Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Comparative characteristics of Ostap and Andrii in general. The composition "Taras Bulba: the image of Ostap

Taras Bulba is a wonderful work of a brilliant author. This work came out from under the pen, which on the pages of the story introduces us to young people. Their images accompany us throughout the work. Important events take place around them and with their help the theme of love for the Motherland is revealed, human values ​​are revealed. These are the sons of Taras Bulba Ostap and Andriy, whose comparison we will make.

Andriy and Ostap are two brothers who were brought up the same way. They played the same games, got the same knowledge. But, as they say, there are no identical children, and here the brothers Ostap and Andriy were completely different.

Already in the theological seminary, where the boys received their education and where spiritual values ​​were laid in them, one could see the differences in their characters.

Ostap and Andriy a brief description of the heroes

So, giving a brief description of the brothers, we can say that the elder Ostap was a kind, straightforward, faithful comrade who never led, but did not give out the pranks of his friends. This is a man with a strong character, for whom rods were not terrible. Ostap accepts all punishments with dignity. He studies reluctantly, and even runs away several times, until his father threatened him with deprivation of the opportunity to get to the Zaporozhian Sich. After that, the guy took up his mind and finished the bursa no worse than others.

The younger Andriy, on the contrary, gnaws at science with pleasure, while study itself is easy for him. He is a dreamer and a romantic. He loves to walk the streets, admiring the surrounding beauty, he is open to love. Unlike his brother, he often becomes the leader of any undertakings, while always trying to evade punishment.

The difference in the characters of the two brothers manifested itself when, according to the plot, the guys with their father end up with the Cossacks in the Zaporizhzhya Sich. Two strong, healthy fellows, good physique. They were in good standing, were excellent shooters, physically developed warriors. And soon they had the opportunity to prove themselves in battle.

Comparing the two heroes, we see Ostap in the battle with the Poles, who calmly calculates a possible threat. All actions of Ostap are reasonable, and his behavior is calm. He manages to find a way out of any situation. The younger brother rushes into the battle with his head, forgetting everything. For him, the battle is a pleasure, for him the whistle of a saber or a bullet is like music that intoxicates. The father was proud of his sons, and despite the fact that they were different, he saw them as brave Cossacks. But in the besieged city, Andriy meets a Polish girl whom he saw earlier. Feelings for her woke up, and for the sake of love, he betrays the Motherland, becomes a traitor, abandons his comrades and goes over to the side of the enemy. Such actions are not forgiven. Killing his son, the unfortunate father did not forgive him either. Ostap remains true to his duty, and dies at the hands of the enemy in battle, like a hero.

My attitude towards Ostap and Andriy

Having become acquainted with the characteristics of Ostap and Andriy, I cannot say who is closer to me, and on which side I ended up. Both brothers are goodies with different fates. It's just that the younger brother could not go against the feelings that arose, and for his sake he decided to betray. But for this I do not presume to judge him. Who knows what we would have done, and what we would have chosen, being in Andriy's place. But the eldest son is very sorry, because he was expected by a cruel death, which he met with his head held high.

Comparative characteristics of Ostap and Andriy

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  • comparative characteristics of Ostap and Andriy

Raskolnikov and Luzhin: comparative characteristics Comparative characteristics of Zhilin and Kostylin "Prisoner of the Caucasus"

Ostap and Andriy are the eldest and youngest sons of the main character of the story, Taras Bulba. Ostap is 22 years old, Andriy is barely 20. The brothers return to their home from the Kyiv bursa after graduation, their meeting with their father and mother is described. The mother misses her sons, she is driven to despair by her husband's desire to immediately take them to the Zaporizhzhya Sich.

Taras Bulba, on the contrary, is not inclined to sentimentality and intends to acquaint the guys with life in the harsh conditions of the battlefield. “What do you care? Your tenderness is an open field and a good horse: here is your tenderness! Do you see this sword? here's your mother!" It is also known that Bulba sent horses to the young men only at the end of their studies; they used to walk home every vacation. The manifestation of feelings in men of that time was not honored. Duty to the Motherland is the sacred duty of the Cossack.

Ostap has an unbending will and an iron character; he does not have any doubts and hesitations. As a teenager, taking part in the pranks of seminarians, he showed himself to be an excellent comrade, never betraying anyone and not trying to get away from fair retribution in the form of a flogging. He had no desire to study, he got rid of his primer more than once, but as soon as his father threatened Ostap with a monastery, he quickly found himself among the best students. He knows how to set goals and look for ways to achieve them, proving himself to be a competent strategist on the battlefield. In battle, he is cold-blooded, hardy and tireless, solving a clearly defined task: to defeat the enemy.

