Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Ancient Egyptian writing and knowledge worksheet. How did the ancient Egyptians perform mummification? What was taught in schools

Class: 5.

Subject: Writing and knowledge of the ancient Egyptians.

Lesson type : mastering new knowledge.


personal – development social norms, rules of behavior, roles when working in groups;

meta-subject – the ability to define a concept, build logical reasoning; ability to work in pairs.

subject - the ability to search and evaluate information contained in various sources about the development of writing and scientific knowledge Egyptians

Planned result:awareness of the value of knowledge for the development of culture in different countries.

Basic concepts:hieroglyphs, papyrus, scroll, astronomy, sundial and water dial.

1. Check homework in pairs.

Questions are written on the cards, the children take turns asking questions to each other, evaluating the answers, and giving a rating on the cards.

1. What are pyramids? (Pharaoh's tomb)

2. What is the height of the Cheops pyramid?

3. What is a mummy? (the body of the deceased is wrapped in bandages)

1. Name the largest pyramid? (Cheops)

2. What did the Egyptians build for the gods? (temples)

3. What did the sphinx look like? (body of a lion, head of a man)

2. New topic: “Writing and knowledge of the ancient Egyptians.”

Can you guess what questions we will consider?

Student answers.

We will work according to plan:

1. Writing of the ancient Egyptians.

2. Egyptian papyri.

3. School and scientific knowledge.

Children work in worksheets.

Lesson assignment:

1 . Writing of the ancient Egyptians.There are two countries on earth where writing arose earlier than in all other countries in the world. This is in Mesopotamia and Egypt.Writing arosein Mesopotamia and Egypt at about the same time,more than 5 thousand years ago.

Ancient Egyptian writing was not like ours. Initially, drawings served as signs for writing. The characters for writing are called hieroglyphs . Ancient Egyptian writing was very complex: it had about 750 hieroglyphs.

Write the sentences: “The warrior goes to the well”,

"A warrior cries at the well."

IN Ancient Egypt learning to read and write was very difficult. After all, each hieroglyph could mean not only a word, but also a consonant sound. For example, a hieroglyph resembling a pit of water meant in one case the word well , in the other – a combination of two consonants Hm , and in the third it was not read at all, but only suggested that we're talking about about ponds and swamps.

For a long time, the question of what constitutes ancient Egyptian writing remained open, and only in early XIX century, after much research, the secret of Egyptian writing was revealed by the French scientist Champollion. French soldiers They found a huge stone slab with an inscription in 2 languages: Greek and Egyptian. This slab was brought to France, and many tried to unravel these inscriptions, but Champollion managed to do it 23 years after it was found. main reason Why it took so long to decipher it was the lack of vowels in Egyptian writing.

Student: Knew Greek language Champollion noticed that some of the hieroglyphs were surrounded by an oval frame. Moreover, as many times as the name of Pharaoh Ptolemy appeared in the Greek inscription. The scientist suggested that this is how the Egyptians distinguished royal names. On another stone, also containing the same text in two languages, he discovered the name of Queen Cleopatra in an oval frame. The words “Ptolemy” and “Cleopatra” have common sounds p, t, l. So Champollion proved that hieroglyphs are writing signs that can convey the sounds of speech.

Hieroglyphs were also used to write numbers in Ancient Egypt. Each hieroglyph resembled something. 100, for example, looks like a measuring rope, 1000 is a lotus flower, 10,000 is a bent finger, 100,000 is like a frog, 1,000,000 was depicted as a man with his arms raised up, and a ball with a line at the bottom meant, according to the ancient Egyptians, the entire universe and 10 million is the most big number.

Write the year we have today, using the rules for writing numbers of the Egyptians: 1. First they wrote down units, then tens, then hundreds, etc. What number do you think they didn’t have?

The counting system was complex and cumbersome, but despite this, the Egyptians used four operations of arithmetic and were able to solve equations with one unknown.

Work on the sheets in pairs.

1. What did the Egyptians call the drawing signs? _______________________________
2. How many were there? ________________________________________

3. What sounds did the ancient Egyptians not have? ____________________________

2 . Egyptian papyri.In Egypt, for the first time in human history, a special writing material was invented - papyrus. The Egyptians selected plants with a long trunk, removed the hard shell, and cut the loose core into long strips up to 8 cm wide. The strips were placed on a table moistened with water. In this case, one strip was closely adjacent to the other. A second layer of the same strips was placed on top, but this time across the first layer. The result was a masonry of two layers. It was placed under weight: an adhesive substance was released from the plant, firmly holding all the strips together. The irregularities along the edges of the masonry were cut off - a rectangular sheet was obtained. Its surface was covered with a thin layer of flour glue to prevent the ink from bleeding. Then dried in the sun, smoothed with tools made of Ivory, beat it with a hammer, eliminating all irregularities. The result was a thin yellowish sheet of papyrus, similar to paper.

