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Means of speech development. Means of speech development in preschool children

At a certain period of his life, namely at the early preschool age, the child begins to strive to discuss with the people around him various objects and phenomena that interested him. The ability to talk and express their thoughts allows the baby to go beyond the specific situation and their own experiences associated with it. In this article we will talk in sufficient detail about the means of developing the speech of preschoolers from different aspects. If you take a little time to read our material, you will probably learn a lot of useful things for yourself in this matter.

Development of speech in children

Usually, up to 2 years, the child actively communicates only with adults. Well, if there are older brothers / sisters in the family, then the baby will definitely copy the speech, looking at them, and perhaps he will speak earlier than his peers. But if the child is the first-born in the house, then most likely, he communicates only with people “incomprehensible” to him. It may seem to you that at the age of two your child communicates only with gestures, facial expressions or with the help of emotional expression of sounds, but everything is much more “serious”. At this age, the baby is already actively accumulating vocabulary in his head and subconsciously memorizes a huge number of very different words, including information about objects that denote certain words. Understanding the meaning of what someone said goes through several stages in the baby. So, he can associate an object with his own experience, with a certain place, perhaps with a visual picture of it. He cannot imagine sizes and materials yet and does not pay attention to them, therefore the sensual side at this age is the main conductor.

It is believed that at the age of two, a baby can already form a certain dictionary, consisting of 200 or more words. Although most of them are distorted, pronounced incorrectly and may not be understood at all by an adult, the baby knows them, remembers and applies them in relation to specific objects and phenomena. For example, "yat" can mean the word "ball", "abuska" - "grandmother", etc. If you have ever seen how kids of the same age communicate, then you probably could have noticed that they speak an incoherent language for an adult, communicate in separate sounds, but at the same time understand each other perfectly.

In order to develop the child’s speech faster, it is necessary to regularly organize special classes, engage in playing mobile activities, communicate with him “equally” and, of course, pay great attention to the development of the baby’s fine motor skills.

Advice: never communicate with children in words that you deliberately pronounce distortedly, as if in a childish way. Do not lisp with the child, but speak to him clearly and distinctly, pronouncing each letter of the word. Instead of "artosk" say "It's a potato! It's delicious and healthy!" Teaching the wrong pronunciation of words from a very early age of the baby in the future will require you to have individual sessions with a speech therapist and learning to “re-pronounce” the same words, only now in the correct form.

The speech of a child of 3 years and the lag in the development of the speech apparatus

At the age of 3 yearswords of the child is from 1000 words and more. The kid no longer just pronounces words, but can also do it correctly in terms of phonetics and even forming them into sentences. According to statistics, girls begin to speak earlier than boys, but all children are individual and there are no specific norms in this area.

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If the child does not know and does not pronounce any words until the age of 3, or if his vocabulary is too small, then the neurologist can make a diagnosis of “lag in the development of the speech apparatus”. At this age of the baby, this diagnosis should not frighten his parents, since with the proper approach, speech can even out in just a few months. If there are no reasons for such a diagnosis in terms of health, that is, the baby does not suffer from a disorder of the central nervous system, does not have developmental disabilities and other serious diseases, then you will be shown exercises to strengthen the muscles of the mouth.

To strengthen the muscles of the mouth, you must do the following:

  • Eat more solid foods that need to be chewed thoroughly.
  • Invite the baby to blow and whistle. Buy him soap bubbles, a pipe, a whistle, or make a raft out of a cork or a piece of foam that you need to blow on by lowering it into the water (playing a boat).
  • Give the baby to drink juice through a straw, inviting him to retract his cheeks as much as possible.
  • Imitate the sounds of animals and objects around you. For example, you can “start the motor” by saying “trrrrrrr” or play “train” with the sound “chugchugch”.
  • Practice fine motor skills regularly. Remember that the quality of your baby's speech is conditionally at his fingertips. Therefore, modeling from plasticine, playing with kinetic or ordinary sand, drawing with finger paints is never enough!
  • Perform simple articulation exercises with the baby. Exercises for gymnastics can be suggested to you by a speech therapist or the Internet. You can find, for example, a video on this topic and watch it with your baby. And then repeat the viewed exercises in front of the mirror.

If the baby has certain diseases, disorders of the central nervous system, then you will have to develop the speech apparatus together with your doctor. You may need to take certain drugs, as well as the use of methods of stimulation of the cerebral cortex.

Methodology for the development of speech of preschool children

5 year old preschool children they can already explain their own thoughts with sufficient quality, stand up complex phrases, and communicate in sentences. The child freely shares his impressions with the help of speech, classifies information, can remember and transmit it. Interestingly, the brain of a preschooler can absorb an amazing amount of very different information. Toddlers "eagerly" absorb what is new for them and especially interesting. By the way, most of all they like stories and fairy tales in which the characters are very similar to them, have the same age and even similar names. Children adore such stories, they are ready to listen to them several times in a row every day. And as soon as the narrator makes a mistake and makes a mistake in the next narration, the child will immediately draw the attention of an adult to this and indicate “how it should be right” to tell.

But not only from the narrative is the methodology for the development of speech in preschoolers. This includes several important aspects:

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  1. Education of sound speech culture. What does it mean? Many linguists, psychologists and teachers involved in research in this area are convinced that it is the sound side of the language that becomes the subject of special attention of the child quite early. We have already mentioned this above, saying that the baby is attracted initially by the external structure of speech, i.e. sound, and only then everything else. That is why in preschool institutions, kids are sure to read a lot of fairy tales, play puppet shows for them with characters boiling in different voices. In this case, the intonational coloring of the story plays an important role, namely, exclamation, question, puzzlement, etc. In addition to fairy tales, games and exercises for the linearity of speech are practiced. This helps the baby to realize the sound coloring of the word and begin to move from naming an object or phenomenon to a figurative description of it. It is necessary to teach the child to use the intonation and tempo of the narration correctly to convey the emotional component of the story to them.
  2. Education of correct pronunciation. Teachers in preschool educational institutions pay great attention to the correct pronunciation of children. Painstaking work is carried out on the formation of a clear articulation and the preparation of the organs of the articulatory apparatus for the pronunciation of certain sounds. At the same time, according to statistics, most often in preschool children there is a problem with the pronunciation of hissing sounds. By the way, if the kids attend the specialized speech therapy group of the kindergarten, then the speech therapist will select for each of them a set of individual articulation exercises for those sounds, the problems with the pronunciation of which he sees in each individual child.
  3. For children of the middle group of kindergarten, the approach is approximately the same as for kids. That is, the teacher actively develops articulatory organs together with the child, performing a series of exercises to strengthen and develop the muscles of the face, tongue, and lips. However, speech itself by the age of 5 years is already acquiring a new color. Here demonstrative pronouns, new definitions are more common, the child begins to speak in monologues.
  4. Mastering the concept of "sound line" of speech by demonstrating the sequence of pronunciation of sounds.
  5. Development of awareness of the pronunciation side of speech. Ideally, a child of older preschool age to the question: “Do you speak correctly, do you pronounce all the sounds?” should answer specifically mentioning their speech problems. Explain to the baby that there is nothing wrong with not pronouncing a sound. Explain that he should strive for its correct pronunciation and such and such exercises and activities will help in this. Do not encourage the baby when he speaks correctly, otherwise he may feel “not like everyone else”, and the pronunciation rate is something special. But be sure to pay his attention if the sound was pronounced incorrectly.

The development of coherent speech in preschool children

We have already partially mentioned the methods for developing coherent speech in preschoolers. This is communication in whole sentences and logically constructed phrases. When you walk with your child, pay attention to the phenomena of the world around you. If the baby is still very small, then tell yourself. For example, “What a big house is ahead!”, “Look, what a bright flower! It smells good!”, “This is a road, cars and buses drive along it,” etc. An older kid can be asked to compose such small stories himself. If he is lost, then help him by directing the thought with a question. For example, “What color is this flower? You like him?". Do not let the baby answer in monosyllables, ask them to give answers in detail: “This flower is yellow! It's bright and that's why I like it very much."

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This development is helped by games on the possibility of using speech:

  • "Dialog". Arrange a "small" conversation over a cup of tea.
  • "Interview". Let the kid be a journalist who asks you questions, then switch roles.
  • "Professions". Ask your child to talk about a profession.
  • "Name the action." Ask a question such as "what makes snow?" and ask the baby to answer with verbs: "falls, spins, melts."
  • "What happened next?" The adult begins the narration of the story, and the kid will need to listen carefully and come up with a sequel.

Development of speech in preschoolers

If your child has problems with the pronunciation of words or individual sounds, then do not be lazy to work with him. Remember that the role of parents in this matter is great and no less significant than the role of a professional speech therapist. Imagine that the speech therapist and you are two separate palms that only together and together can make a clap.

What is required from parents:

  • Correctly and clearly pronounce the words not only addressed to the child, but also spoken in his presence.
  • As soon as possible, start talking to him in separate logically connected sentences.
  • Follow all the recommendations of a speech therapist that he can give you to perform outside of class.
  • Do not be lazy to carry out at least non-false articulation exercises with your child several times a week.
  • Correct the child when he pronounces the word incorrectly.
  • Motivate the child to pronounce words. For example, to pretend that you do not understand what his request is when he is too lazy to say in words, but requires something from you with gestures.
  • Regularly memorize simple rhymes with children, as well as tongue twisters and sayings.
  • Sing songs with your child.
  • Try with all your might to teach your child the correct pronunciation of words and the competent construction of sentences during preschool age.

The last point, namely the grammar of the speech of preschoolers, needs to be given great attention, otherwise the child will subsequently have certain difficulties at school.

The grammatical structure of speech in preschoolers

The formation of the correct grammatical structure as early as possible is a very important aspect in the development of a child's speech. If the kid pronounces words incorrectly, does not know how to choose endings, then at school he will have big problems with grammar. Remember that kids write as they hear and, accordingly, hear as they speak! There are many tasks for developing the ability to coordinate nouns with adjectives and verbs, as well as for combining tenses, numbers and cases. For example, you can ask a child to name the same object in different forms (one apple, two apples, five apples). You can ask to answer about the subject to the questions “What? Which? Which?" (apple green, crispy, dense, juicy). At the same time, pay attention to the endings and ask the child to correct himself if he pronounces them incorrectly.

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A good exercise for developing the grammatical aspect of speech is "Make a story." You can show the child a picture and ask him to compose a narrative story based on it, clearly pronouncing the endings. If difficulties arise, then you can start with presentations. That is, give the child a picture, read a story to him from it, asking him to remember, and only then write down the presentation from his words. It is considered normal if a child of 6-7 years old can come up with a story from a picture without violating the story of events in it. The use of additional ways of organizing beginnings, as well as different types of narration, can indicate high rates of development of the grammatical structure and creative thinking of a preschooler.

It is possible to form knowledge about the word-building nest in almost any aspect of everyday life. For example, the kid decided to look at the snow outside the window, ask him to name the snowflake in the plural and make a sentence with this word. Always remember this, and try as much as possible to talk correctly with children.

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In the methodology, it is customary to allocate the following means of speech development of children:

communication between adults and children;

cultural language environment, speech of the educator;

Teaching native speech and language in the classroom;

· fiction;

different types of art (fine arts, music, theatre).

Let us briefly consider the role of each tool.

The most important means of speech development is communication. Communication is the interaction of two (or more) people, aimed at coordinating and combining their efforts in order to establish relationships and achieve a common result (M. I. Lisina). Communication is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon of human life, acting simultaneously as: the process of interaction between people; information process (exchange of information, activity, its results, experience); a means and condition for the transfer and assimilation of social experience; the attitude of people towards each other; the process of mutual influence of people on each other; empathy and mutual understanding of people (B. F. Parygin, V. N. Panferov, B. F. Bodalev, A. A. Leontiev, etc.).

In domestic psychology, communication is considered as a side of some other activity and as an independent communicative activity. The works of Russian psychologists convincingly show the role of communication with adults in the overall mental development and development of the child's verbal function.

Speech, being a means of communication, occurs at a certain stage in the development of communication. The formation of speech activity is a complex process of interaction between a child and other people, carried out with the help of material and linguistic means. Speech does not arise from the very nature of the child, but is formed in the process of his existence in the social environment. Its emergence and development are caused by the needs of communication, the needs of the child's life. The contradictions that arise in communication lead to the emergence and development of the child's language ability, to the mastery of new means of communication, forms of speech. This is due to the cooperation of the child with an adult, which is built taking into account the age characteristics and capabilities of the baby.

The selection of an adult from the environment, attempts to "cooperate" with him begin very early in the child. The German psychologist, an authoritative researcher of children's speech, W. Stern, wrote back in the last century that “the beginning of speech is usually considered the moment when the child first pronounces sounds associated with the awareness of their meaning and the intention of the message. But this moment has a preliminary history, which in essence begins from the first day. This hypothesis has been supported by research and parenting experiences. It turns out that a child distinguishes a human voice immediately after birth. It separates the speech of an adult from the ticking of a clock and other sounds and reacts with movements in unison with it. This interest and attention to the adult is the initial component of the prehistory of communication.

An analysis of children's behavior shows that the presence of an adult stimulates the use of speech; they begin to speak only in a situation of communication and only at the request of an adult. Therefore, in the methodology it is recommended to talk with children as much and as often as possible.

In preschool childhood, several forms of communication between children and adults consistently arise and are replaced: situational-personal (directly emotional), situational-business (subject-effective), extra-situational-cognitive and extra-situational-personal (M. I. Lisina).

