Biographies Characteristics Analysis

A serious illness, or how to adapt to life in Russia if you are not like everyone else?! Forbidden tactics of behavior in a team.

To fully adapt to a new workplace, a specialist needs from one and a half months to a year (for those for whom this is their first job, the period can last from a year to a year and a half).

Of course, if you start working in a large corporation with a competent HR department and a mentoring system, then the adaptation period will take less time. Unfortunately, not all companies can boast such ideal conditions for new employees, so be prepared for anything.

There are two types of adaptation ahead of you: professional and socio-psychological.

Both have their own stages, through which a specialist goes through, getting used to a new team.

First- familiarization. A person receives information about the new situation as a whole, about evaluation criteria various actions, about standards, norms of behavior.

Second- device. At this stage, the employee reorients himself, recognizing the main elements new system values, but still continues to retain many of its attitudes.

Third stage is assimilation. The time when complete adaptation to environment, you begin to identify with the new group.

Final stage- identification, when your personal goals are identified with the goals of the enterprise.

The following indicates that you are successfully undergoing professional adaptation:

  • The work you perform does not cause you feelings of tension, fear, or uncertainty if it has become habitual.
  • You have mastered the necessary amount of knowledge and skills required for work, and use them.
  • What you do suits your immediate superiors.
  • You have a desire to improve in your profession, you connect your future with this job.

And now directly advice from a business coach for speedy adaptation:

  • Before you start work, ask your co-workers and your manager about whether there was someone in this position before you, how long he worked, why he left, what he didn’t like, what the manager and co-workers liked about the previous employee.
  • Look at the documentation kept by the previous employee, try to understand its logic. When the records stopped, how regularly the reports were compiled, is it convenient for the company, is the documentation related to the documents of other departments. If you are ready to make reporting more convenient, suggest discussing this with your manager.
  • If, when trying to find out the specifics of your work from your colleagues, you encounter reluctance to help you, contact your manager. Perhaps this is a feature of the local corporate culture - management does not delegate any authority to subordinates.

Reducing the impact of stress

Adaptation stress can play a cruel joke on a person. In this state, you begin to behave differently than usual. You seem to be regressing into childish behavior: you joke inappropriately or not quite appropriately, you are embarrassed to ask a question, you use inappropriate facial expressions and gestures, you become silent when there is a general conversation. You can try to reduce the impact of stress in the following ways:

  • Arrange your workplace so that it is convenient for you to work (and does not contradict the requirements of the company). Throw away unnecessary items left over from the previous employee. Bring a mug from home for coffee breaks, a favorite souvenir, a picture, a photo of your family.
  • Choose clothes that are similar to those worn by others, but that are comfortable for you.
  • Bring snacks from home and invite not only those you like to coffee breaks, but also other colleagues - expand your social circle.
  • Be interested in hobbies that others are interested in, talk about your interests.
  • Take a minute to look at yourself in the mirror.
  • Sometimes your manager forgets that you are a newbie and are just getting used to it, and may accidentally make complaints. Listen to them carefully. Say that you are sorry that this happened - there was an error in the report, deadlines were not met, the plan was not fulfilled. Ask how to avoid this next time. And politely remind that the adaptation you are currently going through is a process that requires some time and the help of more experienced colleagues.
  • After work, find an opportunity to tell someone who is willing to listen to you and whose opinion you respect, what worries, annoys, or makes you laugh at work. If this is not possible, then start a diary: write down something similar to short office stories there.
  • Be sure to pamper yourself free time- “take” to the cinema, go to a cafe, to the park. Get plenty of rest, eat tasty treats, and even play games or hang out on social networks.
  • Be sure to let yourself get some sleep.

Every school graduate has heard: “You still have everything ahead, students - best time! However, submitting documents in an unfamiliar building, walking along new corridors and looking back at the school past, it seems that all the most carefree and best things are already behind.

“How will I study here? How to pass exams? How to get along with the team? Where's the buffet? Wardrobe? The right audience? What is the name of this lecturer? And the curator? - these are just a few of the millions of questions that trouble a freshman.

