Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Prophecies about a woman of hope. Prophecies and predictions about the future of Russia

They talk a lot about the New Teaching that will come into the world, this is in the prophecies of Vanga and others:
Rano Nero (14th century), Franciscan friar, astrologer and soothsayer

Book of Prophecies "Eternal Book":

“The religion of Fire and the Sun (that is, in fact, the ancient faith of our ancestors, which were called sun-worshipers and fire-worshippers) in the 21st century will know the victorious procession. She will find support for herself in the northern country of the Hyperboreans (Modern Russia), where she will be revealed in a new capacity.
Paracelsus (1493-1541) (famous alchemist, physician and occultist)

Book "Oracles":
“There is one people that Herodotus calls the Hyperboreans. The current name of this people is Muscovy. You cannot trust their terrible decline, which will last for many centuries. The Hyperboreans know both a strong decline and a huge flourishing ... In this country of the Hyperboreans, which no one has ever thought of as a country in which something great can happen, the Great Cross will shine over the humiliated and outcast.
In accordance with the prediction of Paracelsus, this will happen 500 years after his death, that is, in 2041.

Nostradamus (1503-1566)
(French seer, physician and alchemist famous for his prophecies) Russian translation by Vyacheslav Zavalishin, a Russian émigré who published his commentary on The Centuries in 1974 in New York.

I know a new Savior will come
There is no force that can destroy love
So appreciate the word of the lost prophets,
So that the sun breaks out of ancient coffins.
(centuria 5, quatrain 53)

The world is waiting for the lord of Light and knowledge.
It seemed that he would never come.
The road of Hermes is paved with expectation,
And the genius of the East will come to life in love.
(c.10, room 75)

Well, with what will we come to the twenty-first century?
Descended from the burning sky is now the ruler of the earth.
The end and the beginning of the century rebellious live man,
The discovery of Mars threatens freedom.
(c.10, room 72)

Yes, a genius will soon appear in the world,
What will become the ornament of new times,
Art and thought of all recent centuries
Never seen such powerful banners.
(c.3, k.94)

Another dynasty will be in Russia,
The country rises for its freedom,
The people, having become from grief the only Messiah,
The whole kingdom leads to prosperity and glory.
(C.5, C.26)

I foresee reforms and honest friendship,
A sword sheathed is not self-deception.
Fields and gardens will serve the cause of peace,
The law will be the friend of healed wounds.
(c.9, room 66)

Monk Abel (1757-1841)
For predicting the days and hours of the death of Catherine II and Paul I, the invasion of the French and the burning of Moscow, he was imprisoned many times, and in total he spent about 20 years in prison.
In his conversation with Emperor Paul about the future:

“The chosen one of God will rise. It will be one and understandable to everyone, the very Russian heart will smell it. He himself will confirm his election. His name is thrice destined for Russian history. Two have already been, but not on the royal throne. He is the third, in him is the salvation and happiness of the state. Then Russia will be great, throwing off the yoke of godlessness. He will return to the origins of his life, to the times of the Equal-to-the-Apostles, he will learn the mind-reason by the bloody misfortune.

Vanga repeated many times that: "A new man under the sign of the New Teaching will come from Mother Rus'."

From Vanga's predictions: "The most ancient teaching will return to the world. There is an ancient teaching - the teaching of the White Brotherhood (essentially the Vedas). It will spread throughout the world. New books will be printed about it, and they will be read everywhere on Earth. This will be the Fiery Bible (fire-worshippers). The day will come when all religions will disappear! Only the teaching of the White Brotherhood will remain. It will cover the earth with white color, and, thanks to it, people will be saved. A new teaching will come from Russia. She will be the first to be cleansed. The White Brotherhood will spread throughout Russia and begin your march around the world. If it happens in 20 years - it will not happen before. In 20 years you will harvest the first big harvest. (The prediction was made in 1979. And indeed the first harvest was harvested in 1999, this year the "Slavonic- Parian Vedas", which brought us back to the ancient Faith).

Some seers believe that a certain woman will do a lot to spread the ancient teachings, and according to all the prophecy, she will be under the cover and protection of the ancient Gods:

The Bringer of Hope will come secretly,
The lady will expound the Omnipresent Law,
Outside the temple of malice, that Messenger from God,
It looks a little like a fairy tale though.

To endure and forgive - will affect fate,
The unknown Lady surprises the people,
Games and happiness, a lot of energy,
The Russians will be the first to taste from God. (Nostradamus)
Here is what Solovyov V.S. wrote about the divine feminine essence of philosophers:

“Sofia, the Wisdom of God, ends Her Stay on Earth as God, as evidenced by the sixth step of Her Perfection - Grace… After Grace, Glory awaits Sophia… New essential knowledge about Man, God and the Universe will appear on the eve of the Age of Aquarius on the territory of Russia and Ukraine… "(V.S. Solovyov, letter 6, 1875)

Even the Christian apocrypha speaks of the special role of a woman: "When the Earth, at the end - after many centuries, - will give birth to the Mother of God, then I will come through her as a Conqueror without enemies. Then I will be born in the hearts of all people, and bring the Kingdom of God to Earth forever and ever. But for a long time the Mother of God will not be born on this Earth, since the sin of Eve is great. Twice more I will come to this Earth through the Holy Mother." "Gospel of Mary Magdalene"

And here is what is said about the role of a woman in the teachings of "Agni Yoga": "You need to know that from the Light ... WOMEN will act as conductors and leaders. .... During the Great Transition from the system of darkness to the system of Light, it is women who will carry information about salvation, about organizing a new life, about what needs to be done and by what means, forces and conditions.It is women who take the first roles because the charge inside the system changes and the Age of Woman begins.It is women who can catch from the subtle worlds what necessary in any locality to save thousands of people Listen to women when they save their children, and everyone around them will find a place to be saved.

The second sign is that it is the Woman who will bring the New Knowledge about the World, and the old knowledge that is recorded in the sacred books will be lost, like the old shell of the outgoing era of darkness. It is the old "sacred" books, such as the Bible, that will soon become the object of study in order to identify the crimes of one people documented in it against all other peoples of the world. And every preacher of the old teachings (here we mean Christianity, Islam and Judaism) will be from darkness.
The old foundations of archaic religious doctrines have already collapsed on the Thin planes. Chaos and wars in the Middle East, religious fanaticism and terrorism, wars within religions ... are indicators of this (this is our time). The Great Transition has already begun, which means that all the old constructions will collapse on the physical planes as well. Returning "to square one" is an empty and useless affair. We must only go forward. Mahatma Morya.

The balance of the beginnings is the basis of Being, the violation of this law leads to death. And now the Great Teachers will affirm the Woman. Therefore, the coming epoch will be not only the epoch of the Great Commonwealth, but also the epoch of the Woman. And the Woman will have to arm herself with courage and, above all, harden her heart from unreasonable giving, for in everything it is necessary to observe the Golden Balance. A woman must affirm herself, and therefore the Sword of the Spirit is now being given into the hands of a Woman. (In the East, this era is designated as the era of Maitreya, or Great Compassion and the proclamation of the Mother of the World) ”(From the letters of H.I. Roerich.)

“The era of Maitreya affirms a woman. After all, the Appearance of Maitreya is connected with the affirmation of the Mother of the World in the past, present and future. The Book of Life is so beautiful! (Hierarchy).

“They will ask why this age is called the Age of the Mother of the World. Indeed, that is how it should be called. A woman will bring great help, not only bringing enlightenment, but also establishing balance. In the midst of turmoil, the balance magnet is broken, and free will is needed to bring the disintegrating parts together. Maitreya-Compassion needs cooperation. Whoever sacrifices himself in honor of the Great Age, he will reap an abundant harvest ”(Supermundane).

“A new era under the rays of Uranus will bring the rebirth of a woman. The era of Maitreya is the era of the Mother of the World ”(H.I. Roerich Letters, v.2,

And so we can conclude that the next ruler of Russia will probably be a Woman (or she will play an important role in governing the country)! And it will be a huge upheaval in the country. At the moment, she is not visible and unknown to anyone, this is not Peunova and not one of the political leaders. She will be a very unusual woman and you will immediately recognize her. She will not strive for power, but people will choose her.

After she is elected, there will be many changes, she will destroy this whole slave system of power and drive the “kites from the feast”. Finally, the Slavs will give an opportunity to do something to a good person and put in the power of a person whose rule will be so wise that even V. Putin and V. Lenin will be surpassed by her insight .....

Further I give prophecies confirming that we should wait for a woman.
“And neither the tsar, nor the boyar, nor the nobleman’s husband, nor the priest, nor the metropolitan, nor any other male servant of God entering the golden gates can be the first sovereign and grand prince of the third Rome (Russia). Truly we say to you: to be Zhenya the queen and mistress, ascended immaculate, like the Most Pure Mother of God. Do not look for her in the midst of the vanity of the world, do not torment here, asking: “Are you this?”, do not bother in order to know the Providence of God. When the Sun rises, and the foolish child knows, so will this virgin rise, and everyone will look and say: “Queen and Mistress!”, For in Her hands there will be a laurel branch ... ”(Second Epistle of the Sonoretian Elders).

The lady will rule the country
Where the heads of temples are like a knight's helmet
Her reign will be wise
but the enemies do not sleep
And her power is not unlimited.

For a deuce three times nothing will happen again
And in the kingdom of the Russians, the replacement will take place:
A virgin will appear and lead the people,
And the old man will go to rest involuntarily.

(Nothing will be repeated three times after the deuce, most likely, it means that after 2000 nothing will be repeated three times, i.e., perhaps V.V. Putin will not be elected president for the third time).

The beautiful Madonna will come to the kingdom of Rus,
Flowers strewn your path, and two sixes with an interval.
Divided into three and ended with seven,
Peace and happiness will bring.

(606:3 \u003d 202 and 7 we complete) \u003d 2027 - it will bring peace and happiness to people. Most likely, the most fertile time of her reign will come at this time)

Madonna, taking the reins of government,
Will enter the hearts of the Tartars (Russians),
surrounding their domains with love,
and the arts and sciences will flourish,

And the Madonna will give birth to great geniuses.

(Most likely, it will begin to raise technological progress to a qualitatively new level. It is high time. That is, we will abandon oil and move development towards solar energy. In addition, arts will develop.)

… High mountains are waiting for the new Sophia:
Her penetrating brain is beautiful!
She is all on fire, taming the elements,
It hurts that the world has not grown up to love. …

Will not the administrative apparatus be born?!
Depraved, noise, insults will murmur.
The lady will be offered the throne, and without a dispute,
Choice, shelter, purge and quarrel.

(Nostradamus - translation by Diana Merkurieva)


Monk Abel was an absolutely real person who lived in Russia in
end of the 18th century, which made a number of grandiose
predictions (dates of the death of Catherine II and Paul I, the war of 1812 and
revolution of 1917), who suffered severely for these predictions (half
spent his life in a monastery prison, half his life in exile). However
less, just as absolutely real texts, that is, texts
written by his hand, we did not come across. These texts are
state secret, transmitted first from tsar to tsar, then from
secretary general to secretary general, and, finally, from the president to the "successor" - as
an important addition to the nuclear briefcase.