First, directly-emotional communication, and then business cooperation determine the appearance of the child's need for communication. Arising in communication, speech first appears as an activity shared between an adult and a child. Later, as a result of the mental development of the child, it becomes a form of his behavior. The development of speech is associated with the qualitative side of communication.

In studies conducted under the guidance of M. I. Lisina, it was found that the nature of communication determines the content and level of speech development of children.

The features of children's speech are related to the form of communication they have achieved. The transition to more complex forms of communication is associated with: a) an increase in the proportion of out-of-situation statements; b) with an increase in general speech activity; c) with an increase in the share of social statements. In the study by A. E. Reinstein, it was revealed that in the situational-business form of communication, 16.4% of all communicative acts are carried out using non-speech means, and in the extra-situational-cognitive form - only 3.8%. With the transition to non-situational forms of communication, the vocabulary of speech, its grammatical structure are enriched, and the “attachment” of speech to a specific situation decreases. The speech of children of different ages, but who are at the same level of communication, is approximately the same in complexity, grammatical structure, and length of sentences. This indicates a connection between the development of speech and the development of communicative activity. It is important to conclude that for the development of speech it is not enough to offer the child a variety of speech material - it is necessary to set him new communication tasks that require new means of communication. It is necessary that interaction with others enrich the content of the child's need for communication (See Communication and speech development of speech in children in communication with an adult / Edited by M I Lisina - M., 1985)

Therefore, the organization of meaningful, productive communication between the teacher and children is of paramount importance.

Speech communication at preschool age is carried out in different types of activities: in the game, work, household, educational activities and acts as one of the sides of each type. Therefore, it is very important to be able to use any activity for the development of speech. First of all, the development of speech occurs in the context of leading activity. With regard to young children, the leading activity is the subject activity. Therefore, the focus of teachers should be the organization of communication with children in the process of working with objects.

At preschool age, play is of great importance in the speech development of children. Its character determines speech functions, content and means of communication. For speech development, all types of game activities are used.

In a creative role-playing game, communicative in nature, there is a differentiation of functions and forms of speech. Dialogic speech is improved in it, there is a need for coherent monologue speech. The role-playing game contributes to the formation and development of the regulatory and planning functions of speech. New needs for communication and leading gaming activities inevitably lead to intensive mastery of the language, its vocabulary and grammatical structure, as a result of which speech becomes more coherent (D. B. Elkonin).

But not every game has a positive effect on children's speech. First of all, it should be a meaningful game. However, the role-playing game, although it activates speech, does not always contribute to mastering the meaning of the word and improving the grammatical form of speech. And in cases of relearning, it reinforces incorrect word usage, creates conditions for a return to old irregular forms. This happens because the game reflects life situations familiar to children, in which incorrect speech stereotypes were formed earlier. The behavior of children in the game, the analysis of their statements allow us to draw important methodological conclusions: children's speech improves only under the influence of an adult; in those cases where “relearning” is underway, one must first develop a solid habit of using the correct designation and only then create conditions for including the word in the children’s independent play.

The teacher's participation in children's games, discussion of the idea and course of the game, drawing their attention to the word, a sample of concise and accurate speech, conversations about past and future games have a positive effect on children's speech.

Outdoor games have an impact on the enrichment of the vocabulary, the education of sound culture. Dramatization games contribute to the development of speech activity, taste and interest in the artistic word, expressiveness of speech, artistic and speech activity.

Didactic and board-printed games are used to solve all the problems of speech development. They consolidate and refine the dictionary, the skills of quickly choosing the most appropriate word, changing and forming words, exercise in making coherent statements, and develop explanatory speech.

Communication in everyday life helps children learn the everyday vocabulary necessary for their life, develops dialogic speech, and educates the culture of speech behavior.

Communication in the process of labor (household, in nature, manual) helps to enrich the content of children's ideas and speech, replenishes the dictionary with the names of tools and objects of labor, labor actions, qualities, and results of labor.

Communication with peers has a great influence on the speech of children, especially starting from the age of 4–5. In communicating with peers, children use speech skills more actively. A greater variety of communicative tasks that arise in children's business contacts creates a need for more diverse speech means. In joint activities, children talk about their plan of action, offer and ask for help, involve each other in interaction, and then coordinate it.

It is useful to communicate with children of different ages. Combining with older children puts kids in favorable conditions for the perception of speech and its activation: they actively imitate actions and speech, learn new words, master role-playing speech in games, the simplest types of stories from pictures, about toys. The participation of older children in games with younger ones, telling fairy tales to kids, showing dramatization, telling from their experience, inventing stories, playing scenes with the help of toys contribute to the development of content, coherence, expressiveness of their speech, creative speech abilities. It should, however, be emphasized that the positive influence of such an association of children of different ages on the development of speech is achieved only under the guidance of an adult. As the observations of L. A. Penevskaya showed, if you let it go by itself, the elders sometimes become too active, suppress the kids, begin to speak hastily, carelessly, imitate their imperfect speech.

Thus, communication is the leading means of speech development. Its content and forms determine the content and level of children's speech.

However, an analysis of practice shows that not all educators are able to organize and use communication in the interests of the development of children's speech. The authoritarian style of communication is widespread, in which the instructions and orders of the teacher predominate. Such communication is formal, devoid of personal meaning. More than 50% of the teacher's statements do not cause a response from children, there are not enough situations that contribute to the development of explanatory speech, speech-evidence, and reasoning. Mastering the culture, the democratic style of communication, the ability to provide the so-called subject-subject communication, in which the interlocutors interact as equal partners, is the professional duty of the kindergarten teacher.

The means of speech development in a broad sense is the cultural language environment. Imitation of adult speech is one of the mechanisms for mastering the native language. The internal mechanisms of speech are formed in a child only under the influence of the systematically organized speech of adults (N. I. Zhinkin). It should be borne in mind that, imitating others, children adopt not only all the subtleties of pronunciation, word usage, construction of phrases, but also those imperfections and errors that occur in their speech. Therefore, high demands are made on the speech of the teacher: richness and at the same time accuracy, logic; compliance with the age of children; lexical, phonetic, grammatical, orthoepic correctness; imagery; expressiveness, emotional saturation, richness of intonations, slowness, sufficient volume; knowledge and observance of the rules of speech etiquette; correspondence of the words of the educator to his deeds.

In the process of verbal communication with children, the teacher also uses non-verbal means (gestures, facial expressions, pantomime movements). They perform important functions: they help to emotionally explain and remember the meaning of words. An appropriate accurate gesture helps to assimilate the meanings of words (round, large.) Associated with specific visual representations. Facial expressions and phonation help clarify the meaning of words (cheerful, sad, angry, affectionate.) Associated with emotional perception; contribute to the deepening of emotional experiences, memorization of material (audible and visible); help bring the learning environment in the classroom closer to the environment of natural communication; are models of behavior for children; perform, along with linguistic means, an important social, educational role (IN Gorelov).

One of the main means of speech development is training. This is a purposeful, systematic and systematic process in which, under the guidance of an educator, children master a certain range of speech skills and abilities. The role of teaching in mastering a child's native language was emphasized by K. D. Ushinsky, E. I. Tikheeva, A. P. Usova, E. A. Flerina and others. E. I. Tikheeva, the first of the followers of K. D. Ushinsky, used the term “teaching the native language” in relation to preschool children. She believed that "systematic training and methodical development of speech and language should underlie the entire system of education in kindergarten."

From the very beginning of the formation of the methodology, teaching the native language is widely considered: as a pedagogical impact on the speech of children in everyday life and in the classroom (E. I. Tikheeva, E. A. Flerina, later O. I. Solovyova, A. P. Usova, L (A. Penevskaya, M. M. Konina). As for everyday life, here we have in mind the assistance to the speech development of the child in the joint activities of the educator with the children and in their independent activities.

The most important form of organization of teaching speech and language in the methodology is considered to be special classes in which they set and purposefully solve certain tasks of the speech development of children.

The need for this form of training is determined by a number of circumstances.

Without special training sessions, it is impossible to ensure the speech development of children at the proper level. Learning in the classroom allows you to complete the tasks of all sections of the program. There is not a single section of the program where there is no need to organize the entire group. The teacher purposefully selects the material in which children have difficulty mastering, develops those skills and abilities that are difficult to form in other activities. A. P. Usova believed that the learning process introduces into the speech development of children such qualities that develop poorly under normal conditions. First of all, these are phonetic and lexico-grammatical generalizations, which form the core of a child’s language abilities and play a paramount role in language acquisition, sound and word pronunciation, the construction of coherent statements, etc. Not all children spontaneously, without the purposeful guidance of an adult, develop language generalizations, and this leads to a lag in their speech development. Some children master only elementary forms of colloquial speech, find it difficult to answer questions, and do not know how to tell. On the contrary, in the process of learning they acquire the ability to ask questions, to tell. “Everything that previously belonged to the qualities of a “creative” personality, was attributed to special giftedness, becomes the property of all children during training” (A.P. Usova). Classes help to overcome spontaneity, solve the problems of speech development systematically, in a certain system and sequence.

Classes help to realize the possibilities of speech development in preschool childhood, the most favorable period for mastering the language.

In the classroom, the child's attention is purposefully fixed on certain linguistic phenomena, which gradually become the subject of his awareness. In everyday life, speech correction does not give the desired result. Children who are carried away by some other activity do not pay attention to speech patterns and do not follow them,

In kindergarten, in comparison with the family, there is a deficit of verbal communication with each child, which can lead to delays in the speech development of children. Classes, with their methodologically correct organization, to a certain extent help to compensate for this deficit.

In the classroom, in addition to the influence of the teacher on the speech of children, there is a mutual influence of the speech of children on each other.

Training in a team increases the overall level of their development.

The peculiarity of classes in the native language. Classes for the development of speech and teaching the native language differ from others in that the main activity in them is speech. Speech activity is connected with mental activity, with mental activity. Children listen, think, answer questions, ask them themselves, compare, draw conclusions, generalizations. The child expresses his thoughts in words. The complexity of the classes lies in the fact that children are simultaneously engaged in different types of mental and speech activity: speech perception and independent speech operation. They think over the answer, select from their vocabulary the right word that is most suitable in this situation, grammatically arrange it, use it in a sentence and a coherent statement.

The peculiarity of many lessons in the native language is the internal activity of children: one child tells, others listen, outwardly they are passive, internally active (follow the sequence of the story, empathize with the hero, ready to supplement, ask, etc.). Such activity is difficult for preschool children, since it requires voluntary attention and inhibition of the desire to speak out.

The effectiveness of classes in the native language is determined by how fully all the program tasks set by the teacher are implemented and the acquisition of knowledge by children, the development of speech skills and abilities are ensured.

Types of classes in the native language.

Classes in the native language can be classified as follows: depending on the leading task, the main program content of the lesson:

Classes on the formation of a dictionary (inspection of the premises, familiarization with the properties and qualities of objects);

Classes on the formation of the grammatical structure of speech (didactic game "Guess what's gone" - the formation of plural nouns of the genus case);

Classes on the education of the sound culture of speech (teaching the correct sound pronunciation);

Classes for teaching coherent speech (conversations, all types of storytelling),

classes on the formation of the ability to analyze speech (preparation for teaching literacy),

Classes to familiarize with fiction.

Depending on the use of visual material:

Classes that use objects of real life, observations of the phenomena of reality (examination of objects, observations of animals and plants, excursions);

Classes with the use of pictorial clarity: with toys (examination, storytelling on toys), paintings (conversations, storytelling, didactic games);

verbal classes, without relying on visualization (generalizing conversations, artistic reading and storytelling, retelling, word games).

Depending on the stage of training, i.e. depending on whether the speech skill (ability) is formed for the first time or is fixed and automated. The choice of teaching methods and techniques depends on this (at the initial stage of teaching storytelling, a joint storytelling of the educator with the children, a sample story is used, at later stages - the plan of the story, its discussion, etc.).

The classification according to didactic goals (by the type of school lessons) proposed by A. M. Borodich is close to this:

Classes on the communication of new material;

Classes to consolidate knowledge, skills and abilities;

Classes on the generalization and systematization of knowledge;

final, or accounting and verification, classes;

Combined classes (mixed, combined).

(FOOTNOTE: See: Borodin A.M. Methods for the development of children's speech. - M., 1981. - C 31).

Comprehensive classes have become widespread. An integrated approach to solving speech problems, an organic combination of different tasks for the development of speech and thinking in one lesson are an important factor in improving the effectiveness of training. Comprehensive classes take into account the peculiarities of children's mastery of the language as a single system of heterogeneous language units. Only the interconnection, the interaction of different tasks lead to the correct speech education, to the child's awareness of some aspects of the language. Research carried out under the guidance of F. A. Sokhin and O. S. Ushakova led to a rethinking of their essence and role. This does not mean a simple combination of individual tasks, but their interconnection, interaction, mutual penetration on a single content. The principle of uniform content is leading. “The importance of this principle lies in the fact that the attention of children is not distracted by new characters and manuals, but grammatical, lexical, phonetic exercises are carried out on already familiar words and concepts; hence the transition to the construction of a coherent statement becomes natural and easy for the child ”(Ushakova O. S. Development of coherent speech / / Psychological and pedagogical issues of speech development in kindergarten / Edited by F. A. Sokhin and O. S. Ushakova. - M., 1987. S.23-24.)

