Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Phrasebook for the Ukrainian language. This cheerful Ukrainian language or funny Ukrainian words

Statuses in Ukrainian

Statuses in Ukrainianlanguage continue the series of publications of the site status site for social networks in various languages. Now it's the turn of tattoosin Ukrainianlanguage. As readers of the site have already seen statuses for social networks differ not only in language, but also in the mentality of the country of origin . Statuses in Ukrainian so close to the statuses in Russian that it is sometimes difficult or impossible to establish authenticity statuses and their origin. Yes, it's probably not necessary. Statuses in Ukrainian are largely understandable even without translation. Yes, this is not surprising. Read more

Although, as always, you can see for yourself because we publish statuses in Ukrainianwith Russian translation. Like any other statuses, statuses in Ukrainian carry a very different mood, but with a greater emphasis on love and relationships.

Statuses onin Ukrainianwith translation into Russian:

I'm afraid to think that such a ticket is like I, who can get away!

I’m even afraid to think that someone will get such a flower like me!

..є so people want to go and get drunk, and why is it important to live without brains?

There are people who you want to approach and lightly ask, but is it difficult to live without brains at all?

I have only two shortcomings: I am reasonable and beautiful

I have only two faults: I am smart and beautiful.

Ensign in your hands, a drum on your neck, a sokir in your back and an electric train on your back

Flag in your hands, a drum around your neck, an ax in your back, and an electric train to meet you!

Let's celebrate pigeon farboy! Let's make the place brighter!

Let's feed the pigeons with colors! Let's make our city brighter!

If you don’t cry for happiness, then stop it ...

If you're not crying from happiness, stop...

Sunny at the exit. Today I am for something))

The sun is on vacation. Today I am for him ...

- You will be with me. - I do not know. - Tse bulo no food.

- You will be with me. - I do not know. - It was not a question…

Shut up, girl, don't touch the devil...

Girls, fall in love, do not delay the queue ...

Love and cough cannot be taken away ...

Love and cough cannot be hidden...

Zvernіt respect - plinth. And remember, this is your riven

Look carefully at the plinth. And remember, this is your level.

If the star falls... it is necessary to make a bazhannya... So from 99% of the bazhan it sounds something like this: “O_o nіh@ya sobі!!”

When a star falls, you need to make a wish. So 99% of desires sound something like this:

“Oh, and them @ me myself!”.

Just ran for bread ... didn’t catch up ...

Only that she ran for bread ... did not catch up ...

Statuses onin Ukrainianwith translation into Russian:

I’m getting more and more confused that some people’s head is just a decorative addition to the stupidity ...

I am more and more convinced that for some people the head is a decorative attachment to f @ ne ...

New refreshing air with the aroma of cannabis. So no one else laughed at their shit!

New air freshener with hemp scent. So you have never laughed at your g @ vnom.

Active women walk proudly and strimko, caressing the door. Perhaps, the stench will come together on the її zvorotnі storonі and weep bitterly, but the stench will go miraculously

Some girls walk proudly and quickly, slamming doors. Maybe they then slide down its reverse side and cry bitterly, but they leave beautifully.

Girls don’t think, then think, why didn’t they think, if it was necessary to think?

Girls don't think first and then think, why didn't they think when they should have thought?

Did someone ever tell you, why are you fine? Hi? From damn it, like all honest!

Has anyone ever told you that you are very beautiful? Not? Here, a pancake, what all honest!!!

And so, if you don’t feel what the person said, you re-read and don’t feel it again, and if you don’t understand again, having said you, you stupidly laugh and say: Ta-a-a-k

And you, too, when you don’t hear what the person said, ask again and don’t hear again, and when you didn’t hear what he said for the third time, smile stupidly and say: Ta-a-a-k

beauty, intelligence and modesty are my main shortcomings, but I already reconciled with them ...)

Beauty, intelligence and modesty are my main shortcomings, but I have already come to terms with this ...

Like in the toilet, place a shelf for books, you can get a bad light)))

If you place a shelf for books in the toilet, then get a good education!

I don’t understand why the phrase: “Come before me - marveling at the film”, - the girls’ legs hurt the legs ...

I don’t understand why the phrase: “Come to me - let’s watch some movie” makes girls shave their legs ...

The man said, the man knocked on the table, the man from the vikna speech to catch

The man said, the man banged on the table, the man catches things from the window ...