These texts exist. Information about them surfaced in 1917, when
at first it turned out that Nicholas II had, it turns out, a certain
a box (received from his father, and that inherited from his grandfather) and
containing the main prophecies about the fate of Russia. Became known,
that in the corresponding department of the Gendarmerie, since the 18th century,
and Abel's books, and his confiscated correspondence, and testimony
informers with retellings of prophecies. Some of these Cheka documents are not
was able to keep under the hood and they began their journey around the world,
popping up either as "the prophecies of St. Basil the Blessed", then as
"the prophecies of Vasily Nemchin", then as "the prophecies of the elders",
"Rasputin's prophecies", and sometimes under his own name: "prophecies
monk Abel.

In the 20th century, there were few people who heard something about these documents, but
with the beginning of the collapse of the USSR and, as a result, with the restructuring of the KGB of the USSR
there was a second information leak - prophecies appeared in
print. The most fruitful years for them are the period 1988-1992, when
the general public first heard about Vasily Nemchin, about some copies of
texts of St. Basil the Blessed, about the books of Rasputin and other similar
artifacts. We do not exclude that there are some real texts
for the authorship of the listed prophets, however, everything that got into print
and what is given for them is nothing more than a compilation of the same
document. This is clearly seen in the linguistic and factual
comparison of the prophecies listed as if the authors.

For example, if Abel writes about a certain "bald man with an ax,
who will be put in a crystal coffin, then approximately in the same
in words, the construction on the Red Square of the Ziggurat describe and
"Vasily the Blessed", and "Vasily Nemchin". Such use
identical phrases and words cannot be, in principle, just as everyone could not
these three prophets (plus Rasputin) name one of the rulers of Russia
future "a small man with a dark face, sitting on the shoulders
giant." That is, we are clearly talking about a prophecy belonging to
to one person. What will we call him - Abel, Nemchin, Vasily
Blessed or Rasputin - it doesn't matter. Most likely these pieces
information is based precisely on the prophecies of Abel. Nevertheless we
let's focus on a kind of well-known brand "Vasily Nemchin",
promoted in the early 90s by Pavel Globa (this gentleman
definitely have or were in possession of some ORIGINAL
texts, it's not just that a person faded to Germany when
the prophecies he published about events after Yeltsin became
come true with stunning accuracy).

So, in the prophecies of Abel it says:
After seven decades of abomination and desolation, demons
they will run away from Rus' (demons are, of course, Jews. In the early 90s, they "rushed" en masse to Israel and the USA. Now many, already with dual citizenship, are returning to the Russian Federation - my note, Vladimir Berezin) .
Those who remain will change into sheepskin coats.
masks" while remaining "predatory wolves. Demons will rule
Russia, but under other banners (hidden occupation - V.B.). In Rus' there will be a second Boris,
giant titan. Russia will be on the verge of collapse and destruction, and
under the guise of the revival of former greatness will be destroyed then
the last thing left. After the last three years of abomination and
desolation, when dog children will torment Russia The giant will leave
so that no one will expect this, leaving behind
many unsolvable mysteries. The giant will wander through
labyrinth, and on his shoulders a man of a small
growth with a black face.
A little black-faced man will be half bald, half
hairy He will remain unknown for a long time, and then he will begin to perform
servant role. He will come from a southern family. He will change twice
appearance. Rus' will suffer great disasters from him. There will be war in
Prometheus Mountains (Caucasus) lasting 15 years. There will be a third
Tauride war - there will appear a crescent and a torn Taurida
will bleed. And then they will put a foolish young man on the throne,
but soon he, along with his retinue, will be declared impostors and chased with
Rus'. Demons striving for power will hopelessly break on the bear
head and paws in which the spirit of the Russian ancestors will be embodied.

As well known to people, as we are carefully studying historical
artifacts, prophecies of Abel (Vasily Nemchin) in a clean, step-by-step
chronological form does not exist in print. There are some
there are still fragments covering fairly wide periods of time
several publications of Pavel Globa for 1988-190, until 2000
quite often met on the network, but then suddenly somewhere
disappeared (this is especially true for texts mentioning a person with
black face on the shoulders of the Titan). However, print publications
have been preserved by many even now, comparing what was said with what is happening
there, we can already build some kind of consistent and easy
recognizable picture.

Who is "Titan", "Giant", "second Boris", who left when
no one waited and wandered through the maze? This character is very similar to
Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin - a man of great stature, Boris
name, somehow unexpectedly, as it were, renounced power in 1999 and
who lived after that in the Barvikha government complex, where, under
land back in the USSR built a whole city of government bomb shelters
- labyrinth.

Who is a dark-faced man of small stature sitting on his shoulders
The giant, who played the role of a servant, from a southern family, twice replaced
appearance? This character is very similar to Vladimir Vladimirovich -
a man much shorter than Boris Nikolaevich, whom Boris
Nikolaevich and brought him into politics, to whom he probably constantly gave
some advice, that is, on the shoulders, as it were. Everyone is looking at
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin sits in the Kremlin, but in fact EVERYTHING
people around Putin are people placed by Boris
Nikolaevich. That is, Yeltsin retained all the levers, and Putin,
by and large, sits in an empty cab and portrays the driver.
Hence the analogy: "sitting on the shoulders of the Giant."

With the twice changing appearance of Vladimir Vladimirovich, everything is on the first
the view is clear: two presidential terms are, as it were, two
appearance, two face changes. But why does Vladimir Vladimirovich have a face
described as "dark"? There is a suspicion that the prophet from the depths of the 18th
centuries, this face could not be seen. It was blurred.
Mysterious. For example, the prophet could see several "Vladimirov
Vladimirovichi" - twins. Hence the darkness. Hence the change of faces:
first one person is shown on TV, then his
double. (Perhaps the reason is that Putin stays in power thanks to mimicry, pretending to be a patriot and statesman, playing on the people's hatred for the liberals and their "swamp opposition", in fact being the head of the occupation administration and part of the liberal-oligarchic stratum. Hence - his "dark", indefinite appearance - V. B.)

On the other hand, a change in appearance is also a change in image, a change
rhetoric. VV how did you come to Olympus? V. V. promised to "wet in the toilet"
terrorists, which meant bad people from the North.
Caucasus, offending the Russian people. And the Russian people voted for VV.
And before 2004, what did V.V. answer to a resident from the North Caucasus, who asked
about Russians? VV said: these are jerks. Here is the face change.

Finally, the words about the "southern clan" of V.V. and his performance of the role of "servant" give
some allusions to both the past and the future of Putin. hints of the past -
this is a mysterious story with the Georgian mother V.V., not yet proven,
but not refuted either. Allusions to the future are allusions to the premier
the chair of Putin, who was president, and then became prime minister - that is
as if in the role of a servant of the next president.

Who are the "dog children" and "demons striving for power" we explain,
we believe it is not necessary - and so everything is clear to everyone. As follows from
prophecies, some “bear paws” will tear the demons. Mention of these paws
Nemchin, Abel, and St. Basil the Blessed have it, and even in
some texts of Rasputin. That is, in a book written by hand
Abel himself and the carefully guarded Cheka-KGB-FSB, these bear paws
are clearly present. The question arises: what to do
demons rushing to power and possessing knowledge of their shitty
future (the archives of the KGB of the USSR are at their complete disposal)? Besam is nothing
it remains how to continue “dressing up in disguises”, that is, after disguises
Democrats to pull on the skin of this legendary bear,
thereby, as it were, inverting the prophecy in his favor. And what are we
see? We see the emergence of the Unity party, which suddenly
some kind of hell was renamed "Bear", taking the bear also
symbol. We see a "successor" with a suitable last name - Medvedev.

No, this is not an accident. This is cause and effect. Reason -
mention in the prophecy of "bear paws". Consequence - renaming
"Unity" and the appearance in the Kremlin of Mr. Menachem Medvedev -
a young man ... who is ... thus "unthinking youth",
who will be moved "to the kingdom."
Actually, they are already moving - we see ....

Further, the prophecies say that ten tsars, the most terrible for Rus', will come for an hour:
man with helmet and visor
revealing his face / faceless swordsman, chained in
chain mail man, man shedding blood/; The man from the swamp.
His eyes are greenish. He will be in power when he has
two fives will converge. He had a mortal wound, but she
healed. He fell, but rose again to unattainable heights and became
take revenge on everyone for their humiliation. And there will be blood, great blood through
three, through seven and through the fall of the green-eyed. They won't be able to for a long time
calculate. Then he will be thrown into the abyss; Another will
long-nosed. Everyone will hate him, but he will be able to rally around
yourself a great force; A person sitting on two tables (i.e.
thrones. Ed.) will seduce five more like him, but on
on the fourth rung of the ladder they will fall ingloriously; Man with
impure skin. He will be half bald and half hairy;
Marked will flash like a meteor and Lame will come to replace him
/crippled/, who will cling to power terribly; Then
The Great Lady with golden hair will lead a trio of golden chariots.

In the very south of the black Arap kingdom, a leader in blue
turban. He will throw terrible lightning and turn many countries into
ash. There will be a great exhausting war of the cross with the crescent, in
which the Moors will intervene for a period of 15 years. will collapse
Carthage, who will be resurrected and the prince of Carthage will be the third
the pillar of the unification of the armies of the crescent. There will be three waves in this war
- roundtrip.
When a terrible death will threaten everyone, the Swift One will come
Sovereign / Great Horseman, short reigning great sovereign,
Great Potter/. He will be pure in soul and thoughts and bring down his sword
for robbers and thieves. Not a single thief will escape reprisal or
Five boyars close to the tsar will be put on trial. The first
boyar - judge. The second boyar flees abroad and will be caught there.
The third will be the governor. The fourth will be red. The fifth boyar will be found
dead in his bed. The Great Renewal will begin. In Rus'
there will be great joy - the return of the crown and acceptance under the crown
the whole big tree. The three branches of the tree will merge together after
flight of demons, and there will be one tree.

Here is a rough picture. If a
interpret prophecies in the language of political science, then drain
"unintelligent young man" (Mr. Menachem Medvedev) will
organized by some temporary committee, which took on the role
temporary executive power. Who will enter there - you can only
guess, the figures are written only with general strokes, hints.
Obviously, this will be a group of governors, officials from various departments,
the military, who somehow either merge the "elections" themselves, or refuse them
admit. Even the possibility of the collapse of Russia into a kind of
confederation, where each governor and head of the AO will take independence
as much as you want. These governors may and will be the same
tyrants for an hour, which will then begin to unscrew the heads of the Great
Potter - that is, the ruler who is destined to reassemble

But we still consider the collapse of Russia to be less likely.
option, seeing in the tyrants a certain ruling Committee, where, in particular,
some of the people who nominated for the kingdom will also be represented
"unthinking youth." The committee will, of course, be temporary, and
very soon the committee members will begin to find out among themselves - who is more important.
Signs of the most important, listed Nemchin.

So far, a more or less recognizable character is the one ... who will be able to
gather a great force around you (which is quite possible with the client
base of 10-15,000 bangs). He, apparently, is red-haired, ... Actually, he
such one is Mr. Chubais.
“A man sitting on two tables (thrones)” is a certain gentleman,
holding two positions. It seems to us that it will be a certain person,
who is also a government official in his own
country, and occupying a certain high position in the CIS system or the union
Russia and Belarus. The official may not necessarily be Russian
and not necessarily just an official. For example, the Committee may include
Mr. Lukashenko, retaining both the post of President of Belarus, and having received
post on the committee.
The military and governors appearing in the texts fit perfectly into
description of the top of the law enforcement agencies. Especially the special services - visor on
the face is the same mask, that is, a mask. Same options here
many, how many special services in Russia.
The bald man with impure skin strongly resembles one figure from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation -
Mr. Zyuganov, who may be involved in the Committee.
He does not have special power, like, for example, the head of the FSB or the mayor
Moscow, but he has a real electorate. The inclusion of Zyuganov in
The committee of this electorate can be involved.

