Biographies Characteristics Analysis

 Soros - aphorisms, popular expressions, phrases, sayings, sayings, quotes, thoughts with illustrations. The great and terrible George Soros - biography, quotes, sayings

George Soros (George Schwartz) - born August 12, 1930, Budapest, Hungary. American financier, investor. Network Creator charities known as the Soros Foundation.

Quotes, aphorisms, sayings, phrases - George Soros

  • I'm rich because I know when I'm wrong.
  • Start small. If things go well, build up a big position.
  • I don't play within this set rules, I seek to change the rules of the game.
  • Law-abiding has become a dangerous addiction; To survive, you have to circumvent the law.
  • When a person takes a serious risk, he needs internal discipline.
  • I did not accept the rules suggested by others. If I did this, I would no longer be alive.
  • Leisure is necessary for success. You need time that belongs exclusively to you.
  • My principle is to strive first of all to survive, and only then to earn.
  • God gave me an extremely short memory, which allows me to deal not with the past, but with the future.
  • Bureaucrats can sometimes be very decent people with the best of intentions, but they are limited by the rules.
  • By and large, I'm not afraid to lose everything. I still have a head on my shoulders, and in this head there are still brains.
  • Organizations tend to prioritize their organizational interests over their original mission.
  • Financial markets can't properly account for the future - they don't account for the future at all, they help shape it.
  • Money is only one of the necessary components of success, and under certain circumstances, money can do more harm than good.
  • It doesn't really matter if you're right or wrong. What matters is how much money you make when you're right and how much money you lose when you're wrong.
  • I always ask helpers to share their difficulties; I always try to support them, of course, if they are ready to admit that they have problems.
  • I could see the moment when things started to go wrong. I knew how to fix the mistakes but I couldn't find the right people for the implementation of the plan.
  • If investing seems to you an interesting activity, and you enjoy it - most likely, you do not earn anything. Real investing is boring to death.
  • In the field of economics, the policy of freedom of action means the freedom of market participants to follow their own selfish interests, which leads to the most efficient allocation of resources.
  • Business is not that hard at all. Many people with very average intellectual abilities earn enough. Really smart people can get real wealth if they really dedicate themselves to it.
  • The life philosophy that helped me become a successful hedge fund manager and renowned philanthropist with my political views, is based not on money, but on my understanding of the complex relationship between reality and ideas about it.
  • I overcame all the difficulties mainly because I admitted my mistakes. Very often I earned back pain due to the fact that I was wrong. But when you make a mistake, you either have to fight or run away. And when I make a decision, the pain in my back disappears.
  • Alchemists have done big mistake trying to turn base metals into gold with spells. FROM chemical elements alchemy doesn't work. But it works in the financial markets, because spells can influence the decisions of people who shape the course of events.
  • Your problem is what you want to do interesting work. A person who wants to get rich doesn't care what he does. He thinks only about the final profit. All day he thinks about how to earn money. If that means installing more shoe shine racks, that's what he's doing.
  • Recall the beneficial effects of the "Marshall Plan" on post-war Europe: this plan not only allowed to restore the economy, but also gave rise to Europeans good will to cooperation. However, in Russia the opportunity to change history was missed. Quality of life in the area former USSR fell rapidly, so the communist ideology was replaced by the ideology of bandit capitalism and strengthened.

My peculiarity is that I don't have a particular style of investing, or rather I try to adapt my style to the circumstances. If you look at the history of the fund, you can see that it has repeatedly changed its character.

During the first 10 years, the fund practically did not use macro approaches. Later, macroinvestment came to dominate, but in recent times we started investing in industrial assets. I would put it this way: I don't play within a given set of rules, I seek to change the rules of the game.

From the book "Soros on Soros"

It is important to create conditions under which it would be possible to get rich legally. I am in a happy position - I got rich legally. I had to do all sorts of illegal things in Hungary until I left at the age of 17. I mean, I didn't have much time for that. But it was necessary.

For example, I lived under false documents under the Nazi regime. If I had remained a law-abiding citizen, I would have been killed. Then it was important not to obey the law, because the laws were not such that one could live under. Something similar happened and is happening in Russia now.

From an interview with the Kommersant newspaper on October 9, 1997

Fundamental analysis seeks to establish how intrinsic value is reflected in stock prices, while reflexivity theory shows how stock prices can affect intrinsic value. One provides a static picture, the other a dynamic one. From the book "Alchemy of Finance"

Efficient market theory contradicts my theory of imperfect understanding and reflexivity. I find that these methods work 99% of the time, but they fail 1%. It is this 1% that worries me the most.

I see that there is some systemic risk that cannot be reconciled with the assumptions usually based on market persistence. I'm interested drastic changes market and consider all these theoretical calculations of little use.

From the book "Soros on Soros"

I AM most lost life. But I try to keep my failures within some moderate limits. From an interview with Kommersant-Daily on June 11, 1996

Bitcoin is not a currency, because currencies are considered to be a store of value, and their rate cannot change by 25% per day. Bitcoin, for example, cannot be used for payroll, as wages cannot be reduced by 25% per day. This is speculation, which is always based on misunderstandings. From statements on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum on January 26, 2018

We don't use options too much because we don't know how to reconcile them with the degree of risk we accept. When buying options, you have to pay brokers for borrowed funds, which we can raise at a lower cost ourselves against the security of our securities ...