Such types of work are integrated, which are ultimately aimed at the development of coherent monologue speech. The central place in the lesson is given to the development of monologue speech. Vocabulary, grammar exercises, work on the education of the sound culture of speech are associated with the performance of tasks for the construction of monologues of various types. Combining tasks in a complex lesson can be carried out in different ways: coherent speech, vocabulary work, sound culture of speech; coherent speech, vocabulary work, grammatical structure of speech; coherent speech, sound culture of speech, grammatically correct speech.

An example of a lesson in the senior group: 1) coherent speech - inventing a fairy tale "The Adventure of a Hare" according to the plan proposed by the teacher; 2) vocabulary work and grammar - selection of definitions for the word hare, activation of adjectives and verbs, exercises for agreeing adjectives and nouns in gender; 3) sound culture of speech - the development of a clear pronunciation of sounds and words, the selection of words that are similar in sound and rhythm.

A comprehensive solution of speech problems leads to significant changes in the speech development of children. The methodology used in such classes provides a high and average level of speech development for the majority of students, regardless of their individual abilities. The child develops search activity in the field of language and speech, a linguistic attitude to speech is formed. Education stimulates language games, self-development of language ability, manifested in the speech and verbal creativity of children (See: Arushanova A. G., Yurtaikina T. M. Forms of organized teaching of the native language and the development of speech of preschoolers / / Problems of speech development of preschoolers and primary schoolchildren / Under the editorship of A. M. Shakhnarovich. - M., 1993.)

Classes devoted to solving one problem can also be built in a complex, on the same content, but using different teaching methods.

For example, a lesson on teaching the correct pronunciation of the sound sh may include: a) showing and explaining articulation, b) an exercise in pronouncing an isolated sound, c) an exercise in connected speech - retelling a text with a frequently occurring sound sh, d) repeating a nursery rhyme - an exercise for working out diction.

In practice, integrative classes built on the principle of combining several types of children's activities and various means of speech development received a positive assessment. As a rule, they use different types of art, independent speech activity of the child and integrate them according to the thematic principle. For example: 1) reading a story about birds, 2) collective drawing of birds, and 3) telling children from drawings.

By the number of participants, it is possible to distinguish frontal classes, with the whole group (subgroup) and individual ones. The smaller the children, the more space should be given to individual and subgroup activities. Frontal classes with their commitment, programming, regulation are not adequate to the tasks of forming speech communication as a subject-subject interaction. At the initial stages of education, it is necessary to use other forms of work that provide conditions for the involuntary motor and speech activity of children (See: Arushanova A. G., Yurtaikina T. M. Forms of organized teaching of the native language and the development of speech of preschoolers // Problems of speech development of preschoolers and junior schoolchildren / Under the editorship of A. M. Shakhnarovich. - M., 1993. - P. 27.)

Classes for the development of speech and teaching the native language must meet didactic requirements, justified in general didactics and applied to classes in other sections of the kindergarten program. Consider these requirements:

1. Thorough pre-training.

First of all, it is important to determine its tasks, content and place in the system of other classes, connection with other activities, teaching methods and techniques. You should also consider the structure and course of the lesson, prepare appropriate visual and literary material.

Correspondence of the material of the lesson to the age-related possibilities of the mental and speech development of children. Educational speech activity of children should be organized at a sufficient level of difficulty. Training should be developmental. Sometimes it is difficult to determine the children's perception of the intended material. Children's behavior tells the teacher how to change the pre-planned plan, taking into account their behavior and reactions.

The educational nature of the lesson (the principle of nurturing education). In the classroom, a complex of tasks of mental, moral, aesthetic education is solved.

The educational influence on children is provided by the content of the material, the nature of the organization of training and the interaction of the educator with the children.

The emotional nature of the lessons. The ability to assimilate knowledge, master skills and abilities cannot be developed in young children by coercion.

Of great importance is their interest in classes, which is supported and developed through entertainment, games and game techniques, imagery and colorfulness of the material. The emotional mood in the classroom is also provided by a trusting relationship between the teacher and the children, the psychological comfort of children in kindergarten.

The structure of the lesson should be clear. It is usually divided into three parts - introductory, main and final. In the introductory part, links are established with past experience, the purpose of the lesson is reported, appropriate motives for the upcoming activity are created, taking into account age. In the main part, the main tasks of the lesson are solved, various teaching methods are used, conditions are created for the active speech activity of children. The final part should be short and emotional. Its purpose is to consolidate and generalize the knowledge gained in the lesson. It uses the artistic word, listening to music, singing songs, round dance and outdoor games, etc.

A common mistake in practice is mandatory and not always appropriate, often formal assessments of children's activities and behavior.

The optimal combination of the collective nature of learning with an individual approach to children. An individual approach is especially needed for children who have poorly developed speech, as well as uncommunicative, silent or, conversely, overly active, unrestrained.

2. Proper organization of classes.

The organization of the lesson must meet all the hygienic and aesthetic requirements for other classes (lighting, air purity, furniture for height, location of demonstration and handout visual material; aesthetics of the room, manuals). It is important to ensure silence so that the children can correctly hear the teacher's speech patterns and each other's speech.

Relaxed forms of organization of children are recommended, which contribute to the creation of a trusting atmosphere of communication, in which children see each other's faces, are at a close distance from the teacher (psychology notes the importance of these factors for the effectiveness of verbal communication).

Taking into account the results of the lesson helps to control the progress of learning, the assimilation of the kindergarten program by children, provides feedback, allows you to outline ways for further work with children both in subsequent classes and in other activities.

The connection of the lesson with subsequent work on the development of speech. To develop strong skills and abilities, it is necessary to consolidate and repeat the material in other classes, in games, work, and communication in everyday life.

Classes in different age groups have their own characteristics.

In the younger groups, children still do not know how to work in a team, they do not include speech addressed to the whole group. They do not know how to listen to their comrades; a strong irritant that can attract the attention of children is the speech of the teacher. In these groups, a wide use of visualization, emotional teaching methods, mainly game, surprise moments is required. The children are not given an educational task (it is not reported that we will study, and the teacher offers to play, look at the picture, listen to a fairy tale). Classes are subgroup and individual. The lesson structure is simple. At first, they do not require individual answers from the children, those who want to answer the questions of the educator, all together.

In the middle group, the nature of learning activity changes somewhat. Children begin to become aware of the features of their speech, for example, the features of sound pronunciation. The content becomes more difficult. In the classroom, it becomes possible to set a learning task (“We will learn to pronounce the sound “z” correctly). The requirements for the culture of verbal communication are increasing (speak in turn, one at a time, and not in chorus, if possible in phrases). There are new types of activities: excursions, teaching storytelling, memorizing poetry. The duration of classes is increased to 20 minutes.

In the senior and preparatory groups for school, the role of compulsory frontal classes of a complex nature is increasing. The nature of work is changing. More classes of a verbal nature are conducted: various types of storytelling, analysis of the sound structure of a word, the composition of sentences, special grammatical and lexical exercises, word games. The use of visualization takes on other forms: more and more paintings are used - wall and desktop, small, handouts. The role of the educator is also changing. He still leads the lesson, but contributes to greater independence of children's speech, less often uses a speech pattern. The speech activity of children becomes more complicated: collective stories are used, retelling with the restructuring of the text, reading in faces, etc. In the preparatory group for school, classes are closer to school-type lessons. The duration of the lessons is 30-35 minutes. At the same time, we should not forget that these are children of preschool age, so dryness and didacticism should be avoided.

Conducting classes in a mixed age group is more difficult, since different educational tasks are solved simultaneously. There are the following types of classes: a) classes that are held separately for each age subgroup and are characterized by content, methods and teaching methods typical for a particular age; b) classes with partial participation of all children. In this case, younger pupils are invited to the lesson later or leave it earlier. For example, in a lesson with a picture, all children participate in its examination and conversation. The elders answer the most difficult questions. Then the kids leave the lesson, and the elders talk about the picture; c) classes with the participation of all the children of the group at the same time. Such classes are conducted on interesting, emotional material. It can be dramatization, reading and storytelling with visual material, filmstrips. In addition, classes are possible with the simultaneous participation of all pupils on the same content, but with different educational tasks based on the consideration of the speech skills and abilities of children. For example, in a lesson on a painting with a simple plot: the younger ones are active in examining, the middle ones make up a description of the picture, the older ones come up with a story.

The educator of a group of different ages must have accurate data on the age composition of children, be well aware of the level of their speech development in order to correctly identify subgroups and outline tasks, content, methods and teaching methods for each (For examples of classes in groups of different ages, see: Gerbova V.V. Classes on the development of speech with children 4-6 years old. - M., 1987; Gerbova V.V. Classes on the development of speech with children 2-4 years old. - M., 1993.)

In the early 90s. a discussion unfolded, during which classes as a form of organized education for preschoolers were sharply criticized. The following shortcomings of classes were noted: learning in the classroom is the main object of attention of the educator to the detriment of other activities; training sessions are not related to independent children's activities; the regulation of classes leads to the formal communication of the teacher with the children, the reduction and suppression of children's activity; the relations of the educator with the children are built on an educational and disciplinary basis, the child for the teacher is an object of influence, and not an equal partner of communication; frontal classes do not ensure the activity of all children in the group; they use the school uniform of the organization; learning the native language is not very focused on the development of communicative activity; in many classes there is no motivation for speech; reproductive methods of teaching prevail (based on imitation of a model).

Some authors believe that special classes on the development of speech should be abandoned, leaving them only in the senior and preparatory groups for school as classes in preparation for teaching literacy. The tasks of speech development must be solved in other classes, in the process of live communication between the teacher and the children (and the joint activities of the children themselves), telling the child to an interested listener, and not in special classes for retelling the given text, describing objects, etc. (Mikhailenko N. Ya., Korotkova N. A. Landmarks and requirements for updating the content of preschool education. - M., 1991.)

One cannot agree with this point of view, it contradicts scientific data on the role and nature of teaching native speech. Without detracting from the importance of communication between a teacher and children, we emphasize once again that a number of speech skills and abilities that form the basis of language ability are formed only in conditions of special education: the development of the semantic side of a word, the assimilation of antonymic, synonymous and polysemic relations between words, mastering the skills of a coherent monologue speech, etc. In addition, the analysis of the shortcomings of the organization and methods of classes does not speak of their inappropriateness, but of the need to improve them, to increase the level of professional training of the educator. The kindergarten teacher must master the methodology of conducting classes, corresponding to general didactic and methodological principles, the ability to interact with children, taking into account their characteristic form of communication.

The development of speech is also carried out in the classroom for other sections of the kindergarten program. This is due to the very nature of speech activity. The native language is a means of teaching natural history, mathematics, music, fine arts, and physical culture.

Fiction is the most important source and means of developing all aspects of children's speech and a unique means of education. It helps to feel the beauty of the native language, develops the figurativeness of speech. The development of speech in the process of familiarization with fiction occupies a large place in the general system of working with children. On the other hand, the impact of fiction on a child is determined not only by the content and form of the work, but also by the level of his speech development.

Fine arts, music, theater are also used in the interests of the speech development of children. The emotional impact of works of art stimulates the assimilation of the language, causes a desire to share impressions. Methodological studies show the possibilities of the influence of music, fine arts on the development of speech. The importance of verbal interpretation of works, verbal explanations to children for the development of imagery and expressiveness of children's speech is emphasized.

Thus, a variety of means are used to develop speech. The effectiveness of the impact on children's speech depends on the correct choice of means of speech development and their relationship. At the same time, the determining role is played by the level of formation of children's speech skills and abilities, as well as the nature of the language material, its content and the degree of closeness to children's experience.

To assimilate different material, a combination of different means is required. For example, when mastering lexical material that is close to children and related to everyday life, direct communication between children and adults in everyday activities comes to the fore. In the course of this communication, adults direct the process of mastering the vocabulary by children. The skills of the correct use of words are refined and consolidated in a few classes that simultaneously perform the functions of verification and control.

When mastering material that is more distant from children or more complex, the leading activity is the learning activity in the classroom, expediently combined with other activities.

Modern technologies of speech development of preschoolers

One of the main indicators of the level of development of a child's mental abilities is the richness of his speech, so it is important for us, teachers, to support and ensure the development of mental and speech abilities of preschoolers.

Currently, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the educational area "Speech Development" includes:

Skill in speech as a means of communication and culture;

enrichment of the active dictionary;

development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogic and monologue speech;

development of speech creativity;

development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing;

acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature;

· the formation of sound analytic-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for teaching literacy.

The development of speech in children in the present tense is an urgent problem, due to the importance of coherent speech for preschoolers.

As the main method of teaching, a sample of the teacher's story is used. But experience shows that children reproduce the teacher's story with minor changes, the stories are poor in expressive means, the vocabulary is small, and there are practically no simple common and complex sentences in the texts.

But the main drawback is that the child himself does not build a story, but only repeats what he heard. In one lesson, children have to listen to several monotonous stories of the same type.

For children, this type of activity becomes boring and uninteresting, they begin to be distracted. It has been proven that the more active the child, the more he is involved in activities that are interesting for him, the better the result. The teacher needs to encourage children to speech activity, and it is also important to stimulate speech activity in the process of free communication.

When working with children, it is necessary to pay great attention to speech development and find effective gaming technologies for the speech development of children.

The concept of "game technologies of speech development" includes a fairly large group of methods and techniques for organizing the pedagogical process in the form of various pedagogical games that have the goal of learning and the corresponding pedagogical result.