Who is "Labeled" - is the clearest. This is apparently Mr. Gorbachev,
whose presence in the Committee will portray to this Committee a certain
democratic reputation.
The most creepy character is the “man from the swamp”. Associated with him
shedding of blood. Who is - it's hard to say until he is inflicted
mortal wound. Perhaps we are talking about Mr. Shoigu,
heading a very powerful power structure. At first
The Committee cannot do without him, but his presence there and beyond
runs the risk of making him the most influential figure in the Committee, so
colleagues, most likely, will try to merge it with a certain decree. This will be
wound. But it will not be possible to really throw him out of the game - everywhere in the Ministry of Emergencies he
people and he can still "fly up to unattainable heights."

"Lame" is the most mysterious figure so far. Particularly crippled politicians in
There are no Russians, except for some, but as a “Lame” he can
speak Mr. Primakov, for example. In past election battles
his opponents actively promoted the topic of a hip prosthesis
joint, so it is possible that it will be announced further.
Hence the image of Nemchin - "Lame". And Mr. Primakov himself -
a serious enough figure in the alignment to compete for power.
On the other hand, "Lame" may be a certain politician with an expiring
term of office - the so-called "lame duck". It is hard to say

Now it seems to us that only the last figure, which will be
precede the emergence of a Russian national leader named
Great Rider. That is, this figure will manifest itself - it means soon
wait for the Horseman. This figure is the "Great Lady with golden hair",
somehow connected with certain chariots. Chariots are most likely
metaphors. Chariots - movement somewhere or from somewhere. But light
hair is a sign. The lady must be sought among the blondes. We don't know
we, frankly, where to look, but given that neither Vasily Nemchin,
nor the monk Abel had even heard of some kind of "Ukraine" (in those days
it was also Rus'), you can also look for a lady among Kyiv politicians.

This is a very serious question, because someone in Kyiv also has
copies of ancient predictions - branches of the KGB were there too. What,
just like that, Mrs. Tymoshenko dyed her hair white, and the "Party
Regions ”rolled out the blonde pani Bogatyrev? And Mrs. Vitrenko
put her head in a bucket of peroxide because she wanted to be like
Britney Spears in her sixties? That is, it is known in Kyiv
the prophecy about the "fair-haired Lady" is still known. And people
trying to play on him, as in the Kremlin they are trying to play on the "bearish
paws." The game is worth the candle, since the “fair-haired Lady” is a prophet
played an important role.

So far, the most likely contender for this role, Mrs. Tymoshenko, is
anyway, she started out loud and right. If she really
realizes what it promised - its influence on the masses, including in
Russians will be huge, because reconsidering "privatization" on
no one has tried the territory of the CIS yet. They were afraid to even discuss the topic.
And at the same time (and we have been talking about this for a long time) the revision
"privatization" will give the person at least a 70% rating. Real
a rating to be reckoned with in Russia as well.

Thus, in the course of events, more and more secret
becomes gradually apparent. Yeltsin was recognized first (the first texts
Globes with references to Nemchin appeared already in 1988, if not
previously). Then Putin was recognized. Now it's the turn of the "unintelligent
young men" Menachem. Who do we recognize next?

Mikhail Saltan, Gleb Shcherbatov (ARI/netpress)

And yet this topic does not let me go. I write something about livejournal, Nurgaliyev, Prokhorov, I read information on<>.....and she think-think-think about this topic. And I ask myself: do you have anything to say? just repost someone else's material with which you do not agree in everything .... But I agree! Yes, but not all...

And just as after the murder of Budanov, I suddenly began to write about the Celts quite unexpectedly for myself - and Breivik came, just as I unbearably want to write about the Russian Solar Maidens - Women of the Third Millennium.

<<Однако существует ещё и планетарный спрос на женщин эпохи Водолея. Ведь «Эпоху Великих дам» следует все-таки толковать как звездную плеяду выдающихся женщин третьего тысячелетия, а не единственную Даму, реализующую миссию спасения России.>>

Why is my being so persistently drawn to this topic NOW? There is no rational explanation. NO. And only signs-signs-signs... A Russian woman enters the political forefront and begins to create OTHER...

They are all remarkably similar to each other. Beautiful, independent, feminine, independent. It was to them that in March I dedicated the post of the Next President of Russia.

Of course, we are not talking about the president of 2012. It is too early. EARLY. But soon. Very soon Russia will find itself in a woman. Or rather, women. Here's a gallery of just a few of the ones we've heard about. But how many more are there and will be ....

Nina Ostanina

Svetlana Peunova

Oksana Dmitrieva

Irina Dedyukhova

Natalya Chistyakova

and, of course, my friend - Natalya Katkova - altina_augusta !

What a pity that I do not have portraits of my other Friends, but I am absolutely sure that the type will be the same ... And all of them (however, why are they? just WE!) are a collective image of one woman. The one that laid the foundations for the future rise of Russia.

Ekaterina Romanovna Vorontsova-Dashkova is the founder of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Politician, writer, public figure.

In the development of the theme Order from Chaos. End of eternity. Search a woman!

Woman of the 21st century: Great alchemist of Great men or guide to the personal "Golden Age"

The most prominent secular Men of the third millennium are increasingly searching for “Women. of the Third Millennium”, “Women of the Age of Aquarius”, “White Lady”, “Solar Virgin according to John the Theologian”, as if they had discovered the divine meaning that the main wealth and currency of the 21st century is far from information, as they like to say about it, It would seem that the most advanced pragmatists of our time, and even more so, not banknotes and banknotes, but a Woman - a Woman of the Third Millennium.

And this Woman of the third millennium, to sum up what is said below, will become the highest competitive advantage of the modern and future man, the scepter of his power and ultra-modern survival technology. This woman is a source of sacred energy, a source of the purest "filtered" cosmic information, a source of grace. A kind of "elixir of immortality and longevity."

The persistent search for ancient knowledge about the Woman could be perceived as another step forward on the man's path to personal improvement and his movement to the "terminal station", at which, as the initiates say, love for the Almighty becomes stronger than the "call of a woman."

However, the very secularity and education of "seeking Men", their involvement in politics, business and their desire for leadership do not indicate that they are ready to abandon the real female essence. On the contrary, now they need not just a woman with a set of feminine qualities of the late 20th century “stamped in their minds”: a mother, an object of partial satisfaction of sexual desires, a culinary specialist and an image lady on escort functions, but they ideally need, as already mentioned, “a woman - elixir of immortality.

From my point of view, Antonio Meneghetti came closer to unraveling the mystery of the third millennium, called the “Era of the Great Ladies”, in his book “Woman of the Third Millennium” or “Woman: Sex, Power, Grace”. Antonia Meneghetti's school of ontopsychology is most widespread in St. Petersburg, where the scientist and discoverer of semantic fields has many followers.

Meneghetti, in fact, goes through the search for the forgotten secret of Adam and, accordingly, the answer to the question: “Why did the Man create a Woman for himself?”. It is in this way that the question of the secret of Adam was formulated in ancient times. Now the problem statement of “male studies of the female theme” is somewhat different: “Why does a Man of the 21st century need a Woman? "Or even more precisely:" Why and why the Man of the 21st century will create for himself the Great Lady of the third millennium?

Initially, it seemed that the interest in the “female theme” at the beginning of the third millennium was dictated by numerous prophecies, and for this reason there is a “male monitoring” of how the predictions of Nostradamus, John the Theologian, the monk Abel and the modern Pavel Globa are now viewed in the reality of the 21st century, who, taking into account the new input data, he specifically clarified for those who seek and expect: “Wait for a woman born under the sign of Capricorn, Taurus or Virgo. Perhaps under one of the signs of Water - Pisces or Cancer.

In studies on the interpretation of “epithets from the prophets” regarding this White, Solar, Golden, Great, Royal and Royal woman of the third millennium, at first, only male instinct and the desire to be the first to recognize the one whose will and mind would make drastic changes in the fate of the Slavic territories of the northern hemisphere were also seen planets.

According to analysts and journalists who study predictions about the era of the Great Ladies, “John Paul II devoted almost his entire life to this task, before his death he managed to somehow convey to the Russians, for some reason, the Kazan Image of the Virgin - with which Minin’s militia went to take Moscow and Pozharsky, and who for some reason did not want to accept the ROC.

Perhaps this is due to the fact that "Holy Rus' - from ancient times was called the" House of the Most Holy Theotokos ". Artistically, the "House of the Mother of God" is an image of the Mother of God Christian, together with the Lord, surrounded by the entire Russian land. The blue color on the white-blue St. Andrew's and the modern white-red-blue flags of Peter is the color of the Virgin.

It is possible, according to researchers, that interest in the theme of the Mother of God path of Russia and "Women of the 21st century" is associated with the ancient prophecies of the monk Abel, that Vladimir Putin, who, as it is recognized, fully fit into what Abel said, will be replaced by a woman, not a man. As they say, "A very limited circle of figures denounced by the highest authority has access to the exact text of Abel." It is for this reason that the growing interest of male political scientists, politicians, and businessmen in the topic of matriarchy and the Mother of God path of Russia is quite understandable.

Significant, for the initiates, is the fact that the appearance of our last miraculous icon - the Sovereign Mother of God, occurred on the very day of the abdication of the Sovereign Emperor Nikolai Alexandrovich, March 2, 1917. “This icon represents the Mother of God in the royal crown, with a scepter and orb in her hands, in red clothes, as if soaked in blood, with a look of eyes expressing sorrow. What is this if not that the Mother of God herself took into her hands the supreme royal power over the Russian land.

If we focus on this divine providence, then there really are mysterious indications of the Supreme Tsarist power of the Great Lady in Russia, primarily in the context of the monarchical project.

The current depth of study of this topic among those who, on the job or by call, are engaged in versions of the succession of power in Russia is such that men who know about predictions are more likely to ask only the question: “What can move them (at least theoretically) to the fact that Possessing at present full male power, will they suddenly give this power to a woman in the near future? And perhaps it is no coincidence that in those variations of the change of power and the artistic images that they are now building, to some extent there are already elements of an early justification of their future decision "to renounce male state domination."

2-3 years before the onset of the Age of Aquarius, women close to the "structures" (security, etc.), as it should be understood on the instructions of men, began to "throw" the topic of matriarchy into women's conversations. In order to remove the first reaction and get a full package of "women's arguments" that they can present in defense of the version of the return of women's power over men. However, there were no other arguments except, “a woman gives life, but a man cannot do this, and therefore a woman is more important,” was not found.

After the first failure, the men themselves took up the search for arguments and justifications. The primacy in the modern artistic discussion of the theme of the Mother of God Way belongs, it seems, to Sergei Alekseev. In a book with the symbolic title "Satisfy my Sorrows", which is associated with another well-known and beloved female icon in Rus', he says in the words of his hero:

“Humanity will return to the feminine, maternal principle of life - to its true natural form. Only the uterus is not a queen, not a queen. This is Matka. She does not manage life, as is customary now, in the era of the Fatherland; she sows life, she multiplies it like the cells of her own flesh. Agree, these are directly opposite things - to manage and sow.

