Biographies Characteristics Analysis

The fortune of the entire royal Saudi family. Unpunished cocaine smuggling

Here is a selection of facts about the royal family of Saudi Arabia. By the way, the family is very large, about 25,000 people. However, only 2000 are at the very top, it is they who own all the oil and all the wealth of the state. Below is a selection of facts about these people.

1) 459 tons of luggage for a 9 day trip

King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al recently traveled to Indonesia for 9 days. He took 459 tons of luggage with him. He took with him not only a sofa, a suitcase, a bag ... But also two Mercedes-Benz s600 limousines, two electric elevators and much more.

2) The King and his death

In 1975, Faisal ibn Abdulaziz Al Saud was king. Under him, oil production increased and wealth appeared. He invested in the modernization of the country, took care of the population, turned Saudi Arabia into the leading country in the Muslim world.

However, on March 25, 1975, Faisal was killed by his nephew, Prince Faisal ibn Musaid, who came to his homeland after studying in the United States. The prince was found guilty of regicide and his head was cut off (curiously, the dying king Faisal asked to spare the young man). The guy was beheaded with a gilded sword, and his head on a wooden stake was exposed to people for 15 minutes.

3) Alcohol is not allowed?

It is illegal to drink alcohol in Saudi Arabia. This is punishable by law. However, people who worked at the parties of the Saudi princes claim that they drank alcohol and used drugs there.

4) What happens to those who know too much

Prince Abdul Aziz ibn Fahd silenced and threatened his cousin Sultan ibn Turki for wanting to tell the world the whole truth about the royal family. He wanted to tell that the royal family is corrupt and rotten from the inside. However, they have a large pile of money and opportunities. A person who talks a lot usually does not live here for long. Sultan ibn Turki is silent. And lives.

5) How Princess Mishaal was executed

In 1977, 19-year-old Saudi princess Mishaal bint Fahd al Saud, King Khalid's niece, was accused of adultery and shot. Her beloved, the son of the ambassador of the kingdom in Lebanon, was beheaded (the head was cut with a saber, five blows had to be struck). The grandfather of the princess himself executed the young people.

6) Cocaine smuggling

In 2004, Prince Nayef ibn Fovaz Al Shelaan wanted to smuggle 2 tons of cocaine from Colombia to Europe in his personal Boeing. He was going to launder the money through his own bank Kanz Bank.

The French police caught Nayef red-handed. However, the Al Saud intervened and ordered France to release the prince. Saudi Arabia threatened to reject important commercial deals with France if refused. The prince was released, he merrily walks free, and his accomplices are in prison.

7) Prince Saud ibn Abdulaziz killed a gay lover

Prince Saud bin Abdulaziz bin Nasir al Saud brutally murdered his gay lover in a London hotel in 2010. Then, in court, he tried to prove that he himself was not gay. Homosexuality in Saudi Arabia is one of the worst crimes and is punishable by death.

The police claim that on that day, February 14 (yes, Valentine's Day), the prince drank champagne, as well as 6 Sex on the Beach cocktails. The crime was committed in the UK and it was not possible to escape from the court. The prince was sentenced to life imprisonment, but then exchanged for five Britons.

9) Human trafficking

Once during a Halloween party (which, by the way, is prohibited here), Prince Faisal Al-Thunayan gathered 150 men and women. At the same time, the men came voluntarily, and the women were brought in for sale.

Those who speak on this topic, members of the royal family threatened to crack down.

10) Media censorship

Here, for example, they closed access to WikiLeaks in their country. There is no freedom of speech in Saudi Arabia at the legislative level. The royal controls everything there.

11) Unpaid bills and inappropriate behavior

On one occasion, Princess Maha al-Ibrahim refused to pay $1.5 million to a limousine company in Geneva. Failed to get the money. The company simply blacklisted the Saud family.

12) Princes rob their people in every possible way

According to WikiLeaks, the princes borrow money from banks and do not return it. They also select land on which businessmen are going to build something and which can be resold at a great profit.

Saudi Arabia is one of the most repressive regimes in the world. There are no elections, political parties or parliament. The country belongs to King Salman and his family. They can do whatever they want with complete impunity. There is only one competitor in the world in terms of political freedoms, and that is North Korea.

Interesting collection of facts about Japan. 1) The Japanese are disposed towards those foreigners who speak their language at least a little bit. 2) More terrible cursing ...

Saudi dynasty. Where do they come from and what is their real origin?

Part one

Excerpt from, researched and provided by Muhammad Saher, who was assassinated on the orders of the Saudi regime for the following research:

1. The belonging of the members of the Saudi family to the Anza bin Wayel tribe, as they claim?

2. Is Islam their real religion?

3. Are they really of Arab origin? ©

The following facts call into question all the claims of the Saudi family and refute all the false claims made by the hypocrites who sold themselves to this family and distorted the real history of the Saudi family. I mean journalists and historians who, due to large funding, have a false and altered genealogy of this family, and that supposedly our greatest Prophet Muhammad (DBAR) said that the Saudis are evidence of the power of Allah on Earth. And it is quite clear that this flattery is intended to justify that crime and autocracy of the Saudis and that it guarantees the stability of their rule and is the basis of their despotic regime, which is a dictatorship of the extreme form and completely compromises our great religion Islam.

The very concept of monarchy is unacceptable in our religion of Islam, in the Holy Quran, because it contains power in one person and in his family members, overwhelming the people and drowning out the voices of any "opposition" that opposes royal despotism and dictatorial rules. And the kings are condemned in the following verse of the Holy Qur'an: “Kings, entering a (foreign) country, destroy it and ruin it, and deprive the noblest of its inhabitants of respect and honor, so do (all) kings” (Sura an-Naml, 27 Meccan , ayat 34. Quran Translation of Meanings and Commentary by Imam Valery Porokhov).

Despite this, the Saudi family ignores the Qur'anic verses and falsely claims that they are the strictest adherents of the Holy Qur'an: under their strict supervision, radio and television programs are aired where they use the Qur'anic verses to protect their system. At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to publish other verses in the press, because printing and reading them may affect their throne!