It became obvious that it was necessary to change the way the educator worked in the classroom for the development of the speech of preschoolers. Such means are technologies of speech development. The following technologies are used to form and activate coherent speech of preschoolers:

· Technology "ABC of communication" L.N. Shipitsyna,

· Technology "Development of Dialogic Communication" A.G. Arushanova,

"Training in writing creative stories",

TRIZ technology,



Technologies for teaching figurative speech:

Technology for teaching children how to make comparisons

The technology of teaching the composition of metaphors

Riddles learning technology

· Sinkwine technology

Fairy tale therapy (composing fairy tales by children),

Articulation and finger gymnastics,

The logorhythm

Minidramatizations, dramatizations

Technology "ABC of communication"

The ABC of Communication technology allows you to develop interpersonal communication skills with adults and peers. The technology is aimed at educating children about the art of human relationships. "The ABC of Communication" is a collection of specially designed games and exercises aimed at forming children's emotional and motivational attitudes towards themselves, others, peers and adults, to create the experience of adequate behavior in society, contributing to the best development of the child's personality and preparing him to life.

"Development of Dialogic Communication"

The fundamental components of the problem of speech development in preschool children, according to A.G. Arushanova, is dialogue, creativity, knowledge, self-development. The technology is aimed at the formation of communicative competence, which is based on the child's ability to establish communication with other people using verbal and non-verbal means.


Such technology as sign-symbolic activity (modeling) has been widely used in teaching children. This technique helps teachers to visually identify the elementary connections and relationships between objects, objects of reality.

Modeling is a way in which speech reality can be presented in a visual form. A model is a diagram of a phenomenon that reflects its structural elements and connections, the most essential forms, aspects and properties of an object. In models of connected speech utterances, these are their structure, content (the properties of objects in the description, the relationship of characters and the development of events in the narrative), and the means within the text connection.

In speech development classes, children learn to retell, compose creative stories, compose fairy tales, invent riddles and fables.

Modeling can be an integral part of every lesson.

Modeling methods:

1. Subject modeling (children's drawings of plot fragments of heroes, objects for the game; plane theaters; flannelograph; illustrations of stories, fairy tales, poems)

2. Subject - schematic modeling (text structure - a circle divided into sectors (beginning, middle, end); theaters of geometric shapes)

3. Graphic modeling (structures of a descriptive story about toys, transport, and others; diagrams for stories, poems; sets of diagrams for a graphic plan; children's diagrams).

The use of modeling in storytelling has a positive effect on children's speech.


Mnemonics is a system of methods and techniques that ensure effective memorization, storage and reproduction of information, and of course the development of speech.

Mnemonics is a system of various techniques that facilitate memorization and increase the amount of memory by forming additional associations, organizing the educational process in the form of a game. The basic "secret" of mnemonics is very simple and well known. When a person connects several visual images in his imagination, the brain fixes this relationship. And in the future, when recalling one of the images of this association, the brain reproduces all previously connected images.

Mnemonics helps to develop:

Associative thinking

visual and auditory memory

Visual and auditory attention


In order to develop certain skills and abilities in children from a very early age, so-called mnemonic tables (schemes) are introduced into the learning process.

Mnemotables-schemes serve as didactic material in the work on the development of coherent speech of children.

Mnemotables are used for:

vocabulary enrichment,

When learning to write stories,

When retelling fiction,

When memorizing poetry.

A mnemonic table is a scheme that contains certain information. As any work is built from simple to complex.

Mnemotables can be subject, subject-schematic and schematic. If the children coped with the subject model, then the task becomes more complicated: a subject-schematic model is given. This type of mnemonic table includes a smaller number of images. And only after that a schematic mnemonic table is given.

For children of primary and secondary preschool age, it is necessary to give color mnemonic tables, because. children retain separate images in their memory: the chicken is yellow, the mouse is gray, the Christmas tree is green. And for older preschoolers - black and white. Older preschoolers can themselves participate in their drawing and coloring.

Technologies for teaching figurative speech

Technology for teaching children how to make comparisons

Teaching preschool children how to make comparisons should start at the age of three. Exercises are carried out not only in the classroom for the development of speech, but also in their free time.

Comparison model:

the teacher names an object;

denotes its sign;

determines the value of this attribute;

· compares the given value with the characteristic value in another object.

For example:

Chicken (object No. 1);

By color (sign);

Yellow (sign value);

The same yellow (feature value) in color (feature) as the sun (object No. 2).

In the younger preschool age, a model for compiling comparisons on the basis of color, shape, taste, sound, temperature, etc. is being worked out.

At first glance, the phrase uttered by the educator in this way seems cumbersome and somewhat ridiculous, but it is the repetitions of such a long combination that allow children to understand that a feature is a more general concept than the meaning of a given feature.

For example:

"The ball is round in shape, as round in shape as an apple."

Until the age of four, the teacher encourages children to make comparisons according to given criteria. While on a walk, the teacher invites the children to compare the cool wind in temperature with some other objects. An adult helps the child make phrases like: "The wind outside is as cool in temperature as the air in the refrigerator."

In the fifth year of life, training becomes more difficult:

In the phrase being composed, the sign is not pronounced, but only its meaning is left (dandelions are yellow, like chickens);

· in comparisons, the characteristic of the second object is enhanced (the pillow is soft, the same as freshly fallen snow).

At this age, children are given more independence in making comparisons, and initiative is encouraged in choosing a feature to be compared.

At an older age, children learn to make comparisons on their own according to the criterion given by the educator. The teacher points to an object (tree) and asks to make comparisons with other objects (color, shape, action, etc.). In this case, the child himself chooses any values ​​of this feature.

For example:

“The tree is golden in color, like coins” (the teacher set the sign of color, and its value - golden - was chosen by the child).

Technology of teaching children to compose metaphors.

Metaphor is the transfer of the properties of one object (phenomenon) to another on the basis of a feature common to both compared objects.

The goal of the teacher is to create conditions for children to master the algorithm for compiling metaphors. If the child has mastered the model for compiling a metaphor, then he may well create a phrase of a metaphorical plan on his own.

First, it is advisable to use the simplest algorithm for compiling a metaphor.

1. Object 1 (rainbow) is taken. A metaphor will be made about him.

2. He has a specific property (multi-colored).

3. Object 2 with the same property is selected (flower meadow).

4. The location of object 1 is determined (the sky after the rain).

5. For a metaphorical phrase, you need to take object 2 and indicate the location of object 1 (Flower meadow - the sky after the rain).

6. Make a sentence with these words (the flowery heavenly glade shone brightly after the rain).

It is not necessary to call children the term "metaphor". Most likely, for children, these will be mysterious phrases or messengers of the Queen of Beautiful Speech.

For example:

Children are invited to look at the picture of the winter landscape, where bullfinches sit on snow-covered fir trees.

Task: to make a metaphor for these birds.

Work with children should be organized in the form of a discussion. As a guide, a sheet of paper can be used, on which the teacher indicates the sequence of mental operations.

What kind of birds are depicted on snow-covered firs?

Bullfinches (the teacher writes the letter "C" on a piece of paper and puts an arrow to the right).

And what are they?

Round, fluffy, red (the teacher specifies - "red-breasted", and puts the letter "K" on a piece of paper).

And what else happens with such red barrels or red breast?

Cherry, apples ... (the teacher puts an arrow to the right of the letter "K" and draws an apple).

So what can we say about bullfinches, what are they?

Bullfinches are red-breasted, like apples.

Where are the snowmen?

On snow-covered Christmas trees (the teacher puts an arrow down from the letter "C" and draws a spruce schematically).

Let's now combine these two words (the teacher circles the images of an apple and a spruce with a circular motion of his hands).

Say these two words in a row!

Apples of snow-covered firs.

Who will make me a sentence with these words?

In the winter forest, apples appeared on snow-covered firs. The apples of the winter forest delighted the eyes of the skiers.

The technology of teaching children to compose riddles.

Traditionally, in preschool childhood, work with riddles is based on guessing them. The correct answer of a gifted child to a specific riddle is very quickly remembered by other children. If the teacher asks the same riddle after a while, then most of the children in the group simply remember the answer.

Developing the mental abilities of a child, it is more important to teach him to make his own riddles than just to guess familiar ones. In the process of compiling riddles, all the mental operations of the child develop, he receives joy from speech creativity.

A.A. Nesterenko developed models for compiling riddles. Teaching children to compose riddles begins at the age of 3. However, at this age it will be a collective speech product, composed together with adults. Older children compose independently, in a subgroup, in pairs.

In working with preschool children, three main models for making riddles are used. The training should go like this.

The teacher hangs out one of the plates with the image of a model for compiling a riddle and invites the children to make a riddle about an object.

What happens the same?

An object (samovar) was chosen to compose the riddle. Next, the children are given figurative characteristics according to the characteristics given by the educator.

What color samovar? - Brilliant.

The teacher writes this word in the first line of the left side of the table.

What samovar in action? - Hissing (the second line of the left side of the table is filled in).

What is its shape? - round (the third line of the left part of the table is filled in).

The teacher asks the children to make comparisons according to the listed values ​​​​of the signs and fill in the right lines of the table:

For example: shiny - a coin, but not a simple one, but a polished coin.

The table might look like this:

After filling in the tablet, the teacher offers to read the riddle, inserting the links "How" or "But not" between the lines of the right and left columns.

Riddles can be read collectively by the whole group of children or by any one child. The folded text is repeated repeatedly by all children.

The final riddle about the samovar: "Brilliant, like a polished coin; hissing, like an awakened volcano; round, but not ripe watermelon."

Recommendations: it is expedient to indicate the value of the attribute in the left part of the table with a word with a clearly marked first letter, and in the right part it is possible to sketch the object. This allows you to train children's memory: a child, not being able to read, remembers the first letters and reproduces the word as a whole.

The work of teaching children to compose riddles continues according to the following models: in comparison with the actions of the subject (“Puffs like a brand new engine”), in comparison of one object with any other object, finding common and different between them (“Like an umbrella, but on thick leg).

For example:

Light green like spring grass.

Buzzing like a flying bee.

Oval, but not thick zucchini. (A vacuum cleaner).

Walks, but not a person.

Flying, but not a plane.

Caws, but not a crow. (jackdaw)

Green like grass.

Furry like a bear.

Prickly, but not a cactus. (Spruce).

In order to develop verbal creativity, limericks are used. As a rule, this poem consists of 5 lines. Limericks are created by a group of children, where the educator plays a leading role. We start such classes with children 4-5 years old. From the above rhyme, with the addition of the following, we got a limerick:

Once upon a time there was a snowman,

Red like a flame.

He flew to our kindergarten

And he pecked the grains on the feeder.

This is how we take care of the birds.

In the process of compiling poems, children not only develop verbal creativity, they learn to draw conclusions, morality, take care of their health, their loved ones, “feathered friends”.

Sinkwine technology

Sinkwine is a new technology in the development of speech of preschoolers. Cinquain is a five-line poem without rhyme.

Work sequence:

· Selection of words-objects.

· Selection of words-actions which are produced by the given object.

Differentiation of the concepts of "words - objects" and "words - actions".

· Selection of words - features to the object.

Differentiation of the concepts "words - objects", "words - actions" and "words - signs".

Work on the structure and grammatical design of the sentence.

Articulation and finger gymnastics

An important place in the development of children's speech is the use of articulatory gymnastics. Articulatory gymnastics is a set of special exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the articulatory apparatus, developing strength, mobility and differentiation of the movements of the organs involved in the speech process. Articulatory gymnastics is the basis for the formation of speech sounds - phonemes - and the correction of violations of sound pronunciation of any origin; it includes exercises for training the mobility of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, working out certain positions of the lips, tongue, soft palate, necessary for the correct pronunciation of both all sounds and each sound of a particular group.

The goal of articulatory gymnastics is to develop full-fledged movements and certain positions of the organs of the articulatory apparatus necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds.

The famous teacher Sukhomlinsky said: "The origins of the abilities and talents of children are at their fingertips." Finger gymnastics is a dramatization of poems or any stories with the help of fingers. Such training of finger and hand movements is a powerful tool for developing a child's thinking. At the time of this training, the performance of the cerebral cortex increases. That is, with any motor training, not the hands are exercised, but the brain.

First of all, fine finger motor skills are associated with the development of speech. In the brain, motor and speech centers are the closest neighbors. And when the fingers and hands move, the excitation from the motor center is transferred to the speech centers of the brain and leads to a sharp increase in the coordinated activity of the speech zones.


“Logorhythmics” in the expanded version sounds like “speech therapy rhythmics”, that is, the elimination of speech shortcomings with the help of movements. Simply put, any exercises that combine speech and rhythmic movements are logarithmics! During such exercises, correct speech breathing develops, an understanding of tempo, rhythm, expressiveness of music, movements and speech is formed, the ability to transform and move expressively in accordance with the chosen image, thereby manifesting and developing one's creative abilities.

Learning to write creative stories

Teaching creative storytelling occupies a special place in the formation of coherent speech of preschool children. Children should be taught coherent statements that are characterized by independence, completeness, and a logical connection between their parts. Writing a story is a more complex activity than retelling. The child himself, in accordance with the given topic, determines the content and chooses the speech form of the narration. A serious task is the systematization of the material, its presentation in the desired sequence, according to the plan (the teacher or his own). Stories can be descriptive or narrative. In this regard, three categories of stories can be distinguished:

1. Story by perception (about what the child sees at the time of the story);

2. Story from memory (about what I perceived before the moment of the story);

3. Story by imagination (invented, based on fictional material, on the transformation of existing ideas)

The technology is designed to teach children to compose two types of stories:

text of a realistic nature;

fantasy text.

