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In which city is the ferris wheel on the water. The largest ferris wheel

In the summer of 1893, at the Columbian Exposition in Chicago, Illinois, in honor of the four hundredth anniversary of the discovery of America by Europeans, the first Ferris wheel was presented to mankind. It was more than 80 m in height. It was able to accommodate about 2000 people at the same time. A 20-minute ride on it cost 50 cents at the time. This list includes the very best Ferris wheels currently in use. based not only on their size, but also on their beauty and uniqueness.

Navy Pier in Chicago

It is worth noting that the Navy Pier, located on the shores of Lake Michigan in Chicago, includes a pier, the length of which is about 1010 meters. It was built in 1916. There are many shops, attractions, exhibition areas on the pier, as well as a ferris wheel, with which you can see how amazing the view of the city is from above. The ticket price is 6 dollars, and the average duration of one rental attraction does not exceed 7 minutes.

Singapore Ferris Wheel (Singapore Flyer)

This Ferris wheel began to function in February 2008. Its height is 165 meters, that is, approximately the same as a 42-storey building. Such a miracle consists of 28 capsules, each of which is equipped with air conditioning and can accommodate about 28 people. In addition, there are shops and restaurants in the capsules, and the trip itself lasts about half an hour.

ferris wheel at santa monica pier

The Ferris wheel at the Santa Monica Pier was completed in 1996. It is equipped with more than 5 thousand multi-colored light bulbs (2392 white, 1500 and 1500 red-blue). This wheel is powered exclusively by solar panels, it was the first invention of its kind. But it was put up for sale on Ebay and bought for $ 132,400, and this was done by one of the developers living in Oklahoma. Subsequently, the ferris wheel was taken out of Santa Monica. However, a new wheel was installed at the same place, which was equipped with 160,000 LED bulbs, it was it that began to illuminate the entire territory of the beach.

Big O

The Big-O Ferris Wheel is located at the Tokyo Dome City entertainment complex in Tokyo, Japan. The wheel with a diameter of 60 meters is the only centerless structure that does not have a structure inside it, it is supported by two arrow-shaped structures located on its side parts. Right in its central part, you can see the largest roller coaster in Tokyo.

Star of Texas (Texas Star)

The Texas Star is located in the state of the same name, USA. Refers to the highest ferris wheel located in North America. This building was erected in honor of the 150th anniversary of the founding of Texas. It consists of 44 gondolas and until 2008, the Star of Texas consisted of about 16 thousand incandescent bulbs.

Wonder Wheel

The fifth place in the ranking goes to the Wonder Wheel, which is located in the state of New York, on the Coney Island peninsula, in Brooklyn. This Ferris wheel was built at the beginning of the 20th century. Its height is 46 meters. It has 24 passenger cabins, which differ in that not all of them are attached to the outer frame, some slide on special fasteners inside the structure.


The Riesenrad ferris wheel appeared in 1897, and is associated with the anniversary date of Franz Joseph I. It was built on the territory of the Viennese park Wurstelprater, in Austria. This ferris wheel was considered the highest for 60 years, its height is 65 meters.

Cosmo Clock 21

In the form of a huge clock, they created the Cosmo Clock 21 ferris wheel, located in Yokohama, Japan. Its height is more than 100 meters (107 m), for this reason, for eight years, from 1989 to 1997, this ferris wheel was the highest in the world. From the moment of its construction to the present, it is the largest clock in the world. Ferris wheel consists of 60 cabins, each with a capacity of up to 8 people. In order for the wheel to complete rotation, it needs to spend at least 15 minutes.

London Eye

The world-famous Ferris wheel consists of steel structures that took about 6 years to build. On December 31, 1999, the grand opening of the London Eye took place. There are 32 cabins, with a capacity of 25 passengers each. The ferris wheel moves constantly, at a speed of about 0.9 km/h. this is slow enough for tourists to comfortably take their seats in the booth. It is worth noting that at least three million people visit the London Eye every year, which makes it the most popular attraction in London, as well as the most recognizable and one of the best Ferris wheels on the planet.

Tianjin Eye

This ferris wheel is on a bridge that crosses the Hai River in Tianjin, China. Its height reaches 120 meters. The construction of the structure was completed in 2007, and to date, the attraction is considered the best and only Ferris wheel in the world, which was built right on the bridge. Its capacity is quite high, 48 capsules are presented here, with a total capacity of 770 visitors.