Now there is already a lot of talk about some new form of existence in Russia, about an unusual form of power, a way of life. But then they learn about the Third Dynasty. The Third Dynasty is a special maternal power in our country. This is the uterus - the restoration of the cult of the Virgin. The path of Orthodoxy in the third millennium - the Mother of God path. Now men rule, deprived of the ability to produce not only the Lord, but also their own kind. Men are deprived of ether and cosmic connections with nature. And for women, space begins immediately above their heads.

According to S. Alekseev, a new era in Russia is coming, when the country will be headed by “An earthly and extraordinary woman: “Whatever her thought does not touch, everything becomes reasonable and spiritual!”. At the same time, in Satisfy My Sorrows, S. Alekseev not only develops a fascinating intrigue, but also prescribes the path for the new “Monarchine” of Russia to come to power. Oddly enough, she will win the elections under the Constitution and she will be supported by the national bourgeoisie, interested in preserving, developing and increasing their business, since only this extraordinary woman with her great mind is able to give new ideas to the development of capital and the economy.

It seems that in this case, Sergei Alekseev went further than the author of the book "The Da Vinci Code", which is a kind of worship of the feminine. After all, Dan Brown reproduces the worship of a woman - in an interpretation that existed many centuries ago, in particular, in the years when various mysterious Orders of initiates were especially popular. And if Dan Brown himself does not specifically reveal the highest qualities of a woman as an object of admiration, then Sergey Alekseev sets fairly accurate parameters that intuitively meet the current needs of the male community in Russia. This is a connection with the cosmos, this is the sowing of life not only in the sense of childbearing, but more widely - in the sense of conditions favorable for life, these are some kind of acts of "great generosity" and "great gift" on the part of the "White Lady" and at the same time the "Solar Virgin" ”, and these are also new business ideas for the development of capital and the economy.

As you can see, we are dealing with a sketch, a kind of preliminary ideal of a Woman of the 21st century for Russia.

If we proceed from the fact that Sergey Alekseev voiced, in a sense, a collective image created as a result of his communication with the most elite representatives of the male community, then it turns out that this is a highly enlightened woman, an economist from God, able to work with the bioinformation field of the earth and focused on a caring attitude and restoration of the life-giving force of nature. It is fundamentally important that this is still a real woman, i.e. Savior in a real image, causing desire, worship. Charismatic and passionate lady.

Men, as we see, are not ready for the image of Mother Teresa for Russia or the Iron Lady. Perhaps this is a reflection of the Russian mentality.

If you delve deeper, you can see a rather pragmatic, somewhat even “consumer approach” on the part of men, while reflecting their Demand for the qualities of a modern woman. There are also associations with the "patriarchal view" of matriarchy.

The described image should be attractive enough for business elites, except for a rational attitude to nature, because business monopolies are in conflict with nature by and large.

Although, in relation to nature, I may have freely interpreted Sergey Alekseev himself. If we continue the logic of the “male requests” to the Great Lady voiced by Alekseev, then it is possible that the scale of this Great Queen’s activity, in particular, in harmonizing relations between man and nature, will be limited to harmonizing relations with nature and space for specific no less “royal personalities” ' than herself. However, if this Great Lady happened to find convincing arguments in defense of nature and in the interests of capital, then this would be more optimistic.

In the generally accepted mentality, such “sowing without power”, or power solely through gifts, is a rather difficult role for the “Great Lady”. The "Sunny Lady" should be both too specific to give promises for real business success and too inspirational so as not to lose contact with the Higher Forces. As you can see, this is not Catherine II, squandering royal money on balls, but a woman, rather squandering her own intellectual treasury.

From the point of view of working with huge amounts of information received from the Cosmos, this expected White Lady of Russia is close to the "Space Goddess" SaraSwati. Only SaraSwati was and is a goddess, and for a real woman, reaching the results of a goddess is an endless improvement of herself.

For pragmatic women of the 21st century, the “position” of the Great Lady with the functions designated by men is quite complicated. And here, I do not rule out, the prophets are right that only the one who agrees to take on this burden of altruism and, most importantly, the burden of responsibility, will become the Great Lady. A lady who is not only able to say: “I take responsibility for myself,” but can also do it.

Now this image of the “Great Lady” is in development and “honed” both for the political and business elites of Russia, and for the Lady of the third millennium, who decides to lead the men of Russia along the Mother of God path.

The demand for the Great Lady as the missionary of saving Russia in the third millennium has highlighted some of her qualities, which are said to reflect the needs and hopes of Russian male elites.

However, there is also a planetary demand for women of the Aquarian age. After all, the "Era of the Great Ladies" should still be interpreted as a stellar constellation of outstanding women of the third millennium, and not the only Lady implementing the mission of saving Russia.

Brilliant, in my opinion, Antonio Meneghetti described “Woman of the Third Millennium”: “This is a woman with perfect taste, with perfect gait, with perfect grace, giving inspiration. A woman who knows how to cut off unnecessary connections, remove deviation monitors, a woman who knows herself and her In-se.

Meneghetti in his book “Woman of the Third Millennium” writes that he has always been in love with a woman, analyzed and studied her. pleasure, joy, peace.

The harmony of plasticity, "the harmony of the color of clothing with its inner world - everything has great magnetism, charm, pleasure, that unattainable superiority that is characteristic of the sea, flowers, fruits."

“Everything makes her the main character of the surrounding space, among others. The meeting with Her instantly opens thoughts to new paths. It affirms life as the mind and accurately predicted action. She supports me, assuring me that all this is true, everything is possible. what is already in me, but is still in search, requires its fulfillment. I see the syncretic wholeness of Her mind. Onto Ying-se stands before me, proud of his existence. Everything has already taken place and succeeded at the moment when you see this line, this body, this Woman, who opens up new horizons, raises a new wave. This is an evolution with no end in sight.
The first thing that certainly underscores the freshness of an upper-class woman, an elite woman, a female leader, is her ability to stimulate a fuller, more refined action: she carries clarity, hope and courage, giving rise to the need for action as open creativity. The first thing you take away from meeting a Woman is the desire to create and do it well, in an orderly, harmonious way... This means not just doing for the sake of doing, but the realization of a project as an artistic masterpiece.

Such a woman is the sacred leaven of life.

There is a desire to know Her, to absorb Her into oneself, to get closer to the secrets of Her world and to admit Her into one's own, in order to control all power from within.

It is a kind of “window to heaven”, that is, a window to those distant limits, worlds where everything returns to the consubstantial point of every good.

She has the ability to regenerate, restore and empower.

A woman leader is a natural mediator used by life for the autogenetic renewal of a man - a figure in history ”(“ Woman of the Third Millennium ”).

No one has ever written such a hymn to the Woman before Meneghetti, and no one before him has comprehended the real purpose of a real woman of flesh and blood.

Please note: no kitchen, not even children. We are talking about a woman who transmits "psychic energy" to a man, helping him to regenerate, recover, become ideal. After all, as Dr. Paracelsus said: “To make gold from iron is not the goal of the alchemist. The goal of the alchemist is to make the perfect human being. It was that very ideal person from the "Golden Age", the legends of which have come down to our Iron Age "Kali Yuga"

A woman “from Meneghetti” is in a sense a guide along the path of healing, since in ancient times the path to Perfection was called “cure”.

As you can see, those angles and contexts in which men of the third millennium began to philosophize about Women, study Woman and see Woman differently, clearly indicate that there is a search for new (or long-forgotten) "feminine qualities" necessary for a man to survive in the 21st century.

Probably, the prophets knew that the third millennium would be a millennium of an avalanche-like growth of information flows, a time of turbulence and “shifting sands”, a time that would eat up the potential of a person due to continuous adaptation to these permanent changes, a time that would instantly “suck out” the inner energy of a Human.

And, therefore, knowing the secret of Adam, the prophets could also predict that the men of the third millennium will inevitably have a desire to protect themselves from this flurry of “new inputs” that require them to endlessly respond. They will need to choose the main thing from many tons of minor ones, remove the "deviation monitors" and see the light. You need to turn on your intuition. and there will be no time, knowledge and predisposition for this. And then the Man of the third millennium will pay attention to the Woman of the third millennium. He will pray and tell her: "Help me survive in this chaos."

He will repent to her that for many millennia he hid the plan of Adam, who created the Woman, so that she would be his "highest quality guide" to cosmic information and cosmic energy. And after that, the Men themselves will help the outstanding Women Leaders. Third millennium to realize their highest destiny. They will choose the best “female material” and will personally sculpt the “Woman with Golden Hair”, so that, having entered into harmony with the Cosmos, this perfect creation will “heal” them and lead them into the “Golden Age of Men of the 21st century”!

Having understood the sacred meaning of a Woman, men will stop “drinking” and destroying the energy of the most outstanding Ladies of our time, but, on the contrary, will protect them “like a perpetual motion machine” of their lives!

dialogue with a 15-year-old girl on December 14 in contact.
Me: Of course, I understand that a Russian woman will stop a galloping horse and enter a burning hut, but why? What if you get caught up? Better leave it all to the stronger sex, don't fool around
She: Well, let’s get there, it’s not without difference for us what wakes up further with the country, at least some benefit wakes up from us, by the way, there are quite a few girls there
Me: At least don’t go on the rampage then. Your courage and many of our peasants.
She: Nothing happened to us at Manezhnaya, but we'll see, even if something wakes up for the Motherland, it's not a pity.

NB Gallery of Sunny Maidens of Russia is ready to continue. I would be grateful for your portraits, dear friends, and portraits of those women who already today constitute the main treasury of Russia - the stellar galaxy of outstanding women of the Third Millennium.

© Victoria Popova, Lidia Andrianova

The mystery of Nostradamus's watercolors reveals the symbolism of consciousness. It is believed that Nostradamus set out some of his predictions in drawings. Even a cursory glance at the pages with drawings by Nostradamus is enough to understand that all the information in them is represented by the symbolism of consciousness.

Serpent - a symbol of cataclysms. In his drawings, Nostradamus warns of the onset of global cataclysms of destruction of the planet of incredible force, which will wipe out not only humanity, but all organic nature from the face of the earth. In accordance with the symbolism of consciousness, Nostradamus depicts global cataclysms in the form of writhing bodies of snakes or dragons.

However, before they begin, three preliminary cataclysms of incredible power will occur during the year. One of them will occur as a result of the breaking of two tectonic plates during the period of Cancer according to the zodiac, i.e. during the period from June 22 to July 22.

Transition Instructions. Mankind has never traveled through the parallel worlds of the material world, and does not know how to do it. The Instructions transmitted from Above for the Transition of humanity to another level of the material world are written in symbols of consciousness. To read these Instructions from Above, two keys were also given, revealing the foundations of the symbolism of consciousness.

A woman, a direct descendant of King David, will receive the Instructions for the Transition and two keys to their reading. In his drawings, Nostradamus informs that two keys for deciphering and reading the Instructions for the Transition will be given from Above to the Woman, who will be fully informed about this event. Nostradamus also informs that this Woman is a direct descendant of King David, the creator of the Psalms, since the mother of this Woman is the only reincarnation of King David into a woman. This Woman has a sister who helps her to receive and decipher the Information from Above. Thus, both sisters are direct descendants of King David. Nostradamus indicates the date of birth of the Woman who was given the keys - she was born in the year of the Ox under the sign of Libra, as well as some other external features of the two sisters for better identification. Thus, both sisters are direct descendants of King David.