Who are the Saudis? Where are they from? What is their ultimate goal?

Members of the Ibn Saud family are well aware that Muslims around the world know their Jewish origin. Muslims know all their bloody deeds in the past and ruthless, despotic cruelty in the present. Currently, they are trying in every possible way to hide their Jewish origin and, hiding behind the religion of Islam, they begin to invent their genealogy, trying to bring it to our most precious Prophet Muhammad (DBAR)

They completely forget or ignore in every possible way the fact that Islam has never attached importance to genealogy or the "Family Tree"; here respect and honor are paid to all people without exception, if their actions comply with the principles proclaimed in the following verse of the Holy Quran: “O people! We created you from (a couple): a man and a wife, and created from you (family) clans and (different) peoples, so that you could know each other. Indeed, before Allah, the most honored is the one who becomes the most righteous of all of you. Indeed, Allah is all-knowing and knows everything and everything! (Sura al-Khujurat, 49, Medina, ayat 13).

Anyone who is unjust and greedy cannot be close to our Prophet Muhammad (DBAR), even if he is a close relative of him. Bilal, an Abyssinian slave who was a true Muslim, has much more respect in Islam than the pagan Abu Lahab, who was a blood relative (uncle) of our Prophet (DBAR). There is no preference for people in Islam. Allah gives the degrees of comparison in Islam according to the piety of a person, and not his origin or belonging to any dynasty.

Who is the real founder of the Saudi dynasty?

In the year 851 AH, a group of people from the al-Masalih clan, which is a clan of the Anza tribe, equip a caravan to purchase grain (wheat) and other food products from Iraq and transport them to Nejd. The leader of the caravan was a man named Sahmi bin Haslul. The caravan arrived in Basra, where the caravaners went to a grain merchant, a Jew named Mordachai bin Ibrahim bin Moshe. During the negotiations, the Jew asked them: "Where are you from?" They replied: "From the tribe of Anza from the clan of al-Masaleh." Hearing this, the Jew began to warmly hug each of those who came, saying that he was also from the al-Masaleh clan, but he lives in Basra because of his father's quarrel with some members of the Anza tribe.

After he told the story he had made up, he ordered his servants to load the camels with food in a much larger volume; this act seemed so generous that the representatives of the al-Masaleh family were very surprised and they were overcome with pride for their relative, who managed to become a successful merchant in Iraq; they believed his every word and agreed with him, because he was a very rich grain merchant, which they needed so much (so the Jew began to call himself a representative of the Arab family al-Masaleh).

When the caravan was ready to depart, the Jew asked to take it with him, because he really wants to visit his homeland Nejd. Hearing his request, the caravaners gladly agreed to take him with them.

Thus the Jew reached Nejd in secret. In Najd, through his supporters, whom he passed off as his relatives, he began to diligently propagate himself. But, unexpectedly, he faced opposition from supporters of the Muslim preacher of the locality al-Qasim, Sheikh Salih Salman Abdullah at-Tamimi. A Jew (the true ancestor of the ibn Saud family) preached in the territories of Najd, Yemen and Hijaz, having gone from al-Qasim to al-Isha, on the way to al-Qatif he changed his name from Mordakhai to Marwan bin Diria and began to invent stories about the shield of our Prophet Muhammad (DBAR), that it was obtained as a trophy from an Arab pagan during the battle of Uhud between Arab pagans and Muslims. He said that "this shield was sold by an Arab pagan to the Jewish tribe of Banu Kunayka, who kept it as a treasure." Gradually, by telling such stories to the Bedouins, he raised the authority of the Jewish tribes as very influential. He decided to permanently settle in the town of Diriyah in the area of ​​al-Katif, which he considered as the basis, a springboard for the creation of a Jewish state in Arabia.

To achieve such ambitious plans, he became very close to the Bedouins and in the end he declared himself their ruler!

At the same time, the Azhaman tribe, in alliance with the Banu Khalid tribe, having understood its essence and that the insidious plan drawn up by this Jew was beginning to give results, decided to destroy it. They attacked his city and captured it, but could not seize the Jew who had taken refuge from the enemies...

This Jewish ancestor of the Saudi dynasty, Mordachai, hid in a farm that was then called al-Malibed-Usayba near al-Arid, the current name of this area is ar-Riyad

He asked for asylum from the owner of this land. The host was a very hospitable person and allowed the Jew to stay. Less than a month later, the Jew killed all the members of the farm owner's family, hiding the traces of his crimes and showing as if the thieves who had entered here had destroyed the family. He then announced that he bought these lands before the death of the former owner and remained there to live. He renamed the area, giving it the name - ad-Diriya, as well as the area that he had lost.

This Jewish ancestor (Mordakhai) of the ibn Saud dynasty built a guest house called “Madafa” on the lands of his victims and gathered around him a group of his henchmen, the most hypocritical people who began to stubbornly say that he was a prominent Arab leader. The Jew himself began to weave conspiracies against Sheikh Salih Salman Abdullah at-Tamimi, his true enemy, who was later killed in the mosque of the city of al-Zalafi.

After that, he felt safe and made ad-Diriya his permanent place of residence. He had a lot of wives who gave him a huge number of children. He gave all his children Arabic names.

Since that time, the number of his descendants has increased, which made it possible to create a large Saudi clan, following his path, controlling the Arab tribes and clans. They ruthlessly took away agricultural land, and physically eliminated the recalcitrant. They used all kinds of deception, deceit to achieve their goals, they offered their women, money, in order to attract as many people as possible to their side. They were especially zealous with historians and writers to forever obscure their Jewish origin and connect it with the original Arab tribes of Rabia, Anza and al-Masaleh.

One of the most famous hypocrites of our time - Muhammad Amin at-Tamimi - Director of the modern Library of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia compiled a genealogical tree for the Jewish family of the Saudis and connected them with the Greatest Prophet Muhammad (DBAR). For this fictitious work, he received a reward of 35 thousand Egyptian pounds from the KSA ambassador in Cairo, Egypt, in 1362 AH - 1943. The name of the ambassador is Ibrahim al-Fadel.