Are you free tomorrow? -So. - You need me. - Nadovgo? - Back.

- Are you free tomorrow? - Yes. - I need you. – For how long? - Forever and ever.

Turn around in the past with the current mind ...

Bring back the past with the present mind.

Statuses in Ukrainianlanguage with translation into Russian.

Read more

Status battle Part 20.

In the film Big Break, the teacher remarks to Fukin: “What kind of speech? Speak in your native language." In response, he hears: "Mother is Russian, father is Ukrainian." How many such mixed marriages! Of course, this person knows two languages. Sometimes, when he confuses Russian and Ukrainian words, it turns out funny. The same Fukin, answering at the blackboard, gave the following characterization of the novel Oblomov: “What is it like? What is the tragedy of the novel? Garna maiden Olga Ilyinskaya, after killing Ilya Ilyich, tortures him: “What ruined you? There is no name for that evil!” And he himself answers: “E! Oblomovism!

Serious things turn into funny words in Ukrainian. Why is this happening? After all, in ancient times there was a single Slavic language, what happened?

Slavic philology

About two centuries ago, the science of Slavic studies took shape, which studies the languages ​​of the Slavic peoples. It is noteworthy that the linguistic traditions formed by this time owe their origin to Cyril and Methodius. It is known that in the territory occupied by the Slavs, several dialects already existed by the time they translated the Bible. From the second half of the ninth century, through the Holy Scriptures, this language (the Macedonian dialect of South Slavic Bulgarian) becomes a literary language for the Eastern Slavs. Documents were drawn up on it and international correspondence was conducted. It created "The Tale of Bygone Years" and "The Tale of Igor's Campaign".

Until the eighteenth century, the literary language was different from the spoken language. Several reforms increasingly separated the southern Russian dialects from the "Muscovite language", which was actively developed. For the spoken language, the definition of "common, uncultured" was retained. Regarding the time of the division of the common language into Ukrainian and Russian, science has not yet come to a single coherent system. But the very word "Ukrainian" did not appear until the middle of the seventeenth century. The territory was called "Little Russia", as can be seen from the letter of the Byzantine emperor John in 1347.

Ukrainian literature begins with the transposition into the spoken language of Little Russia of Virgil's Aeneid, which was freely translated by I.P. Kotlyarevsky. The result was a burlesque, a playful work written in a “low calm”. The first books were printed in St. Petersburg in 1798.

The text was accompanied by a dictionary of a thousand words. This is how the first funny words appeared in Ukrainian with translation. At its core, Kotlyarevsky's work is written in surzhik. In the absence of the necessary Ukrainian words, he inserted Russian into the text.

In the nineteenth-twentieth centuries, the Ukrainian language was intensively developed by the intelligentsia, new words were borrowed. In Soviet times, there was some restraint on this process, but after Ukraine gained independence in 1991, Ukrainian studies as a science are experiencing an unprecedented rise.

Same meaning, different roots

In the Ukrainian language, many Slavic roots have been preserved, which cannot be said about the Russian language. The ways of replenishing the vocabulary were different: in Little Russia - a tide of Polish, Lithuanian and Turkic words, in Great Russia - German, French, English.

Since the Russian Empire had one official language - Russian, science and art used it. Therefore, Slavic names were gradually replaced, giving way to international borrowings. Compare:

Ukrainian word Russian word
lichiti count
mite moment
barking scold
seamelon pumpkin
motherland a family
ball layer
week Sunday
ugly beautiful
pennies money
light world
hour time

Close but so different languages

Russian and Ukrainian rules for constructing a phrase do not differ, moreover, many words are intuitive. But it's still a different language. Therefore, not everything can be understood, translation is required. Here, for example, is how simple sentences look like in Russian and Ukrainian:

Without translation and do not understand what it is about.

Russians do not perceive translations of familiar texts into Ukrainian language. Unless it is a person who knows both languages ​​well. A. S. Pushkin, who is considered the founder of Russian literature, would be surprised by such funny words in the Ukrainian language. In the translation of his "Lukomorye" is full of words similar to Russian, but with a different meaning.

The fact that there is a golden lanceg on the oak can still be experienced. But the scientist whale? Yes, he still hoots a fairy tale! It is better to remain silent about the traces of inhuman fears, but the hut on chicken legs evokes a strong idea of ​​​​a chicken coop. The wild squeaky coast reminds of a dirty wild beach in Sochi. She serves the princess for a long time ... And the fact that there smells of Russ is completely unbelievable.