Papyrus is a fragile material and cannot be folded like sheets of paper are folded. modern book. Therefore, sheets of papyrus were glued into long strips, which were rolled into tubes ( scrolls ). Many large scrolls with records have survived to this day, one of them reaches a length of 40 m.

Scribes often held a special position in the pharaoh's court; they were proud of their education. Each scribe carried with him in a case a sharpened reed for writing, a small pot of water for diluting paint, and a pencil case with two recesses for black and red paint. All text was black, but the beginning of new sections was highlighted in red (hence the expression “red line”). Black ink was based on soot, and red ink was based on red clay. Papyrus could be used several times: old notes were washed off and the sheet was dried.

Work on the sheets in pairs.

4. What was the name of the main writing material? _________________________________
5. What were the names of the long strips that were rolled into tubes? ________
6. Why was red paint needed when writing? _____________________

3 . School and scientific knowledge. Work in pairs.

Read an excerpt from the book by Avdiev V.I. “History of the Ancient East” Write down what knowledge the ancient Egyptians possessed.

1) “...The ancient Egyptians also had some knowledge in the field of astronomy. Frequent observations of celestial bodies taught them to distinguish planets from stars and even gave them the opportunity to establish a map starry sky. Such star maps are preserved on the ceilings of various buildings, mainly tombs and temples. In the center of the northern part here you can distinguish the constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, known to the Egyptians North Star, in the southern part of the sky Orion and Sirius (Sothis) are depicted in the form of symbolic figures, as, however, ancient Egyptian artists always depicted constellations and stars. During the day, time was determined using a sundial or water clock. Astronomical knowledge gave the Egyptians the opportunity to establish a special calendar. The Egyptian calendar year was divided into 12 months, each containing 30 days, with 5 added at the end of the year. holidays, which gave a total of 365 days a year. Thus, the Egyptian calendar year lagged behind the tropical year by a quarter of a day. This error over the course of 1460 years became equal to 365 days, i.e. one year.”

2) “...Medicine and veterinary medicine have received significant development in Egypt. A number of texts from the Middle Kingdom provide a list of recipes for the treatment of various diseases. Using many observations, Egyptian doctors, however, could not yet completely renounce ancient magic. For example, one healer's collection of spells, compiled specifically for the “treatment” of sick children, was intended for children's doctors, mothers and nurses. In this collection, along with many purely magical texts, only occasionally there are unique outlandish recipes, in particular, means for preserving and increasing the amount of mother's milk. Thus, treatment with drugs was usually combined with magical spells and rituals. But studying human body, made easier by opening corpses during mummification, enabled doctors to more or less correctly approach issues of structure and functioning human body. Thus, the first knowledge in the field of anatomy (human structure) gradually appears. Doctors specialize in certain species diseases. In one tomb Old Kingdom images of various operations (arms, legs, knees) have been preserved.

In Egypt there was a specialization of doctors. There were dentists: they, for example, perfectly secured a loose tooth with neighboring healthy ones using a thin wire, and knew how to drill a diseased tooth to remove pus from it. Egyptian doctors used infusions and decoctions of herbs and various salts as medicines.

3) There were also the beginnings of geographical science. The earth was represented as a rectangle with raised edges (mountains) and flown on all sides by the ocean (“Great Circle”). The front side was considered to be the South, from where the Nile flows, the back side was the North (the islands of the Mediterranean and Aegean seas), the right side is the West (where the abode of dead souls was supposed to be), and the left side is the East (“Country of God, i.e. Ra”). Preserved geographic Maps Ancient Egypt (movement of heavenly bodies - astronomy; flood of the Nile - calendar; time - water clock; medicine - surgeons, dentists, ophthalmologists; geography - ideas about the earth)

Schools were usually located at temples, and the teachers were priests. Not all Egyptians went to school. Children of simple farmers and artisans rarely became educated people.

Work according to the textbook.

Do you agree with the rules for students in schools?

Work on the sheets in pairs.

7. What sciences were known to the Egyptians? ______________________________

8. Where were the schools? ___________________________________________

9. Who were the teachers? _____________________________________________

Lesson assignment:

Prove that the scientific knowledge of the ancient Egyptians was closely related to everyday life.