Andriy "had feelings somewhat more alive and somehow more developed." During the period of study, he was more often than Ostap the leader of youthful pranks, but he tried to find a way to evade punishment. He is also brave in battle, like an older brother, but much less prudent: “forced by only a passionate passion, he rushed to something that a cold-blooded and reasonable would never dare, and with one furious onslaught he performed such miracles that they could not help but be amazed. old in battles.

Andriy differs from his brother in greater emotional mobility: “... He was also seething with a thirst for achievement, but along with it, his soul was also available to other feelings. The need for love flared up in him vividly when he crossed over eighteen years ... ". He is also capable of compassion: he was deeply shocked by the scene of the execution of the murderer, when he was buried alive in the grave, placing the coffin of his victim on top; going to save his beloved, he throws a piece of bread to the starving man. He is embarrassed by the manifestation of feelings, because at that time it was not accepted at all. This spiritual need alienates him from his fellow Cossacks, becoming fatal.

Having met a charming lady, Andriy falls in love with all the ardor of a youthful heart and renounces everything sacred for the Zaporozhye Cossack: faith, Fatherland, father's house. Of course, this is a betrayal. But betrayal almost always goes hand in hand with cowardice: this is not about Andrii. His betrayal speaks of perhaps greater courage and courage than the behavior of his older brother during torture and execution. Most likely, he understands that his story with the lady will not end with anything particularly good; most likely, due to his youth and ardor, he still hopes for a successful outcome of the situation, but in spite of everything, he cannot leave his beloved.

The fact of betrayal of the Motherland is obvious, but this is not a consequence of the meanness of a person, but an irresistible property of his nature. The need for love is one of the basic ones in the life of our contemporary, and now my words seem ridiculous because of their perfect obviousness; at that time people thought in other categories, and in this sense, of course, Andriy was more mentally developed than other characters in the story.

For both brothers, the outbreak of war was, in fact, the first and only. Ostap fights heroically, but is captured in an unequal battle. He is executed. The scene of torture is terrible, but perhaps the most desperate moment, when he, an unbending, purposeful, incredibly strong person in spirit and body, calls his father before his death, and he responds to him.

As before, at the moment of retribution, Ostap does not dream of mercy and does not pray for it, taking inevitable death for granted. But at the last moment, he hopes for the support of "a firm husband who would refresh him with a reasonable word and console him at his death."
Andriy dies earlier at the hands of his father: Taras does not find an opportunity to come to terms with his son's betrayal. Like Ostap, he does not resist his fate, but at the muzzle of a gun he remembers only his beautiful lady, regretting her - not about treason.

It is difficult to compare brothers with each other. Outwardly, everything looks simple: the elder is the hero of the Fatherland, the younger is a vile traitor who sold everything in the world for a skirt. But not everything in life can be measured in black and white. The brothers have speaking names. "Ostap" means "stable", which is quite suitable for his character, and "Andriy (Andrey)" - "a man, courageous, brave."

So the author does not consider his young traitor a traitor to all that is most holy ... The younger brother fell into such unfortunate circumstances for himself, when everything that was sacred for a Cossack turned out to be opposed to his personal shrine - deep love. And if we narrow the concept of the Motherland to a single person, then both brothers were faithful to her to the end.

Unusual artistic truth shines through in the types of this story. Two brothers, the sons of Taras Bulba, Ostap and Andriy, are especially well and brightly bred. They are good for the contrast in characters that Gogol so vividly outlined. Ostap is an iron character, sensible, stern, bright representative of the environment from which he came.

He stands out among others according to his ability; still quite young, he quickly enters the combat life for which he was, as it were, created, quickly gains experience and becomes not only on a par with, but also above the old warriors. He was not born for searches and doubts, for the perception of the new and putting it into practice according to his nature, in whatever era he lives, he is not a reformer, not a conductor of new beginnings. He is only an outstanding and bright representative of his time, those traditions and those forms of life that had developed before him. Such people do not know contradictions either with themselves or with the environment.

Ostap, had he lived to the age of his father, Taras Bulba, would have been a nature just as whole, not knowing splitness either in his worldview or in his actions. If he had not died so early, he would undoubtedly have accomplished more than one feat, would have enjoyed great respect among the Cossacks and influence among them, and after his death the bandurists would have sung of his exploits. This is one of those natures that unusually fully reflect their era. Throughout the story, this type is unusually sustained. He begins his stay in the bursa with the fact that several times he tries to escape from there, and the most cruel punishments do not stop him.

