Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Pelageya and Dima Bilan meet or not. Dima Bilan: “I miss the magnificent forms of Pelageya

Over the past week, Dima Bilan surprised his fans twice - with a wedding in the Crimea and a kiss with Pelageya. Not all Dima Bilan's subscribers believed in the authenticity of the feelings between him and Pelageya. Dima shared photos on his Instagram where he kisses and hugs with his colleague on the TV project. Dima Bilan and Pelageya became friends during the filming of the television show "Voice".

On December 24, the popular artist turned 34 years old. Woman's Day spoke to him about life after The Voice, the perfect girlfriend, dreams of having children, and more! And "Voice" will forever remain in my memory as a bright, emotional and honest project, where talented people, real professionals, gather.

Is there a romance between Pelageya and Bilan

Information about Alexander Bon, Ksan Sergienko, Andrey Tsvetkov and Margarita Pozoyan often appears in your social networks. This is important to me, and I am always ready to help them. I am completely and completely busy working on myself and my projects. Yes, and it's too early for me to do this. Maybe in ten years it will come to me more seriously and consciously. Children ”the country began to talk about you with Pelageya.

According to eyewitnesses, more than once it was possible to observe an overly bright and emotional speech between Pelageya and Bilan. A week ago, Dima Bilan intrigued fans with photos taken during the filming of his new video in Sevastopol.

The new week started with a new intrigue. This time, his colleague in the Voice project, Pelageya, fell into Bilan's arms. In his microblog, Dima published several photos with the singer. Dimochka! You and Pelageya are not suitable for each other! You deserve more!”, “I can’t believe my eyes! But most of the fans of Dima and Pelageya guessed that the ambiguous picture was just a moment successfully caught by the photographer.

Dima Bilan: “I already dream of children”

The editors are not responsible for the content of advertisements and articles. On December 9, 2016, Dima Bilan's concert will take place in Oktyabrsky Concert Hall in St. Petersburg. We invite all fans to the city on the Neva and offer accommodation in the Pilau Hotel Chain! This is very, very sad for everyone: no one wants to part with their beloved mentors. And we will not see a smile and cute moments with Polya and Dima:c All this is very sad.

And now I'm writing this post, and a tear flows down my cheek. After all, no matter how three years, this is not a joke !!! Everyone was convinced that the couple was connected only by friendly and working relations.

Dima! You and Pelageya are not made for each other! You deserve the best!”, “I can’t believe it! However, most of the fans of Dmitry and Pelageya guessed that an interesting photo was just a moment well captured by photographers.

From the photo you can understand - Dima and Pelageya like to spend time together. Bilan's fans immediately resumed a lively debate about whether he had a close relationship with Pelageya. Children ”, where among the mentors there is again a sweet couple of Fields and Dima, well. And the man-mountain Max Fadeev dilutes this company.

How do you feel about the fact that you no longer sit in your favorite chair on the Voice? Of course, I remember moments from the show with trepidation. I have made many friends on it. But life goes on, and I still have a lot of new things ahead of me! Do you ever think about trying yourself as a producer? And not in a friendly way at all. In an interview with our publication, Pelageya said about you: “This person is wildly interesting to me, and every year this interest becomes stronger.

I am grateful to the Voice project for the fact that I managed to meet this amazing girl. Is it the same in life? Or are there times when you still have to resort to the phrase "said as cut off"? According to the organizers of the competition, the couple even had to be seated at different ends of the judges' table, because they constantly chatted with each other, ceasing to pay attention to the contestants.

In the video, the artist plays the role of a groom who leads his beloved down the aisle, the role of which went to the Russian designer and socialite Yulia Sarkisova. In the photo, the artists are captured at the moment of the kiss. Or is it really a kiss?”, “It's great if people actually love! The shot was taken during the filming of the new season of the Voice.

Opinions of the authors may not coincide with the editorial board. We thank them all for their gift of talent and patience. They are in our hearts forever!! :) Fortunately or unfortunately no one can replace them. We will miss them. Don't celebrities have romantic relationships? Fans are accustomed to seeing stars sitting next to each other in mentors' chairs on the Voice project. The singer's fans took such photos as a hint of a romance between popular musicians.

A few days ago, Bilan posted on Instagram a picture in which he was captured with Pelageya. However, unexpectedly, Bilan shocked the followers with curious pictures with Pelageya. Fans have always perceived Bilan and Pelageya as friends, but unexpectedly for everyone, curious pictures with the 28-year-old singer began to appear on Instagram of 33-year-old Dmitry.

