Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Location of house lords in the houses of the horoscope. First natal house

Let's do a little analysis of the astrological significance of the ruler of the 1st house (personality, appearance) in the 11th house of the horoscope (friends, teams).

If the ruler of the 1st house is in the 11th house of the horoscope

Ruler of the 1st house in the 11th house is negative:

an upstart, a loner, a renegade, an excessive desire for independence and a tendency to an anarchic explosive way out of constraining coercive circumstances.

Ruler of the 1st house in the 11th house is positive:

personality develops in contacts with friends, in making new plans and in implementing large-scale projects. Communication with like-minded people and events that excite with their novelty are an incentive to develop abilities.

The personality is affirmed thanks to friends and associates, but at the same time there is a strong desire for independence and complete independence. Such a person always strives to pave new paths. He is many years ahead of the present, mentally living in the future. He knows how to look at reality with a new, fresh, open gaze.

He is enterprising and undaunted, and therefore is often busy searching for self-affirmation in risky and dubious activities. If the ruler of the 1st house is in the 11th house of the horoscope, you need to learn to carefully consider your behavior when you have to work together with other people and soberly take into account everything that others think.

People who have the ruler of the 1st house in the 11th house of the horoscope

In this case, you may become a victim of your immediate environment, because of which you will find yourself in a dangerous and, possibly, hopeless situation. This was the case, for example, in the case of Lord Lewis Mountbatten, who died at the hands of Irish terrorists.

His Moon rules the Cancer Ascendant, being conjunct Pluto and opposing Uranus. This constellation necessitates the need to learn to think carefully about one's behavior when working with other people, and it is imperative to take into account what others think.

The ruler of the 1st house in the 11th house of the horoscope is often present in the horoscopes of sincere philanthropists and altruists working in large charitable organizations, and who, if necessary, can serve as role models. A good example, confirming what has been said can be the horoscope of Pope John Paul II.

Here the rising sign is Cancer, and the Moon in Taurus and the eleventh house forms an exact conjunction with the Sun, which precisely ensures his sincere interest in the well-being of believers and, in general, all people on Earth. Friends are for such people great importance, but they should be chosen very carefully and wisely.

For implementation - specific long-distance trips and travel. They give him his own worldview and life positions.

Ruler of the house in houses

Negative: tendency to identify oneself with a professed creed, fanatical devotion to a mentor, ideological intolerance.
Positive: attention to the spiritual problems of existence, willingness to entrust one’s destiny into the hands of a teacher, the search for expanded opportunities for personal development in other cultures and in philosophical quests.
Such people develop well away from their father's home - in a different area and on the basis of a different culture. They are passionately interested in religious philosophy and ideologies, and therefore can be defined as deep natures and large-scale personalities. They have the gift of prophetic dreams. They perceive life serenely, philosophically and romantically. They are always full of hope and know how to view any situation as the threshold of happiness and a guarantee of optimism. The key expression for understanding their personality is sublime inspiration. They realize that they are capable of achieving everything they strive for, but for this they still have to work hard, since even the most significant and lofty aspirations must actually be fulfilled. Long-distance travel and connections with people of other cultures occupy an important place in their lives.

Indubala. Ruler of the house in houses. (Indian tradition)

It is a sign of devotion to God, a sign of a fortunate person who can speak well, has a good marriage partner and good children, and a good future life. They are generous and can do a lot of good to other people.

This house occupies special place among all the other houses. Its ruler is considered the ruler of the entire horoscope. In order to understand the characteristics of the ruler of the first house, you need to understand the principle associated with this house. The first house, as its name indicates, represents the beginning - the beginning of man as an individual in this world. It determines appearance and external manifestations person. The vertex of the first house is called the ASCENDANT and can be calculated if you know exact time birth. The Ascendant indicates the zodiac sign rising above the horizon at the time of birth. And since all the planets of the horoscope are ultimately expressed through the sign of the Ascendant, it should be clear how important it is to thoroughly understand this house.