When selling options, the seller receives a fee for taking on a certain amount of risk. That alone might be enough profitable business, but this is not sufficiently consistent with the risks tolerable for a portfolio that uses securities-backed loans - so we rarely write options. It also doesn't really fit with our 3D structure - in a way it looks like a beam sticking out of a window that threatens to bring down the entire building.

From the book "Soros on Soros"

On the ability to predict

My financial success is in stark contrast to my ability to predict events. In this context, it is important to distinguish between developments in financial markets and developments in real world. Events in the financial markets determine financial success; events in the real world are relevant only when evaluating scientific value my approach. From the book "Alchemy of Finance"

George Soros (b. 1930) is an American financier, philanthropist and politician.

Alchemists made a big mistake by trying to turn base metals into gold using spells. Alchemy does not work with chemical elements. But it works in the financial markets, because spells can influence the decisions of people who shape the course of events.

classical economic theory It is based on the assumption that market participants act on the basis of perfect knowledge. This assumption is wrong. Participants' perceptions affect the state of the market in which they participate, but market behavior and conditions also affect participants' perceptions. They cannot get perfect knowledge of the market, because their thinking itself constantly influences the market, and the market influences their thinking.

I'm rich because I know when I'm wrong ... I overcame all difficulties mainly because I admitted my mistakes. Very often I earned back pain because of the fact that I was wrong. But when you make a mistake, you either have to fight or run away. And when I make a decision, the pain in my back disappears.

It doesn't really matter if you're right or wrong. What matters is how much money you make when you're right and how much money you lose when you're wrong.

Business is not that hard at all. Many people with very average intellectual abilities earn enough. Really smart people can get real wealth if they really dedicate themselves to it.

God gave me an extremely short memory, which allows me to deal not with the past, but with the future.

Bureaucrats can sometimes be very decent people with the best of intentions, but they are limited by the rules.

In the field of economics, the policy of freedom of action means the freedom of market participants to follow their own selfish interests, which leads to the most efficient allocation of resources.

Money is only one of the necessary components of success, and under certain circumstances, money can do more harm than good.

Sometimes frankness can hurt, and one of the shortcomings of my character, which I myself cannot fully understand, is precisely the desire to be frank.

When a person takes a serious risk, he needs internal discipline.

My principle is to strive first of all to survive, and only then to earn.

Start small. If things go well, build up a big position.

Organizations tend to prioritize their organizational interests over their original mission.

Financial markets don't account for the future properly - they don't account for the future at all, they help shape it.

I always ask helpers to share their difficulties; I always try to support them, of course, if they are ready to admit that they have problems.

I could see the moment when things started to go wrong. I knew how to fix the mistakes, but I couldn't find the right people to do it.

I don't play within a given set of rules, I seek to change the rules of the game.

I did not accept the rules suggested by others. If I did this, I would no longer be alive.

  • I always ask helpers to share their difficulties; I always try to support them, of course, if they are ready to admit that they have problems.
  • It doesn't really matter if you're right or wrong. What matters is how much money you make when you're right and how much money you lose when you're wrong.
  • I did not accept the rules suggested by others. If I did this, I would no longer be alive.
  • "Alchemists made a big mistake by trying to turn base metals into gold using spells. Alchemy doesn't work with chemicals. But it works in the financial markets, because spells can influence the decisions of people who shape the course of events."
  • Organizations tend to prioritize their organizational interests over their original mission.
  • I don't play within a given set of rules, I seek to change the rules of the game.
  • "Classical economic theory is based on the assumption that participants in the events of the market act on the basis of perfect knowledge. This assumption is incorrect. The perception of participants affects the state of the market in which they participate, but the behavior and state of the market also affect the perception of participants. They cannot get a perfect knowledge of the market, because their thinking itself constantly affects the market, and the market affects their thinking. "
  • Sometimes frankness can hurt, and one of the shortcomings of my character, which I myself cannot fully understand, is precisely the desire to be frank.
  • I could see the moment when things started to go wrong. I knew how to fix the mistakes, but I couldn't find the right people to do it.
  • "I'm rich because I know when I'm wrong ... I overcame all difficulties mainly because I admitted my mistakes. Very often I got back pain because I was wrong. But when you make a mistake, you have to either fight or run away. And when I make a decision, the pain in my back disappears. "
  • Bureaucrats can sometimes be very decent people with the best of intentions, but they are limited by the rules.
  • God gave me an extremely short memory, which allows me to deal not with the past, but with the future.
  • Money is only one of the necessary components of success, and under certain circumstances, money can do more harm than good.
  • Financial markets don't account for the future properly - they don't account for the future at all, they help shape it.
  • Business is not that hard at all. Many people with very average intellectual abilities earn enough. Really smart people can get real wealth if they really dedicate themselves to it.
  • My principle is to strive first of all to survive, and only then to earn.
  • Start small. If things go well, build up a big position.
  • In the field of economics, the policy of freedom of action means the freedom of market participants to follow their own selfish interests, which leads to the most efficient allocation of resources.
  • Law-abiding has become a dangerous addiction; To survive, you have to circumvent the law.
  • When a person takes a serious risk, he needs internal discipline.