Separately, we can highlight the teaching of children in creative storytelling from pictures using the technology of T.A. Tkachenko, which is the use of plot pictures as a visual support in teaching creative storytelling. The classification of types of creative storytelling proposed by the author deserves attention:

1. Compiling a story with the addition of subsequent events.

2. Drawing up a story with a replacement object.

3. Drawing up a story with the replacement of the character.

4. Drawing up a story with the addition of previous events.

5. Drawing up a story with the addition of previous and subsequent events.

6. Compiling a story with the addition of an object.

7. Drawing up a story with the addition of a character.

8. Drawing up a story with the addition of objects and characters.

9. Drawing up a story with a change in the result of the action.

10. Drawing up a story with a change in time of action.

Each of the proposed types of creative story contains a direction for changing the plot. This technique also works well in the formation of creative storytelling skills based on familiar fairy tales. The type of creative story is the basis for transforming the plot of a fairy tale.

TRIZ technology

The skillful use of TRIZ techniques and methods (theory of inventive problem solving) successfully helps to develop inventive ingenuity, creative imagination, and dialectical thinking in preschoolers.

The main working mechanism of TRIZ is the algorithm for solving inventive problems. The main means of working with children is pedagogical search. The teacher should not give ready-made knowledge, reveal the truth to him, he should teach him to find it. If a child asks a question, do not immediately give a ready-made answer. On the contrary, one should ask him what he himself thinks about it. Invite him to discuss. And lead with leading questions to ensure that the child himself finds the answer. If he does not ask a question, then the teacher must indicate the contradiction. Thus, he puts the child in a situation where you need to find the answer, i.e. to some extent repeat the historical path of cognition of an object or phenomenon.

The main stages of the TRIZ methodology

1. Search for the essence (Children are given a problem or a question to be solved.) And everyone is looking for different solutions, what is the truth.

2. "The Secret of the Double." At this stage, we identify the contradiction: good-bad

For example, the sun is good or bad. Good-heats, bad-can burn.

3. Resolution of these contradictions (with the help of games and fairy tales).

For example, you need a large umbrella to hide under it from the rain, but you also need a small one to carry it in your bag. The solution to this contradiction is a folding umbrella.

fairy tale therapy

For the development of speech of preschool children, a technique such as fairy tale therapy is used. The development of the speech of a preschooler through fairy tale therapy is the most effective and accessible way for him to improve his speaking abilities. Fairy tale therapy allows you to solve the following problems:

· Development of speech through retelling, third-person stories, co-narration and storytelling in a circle, as well as writing your own fairy tales.

Identification of the creative abilities of the child, assistance in their development.

Decreased levels of aggression and anxiety. Development of communication skills.

· Learning to overcome fears and difficulties.

· Development of the ability to competently express emotions.

When writing stories, you can use the following techniques:

· "Salad from fairy tales" (mixing of different fairy tales);

“What will happen if ... (the plot is set by the educator);

“Changing the character of the characters (a fairy tale in a new way);

"Introduction to the fairy tale of new attributes, heroes."

Dramatization games, dramatizations

Dramatization games have an effective influence on the development of children's speech. In the game - dramatization, the improvement of dialogues and monologues, the development of expressiveness of speech takes place. In the game-dramatization, the child seeks to know his own possibilities in reincarnation, in the search for something new and in combinations of the familiar. This shows the peculiarity of the game-dramatization as a creative activity, an activity that contributes to the development of children's speech. And, finally, the game - dramatization is a means of self-expression and self-realization of the child, which corresponds to a personality-oriented approach in working with preschool children.

The above technologies have a significant impact on the development of speech in preschool children. Modern educational technologies can help in the formation of an intellectually bold, independent, original thinking, creative person who can make non-standard decisions.

The development of speech creativity.

I. Modeling the system of teacher activity aimed at solving a professional problem

1. Analysis of shortcomings in the results, in the main process and in the conditions of professional activity.

In the modern trend of society, speech is a necessary component of communication, in the process of which it is formed. The development of speech begins at birth and continues intensively throughout the preschool age. Preschool age is a period of active assimilation of the spoken language by the child, the formation and development of all aspects of speech: phonetic, lexical, grammatical. Full knowledge of the native language at preschool age is a necessary condition for solving the problems of mental education of children.

The problem of the development of speech creativity in the education system of children is currently becoming more and more relevant. Recently, the number of children with underdevelopment of speech has increased, which makes it difficult to communicate and negatively affects mental activity.

The child adopts the experience of verbal communication from the adults around him, i.e., the mastery of speech directly depends on his environment of the speech environment. For this, it is important that the child hears the correct and competent speech.

Speech creativity is an independent activity of children in

building connected sentences.

Domestic scientists, as well as teachers L. A. Venger, L. S. Vygotsky, A. V. Zaporozhets, N. P. Sakkulina, E. A. Flerina and others emphasized that preschool age is a period of active creative development of the child’s personality in general, when all mental processes develop (perception, thinking, imagination, attention, memory become arbitrary, coherent speech is formed.

In connection with this problem in the system of preschool education, changes are taking place in the regulatory legal documents of the federal level, primarily the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" of December 29, 2012 and the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia "On approval and implementation of federal state educational standards” of October 17, 2013. "Federal State Educational Standards of the Russian Federation" dated January 1, 2014 defines the basic principles of preschool education in preschool educational organizations. GEF DO indicates the need to include in the content of the educational area "Speech Development" the development of speech creativity of preschoolers.

Children have a delay in speech development - in communicating with each other they show little speech activity or do not enter into a conversation at all, the vocabulary is limited, the child himself does not build a story, but copies with little or no changes at all.

As a result of practical activities, a number of shortcomings have been identified.

In the results In the main process In the conditions of activity

Children do not know how to make small creative stories.

Coherent speech is underdeveloped.

Underdeveloped imagination.

Children do not know how to compose stories from personal experience - Insufficiently organized forms of communicative activity.

A sufficient number of word games are not planned during the day.

The lack of consistency in the work of teachers in the development of speech creativity during the year. - Low professional pedagogical competence in speech development.

Insufficient methodological equipment in the dow.

After analyzing, we can highlight the contradictions - the need of modern society lies in creative personalities, the development of speech creativity in preschoolers in the field of non-standard communication and the desire of parents to see their child successful, communicative, however, in order to form such creativity, it is necessary to create optimal conditions in the preschool educational institution for the implementation of work on the development of speech creativity .

2. Formulation of a professional problem based on the analysis.

Thus, the problem was formulated, the search for means for the development of speech creative abilities in middle-aged children and ensuring the implementation of communicative children's activities.

3. Description of new educational results formed by students.

Targets Specification with the age of the child Manifestation

In action,

in a child's speech

The child has a good command of oral speech,

Selection of synonyms and antonyms.

Enrichment of the active vocabulary.

The development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogic and monologue speech.

Writing short stories. Knows how to use words in speech to activate the dictionary.

Able to build a speech statement in a communication situation.

The skills necessary for the implementation of various activities have been formed.

The child is able to compose short stories of a creative nature.

The child has a developed imagination,

The development of speech creativity.

Strengthening the ability of children to play various games of a creative nature.

Develop the ability to independently organize games. The child is able to compose meaningful creative stories.

The child is able to offer his own game plan and realize it.

The child has developed gross and fine motor skills. Stimulate speech development through the movements of the hands of fine motor skills. The child knows how to do finger gymnastics, correlates hand movements with text in games with words.

4. Characteristics of changes in the educational process.

For the development of speech creativity, daily, high-quality work is necessary both individually and with the whole group. To do this, it is necessary to teach children to compose fairy tales, riddles, and compose creative stories. Only daily and systematic work will make their riddles unusual and fairy tales amazing.

To do this, it is necessary to conduct a system of work on coherent speech, vocabulary, grammatical structure of speech - these tasks can be solved during regime moments, in joint activities of children with a teacher and independent activities.

To achieve effectiveness in the development of speech creativity in our work, we create certain conditions in gaming activities:

Using the possibilities of different types of children's games.

In the role-playing game, the rapid and complete development of children's imagination takes place.

The teacher influences both the choice of the topic and the development of its plot, helps the children to distribute roles, filling them with moral content.

Children really like games - dramatizations and games - dramatizations. These games have a plot and role-playing action. In joint work with children, we give comparative characteristics of the characters, identify the distinguishing features of objects that come to life in these games.

Using the possibilities of vocabulary work of communicative activity.

In our work we use a system of exercises that provide for the enrichment of the child's vocabulary.

Recognition of objects (juicy, ripe, velvety - what is it).

Selection of actions to the subject (how you can play).

Selection of an object for actions (what does it do).

Selection of synonyms (big, huge).

Finding missing words

Making sentences with a specific word.

Teaching children to draw up comparisons of cognitive-research activities.

At middle preschool age, we work out a model for making comparisons on the basis of color, shape, sound, taste ... We form the ability of children to highlight the features of objects and compare them with the features of others, making comparisons on some basis.

Developing the ability to create your own puzzles. Composing riddles, children actively select comparisons of objects according to given characteristics.

Using riddles, we enrich the vocabulary of children, expand children's ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality.

We also use games and creative tasks for the development of children's vocabulary and the development of ideas about the properties and characteristics of objects, the grammatical structure of speech, observation.

For example, the game “Who am I talking about? Learn from the description.

The purpose of the game: the development of observation, the ability to navigate according to the characteristics of the described child.

Work on the formation of creative speech activity is also carried out on the material of fairy tales, their compilation - the perception of fiction.

Children love to listen to fairy tales, stories and are happy to come up with new endings to fairy tales, change the characters of the characters - getting a new plot of a fairy tale, invent stories - imagine themselves in situations that they have never been in.

Also, children come up with their own fairy tales, then sketch with the help of visual arts, as a result of which the child creates something new, original, showing imagination, realizing his plan, independently finding means for its implementation.

We use the possibilities of visual modeling (developing potential).

The use of symbols, drawings, schematic drawings gives children the opportunity to anticipate the possible results of their own actions.

In the task “Let's make a story together”, children creatively finish the story based on subject pictures. The use of visual models in the work on monologue speech allows us to successfully teach children how to compose a coherent speech statement, as well as how to compose a story according to plan.

Creation of favorable social, emotionally - prosperous conditions.

Understanding and accepting the child on an emotional level. We understand the problem of the child, we create conditions for growth. We create a sense of security in the child when he knows that his speech creative manifestations are not evaluated negatively.

The creation of psychological conditions helps the child to be relaxed and free due to the support of adults of his creative endeavors. We do not limit children in choosing the means of expressing themselves in creativity, since creativity is a spontaneous process that needs to be supported.

Their parents also take part in the speech creativity of preschoolers. Throughout the work, we maintain close contact with parents through information and advertising support, the use of ICT - (site of the preschool educational institution, personal page of the group, communication with parents by e-mail, use of a personal web page, creating a “Create Together” group on a social network). Knowing the problem of their children, parents responded to the problem of the development of children's speech in general and the development of speech creativity in particular. Parents performed various tasks, assignments, for example, preparing photographs of their native city, compiling albums about their favorite animal, helping to make didactic games, and making an album of riddles. They did not refuse our proposals, showed their activity and interest.

They invited a psychologist and a speech therapist to parent meetings and seminars so that they would reveal the topic “Development of speech creativity in preschoolers” from their point of view.

Communication as a leading means of developing the speech of preschool children

Sokolova T. S., teacher of the 1st category

M DOU No. 23 "Forest Tale"

The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia

Neryungri, pos. Chulman

Communication is one of the most important factors in the overall mental development of a child. Only in contact with adults is it possible for children to assimilate the socio-historical experience of mankind.

In our time, the development of the media has greatly reduced communication with each other in many families. However, this cannot replace live communication with parents, peers and other people around. It was and remains the most important condition for the development of the child's speech.

At preschool age, a qualitatively new stage in the development of speech begins. The motive for active mastery of the native language is the growing needs of the preschooler to learn, tell and influence himself and another person. Speech is included in all types of activity, including cognitive.

The leading need of the child in the early and middle preschool age is the need for respect, along with the existing needs for benevolent attention and cooperation. Based on objective and figurative thinking and with the help of speech, the child gets more access to the knowledge of the world around him. The leading motive of his communication with adults becomes cognitive, when an adult acts for the baby as an erudite and a source of knowledge about extra-situational, i.e., theoretical objects. A very good indicator of the emergence of a cognitive motive are endless children's questions. It is no coincidence that this age is also called the “age of whys”. This cognitive activity of children is most clearly manifested at the age of 4-5 years. Out-of-situation-cognitive communication is possible if the child has a good command of speech and figurative thinking: in this case, he can talk about objects that are not in his field of vision. Adult behavior also changes. Here a story is already needed about what the child does not know. Yes, and the attitude towards the child requires a different. A preschooler reacts very sharply to negative assessments and disrespectful attitude towards himself. Therefore, it is no longer enough for him to show attention to himself. He demands respect.

In the next, older preschool age, the child's desire for mutual assistance and empathy from an adult becomes the leading need for communication. An adult appears before a child as a holistic person with knowledge, skills and abilities. Communication unfolds mainly against the background of independent (theoretical, and therefore extra-situational - personal activity of the child.