Funny Russian words in Ukrainian

Is it so fun to learn the translation of some Russian words into Ukrainian? Yes, and here the presence of Slavic roots leaves no room for seriousness. This is partly due to the fact that some of the roots of the Slavs have been preserved in Russia. They appear in dialects as components of the common language. This is how a village grandmother from the outback can express herself, and only from the context can one understand what she is talking about. Compare funny Russian words that sound no less funny in Ukrainian:

Russian words Ukrainian words
loafer neroba
loafer loburyak
unbelt rose
threshing floor teak
short-haired Kutsi
squat navpochipki
shudder squint
cheat fool

List of funny Ukrainian words

Sometimes the most ordinary concepts appear in translation so ridiculous that they are not suitable for a serious conversation. Let's imagine a man's story about a failed day:

Here is a small list of words that sound unexpectedly funny in translation:

  • butterfly - blizzard;
  • dragonfly - grandmother;
  • count - faggot;
  • horrors - zhakhi;
  • juicer - juicer;
  • purse - hamanets;
  • a bottle of vodka - a gorilka dance;
  • gray-haired - gray;
  • search - obshuk;
  • spot - flame;
  • socks - scarves;
  • screwdriver - twist;
  • bloodhound dog - shukach dog;
  • skyscraper - hmarochos;
  • superstition - zaboboni;
  • sheet - stretched;
  • communicate - spilkuvatisya;
  • leave me - leave me;
  • go away, tired - pidi, nabrid;
  • unshaven nape - unburnt potilisy.

Names with Ukrainian words

The funniest words in Ukrainian are translations of famous names of sweets, songs, dishes.

  1. The ugly duckling - Gidke Kachenya.
  2. The clumsy bear is a cliché-footed vedmedic.
  3. Shaggy bumblebee - hairy jmil.
  4. "How steel was tempered" - "How steel was hardened."
  5. Chicken tobacco - kurcha tobacco.
  6. Lighter - igniter.
  7. Garbage chute - smіtєprovіd.
  8. "Mishka, Mishka, where is your smile .." - "Mishko, Mishko, where is your smile ...".


If you translate the song from Russian, you will find funny words in Ukrainian. For example, in the lullaby sung by mother bear to Umka, the words "stupid, baby" sound "stupid, little one."

The lullaby about the gray top from the cartoon about the Bremen town musicians is a delight: the warning “do not kick” sounds like a refrain, because “come and taste the lilac jiga”.

And the well-known children's poem "Moydodyr" by K. I. Chukovsky from the first words causes bewilderment: "The carpet flowed in, it flew down." From my mother's bedroom, a bow-legged and kulgaviy appears and commands: "Pid lizhko!"

Signboards and announcements

A recently adopted law in Ukraine obliges all signboards in Russian to be replaced with their native language. Now such pearls will flaunt, which cannot be described in a fairy tale with a pen. Here are some funny Ukrainian words with Russian translation, taken from common tablets:

  1. Closed in appearance (registered).
  2. Break until 4 p.m. (break until 4 p.m.).
  3. Do not snuggle (do not lean).
  4. Place for butovih v_dhodiv (a place for household waste).
  5. Do not overtake (do not overtake).
  6. Batkivsky gatherings will be held at the vvtorok (on Tuesday there will be a parent meeting).

And the street is already adorned with streamers: “Skinny Ukrainian pizza!”. It's just a pizza ad.

Book titles

A separate song is translations of Russian authors into Ukrainian language. The names contain funny Ukrainian words, with the translation of which the meaning changes:

  1. Toad-mandrivnitsa - Frog-traveler.
  2. Dzerkalo i mavpa - a mirror and a monkey.
  3. Konik-gorbokonik - The little humpbacked horse.
  4. Mistechko in a snuffbox - a town in a snuffbox.
  5. Come in handy Baron Munchausen - no comment.

One gets the impression that at first the Russian language created the quintessence of the literary language, in which many recognized world works were written, and then these works were translated into jokes and jokes. What for?


Both Russians and Ukrainians speak with pain about the profanity of their culture, their language, their roots. Funny Ukrainian words with translation into Russian, which are presented in this article, are the result of the Yandex translator. If you check the lists of supposedly “Ukrainian” words on it, which not very decent and not very educated people make fun of, then it turns out to be a fraud. A gynecologist, for example, is not a "peeper", but a "gynecologist". A midwife is not a "puporizka", and she will be a midwife, and a condom will be a condom, and not a "gummy nationalist".