The first house is angular, which means that it has characteristics such as activity, initiative and dynamism. This is the first of the houses of life and in this capacity it represents physical aspect personality - body. Of the other two houses of life, the fifth represents the soul, and the ninth represents the mind and spirit. Since through the first house it manifests itself physical body person, then he determines appearance man and what can be called " external personality" It also contains information about how you would like to look, how you would like to appear in public, and what behavior you will choose.

Symbolically, the first house corresponds to the sign of Aries, and Mars is its symbolic ruler. Regardless of which sign is on the Ascendant, the sense of “I” and “I am” is, as it were, innate to the first house. From the moment of birth, the newborn functions under the influence of his natural needs, as if in his desire to survive he thought only of himself. This basic feeling is characteristic of the ruler of the first house, and it will only be intensified or muted depending on the sign and house. Alongside this egocentric orientation comes the majestic sense of beginning, self-expression and enthusiasm that are inextricably linked with any endeavor. Wherever the ruler of the Ascendant is, is where you would truly like to be.

Ruler of the first house in the first house.

This position means that the owner of the horoscope can achieve success only as a result of his own labor and effort. This situation emphasizes the creative direction of the individual, speaks of strong character, human independence, bestows brightness and significant opportunities for ascension. It forces a person to pay attention to own problems, immersing him in the circle of his own interests. At good aspects are provided for a long time happy life, good health, harmony, creative realization.

Since the first house speaks of appearance and behavior, when the ruler is located on the Ascendant, the person will be focused on himself and independence, pride or selfishness will prevail in him, depending on the aspects of the planet. You will look important, and you will pay attention to the quality of your clothes and jewelry. In first place you will have own desires and ideas. Usually you create your own conditions, good or bad, and if the planetary energies are used correctly by you, you can live a long and pleasant life. Your childhood may be quite happy, and your relationship with your parents will be good. On the other hand, if aspects are implemented when unfavorable conditions, then you will have to overcome various difficulties associated with your behavior before you achieve satisfaction and happiness.

Let's remember two famous athletes. Jean Claude Killy, with Leo rising and the Sun in the first house, is an example of the personal interest and determination that led him to remarkable achievements in skiing. His Sun is in square Mars and Uranus, but he managed to correctly use these challenging aspects to fulfill the demands of his ego

to be first. (His horoscope can be found in the second book of this series). Babe Ruth, the famous American baseball player, has Cancer as his rising sign and his Moon is in the first house, forming a trine to Zenith, Mercury, Venus and Saturn. These aspects fully explain its enormous popularity. He found it easy to use his physical abilities and truly epitomizes the unwavering personality that is often found in association with trines.

Ruler of the first house in the second house.

A person’s attention will be focused on material problems, and his personality will be revealed through the material world. Success will concern mainly monetary issues; interest in them will manifest itself throughout your life. Energy the person will leave to the desire for material independence. With good aspects, there is an opportunity to acquire wealth, with bad aspects, there is loss and need.

Interpretation by Marion March and Joan McEvers

You are a person who determines his own value system, who chooses and selects the means that he will use. Such people often neglect conventions and what is expected of them, especially when Mars or Uranus are the rulers of their first house. It may also happen that you become overly interested in money and spend a lot of time and effort to earn a living. Money and everything connected with it will be very important to you. This situation often occurs among people working in monetary circulation systems. If the ruler forms favorable aspects with other planets, then the financial situation will be excellent, the value system will be convenient, and the ability to earn money will be pronounced. If it turns out that the aspects of the ruler are unfavorable, then you will continuously experience financial difficulties and troubles, your values ​​will have a number of shortcomings, and, in addition, you will waste your talents in vain.

The publisher of the American magazine "Hustler" Larry Flynt has Cancer as his rising sign, and the Moon is in Leo in the second house. That is why he must feel important and useful to society when the public (which corresponds to the Moon) perceives and uses the value system he propagates. And since his Moon forms a sextile with Mercury ( language means self-expression), he has the ability to exert a significant influence on the public through his publications. All of the above is further strengthened and further confirmed by the fact that he also has Pluto in his second house in Leo, which is directly related to the behavior of the broad masses and social processes.