The attention of preschoolers at this stage of the development of communication is attracted not so much by environmental objects as by people and human relationships themselves. The psyche of a 6-7-year-old child is characterized by increased susceptibility to the adults around him, to everything that helps him form his attitude to life. It is at this age that the intensive formation and awareness of the concepts of good and evil takes place. All this leads to a change from extra-situational-cognitive communication to extra-situational-personal. At the same time, the adult is still a key figure for the preschooler, since he is the main source of knowledge. If earlier the child was interested in the evaluation of an adult for the skills he showed, now the child is concerned about the evaluation of himself as a person. At the same time, the child strives to ensure that the assessments of the adult (whether it be his own act or other people) coincide with his own. Hence the high sensitivity of the child to the lack of mutual understanding between him and the adult, the ability to empathize.

Personal communication becomes the main motive. An adult speaks to a preschooler in the fullness of his characteristics, talents, and life experience. He is not just an individual, but a concrete historical social person, a member of society. He receives in the eyes of the child his own independent existence. Therefore, for a preschooler, such details of adult life become important, which do not concern them, but allow them to recreate the full image of a given person. The conversations are dominated by topics not about animals, nature and objects, but about life, the work of adults, their relationships. Communication has a "theoretical" character and is included in cognitive activity. The child is focused on the social environment, on the "world of people", not objects. There is a need not just for benevolent attention, but for mutual understanding and empathy. It is important for children to know how to do things, how to do things right. They agree to correct mistakes, change their point of view or attitude to the issues discussed, in order to reach a consensus with an adult.

The practice of communication with children organized by adults enriches and transforms their communication needs. The influence of an adult and his proactive initiative in establishing and maintaining contacts with a child are of paramount importance for the development of communication.

The specifics of communication between preschoolers and peers differs in many respects from communication with adults. Contacts with peers are more vividly emotionally saturated, accompanied by sharp intonations, screams, antics, and laughter. In contacts with other children, there are no strict norms and rules that should be observed when communicating with an adult. When talking with elders, the child uses generally accepted statements and ways of behavior. In communication with peers, children are more relaxed, say unexpected words, mimic each other, showing creativity and imagination.

During preschool age, three forms of communication with peers develop, replacing each other:

Emotional - practical.

Situational - business.

Extraordinary - business.

The emotional-practical form of communication encourages children to take the initiative, influences the expansion of the range of emotional experiences. Situational-business creates favorable conditions for the development of personality, self-awareness, curiosity, courage, optimism, creativity. And the non-situational-business one forms the ability to see a self-valuable personality in a communication partner, to understand his thoughts and experiences. At the same time, it allows the child to clarify ideas about himself.

By the age of six, the friendliness and emotional involvement of the child in the activities and experiences of peers increases significantly. Quite often, even contrary to the rules of the game, they seek to help the same age, tell him the right move. At the same time, the competitive, competitive beginning in the communication of children is preserved. However, along with this, older preschoolers develop the ability to see in a partner not only his toys, mistakes or successes, but also his desires, preferences, moods. Sometimes children are already able to empathize with both the successes and failures of their peers. Such emotional involvement in the actions of peers indicates that peers become for the child not only a means of self-affirmation and comparison with themselves, not only preferred partners. Interest in a peer comes to the fore as a valuable person, important and interesting, regardless of her achievements and the objects that she possesses.

At preschool age, the most intensive development of speech occurs. The child's vocabulary increases from two hundred to several thousand words, the child learns to speak in sentences and masters many complex grammatical structures. This is a period of constant questions, the most frequent of which at the beginning are questions like “what is this? ”, then “where? " and who is it? ”, and by the end of the fourth year of life - the question “why? ". And although questions are usually asked for the sake of information, parents are annoyed by the frequency with which children ask about what they know. It seems that children are interested in how an adult will build his response phrase - maybe they are eager to learn something about the language rather than about the thing that is mentioned in the question. Similarly, children spend a lot of time talking to themselves, "experiencing" different types of word combinations and different ways of talking about things.

By the age of 7, the child separates the word from the object it denotes and understands it as an abstract unit.

Thus, the preschooler develops a conscious attitude to speech. At 5-7 years old, it becomes an arbitrary independent process. It is important for the child to convey the content in speech so that the interlocutor understands it exactly. A special speech activity is distinguished in the form of conversations, hearings, reasoning, compiling stories and fairy tales. It has its own motives and goals and develops only in the process of specially organized training, when an adult makes certain demands on the child’s speech (independently, expressively convey the content, maintain a relaxed conversation, answer questions, etc.) and teaches him how to fulfill them. Speech turns into a mental intellectual activity, breaks away from a specific situation, loses its situationality, turning into a universal means of communication.

Consultation Didactic game as a means of developing the speech of children of primary preschool age

Didactic game as a means of developing the speech of children of primary preschool age

The value of didactic play in the development of speech of children of primary preschool age.

“Without play, there is not and cannot be full-fledged mental development. Play is a huge bright window through which a vital stream of ideas and concepts flows into the spiritual world of a child. Play is the spark that ignites inquisitiveness and curiosity."

V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

At preschool age, the game is of the utmost importance in the life of a child. The need for play in children persists and occupies a significant place in the first years of their schooling. In games there is no real conditioning by circumstances, space, time. Children are the creators of the present and the future. This is the charm of the game. In every epoch of social development, children live by what the people live by. But the world around is perceived differently by a child than by adults. The child is a "Newbie", everything is full of novelty for him. In the game, the child makes discoveries that have long been known to adults. Children do not set any other goals in the game than to play. The game also indicated the possibility of expanding the impression, ideas in the game, the entry of children into life. For children of preschool age, the game is of exceptional importance: the game for them is study, the game for them is work, the game for them is a serious form of education. The game for them is a way of knowing the world around them. The need for play and the desire to play among preschoolers must be used in order to solve certain educational problems. The game will be a means of education if it is included in a holistic pedagogical process. Leading the game, the life of children in the game is organized, the educator influences all aspects of the development of the child's personality: feelings, consciousness, will and behavior in general. In the game, the child acquires new knowledge, skills and abilities. Games, promote perception, attention, memory, thinking, development of creative abilities, are aimed at the mental development of the preschooler as a whole. Didactic games develop children's speech: the dictionary is replenished and activated, the correct sound pronunciation is formed, coherent speech develops, the ability to correctly express one's thoughts. The didactic tasks of many games are designed in such a way as to teach children to compose independent stories about objects, phenomena in nature and in public life. This is how the child's monologue speech develops. Didactic games are educational games with which you can enrich the vocabulary of children. They are also used to consolidate the vocabulary of children (nouns, adjectives, verbs, color names, spatial concepts, prepositions, etc.) Speech, memory, attention, logical thinking, visual memory develop. The culture of behavior, communication skills is fixed. There are a number of classifications of didactic games. Let's consider them in more detail: Games using objects, toys and pictures. Games - like "guess what's changed." Conducted in all age groups, but depending on the age of the children, different tasks are set. With the help of these games, you can consolidate knowledge of subjects; spatial orientations (closer, farther); parts of speech; prepositions; the name of the flowers, etc. Games - such as "wonderful bag" are used in all age groups. In the younger group, the children take it out of the bag and call it. In the middle group, children identify objects by touch. In the senior and preparatory groups, they give more complex and high-quality items (wooden, plastic, sponge, cotton wool); children must describe the object, make a riddle, come up with a story. Doll games. The main goal of these games is to consolidate the sequence of household processes with children (washing, undressing, eating, etc.). Also, the upbringing of a culture of communication in children: “The doll mother came to visit”, “Give the dolls tea”, “Put the dolls to bed”. Such games are held in younger groups in duration as a whole lesson. Also in kindergartens, didactic games are used to distinguish some details, to distinguish or compare any signs, properties: “What is the same, what is different”, “Who has such an object”. The purpose of such games is to teach children to distinguish similar objects, to name them correctly, to determine their purpose.

Possibilities of using didactic games in the development of speech of primary preschool age.

The didactic game is a multifaceted, complex pedagogical phenomenon: it is both a game method of teaching preschool children, and a form of learning, independent game activity, and a means of comprehensive education of the child's personality.

Didactic game as a game teaching method

It is considered in two forms: games - classes and didactic, or auto didactic games. In the first case, the leading role belongs to the educator, who, in order to increase children's interest in the lesson, uses a variety of game techniques, creates a game situation, introduces elements of competition, etc. The use of various components of game activity is combined with questions, instructions, explanations, and demonstrations. With the help of the game - classes, the educator not only transfers certain knowledge, forms ideas, but also teaches children to play. The main ideas for children's games are the formulated ideas about the construction of a game plot, about a variety of game actions with objects. It is important that conditions are then created for the transfer of this knowledge and ideas into independent, creative games, the share of which in a child's life should be immeasurably greater than learning to play. Games - activities therefore refer to the direct teaching of children using a variety of game techniques. The didactic game is used in teaching children mathematics, native language, familiarization with nature and the world around them, in the development of sensory culture.

Didactic game as a form of teaching children

It contains two beginnings: educational (cognitive) and game (entertaining). The educator is both a teacher and a participant in the game at the same time. He teaches and plays, and children learn by playing. Didactic game, unfortunately, is less often used in teaching children of older preschool age. If knowledge about the world around us expands and deepens in the classroom, then in the didactic game (in games - classes, actually didactic games), children are offered tasks in the form of riddles, suggestions, questions.

Didactic game as an independent game activity

Based on the awareness of this process. Independent play activity is carried out only if the children show interest in the game, its rules and actions, if these rules are learned by them. How long can a child be interested in a game if its rules and content are well known to him? Children love games that are well known, play them with pleasure. This can be confirmed by folk games, the rules of which they know: “Paints”, “Where we were, we will not say, but we will show what we did”, “On the contrary”, etc. In each such game there is an interest in game actions. For example, in the game "Paints" you need to choose a color. Children usually choose their favorite and fabulous colors: gold, silver. Having chosen a color, the child approaches the driver and whispers the name of the paint in his ear. “Jump along the track on one leg,” the driver says to the one who named the paint, which is not among the players. So many fun activities for kids here! That is why children always play such games. The task of the educator is that the children play on their own, that they have such games in stock, that they themselves can organize them, to be not only participants and fans, but also fair judges. The educator takes care of the complication of games, expanding their variability. If the guys lose interest in the game (and this applies to a greater extent to desktop and printed games), it is necessary to come up with more complex rules together with them. For example, in the game "Lotto for Kids" according to the rules of the game, the winner is the one who correctly selects the cards and closes them cells on a large map. Children play this game with interest until all the cards become well known to them and they learn to correlate the image with the plot of the picture. To maintain interest in this game, the teacher organizes the actions of the children, tells them: "Now let's play like this : I have signs (circles) - red, green and blue (according to the number of children playing) We will play and find out who will quickly and correctly complete the task - close the cells on the big map first, - he will be the winner, will receive this badge - red circle, the second - green, and whoever is last - will receive a blue circle. Vasya will give a signal when to start the game: he will hit the table with a cube twice. "The game starts with all the children at the same time. Play can You can do this several times by exchanging cards. Everyone wants to get a winner's badge, so the children ask their partners: “Let's play again! »

Independent play activity does not exclude control by an adult. The participation of an adult is indirect: for example, the teacher, like all participants in the Lotto game, receives a card and tries to complete the task on time, participates in the search for the necessary items, rejoices if he wins, i.e. is an equal participant in the game. When determining the winner, the teacher gives his children the opportunity to evaluate the actions of the players, to name the best. But in the presence of a teacher, this stage in the game also takes place in a more organized, clear way, although he himself does not affect the assessment, but can only, like each participant in the game, express his “For” or “Against”. So, in games, in addition to the formation of independence, activity of children, an atmosphere of trust is established between children and the educator, between the children themselves, mutual understanding, an atmosphere based on respect for the personality of the child, attention to his inner world, to the experience that he experiences during the game. . This is the essence of collaborative pedagogy. On their own, children can play didactic games both in the classroom and outside of them. In the classroom, those didactic games are used that can be played frontally with all children. They consolidate and systematize knowledge. A wider scope for educating independence in didactic play is given to children during the allotted hours of the game. Here, children are independent not only in the implementation of rules and actions, but also in choosing a game, a partner, in creating new game options, in choosing a driver. Didactic games, especially in younger age groups, are considered in preschool pedagogy as a method of teaching children role-playing games: the ability to take on a certain role, follow the rules of the game, and unfold its plot. For example, in the didactic game “Let's put the doll to sleep”, the teacher teaches the younger group the sequence of actions in the process of undressing the doll - carefully fold clothes on a nearby chair, take care of the doll when putting it to sleep, sing a lullaby. According to the rules of the game, children must work out from the objects lying on the table only those that are needed for sleep. At the request of the teacher, the kids take turns taking the items they need for sleep and put them in the bedroom, prepared in advance for the doll in the play corner. So there is a bed, a high chair, bedding, a nightgown or pajamas. Then, under the guidance of the educator, the children perform the actions of undressing the dolls for bed in sequence: they put on her pajamas and put her to sleep in a bed prepared for this purpose. Everyone sings a lullaby softly: “Bai - bai - bai, I shake the doll. The doll is tired, she played all day.” There are several such games in the younger groups: “Katya’s doll’s birthday”, “Let’s dress Katya for a walk”, “Katya is having lunch”, “Katya’s bathing”. Doll games are an effective method of teaching children independent creative story-role-playing games. Didactic games are of great importance for the enrichment of creative games and older children. Games such as “Smart Cars”, “Who will put on the artist his national costume faster? ”, “Dairy Farm”, “Who needs what for work”, “Who built this house? "," From grain to bun. Also, the didactic game is used by the educator in the morning hours of receiving children, in speech development classes, on walks and for individual subgroup work with children.


