = 2H 2 O + heat

As a result of the oxidation of gases, water is reduced and heat is released. This heat in the installation is collected by boilers 1 and boilers 2, turning this heat into high-pressure working steam. And the reconstituted water high temperature enters the next heat exchanger, from it into the next decomposition chamber. This sequence of transition of water from one state to another continues as many times as it is required to obtain energy from this collected heat in the form of working steam to provide the design power WPP.

After the first portion of superheated steam bypasses all products, gives the circuit the calculated energy and leaves the last one in boiler circuit 2, the superheated steam is directed through the pipe to the steam switch mounted on the starter. The steam switch is moved from the “start” position to the “run” position, after which it goes to the starter. The starter turns off /water, warming up/. From the starter, superheated steam enters the first heat exchanger, and from it into the decomposition chamber. Begins new round superheated steam along the circuit. From this moment on, the decomposition and plasma circuit is closed on itself.

The installation uses water only to generate high-pressure working steam, which is taken from the return of the exhaust steam circuit after the turbine.

Lack of power plants for WPP- this is their bulkiness. For example, for WPP on 250 MW needs to be decomposed at the same time 455 l water in one second, and this will require 227 decomposition chambers, 227 heat exchangers, 227 boilers / K1/, 227 boilers / K2/. But such cumbersomeness will be justified a hundredfold only by the fact that the fuel for WPP there will only be water, not to mention environmental cleanliness WPP, cheap electrical energy and heat.

Third option
3rd version of the power plant ( scheme 3).

This is exactly the same power plant as the second one.

The difference between them is that this installation operates constantly from the starter; the circuit for decomposing steam and burning hydrogen in oxygen is not closed on itself. The final product in the installation will be a heat exchanger with a decomposition chamber. This arrangement of products will make it possible to produce, in addition to electrical energy and heat, hydrogen and oxygen or hydrogen and ozone. Power plant on 250 MW when operating from the starter, it will consume energy to warm up the starter, water 7.2 m 3 /h and water for the formation of working steam 1620 m 3 /h/water used from the exhaust steam return circuit/. In the power plant for WPP water temperature 550 o C. Steam pressure 250 at. The energy consumption to create an electric field per decomposition chamber will be approximately 3600 kW/h.

Power plant on 250 MW when placing products on four floors, it will take up space 114 x 20 m and height 10 m. Not taking into account the area for the turbine, generator and transformer on 250 kVA - 380 x 6000 V.


    The heat obtained from the oxidation of gases can be used directly on site, and hydrogen and oxygen are obtained by recycling waste steam and process water.

    Low water consumption when generating electricity and heat.

    Simplicity of the method.

    Significant energy savings because it is spent only on warming up the starter to the established thermal regime.

    High process productivity, because dissociation of water molecules lasts tenths of a second.

    Explosion and fire safety of the method, because when implementing it, there is no need for containers for collecting hydrogen and oxygen.

    During the operation of the installation, the water is purified many times, transforming into distilled water. This eliminates sediment and scale, which increases the service life of the installation.

    The installation is made of ordinary steel; with the exception of boilers made of heat-resistant steel with lining and shielding of their walls. That is, no special expensive materials are required.

The invention may find application in industry by replacing hydrocarbon and nuclear fuels in power plants to cheap, widespread and environmentally friendly water while maintaining the power of these installations.


Method for producing hydrogen and oxygen from water vapor, including passing this steam through an electric field, characterized in that they use superheated water steam at a temperature 500 - 550 o C, passed through a high voltage direct current electric field to dissociate the vapor and separate it into hydrogen and oxygen atoms.

You will need

  • 1.5 liter plastic bottle, rubber ball, pan with water, potassium hydroxide or sodium hydroxide ( caustic soda, caustic soda), 40 centimeters of aluminum wire, a piece of zinc, a glass container with a narrow neck, a solution of hydrochloric acid, a rubber ball, a 12 Volt battery, a copper wire, a zinc wire, a glass vessel, water, table salt, glue, syringe .


Fill a plastic bottle halfway with water. Throw into a bottle and dissolve 10-15 grams of caustic soda or soda in water. Place the bottle in a pan of water. Cut the aluminum wire into pieces 5 centimeters long and throw it into the bottle. Place a rubber ball on the neck of the bottle. The alkali released during the reaction with the alkali solution will be in a rubber ball. This occurs with a violent discharge - be careful!