Students provide evidence based on the lesson material.

Fixing the material.


What new did you learn?







Summary of a lesson on the history of the ancient world "Writing and knowledge of the ancient Egyptians"
The purpose of the lesson:
Introduce students to ancient Egyptian writing and scientific knowledge.
To form students’ conceptual apparatus on the topic;
Continue to develop the skills to independently construct a story based on different sources information, summarize individual facts, analyze the text and highlight the main thing
To form students’ cognitive interest through the use creative tasks.
Cultivate respect for foreign cultures.
During the classes.
1. Organizational stage.
Checking students' readiness for the lesson.
Guys, let's remember what the word "civilization" means
What kind of civilization are we going through now?
What have we learned? What do we want to know?
2. Updating students' knowledge.
1. Working with the “Ancient Egypt” map. Apply everything geographical names that you know.
2. Working with terms: decipher the anogramsCivilization-vilicizationState-dar statePharaoh-onrafaGentlemen-movelzhiPriests-priestsScribes-seepsSlaves-bars
Taxes - login
3.What kind of deity is this:
1. The god of the sky and the sun in the guise of a falcon, a man with the head of a falcon or winged sun, son of the fertility goddess Isis and Osiris, the god of productive forces. His symbol is the solar disk with outstretched wings (Horus)
2. God of the desert, i.e. “foreign countries”, the personification of the evil principle, brother and murderer of Osiris, one of the four children of the earth god Geb and Nut, goddess of the sky (Set)
3. God of water and the flood of the Nile, whose sacred animal was the crocodile. He was depicted as a crocodile or as a man with the head of a crocodile (Sebek)
4. God of the earth, son of the god of air Shu and the goddess of moisture Tefnut (Geb)
5. God is the patron of the dead, the creator funeral rites. He was depicted as a man with the head of a jackal or wild dog (Anubis)
6. Goddess – patroness of women and their beauty (Bastet)
7. God of the moon, wisdom, counting and writing, patron of sciences, scribes, holy books, creator of the calendar. His sacred animal was the ibis, and therefore the god was often depicted as a man with the head of an ibis (Thoth)
4. Many ancient states of the east have long disappeared, buried in the ashes of time, with only small fragments on the surface. Pyramids, frescoes, obelisks, mind you, they are all generously painted. What this writing reminds us of is hieroglyphs. Somewhere around 3000 BC, writing appeared among the Egyptians. Translated from Greek - sacred writing, and the Egyptians themselves called their writing - divine speech. Why do you think? They were sure that writing was given to them by the god of wisdom - he. But millennia passed and writing was forgotten, and we were faced with a choice - how to find out what the Egyptians wanted to convey to us? At the cost of hard work, scientists unraveled the writings of many ancient eastern peoples, but the Egyptian writing could not be deciphered for a long time. But then one day... an officer of Napoleon's army in 1799 found a slab in Egypt - the text embossed on it was in two languages: ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and ancient Greek. The stone was found in a place called Rosetta, and therefore received the name Rosetta stone. Napoleon understood the importance of the find and sent the stone to the Cairo Museum, but the French were defeated in Egypt by the British and, of course, retreating they had no time for historical finds. The ancient Greek language was well known to linguists, so this text in ancient Greek was quickly translated, and a comparison of the texts allowed the French scientist Jean Champollion to decipher the ancient Egyptian records. Let's read about decoding in the textbook...
The language of ancient Egypt is quite complex, so not all Egyptians knew writing. This was the prerogative of rich and noble people, primarily scribes, since they were in charge of all affairs in the country. Years were spent training the best scribes. After all, the ancient Egyptian script has more than 700 characters. Let's look at the scribe's teaching to the disciples.
The hieroglyphs could be read from right to left. and from left to right. The letters were written in such a way as to be located facing the person. Many words had 2 or more meanings. What did the Egyptians write on - papyrus, let's read what papyrus is.
Let's try to write our names in ancient Egyptian, using hieroglyphs. .In place of vowels, use similar sounds...24 consonants at the end male name draw a male figure, at the end of the female figure - a woman. Let's get a look. Who did what happened? Exit to the board.
Physical exercise...One, two, three, four, five - we stomp our feet,
One, two, three, four, five - clap our hands,
One, two, three, four, five - we do it again.
And blueberries grow in the forest
And blueberries grow in the forest
strawberry blueberry
To pick a berry
you need to squat deeper
took a walk in the forest
I’m carrying a basket of berries (at least on the spot)