Ruler of the first house in the third house.

IN In this case, the individual is characterized by an interest in the field of communications, connections, short or short trips, as well as primary education. This situation in the horoscope creates good students who in life will be willing to learn and absorb everything. various information and impressions. Success or failure depends on the aspect of the ruler. The damage limits a person’s development or education and can cause problems with immediate family members—brothers and sisters.

Interpretation by Marion March and Joan McEvers

In this case, the transmission and exchange of ideas should be very important to you, but above all it will be about your own ideas. You have clear ideas about everything, and expressing and affirming them is what is most important to you. On trips and business trips, your life is filled with meaning and significance, and they may well be related to your main job. You can often take the most Active participation in the affairs of your brothers and sisters, and perhaps you will even work with them. In case this younger brothers and sisters, you may find yourself in a position where you will have to take responsibility for them for one reason or another. If the planetary energies are not used correctly, difficulties and delays may arise in your education. In any case, you will have a need to be recognized, and it will often happen that you will have devoted admirers. Usually such people have a well-developed sense of humor, and you will be able to joke about your own reasons, and such an ability will help you live well in this world.

Puppeteer and ventriloquist Sherry Lewis has Libra as her rising sign and her Venus in the third house in Capricorn, so she is able to convey her ideas to people using original and no less realistic artistic means, creating puppet images and making them your second self. Venus trine Neptune helps high quality her imagination and creative results. For the adventurer Ivel Knievel, the rising sign is Aquarius, and the ruler is Uranus, which is in this case can be correlated with vehicles, located in the third house. His way of interacting with people is truly extraordinary (Aquarius!). Uranus square the Moon (people) and Jupiter (transition) makes him able to practice his craft, which involves something beyond ordinary life.

Ruler of the first house in the fourth house.

This position means that the individual's attention will be directed to the past. This situation shapes people who observe and reconstruct traditions. Sometimes from their midst come nationalists and people who are very deeply immersed in occult problems (H.P. Blavatsky, Nostradamus). The parents' house and one's own home are very significant for a person and play a significant role in his destiny. This position of the ruler predisposes to death in his homeland.

Interpretation by Marion March and Joan McEvers

Family and home occupy a central place in your life. This may also include a strong attachment to one of the parents, and most often this may be the mother. If the aspects contribute to this, love will prevail in your relationships with relatives. If the energy flows are used incorrectly, then you will have to make great efforts to learn good attitude to parents. The parent associated with this position often finds himself strong personality, capable of helping others and occupying a leadership position among relatives, and you may follow his example. For you, a home will always represent the basis of life and security, and even if you do not own a home (which is almost impossible), you will still create a place to live where you can find yourself.

The famous beauty and film actress Marley Dietrich had the ability to turn any place where fate took her into a cozy home. She herself, on her knees, if necessary, cleaned the hotel rooms to the last speck of dust. With Virgo, the symbol of purity and neatness, on the Ascendant and Virgo's ruler Mercury in the fourth house in Capricorn, this is exactly what they do. You will find her horoscope in this book. Another example of this situation is the founder of the American Christian Science Society, Mary Baker Eddy, with her exceptionally strong religious feelings, which precisely corresponds to Jupiter in Aries in the fourth house with a Sagittarius Ascendant. You will also find her horoscope in this book.

Ruler of the first house in the fifth house.

This situation in the horoscope is one of the indicators of a strong creative personality, characterizes a person’s desire for intensive disclosure of his creative possibilities, including through pleasures and free professions. The realization of personality can occur through children, that is, a person’s life will become noticeable only in the next generation. If damaged, there are few children and difficulties through them.

Interpretation by Marion March and Joan McEvers

This favorable position for creativity is found in the horoscopes of the artists Paul Cézanne and Vincent van Gogh. In this case, people tend to strong feelings, they are fiery and prone to drama.