Pour salt into a glass container and throw zinc into it. Place on the neck of a glass container balloon. Released during reaction with hydrochloric acid hydrogen will collect in hot-air balloon.

Pour water into a glass container and stir 4-5 tablespoons in it table salt. Then insert a copper wire into the syringe from the piston side. Seal this area with glue. Dip the syringe into the container with the saline solution and move the plunger back to fill the syringe. Connect the copper wire to negative conclusion battery Dip a zinc wire into the salt solution next to the syringe and connect it to the positive terminal of the battery. As a result of the electrolysis reaction, hydrogen is released near the copper wire, which displaces, the contact of the copper wire with the saline solution will be interrupted, and the reaction will stop.

Modern name hydrogen– hydrogen, given by the famous French chemist Lavoisier. The name means hydro (water) and genesis (giving birth). “Combustible air,” as it was previously called, was discovered by Cavendish in 1766, and he also proved that hydrogen is lighter than air. IN school curriculum in chemistry there are lessons that tell not only about this gas, but also the method of producing it.

You will need

  • Wurtz flask, sodium hydroxide, aluminum granules and powder, measuring cup, aluminum spoon, tripod, dropping funnel. Safety glasses and gloves, a torch, a lighter or matches.


First way.
Take a Wurtz flask, in which a glass outlet tube is soldered to the neck, and a dropping funnel. Assemble the system on a tripod by attaching the flask with a clamp and placing it on a table surface. Insert a drip funnel with a tap into it on top.

Check that all systems - the Wurtz flask and the clamp - are tightly secured. Take it. It should be in granules. Put it in the flask. Pour more or less into the dropping funnel saturated solution. Prepare two containers for containment, as well as a torch and a lighter or matches to light it.

Pour sodium hydroxide from the dropping funnel into the Wurtz flask by opening the stopcock on the funnel. Wait, after a while the evolution of hydrogen will begin. Hydrogen, with a small content of , will fill the flask completely. To speed up this process, heat the Wurtz flask from below using a torch.

I've been wanting to do something like this for a long time. But it didn’t go further than experiments with a battery and a pair of electrodes. I wanted to make a full-fledged apparatus for producing hydrogen, in quantities to inflate a balloon. Before making a full-fledged device for electrolysis of water at home, I decided to test everything on the model.

The general diagram of the electrolyzer looks like this.

This model is not suitable for full daily use. But we managed to test the idea.

So for the electrodes I decided to use graphite. An excellent source of graphite for electrodes is trolleybus current collector. There are plenty of them lying around at the final stops. It must be remembered that one of the electrodes will be destroyed.

We saw and finalize it with a file. The intensity of electrolysis depends on the current strength and the area of ​​the electrodes.

Wires are attached to the electrodes. The wires must be carefully insulated.

Electrolyzer models are quite suitable for the housing plastic bottles. Holes are made in the lid for tubes and wires.

Everything is carefully coated with sealant.

To connect two containers, cut off bottle necks are suitable.

They need to be joined together and the seam melted.

Nuts are made from bottle caps.

Holes are made in the bottom of two bottles. Everything is connected and carefully filled with sealant.

We will use a 220V household network as a voltage source. I want to warn you that this is a rather dangerous toy. So, if you do not have sufficient skills or have doubts, then it is better not to repeat it. In the household network we have alternating current; for electrolysis it must be rectified. A diode bridge is perfect for this. The one in the photo turned out to be not powerful enough and quickly burned out. The best option was the Chinese MB156 diode bridge in an aluminum housing.

The diode bridge gets very hot. Active cooling will be required. A cooler for a computer processor is perfect. You can use a suitable size junction box for the housing. Sold in electrical goods.

Several layers of cardboard must be placed under the diode bridge.

The necessary holes are made in the cover of the junction box.

This is what the assembled installation looks like. The electrolyzer is powered from the mains, the fan from a universal power source. A baking soda solution is used as an electrolyte. Here you need to remember that the higher the concentration of the solution, the higher the reaction rate. But at the same time the heating is higher. Moreover, the decomposition reaction of sodium at the cathode will contribute to heating. This reaction is exothermic. As a result, hydrogen and sodium hydroxide will be formed.

The device in the photo above got very hot. I had to turn it off periodically and wait until it cooled down. The heating problem was partially solved by cooling the electrolyte. For this I used a tabletop fountain pump. A long tube runs from one bottle to another through a pump and a bucket of cold water.