Have a rest, well done. The need for the development of knowledge, the development of life and economy, therefore in schools they taught not only writing, but also mathematics, astronomy, and medicine.
There are two states on earth where writing appeared earlier than in other countries. One is Mesopotamia, the other is Egypt.
Writing arose more than 5 thousand years ago. years ago. Think about what year? The Egyptians accumulated more knowledge than people could remember. This led to the invention of writing. The first signs for writing were hieroglyphs (slide + Handout). The guys look at the hieroglyphs. Question for the class:
-Do you think it was easy to master hieroglyphs?
There were more than 750 hieroglyphs in total. And they were deciphered only in the 19th century in 1822. The name of the person to whom this merit belongs is Champollion. And before we read the document on deciphering hieroglyphs, answer the questions:
-Why was it so important to decipher the hieroglyphs?
-What do written sources give us?
Would it be possible to learn about the life of the Egyptians only from drawings?
Working with the document on p. 62 of the textbook. How did you manage to decipher the hieroglyphs?
Working with handouts. On each desk there are sheets with images of hieroglyphs.
One hieroglyph could denote one sound, others - a combination of sounds, and still others - a word. The vowels were not written (the guys are studying the handouts). The Egyptians came up with determinants; they were not readable, but only suggested what was being discussed.
Let's try to be with you in the role of scientists. The children are asked to decipher the sentences marked with a tick using a hint sheet.
Checking the task.
Numbers in Ancient Egypt. Slide. It was very difficult to perform mathematical operations (it is suggested that you try this at home).
Conclusion: studying in Egypt was very difficult. Anyone who could read and write was considered a true sage.
The writing material is papyrus. Slide show on the production of writing material.
Education in schools. Students independently familiarize themselves with paragraph 3.p.61 of the textbook. Questions:
-What was taught in schools?
-Who studied?
-How was discipline maintained?
Thanks to deciphering hieroglyphs, we learned about scientific knowledge in Ancient Egypt.
What sciences were developed?
It is concluded that high development Sciences. What new did you learn today
And at the end of our lesson you need to solve a crossword puzzle. (Workbook. No. 1. page 34)
Homework: P.12 (question 3,4 orally).

Introduce students to the features ancient egyptian writing, with the development of scientific knowledge in Ancient Egypt, show that the ancient Egyptians were “teachers of teachers” of many subsequent civilizations. Develop skills in solving problem-cognitive and creative tasks, reconstruct the image of historical reality. Promote development cognitive interests students, form worldviews and principles, implement a personality-oriented and emotional-value approach.

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"Writing and knowledge of the ancient Egyptians"

Lesson topic: “Writing and knowledge of the ancient Egyptians”

Goals: 1. To acquaint students with the features of ancient Egyptian writing, with the development of scientific knowledge in Ancient Egypt, to show that the ancient Egyptians were “teachers of teachers” of many subsequent civilizations. 2. To develop skills in solving problem-cognitive and creative tasks, to reconstruct the image of historical reality. 3. To promote the development of students’ cognitive interests, to form worldviews and principles, to implement a personality-oriented and emotional-value approach.

Lesson type : learning new material.

Basic Concepts : hieroglyphs, papyrus, scroll, astronomy, sundial and water dial.

Means of education:- A.A. Vigasin, G.I. Goder, I. S. Sventsitskaya. Ancient world history. Textbook for grade 5, M. 2001, paragraph 12. - map “Ancient Egypt”,

Illustrations from the “Album on Ancient Egypt” - General history. Educational electronic edition. Ancient world history. 5th grade - History ancient world in artistic and historical images. Reader. Compiled by Volobuev O.V., M., “Enlightenment”.

During the classes.

I. Introductory and motivational stage of the lesson.

The teacher informs the topic of the lesson, its purpose, draws attention to the form of the lesson in the form of a correspondence trip to Ancient Egypt in order to get acquainted with the features of ancient Egyptian writing, training in an ancient Egyptian school, and the development of scientific knowledge.

II. Correspondence trip to Ancient Egypt.

1. Temples are the homes of the gods.

Schools in Ancient Egypt were usually located at temples, and the teachers were priests.

Question for students: what did the ancient Egyptian temple look like?

2. Tombs of the pharaohs.

A student's story about the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun.