Consequently, in his drawings, Nostradamus reveals two people, direct descendants of King David, who are entrusted from Above to convey to mankind the Instructions for the Transition of mankind to the Highest level of the material world in order to continue life, as well as two keys for reading the symbolism of consciousness, with which these Instructions are written.

The keys to the kingdom of heaven are true and symbolic. Nostradamus also informs that the keys to the kingdom of heaven, which were given to the Apostle Peter, and then passed from one Pope to another, are only symbolic. For about two millennia, the keys have constantly reminded humanity that on the day of mortal danger, it can be saved in the kingdom of heaven.

However, on the eve of global cataclysms, these two symbolic keys were replaced from Above with two original ones, which were given along with the Instructions for the Transition of mankind to the Highest level of the material world into the kingdom of heaven, written with the symbolism of consciousness. These two keys to the symbolism of consciousness made it possible to read and understand the Instructions for the Transition. Therefore, in many drawings, Nostradamus depicts the same Woman - a direct descendant of David with a tiara on her head, since the tiara indicates that this particular person has the keys to the kingdom of heaven.

Mankind must be necessarily informed about the replacement of symbolic keys with true ones made from Above.. On the eve of the beginning of the global cataclysms of the destruction of the planet, humanity must firmly know that now we all have the true keys to the kingdom of heaven for salvation. However, the main thing is that we have Instructions that explain in detail how to get into this kingdom of heaven - how to make the Transition there.

Two levels of consciousness to create a laser beam of incredible power. In order to make the Transition, humanity must synchronously unite consciousness with a single goal. There are two levels of consciousness involved in this process. One level of consciousness is the higher consciousness of the righteous, who devoted their entire lives to reading prayers. The righteous will light individual laser beams like igniters. The united consciousness of civilization should incredibly strengthen them and create a single laser beam of incredible power. The laser beam will destroy our bodies at the level of crystalline structures

General Resurrection. At the same instant, humanity will reappear at the Highest level of the material world - in the kingdom of heaven. This is how the general resurrection will take place, and the renewed humanity will begin a new cycle of life - the cycle of Correction and acquire immortality. In the cycle of Correction there will be only two gradations - hell or heaven, and everyone will be responsible for the decisions made and the actions that he performs.

At the same time, our bodies will be holographic without mutilation and disease, as stated in the scriptures. Together with us, the three previous levels of consciousness, which are included in our cells of individual consciousness, will also make the Transition.

Amplification of the laser beam is the most important stage of the Transition. The most important stage of the Transition is the strengthening of the action of the united consciousness of humanity. For this civilization it is necessary to create a uniformly resonant structure of the united consciousness.

The main obstacle to the transition. However, it is at this stage that the main obstacle for the Transition, unknown to mankind, arises, connected with the carbon nature of mankind. The carbon basis of mankind is manifested, first of all, in very wide and super-rigid boundaries of individual cells, which are very difficult to soften. The properties of the boundaries of cells are manifested in the deep hardness of the civilization, in hatred, wars, lack of mutual understanding. It is about this danger for the Transition that the so-called Number of the Beast 666 warns, apocalyptic and human, deciphered by the symbolism of consciousness on the eve of global cataclysms.

Change of consciousness to love for the Transition. To create a uniformly resonant structure of the united consciousness, it is necessary to form a single cell. However, wide borders will not allow this. Mankind will be able to overcome its nature only consciously - by turning its consciousness from hatred to mutual understanding and love. Nostradamus informs that for the Transition, the consciousness of humanity must be turned over and the basis of relationships must change in accordance with the golden rule of morality - Love your neighbor as yourself, which has been known since ancient times in the religious and philosophical teachings of the East and West and underlies many world religions, ancient philosophy and is the fundamental world ethical principle (Wikipedia).

Only love can melt the boundaries of the individual cells of civilization so that they merge together and ignite the laser beam. There will be an incredible amplification, which depicts the image of the Lion, and the caused laser beam of incredible power will cover the entire united cell of humanity and destroy our bodies at the level of Crystalline structures for the general resurrection and the continuation of life in a new cycle. Only in this way can a uniformly resonant structure of consciousness be created.

The reversal of consciousness means that for the Transition humanity must change the mode of consciousness and move from the individual consciousness of wars and hatred to the united consciousness of mutual understanding and love. For thousands of years, the Psalms of David have formed a uniformly resonant structure of the consciousness of love. The inverted cross of the Apostle Peter has been constantly drawing attention to the incredible importance of the reversal of consciousness to love, as the only possibility for the continuation of the life of civilization. Nostradamus depicts the upheaval of the consciousness of mankind with the image of the Lion turned upside down in Figure 35.

The basis of the Transition is love. Thus, for the Transition it is necessary that the basis of the relationship is love. Love is the initial state in which the consciousness of humanity should be when consciousness is unified. This is the most important and indispensable condition for the Transition.

Condition failure . If humanity does not follow the Instructions and does not form a uniformly resonant structure of consciousness for the emergence of a laser beam of incredible power, then our bodies will remain at the level of Crystalline structures. In this case, the Earth's civilization will be destroyed with the onset of global cataclysms.

Transition to the second pre-cataclysm. Furthermore, The transition must be completed before the start of the second preliminary cataclysm, since it will cover a vast territory and bring incredible losses to humanity - about 2 billion people, and, most importantly, a very high level of radiation will arise. After this cataclysm, humanity will no longer be able to start the mechanism of the Transition, and will be destroyed with the onset of global cataclysms.

Three cataclysms will occur within a year. It is currently known that before the onset of global cataclysms, as a warning, three preliminary cataclysms of incredible strength will pass as a result of the activation of the movement of the planet's lithospheric plates. It is also known that all of them will occur within a year. The dates of all three cataclysms are known - one of them will occur during the period of Cancer according to the zodiac, i.e. during the period from June 22 to July 22.

The other two will occur on the days of the autumn and spring equinoxes. The date of the first of these is not yet known. The epicenters of all three cataclysms will be in the ocean.

This sequence of events is very real, since the weakening of the planet's magnetic field is very strong in autumn, which has been manifesting for many decades in the opening of ozone holes. In addition, the cataclysm in the period from June 22 to July 22 is the weakest of the three both in terms of coverage area and human losses, and in terms of the level of radiation that will occur after it on the planet. However, the date of the first cataclysm is still unknown. It will be known just before the cataclysm.

Epicenters of preliminary cataclysms. The epicenter of the cataclysm, which will occur in the period from June 22 to July 22, will be located in the Greenland-Iceland region and is associated with a break in two tectonic plates - North American and Eurasian.

The model of the Russian scientist Nikolai Zharvin informs. As a result of the melting of the glaciers of Greenland and the rise of the edge of the plate, a tectonic fault is formed, under which is the upper part of the Earth's mantle with a temperature of 1200ºС. Masses of cold ocean water that will pour into the rift will fall on the red-hot lava of the upper part of the planet's mantle. This will result in an explosion of tremendous power, as the water will instantly turn into steam, and therefore expand incredibly. Compressed vapor in the form of a huge explosion will break out through the thickness of the ocean and raise large amounts of volcanic ash and gases from the Earth's mantle into the planet's stratosphere to a height of about 20 km. The evaporated water forms a huge terrible black cloud that will pour down on the Earth with the strongest rain. During this steam explosion, the ocean will be greatly disturbed. A tsunami of great height will arise.

Last year, an extraordinary event occurred - in just four days from July 8 to July 12, the Greenland glacier melted by 97%, despite the fact that the height in the center of the island is about 3.5 km, and the area is 972,000 square meters. km. NASA scientists note that the rate of ice melting in Greenland is unprecedented. It is obvious that such a rate of melting is due to the action of ultra-high temperature, which could have arisen only due to the already formed fault of the lithospheric plates. This information is only about one cataclysm in the period from June 22 to July 22.

The first of two cataclysms of incredible power, which should occur on the days of the autumn or spring equinox, will already have two epicenters. One epicenter will appear in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Peru in the area of ​​the Brazilian magnetic anomaly at the intersection of two currents - the Humboldt and El Niño, and the second - in the Gulf of Mexico and the Yucatan Peninsula, where several tectonic plates are connected at once.

The main blow of this preliminary cataclysm will be directed to the East coast of the USA, as well as the West coast of Europe. Many other countries will also be hit hardest. The famous American forecaster Edgar Cayce wrote that as a result of a natural impact, the waters of the Gulf of Mexico will connect with the Great Lakes within a few minutes.

High level of radiation on the planet. It is important to note once again that the first cataclysm will destroy many nuclear plants, and a high level of radiation will appear on the planet. However, it will be incomparably lower than the level of radiation that will occur after the second preliminary cataclysm. Thus, humanity has already received the Instructions for the Transition and must make the Transition before the second preliminary cataclysm.

Nostradamus spoke about this hardest time like this: “common blood will flood the earth, people will live with their mouths closed, and the unpredictable will come.” The unpredictable was radiation, an unknown phenomenon at the time. By this, he informs that as a result of a very strong cataclysm that will cover vast territories and in which many people will die, strong radiation will arise, and people will not be able to eat anything. Radiation will close people's mouths. Therefore, today, preparing for future events, it is important for people to reduce the amount of food consumed, to reduce the consumption of meat.

H Ostradamus: The world will be saved by a new religion from Russia with a different worldview . Nostradamus predicted that there would be a "third flood of human blood." For those who survive, a new era will come with a new worldview and a lot of new knowledge. The beginning of a new era will be laid in Russia. The salvation of the world will occur, according to Nostradamus, due to the emergence of a new religion. It will be based on the unification of the consciousness of civilization and the golden principle of morality "Love your neighbor as yourself." It will be "a group of philosophers who despise death, honors and riches." It will be such a teaching that will link together the material and the spiritual.

Edgar Cayce: The hope of the world will come from Russia. Edgar Cayce is the famous American soothsayer, just as Nostradamus foresaw that in this period of deep despair of humanity, which is completely tied to a planet to be destroyed, “the hope of the world will come from Russia. It will not be communism, but a new kind of consciousness, when everyone will be responsible for each other.” This is how the great American "sleeping prophet" Edgar Cayce described the united consciousness as the only possibility of continuing life, the knowledge of which will come out of Russia. Having united consciousness, humanity will make the Transition to a new cycle of life.

Thus, M. Nostradamus and E. Casey predicted that Russia has a special mission in the world. The content of the predictions that Nostradamus presented in the drawings made it possible to reveal Dictionary of Consciousness Symbols, which was compiled by Russian scientists, the authors of this article. Nostradamus warns: the slow dissemination of information about the coming cataclysms and the delay of the Transition, as the only possible way to salvation, due to the indecision of mankind, will lead to the destruction of the Earth's civilization.

Drawings with the Wheel of Time and Events

The Wheel of Time indicates the way of salvation from cataclysms through the Transition. Among the numerous watercolors of Nostradamus, a separate group of eight drawings depicting the Wheel of Time stands out. On one of them, the Wheel of Time, stopped from Above, is shown in the center in a close-up, surrounded by various figures. This is how a string of events is shown, revealing the causes of the Transition of mankind and the main stages of its preparation.