Only after his father's threat to send him to a monastery does he change his behavior and sit down at the textbook; he does it with unshakable energy, which was characteristic of him. He always takes part in the adventures of the Bursaks. He rarely leads others, but always in such cases is the most faithful comrade. He was made for a life of abuse. Real education for him begins in the Sich. He is stern and judicious, looks at everything and benefits from everything. He needs a little time to be an already experienced fighter and even a reasonable boss. He dies heroically, with the usual stern inflexibility.

Quite different is his younger brother Andriy. This is a poetic, captivating nature. Gogol outlined his features with special love. He has a softer heart than his brother. He is accessible to the sense of beauty. He early begins to be occupied with the phrases of the beauty who is worn in his dreams. When he saw such a thing in reality, he was carried away by it to self-forgetfulness. He is prone to idealization and dreams.

Even in the war, he saw its aesthetic side. He was not an artisan of war, he reveled in her poetry. He was not able, like Ostap, "to measure out all the danger and all the states of affairs in an instant, to immediately find a means of how to evade it, to evade it in order to overcome it later." No - “Andriy was completely immersed in the charming music of bullets and swords. He did not know what it meant to measure in advance one's own and other people's strengths.

He saw furious bliss in the battle: he saw something feasting in those moments when a man’s head flared up, everything flickers and interferes in his eyes, heads fly, and he rushes like a drunk, in the whistle of bullets ... ". For him, Andrii, one reminder of the lady who made such a strong impression on him two years ago is enough for him to throw everything away and throw himself at her feet.

Devotion to Orthodoxy, devotion to Zaporizhia and the glorious Sich, loyalty to comrades - all these shrines for the Cossack, firmly rooted in him under the influence of warlike life and constant dangers, he sacrifices for the sake of passion, impulse. The comparison of two brothers with such different natures is by no means artificial.

Gogol's story "Taras Bulba" is an ambiguous work. On the one hand, it seems to sing of the unthinkable power of the Russian spirit, on the other hand, it frightens the modern reader with descriptions of ancient atrocities. It remains only to thank fate for the fact that we did not have to live in that harsh time.

All the values ​​of the Cossacks, their means of achieving the goal and way of life look today as utter savagery.

Meeting of the Bulba family

The plot is probably still remembered from school: the old colonel Taras Bulba, having waited from the Kyiv Academy for his two sons, the elder Ostap and the younger Andriy, goes with them to the Zaporozhian Sich, because his attitude to all these “primers and philosophies” skeptical. The old Cossack considers a hot battle and male partnership to be true science.

His sons are both healthy, handsome youths, "over twenty years old." Their disposition is different: Ostap's characterization begins to become clear from the very first page. As soon as he returned home, he enters into a fight with his own father, not allowing him to make fun of himself (the old Bulba seemed ridiculous filial "scrolls"). We must pay tribute to the fact that the colonel was not angry with his eldest son, but quite the opposite: he was delighted and wished to fight with the younger. But this one is molded from a different dough, and the father immediately imprints: “Hey, you’re a mazunchik, as I see it!”.

The personality of young Ostap

Gogol describes the personalities of his heroes in a few, but expressive phrases, and Ostap's characterization is somewhat stingier than others. The man is a straightforward, faithful comrade, who never betrays his accomplices in bursat's undertakings.

The eldest son of Taras is indifferent to teaching - only the threat of being in the monastery servants for twenty years, voiced by his father, forces him to take up science. And then it turns out that his abilities are no worse than those of others, but all the same, Ostap almost never thinks about anything except "war and rampant revelry."

At the same time, kindness is not alien to his heart (albeit with reservations for a “severe and strong” temper and the same era). The eldest son is sorry for the tears of the unfortunate mother, and he leaves the house with his head down sadly.

Cherchez la femme

The second son of Bulba differs from the firstborn: Ostap and Andria are immediately brought to the attention of the reader. The younger brother is not so gloomy in disposition - he is more disposed to science and to all sorts of feelings. Dreaming of feats of arms, he nevertheless thinks about many other things. It is interesting that Andriy showed at the Academy, often being the ringleader of various pranks, and resourcefulness and quickness of mind sometimes saved him from punishment. In this sense, Ostap's characterization is the opposite: he did not strive for leadership, he did not consider it necessary to make excuses. He accepted the well-deserved punishment silently and meekly, which indicates both the absence of cunning and the presence of pride.