3. How the mystery of the hieroglyphs was solved.

There are many mysterious signs placed on the walls of Egyptian temples, in the tombs of pharaohs and nobles. They could not be read for a long time. These were hieroglyphs - sacred writing. The French scientist Champollion managed to read ancient Egyptian texts. He first saw hieroglyphs at the age of 11. “I will read this when I grow up,” said young Champollion, and since then it has become his dream. He showed simply fantastic abilities for languages, knew Latin, Greek, Hebrew, and studied all materials related to Egypt. His attention was attracted by a stone found in Egypt, on which there were inscriptions in ancient Greek and Egyptian hieroglyphs. The stone became the key to unraveling the writing of Ancient Egypt. Some hieroglyphs were surrounded by an oval frame; in the ancient Greek text, the name of Pharaoh Ptolemy was so highlighted, and on another stone in the frame was the name of Queen Cleopatra. Champollion proved that hieroglyphs are writing signs. In 1828, he led an archaeological expedition to Egypt, where it was collected great amount texts, images, monuments. Champollion was recognized as the greatest scientific Egyptologist.

4. In the ancient Egyptian school.

Not all Egyptians went to school. Children of simple farmers and artisans rarely became educated people. The boys studied at school all day.

Let's imagine how classes were held in an ancient Egyptian school. The floor is covered with mats: students sit on them with their legs crossed during classes. The noise in the room subsides, the boys stand up and bend in a low bow: a teacher, a scribe, enters the room. Behind him the slave carries a writing instrument and two boxes of manuscripts. The teacher sits in a carved chair. The boys receive the scrolls and begin to carefully unroll them. Beginning students were first given shards of broken dishes and tablets, and then they were entrusted with papyrus.

Questions for students : How was reed used to make writing material?

What did an ancient Egyptian book look like? /Students' answers/

The students wrote with a reed stick, dipping it in black paint. When they wanted to highlight a new thought, they wrote it in red, usually on a new line.

Question for students : What expression is there in our language associated with this ancient Egyptian rule?

It was not easy to learn to write in Ancient Egypt; you had to learn 700 hieroglyphs. They were very similar to drawings and conveyed the whole word. But then hieroglyphs began to mean individual syllables or even letters. This is how syllabic writing arose. Examples of hieroglyphs: - mouth, then the consonant sound “r”, hieroglyph - bread began to be used to convey the sound “T”, because in Egyptian “bread” is “te”. The hieroglyph “hoe” could be used to write a combination of the consonants “m” and “r” in some word. Vowel sounds were not expressed in hieroglyphs. The Egyptians placed a qualifier next to the word.

But then the Egyptians came up with signs to indicate vowel sounds.

Deciphering the hieroglyphs in the words “Ptolemy” and “Cleopatra”. Students identify common letters in words, relate Egyptian hieroglyphs and letters, and become familiar with other hieroglyphs. /Application/.

5. Designation of numbers in Ancient Egypt.

Hieroglyphs were also used to write numbers in Ancient Egypt. Each hieroglyph resembled something. A hundred, for example, looks like a measuring rope, 1000 is a lotus flower, 10,000 is a bent finger, 100,000 is like a frog, 1,000,000 was depicted as a man with his arms raised up, and a ball with a line at the bottom meant, according to the ancient Egyptians, the entire universe and 10 million is the largest number.

Question for students : How could you write down other numbers using the basic ones?

The numbers were written not from left to right, as we write now, but from right to left. For example, the number 15 was written like this:

First there were units, then tens, then hundreds, and so on.

Question for students: What number did the Egyptians not have? / Students’ answer: “The Egyptians did not have the number 0” /

Student assignment: Write down your date of birth in Egyptian numerals.

Then one student writes the date on the board and the students read the date.

6 . Development of sciences in Ancient Egypt.

Question for students : Where was mathematical knowledge used in Ancient Egypt?

The Nile floods played a big role in the life of Egypt, so it was important to learn how to predict them. Observing the sky, the Egyptian priests compiled an accurate calendar; there were 365 days in a year, this allowed the priests to predict on what day the Nile would begin to flood.

Question for students : what is the name of the science that makes observations of celestial bodies?

Medicine was developed in Ancient Egypt; papyri were found with descriptions of various diseases and methods of treating them, for example, “Surgical Papyrus”, “Book of the Heart”, “Book of Eye Diseases”.