Another article from the series "Business Rules: Tips from Millionaires" is dedicated to George Soros, a well-known financial figure, philanthropist and successful investor. I am sure that few of you have heard about Soros, about his successes and achievements. In past articles, we have focused on famous people- Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Sergey Brin, Mark Zuckerberg, Michael Del and others, but today we decided to introduce you to the thoughts and quotes of no less influential, but less popular people.

George Soros belongs to the businessmen of the old school, to those who survived the Great Depression in the United States, saw the post-war world, was able to organize the first business in the not entirely favorable 60s, survived more than one financial crisis and reached incredible heights.
To be honest, little is written about Soros, because his activities cannot be unambiguously assessed. Someone considers him a brilliant financier, and someone is an ordinary speculator who can only buy cheaper, sell more expensive, playing on the fleeting needs of people.
To be honest, we are not going to evaluate Soros' activities now, we will not analyze his successes and how he came to them. We care more about George's thoughts on business, money and work. To tell the truth, I liked this businessman also because he is very non-standard, ambiguous, with creative thinking, which differs significantly from the thoughts of the majority of the world's population. I am sure that the quotes of George Soros will help you understand yourself and look at the picture of the world from a different perspective.

The best quotes about business, money and work from George Soros

I never play within one set of rules, but always try to change the rules of the game, adjusting them for myself.

I am very critical and always try to find faults in other people. But first of all, I look for flaws in myself in order to know what to work with and what to correct.

Financial markets were for me a kind of laboratory where I tested everything philosophical theories. As you can see, many tests were very successful.

My personality is that I don't have any particular investment style. Every time there is something new – new approaches, new methods, new ways of achieving the set goals.

I make all my decisions based on some combination of theory, practical knowledge and inner feeling.

Many in this world are ashamed of their mistakes, but I have a completely different idea. To some extent, I am even proud that I was wrong, because this is a great lesson from which a good experience followed.

Nothing will make you concentrate like a possible danger. In order to reach the maximum level of clear thought, I need inspiration, and it is desirable that it be associated with risk.

I always try to look for errors in all investment statements. When I find it, I act even more confidently. If everything goes smoothly and without any problems, then it seems that something is going wrong, there is a certain feeling of anxiety.

To be honest, I don't like working at all. I try to do the minimum that is enough for me to make an informed and qualified decision.

Sometimes there are moments when I work just furiously. And all because I'm really furious that I have to work.

To be honest, I don't feel like I'm in business at all. Yes, I invest in companies and it's a lot of money. But these corporations are run by other people, and I skillfully profit from this. I'm a critic and you could say I'm the highest paid critic in the world.

I never tried to stand out. Even when I already had more than one million, I tried to live very modestly, much easier than my finances allowed me.

One of my main principles is that first you must survive, and only then try to earn something.

Personally, I think that misconceptions and errors play a very important role in human development. They can be compared with mutations in biology, thanks to which new species and subspecies of already known organisms are derived. Also, mistakes make something new out of you, bring experience, show how it is worth and how not to act in the future.

I made my career without "nepotism" connections and familiarity with famous and strong people world of finance. Now I can afford it, but, to be honest, there is simply no time to play in a big and strong "family".

I have always been and will always be a law-abiding citizen. But there are regimes in the world that you must resist, not accept.

I never accepted the rules and regulations dictated by other people. Believe me, if I did this, I would not have lived for a long time.

I focused on money and career because I understand that in our society there is a tendency to exaggerate the importance of money and to define values ​​in terms of money.

I am equally embarrassed by both gratitude and outright flattery.

I do not hesitate to speculate in the foreign exchange markets, although I argue that it is necessary to ensure their stability. It is necessary to distinguish between two concepts: a market participant and a citizen. As a market participant, you play by the rules. As a citizen, you have an obligation to try to change the system if it is not perfect.

I advocate maximum oversight and minimum regulation.

Chaos is what really excites me. To be honest, this is how I make money: I wait right moment, I try to understand the revolution that is taking place in the financial market, and then I play on the misunderstanding of some, and the desire to change something in others.

I believe that you can only succeed if you have a lot of free time that you spend on communicating with new and necessary people.

The biggest danger is that you may realize that you only have your power and influence thanks to a huge number money. If so, then at one point, when there is less money, no one needs you. Earn respect by your actions and deeds, not by the number of dollars in bank accounts.

Many consider me a real guru of the world of finance. To be honest, this status amuses me a lot.

What is the relationship between money and success? Money is one of the components of success, its component. But there are circumstances when money brings more problems than opportunities.

Until now, I consider myself a big egoist and greedy person. I always put my great needs and desires above everything else.

It doesn't matter if it's right or not correct solution you accept. What matters is how much money you have earned or lost as a result of this or that action.

I do not want to be famous after many years, so that after death my name will be remembered and admired. It is much more important for me to influence what is happening here and now, to live real life rather than dreams of the future.