As mentioned above, the Jewish ancestor of the Saudis (Mordachai) practiced polygamy, marrying a huge number of Arab women and having as a result of this a large number of children; his descendants are now repeating the actions of their ancestor to a tee, increasing their power - taking in quantity.

One of the sons of Mordakhai, whose name was al-Marakan, an Arabized form of the Hebrew name Makren, the eldest son was named Muhammad, and the other was called Saud, whose name is now the Saudi dynasty.

The descendants of Saud (the Saudi dynasty) began to kill prominent Arab figures, under the pretext that they had departed from Islam, violated the Qur'anic prescriptions, and thereby aroused the wrath of the Saudis.

In the Book of History of the Saudi Dynasty on pages 98-101, their family historian claims that the Saudis considered all the inhabitants of Najd as apostates, so they were allowed to shed their blood, seize property, and the Saudis could turn their women into concubines, like captives. Muslims who did not share the views of the ideologist of the Saudis - Muhammad ibn Abdulwahhab (also has Jewish roots from Turkey) were subject to complete destruction. Under the guise of this, the Saudis killed men, stabbed children, cut open the wombs of pregnant women, raped, robbed and massacred entire villages. And they took the teachings of the Wahhabis sect as the basis of their cruel program, which allowed them to destroy dissidents.

This disgusting Jewish dynasty in every way patronizes the Wahhabis sect, who allow violence in cities and villages under the guise of Islam. This Jewish dynasty has been doing lawlessness since 1163 Hijri, since they named the Arabian Peninsula after themselves (Saudi Arabia) and consider the entire region their property, and its population are servants and slaves of the dynasty, who must work for the benefit of their owners (the dynasty Saudis).

They completely appropriated natural resources and consider them their property. If someone asks questions that are uncomfortable for the dynasty or begins to protest against the despotism of the Jewish dynasty, he is publicly cut off his head in the square. The Saudi princess once visited Florida, USA with her courtiers, she rented 90 suites at the Grand Hotel with a total cost of about 1 million US dollars per day. Can the subjects ask what kind of extravagant trick this is? If anyone asks such a question, then he will immediately be overtaken by the punishment of the Saudi sword in the execution square !!!

Witnesses to the Jewish origin of the Saudi dynasty

In the 1960s, the South al-Arab radio station in Cairo, Egypt and the Yemeni radio station in Sana'a confirmed the Jewish origin of the Saudi dynasty on the air.

King Faisal al-Saud at that time could not deny his family's close relationship with the Jews when he stated in an interview with The Washington Post on September 17, 1969: "We, the Saudi dynasty, are relatives (cousins) of the Jews: we do not share the point of view of the Arabs or Muslims in general on the Jewish question... we must live in peace and harmony. Our country (Arabia) is the ancestral home of the first Jew and it was from here that they spread throughout the world.” This was the statement of King Faisal al-Saud bin Abdulaziz!!!

Hafez Wahbi, the Saudi legal adviser, mentioned in his book entitled "The Arabian Peninsula" that King Abdul Aziz al-Saud, who died in 1953, said: "Our activities (Saudi propaganda) came across opposition from all Arab tribes. My grandfather is Saud al-Awwal once imprisoned several sheikhs of the Maziir tribe, and when another group of the same tribe came to intercede for the prisoners, with a request for release, as Saud al-Awwal ordered his people to cut off the heads of all the prisoners, and invited those who came to taste dishes from the Boiled meat of his victims, whose severed heads he set on the dishes!The petitioners were very frightened and refused to eat the flesh of their relatives, and because of their refusal to eat, he ordered his people to cut off their heads.This heinous crime was committed by order of the Saudi ruler against to people whose only fault was the condemnation of his cruel methods and extreme despotism.

Hafez Wahbi says further that King Abdul Aziz Al Saud told a bloody story that the sheikhs of the Mazeer tribe who visited his grandfather to intercede for their prominent leader of the time, Faisal Al Darwish, who was imprisoned in the king's prison. He told the story with them in order to prevent them from asking for their leader's release, otherwise they would suffer the same fate. He killed the sheikh and used his blood as a ablution before praying (not forbidden by the doctrine of the Wahhabi sect). The guilt of Faisal Darwish was that he criticized King Abdulaziz al-Saud when the king signed a document prepared by the British authorities in 1922, in which the British authorities declare the granting of the lands of Palestine to the Jews, his signature was put at a conference in Al Aqir in 1922

This was and remains the basis of this regime of the Jewish family (the Saudi dynasty). The main purpose of which is: plundering the wealth of the country, robbery, falsification, all kinds of atrocities, lawlessness and blasphemy. Everything is done in accordance with their religious belief - a fictional Wahhabi sect that legalizes all these atrocities and has absolutely nothing to do with Islam.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the largest country in the Middle East. And the country with the largest oil reserves. Unfortunately, ordinary people do not manage to enjoy oil money - they all end up in the pockets of members of the ruling Saudi dynasty (Al Sauds). The family is big: about 25,000 people. We invite you to find out 15 dark facts about the royal family.

459 tons of luggage for a 9 day trip

Salman bin Abdulaziz Al, the current King of Saudi Arabia, is a very wealthy man. It seems that money for him does not mean anything at all - with such ease he throws them away. For example, he recently had to go on a visit to Indonesia for 9 days, so he ordered to take 459 tons of luggage with him. That's why he needs 459 tons of luggage for 9 days? It is impossible to understand. Yes, and what was included in the luggage? A sofa, a suitcase, a bag… In fact, a lot of different equipment, including two Mercedes-Benz s600 limousines and two electric elevators. As if in Indonesia all this cannot be found.

Saudi throne game

Back in 1975, the people's favorite King Faisal ibn Abdul-Aziz Al Saud ruled. It was under him that oil production increased incredibly and huge wealth appeared in the country. He invested in the modernization of the country, took care of the needs of the population, under him Saudi Arabia became the leader of the Muslim world and began to dictate its rules to all countries (using the oil lever).