Who benefits from quarreling two fraternal peoples? And isn't it embarrassing to repeat stupid things? Yes, there are funny words in Ukrainian, but this is the result of the movement of the language. Do not add here strained attempts at laughter. The Ukrainian language is still very young, many words and terms enter it every day. He will change more than once. Do not let yourself be fooled by either Russophobes or Russophiles. Have an opinion on everything.

Why do I love Ukrainian humor? Because in Ukrainian it sounds especially funny if there are such words:

Lighter - spalahuyka;

Dragonfly - zalupivka;

Elevator - intersurface drotochid;

Koshchei the immortal - the undying stalker;

Sexual maniac - pisyunkovy villain; pussy bandit

Mirror - pikoglyad;

Kinder Surprise - egg-spodіvaiko;

Juicer - sikovichovichuvalka;

Gynecology - science;

Midwife - puporizka;

Onanist - tsyutsyurkovy villain;

Condom - natsyutsyurnik; scaffold.

Nurse - shtrykala;

A prick - a stroke;

Kettle - pisyunets;

Chair - podsrichnik;

TV set - litter box;

Corkscrew - short;

Pilosos - pilosmoct; brudnosmoke.

Tie - crib.

Window - a flat.

The gate is a whirlwind.

Umbrella - rosehip;

Subdivision - pidrizdil

sidewalk - trample,

galoshes - wet shoes

billiards - ball

ideal gas - immaculate volatility

bracelet -- armlet

diamonds - glitter

menu - observation

Zucchini - tikvenish

Russian language - Katsapsky srakolizator

Serpent Gorynych - wuzhik


In the modern Ukrainian language, the charm of original Ukrainianism is almost emasculated and these same words coincide or almost coincide with Russian ones:

lighter - lighter

Butterfly - blizzard

Elevator - lift

Koschey the immortal - Koshchey the immortal

Sexual maniac - sexual maniac

Mirror - mirror

Kinder Surprise - Kinder Surprise

Juicer - juicer

Gynecology - gynecology

midwife - midwife

Onanist - onanist

nurse - nurse

Prick - prick

Kettle - kettle

Chair - stylets


Corkscrew - corkscrew

condom - condom

Gearbox - gear change box

Vacuum cleaner - sawmill

Umbrella - parasol

Serpent Gorynych - Serpent Gorinich.

The question is, why then the occurring distortions of Russian words should be attributed to a new artificial language - Ukrainian.? The answer is - in order to at least in something, but to differ from the "damned Muscovites".


An elderly German is sitting in a Parisian cafe, drinking coffee, and next to him a company of garrison lads is drinking moonshine from under the floor and eating lard.

The German is at a loss: "Excuse me, gentlemen, where are you from?"

Yes, from Ukraine!

And what is it: Ukraine?

Not a fallow power, grandfather! We have a coat of arms, an anthem, and a flag!

Where is it?

Are you crazy? We have a flag, a coat of arms, and an anthem. You sho Donbass do not know?

My father also had mines there. But this is Russia!

Quite crazy, old man! We have a flag, a coat of arms, and an anthem. Crimea!

As a young man, I fought in the Crimea with the Russians. But this is also Russia! What language do you have?

Ukrainian! Sovereign language!

How would you say "leg" in Ukrainian?

Leg, grandfather!

What about "hand"?

The German went crazy: And the "ass"?!!

So, because of one SRAKA, you invented a coat of arms, an anthem and a flag?

A Ukrainian and a Russian are arguing over whose language is more stupid.

Russian: - So I just can't understand your "nezabarom" - is it behind the bar or in front of the bar?

Ukrainian: - And your "compare" - tse srav, chi nі?

Or here is a translation of the famous slogan "Proletarians of all countries, unite!" sounds like "" Hungry people of all their retinue to a heap of gop!". Maybe that's why Ukrainian nationalists don't like the communists so much, who created the mighty state of the Ukrainian SSR, and the Ukrainians themselves, tee, yak yogo ... lowered it below the plinth?

Team: "Rifle, shoulder!" - "Zalіzyaku on the belly, gop!"

Not everything from Russian is translated into Ukrainian. Here is a children's rhyme: "We count, we melt, we melt from five to ten."