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When asked where the largest Ferris wheel in the world is located, you can often get quite conflicting answers. This is not surprising, since the modern world is changing at breakneck speed.

singapore bird

The proud title of "The Highest Ferris Wheel" until recently belonged to an attraction built in Singapore in 2008. This miracle has a diameter of 150 meters, and raises daredevils from all over the world who dare to survey the surroundings from a height of 165 meters above the ground. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the basis for the wheel is a three-story building that offers a lot of interesting entertainment for tourists, ranging from simple shopping to the famous fish spa, where your legs will be brought to perfect condition by fish specially brought here, or tasting unique cocktails.

The attraction is called the "Singapore Bird", which is not surprising, because tourists really find themselves at the height of a bird's flight. If it's hard for you to imagine what it's like, know this: it's like looking out from the balcony on the 55th floor! From here you can see not only Singapore, but also the neighboring islands!

It took almost three years to bring the unique engineering design to life.. Interesting is the fact that there are 28 cabins on the wheel. The maximum capacity of each of them is 28 people. Full rotation of the wheel - 28 minutes! No wonder the work of the wheel takes into account the advice of the best Feng Shui masters.

"Singapore Bird" did not hold the palm for long. In April 2014, Las Vegas, which already knows a lot about entertainment for tourists, opened a wheel that lifts everyone to a point almost three meters (2.6 m) higher than Singapore's.

Like the Singapore Bird, the High Roller also has 28 cabins, but their capacity is much larger, up to forty people. Each of the capsules is equipped with an air conditioning system. Transparent booths slowly rotate to the music, which creates an incredible mood and a great view. Thanks to these highlights, the owners expect that they will be able to have up to 5 million visitors a year!

By the way, cabins are willingly rented for wedding ceremonies and other celebrations at a bird's eye view.

It will be useful for tourists to know that the largest Ferris wheel to date is open seven days a week. Riding it during the day is much cheaper than at night. During the day, for the pleasure of viewing Las Vegas from a great height, you will have to pay $ 25, but at night, the panorama of the city shining with lights is already estimated at 35 hard coins!

Future plans

To date, the palm in Europe is held by the London Eye, whose height is 135 m. It is also the fourth in the world, yielding not only to Vegas and Singapore, but also to the Chinese city of Nanchang. This city boasts a 160-meter wonder that you can ride for as little as $6! Melbourne closes the top five with the 120-meter South Star.

But time, as you know, does not stand still. Literally in 2016 in New York, it is planned to put into operation a giant wheel capable of lifting onlookers to a record 190 meters! But this is not for long either. Dubai has already begun construction of an attraction with a diameter of almost 210 meters!

The first built Ferris wheel marked the beginning of the construction of many such wheels around the world. Cities seemed to compete in size and height. This race for dominance continues today.

The very first ferris wheel

For the first time, a huge Ferris wheel appeared in America in 1893. In height, it competed with the Eiffel Tower. As you know, the city of Chicago in 1893 was preparing for the International Exhibition. The Americans decided to create an attraction that would immediately conquer the whole world, "interrupting" the popularity of the giant Eiffel Tower, which was built in Paris for the previous International Exhibition.

The idea to build a gigantic spinning wheel came up with George Washington Gale Ferris, a well-known engineer of that time. The construction of this building was completed just in time for the beginning of the exhibition. Its diameter was seventy-five meters, and its weight exceeded two thousand tons. Thirty-six cabins for passengers rotated with the wheel. Each booth could hold sixty people.

The success of the attraction was amazing. Not much time passed, and the idea of ​​creating a Ferris wheel was picked up by many cities around the world. Ten years after the construction of the first wheel, there were already more than a hundred Ferris wheels in the world.

Tallest ferris wheels in history

Man has always sought to look at the earth from a bird's eye view. Such an opportunity appeared after the construction of Ferris wheels or ferris wheels, as people often call them.

Of course, you can also see the panorama of the city from the observation deck, but not every city has one. Next, we will tell you more about some of the large ferris wheels.