On March 25, 1975, Faisal was shot dead by his nephew, Prince Faisal ibn Musaid, who returned to the country after studying at an American university. The prince went up to the king, bent down for a kiss, pulled out a pistol and fired three times at point-blank range. He was found guilty of regicide and his head was cut off (although the dying King Faisal asked to spare his nephew). Faisal ibn Musaid Al Saud was beheaded with a gilded sword, after which his head on a wooden stake was exposed to the crowd for 15 minutes. Such are the passions.

Hypocrisy and alcohol at parties

The consumption of alcohol in Saudi Arabia is prohibited and severely punished by law. Of course, if you belong to the royal family and you really want to, then you can do everything - including alcohol. People who worked at parties hosted by Saudi princes said that there was alcohol and drugs in use, and what not. The two-faced Al-Said are having fun at alcohol parties, and the next day they are talking frantically and zealously about the importance of observing Sharia law.

Those who know too much are dealt with quickly and quietly by the Saudis.

In the next episode of the Game of the Saudi Throne, we will see how Prince Abdul Aziz ibn Fahd kidnaps his cousin Sultan ibn Turki because he wanted to tell the world the whole truth about the royal family. No joke, the Saudi royal family is corrupted to the limit and, one might say, rotten from the inside. However, they have a lot of money and opportunities to get rid of anyone who is stupid enough to open his mouth on this subject.

During a visit to Geneva in 2004, Prince Sultan ibn Turki announced that he was going to reveal the secret plans (or rather, evil intentions) of the Saudi government. The next day, his cousin Prince Abdul Aziz ordered the Turks to be sent back to Saudi Arabia immediately. More Sultan ibn Turki never complained about the family and did not talk about its crimes. After all, he who talks a lot does not live long.

Princess Mishaal's execution for falling in love with the wrong person

In 1977, 19-year-old Saudi princess Mishaal bint Fahd al Saud, niece of the then King Khalid, was accused of adultery and shot. At the same time, her lover - the son of the ambassador of the kingdom in Lebanon - was beheaded (moreover, they chopped off his head with a saber and this was only possible with the fifth blow). The execution was led by the princess's own grandfather. So the Saudis are very, very cruel to their own.

Unpunished cocaine smuggling

It seems that members of the royal family don’t peck money anyway, why should they try to earn more, and at the same time in an illegal way? However, in 2004, Prince Nayef ibn Fovaz Al Shelaan tried to smuggle 2 tons of cocaine from Colombia to Europe in his private Boeing. He planned to launder the money through Kanz Bank (which he owns).

In general, the plan was quite cunning, but failed, because the French police caught Nayef red-handed. But this is not the most interesting. When he was caught, the Al Saud intervened and ordered France to release the prince. They even threatened to reject several important commercial deals with France if she did not comply. Therefore, Prince Nayef's accomplices are still rotting in prison, and the prince himself is calmly walking free and enjoying the sun of Saudi Arabia.

Prince Saud bin Abdulaziz killed his gay lover

When Prince Saud ibn Abdulaziz ibn Nasir al Saud brutally murdered his gay lover in a London luxury hotel in 2010, his biggest concern at trial was proving he was not gay. After all, homosexuality in Saudi Arabia is one of the worst crimes and can be punishable by death.

Before the fatal attack on his servant, the prince drank champagne, as well as six Sex on the Beach cocktails, according to police. It happened on February 14, when the couple celebrated Valentine's Day. Shortly before midnight, the lovers returned to the hotel, where there was a quarrel between them, which ended in murder. Everything happened in the UK and it was not possible to get out of the court. The prince was sentenced to life imprisonment, but was soon sent to Saudi Arabia in exchange for five Britons. There is no doubt that he is free.

"Cow worshiping the West" is a major crime

The people of Saudi Arabia are obliged to obey all the laws of their country, no matter how absurd or strict they may be. The main thing is to obey, pray and not try to adopt something from the rotten West. Here's a typical example: in 2013, 21-year-old Abdulrahman Al-Khayal watched a YouTube video of a man who went out into the street and began to offer random passers-by a hug - if they wanted to. Abdulrahman decided that this was a great idea and that he should try to do the same at home in Saudi Arabia. He wrote a poster "Hugs", went outside with it and began to hug passers-by. Very soon he was arrested for criminal activity. What happened to him next is unknown. I would like to hope that he was still not imprisoned, but released.

Saudi royal family and human trafficking

Anything related to the world's oldest profession is naturally prohibited in Saudi Arabia. And there is nothing special about it. However, it would be nice if members of the royal family also followed this law. But, alas, this is not the case.

For example, in Saudi Arabia it is illegal to celebrate Halloween due to its "anti-Islamic" nature. But Prince Faisal Al-Thunayan threw a massive Halloween party at his residence. Approximately 150 men and women came to the party. With one single difference: the men came there of their own free will, and the women had no other choice. They were brought there for sale.

And how did the royal family react when it turned out that Prince Faisal had broken several laws at once that night? And in any way - they ignored the event. And they even threatened to deal with anyone who spoke on this topic.

Media censorship

WikiLeaks has exposed the secrets of thousands of the world's most powerful people, including members of the ruling Al Saud dynasty. Many have tried to fight WikiLeaks and somehow censor the information posted there, but no one has succeeded in this more than the Saudis. They just banned WikiLeaks in their country. You can't even pronounce the name of this organization if you don't want problems.

Yes, we are talking about one of the richest countries in the world in the 21st century. In Saudi Arabia, there is simply no such thing as freedom of speech. The royal family controls everything there. It is interesting that family members are not completely free either: before doing something, they must consult and ask permission from King Salman. He's still the boss.