III. Consolidation of the studied material on the following questions:

1. Why was it difficult to learn to read and write in Egypt?

2. Who was the keeper of knowledge in Ancient Egypt?

3. Explain why in Ancient Egypt they said: “time has flown by”?

4. What sciences were developed in Ancient Egypt?

5. Why were the Egyptians called “teachers of teachers” of other civilizations?

IV. Homework.

1. § 12. 2. Compose a story about Ancient Egypt, using words and expressions: papyrus, hieroglyphs, “write on the red line” 3. Compose a crossword puzzle on the topic: “Ancient Egypt”.


gods (plural of "nefer")

swim against the current

to go with the flow

nefer, god

throne st - place.....


gods (plural of "nefer")

nefert, goddess

hieroglyph "woman"

hieroglyph "snake"

hieroglyph "


ra or p (mouth)

ta or t (bread)

uas ("happiness", scepter)

ib (heart)

unet ("sanctuary of Thoth or his tomb")

hieroglyph in the form of an image of a bow

image of a cylindrical seal

iunu ("Iunu", Heliopolis)

1. Testing knowledge on covered topics:

A) warm-up - “I know that in Ancient Egypt...”(students take turns pronouncing one sentence at a time, finishing the specified phrase; repeating cannot be done. Teacher pulls out the bookmark and begins: “I know that Ancient Egypt is located along the banks of the Nile.”

B) working with a map - a map on the interactive board "Ancient Egypt"and the students take turns going to the board and opening the assignments on the board (click on the yellow rectangles) and perform tasks with the map:

Where is the country of Egypt located?

What is "delta"?

Why are the lands along the Nile colored on the map? green? What is indicated on the map yellow?

Show me the two capitals of Egypt?

In what direction were the pharaohs' military campaigns carried out?

If it is necessary to enlarge the map when answering, students use the “Magic Pen” property (control panel).

2. Organizing time:

The teacher announces the topic of the lesson and asks them to formulate tasks for the lesson. The topic of the lesson is written down in a notebook.

3. Learning new material:

1. Schools in Ancient Egypt

Teacher opens the curtain on the blackboard and begins the story: This is the fifth year you have been going to school. Now the school is a separate, independent building. And in Ancient Egypt, schools were opened at temples - think about who acted as teachers?

(The teachers in the schools were priests). Who do you think was trained in Egyptian schools? Official scribes were trained there). (the curtain opens and an image of a scribe is shown

Knowledge of literacy opened access to public service and a prosperous life. Nowadays, all children without exception go to school. How many years does the training last now? In Ancient Egypt, the period of study was very long and sometimes reached 15 years. Guess whether all children could study in an ancient Egyptian school.

(Only children of wealthy parents could study there.)

2. Writing Remember: when you came to school, what, what actions, were you taught first?

(Read, write and count). Let's take a closer look at ancient Egyptian writing. The first signs for writing were drawings.

Do you know what the Egyptian letters were called?

Teacher (Hieroglyphs, which means “sacred writing”). pulls out the bookmark (!)

and students write down the new term “HIEROGLYPHS” in their notebooks.

    The teacher continues the story: Learning hieroglyphs was very difficult for several reasons. Remember how many letters are in the Russian alphabet? (33). There were hieroglyphs 750 .

    more -

Teacher Many words were represented by pictures. clicks on the rectangle

    and invites students to complete the task: imagine how the Egyptians could mean the following words: “sun”, “go”, “cry” (students draw possible hieroglyphs on a marker board to represent these words and show them to the teacher). Think about it: has this method of depiction always been convenient? In Egyptian writing

there were no vowels . Let's think about why this was inconvenient. For example, we have the hieroglyph “SL” - what words can it mean? (Village, lard, strength, donkey, if, sat down, solo).

So why was it so difficult to study in an Egyptian school? (Lots of hieroglyphs, difficult to learn). Where can you find inscriptions made in hieroglyphs? (On the walls of pyramids, on obelisks, in temples).

For a long time, no one could unravel the mystery of the hieroglyphs and read the Egyptian texts. Why was it so difficult to decipher Egyptian writing? (The same hieroglyph could denote a sound, a whole word, and be a clue).

How was the secret of Egyptian hieroglyphs discovered?

A student's message about Francois Champollion at the blackboard : Only at the beginning of the 19th century this secret was revealed to a French scientist. Francois Champollion. In 1799, French soldiers under the command of Napoleon landed in Egypt and near the city of Rosetta they found a huge stone slab with an inscription in two languages: Greek and Egyptian.

By order of Napoleon, this slab was transported to France. Many scientists tried to unravel these inscriptions, but without success. Francois Champollion managed to do this only 23 years after this slab was found.

The student clicks on the plate and the inscription under it, everything disappears.

How did Francois Champollion read the Egyptian inscriptions? Let's follow the same path that the great scientist walked. He suggested that the hieroglyphs enclosed in a frame (the so-called cartouche) meant the name of a pharaoh.