You will also be attracted to music and other forms of art. You are open to the point of theatricality, and significant changes in society may be associated with you. But you can also be a sports enthusiast and an adventurer, fearlessly accepting the dangers and adventures of life and love. If you don’t have your own children, then other people’s children will be drawn to you, and this will be mutual. Such people are romantics from birth and have a keen sense of everything related to love. Depending on the aspects, your intimate life will proceed peacefully, but you may experience severe disappointments or stormy successes. One can say about such people in another way - they are in love with love. Jenny Carroll Lombard, film actress comic genre, is a suitable example to illustrate the nature of this situation. In her horoscope, the rising sign is Pisces, and the ruler of the first house, Neptune, is in the fifth house. Her exceptional sense of humor and love of life are captured in every detail in the films. And although her Neptune squares the Sun and Uranus, she has proven able to harness the energy of these aspects in creative self-expression.

Ruler of the first house in the sixth house.

Extremely unfavorable situation for independent realization of personality. Such a person needs to have superiority, authority, and constant guidance over himself - only in this case will he be able to reveal his creative essence. Personality is realized through submission. Good position for doctors. In independent professions, success is possible only after overcoming significant difficulties. If the ruler is damaged, there are many diseases and a short life is possible.

Interpretation by Marion March and Joan McEvers

The most important thing in your life is work, and if the ruler aspects are favorable for this, you will do your work with great enthusiasm. Perhaps your work will be related to diet, health or hygiene, and depending on general situation horoscope you may turn out to be either exceptionally neat and good organized person, or, as the complete opposite, extremely sloppy, absent-minded and careless. It may seem unexpected, but many people who are devoted to sports have this situation in their horoscopes. This includes, in particular, famous baseball players Jackie Robinson and Larry Sherry, jockey Billy Hartock and Olympic champion swimming Mark Spitz. Perhaps what actually attracts them to sports is methodicality and high level organization If the situation in question is in your horoscope, then you will be a slave to your habits, but, however, only until it interferes with others. You are one of the most reliable people, and you can go with you to the ends of the earth.

If the ruler has challenging aspects, you may encounter a health problem associated with the planet and the sign of the ruler, but if you manage to positively use the energy of the aspects, directing it to work, you will have no time to get sick. The founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, has Scorpio as his rising sign, and Pluto, the ruler of the first house, is in the sixth house. This, in accordance with the above, can be interpreted as a high level of methodicality, which has found application in the systematic consideration of human fears and other manifestations of subconscious processes with the subsequent creation of appropriate treatment methods. In his professional field he was an “improver,” but still, since he had Pluto in quincunx with Mars, co-ruler of the Ascendant, he himself was not a very organized person.

Ruler of the first house in the seventh house.

The position of the ruler in this house is favorable for married life; a person cannot be without his spouse. His personality is revealed only in partnership. If the ruler is located at the end of the 7th house, then the personality will fully reveal itself at various processes, including scandalous ones, through disputes, feuds and divorce.

Interpretation by Marion March and Joan McEvers

You are a person who needs respect and support from other people, without which you do not have a feeling of fullness of life. However, if the planetary energy is used incorrectly, it will be difficult to communicate with you, and in addition, you may turn out to be an absurd and scandalous debater, especially when we're talking about about expressing thoughts opposite to yours. If you manage to harmonize the ruler, you can become a good seller, intermediary, or person who helps others find their place in society. You will love people, and they will sincerely return their love to you. You want to be in company, you need partners, you can rarely be seen alone, and if the other elements of your horoscope do not contradict this, the situation in question can serve as a true indicator of early marriage.

An example of a successful use of this situation is the singer Joan Suderland. In her horoscope (given in the second book) the rising sign is Taurus, and Venus is in the seventh house, and here we see her achieving remarkable success in striving to satisfy the public as much as possible. The conjunction of Venus with the Sun provides her with charm, attractiveness and a pleasant singing voice, and the opposition to Mars gives her the energy necessary to use her voice to assert herself. Her husband Richard Bonnini, being her partner in marriage and work, not only conducted all the operas and concerts in which she participated, but also handled all the accounts associated with her career.