"Star of Nanchang"

The height of one of the highest Ferris wheels is one hundred and sixty meters. This "giant" was built in China in the city of Nanchang and is called the "Star of Nanchang". The ride takes thirty minutes.

This ferris wheel is equipped with 60 cabins, each of which fits eight people. It should be noted that the "Star of Nanchang" is almost never empty. In many ways, this is facilitated by the low price of a ticket, which is only six dollars.

"London Eye"

From a height of one hundred and thirty-five meters you can see the panorama of London. This opportunity appears for everyone who decides to ride on the ferris wheel, recognized as the largest in Europe. Its name is the London Eye.

This is the most popular attraction in the UK. There are thirty-two cabins on the wheel. The ferris wheel makes a full circle in thirty minutes. The fare is thirty dollars.

"Heavenly Dream"

The largest classic-type Ferris wheel was built in Japan and is called "Heavenly Dream". The fare on it is only ten dollars, which is not at all expensive for such an expensive country.

To make a full circle on this wheel, you need to spend twenty minutes. Tourists, once at the highest point, can look at the city, which is visible at a glance.

The most famous Ferris wheels in Russia

Russia, like many European countries, can also boast of a large number of Ferris wheels built. The largest can be seen in Moscow, Kazan, Sochi, Kaliningrad, Perm and St. Petersburg.

Despite the fact that several Ferris wheels have been built in Moscow, it is not the metropolitan wheel that is the leader in height.

Ferris wheel in Sochi

Height championship in Russia at the Ferris wheel located in Sochi, namely, in Lazarevsky Park. Its height is eighty-three and a half meters. The designer of the Sochi wheel "giant" is Vladimir Gnezdilov. The opening took place in 2012.

The wheel is equipped with 14 open cabins and 14 closed cabins. It takes only eight minutes to complete a wheel rotation. It allows all passengers to see the Caucasus Range, the Black Sea and the city of Sochi.

Moscow Ferris wheel in the park at the All-Russian Exhibition Center

The capital ferris wheel, built in the park at the All-Russian Exhibition Center, ranks second in height among the Ferris wheels in Russia. Its height is seventy-three meters. The designer is also Vladimir Gnezdilov. The opening took place in 1995.

The wheel is equipped with 40 booths and makes a revolution in seven minutes. It is known that children whose height does not exceed one meter forty centimeters are not allowed on this attraction.

Ferris wheel in Kazan in the park "Kyrlay"

The honorable third place in height is occupied by the ferris wheel, which was built in the Kyrlay park.

The height of this wheel is fifty-five meters. Each of the forty booths that the wheel is equipped with can accommodate six people. In an hour, the ferris wheel-record holder is able to serve three thousand and sixty passengers. It is known that VISA GROUP was engaged in the production and installation of the wheel.

Tallest ferris wheel to date

For a long time, the tallest Ferris wheel in the world was built in Singapore. Its name is "Soaring Singapore". The height is one hundred sixty-five meters. It takes him thirty-seven minutes to make a full circle. Cabin passengers enjoy a magnificent view of the waterfront and neighboring islands. The Singapore ferris wheel is equipped with 28 booths, each with a capacity of twenty-eight people.

To date, the tallest Ferris wheel in the world is the wheel located in New York. The opening is scheduled for the very end of 2015. The height of the wheel will be one hundred and ninety meters, thus exceeding the statue of Liberty twice. The future wheel-record holder at a time will be able to carry one thousand four hundred and forty passengers in 36 cabins.

It is not so much the ferris wheels that surprise with their scale, but also other carousels. .
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The desire to see the world from a bird's eye view has always been inherent in man. Rising up, you can appreciate the beauty and uniqueness of the place where a person is.

The first design of the Ferris wheel appeared in 1893 in Chicago, presented at the Exhibition by George Ferris Jr. The design of the Ferris wheel had a mass of 2000 tons and a height of 80 meters. One rotation lasted up to 20 minutes and cost 50 cents.

Many years have passed, and mankind has managed to build a large number of similar structures, competing with each other in terms of the size of the Ferris wheel and its comfort. At the moment, the highest wheel in the world holds the palm - "Soaring Singapore" rises to a height of 165 meters. But in this list we present the top ten "ferris wheels" of Russia.