The picture of the hieroglyphs is enlarged on the slide, and the student signs the letters with markers.

A connoisseur of many ancient languages, Champollion established that the last two signs mean the sound “s”. He also knew the previous hieroglyph - it was the sound “m”. All that remained was to solve the very first icon. What does it mean? .

(Sun). Remember how the ancient Egyptians called the sun god (Ra). What happens? Which pharaoh's name does this word remind you of? (Ramses)

Let's try to unravel each other's inscription

Another picture is enlarged.

In many languages, the words for paper sound similar. For example, in German paper is “papier”, in English – “paper”, in French – “papier”, in Spanish – “papel”. Apparently, this similarity is not accidental: all these words have the same root and come from the same ancient word.

What is this word? (Papyrus) –

Papyri are shown to students.

Papyrus is a fragile material and cannot be folded the way the pages of a modern book are folded. Imagine how ancient papyri could have been stored.

How would you do this if you were in the shoes of the ancient Egyptians? Sheets of papyrus were glued together into long strips, which were then rolled into tubes to form scrolls. 3. Knowledge of the Egyptians: What else do you think was taught in the Egyptian school besides writing? (To the account). In what subject are you currently learning to count? (In mathematics). Remember what population groups there were in Ancient Egypt (pharaoh, nobles, warriors, farmers, artisans, slaves).

At the board, the student completes the task of arranging the residents:

pharaoh, warriors, artisans, farmers, nobles in accordance with the position occupied in society). The names of the inhabitants are moved.

When we count, what question are we answering? (How many?) Let's think about which of them had to answer this question.
To summarize: everyone had to count. What science arose from this knowledge? ( Arithmetic- This is one of the branches of mathematics). All calculations obtained had to be written down.

The Egyptians used special signs for this.


Let us together determine what number is written here. The teacher opens the curtain and shows the hieroglyphs. Students guess and write the number on the marker board. Tasks for practicing writing numbers using Egyptian numerals: Why is this recording system complicated and inconvenient? (It's too bulky). Another science that also originated in Ancient Egypt is geometry

. This word is Greek origin , it consists of two words: “geo” - earth and “metros” - to measure. How do we translate the word “geometry” into Russian? (Ground measurement)Let's think about who in Ancient Egypt often had to measure the earth ( After the Nile flood, the Egyptians needed to restore the boundaries between areas of land that had been washed away by water, clean the dams and canals.

Where else were measurements and calculations needed? What profession could people not do without knowledge of geometry?

Remember the buildings of the Egyptians. (When building a pyramid, it was necessary to know its height, the length of the base, and be able to construct right angles). How did the Egyptians take measurements? The Egyptian system of measures was based on the proportions of the human body. The main unit of measurement was elbow– size, equal to distance from elbow to fingertips. Let's find this value in our hands. The next unit of measurement is.

, it consisted

of 4 fingers

Assignments: - measure the length and width of your desk (in elbows and palms); your textbook (in your palms); pen (in fingers).

4. Lesson summary: P The objectives of the lesson are discussed.

The guys are asked to take turns speaking in one sentence, choosing the beginning

phrases from the reflective screen On the desk: Homework.

Examinationindividual assignment . Why were furniture, vases, and weapons placed in the tomb?

Our journey to Ancient Egypt is coming to an end, today we have our last topic:

    Writing and knowledge of the ancient Egyptians.

    In the next lesson we will conduct a quiz game. You need to divide into 3 teams, choose a captain, come up with a name and draw an emblem. And, of course, repeat the whole “Ancient Egypt” theme.


1 . Writing of the ancient Egyptians. Writing of the ancient EgyptiansWriting arose in Mesopotamia and Egypt at about the same time,more than 5 thousand years ago .

Ancient Egyptian writing was not like ours. Initially, drawings served as signs for writing. The characters for writing are calledhieroglyphs . Ancient Egyptian writing was very complex: it had about 750 hieroglyphs.

Egyptian papyriSchool and scientific knowledge

There are two countries on earth where writing arose earlier than in all other countries in the world. One of them is Mesopotamia - we will get to know it later, and the other is Egypt.well , in the other – a combination of two consonantsHm Let's read about ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs (p. 61 “Once upon a time the Egyptians .....”)

For a long time, the question of what ancient Egyptian writing was remained open, and only at the beginning of the 19th century, after much research, the secret of Egyptian writing was revealed by the French scientist Champollion. French soldiers found a huge stone slab with an inscription in 2 languages: Greek and Egyptian (p. 63). This slab was brought to France, and many tried to unravel these inscriptions, but Champollion managed to do it 23 years after it was found. The main reason why it took so long to decipher it was the lack of vowels in the Egyptian script.