Ruler of the first house in the eighth house.

In this case, the full manifestation of personality is possible only in extreme conditions. When a person becomes ill, when an unfavorable combination of circumstances accompanies him, then he gains the strength and ability to safely get out of such a situation. Possibility of receiving a dowry and inheritance. If the ruler is in the second third of the house, then death through one’s own fault is possible, if in the third third of the 8th house there is interest in spiritual things and the occult.

Interpretation by Marion March and Joan McEvers

Your interests will be focused on everything related to the eighth house, and depending on which planet rules the Ascendant, you may be good at mathematics or will be a good earner. You may be attracted to sex or the occult. Among our clients who have this situation in their horoscope, there are many doctors. Such people often have great influence on people and social processes, and their sexuality is clearly expressed. You can also advance in areas related to finance, account management, banking. You can demonstrate the restraint, respectfulness and wit characteristic of Scorpio, although both your Ascendant and your Sun may be in completely different signs. You are cautious, reserved, inaccessible and unattainable, and also sarcastic, but the degree of all these qualities requires confirmation and clarification from other elements of the horoscope. There is no doubt that you will be attracted to the serious side of life.

To illustrate the point under consideration, three very good examples can be given. JFK with Libra as his rising sign with Venus in Taurus in the eighth house is a suitable example of great influence on people and social processes when present strong feeling responsibility, and besides, John Kennedy was very sexy. Sports commentator Howard Cossell, with his Leo Ascendant, Aries Sun in the eighth house, confirms the tension and intensity of the situation in question - he never did anything somehow. Humorist Ogden Nash has Cancer as his rising sign and his Moon in Aquarius in the eighth house, and he demonstrates humor that is unique in both meaning and spirit. All these horoscopes can be found in the second book.

Ruler of the first house in the ninth house.

To reveal his personality and implement his program, a person needs contacts, long trips and travel. He has a craving for unknown lands and other cultures. All this enriches him with knowledge and forms his own worldview, opens up a high desire for science, philosophy, and religion. Damage to the ruler can bring anxiety, troubles on trips abroad, and obstacles in obtaining higher education.

Interpretation by Marion March and Joan McEvers

You see dreams and they can start to come true. But this, of course, if the planetary energy is used successfully. You were born a philosopher and romantic, and therefore you perceive life serenely, from some happy, optimistic side, full of hope. The ninth house is the house of inspiration, and this is where you look for the key to understanding your personality. You realize that you are capable of achieving anything you set your mind to, and only challenging aspects can motivate you to fulfill your most significant and lofty aspirations. Long journeys and matters related to justice can play a significant role in your life, and their results can be assessed by the position and aspects of the corresponding planets.

Polish film director Roman Polanski has Sagittarius as his rising sign, and Jupiter, the ruler of the first house, is in the ninth house. He achieved the highest honors in a country far from his homeland, and he achieved it in clashes with the law, which corresponds to the quincunx between his Jupiter and Uranus. In Polanski's horoscope one can also find confirmation of the success of his directorial career - this is facilitated by the sextile between Jupiter on the one hand and the Moon in conjunction with Pluto on the other. The famous religious figure Swami Vivekananda has Saturn in Libra in the ninth house as the ruler of the Ascendant, and here we see him successfully fulfilling his calling far from his homeland in the cities of America and Europe. You will find horoscopes of Polanski and Vivekananda in this book.

Ruler of the first house in the tenth house.

The best position for success in life and satisfaction of ambition. The way to reveal personality is through life goal, profession and career. Ascension and reputation are achieved through one’s own labor and abilities. This situation is observed in the horoscopes of politicians and people who have fully revealed themselves. The closer the ruler is to the MC, the stronger his influence, but bad aspects to him significantly reduce this influence.