The main difference, which the characterization of Andriy and Ostap tells the attentive reader, is the place of a woman in the soul of each of them. If the older brother does not even think about it, then the younger one recognized the need for love early, as soon as he was eighteen.

The attitude of Taras Bulba to the weak half of humanity is more than contemptuous. "The Cossack is not to mess with the women," - such is the peremptory characterization of Taras. Ostap, apparently, his father managed to bring up in the "right" spirit. It didn’t work out with the younger one: while still studying, he meets in Kyiv a “beautiful Polish woman”, the daughter of a visiting governor, and falls mortally in love with her. and lead him to death.

Learning in combat

Arriving in the Sich, the elder Bulba immediately begins to incite the ataman to make a military campaign (so that his sons sniff gunpowder). Having been refused, the old colonel bursts into an angry tirade, the meaning of which is that life without war is meaningless.

In the end, Taras is finally "lucky". A Cossack comes to Kosh with the bad news that the Poles are persecuting the Orthodox people all over Ukraine, and even the churches now belong to the Jews - in order to serve the service, you have to pay the "Jews". Having killed a few sons of Israel in the vicinity of the Sich, the Cossacks set out on a valiant campaign and come to the fortified city of Dubno, whose inhabitants are ready to fight to the last, but not surrender to the mercy of the Zaporizhian army. It cannot be said that such a position is wrong: the description of the feats of arms of the Cossacks does not at all suggest thoughts about the shown mercy, where there: wherever brave soldiers passed, they burned, killed, robbed and tortured - such, Gogol repeats, were the customs of that cruel time .

Mind and passion

So, Dubno does not surrender, but its inhabitants are in a difficult situation: there is no food in the city, the surrounding villages are plundered, and the Cossacks are located in front of the walls, intending to hold the siege until hunger does what the weapons could not.

In the course of the battles, it becomes completely clear what the eldest son of Taras is - Ostap Bulba: the characteristic given to him by his father is the most flattering: "There will be a good colonel in time, and even one that will shut up the dad!" The eldest of the brothers, despite his rather young age (he is twenty-two), manifests himself as a person created to "perform military affairs." He is brave, cold-blooded, prudent in battle, able to sensibly assess his position and the strength of the enemy. His mind is busy with victory - and he finds a way to achieve what he wants, even temporarily retreating.

Immediately, the difference between the brothers is finally determined: the characterization of Andriy and Ostap does not contradict what is already known about them, on the contrary, it is supplemented with new facts.

The youngest son of Taras sees "frantic bliss and ecstasy" in the battle. He is not inclined to preliminary assessments or reflections: this nature is rather passionate and sensual than calm and reasonable. Sometimes, with one onslaught of desperate courage, he manages to accomplish the impossible, and then the father approves of his son, still giving preference to the elder: “And this is a good ... warrior! Not Ostap, but a kind, kind warrior as well!

Andriy's betrayal

Under the besieged city, the Cossacks toil from boredom, drink, play tricks. The Zaporizhian discipline described by Gogol would have terrified a military specialist: the entire camp is asleep, and only Andriy wanders the steppe with a constricted heart - it cannot be otherwise, he foresees his fate. And indeed: here is someone's ghostly figure stealing. Amazed, he recognizes the maid of his Kyiv acquaintance: a Tatar, having got out of the besieged city by an underground passage, came to ask Andriy for bread for her lady.

The behavior of the characters in the course of subsequent events is consistent with the personality of each of them. We can say that Ostap, Andria is complete - it remains only to understand how spiritual qualities can determine fate.

The youngest member of the family, sensual and seeking pleasure, loses his head. Going to a beautiful Polish woman with bread, Andriy forgets his duty and his homeland. “My fatherland is you!”, he says to his beloved, and remains in the besieged city, going over to the side of the enemy.

The news of his son's betrayal, brought by the Jew Yankel, hurts Taras painfully. In vain attempts to console him: the old colonel remembered that "the power of a weak woman is great ... that Andriy's nature is malleable from this side."

Death of sons

Nevertheless, the awareness of filial weakness does not induce Bulba to forgive - he is stubborn, cruel and ruthless in his principles: having lured the youngest offspring into the forest during the battle, the father kills his son with words that have long become winged: “I gave birth to you, I I'll kill you!"