But in reality, everything turns out to be much simpler than it seems. What should a freshman know to stop worrying? We have collected 5 of the most necessary tips.

  1. Intelligence service. To avoid unnecessary anxiety and awkward situations in the first month of training, find out everything in advance organizational issues: where and at what time the ceremonial line-up will take place, what is your group number (yes, amid the excitement they forget about this), what is the name of your curator. If you have the opportunity to walk around the university building, be sure to go in and see what classrooms are located on certain floors, where there are toilets, a dressing room, a dining room, a library and other places. The more you know, the less you worry.
  2. Remember about reputation from the very beginning. Anything can happen in the first days of lectures, but if you miss a lot of classes without a good reason, or simply behave noisily during a lecture, attracting the attention of a disgruntled teacher, you risk earning a certain “label.” Next, it will be extremely difficult for you to prove to the teacher that in fact you are not a truant or a poor student at all, but ordinary student, who knows his subject well.

Of course, you should also not sit with your hands folded on your desk, as you were taught in the first grades, and listen to a lecture without being distracted by anything at all. So you will very soon lose your strength. After all, being focused for 4-5 hours straight is extremely difficult. Just try not to attract negative attention, write down the main thing that the lecturer dictates and try to answer the question if the lecturer addressed it to the audience and you know the answer. Don’t be shy, no one will shower you with pens and caustic comments like “nerd,” but in the eyes of the teacher you will get a “plus.”

  1. Don't worry about the team. Typically, this problem resolves itself. A leader is always chosen in the group, who, in fact, helps strengthen relationships in the team. After all, he is the keeper of the journal, and in most cases, he himself notes (or, at the request of classmates, does not mark) those who are absent. Nothing brings students closer together than shared secrets about each other’s absenteeism and cheated homework. By the way, be prepared for the fact that those who do not allow cheating are not very liked in the team =). It doesn't mean what you have to do homework one for all, but sometimes you need to meet.

If you have been chosen as prefect, try organizing a group meeting outside the university to get to know each other better. This greatly helps everyone get used to the new team.

  1. Prepare for exams well before them. No, we are not talking about demanding a list of questions from the lecturer in September and sitting down to study textbooks. Your exam grade depends very much on how you answered in seminars, how you wrote quizzes, midterm tests, etc. Therefore, try to do everything possible to ensure that everything is in order here. In most cases, this will help you get a score a couple of points higher, even if you didn't prepare very well.
  2. Don't leave spaces. If you feel that from the very beginning you do not understand the subject and are unlikely to figure it out on your own, be sure to contact a tutor or another person who can explain the material clearly. The most popular subject with which problems arise in the first year is higher mathematics. It is important to immediately understand how tasks are solved, because this knowledge will definitely be needed later. Take a short consultation on a specific task from a tutor if you don’t know how to solve it. And if there is a test ahead, study for several full lessons. This will help not only to understand the subject and not worry every time you are called to the board, but also to earn good grades, which will play a role in the exam.

TutorOnlinewishes all students success and Have a good mood!

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Becoming financially independent means, most often, finding a job. But this is only half the battle on the way to gaining a foothold in your job and starting to climb the ladder. career ladder. A trial period and a period of adaptation to new conditions will be required.

Starting or moving to a new job is always a stressful and difficult process. This is especially true for the first working day. In other words, “as you harness it, so will you go.” Most middle managers involved in personnel selection in companies believe that the main factor in the successful adaptation of a new employee to the team is the level of accessibility of the “newcomer” to information related to work in a particular workplace. For this purpose, special programs are even created that will help a new person protect himself from stressful situations and fully demonstrate your performance.

First day of work

On the first day of work new person really needs the support of an employee of the personnel department or, as they call it today, the HR department. The new colleague is given attention in order to create in his mind positive attitude for further work, to reduce his psycho-emotional load as much as possible. After all, the goal of the HR department is to retain personnel.