Interpretation by Marion March and Joan McEvers

Such people rarely go unnoticed. Unless you get seriously involved in politics, you will definitely become an actor, entertainer, clown or entertainer. This situation may also apply to your leadership position. You love to be seen and have an innate need for recognition. This need is instinctive, and if the aspects of the corresponding planets turn out to be bad, it can lead to scandals. You are exactly the kind of person who is ready to take responsibility and be a leader, and if you also ever learn to control yourself well, people will turn to you for advice and with requests for help in solving personal matters. In such a situation in the horoscope, it may turn out that one of your parents may have a particularly important and strong influence on you.

Film director Vittorio de Sica has Virgo on his Ascendant and Mercury in Cancer and the tenth house. In life, he was distinguished by his ability to accept responsibility and become a leader. The sense of responsibility here can be associated with the opposition between Mercury and Saturn, located in the fourth house, the house of beginnings and founders. The singer Linda Rondstat (her horoscope can be found in the second book) managed to use the power of her Jupiter, the ruler of the Ascendant, located in the tenth house, and became the center of attention of the general public, captivating them with the skill of performing songs. Her Jupiter is trine Uranus in the sixth house, and this creates the conditions for others not only to notice her, but also to take part in her work.

Ruler of the first house in the eleventh house.

Personality is revealed through aspiration to the future, through detachment from everyday affairs or through a friendly circle of close friends. Many beneficial friends, a lot of patronage, help from friends or from them. The possibility of complete fulfillment of desires. A person can realize himself as an organizer various societies, as an ideologist of parties or social movements. If the ruler is damaged, there are losses due to the fault of friends and due to excessive hopes.

Interpretation by Marion March and Joan McEvers

You are enterprising and fearless, but if the ruler aspects turn out to be unfavorable, this may result in you seeking satisfaction in some risky, and perhaps dubious, activity. In this case, you may become a victim of your immediate environment, because of which you will find yourself in a dangerous and, possibly, hopeless situation. This was the case, for example, in the case of Lord Lewis Mountbatten. died at the hands of Irish terrorists. His Moon rules the Cancer Ascendant, being conjunct Pluto and opposing Uranus. This constellation necessitates the need to learn to think carefully about one's behavior when working with other people, and it is imperative to take into account what others think. Friends are of great importance to you and it would be wise to choose them very carefully

This astrological situation is often present in the horoscopes of sincere philanthropists and altruists who work in large charitable organizations and who, if necessary, can serve as role models. A good example confirming this is the horoscope of Pope John Paul II. Here the rising sign is Cancer, and the Moon in Taurus and the eleventh house forms an exact conjunction with the Sun, which precisely ensures his sincere interest in the well-being of believers and, in general, all people on Earth. You will find his horoscope in this book.

Ruler of the first house in the twelfth house

In this case, the realization of personality occurs through isolation. This situation gives many restrictions and difficulties in promotion, but it is favorable for sailors, monks, employees of closed institutions (prisons, hospitals, sanatoriums), for secret missions, for occultists whose activities are hidden to most people. A well-aspected ruler brings profit from this activity; with bad aspects, it brings secret grief, suffering, and misfortune.

Interpretation by Marion March and Joan McEvers

You are quite modest, shy and perhaps timid, like a child, but over the years you will learn to rely on your internal forces. The situation in question is often related to a career in show business, a vocation as a writer, work as a detective, ambassador or public relations specialist, since you have the ability to influence others not directly, but from a background. You are not so naive and know when to remain silent, which often impresses others with depth and wisdom. You are not afraid of loneliness and, in fact, even enjoy being in the company of yourself. If the aspects are bad, you must be very attentive and careful when moving away from the world - do not forget to return to it.

Henry Kissinger has Gemini on his Ascendant, and Mercury is in Gemini, but not in the first, but in the twelfth house. Henry Kissinger was well known for his tact and ability to resolve misunderstandings in negotiations between various parties. You will find his horoscope in this book. Although he was quite eloquent, he knew exactly when to hold back. own opinion, which is easily explained by the trine between his Mercury and Saturn. The writer Theodore Dreiser, with his Ascendant ruler Venus in the twelfth house square Saturn, suffered a nervous breakdown while seeking success in his writing career.