Champollion, who knew Greek, noticed that some hieroglyphs were surrounded by an oval frame. Moreover, as many times as the name of Pharaoh Ptolemy appeared in the Greek inscription. The scientist suggested that this is how the Egyptians distinguished royal names. On another stone, also containing the same text in two languages, he discovered the name of Queen Cleopatra in an oval frame. The words “Ptolemy” and “Cleopatra” have common sounds p, t, l - and the hieroglyphs in each frame coincided. So Champollion proved that hieroglyphs are writing signs that can convey the sounds of speech.

2 . Egyptian papyri. In Egypt, for the first time in human history, a special writing material was invented. Remember, we already talked about this. Papyrus. The Egyptians selected plants with a long trunk, removed the hard shell, and cut the loose core into long strips up to 8 cm wide. The strips were placed on a table moistened with water. In this case, one strip was closely adjacent to the other. A second layer of the same strips was placed on top, but this time across the first layer. The result was a masonry of two layers. It was placed under weight: an adhesive substance was released from the plant, firmly holding all the strips together. The irregularities along the edges of the masonry were cut off - a rectangular sheet was obtained. Its surface was covered with a thin layer of flour glue to prevent the ink from bleeding. Then they dried it in the sun, smoothed it with ivory tools, and beat it with a hammer, eliminating all irregularities. The result was a thin yellowish sheet of papyrus, similar to paper.

Papyrus is a fragile material and cannot be folded like sheets of paper are folded in a modern book. Therefore, sheets of papyrus were glued into long strips, which were rolled into tubes (scrolls ). Many large scrolls with records have survived to this day, one of them reaches a length of 40 m.

Look at the scribe statue (p. 62). Scribes often held a special position in the pharaoh's court; they were proud of their education. Us. 64 you can see writing instruments. Each scribe carried with him in a case a sharpened reed for writing, a small pot of water for diluting paint, and a pencil case with two recesses for black and red paint. All text was black, but the beginning of new sections was highlighted in red (hence the expression “red line”). Black ink was based on soot, and red ink was based on red clay. Papyrus could be used several times: old notes were washed off and the sheet was dried.

3 . School and scientific knowledge. Many sciences first originated in Egypt and other countries ancient East. As the economy developed, the need for scientific knowledge arose. For example, the pharaoh ordered to build a palace for himself. The builders met in council to calculate how many bricks would be needed for His Majesty's palace; how many peasants and slaves need to be rounded up for construction: a thousand people or ten thousand; How many days will construction last? What kind of science is needed for this? Mathematics. The system of counting and writing numbers was complex and cumbersome (Fig. on p. 64), multiplying and dividing were especially difficult. Despite this, the Egyptians knew all four operations of arithmetic.

Astronomy is the oldest science, along with mathematics; she studies planets and stars. While observing the night sky, the Egyptians noticed that every time before the flood began, the star Sirius shone brightly in the early morning hours. Egyptian astronomers calculated how many days passed between two floods of the Nile - two appearances of Sirius in the sky. The Egyptians were the first in history to determine that there are 365 days in a year; they divided the year into 12 months. Long-term observations of the stars helped the Egyptians navigate well around the world. Egyptian pyramids, for example, were oriented with very great accuracy, however, there was no compass in those days.

Medicine developed in ancient times in Egypt. Oddly enough, religious custom contributed to this. Remember how and why a mummy was made from the body of the deceased. Suggest how this custom influenced the development of medicine. (When opening a dead body, the Egyptians became familiar with the internal organs: heart, liver, kidneys, lungs. They observed the changes that occurred during internal organs under the influence of various diseases. The custom of making mummies contributed to the development of medicine.)

In Egypt there was a specialization of doctors. There were dentists: they, for example, perfectly secured a loose tooth with neighboring healthy ones using a thin wire, and knew how to drill a diseased tooth to remove pus from it. Egyptian doctors used infusions and decoctions of herbs and various salts as medicines.

Schools were usually located at temples, and the teachers were priests. Not all Egyptians went to school. Children of simple farmers and artisans rarely became educated people.

Now let's read “The Instruction of the Scribes to the Disciples” (p. 62). How did teachers maintain order in the classroom? Why was the position of a scribe attractive to the Egyptians?

D.z. Repeat the theme “Ancient Egypt”.