In all other drawings of this group, the Wheel of Time is located at the top. Thus, it is shown that all these drawings are interconnected by a single chain of events, revealing in detail the most important stages of the last period of time for the Transition.

The transfer of the Wheel of Time from the bottom up means that all causes and events must lead to the Transition of humanity to the Highest level, which can only be done through the transformation of the body.

Thus, the Wheel of Time shows the possibility of salvation from global cataclysms with the help of the Transition to the safe Highest level of the material world. The color of the Wheel of Time, its shape, the location of the information tapes also complement the information conveyed by the drawing. Using the example of decoding several drawings of Nostradamus using the symbolism of consciousness, we will show how easy they are to read.

Figure 69. Sagittarius indicates Woman with Transition Instructions

Sagittarius is depicted in two drawings of Nostradamus. However, in one drawing, Sagittarius is depicted with an arrow, and in the other, he is already without an arrow, since he has already released it. Figure 67 with Sagittarius without an arrow, reveals the causes, place and time of a cataclysm of incredible power that will bring huge losses and high levels of radiation to humanity. Figure 69 with Sagittarius with an arrow indicates a Woman who will pass on to mankind the Instructions received from Above for the Transition to a safe level of the material world to continue life. Let's take a closer look at each of these drawings.

The figure Sagittarius with an arrow shows two naked figures - Sagittarius and Woman. They mean that the essence of Sagittarius is to point out to humanity the only person who will reveal the whole naked, undisguised truth - the truth about the events of the End of Time associated with the beginning of global cataclysms, and will pass on to humanity the Instructions received from Above for the continuation of life. This person is a woman. An arrow, already ready to fly off the stretched bow of Sagittarius, like a pointer arrow. It is directed at the Woman, who is holding on to the bow of Sagittarius. The blindfold shifted from Sagittarius's eyes to the forehead shows that the information transmitted by this Woman will open the eyes of the people of the Earth, as the secret of the events of the End of the World - End of Time - End of the Cycle will be revealed.

The mission of this Woman is to convey to people information from Above about the beginning of global cataclysms of destruction of the planet and about the Transition of civilization to another safe level of the material world, as the only possibility of salvation through the united consciousness of mankind. The transition to a safe level must be made as soon as possible - before the start of the second preliminary cataclysm, otherwise civilization will be destroyed with the first natural blows. A huge array of information about upcoming events received by the Woman is shown by a vertical Ribbon, so long that Nostradamus even rolled it up.

The woman in the picture is standing in the inversion of a horizontal Information Tape that wraps around her body. Shown below is a piece of Tape with the fold open down. This means that the information below it reveals her dates of birth.

She was born under the zodiac sign Libra (September 23 - October 22) in the year of the Ox. This Woman is the Russian scientist Victoria Popova, who was born under the sign of the zodiac Libra - October 7, in the year of the Ox - 1949.

Two Keys to Reading the Transition Instructions . This Woman, Victoria Popova, was given not only the Instructions for the Transition of civilization to a new cycle of life, written with the symbolism of consciousness, but also two keys to reading the instructions. The symbolism of consciousness is the single alphabet of the universe. Nostradamus shows in his drawings how these real Keys look like with the symbolism of consciousness, presented on the heads of the keys, for the Transition of mankind to the kingdom of heaven for the continuation of life. It represents the true keys in figure 27.

Crescent Moon under the Wheel of Time . Directly under the Wheel of Time in figure 69, even slightly touching it with horns, there is a crescent of the united consciousness - the main symbol of the Transition, its flag.

The crescent of the united consciousness also forms the upper part of the curved Information Tape, which descends next to the Woman's hand. This is how the main content of this picture is briefly conveyed – in order to continue life, civilization must unite consciousness and make the Transition to a safe level of the material world. And the drawings of Nostradamus continue to tell further.

Figure 91. Woman with Transition Instructions and her sister -
direct descendants of King David

The drawing reveals the origin of the Woman, who was given from Above the keys to read the Instructions for the Transition of humanity to a new cycle of life.

Upper part of the picture . In the upper part of the picture, including a wide dividing strip of brown color, the Wheel of Time, a golden Crescent with an informational Tape and a man with a long beard and a book in his hands are depicted.

Crescent of the united consciousness of civilization . In the center of the picture under the Wheel of Time is a huge golden crescent united consciousness of civilization. This is indicated by the huge size of the crescent, as well as a long informational tape with double-sided folds, depicted against its background, which is usually placed above the Wheel of Time and Events. The ribbon is located in such a way that its side with information closed to humanity is turned to the Crescent, and this closed information is revealed to the Crescent, i.e. The crescent manifests it with its form and content. This shows that the Crescent is the main task of the Earth's humanity, the purpose of its existence on the planet is to form a united consciousness of civilization. Double sided folds on the tape reveal the Principle of united consciousness.

The crescent of the united consciousness of civilization is the main symbol of the Transition of mankind to the Highest level of the material world in the next cycle of life - this is the “Flag of the Transition of Civilization”. The golden color, as always, means that information about this symbol and related concepts is given from Above.

King David . On the right, just below the crescent, in red clothes and a hat, with a written Book in his hands, King David is depicted - a psalmist - one of the greatest personalities of biblical history. A wide stripe of brown, the color of the Earth, which covers the lower part of his body, and which his hand lightly touches, means that this is an Earth man. On the other hand, this strip divides the drawing and the information it conveys into two parts - upper and lower.

The huge array of information that King David received from Above is represented by a white informational tape of an unusually high level - with double-sided folds, extremely long. She is depicted against the background of a huge golden crescent. This shows that the entire huge array of information that King David received from Above is about the united consciousness. The ribbon, turned with the outer side to the beholder, means that its full content is closed to people, but the main essence, transmitted through King David, is presented in the form of a huge crescent of the united consciousness.

In addition, the top edge of the huge golden crescent is colored red. Thus, it is shown that the unification of the consciousness of the civilization of the Earth is the main, red thought, the basis of the information transmitted to King David from Above. The red color of the clothes and headdress of King David emphasizes his full belonging to this information about the unification of consciousness.

King David stated this information about the unification of the consciousness of mankind in a book opened in front of him, which he holds in his hands. These are the Psalms of David, written by inspiration from Above, which for about three millennia have been forming the platform of the Transition - a uniformly resonant structure of the consciousness of Earth's humanity based on great love for the Creator.

Thus, King David owns a huge and important part of the Complete Information Tape, describing the entire life of mankind in the cycle of Consciousness on Earth, which is rewound with the help of a long Screw, depicted on the left.

Banner-pennant over the head of King David . Above the head of King David is a golden pennant-banner attached to the Information Tape. The golden color, as always, means that the information it transmits is received from Above. The banner hangs on two ropes tied with three eyelets.

The banner shows three main symbols of the united consciousness (from top to bottom): the crescent of the united consciousness, the expanded area of ​​the brain of the cell of the united consciousness in the form of a large circle, as well as the symbol of the union of two individual cells into one cell of the united consciousness in the form of a letter BUT. The banner in this case is a label that briefly shows the content of information about the unification of the consciousness of civilization, presented in the Tape.

The form of the banner is completely composed of the symbols of the united consciousness. So, two small circles at the bottom banners (blue) represent two small areas of the brain of individual cells, i.e. two people. They are attached to extensions on both sides, which means that the brain areas of the cells have expanded as a result of the unification of consciousness. In addition, the sides of the double-curve extension depict the union of two pairs of individual cells—a pair on each side—shown in green.

Also, the top line of the banner is part of a larger circle. This circle touches on both sides of the banner, two other circles of smaller diameter. This is how the unification of the consciousness of two people and the expansion of the brain area is shown - three pink-blue circles at the top of the banner.

The two ropes attached to the banner to the Information Tape depict the shifts of the brain regions in two individual cells during the unification of consciousness.

Three loops on which the ropes of the banner are tied - two small horizontal ones and one large vertical one - also reveal the principle of united consciousness - from two individual cells with a small brain area, one united cell with an expanded brain area is formed. The shape of the loops in the form of an oval is a symbol of the transformation of the body for teleportation and the Transition.

Thus, the three main symbols of the united consciousness on the banner, its shape and the two ropes on which it hangs tell about the formation of the united consciousness. Three eyelets-ovals complete this story - symbols of body transformation for teleportation and the Transition. Consequently, the banner informs that the unification of the consciousness of civilization will cause the transformation of the body and the Transition to the next cycle of life.

Conclusions at the top of the figure. The upper part of the picture tells that the main information about the unification of consciousness was given to mankind from Above a very, very long time ago. For a long time, the consciousness of humanity has been improving in this direction, and at the end of the cycle of Consciousness, it is already fully prepared to unite consciousness and make the Transition to the Highest level of the material world in the next cycle of life, where the general resurrection will take place. Thus, the Transition and resurrection are the main stages in the continuation of the life of mankind.

In addition, the thick long beard of King David tells that he lived and worked a long time ago and a lot of time has passed since then... a lot of time.

Bottom of the picture . In the lower part of the picture, under a wide brown stripe, three Women are depicted. One of them is shown directly below King David on the right side of the picture. The other two Women on the left are facing each other and are depicted on the same level with her, but not next to her, but through the information tape. One of them is blonde and the other is dark.

King David's Only Reincarnation as a Woman . Having portrayed the Woman under King David, Nostradamus, thereby, pointed to the only reincarnation of King David - into a woman. The long hair of King David, as it were, passes into the long hair of the Woman, indicating that this is a single and very ancient line. Long hair Women, located on the left side - the side of the heart, means that this is a very ancient connection - there is a huge period of time between their lives - about three thousand years - and this is his first and only reincarnation.

The woman - the only reincarnation of King David - is called Zinaida. Just like David, she is of medium height and with broad shoulders, curly golden hair, blush on her cheek, extraordinary eloquence and beautiful style, excellent musical abilities, sniper accuracy. Her delicate features, golden curly hair and body proportions are incredibly similar to the image of David created by Michelangelo in Rome, which even reflected the hump on his nose. Even today, at 94 years old, her delicate facial features reflect not only beauty, but also breed.

Zinaida is the deepest righteous man. All the shortcomings of consciousness that must be eliminated, in accordance with the commandments, are not simply absent in her - they are, as if, burned out with a red-hot iron a long time ago. Just like King David, Zinaida lost her first-born son, who did not live to be two and a half years old. At the same time, long before the event, her mother was told from Above that the child would die, although the boy grew up very strong, healthy and cheerful.

Her two daughters are direct descendants of King David. Thus, the Woman at the bottom of the picture on the right is the only reincarnation of King David. On the same level with her, two Women are depicted through the informational tape, facing each other. At the same time, the information Tape is turned with its inner side towards the viewer. This means that in this place the Ribbon reveals to mankind from Above a very important connection between the elements of the picture, information about which before that was a deep secret for people. Thus, the two Women depicted through the Information Tape from the Woman on the right are her daughters, and she is their mother. Therefore, both daughters are direct descendants of King David.

These two Women are two sisters, two Russian scientists, constantly discussing the information coming from Above. The fair-haired Woman is Victoria Popova, and the dark-haired Woman is Lidia Andrianova. The drawing also shows that one of the daughters, the one depicted through the Ribbon with her dark hair pulled up, is very similar to her mother. In the picture, the mother and the daughter who looks like her are two faces in profile, turned in one direction.