The higher planets related to the 1st House are a specific topic. As you know, the 1st House is a person’s main talents, his primary reactions to what is happening around him, to other people, and methods of adaptation. In this sense, the higher planets provide very specific talents. Supreme planet– it’s always something beyond the usual methods and abilities, it’s something “above.” These are actually some kind of superpowers. And superpowers appear only in situations where ordinary efforts are not enough, when there is a significant threat to safety and it is necessary to form a special mechanism for survival.
In this vein, Neptune is a special ability to tune in to people, literally merge with them, instantly reading their state. This ability is often formed in children of alcoholics. One of the parents of such a child is in two different states: in one state he is kind, it’s fun to communicate with him, you can get from him necessary for the child love and attention, in another state the parent may be angry, withdrawn, aggressive, it is better to stay away from him at this moment.
Thus, the owner of Neptune, related to the first house back in early childhood forms a “reading” mechanism. Surprisingly, such children, even without seeing their parent coming home, know in what condition he came. You can communicate with him now, run out to meet him or not, or is it better to hide and not show yourself. They know how to determine this by some signs known only to them; in fact, they do this by literally “getting into the skin” of another person. All people are able to tune in to other people to a certain extent; this is part of the child’s development process - attunement and imitation. But the “Neptunians” do it masterfully, surpassing the average person many times over.
This “superpower”, of course, has a lot of advantages. They are well-known, we will not dwell on them for long - this is both acting talent and a simpler application - the ability to quickly gain the trust of other people. But there are also significant disadvantages that sometimes need to be worked on.
The disadvantages include the blurring of boundaries between the holder of this position and other people. “Neptunians” take on too much. The feelings of others, their pain and sadness become practically your own, are experienced hard, and are difficult to distance yourself from. At the same time, Neptune is the planet of “rescuers”. Neptunians have an increased desire to help others and compassion; they often become psychologists or participate in charitable projects. Passing through a large flow of people and joining the experiences of each of them, such a “helper” quickly burns out; excessively joining the client in this vein only harms.
Easily immersed in the state of others, such a person becomes overly driven. Therefore, Neptunians can fall into traps due to their excessive compassion.
Working through the situation occurs through building clear boundaries between oneself and other people; this is achieved through special exercises. The “Neptunian” needs to be taught the difference in his states - when I am within my boundaries, when and how I penetrate into the state of another person. You also need to learn to control these abilities and turn them on only when necessary, to make the mechanism not automatic, but controlled.

If you have ever read an astro forum, you most likely noticed that honorary title the anti-hero can be safely assigned to the 12th house. All the negativity of the natal is attributed to him. “You’re kind of gloomy. No mood? Oh, where can he come from!! Your house is SO full...”
Is everything really that bad? Worth checking out. And I started my acquaintance with the 12th house from the position of exercise 1 in 12. “So close and so far” (c)
The 1st and 12th houses are located nearby. You look up in search of the first manager, and there he is! - in the 12th. Very close, but they are separated by the entire zodiac. And this is not little.
You meet a person, communicate, get to know him better and better. “Hmm... Yes, he’s definitely an Ascendant Aries,” you decide. Build it natally, and there is exercise 1 in 12. There is horror in the eyes and the question: “Well, how does he live? Is he really from... These?” Of these, I would like to hope that they are still romantics, and not those who walk around with antennas on their heads.

Who is the ruler of the 1st? This is our outer self, which is shown to the world. According to Asc we are met by our physical body. The way in which we are perceived by others. This is the most common formulation of the authors, and it is also the most voluminous. Indeed, what more can be said about the 1st house?