Compiled from materials from the Internet

Tales, jargons, and have always been a kind of buffer in the age-old, centuries-old, but not very serious enmity (rather, its imitation) between "Khokhls" and "Katsaps".

The one who does not understand Ukrainian well laughs well

In the Ukrainian language there is such a tongue twister: "Buv sobi tsabruk, ta y peretsabrukarbyvsya." This abracadabra (a certain tsabruk lived for himself, who eventually got stabrukarbilized) can serve as a kind of test for Russians who want to learn the Ukrainian language. If he repeats correctly (at least once!) - he will speak Ukrainian, if he does not repeat - he will make the Ukrainian laugh, although for the "Russian ear" there is nothing funny in the fact that some kind of "tsabruk pepperabrukarbilized", as the majority tries to pronounce a tongue twister "students".

The Russians are also amused by the not always coherent Russian speech of many Ukrainians, but numerous funny Ukrainian words arouse delight, the list of which in volume depends on the “level of understanding of the Ukrainian language” (the degree of understanding of the Ukrainian language).

"Zupynka" on demand

Ordinary situation. The client of the restaurant wants to pay, turning to the waiter in Ukrainian with a request: "Rozrahuyte mene, be kind" (calculate me, please). The serious face of the client is unlikely to be able to contain the cheerful reaction of the waiter, who does not speak Ukrainian.

Can any of the ignorant come to mind that "having smelled the back of the head" means "scratched the back of the head"? And he who heard the admiring exclamation of the girl: "Oh, what a grandmother!" - hardly thinks about a dragonfly.

Mastering the art of fighting on "dryuchki" is probably more difficult than fighting on "sticks". "Who forgets the parasol?" - can be heard in Ukraine in public transport, and the "unreasonable", smiling in bewilderment, will think about anything, but not about an umbrella. Or in the same place, in public transport, the conductor, leaning towards you, will politely remind you that "Your zupynka is following", and you will only guess that it is about a stop by consonance with something "next".

If someone agrees with you with the words: "You maete the radio", - boldly smile, because this expression means "You are right", and not a suspicion of espionage.

Miraculous droplet

Some words in Ukrainian are funny because ordinary and familiar concepts acquire a cheerful, parodic sound. The word “shkarpetki” touches and makes many people laugh, while socks (and these are “shkarpetki”) do not cause any special emotions in anyone (as a rule). When visiting friends in Ukraine, you may hear an offer to put on slippers, which in Ukrainian sounds like this: "Axis your captsi" (here are your slippers). Someone, looking at your ring on your hand, may say: "Garna (beautiful) heel", - and if they praise the hat, you can hear such a compliment: "Wonderful droplet!"

In the park, on a bench, an old man sits down next to you and, exhaling wearily, says: "Ledve doshkandybav." Most likely, upon hearing this, you will smile, instead of sympathy, despite the fact that the grandfather "barely got along."

Many funny Ukrainian words with a translation into Russian sound completely different, losing their charm, such as the invitation "sit down together" instead of "syadem vkupi" (words from the song).

By declaring that you are "out of the blue" your opponent is not at all trying to guess where you have moved from - he is claiming that you are crazy.

Asking when the next bus (tram, trolleybus, etc.) will come, and having heard in response “it’s already a nezabar”, do not try to figure out where it is, they answered you that “soon”.

Learn Ukrainian

"Dyvna dytyna!" - the Ukrainian woman will say, looking at your child. Do not be offended, the kid has nothing to do with it, because "dytyna" is a child. A little khokhlushka girl, seeing a grasshopper in the grass, will joyfully exclaim: "Mom, breathe, konyk!"

If someone boasts to you that they have built a "hmarochos" in their city, take the message seriously, because this is a skyscraper that literally "scratches the clouds".

Do not be embarrassed if you, intending to walk barefoot on hot coals, hear a warning exclamation: "Nothing!" It's not what you might think, it's just "recklessness".

Hearing behind him a quiet, astonished exclamation: "Yaka is a pretty girl!" - do not rush to be indignant or offended, because someone simply admires your beauty (in Ukrainian - "like"). And vice versa, if a confident “schlondra” was heard behind your back, do not flatter yourself, because, despite the French pronunciation that breaks through this word, you were mistaken for a woman / girl of “not very difficult” behavior.

“I’m going to jump like-nebud,” a new Ukrainian acquaintance may tell you, promising to “run in somehow,” and not jump, as you might hear.