The other daughter's hair is covered with a long white head-cape. This means that she receives from Above information about the Transition of humanity to the next cycle of life, which she and her sister study and discuss. That is why the Woman with dark hair is covered with a red cloak, and raised up, undulating flying dark hair resembles the feathers of a bird's wings. The crescent-shaped pace above the ear indicates the union of consciousness with the information transmitted by the sister.

King David and Transition Information . Nostradamus informs that the highest knowledge about the technique of the Transition can only be accepted by the direct descendants of King David, who laid the foundations of the united consciousness necessary for the Transition in his Psalms. To obtain this knowledge, David's consciousness was immersed in the deep layers of the information world. However, each time a deeper immersion of consciousness was accompanied by corresponding transformations in his body. As a result of the dives, his bones were more and more absorbed, as the main element of imperfections. Since David received a huge amount of information, his bones not only thinned, but became hollow, like those of a waterfowl.

The reception from Above of information about the Transition, its laws and the necessary conditions accompanying it, as a continuation and expansion of information about the united consciousness of humanity, require even deeper immersion into the information layers. To receive this information, a person must have the hollow bones of King David, with gaps filled with bone tissue of a different nature, which would dissolve layer by layer with each dive. And a certain consciousness prepared for work. This is the reason why only a direct descendant of David could accept from Above the information about the Transition of mankind. Thus, only certain features of a direct descendant of David, specially trained for this work, allowed him to immerse his consciousness in very deep information layers in order to obtain higher knowledge about the technique of the Transition.

Conclusion. In his drawings, Nostradamus informs that accepting and reading the Instructions given from Above for the Transition of humanity with the help of two keys given from Above to the symbolism of consciousness, which the Instructions are written with, will be entrusted to special people. Nostradamus tells about the origin of these people, showing that they are direct descendants of King David, and also indicates some of their external features for more accurate identification. It turned out that these were two Russian scientists - Victoria Popova and her sister Lidia Andrianova. Only these special people will be able to unmistakably receive vital information for humanity and correctly understand it. Nostradamus also indicates the date of birth of one of them, who was given two keys to the symbolism of consciousness. This is Victoria Popova, born in the year of the Ox under the sign of Libra. These two women made Dictionary of Consciousness Symbols, which allowed to reveal the content of the predictions that Nostradamus presented in his drawings.

Figure 72. General resurrection of mankind in a new cycle of life

The same two Women - light and dark-haired, as in figure 91, are presented in red clothes and with white capes on their heads. This means that both Women receive information from Above. This information is about the need to unite the consciousness of civilization for the Transition and the general resurrection of humanity at the Highest level of the material world in a new cycle of life with a large holographic body. Life in the new cycle will begin with a clean slate, which is demonstrated by the Man in blue clothes.

The figure is read from bottom to top. The presented information can be conditionally divided into three parts. In the lower part are the same two Women as in Figure 91, who receive new knowledge from Above. This information is conveyed by white capes on their heads, as well as by the Deer walking towards them. In the upper part of the picture it is said that they receive information about the need to unite the consciousness of civilization for the Transition to the Highest level of the material world in connection with the beginning of global cataclysms. In the middle part of the picture it is shown that as a result of the Transition there will be a general resurrection at the Highest level, and the renewal of humanity with a huge holographic body will start a new cycle of life from scratch. This is depicted by a man in blue clothes, who holds in his hands an open book of life with blank pages.

Two women in red clothes . In the lower part of the picture, two Women are depicted - with light and dark hair in red robes, with heads covered with white cloaks. A deer is walking towards them on the ground. The land is shown only under the Deer. There is no land under Women. So it is shown that they are completely immersed in the information world, indicated by the red color of clothes, and transfer knowledge to people.

Deer is a symbol of new knowledge, renewal, rebirth. Due to the resemblance of deer antlers to branches, the image of a deer is associated with the Tree of Life. The deer is considered a mediator between heaven and earth, a messenger of God.

The Deer is also shown in another drawing of Nostradamus, where under the belly of the Deer is shown the symbol of the Transition, which is found in many of his other drawings. The symbol of the Transition consists of two cells that unite, forming two crescents and a four-sided rhombus, depicting the area of ​​the human brain of the fourth level of consciousness. The three extensions at the bottom depict the three previous levels of consciousness included in the individual cell of each person. The location of the symbol under the belly - the most vulnerable place of the animal - indicates the vital importance of the Transition for humanity.

Knowledge about the Transition and the General Resurrection. The upper and middle parts of the figure, i.e. the top informational Tape and the Man in blue clothes, reveal what kind of new knowledge Women receive. It turns out that Women receive new knowledge from the Above - about the Transition of mankind to the next cycle of life, as well as the principle of the Transition from the level of Crystal structures, where humanity lives today, to the Highest level of the material world, where the general resurrection will take place. Let us consider this information in detail with the elements of the figure that reveal it.

A man in blue clothes with a book with blank pages. In the central part of the picture, directly above the Women, there is a huge Man in blue clothes, who shows an open book with blank pages in his right hand. The right hand is considered the main working hand of a person and displays the acquired skills and experience in a person's life. Therefore, the blank pages of a thick book indicate that humanity will begin a new cycle of life from a blank page. Another drawing of Nostradamus also shows a Book with blank pages and two crossed keys.

Figure 65. Keys to a new cycle of life . The crossed keys are the keys to the kingdom of heaven, which were given to the apostle Peter. Crossed keys are a symbol of liberation and transition from one cycle of life to another. A book with blank pages means the beginning of a new cycle of human life. The lamp below is not lit because humanity is in individual consciousness. The heads of two keys, each of which depicts three levels of consciousness included in a human cell, and also reveals the principle of the united consciousness, inform that the united consciousness of humanity will light the torch of the Transition.

A significant increase in body size and clean pages of the Book. The increase in the size of the image, first of all, is indicated by two informational tapes located one above the other. At the same time, the lower Ribbon depicts the scale of the lower part of the picture with a Deer and two Women, who are representatives of the level of Crystalline structures where we now live. The upper, much larger information Tape, on which the hand of a huge Man rests and which his clothes touch, depicts an increase in the size of the body on another Higher level of the material world, where people will have a holographic body of a huge size.

Consequently, Nostradamus depicted a significant increase in body size. This means that the Transition and the general resurrection of mankind have already taken place at the Highest level of the material world in a new cycle of life. This is indicated by the blue color of the Man's clothes and the blank pages of the opened Book, which he shows us. Blue clothing color indicates that the new cycle of life will take place on another - the Highest level of the material world.

A significant increase in body size during the general resurrection of mankind at the Highest level is also shown in another figure 30 of Nostradamus "Resurrection". A Nude Man of enormous height in a blue loincloth sits on a dais, pointing with his left hand at the Hat with a Wreath on his head, which depicts a united consciousness cell. The same Man, but in today's life at the level of Crystalline structures, is shown side by side - however, he is still small in stature and in clothes, but already in a Hat with a Wreath on his head, i.e. is already ready to unite consciousness for the Transition into a new cycle of life.

The general resurrection of mankind and a significant increase in the size of the body at the Highest level of the material world are clearly demonstrated by the huge five-meter Atlantes, installed on the upper level of the main pyramid of Quetzalcoatl in the Mexican complex of Tula.

Symbolism of the united consciousness. Curly hair, as well as curls on the hair and beard, on the one hand, represent the symbolism of the united consciousness - crescents, uniting cells.

On the other hand, long hair and a beard inform about a very long life of mankind in a new cycle.

Crosses on the forehead and the era of immortality. The crosses on the forehead of the Man in blue clothes indicate that the old Crystalline body will be destroyed, and after the general resurrection of mankind, the era of immortality will begin at the Highest level of the material world.

The crosses of destruction of the body during the Transition to a new cycle of life are also depicted in other drawings of Nostradamus, as well as in many pictograms of extraterrestrial civilizations around the world. These are, for example, crosses on the heads of Dragons in the Mexican complex of Chichen Itza and Crossed Arms in the Peruvian complex.

Info Tape at the top. Two Women are also revealed from Above The principle of the Transition of mankind to a new cycle of life, which is represented at the top of the figure by the curves of the Information Feed. The Information Tape, turned to the beholder, means that in this picture an important part of the knowledge that is kept in deep secret is revealed to mankind.

The Information Ribbon consists of two parts - a horizontal part with three bends, as well as a hanging part of the Ribbon connecting the two ends of the horizontal section.

The horizontal part of the Information Feed. Three bends of the horizontal part of the Ribbon, open in one direction - towards the observer - one large in the center and two small ones, located on both sides of the large one, represent the brain regions of the cells. They reveal The principle of united consciousness– when the consciousness of two people – two individual cells with small areas of the brain – unites, a single cell of the united consciousness with an expanded area of ​​the brain is formed.

Therefore, the large bend in the center depicts the expanded brain area of ​​the united consciousness cell, and the two small bends on the sides represent the small brain areas of the individual consciousness cells.

Ornamented Ring - Crown of Transition. From below, under the central bend of the Ribbon, Nostradamus showed the image of the united cell of civilization in the form of a ring covered with an ornament of flowers - this is the Crown of the Transition. The width of the ornamented ring depicts the border of the cell, and the light middle means the expanded area of ​​the brain of the cell due to the unification of the consciousness of a huge number of people. The light yellow-green color of the cell means the spring color of awakening life.

In the drawing of Nostradamus "Resurrection", the same Crown is depicted in the form of caps covering the heads of both Men.

Two planes of action - horizontal and vertical. In order to more clearly show the quantitative and qualitative transformations taking place in the structure of human consciousness during the formation of a single cell of the Earth's civilization with a huge brain area, Nostradamus attached a hanging part to the two ends of the horizontally located Ribbon. As a result, the horizontal part of the ribbon depicts the Principle of Unified Consciousness and tells about the consistent unification of the consciousness of more and more people. In addition, the horizontal part contains five bends in both directions - the number "five" means the fifth level of consciousness - the united consciousness. A huge area of ​​the brain of the united cell of the Earth's civilization, as a result, is shown in the perpendicular plane by the hanging part of the Ribbon.

So Nostradamus showed that the process of unification of consciousness and the attachment of an increasing number of people will take place in one plane - at the level of Crystal structures. Upon reaching the critical size of the brain area of ​​the united cell, as well as creating certain conditions – a uniformly resonant environment of consciousness – other laws will begin to operate in the huge area of ​​the brain of the united cell – in the vertical plane. They will allow humanity to make the Transition to another level of the material world.

In fact, the synchronously united consciousness of mankind must create a uniformly resonant environment in which a laser beam will arise and be incredibly amplified, which will destroy the bodies for the Universal Resurrection at the Highest level of the material world. Thus, humanity will make the Transition to the Highest level of the material world. About the emergence of the action of the united consciousness in the form of a laser beam tells another drawing of Nostradamus - "Hand with a Sword", which will be discussed further.

Asterisk Transition. Inside the ring of a united cell with an expanded area of ​​the brain - the "Crown of the Transition" - a Six-Pointed Asterisk is depicted below. The number six corresponds to the serial number of carbon in the table of chemical elements of D. I. Mendeleev.

However, this Asterisk is not quite ordinary and appeared here for a reason. This is the asterisk of the Transition. It has five beams, and instead of the sixth beam, an oval of teleportation and the Transition is shown, which is formed with a deep unification of people's consciousness, as a result of which there is an overlap of brain areas. Five rays indicate the fifth level of consciousness - the united consciousness, and the symbol of the oval - the need for the Transition.