On the other hand, without the efforts of a newcomer in the same direction, an HR employee is unlikely to be able to achieve this.

Note! A “newbie” is simply obliged not only to show interest and activity (willingly get to know his colleagues, the generally accepted rules of a given team, the nature and scope of his work), but also to independently set himself up morally for a positive result.

You need to concentrate your strength due to the fact that the first working day is eventful and big amount information, the need to understand the structure of the company, the features of the business process, and the work style of the immediate manager.

The result of such bilateral work largely depends on the scale of the organization, the volume and complexity of the tasks it faces. In a small business company, any nearby employee can familiarize a new colleague with the rules. In a large organization, you will probably need the help of a specialist with a broader profile in order to new employee did not find himself limited only by his duties, was able to clarify for himself main goal, which the corporation sets for itself. This will help him evaluate the role of his work, his responsibilities in common cause. Not to mention the fact that a newcomer needs to be shown and told where everything is, how to find the right departments, and who to contact for certain questions. In turn, department colleagues add details to the general information.

During the adaptation period, it is useful to assign a personal mentor to a newcomer, who, if necessary, can be contacted for help. useful advice, who will answer any question at any time. After all, questions begin to arise only in the process of work. At first, a newcomer can often be embarrassed in front of management or afraid of distracting colleagues from work. But a wrong decision or wrong action out of ignorance can cause much greater harm not only to the beginner, but also to the overall cause.

Behavior tactics

In our usual environment, we know exactly what to do to solve the problems that face us. In a new team, in order to feel like a “fish in water”, it is important to know how to behave in order for adaptation to be successful, to know what is more important - maintaining your own work style, own rules and habits or the application of a generally accepted style of work in a given team.

Note! HR specialists believe that it is very important to adhere to the “golden” mean, which involves the manifestation of individuality.

It can be very useful for improving the work style of the department team and the company as a whole. This fact can, from the very beginning, significantly “work” in favor of the newcomer and raise his rating, if, of course, there is a healthy psychological atmosphere in the team. This will facilitate contact with colleagues and superiors. You cannot ignore their offers to take part in a joint dinner or conversation on abstract topics, for example, in a smoking room. Overcoming stiffness in the process of such contacts helps to quickly get used to the new environment.

Secrets of successful adaptation

The secrets of successful adaptation are to perform your duties diligently and responsibly, without showing much zeal. The desire to immediately, from the first days, be liked very much is more likely to harm than bring you closer to success in the team. It has long been known that not a single team accepts “upstarts” who “stick their heads out own opinion" It is useful to wait until colleagues with experience speak out, and then (preferably at their request) join in the reasoning.

And what you shouldn’t do at all is delve into the process of gossip and, moreover, take someone’s side in squabbles on topics that arose on the basis of events that occurred before the appearance of a newcomer in this team.

Only the desire to learn, the ability to safely accept criticism, patience, a friendly attitude towards everyone without exception, and a moderate sense of humor will help you very quickly become one of the people in the new team.

It's no secret that the appearance of a new colleague arouses special interest in him among the entire team, which consists of very different people, including very cocky ones. They will definitely try to test your strength, aggravating the discomfort that you experience. For old-timers, being new to the team is a fresh opportunity to add adrenaline, an opportunity to stand out, increase your self-esteem, and feel like an experienced mentor.

This is especially true for large, already conservative companies with an established composition of colleagues who have managed to overcome many professional obstacles and have managed to get used to each other, and perhaps even get tired of each other.

Note! In such conditions, it is important not only to perform your duties efficiently, but also to gain a “strong back”, find like-minded people and, with their help, create solid professional ground.


Rejection of the new employee has become modern name– mobbing. This phenomenon can be assessed as office hazing, harassment or bullying of the unsettled. Moreover, this phenomenon can be observed not only on the part of ordinary employees, but also on the part of managers. The manifestation of such an unhealthy atmosphere in the team forced, for example, Sweden to develop a special anti-mobbing law.