With the 12th, everything is no longer so simple, and how can it be easy with a house whose significator is Neptune? Secrets, restrictions, health issues - these questions arise immediately. And only in last resort They remember that 12th grade students are unusually talented people in art. You cannot find a more multifaceted house in the horoscope; it contains absolutely bad and absolutely good manifestations.

But let's look at it in order:
1) Alienation: indeed, very typical for such a situation. A person may feel lonely, his classmates or his environment may not like him. The native seems overly cautious, or “not like that.” Actress Kristen Stewart was shunned by her classmates and called weird.
2) “No going out, stay at home.” The phrase is familiar to many from childhood: if you didn’t have time to do your homework, sit at home and do it. An example of forced but temporary restrictions. In the understanding of the 12th house, this already sounds like: ”I like/have to spend my time alone. I accept and understand the limitations.”
In the horoscope of Bloody Mary, exercise 1 – Saturn is in Sagittarius. It is well known that her life was not easy: Mary was recognized as the illegitimate daughter of the king and lost her rights to the crown. She was removed from her mother and sent to the Hatfield estate, where she served Elizabeth, her daughter Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. In addition, Mary remained a devout Catholic.
3) Hospitals: It’s sad, but there is some truth in this - very often people are not in good health and they know hospitals like the back of their hand. There are also bad examples: The native can be a carrier of the disease. For example: Alexandra Feodorovna was a carrier of the hemophilia gene. In some maps, the position of exercise 1 in 12, in the presence of additional connections, may indicate a place of work in the relevant institutions.
4) Religion: Neptune is ours spiritual teacher. It is important not what you believe, but how. Mutual assistance, compassion and mercy are very necessary qualities for every person.
A very striking and tragic example is Elizaveta Fedorovna (Alexandra Fedorovna’s sister). She has control 1 - Jupiter in the 12th house (Sagittarius). From childhood she was religiously inclined and participated in charity work. In 1888, together with her husband, she made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. In 1891, she converted to Orthodoxy, writing to her father: “I kept thinking and reading and praying to God to show me the right way- and came to the conclusion that only in this religion can I find the real and strong faith in God that a person must have in order to be a good Christian.” Soon after the death of her husband, she sold her jewelry (giving to the treasury that part of it that belonged to the Romanov dynasty), and with the proceeds she bought an estate on Bolshaya Ordynka with four houses and a vast garden, where the Marfo-Mariinskaya Convent of Mercy, founded by her in 1909, was located. She was described as an “extraordinarily spiritual woman”
5) Art: As a fact, many artists have control 1 in 12. Neptune is one of the most dreamy and romantic planets in the horoscope. It is not surprising that people can live in their own imaginary world and dream a lot, but life in reality becomes uninteresting. This applies to writers, screenwriters, musicians, artists and actors. True, actors with such a managerial position later try to become directors. To be behind the scenes of the life they create. This is the position of the manager of George Lucas - director and producer. Even if you have never watched TV and the Internet cable was chewed up by a cat long ago, I have no doubt that you have heard about Star Wars. About the fantastic and amazing world, which has been exciting people’s minds for a long time, making them worry about their favorite heroes again and again.
6) Esoterics: Neptune is a mysterious planet. A kind of patron of Alchemists. I doubt that it will ever be possible to clearly explain the rules by which the planet plays. If I may say so, with a pharmaceutical sense. Döbereiner, Wolfgang German astrologer. In certain circles he is known as a specialist in medical and psychological astrology and as a homeopath.
7) “Mysteries, intrigues, investigations”: to your environment, you may seem like a person - a mystery, mysterious and incomprehensible. All that can be said about you is that you exist. And nothing else. They know a minimum about you. Trying to find detailed biography on several characters was a fiasco: absolutely all search engines returned a couple of dry facts and nothing more. No less than James Bonds.

So you read all this and began to analyze: “Hmm... Well, this looks like me, but this is not about me at all... Still, all this astrology is a lie!”
Why is this happening? Because you should never make hasty conclusions based only on one position of a planet/aspect in a house/sign and many other factors. An attempt to understand how the 12th house affects the life of its owner