Unpaid bills and inappropriate behavior

With their own money, they could probably buy up the whole world. But few of the large companies want to do business with them. Why? Yes, because it is not clear what to expect from these people. And also because they are the type of customers who don't always pay their bills. For example, Princess Maha al-Ibrahim refused to pay $1.5 million to a limousine rental company in Geneva (despite the fact that all the requirements of the princess were fully satisfied). Well, it ended up being that the representatives of the company said: "We are no longer working with this family for obvious reasons." And there are many such cases.

The Royals Get Any Job They Want

In total, the Al Saud family has 25-30 thousand people. And all the boys need to be assigned to the most prestigious job, so that they “earn” a lot of money there and maintain the honor of the family. It is clear that they are taken without any interviews to wherever they want. Their knowledge and experience is irrelevant. Last name is everything. It is a pity for worthy people who cannot get a job because of this, and it is a pity for a country in which inexperienced specialists are allowed to solve important issues.

Princes rob their people in every possible way

According to WikiLeaks, using their name, the princes receive money in various ways - for example, by borrowing from banks and not repaying loans. Learned from bitter experience, Saudi banks routinely turn down loan applications from members of the royal family unless they have a good credit history.

Another favorite method of taking money is the confiscation of land on which something is planned to be built and which can be resold at a great profit. So when the royals don't have enough money for hardcore parties, they just go and take it from banks or take it from the population.

Saudi Arabia and North Korea are twin brothers

Saudi Arabia is one of the most repressive regimes in the world. There are no elections, political parties or parliament. The country belongs to King Salman and his family. They can do whatever they want with complete impunity. The rest of the world is afraid to interfere and somehow try to limit the power of the Saudis, because Saudi Arabia is control over the distribution of oil. Everyone knows that people there have a hard time, but no one can do anything about it. When it comes to civil and political freedoms, Saudi Arabia is the worst country in the world and is only matched by North Korea and a couple of African dictatorships.

Dancing can make you gay in Saudi Arabia

Everyone in Saudi Arabia is afraid of the Islamic morality police "Khayaa", which is supposedly supposed to protect the country and people from moral decay, etc. For example, the guardians of morals once invaded the house of a local resident and found dancing youths there. Just. However, by the standards of "Hayaa", these men were caught in a "compromising situation in the dance, making shameful gestures." This definition was enough for everyone to be immediately arrested. Moreover, the parents of these "criminals" were told to take better care of their children "because this could lead to immorality and even homosexuality." Well, you understand, right? Dancing means gay.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the largest country in the Middle East. And the country with the largest reserves

Terrifying facts about the monarchs of Saudi Arabia

 10:15 June 12, 2017

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the largest country in the Middle East. And the country with the largest oil reserves. Unfortunately, ordinary people do not manage to enjoy oil money - they all end up in the pockets of members of the ruling Saudi dynasty (Al Sauds).

The family is big: about 25,000 people. But "only" 2,000 of them control all the power and all the wealth of the country. And what are they doing... As they say, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

459 tons of luggage for a 9 day trip

Salman bin Abdulaziz Al, the current King of Saudi Arabia, is a very wealthy man. It seems that money for him does not mean anything at all - with such ease he throws them away. For example, he recently had to go on a visit to Indonesia for 9 days, so he ordered to take 459 tons of luggage with him. That's why he needs 459 tons of luggage for 9 days? It is impossible to understand. Yes, and what was included in the luggage? A sofa, a suitcase, a bag… In fact, a lot of different equipment, including two Mercedes-Benz s600 limousines and two electric elevators. As if in Indonesia all this cannot be found.

Saudi throne game

Back in 1975, the people's favorite King Faisal ibn Abdul-Aziz Al Saud ruled. It was under him that oil production increased incredibly and huge wealth appeared in the country. He invested in the modernization of the country, took care of the needs of the population, under him Saudi Arabia became the leader of the Muslim world and began to dictate its rules to all countries (using the oil lever).

On March 25, 1975, Faisal was shot dead by his nephew, Prince Faisal ibn Musaid, who returned to the country after studying at an American university. The prince went up to the king, bent down for a kiss, pulled out a pistol and fired three times at point-blank range. He was found guilty of regicide and his head was cut off (although the dying King Faisal asked to spare his nephew). Faisal ibn Musaid Al Saud was beheaded with a gilded sword, after which his head on a wooden stake was exposed to the crowd for 15 minutes. Such are the passions.

Hypocrisy and alcohol at parties

The consumption of alcohol in Saudi Arabia is prohibited and severely punished by law. Of course, if you belong to the royal family and you really want to, then you can do everything - including alcohol. People who worked at parties hosted by Saudi princes said that there was alcohol and drugs in use, and what not. The two-faced Al-Said are having fun at alcohol parties, and the next day they are talking frantically and zealously about the importance of observing Sharia law.

Those who know too much are dealt with quickly and quietly by the Saudis.

In the next episode of the Game of the Saudi Throne, we will see how Prince Abdul Aziz ibn Fahd kidnaps his cousin Sultan ibn Turki because he wanted to tell the world the whole truth about the royal family. No joke, the Saudi royal family is corrupted to the limit and, one might say, rotten from the inside. However, they have a lot of money and opportunities to get rid of anyone who is stupid enough to open his mouth on this subject.

During a visit to Geneva in 2004, Prince Sultan ibn Turki announced that he was going to reveal the secret plans (or rather, evil intentions) of the Saudi government. The next day, his cousin Prince Abdul Aziz ordered the Turks to be sent back to Saudi Arabia immediately. More Sultan ibn Turki never complained about the family and did not talk about its crimes. After all, he who talks a lot does not live long.

Princess Mishaal's execution for falling in love with the wrong person

In 1977, 19-year-old Saudi princess Mishaal bint Fahd al Saud, niece of the then King Khalid, was accused of adultery and shot. At the same time, her lover - the son of the ambassador of the kingdom in Lebanon - was beheaded (moreover, they chopped off his head with a saber and this was only possible with the fifth blow). The execution was led by the princess's own grandfather. So the Saudis are very, very cruel to their own.