The consequence of mobbing, generated by fear and internal tension in a team, according to research from European HR department specialists, there may be stressful conditions, headaches, insomnia, nightmares, detachment, doubt, guilt, shame and even paranoia and suicide (in 10% of cases). What is the solution?

First of all you should:

  • analyze your behavior;
  • improve your professionalism;
  • observe what is happening in the team.

Research has determined the harmfulness of some habits that are useful to know about: useless conversation with colleagues and a tendency to gossip; frequent smoking; obsessive, tactless and irresponsible behavior; being late; loud speech, especially on the phone on a personal topic; meal in work time; laziness; carelessness with negligence and such vices as arrogance, lies, stupidity, denunciations and rudeness.

Forbidden tactics of behavior in a team

There is no doubt that the art of joining a team requires tension. It can always be reduced. It’s very easy to turn your colleagues against you, because those who want to use the “who’s new guy” tactic can be found very quickly. To do this, let’s start from the opposite and list the techniques that should be forbidden for a beginner.

  • When getting ready for work, stock up on “equipment” in the form of a block of chewing gum, a bag of seeds, perfume with a strong smell, bright nail polish, which ladies will use without hesitation and exclusively during working hours. Use this “arsenal” purely individually, without sharing with anyone.
  • Frankly demonstrate that you have “sophisticated” mobile phone with loud speakers that can break through any walls and partitions in the office with their decibels. Receiving and sending calls should occur hourly and exclusively without tactfully leaving the office.

  • Show your “uncontrollable” efficiency at the end of the day with a delay in the office after working hours. This will allow all colleagues to finally “realize” what kind of slackers they are.
  • For your home life, someone else’s lighters, office paper, pens, rulers, erasers will always be useful, which you grab when you go home.
  • Choose the warmest and most comfortable for yourself workplace, not forgetting to often open the window in the office.

Well, and something else in a similar manner... At first glance, it would seem that there is nothing particularly serious, much less criminal, in the actions mentioned above. But life, as we know, is made up of little things, and hostility, as a rule, is gradually born from them. Your colleagues will not even be able to formulate an answer to the question of why they so consistently dislike you.

Note! An important task faces a new employee in a new team - to learn to analyze his actions and highlight those that cause a negative reaction from colleagues.

By mastering the art of communication, it is quite possible to acquire skills to overcome obstacles in solving a sometimes difficult problem - how to adapt to a new team.

Summer has passed - the period when children drop out of the educational process - and now again they must adapt to school everyday life. It turns out that every time I go to first grade. Parents also experience stress. The situation on the pages of the publication “Health for All” is examined by psychologist Olga Vasilyeva.

A lot changes in the lives of children and parents from September 1. Different regime, different load and different responsibility. You cannot do without an adaptation period when children return to normal, and it can sometimes last up to a month.

Adaptation - the ability to adapt without much emotional loss to a more rigid daily routine, filled with early rise and a clear daily routine focused on educational process. Like it or not, you have to go to bed early, which was forgotten during the 3 summer months - you could sit at the computer past midnight, devote your time to books and not worry about upcoming matters.

Getting up early requires a lot of effort, and parents know how difficult it is to lift a child. The clients with whom the psychologist works suddenly feel worse, and in fact it turns out that the symptoms of ailments intensify under the influence of an unaccountable fear of starting school year. It’s terrible: again you have to persuade the child to go to bed on time in the evening, get him up in the morning, not let him be late for classes and not be late for work ourselves. And then check the lessons. All this, of course, causes a lot of stress for parents.

But mothers, who perceive the school year as an impending disaster, coped with the situation in previous year. This means that what frightens you, first of all, is the feeling that everything will come at once again, and you will not be able to cope with your parental role. Let's structure the situation. You need to change your daily routine so as not to quarrel with your child about what time he should go to bed. Yesterday he went to bed at 12 o'clock, and today we need to put him to bed at 22.00. Of course, he will resist this, since the body is not prepared. Adaptation cannot happen immediately; it takes time. We need to negotiate. Whether you like it or not, school requires you to get up early, and getting up early means going to bed early. Let's move the time at least half an hour a day. It’s even better to give the child the opportunity to design his own daily routine and, if necessary, correct it without criticizing possible flaws. This helps to avoid the chaos that is possible with a thoughtless approach to a new environment.