On Friday, September 1, the sixth season of the rating musical project " Voice"With the "gold composition" of mentors. The channel decided to pay special attention to this event: on Friday, viewers saw Pelagia in the premiere "Evening Urgant", and on Saturday Julia Menshova and Maksim Galkin, new presenters Tonight”, met the creators, participants and mentors of the TV contest in the studio. Of course, Pelageya was again among those invited. Surprisingly quickly losing weight after the birth, the singer, having received compliments from the presenters, said that in the sixth season of The Voice she would behave much calmer than before. After all, now she has a different status: she became a mother.

By the way, Pelageya admitted that, as a married lady, she is now unacceptable for the behavior that she demonstrated in past seasons of the show. In addition, many perceived her friendly relations with Dima Bilan as something more, which is completely untrue. The star immediately made a reservation: her decision to be not as emotional as in previous seasons is absolutely not related to her husband's jealousy. According to the singer, her husband is absolutely not jealous and, fortunately, completely adequate. Well, the fact that at the moment she has recruited exclusively bearded handsome men into her team is how they themselves go to her, the mentor of the music show explained. By the way, Pelageya revealed a secret: her husband is a hockey player Ivan Telegin present on the set of "Voice".

Recall in February, Pelageya gave birth to her husband Ivan Telegin, who is five years younger than her, a daughter. The girl was named Taisiya. The hockey player at that time was not next to the singer. He played at the KHL All-Star Game in Ufa, and in between matches he received congratulations from colleagues and friends.

Pelageya married Telegin in June 2016. The singer and hockey player did not advertise this event, inviting only the closest people to the celebration. About the novel mentor "Voice" and Ivan Telegin became known only at the end of April, as the couple hid their feelings. And the position of the chosen one of Pelageya was unenviable: he had just had a son from another girl. There were rumors that it was Pelageya who took Ivan away from the family.

Pelageya in the show "Tonight" admitted that she was worried about rumors about an affair with Bilan

Pelageya and her husband, hockey player Ivan Telegin

On Friday, another blind audition will take place on the Voice show, one of the most ambitious projects of Channel One. The team of star mentors of the project will be increased by several more people. SUPER talked to Dima Bilan, who said that he misses the forms of his thinner colleague Pelageya.

Dmitry, among the new members, do you already have favorites?

I want to emphasize the fact that we are not their parents. People who get on my team or on the team of another mentor are not our relatives. Colossal demands are placed on them, but we do not know them, we did not live with them, did not study. The mentors see them for the first time in their lives. I cannot be held responsible for them. I can only help - that's all I'm doing now.

Who from the new team hooked you the most?

I can't single out anyone until the last shoot of the program. If I single out someone, there will be a different attitude towards him. I will just say a general phrase: they are different, it is impossible to predict them. You can only watch in real time and draw conclusions. In this sense, the audience turns out to be the same experts as we are. Let the viewer be a professional, let him make decisions.

Why were you seated with Pelageya? Do you miss her?

I miss you very much. We were seated because we already had love. We couldn't hide it anymore. It is better not to talk about it on the main channel of the country.

Now, in many Internet blogs dedicated to The Voice, they discuss the metamorphoses that occurred with Pelageya. Do you like her new look?

I love her from start to finish. Because she is a very strong woman. She has an unreal core inside her. You can delve into her endlessly, she has interesting brains - this is the main thing, but the fact that she has lost weight is not so important. Pelageya is the same female apologist for self-confidence, determination, talent and everything else.

Do you think she looks better?

I used to grab her left leg, but now it's just a bone. But Pelageya goes all - and thinness, and vice versa. The main thing is that she likes it. I missed her!

This is the third season. When a revelation becomes a real revelation. I think that people should listen to the opinion of a person who lives and works in this. I can say the same about myself. Of course, there is a place for emotions, there is a place for not always clear conclusions. There was a girl at the audition - Alena Maltseva, who sang the song "Valenki". Many thought that Pelageya was unrestrained with her, but this is not so. Often Pelageya, I am sure, carries an absolutely clear line of her life, under which I am ready to subscribe in everything except one thing - there is a tradition of performing Russian songs, and I repeatedly listened to the exams of my classmates who sang folk music. Pelageya had in mind a broad understanding of the song "Valenki". I agree with her one hundred percent.

Can you, as a close friend of Pelageya, say that her character has not changed?

I am not a close friend, but a close enemy. We are not friends there, we work. We argue with her, swear and find out something all the time. And in life, of course, we are friends! On the set, after all, everything happens in a playful way.