Unpunished cocaine smuggling

It seems that members of the royal family don’t peck money anyway, why should they try to earn more, and at the same time in an illegal way? However, in 2004, Prince Nayef ibn Fovaz Al Shelaan tried to smuggle 2 tons of cocaine from Colombia to Europe in his private Boeing. He planned to launder the money through Kanz Bank (which he owns).

In general, the plan was quite cunning, but failed, because the French police caught Nayef red-handed. But this is not the most interesting. When he was caught, the Al Saud intervened and ordered France to release the prince. They even threatened to reject several important commercial deals with France if she did not comply. Therefore, Prince Nayef's accomplices are still rotting in prison, and the prince himself is calmly walking free and enjoying the sun of Saudi Arabia.

Prince Saud bin Abdulaziz killed his gay lover

When Prince Saud ibn Abdulaziz ibn Nasir al Saud brutally murdered his gay lover in a London luxury hotel in 2010, his biggest concern at trial was proving he was not gay. After all, homosexuality in Saudi Arabia is one of the worst crimes and can be punishable by death.

Before the fatal attack on his servant, the prince drank champagne, as well as six Sex on the Beach cocktails, according to police. It happened on February 14, when the couple celebrated Valentine's Day. Shortly before midnight, the lovers returned to the hotel, where there was a quarrel between them, which ended in murder. Everything happened in the UK and it was not possible to get out of the court. The prince was sentenced to life imprisonment, but was soon sent to Saudi Arabia in exchange for five Britons. There is no doubt that he is free.

"Cow worshiping the West" is a major crime

The people of Saudi Arabia are obliged to obey all the laws of their country, no matter how absurd or strict they may be. The main thing is to obey, pray and not try to adopt something from the rotten West. Here's a typical example: in 2013, 21-year-old Abdulrahman Al-Khayal watched a YouTube video of a man who went out into the street and began to offer random passers-by a hug - if they wanted to. Abdulrahman decided that this was a great idea and that he should try to do the same at home in Saudi Arabia. He wrote a poster "Hugs", went outside with it and began to hug passers-by. Very soon he was arrested for criminal activity. What happened to him next is unknown. I would like to hope that he was still not imprisoned, but released.

Saudi royal family and human trafficking

Anything related to the world's oldest profession is naturally prohibited in Saudi Arabia. And there is nothing special about it. However, it would be nice if members of the royal family also followed this law. But, alas, this is not the case.

For example, in Saudi Arabia it is illegal to celebrate Halloween due to its "anti-Islamic" nature. But Prince Faisal Al-Thunayan threw a massive Halloween party at his residence. Approximately 150 men and women came to the party. With one single difference: the men came there of their own free will, and the women had no other choice. They were brought there for sale.

And how did the royal family react when it turned out that Prince Faisal had broken several laws at once that night? And in any way - they ignored the event. And they even threatened to deal with anyone who spoke on this topic.

Media censorship

WikiLeaks has exposed the secrets of thousands of the world's most powerful people, including members of the ruling Al Saud dynasty. Many have tried to fight WikiLeaks and somehow censor the information posted there, but no one has succeeded in this more than the Saudis. They just banned WikiLeaks in their country. You can't even pronounce the name of this organization if you don't want problems.

Yes, we are talking about one of the richest countries in the world in the 21st century. In Saudi Arabia, there is simply no such thing as freedom of speech. The royal family controls everything there. It is interesting that family members are not completely free either: before doing something, they must consult and ask permission from King Salman. He's still the boss.

Unpaid bills and inappropriate behavior

With their own money, they could probably buy up the whole world. But few of the large companies want to do business with them. Why? Yes, because it is not clear what to expect from these people. And also because they are the type of customers who don't always pay their bills. For example, Princess Maha al-Ibrahim refused to pay $1.5 million to a limousine rental company in Geneva (despite the fact that all the requirements of the princess were fully satisfied). Well, it ended up being that the representatives of the company said: "We are no longer working with this family for obvious reasons." And there are many such cases.

The Royals Get Any Job They Want

In total, the Al Saud family has 25-30 thousand people. And all the boys need to be assigned to the most prestigious job, so that they “earn” a lot of money there and maintain the honor of the family. It is clear that they are taken without any interviews to wherever they want. Their knowledge and experience is irrelevant. Last name is everything. It is a pity for worthy people who cannot get a job because of this, and it is a pity for a country in which inexperienced specialists are allowed to solve important issues.

Princes rob their people in every possible way

According to WikiLeaks, using their name, the princes receive money in various ways - for example, by borrowing from banks and not repaying loans. Learned from bitter experience, Saudi banks routinely turn down loan applications from members of the royal family unless they have a good credit history.

Another favorite method of taking money is the confiscation of land on which something is planned to be built and which can be resold at a great profit. So when the royals don't have enough money for hardcore parties, they just go and take it from banks or take it from the population.

Saudi Arabia and North Korea are twin brothers

Saudi Arabia is one of the most repressive regimes in the world. There are no elections, political parties or parliament. The country belongs to King Salman and his family. They can do whatever they want with complete impunity. The rest of the world is afraid to interfere and somehow try to limit the power of the Saudis, because Saudi Arabia is control over the distribution of oil. Everyone knows that people there have a hard time, but no one can do anything about it. When it comes to civil and political freedoms, Saudi Arabia is the worst country in the world and is only matched by North Korea and a couple of African dictatorships.

Dancing can make you gay in Saudi Arabia

Everyone in Saudi Arabia is afraid of the Islamic morality police "Khayaa", which is supposedly supposed to protect the country and people from moral decay, etc. For example, the guardians of morals once invaded the house of a local resident and found dancing youths there. Just. However, by the standards of "Hayaa", these men were caught in a "compromising situation in the dance, making shameful gestures." This definition was enough for everyone to be immediately arrested. Moreover, the parents of these "criminals" were told to take better care of their children "because this could lead to immorality and even homosexuality." Well, you understand, right? Dancing means gay.