Having lost one son, the father gives all his love and pride to another. Brutally cut in battle, surviving by a miracle, he goes to Warsaw itself to try to rescue Ostap from captivity - but, unfortunately, this cannot be done. The father did not even have a chance to see his son (not least because of the irascibility of Taras himself, who could not endure the insults of the guard, whom Yankel, whom we know, tried to bribe with flattering speeches).

Having abandoned hope, old Bulba is present on the square where the prisoners are being executed, and the characterization of Ostap given earlier is again confirmed. Under torture, he does not make a sound, so as not to give the “heretics” Poles the pleasure of hearing the groans of the Cossacks. His soul trembled only once, during the most cruel torment, and then, succumbing to weakness (probably the only time in his short life), Ostap shouted in mental anguish: “Father! Where are you! Do you hear?!" And Bulba, standing among the onlookers, answered his beloved son: “I hear!”.

Comparative characteristics of the images of Ostap and Andrei based on the novel by Nikolai Gogol 8220 Taras Bulba 8221

There is a powerful and wonderful period in the history of the Ukrainian people: it is the Zaporozhian Cossacks. Many interesting works have been written about him, and one of the best is N.V. Gogol's story "Taras Bulba", on which the writer worked for almost ten years. Depicting the heroic struggle of Ukrainians for their national liberation, the author shows the fate of the heroes in unity with the popular movement. They were the best people in their time and faithful sons of Ukraine, strong in spirit, rich in mind and deep patriotic feeling. Among the free society of the Cossacks-bogatyrs, the central place in the story is occupied by the images of the old Cossack Taras Bulba and his two sons, Ostap and Andrei, who are very different neither inwardly nor in their characters. I think that it is precisely this contrast that helps Gogol to better depict Cossack reality, to force us readers to think about our own character and actions.

For the first time we meet Ostap and Andrey in their native parental yard. At first, we may be more attracted to the image of Andrei, since, compared with the stern Ostap, he is more sensitive, gentle. Even the mother regrets and loves him more. And from the pages of the story, the story of everyone's life emerges, and our attitude gradually changes. We understand that what the brothers have in common is only youth, their “freshness, stature, powerful bodily beauty,” which struck even the father. Taras himself managed to instill in his sons an interest in Cossack life, instill in them courage and dexterity.

But these qualities of character in the brothers are completely different: although Andrei was distinguished by courage in the bursa, it always led to disaster. Perseverance and feigned courage were combined in him: he knew how to wriggle out, cunning, even beg for mercy. Quite different is Ostap, who still stood out from the bursa with a clear mind and strong will. Honest and brave, he appears before us as a devoted comrade: “He was kind to the extent that one could be with such a character even at that time.”

As soon as the young men get into the Zaporizhzhya Sich, they immediately acquire a good reputation among the Cossacks: both are dexterous, both are brave warriors. But even here their courage is not the same: Ostap is calm and always self-confident; for his clever courage, the Cossacks value him and it is not for nothing that they choose him as a hut chieftain after the death of the Bearded. But Andrei's courage turns out to be senseless and aimless; he thinks little about what he rushes into battle for.

Ostap knows for sure what he lives for, fights for; he is inspired by the boundless love for his native land and comrades, hatred of enemies and the desire to defend the homeland. That's what makes Ostap a real hero! Andrei does not have a sincere love for his homeland and friends, and therefore blind love for the daughter of an enemy quickly turns him into a traitor. He forgets the sacred feelings of fidelity to the fatherland and society: “And what is my father, comrades, fatherland to me! … I don’t have anyone!”. And here he stands, cowardly, worthless, before the court of his father. Shameful was his life, shameful and his death ... and here we see Ostap in the last hot battle, after which he is captured. Enduring inhuman suffering, he did not even moan; worthy and majestic was his death.

After reading the story, I thought about how a person's own ideals and goal are reflected in her fate. Before us are two brothers, sons of the same parents, of the same land. But how different they are, since they have different shrines! We are convinced that only sincere love for the motherland, honest service to it exalts a person, and insidiousness and cowardice makes it worthless. I am sure that, like me, every reader is captivated by the image of Ostap, charged with the desire to be like him. Andrey, except for disgust, causes nothing in the heart; and we understand that he is only a humiliating exception from the large army of Ukrainian sons - the defenders of our famous Ukraine.

The two brothers must become enemies. Both perish, one at the hands of enemies, the other at the hands of his father. You can not call one beautiful, the other - bad. Gogol gave a national character in development, showed people who are really inherent in different historical eras.