Didactic games can be carried out in the classroom with the whole group, with a subgroup and individually with each child. Games are planned in advance. The program task is determined, the game equipment (handout) is thought out. Vocabulary work is thought out (it is reminded, specified, fixed). The organization of the game is also being considered (at the table, on the carpet, on the street, depending on what material is used). Which of the children to plant with (strong with weak). A didactic game is an educational game, it will definitely have educational tasks, but it must remain a game. It is necessary to use the correct intonation in the game, think about how to get children interested in playing, you can use songs, round dances. At the end of the game, the results are not summed up, but the teacher writes down the results for himself. In older groups it is carried out as part of the lesson, in younger groups it can be done as a whole lesson. At the beginning of the game, it is necessary to interest the children, then there is an explanation, and then the children perform the necessary actions. The teacher must control that the tasks are completed in the game. Word games in the senior and preparatory groups are held for 5 minutes - this is the end of the lesson. The teacher does not explain the game already known to the children. The children themselves can be the leaders. In the younger group, the teacher conducts the game from the beginning to the end. The game is best played in different ways. The teacher must in advance (for a word game) pick up words in case of difficulty for children.


Role-playing game as a means of developing the speech of preschool children

Preschool childhood is a period of active assimilation of the spoken language by the child, the formation and development of all aspects of speech: phonetic, lexical, grammatical.

Full knowledge of the native language at preschool age is a necessary condition for solving the problems of mental, aesthetic, moral education of children in the most favorable sensitive period of development.

However, in recent years there has been a significant decrease in the level of speech development of preschool children. First of all, this is due to the deterioration in the health of children, which in one way or another affects their development.

Speech defects of children are: grammatically incorrect construction of a phrase.

The formation of coherent speech of preschool children is one of the urgent problems in the general system of working with children.

In kindergarten, the main activity of the child is widely used - the game, since it is the most effective means of helping children. It is in the game that the impact on the speech and personality of the child is best carried out.

A game is a type of unproductive activity, the motive of which is not in its result, but in the process itself. The game acts as an important means of education.

Plot - role-playing game is the main type of game for preschool children.

A distinctive feature of the plot - role-playing game.

Plot-role-playing games are created by the children themselves, and their activities are of a clearly expressed amateur character.

The main features of the plot - role-playing game:

Emotional saturation and enthusiasm of children;




The main feature of the role-playing game is that in the game the child embodies his view, his ideas, his attitude to the event that is developing.

Structural components of a plot-role-playing game.

The plot of the game is the area of ​​activity that is reproduced by children.

Conditionally the plots are divided:

Industrial, reflecting professional work (hospital, shop, hairdresser, etc.).

Public (games to celebrate the day of the city, flying to the moon, celebrating a birthday, etc.).

There is a two-way relationship between speech and play. On the one hand, speech develops and is activated in the game, on the other hand, the game itself develops under the influence of the development of speech. The child denotes his actions with a word, thereby comprehends them, he uses the word to supplement actions, to express his thoughts and feelings.

In role-playing games, when playing out various models of life situations, children have a natural need for initiative speech.

The game of the child develops under the influence of education and training, depends on the acquisition of knowledge and skills. Interest education. In play, the individual characteristics of the child are manifested with particular force, and it can be observed that the same child reveals a different level of play creativity depending on the content of the game, the role played, and relationships with comrades.

The plot-role-playing game should be planned according to the following algorithm:

1. Selecting a topic. The choice of the game that I include in the collective activity is determined by a specific educational task.

2. Pedagogical development of the game plan. These are outlines of the plot of the game, the definition of game roles and filling them with specific content.

3. Create an imaginary situation. It is very important to help the child enter the game situation so that the game captures his imagination and brings the joy of creativity.

4. Distribution of roles.

5. Start the game. It is important to take care of creating an interesting game action in which an imaginary situation would immediately arise.

6. Saving the game situation. The educator must comply with the conditions for maintaining children's persistent interest in the game6 and not destroy the imaginary situation; to beat any business of the children's team4 to carry out measures of pedagogical influence in a playful way.

7. Completion of the game. It is necessary to take care of such an end to the game, which would cause in children an acute emotional state and a desire to preserve in the life of the team all the best that the game brought with it.

The structure and content of role-playing games in the middle group are more accessible and familiar to children, close in meaning and content. They are associated with everyday events that are well known to children: "Builder", "Family", "Treat", "Hospital", "Barbershop", "Kindergarten".

The plot-role-playing game is carried out in two stages.

Stage 1 - preparatory work for the plot - role-playing game;

Stage 2 - directly the plot itself - role-playing game.

The preparatory work takes from two to three weeks, depending on the purpose and content of the game, and is carried out according to a certain scheme: excursions, conversations, reading works of art, retelling a story or fairy tale, compiling a story based on a plot picture, compiling a story from personal experience, didactic games, playing out learning situations.

In parallel with the preparation for the game, conditions are being created for its implementation. These are various parts of the scenery to indicate a particular scene of action, elements of clothing that give credibility to the situation, toys, toys - substitutes.

Most play equipment comes in boxes with the name of the game and a picture of the theme, allowing children to choose the game according to their interests. The mobility of the subject-play environment allows children to transform it in accordance with their own ideas and the development of the plot. Taking into account the specifics of the speech development of the children of the group, I use the method of direct guidance of the game, which allows me to actively influence the development of coherent speech in children.

Once a week, joint activities with children are devoted to plot construction (games - inventing). They take no more than 10-15 minutes, and two or three children participate in them. The work is organized in the following sequence:

1. Transformation of a fairy tale.

3. Building a new plot with role-playing interaction in the process of "Telephone conversations".

4. Inventing new stories based on realistic events.

The method of indirect influence on the play of children is also used. The role of the educator is, on the one hand, in observing the playing children and, on the other hand, in directing the children's intention and action with the help of advice, questions, hints.

The results of the work testify to the effectiveness of the use of role-playing games in the development of coherent speech in children. The vocabulary is filled, the storytelling of children becomes independent and purposeful, speech is active and role-playing, etc.

On this topic:



FOLKLORE - folk wisdom, poetry and culture of the people. It so happened that a mother sings a lullaby to a very small baby, tells jokes, nursery rhymes, counting rhymes and fairy tales. It turns out that it is with folklore that the child meets earlier than with literature, and it is folklore that is a kind of guide to the wonderful world of fiction.

CHILDREN'S FOLKLORE is a very cheerful genre of folk art. In a comic form, you can praise or scold the child. Calls and counting rhymes decorate and enrich the child's speech.

Expand vocabulary and expand imagination.

THE TASK OF THE EDUCER IN STUDYING FOLKLORE is to develop speech, relying on a tendency to imitate, quick memorization, to educate children's independence, the ability to actively apply this knowledge. But the most important thing is to use the material in an unobtrusive and exciting way.

In everyday work with children of the third year of life, tongue twisters and nursery rhymes are used to form the grammatical structure of the language.

Kids listen to songs, ask to repeat well-known and loved ones, which contributes to the creation of psychological comfort. During the course, children perform two or three songs that are well remembered by children. Many folk works allow you to insert any name.

without changing the content. This makes the child happy, the desire to repeat them. For example:

"Who are we good,

Dima is good!

Vanya is handsome!

They help with preparation for sleep, and while dressing for a walk, and while washing, and in the process of playing activities. Folklore works are accompanied by actions or, on the contrary, actions are accompanied by reading, to beat them.

It is only important to choose them well and emotionally tell them so that the child feels the attitude of an adult to the situations described. All this helps children to remember and reproduce in the future a funny nursery rhyme. And then use it during role-playing games. This greatly enriches the vocabulary of children, makes their speech emotionally expressive.

Imagine morning. Your baby wakes up and you tell him:

“Here the cockerel woke up, the hen got up,

Wake up my friend, get up my Yurochka.


Modeling as a means of developing coherent speech of preschoolers.

Mastering the native language, speech development are not only the most important acquisitions of a child in preschool childhood, but also the most difficult task of preschool education.

Psychologists emphasize that in coherent speech, a close connection between speech and mental development is clearly visible. “A child learns to think, learns to speak, but he also improves speech by learning to think.” The development of coherent speech occurs gradually, along with the development of thinking.

An effective way to solve the problem of the development of the child's intellect and speech is modeling, thanks to which children learn to generalize the essential features of objects, connections and relationships of reality. The works of A. L. Wenger and his students on the problems of modeling in various activities have become widely known. To teach children coherent speech, they used schematic images of characters and the actions they perform.

First, the child creates a picture-schematic plan of the semantic sequence of parts of the listened texts of works of art. Gradually, the child develops generalized ideas about the logical sequence of the text, on which he is guided in independent speech activity.

When working with older preschool children, we noticed that it is necessary to look for more effective methods of teaching coherent storytelling, retelling close to the text, without missing the main details of subjects. First of all, these are techniques that help the child to understand the process of building a text and comprehend its content.

Before starting work, we set ourselves a number of tasks:

  • To teach children to retell the text sequentially, observing the structure;
  • Develop thinking, imagination, emotional responsiveness, memory, when using schemes, substitutes;
  • Be able to create imaginary images and select deputies to designate a character;
  • Be able to use diagrams when retelling not only the entire text, but also individual episodes;

In the senior group, we teach children to master the following skills:

  • Consistently retell literary works without the help of an adult;
  • Expressively convey the dialogues of the characters, the characteristics of the characters;
  • When telling a series of plot pictures, toys, indicate the time and place of action, develop the plot, indicate the sequence of what is happening, come up with subsequent and previous events.

Before starting this work, we diagnosed children according to the following criteria:

  • Ability to retell and retell familiar works;
  • Ability to compose descriptive stories on a visual basis;
  • Ability to compose stories from personal experience;
  • Participation in games, dramatizations of literary works.

20% of all children were classified as high. Their story and description happened sequentially, they tried to develop the plot using direct speech, however, they missed some part of the story (beginning or end).

All other children could be attributed to the middle and low levels. There was no logical sequence in their stories or description, the plot did not develop, they missed some part of the story.

As a result of the research, it turned out that it is especially difficult for children to observe the structure of the story, its logical sequence and the language design of statements.

We were interested in the article by A. L. Wenger "What the fairy tale tells about." It puts forward the idea that a poem, fairy tale or story read to a child can be drawn.

This is an effective way to identify the content and sequence of actions.

This is modeling.

"MODELING" - the study of any phenomena, processes by building and studying models. Modeling has models as its object.

"MODEL" is any image (mental and conditional; images, descriptions, diagram, drawing, graph, plan) of any process or phenomenon (the original of this model), used as a substitute.

In preschool pedagogy, modeling is used to familiarize children with nature, in the process of developing speech, mastering elementary mathematical concepts, and developing children's musicality. The peculiarity and significance of modeling lies in the fact that it makes visible the properties, connections, relations of objects hidden from direct perception, which are essential for understanding facts, phenomena in the formation of knowledge that is attached to concepts in content. The availability of the modeling method for preschoolers has been proven by psychologists (D.

B. Elkonin, L. A. Wenger). It is determined by the fact that the simulation is based on the principle of substitution. A real object can be replaced in the activity of children by another object, image, sign.

In didactics, there are 3 types of models:

1. An object model in the form of a physical structure of an object or objects that are naturally connected (a planar model of a figure that reproduces its main parts, design features, proportions, ratios of parts in space).

2. Object-schematic model. Here, the essential components identified in the object of cognition and the connections between them are indicated with the help of objects - substitutes and graphic signs.

3. Graphic models (graphs, formulas, diagrams).

In order for the model, as a visual and practical means of cognition, to fulfill its function, it must meet a number of requirements:

Clearly display the main properties and relationships that are the object of knowledge;

Be easy to understand and accessible to create actions with it;

Brightly and distinctly convey with its help those properties and relationships that must be mastered;

Facilitate knowledge (M. I. Kondakov, V. P. Mizintsev).

In the psychological and pedagogical literature, a number of regularities in the formation of modeling in preschoolers have been identified:

Modeling is carried out on material familiar to children, based on knowledge gained in the classroom or in everyday life;

It is advisable to start with the modeling of individual specific situations, and later - with the construction of models that have a generalized character;

You should start with iconic models, i.e. retaining a certain similarity with the object being modeled, constantly moving to conventionally symbolic images of relationships;

You should start with modeling spatial relationships, and then move on to modeling temporal, logical, etc.;

Learning to model is easier if you start with the application of ready-made models, and then build them;

The process of learning to model ends with the internalization of actions, i.e. transfer of planning into an internal plan;

The above facts directed my attention to the development and application of subject models in education, which,

Undoubtedly, it serves as a means of ordering, systematizing the child's experience. Self-construction of models testifies to the degree of formation of internal, ideal forms of modeling, which are the core of mental abilities. The assimilation of logical forms of thinking is necessary in the future, in the course of schooling.

One of the main tasks of a preschool institution is to teach children coherent speech, i.e. ability to express ideas clearly and coherently. The main objectives of classes for the development of speech are the following: expanding and clarifying the range of ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality; development of observation of children on the basis of systematic exercises; mastering the language, its grammatical structure, the communicative function of communication.

The main principles of organizing classes with preschool children, along with general didactic ones, are the objectivity and visibility of teaching, which develops the direction of learning. Objectivity is understood as the organization of learning in such a way that the subject being studied is, if possible, perceived by all senses: hearing, sight, touch, smell, tactile sensations.