Thus, the cell of the united consciousness of humanity is the Triumph of the consciousness of humanity that has made the Transition and continued life after the general resurrection.

Figure 25. A woman in a tiara, born in the year of the Ox, is a direct descendant of David

The absence in the figure of the Wheel of Time at the top means that this figure conveys only additional information, expanding, transmitted by the main figures.

Ox - date of birth. A bull standing in front of a Woman on its hind legs Figure 25. Woman in tiara and Bull, depicted in an unreal pose for an animal. This is how the sign of the zodiac is shown - Bull - the date of birth of the Woman. Figure 69. Sagittarius and Woman, also indicates the same year of the Woman's birth.

Bull and crescent moon of united consciousness . Horns of the Bull in figure 25 in the form of a crescent - the main symbol of the united consciousness, as well as several crescents of the united consciousness in figure 69, emphasize the purpose of the Woman - to convey information to humanity about the need to unite consciousness for the Transition and the continuation of life.

The woman in the tiara is a direct descendant of King David. Thus, and also Figure 69. Sagittarius and Woman talking about the same person. This is a Woman who was born in the year of the Ox, whose mission is to tell humanity about the beginning of global cataclysms and the need to make the Transition to the Highest safe level of the material world in order to continue life.

Wherein, figure 25. Woman in tiara and Bull is a link between the considered drawings, telling about a Woman - a direct descendant of King David and a Woman in a tiara, presented in many drawings of Nostradamus.

The woman in the tiara received the true keys to the kingdom of heaven instead of the symbolic ones. The Priest - the central figure of this drawing of Nostradamus - is wearing a three-level tiara. This means that this person has the keys from the kingdom of heaven received from Above. As you know, the papal tiara and red cloak, along with the keys to the kingdom of heaven, are the emblem of the Papacy and a symbol of power. The papal tiara on her head informs that the Woman received from Above two true keys to the Kingdom of Heaven instead of the symbolic ones, which were transferred to the Apostle Peter, who justified the institution of the papacy and was the first Pope.

Thus, before the start of global cataclysms, the symbolic keys from Above were replaced by the true keys for reading the Instructions for the Transition, written with the symbols of consciousness. The true keys to the kingdom of heaven, represented by the symbolism of consciousness, are depicted in many drawings of Nostradamus.

The Doctrine of the Transition, as the only way of salvation, is a new religion based on the unification of the consciousness of civilization and the golden rule of morality - love your neighbor as yourself. The clasped hands of the Priest indicate the unification of consciousness. The clergyman stands on the ground, thus showing that he is a real person living on the ground.

Thus, a Woman in the clothes of a clergyman with a tiara on her head and hands joined on her chest informs that she is bringing into the world a new religion based on the unification of consciousness and the golden rule of morality - love your neighbor as yourself.

Tiara - This is the triple crown of the Pope, a high egg-shaped headdress topped with a small cross and three crowns and having two falling ribbons at the back. All elements of the tiara - three levels of the crown, a small ball on top or a cross, an egg-shaped shape, two falling ribbons at the back, a horizontal row of quadrangles and a fringe, as well as various ornaments consist of the symbolism of consciousness and reveal the main principles of the united consciousness.

Two people in crowns - These are callouts with additional information. So Nostradamus showed King David and his direct descendant Woman in the form of two portrait images at the level of the head of the Priest - the same Woman, only in life. The man on the right with a dark green collar the color of grass and earth is King David. The dark green collar, as well as the image above, hanging in the air and not tied to the ground, shows that this person lived a very long time ago. To his left, the Woman depicts a direct descendant of King David, who will appear in due time. Thus, the man on the right refers to the past, and the Woman refers to the future. This is indicated by the absence of a wide collar of dark green grass and earth, but only a contour line of a similar color in this place. Therefore, she has not yet lived, and this is only information that she will live.

Two crowns symbolism of consciousness. The crown on the head of King David indicates that he is a king. This crown has a thin base, shown by an additional parallel line, as well as one ornamental element in the center. The crown on the Woman's head does not have a thin base, which means that she is not a queen by birth. The crown on her head means that the Woman transmits information about the highest level of consciousness - the united consciousness of humanity.

The small circles on both crowns depict small areas of the brain of individual cells. A circle of larger diameter located between them depicts an expanded area of ​​the brain of a united consciousness cell. This is how the Principle of united consciousness is shown.

In addition, on the crown of the Woman there are five circles on the vertical teeth of the crown and one on the bent tooth. The number five signifies the unified consciousness, and the number six signifies the carbon nature of humanity. On the crown of King David, only four circles are shown on the vertical prongs of the crown and two on the bent prongs. The number four means the fourth level of consciousness of mankind, and the number two - a couple, as the basis of the united consciousness. Consequently, the number of circles and their location shows the main mode of operation of the consciousness of mankind during the creation of the psalms of King David, as well as at the final stage of the development of civilization - in the period preceding the Transition. In the first case, this is an individual mode of consciousness and the beginning of a united one, and in the second case, this is a united mode of consciousness.

Ornament on the crown of a Woman consists of three elements - two small circles and a central figure. At the same time, two circles depict the brain areas of two merging cells, and the figure in the center shows the expansion of the brain area during the unification of consciousness and reveals the Principle of the united consciousness.

Ornament on the crown of King David It is presented in the form of a heart and consists of two areas of the brain of individual cells that unite consciousness and connect them with a pointed oval of dematerialization and the Transition.

Conclusion . Consequently, the same Woman depicted in the drawings of Nostradamus, both with a tiara on her head and without it, on the one hand, will reveal complete information about the beginning of global cataclysms. On the other hand, the Instructions received by the Woman from Above and two keys for reading them will help humanity understand the only way of salvation given from Above and make the Transition to the Highest level of the material world to continue life.


Beginning of a new era. It has long been known that King David will have a direct descendant who will mark the advent of a new era, when wars will end, universal peace will come, and all people will be able to engage in spiritual development. However, nothing was known about the reasons for the beginning of a new era, nor about this person.

Nostradamus in his drawings reveals information about both the upcoming events that will lead to the beginning of a new era, and about this person. He says that the direct descendant of David is a Woman who received from Above the Instructions for the Transition to the Highest level of the material world, written in symbols of consciousness, as well as two keys for reading them. Its mission is to warn civilization about the onset of global cataclysms of destruction of the planet, as well as to convey to humanity the only way of salvation proposed from Above - the Transition to the Highest safe level of the material world through the unification of consciousness into a new cycle of life. This teaching about the Transition is based on the unification of the consciousness of civilization and the so-called golden rule of morality - love your neighbor as yourself.

It turned out that the moment of the appearance of a direct descendant of King David is the time of the beginning of global cataclysms of destruction of the planet of incredible force. And humanity will go through the first of three preliminary cataclysms that will occur on the planet during the year before the start of global cataclysms. This cataclysm will cover a vast territory and a lot of people will die. It will destroy many nuclear power plants and a high level of radiation will arise on the planet - people will not be able to eat anything. A new era in the life of mankind - an era of peace and mutual understanding will begin immediately after the cataclysm. It is during this period of life that humanity finally realizes the world is not fragmented and disunited, but a single whole.

Having gone through the first cataclysm of incredible power and its consequences, as well as realizing that, in just a few months, the second one will happen - stronger and more destructive, after which humanity will no longer have any chance to continue life - the entire civilization of the Earth will consciously accept the choice offered from Above as the only way to save life.

"In the distant future, Russia will be ruled by the Chosen One of God... But his name will be hidden until the time... Russia will become great under him, she will return to the origins of her ancient life..."
The ancient prophecy of the monk Abel about the future of Russia...

"In 2011-2012, Uranus will leave the sign of Pisces, and Neptune will leave the sign of Aquarius - this will end the period of "prosperity" of the current Russian oligarchic elite, new people will come to power in Russia, patriotically oriented and in terms of mental potential corresponding to the tasks facing the country" .
The forecast of the astrologer S. Popov ...

"Russia will become the birthplace of a completely new religion ... The Representative of the Universe is already on earth, he will create a religion of the future based on the idea of ​​​​spiritual purity ..." Prediction of astrologer Yu. Ovidin ...

"The new Leader of Russia will not be known to anyone for many years, but one day, he will suddenly come to power thanks to the power of his new completely unique technologies, which no one else will have to resist him. And then he will take all the supreme power of Russia into his own hands and no one can resist him. Subsequently, he will become the Lord of the World, will become the Law that brings light and prosperity to everything that exists on the planet. " Clairvoyant Edgar Cayce.

In 2014, the map of the world will change - and this will also affect Russia. Russia will also have to repel a major terrorist attack. This will be achieved thanks to its power structures and thanks to some technologies that we do not know about, but which are actually the most advanced in the world.
Joy Ayad (Egypt)

"The Highest Initiate will appear publicly at the very end of the present era, this will happen when a sufficiently large number of ordinary citizens themselves wish to voluntarily submit to such a Leader." Soothsayer Max Handel.

From the Komersant newspaper, first issue of 2012: "What will 2012, the year of the Dragon, the leap year bring us? The Mayan calendar scares us with the end of the world. And the number of people waiting for it is multiplying day by day. Astrologers all over the world predict a new messiah , a new leader who will change our civilization...

A very beautiful young girl or woman. It's hard for me to explain what her beauty is. Yes, she is very beautiful, but more beautiful, some inner beauty. This internal energy fills all the space around. Nature, fragrant and rejoicing, meets this girl. Nature is reborn!!! She has thick dark hair that is swept back as if in a braid. Her face is a bit broad. She has some kind of decoration on her forehead that looks like a sign. Perhaps this is the third eye, but it is clearly visible. The time will come and female energy will come to this world in the form of this girl. And then, perhaps, there will be no wars and hunger, debauchery and poverty. Nature will be reborn!!!
Vera Lyon - Kazakh Vanga

Then there will be a "dwarf with a black face." Then a lady. As he writes, "a wife of great stature", he also calls the second "golden-haired wife"
Vasily Nemchin

The Marked One will flash like a meteor and the Lame / crippled / will come to replace him, who will terribly cling to power; Then the Great Lady with golden hair will lead a trio of golden chariots.

"The image of a real woman, brave and persecuted by the authorities, but capable of turning the history of our great country and our great people abruptly, appears in prophecies about the future not only of Russia, but also of the world."

Phrases from the Golden Age Vision of John of Jerusalem:

"People will finally open their eyes...
because there will be a woman,
to reign supreme,
It will determine the course of future events.
And prescribe his philosophy to man.
She will be the mother of this millennium following this millennium.
She will, after the era of the devil, radiate the affectionate tenderness of a mother ...
Diseases will be cured before they appear,
and everyone will heal themselves and each other ... "

Psalm 44 psalm
about chariots
5 And in this Thy adornment make haste, sit on a chariot for the sake of truth and meekness and righteousness, and Thy right hand will show You marvelous deeds.

When the dragon saw that he was cast down to the earth, he began to pursue the wife, who gave birth to a male baby. And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness to her own place from the face of the serpent, and there she would feed for a time and times and half a time. And the serpent sent water out of its mouth after the woman like a river, in order to carry her away with the river.

But the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the river, which the dragon let out of his mouth. And the dragon was furious with the woman, and went to make war with the rest of her seed, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. open 12:3-17.