Karim al Saud and Sultana al Saud

A wedding in a Muslim family, and even more so in the royal family of Saudi Arabia, has always been a ceremony hidden from prying eyes. Especially - from the eyes of Europeans. And only in the 90s of the twentieth century, when the books of the American Jean P. Sasson began to be published, the veil of secrecy over the wedding ceremonies of the Saudis was slightly opened.

Jin has been interested in Eastern culture since childhood. The researcher's curiosity led Jean to take a job in 1978 as an administrative coordinator at the King Faisal Hospital and Research Center in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Jean worked there for four years, after which she married the Englishman Peter Sasson. Jean lived in Saudi Arabia until 1991. In 1983, at a reception at the Italian embassy, ​​Jean met a woman from the Saudi royal family, the al-Sauds. The women became friends. The Saudi princess told the American about life in the female half of the Arab world. And she agreed that Jean wrote a book from her words, setting the only condition: to change the names. Since then, not a single most curious and cunning journalist has been able to find out who is hiding under the name of Sultana al-Saud. Because the discovery of this truth could cost a woman her life.

The banquet hall where the wedding of the Sultana and Karim al-Saud was celebrated

Among other things, Sultana spoke about how weddings are held in Arab royal families. First - about the traditional one, which she witnessed in 1969, when her sister Sarah was married off. The wedding of the Sultana herself, which took place three years later, was no longer so traditional, already with a Western bias. At least without open coercion, besides, Karim and Sultana, at the end of the ceremony, left for their honeymoon trip to Europe.

1969, Sarah's wedding:

“No less than fifteen women scurried back and forth anxiously, trying not to miss anything important in preparing the bride for the wedding. The first ceremony, halava, was performed by the mother and one of the older aunts. It is supposed to remove all hair from the bride's body, with the exception of eyelashes and hair on the head. A special mixture of sugar, rose water, and lemon juice applied to the body was simmering in the kitchen. When the sweet mass dries on the body, it is torn off along with the hair. The smell of the mixture was very pleasant, but this procedure causes terrible pain, and Sarah's screams still ring in my ears, making me shudder with horror.

Henna was prepared for washing the hair, which was supposed to give Sarah's luxurious hair a slight sheen of polished mahogany. Her fingernails and toenails were painted a bright red that reminded me of the color of blood. A pale pink bridal shirt adorned with gorgeous lace hung on a hook by the door, and a diamond necklace with matching bracelet and earrings lay on the dressing table. The jewelry was sent to Sarah a few weeks ago as a wedding present from her fiancé, but she didn't even touch it.

When a Saudi bride is happy and marries for love, the room in which she is prepared for her wedding is full of laughter and joy. On the day of my sister's wedding, there was an oppressive silence in her room - one might have thought that the women were preparing her body for burial. Everyone spoke in whispers, and Sarah did not utter a word at all. It was strange for me to see her like this after the events of recent weeks, but later I realized what a trance she was by then.

The father, worried that Sarah might ruin the wedding by voicing his distaste for the groom, ordered one of the doctors on the wedding day to inject her with a strong tranquilizer to deprive her of the strength to resist. We later learned that the same doctor gave the fiance some sedative pills for Sarah. The groom was told that Sarah was too excited about the upcoming marriage and she needed pills to avoid unwanted stomach symptoms. Since the groom had never seen Sarah before, he seemed to be convinced for some time after the wedding that his new wife was a very quiet and accommodating woman. On the other hand, many old men in our country marry young girls, and I am sure they are aware of the fear that their young brides have of them.

The drum roll announced the arrival of the guests. The women finally finished preparing the bride. They put on a beautiful dress, zipped her back, and shod her feet in soft pink shoes. Mother fastened a diamond necklace around Sarah's neck. I loudly proclaimed from my seat that this necklace was no better than a loop or a lasso. One of the aunts gave me a slap, and the other twisted my ear painfully, but Sarah did not react in any way to my words. Everyone gathered around her in admiring silence. None of those present had ever seen a more beautiful bride in their lives.

For the ceremony, a huge canopy was installed in the courtyard of the villa. The whole garden was filled with flowers sent from Holland and playing in the sun with all the colors of the rainbow. The spectacle turned out to be so beautiful that for a while I even forgot about what a tragic event is happening in my sister's life.

Many guests gathered in the shade under the canopy. Women from the royal family, literally studded with diamonds, rubies and emeralds, gathered together with representatives of the lower strata of society, which in itself rarely happens in Saudi Arabia. Commoners are allowed to attend the weddings of noble girls, provided that they do not remove the veil and do not enter into conversations with aristocrats. One of my friends told me that there were times when some men dressed in women's dress with a veil in order to be able to look at the faces of those who would never show themselves to a man. The men themselves celebrated this event in one of the largest hotels in the city, where they entertained themselves in the same way as the women in the bride's house - chatting, eating and dancing.

In Saudi Arabia, during the wedding, women and men gather in different places. The only men who are allowed to attend the women's celebration are the groom, the father of the groom and the father of the bride, as well as the priest who performs the ceremony. In our case, the groom's father was excluded - he had been dead for a long time, so, apart from the priest, only my father and the groom were present at the ceremony.

Finally, the slaves and servants began to serve food, around which pandemonium immediately set in. Commoners who came to the feast in a veil were the first to be admitted to the tables. These poor women were greedily grabbing food they too rarely had a chance to taste. Their hands flashed as they sent piece after piece under their covers. After them, the rest of the guests came up to their tables and started eating smoked salmon from Norway, Russian caviar, quail eggs and other delicacies. Four huge tables were breaking under the weight of food. Appetizers were on the left, main courses in the middle, desserts on the right, and soft drinks were on a separate table. Alcohol, forbidden by the Qur'an, was, of course, absent, although I saw that many women brought small flasks in their purses and, giggling, retired from time to time to the bathrooms to take a sip.

Finally came the most interesting, in my opinion, part of the holiday. Egyptian dancers appeared who were supposed to perform a belly dance. The crowd of women of all ages fell silent, watching the dance with wary interest. We Saudis tend to take ourselves way too seriously and are suspicious of any form of fun, so I was pretty stunned when one of my elderly aunts suddenly ran downtown and joined the dancing Egyptians, showing surprisingly high class, which led me in complete admiration, despite the disapproving whispering of the rest of the relatives.