Objectivity implies a consistent replacement of a living, natural object with a subject-schematic model. One of the factors facilitating the process of becoming coherent speech, according to L. V. Elkonin, is visibility. The visibility of learning involves the use in the classroom, in addition to natural objects, of various options for visual means: paintings, drawings, tables, diagrams, technical teaching aids.

When working on this issue, the following didactic games are very useful:

  • "What are the items?"
  • “Who will know and name more?”
  • "Learn by description"
  • "Find out who?"

These games help teach children to name characteristic features, qualities, actions, encourage the active participation of each child to express their opinion, enrich the vocabulary and ideas of children about a particular subject.

There are a number of games that have their influence on the formation of the sequence of actions of the characters by laying out the corresponding pictures:

  • “Who knows, he continues further”
  • "Where can you do what?"
  • "Tell me what comes first and what comes next?"
  • "What would happen if..."

(Give an example of how one day a girl was sitting at home alone. Someone knocked on the door. The girl did not look through the peephole and quickly opened the door ...)

There are a number of games for the formation of the concept that every statement has a beginning, middle and end:

  • “Cook compote” (Where do we start and how do we end);
  • “We will be on duty” (Where do we start and how will we end);
  • “We dress for a walk” (Where do we start and how do we end);


One of the main tasks of educating and educating preschool children is the development of speech, speech communication. Knowledge of the native language is not only the ability to correctly build sentences.

The child must learn to tell: not just to name an object, but also to describe it, to talk about some event, phenomenon, or sequence of events. Such a story should consist of a series of sentences and characterize the essential aspects and properties of the described object, the events should be consistent and logically connected with each other, that is, the child's speech should be coherent.

Children acquire their native language through speech activity, through the perception of speech and speaking. That is why it is so important to create conditions for well-coherent speech activity of children, for communication, for expressing their thoughts.

However, as practice shows, despite the increased interest in the problem, the level of speech development of preschool children is insufficient.

Visualization is one of the main didactic principles of correctional pedagogy.

K. D. Ushinsky wrote: “Teach a child some five words unknown to him - he will suffer for a long time and in vain, but connect twenty such words with pictures, and he will learn them on the fly.”

Actions with objects, their visual perception is the first stage in the development of a child’s thinking, therefore it is important to use visual material throughout the entire correctional process.

Recently, mnemonics techniques have been widely used in pedagogical practice for teaching storytelling to preschool children.

Mnemonics - translated from Greek - "the art of memorization."

Mnemonics is a system of methods and techniques that ensure effective memorization, successful mastering of knowledge by children about the features of natural objects, about the world around them, effective memorization of the structure of a story, the preservation and reproduction of information, and of course the development of speech.

With the help of mnemonics, the following tasks were solved:

Develop coherent and dialogic speech.

To develop in children the ability with the help of graphic analogy, as well as with the help of substitutes, to understand and tell familiar fairy tales, poems using a mnemonic table and a collage.

Teach children the correct pronunciation. Get to know letters.

To develop in children mental activity, ingenuity, observation, the ability to compare, highlight significant features.

To develop mental processes in children: thinking, attention, imagination, memory (various types).

To assist preschoolers in solving inventive problems of a fabulous, playful, ecological, ethical nature, etc.

The use of mnemonics is now becoming relevant.

Like any work, mnemonics is built from simple to complex.

I started working with the simplest mnemonic squares, successively moved to mnemonic tracks, and later - to mnemonic tables.

Schemes serve as a kind of visual plan for creating monologues, helping children build:

story structure,

story sequence,

Lexico-grammatical content of the story.

Mnemotables-diagrams serve as didactic material in my work on the development of coherent speech of children. I use them for:

vocabulary enrichment,

Alekseeva M. M., Yashina B. I. Methods of development of speech and teaching the native language of preschoolers: Proc. allowance

In the context of the possibility of choosing different programs, the teacher’s knowledge of the age capabilities of children and the patterns of speech development, the tasks of speech education, as well as the teacher’s ability to analyze and evaluate programs from the point of view of their impact on the full development of children’s speech, become of key importance. Particular attention should be paid to how the development of all aspects of speech is ensured, whether the requirements for children's speech meet age standards, whether the general goals and objectives of speech development, teaching the native language and educating the individual are achieved.

§ 4. Means of speech development

In the methodology, it is customary to allocate the following means of speech development of children:

  • communication between adults and children;
  • cultural language environment, teacher's speech;
  • teaching native speech and language in the classroom;
  • fiction;
  • various types of art (fine, music, theater).

Let us briefly consider the role of each tool.

The most important means of speech development is communication. Communication is the interaction of two (or more) people, aimed at coordinating and combining their efforts in order to establish relations and achieve a common result (M. I. Lisina). Communication is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon of human life, acting simultaneously as: the process of interaction between people; information process (exchange of information, activities, its results, experience); a means and condition for the transfer and assimilation of social experience; the attitude of people towards each other; the process of mutual influence of people on each other; empathy and mutual understanding of people (B. F. Parygin, V. N. Panferov, B. F. Bodalev, A. A. Leontiev and others).

In domestic psychology, communication is considered as a side of some other activity and as an independent communicative activity. The works of Russian psychologists convincingly show the role of communication with adults in the overall mental development and development of the child's verbal function.

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Communication and learning are the leading means of children's speech development.

- Speech, being a means of communication, occurs at a certain stage in the development of society. An analysis of children's behavior shows that the presence of an adult stimulates the use of speech; they begin to speak only in a situation of communication and only at the request of an adult.

In studies conducted under the guidance of M. I. Lisina, it was found that the nature of communication determines the content and level of speech development of children. The features of children's speech are related to the form of communication they have achieved. In addition, speech communication in preschool age is carried out in different types of activities: in the game, work, household, educational activities and acts as one of the sides of each type.

- Teacher's speech should have a culture of sound structure, be meaningful, have a benevolent tone. The speech of the teacher always acts in two ways: as speech-assessment and speech-instruction.

culturesnaya language environment involves the creation of a favorable language environment for the development of the child's speech. It should be borne in mind that the child actively imitates an adult and adopts from him not only all the subtleties of pronunciation, word usage, and construction of phrases, but also errors and those imperfections that are found in an adult's speech.

- The specifics of speech classes in that a) the focus is on the work on speech; b) a prerequisite for such classes is the speech activity of each child; c) classes should include a variety of activities for children; d) observe the unity of content in achieving the goals set.

- Fiction is the most important source of speech development of children, on the other hand, its impact is determined by the level of speech development of the child.

- various types of art, their emotional impact stimulates language acquisition. The importance of verbal interpretation of works, verbal explanations to children for the development of imagery and expressiveness of children's speech is great.

Thus, a variety of means are used for RR. To assimilate different material, a combination of different means is required.

Specific tasks of speech development, the content of knowledge and characteristics of a given age affect the choice methods and techniques speech work.

Generally accepted in the methodology is the classification methods forfunds used: visual, verbal and practical. The division is conditional, since there is no clear boundary between them: visual ones are accompanied by a word, and visual techniques are used in verbal ones.



preschooler pedagogical speech consciousness

The most important condition for full-fledged mental development is the timely correct mastery of speech by the child.

In a preschool institution, the development of children's speech is carried out by teachers in various types of activities: in direct educational activities, as well as exercises aimed at developing the sound side of speech and enriching the vocabulary of children; games and exercises are conducted to develop the grammatical structure of speech and coherent speech.

Educators use the opportunity to correctly and clearly name an object, parts of an object, characterize its features, qualities in different types of activities (on a walk, in a group, during various regime processes, in a game). At the same time, educators clearly form the task, accurately pose questions. This allows you to maintain the relationship of understanding and using words, which in turn improves the ability of children to accurately and fully express thoughts, increases the effectiveness of verbal communication.

In order to maximize the speech of children, teachers conduct games, the purpose of which is to involve children in a conversation on a certain topic and allow them to express their views on a number of questions that an adult raises. In games, children take on some roles, but do not play them, but pronounce them. Teachers achieve the realization of such qualities of speech as accuracy, correctness, coherence, expressiveness. They pay special attention to the development of speech understanding in children, exercising in the implementation of verbal instructions. Children show great interest in how they say: “... the child is not alien to curiosity and in relation to the physiology of pronunciation. He wonders which organs are involved in pronunciation, and is even ready to experiment in this direction ”(Gvozdev A.N.).

Teachers are active participants and organizers of verbal communication between older children. They offer the child to tell other children about their news, draw the attention of children to the questions and statements of other children, encouraging them to answer and speak out.

In a conversation with a child, educators pay attention to the content and form of the message, delicately correct grammatical errors. In their free time, teachers individually work with the child, developing that side of speech development that causes difficulties for the child. Educators provide children with the opportunity to talk about what they saw on a walk, on the way to kindergarten, using questions of motivation, observation, they actively respond to the manifestation of word creation, the child’s game with the word, because. this allows the development of figurative speech.

Teachers try to give children examples of correct literary speech, they try to make the speech clear, clear, colorful, complete, grammatically correct, expressive, concise. Include in the speech a variety of samples of speech etiquette. “Speak to children slowly, in an accessible, understandable language, avoiding difficult, incomprehensible expressions, but in an impeccably correct and literary language, by no means faking a sweet, but always incorrect manner of children's speech” (E.I. Tikheeva).

Using, with the help of adults, proverbs and sayings in their speech, children of senior preschool age learn to express their thoughts and feelings clearly, concisely, expressively, coloring their speech intonation, develop the ability to creatively use the word, the ability to figuratively describe an object, give it a vivid description.

Guessing and inventing riddles also has an impact on the versatile development of the speech of an older preschooler. The use of various means of expression to create a metaphorical image in a riddle (method of personification, the use of polysemy of a word, definitions, epithets, comparisons, a special rhythmic organization) contribute to the formation of imagery of speech of an older preschooler.

Riddles enrich the vocabulary of children due to the ambiguity of words, help to see the secondary meanings of words, form ideas about the figurative meaning of the word. They help to assimilate the sound and grammatical structure of Russian speech, forcing them to focus on the linguistic form and analyze it, which is confirmed in the studies of F.A. Sokhin.

A riddle is one of the small forms of oral folk art, in which the most vivid, characteristic signs of objects or phenomena are given in an extremely compressed, figurative form. Solving riddles develops the ability to analyze, generalize, forms the ability to independently draw conclusions, conclusions, the ability to clearly identify the most characteristic, expressive features of an object or phenomenon, the ability to vividly and concisely convey images of objects, develops a poetic view of reality in children.

The use of riddles in working with children contributes to the development of their speech skills - evidence and speech - description. To be able to prove is not only to be able to think correctly, logically, but also to correctly express one's thought, wrapping it in an accurate verbal form. Speech - proof requires special, different from the description and narration of speech turns, grammatical structures, a special composition. Usually preschoolers do not use this in their speech, but it is necessary to create conditions for their understanding and development.

In order for preschoolers to quickly master the descriptive form of speech, it is recommended to draw their attention to the linguistic features of the riddle, to teach them to notice the beauty and originality of the artistic image, to understand by what speech means it was created, to develop a taste for the exact and figurative word.

So, through a riddle, preschoolers develop sensitivity to language, they learn to use various means, select the right words and gradually master the figurative system of the language.

Lullabies also develop the speech of the older preschooler, enrich their speech due to the fact that they contain a wide range of information about the world around them, primarily about those objects that are close to people's experience and attract with their appearance. The grammatical variety of lullabies contributes to the development of the grammatical structure of speech, forms phonetic perception. Lullabies allow you to memorize words and forms of words, phrases, master the lexical side of speech.

Folk songs, nursery rhymes, pestles are also excellent speech material that can be used in speech development classes. With their help, you can develop phonemic awareness.

In a preschool institution, the development of diction is also an urgent task of speech development in senior preschool age. It is known that in children the organs of the speech-motor apparatus are not yet sufficiently coordinated and clearly working. Some children are characterized by excessive haste, fuzzy pronunciation of words, “swallowing endings”. Another extreme is also observed: an unnecessarily slow, stretched manner of pronouncing words. Special exercises help children overcome such difficulties by improving their diction.

For diction exercises, proverbs, sayings, songs, riddles, tongue twisters are indispensable material. Small forms of folklore are concise and clear in form, deep and rhythmic. With their help, children in preschool institutions learn clear and sonorous pronunciation, go through a school of artistic phonetics. According to the apt definition of K.D. Ushinsky, proverbs and sayings help to "break the child's language into the Russian way."

The purpose of diction exercises is diverse. They can be used to develop the flexibility and mobility of the child's speech apparatus, to form the correct pronunciation of speech sounds, to master the pronunciation of sounds and words that are difficult to combine, to develop the child's intonation richness and different speech tempo. All this can be found in folk pedagogy. For example, with the help of small forms of folklore, children learn to express this or that intonation: grief, tenderness and affection, surprise, warning.

It is important that when performing diction exercises, there is a reality behind each spoken word. Only in this case the child's speech will sound natural and expressive.

Rhymes, tongue twisters, proverbs, sayings are the richest material for the development of sound culture of speech. By developing a sense of rhythm and rhyme, we prepare the child for further perception of poetic speech and form the intonational expressiveness of his speech.

According to A.P. Usova "verbal Russian folk art contains poetic values." Its influence on the development of children's speech is undeniable. With the help of small forms of folklore, it is possible to solve almost all the problems of the methodology for the development of speech, and along with the main methods and techniques of speech development of older preschoolers, this richest material of the verbal creativity of the people can and should be used. Therefore, preschool institutions in the system of work on the development of the speech of an older preschooler pay special attention to the forms of small folklore.