Let's feed the child with energy

It is important to discipline a child so that he realizes that lessons are an essential part of his life. If a child is not accustomed to the school routine, he will find a thousand more pleasant things to do than direct responsibilities, and will do anything to “forget” about lessons.

Words regarding the regime, the organization of work and rest, which set our teeth on edge back in Soviet times, have not lost their relevance today. Firstly, the child needs some rest after school. Even if he managed to go to his hobby section and seemed to be distracted, he still needs an hour and a half of rest before switching to “fulfilling his duty.”

Just as we need energy to work, we also need energy to schooling. In the summer, children could get by with products of plant origin, and there was no need to particularly nourish the brain. During the school year, the brain requires adequate fuel.

Noticed: if parents cook for a child, he eats normally, he does not need to eat hamburgers or, worse than that, empty sweets. If the child is left to his own devices and decides what to buy, he, of course, will prefer something “tastier” and cheaper: not an apple, but a bun - fast carbohydrates that cannot nourish the brain. It is important to take care of the diet and nature of the diet, including enough slow carbohydrates (in vegetables and fruits) so that the child does not crave for a bun.

When you cook for a child, it is advisable to base your child's preferences on it. If he refuses some product, why force him to eat it, trying to explain the benefits of the dish?! “I know a family,” says Olga Vasilyeva, “where the mother fights with the child every day so that he eats fish. But he won't eat it! It invariably turns into a damaged relationship.” We must take into account children's needs and build a diet that suits everyone.

Control - do not patronize


We dream that children will be independent - and at the same time we constantly take care of them. Is there a golden mean here? You need to understand that the attention of a younger student is held for 30-40 minutes, and that of an older student - 45 minutes. It is no coincidence that the lesson lasts exactly three quarters of an hour: this is due to the physiology of the brain, which during its formation is not able to hold attention for longer. If a child sits at home for three hours, he can no longer come up with a productive solution or idea. It's no use shouting or swearing. Maybe it’s better for him to take a walk, switch to something and 15 minutes later get back to work. This is more productive than stretching out homework throughout the evening.

By the end primary school The child must be able to do homework independently. And contact parents only for clarification or in case of any difficulties. Controlling does not mean deciding examples for the child to make things faster. Children are smart people. They get used to the fact that mom/dad is always nearby and quickly understand how to get an answer from them, for example. Not having the proper patience and restraint, parents begin to suggest and solve the problem for the child - he immediately sees through it and uses it again and again. As a result, he simply has no chance of learning to act independently.

Earn trust

It is also important that the child socializes, gains connections with peers and a place in their circle. And on this path your undercurrents related to social networks.

On the Internet, all connections are hidden for us, and we do not know what our child is doing there. But when adults know how to tell a child about their interests on the Internet, as well as their negative attitude to its individual aspects, then it is easier to get a response from the child.

It is important to be aware of who is having conversations with the child and the essence of these conversations, to communicate with the child with all interest in order to be aware of what interests him and with whom he communicates.
Sometimes parents clearly feel that something is wrong. How to call a child for a frank conversation?

If suddenly parents notice some tension in the child or strange behavior, something has changed in him - this is the case when it is necessary to ask a direct question. It is important for a child that his interests are shared by someone close to him, who would not limit himself to routine phrases like “How are you?”

From a position of positive attitude

The transition of a child from primary school to primary school or from primary school to gymnasium is associated with additional changes. The child needs to re-enter the team and take his own position in it. Wherein hyperactive child can alienate peers, and a person who is unsociable, on the contrary, despite all his efforts, cannot attract anyone’s attention to himself. You should also try to prepare the child for this, telling him that he will have new friends, new companions, far from being like him. Even in a hyperactive child, hyperactivity is also caused by anxiety. He is uneasy in this world. And the one who, huddled, stands against the wall, also has his own anxiety, he is also afraid of the unknown. That is, both need support.