The roar of drums was heard again, and I realized that the bride should appear now. All the guests looked in anticipation at the doors through which she was supposed to go out into the courtyard. Indeed, after a few seconds the doors opened and Sarah appeared, followed by her mother and one of the older aunts.

Sarah's face was covered by a translucent pink veil, supported by a tiara of pink pearls. My sister was dazzlingly beautiful, and everyone present gasped in admiration and clicked their tongues. Under the veil, one could see how tense with fear her face was, but this did not bother the guests in the least - after all, the young bride should be frightened.

Following Sarah, two dozen relatives came out the door, expressing their joy at the upcoming ceremony with loud exclamations and clatter. The women in the courtyard also burst into cheers. Sarah staggered, but her mother supported her by the elbow.

Soon my father appeared, accompanied by the groom. I knew that the groom was older than my father, but it's one thing to know, and another thing to see with your own eyes. He seemed to me a very ancient old man, and in appearance he resembled a fox. I even winced when I imagined him touching my shy, gentle sister.

The groom lifted Sarah's veil and broke into a pleased smirk. The sister was too sedated to react and didn't move as she looked at her new master. The real wedding took place much earlier, and there were no women present. The men gathered separately and signed a marriage contract between themselves, specifying the details that made my sister neither cold nor hot. Only a few words will be said today, and poor Sarah will forever lose the illusory freedom she had while living in her father's house.

The priest announced that Sarah was now a legal wife and that the bride price due in such cases had been paid in full. Then he looked at the groom, who, in turn, said that he was taking Sarah as his wife and from that moment she was under his protection and protection. None of the men during the ceremony even looked at Sarah. After reading a few passages from the Quran, the priest blessed my sister's marriage. All the women present burst into cheers and claps again. It's done! Sarah is married. Satisfied men, smiling, shook hands.

Sarah still stood motionless, and the groom took out a purse from the pocket of his toba (a long robe, like a loose shirt to the toes worn by Saudi men) and began to distribute gold coins to the guests. I winced in disgust as I heard him accept congratulations on marrying such a beautiful girl. He grabbed my sister by the arm and hurriedly led her away.

1972, Sultana's wedding:

“Nura came to us and said that I was to marry Karim, one of our cousins. I used to date his sister when I was a little girl, but I don't remember anything she said about her brother, other than mentioning that he likes to be bossy. At that time he was twenty-eight, and I was to become his first wife. Noora said that she saw his photograph and found him extremely attractive. He was an educated young man and even graduated from the law school in London. Noora said that, unlike the rest of our cousins, he was serious about business and had real weight in the business world. He was the head of one of the largest law firms in Riyadh. I was very lucky, Noora noted, since Karim told my father that he wanted me to complete my education before I got married, as he was not interested in a wife with whom he could not communicate properly.

On the occasion of my wedding, the room in which I was prepared for the ceremony was full of fun. Surrounded by the women of my family, I could not make out a single word of what they were saying, as their simultaneous chatter merged into a continuous cheerful, cheerful rumble.

My dress was made from the brightest red lace I could find. I felt great satisfaction that I could once again shock my family, who strongly advised me to wear something pale pink. As always, I insisted on my own, because I was sure that I was right. In the end, even my sisters had to admit that the bright red color favorably sets off my skin and eyes.

I experienced true bliss when Sarah and Noora put a dress on me and buttoned all the buttons. A slight sadness seized me when Nura fastened Karim's gift - a necklace of rubies and diamonds - around my neck.

It's time to start a new life. There was a roar of drums, drowning out even the sounds of an orchestra that had arrived from Egypt specifically to play at our wedding. Accompanied by Noora and Sarah, I walked out with my head held high to the guests, who had been crowding in the garden impatiently for a long time.

As is customary in Saudi Arabia, the official ceremony was held ahead of time. Karim and his relatives were in one half of the palace, I was with my relatives in the other, and the priest went from room to room and asked us if we agreed to the marriage. Neither Karim nor I were allowed to have a word with each other. The celebration had already lasted for four days and four nights, and after Karim and I appeared before the guests, three more days of fun were to come.

The current day was devoted to the union of the newlyweds on the marriage bed. It was our day with Karim! I haven't seen my fiancé since our first meeting, although there hasn't been a day that we haven't had long conversations on the phone. And finally, I saw him again.

He slowly walked towards the pavilion, accompanied by his father. Excitement seized me when I thought that this handsome man would now become my husband. All my senses sharpened, I noticed every little thing: the way his hands were trembling nervously, the way a vein in his throat was beating, betraying a rapid heartbeat.

I imagined his heart beating in his chest, and thought with pleasure that this heart would henceforth belong to me. Now it depended on me whether it would beat from happiness or from grief. I realized that I take responsibility.

When Karim finally approached me, I was suddenly overcome by a wave of emotion. My lips trembled, tears welled up in my eyes, and I could hardly restrain myself from bursting into tears. However, it only lasted a few seconds, and when my fiancé carefully lifted my veil and opened my face, we both laughed with joy.

The women around us burst into cheers and stamped their feet loudly. It is not often in Saudi Arabia that a bride and groom meet each other with such joy. I looked into Karim's eyes and literally drowned in them, unable to believe my happiness. I grew up in darkness, and my husband, who by all laws should have become for me another source of fear and grief, actually promised me deliverance from the shackles of slavery.

Karim and I wanted to be alone so much that we stayed among the guests for a very short time, accepting congratulations. While Karim scattered gold coins among the merry guests, I quietly slipped away to change for the honeymoon trip.

Sultana turned out to be a freedom-loving woman and could not forgive Karim when, many years later, he wished to take his second wife. She moved to live in Europe and fought against the oppression of women in her native country, telling the truth about how the captives of golden cages actually live in semi-fairy Arabia. In our time, books written under the dictation of the Sultana are of interest mainly because they depict the secret life of Saudi women for a European.