Treating you with plums or pears, a generous Ukrainian woman can warn you against abuse, hinting at the possibility of indigestion with the words "... so that the quick Nastya does not attack" (so that fast Nastya does not attack). Agree that it is not as scary as diarrhea, and sounds more pleasant.

And chogla roar and roar

The funniest Ukrainian words are associated with unusual for "Russian hearing", but intuitive translations. Some children, for example, like "Vedmedyk Klyshonogy" sweets more than well, and girls will prefer "Tsem-Tsem" zukerkas to "Kisses" sweets.

"A golden chain on that oak (And a golden lancet on it): day and night, the learned cat (and day and night there is a whale of teachings) keeps walking around the chain (on the lancet circling team)." It sounds nice, melodious, but ... "smiles."

Many people are amused by the "Ukrainian Lermontov" when he "... and she could roar and roar," although if "... and the mast bends and creaks," there is no laughing matter.

In Russian in Ukrainian

Funny Ukrainian words and expressions often appear as a result of, to put it mildly, inaccuracies, and sometimes attempts to pronounce a Russian word in the "Ukrainian manner." For example, you can hear such an expression from a pretty girl in the address of a boyfriend: "Don't jerk off, Vasko!" I can’t believe my ears, but this is just an innocent slip, because the girl wanted to say “ne fight” (do not tease, do not be angry). "I'm telling you frankly," a Ukrainian who has forgotten his native speech and who has not remembered the word "vidverto" can say. From the same series, there are such pearls: kanhwetka (candy), ne talk, pevytsya (singer), bite (delicious), ne catch up (dislike), etc.

Ukrainian words in Russian, funny hybrid phrases and expressions are frequent "in a hodgepodge" with the Russian language or against the background of predominant Russian words, where they are appropriate, "like a horse in a store."

In the international melody of the Odessa slang language, you can often hear such "notes": tamochki (over there), tutochki (right here), there (that way, side), this way (this way, side), mats (touch, paw), poke (to loiter) and many other pearls. "Wus trap?" - they will ask you for some reason at the Odessa import, and try to guess what it means (vus - in Hebrew "what", and trapylos - this is Ukrainian "happened").

Innovations "in the Ukrainian manner"

The list of phrases in the category, which includes "innovative" words in the Ukrainian language (funny, somewhat exaggerated translations), is growing every day. These are mainly expressions and concepts that do not sound Ukrainian enough. Therefore, today you can also hear the following: drabynkova maidanka (stairwell), cross-overhead drotochid (elevator), morzotnyk (freezer), mapa (map), pilosmokt (vacuum cleaner), komora (pantry), dryzhar (vibrator), dushets (nitrogen) , lipylo (glue), bayonet (syringe), zhyvchik (pulse), rotoznavets (dentist), drybnozhivets (microbe), krivulya (zigzag), zyavysko (phenomenon), squirting (shower), zhivoznavets (biologist), poviy (bandage) , obizhnyk (bypass sheet) and others.

Swearing in Ukrainian

Irresistible to the ear Ukrainian curses, and for those who do not quite understand the meaning, some of them sound like a "wonderful melody" and can even have the opposite effect, amusing the scolded.

"And so that Nastya with a shvydkoy here pissed you off ... (a familiar wish to you). And so that the navel of that bald one, like a kind of poppy mortar ... And so that millet threshed with your muzzle ... And sob toby a bulka jumped out of his nose ... And so that a fly kicked thee... And sob the kolka chipped off thee... And sob the evil-doers overpowered thee... And sob toby stepped on the trigger..." and many, many more kind and sincere wishes.


And finally, a few "popular", rarely used, including far-fetched literal pseudo-translations of some Ukrainian words, which not everyone causes sincere and cheerful laughter. Spalahuyka (lighter), zalupivka (butterfly), chahlik nevmyryuschiy, pisunkovy villain (sexual maniac), yaiko-spodivaiko (Kinder Surprise egg), sikovytyskach (juicer), darmovyz (tie), pisyunets (teapot), cap-vidbuvaylo (scapegoat), gum natsyutsyurnik (condom) and others.

“I myself don’t know what kind of soul I have, Khokhlatsky or Russian. I only know that I would not give an advantage to either a Little Russian over a Russian, or a Russian over a Little Russian. Both natures are too generously endowed by God, and, as if on purpose, each separately contains what is not in the other is a clear sign that they must complete one another "(N. V. Gogol).