It is enough to inspire your child: “Everything will be fine, all the guys are good. You understand: for this one everything turns out this way, for the other - differently. It's important to be interested in other people." Such basic tips on the rules of communication will be useful to him in life. May be, younger schoolchildren this topic is not yet fully understood, so it is useful to play out the situation. The game often reveals problematic issues that can be discussed. For example: “Look - I’m the boy who hurts you, and I’m scared. Maybe we can find this person the right words? By doing this you can equip your child with the proper initiative.

Unfortunately, parents often have a personal negative attitude. Not only are children not ready for the change in summer lifestyle, but parents themselves are exacerbating this mood: oh, it’s school again. But school, in essence, is interesting, it is a place where there is a lot of educational and exciting things. Infect children with a positive attitude towards school through your own positive attitude to your work. This will make life easier for both.

Don't rush to get scared. Really quickly adapt to new job not so difficult. So what should you do and what shouldn’t you do to make this process as easy as possible? This is what we will talk about.

It is very important to prepare the “soil” for successful adaptation to a new job at the stage of the final interview. Think through questions about your new position in advance. Among others important points worth finding out:

  • What is the company's corporate style?
  • What are the priorities in your tasks.
  • Why did this vacancy appear? And if the reason is the dismissal of an employee, try to find out why this happened.
  • Who can you contact with any questions you may have?

The answers to these questions will help you avoid mistakes during the adaptation process and effectively build a line of behavior in the new office.


At first, a newcomer is worried about two things: how to cope with new responsibilities and how to join the team.
Regarding your job responsibilities in your new place, you should be proactive, namely:

  • Ask questions. It is always better to ask again than to redo the work with errors.
  • Set goals and make a task list. Discuss them with your boss, perhaps his advice will be useful to you.
  • Show energy in your work. If you encounter any difficulties during the process, seek instructions from more experienced colleagues.

Now about the team. At first, it makes sense to show restraint in communicating with new colleagues, so as not to inadvertently harm yourself. First of all:

  • Meet the staff. Remember or write down names. Don't forget to smile, be attentive and friendly.
  • Study your colleagues and try to determine their status in the team. You should not try to establish contact only with the leaders - after all, there is a chance that one of the followers will make it to the top. Communicating only with those who are in the shadows can hinder the growth of your career.
  • Review your habits and traditions associated with your past work. This will help avoid conflicts in the new place.
  • Please note the dress code. If it's customary to come to work in a business suit, put off your favorite jeans until the weekend. Respect the unspoken rules of the new team.

Sometimes the desire to quickly feel like the proverbial “fish out of water” is so great that it pushes some newcomers to rash actions. What behavior should you avoid?


Let's consider typical mistakes when establishing relationships with new colleagues.

  1. Make claims regarding the conditions. This behavior can irritate colleagues who are accustomed to this atmosphere.
  2. Praise your previous place of work. This may be perceived as dissatisfaction with the new.
  3. Turning your soul inside out in front of your colleagues. Firstly, there is no need for strangers to know any personal details about you; secondly, remember - sometimes people can be dishonest.
  4. Participate in discussion personal life colleagues. The reputation of a gossip can put an end to a career.
  5. Find fault with yourself. The desire to appear in the best light can lead to you placing high demands on yourself. This approach threatens nervous exhaustion. It's worth it?
  6. Get attached to one person. The wider your circle of contacts, the faster and easier you will join the team.
  7. Show superiority too openly. People usually try to avoid know-it-all, arrogant people. Let your talents and achievements become known to the public through success at work, not through boasting.

Remember that adaptation to a new workplace lasts about three weeks on average. Even if you have a hard time getting used to it, try not to make any serious conclusions during this time. Chances are that you will soon be glad that you didn’t give in to the impulse to leave. Or you will finally realize that you wasted your time.