1. Sochi

The tallest Ferris wheel in Russia is located in Sochi, in Lazarevsky Park, has a height of 83.5 meters. It was designed by Vladimir Gnezdilov and opened in 2012. The Ferris wheel in Sochi consists of 14 closed-type cabins with a capacity of 6 people and 14 open-type cabins with a capacity of 4 people. The design completes a full turn in 8 minutes, the price of tickets in closed booths until 18.00 is 200 rubles, after 18.00 - 300 rubles. The price of tickets for a walk in open booths until 18.00 is 250 rubles, after 18.00 - 350 rubles, children under 12 years old are free. A splendid view of Sochi, the Black Sea, the Caucasus Range from a height of 700 meters above sea level will leave an unforgettable impression. The Ferris wheel was built on Mount Akhun.

2. Moscow

The second tallest is the Ferris wheel, located in Moscow in the park at the All-Russian Exhibition Center. The Ferris wheel has a height of 73 meters, was designed by Vladimir Gnezdilov and opened in 1995, to celebrate the 850th anniversary of Moscow. The design of the wheel in Moscow consists of 40 booths, 5 of which are open. One revolution of the wheel lasts 7 minutes, the cost of closed booths is 300 rubles, the cost of open booths is 350 rubles. Children under 16 can only climb the Ferris wheel if accompanied by an adult. Visitors whose height is less than 140 cm are not allowed. The Ferris wheel will undoubtedly help to see the capital of Russia, lifting higher and higher its visitors into the sky, revealing all the beauty of Moscow.

3. Kazan

The third well-deserved place in the list of 10 Ferris wheels in Russia is the Ferris wheel in Kazan. Located on the former territory of Gorky Park, now in Kyrlay Park, another name is Shural. The height of the Ferris wheel is 55 meters, equipped with 40 cabins, closed type, with a capacity of 6 people. The Ferris wheel was produced and installed by the Italian company VISA GROUP. An hour can serve up to 3600 people, the price of a ticket for a walk is 150 rubles. Rising, a stunning panorama of the Kazan Kremlin and the whole city gradually opens up. In the evening, 10,000 light bulbs mounted on the wheel are lit, creating the impression of a fairy tale.

4. Perm

Recently, a new comfortable wheel, 50 meters high, was opened in the city of Perm. Opening timed to coincide with the celebration of May 9th. It took place in 2013 in the park. Gorky. Attraction Ferris Wheel is ready to work all year round, as it is equipped with air conditioners, in winter the cabins will be heated. The designers of the wheel pleased with an unusual solution, at its base there is a room with an area of ​​400 m2. Indoors, they plan to build a 3D oceanarium of prehistoric times and open it by the day of the city - June 12. The Ferris wheel is installed at the highest point of the city and raises to a total height of 200 meters above sea level. Although there is no sea in Perm, there is the Kama River and the Krasavinsky Bridge, the beauty and grace of which can be appreciated from the height of this wheel.

5. Kaliningrad

The next in the list of 10 ferris wheels is the city of Kaliningrad. It has a Ferris wheel, increased comfort, 45 meters high. The design, weighing 200 tons, was created by an Italian manufacturer, has 20 closed cabins, with a capacity of 6 people, equipped with air conditioning. In winter, the cabins will be heated. It is interesting that in the design of the Ferris wheel there are 2 VIP cabins, equipped in addition to air conditioning, also with a refrigerator. The wheel is controlled by a remote control, which, if desired, can adjust the speed of rotation of the Ferris wheel, the minimum time for a complete revolution is 1 minute. The wheel is located in the Yunost park and was opened in 2012, on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the Leningrad region. Tickets cost 150 rubles, open from 11 am to 9 pm, children under the age of three are free. In an hour, it lifts up to 1000 people into the sky.

6. St. Petersburg

The highest and the only Ferris wheel in St. Petersburg is an attraction in the Park of Fairy Tales, another name for the park. Babushkin. The height of the Ferris wheel is 38 meters, the opening took place in 2008. The design is recognized as modern, since all cabins are of a closed type with increased security. Tickets for children under 12 years old - 100 rubles, over 12 and adults - 150 rubles. Pensioners are not forgotten in this park, the cost of a ticket with a pension book is 60 rubles. Rising to the heights, you can enjoy not only the ascent itself, but also the bewitching view of the Nevsky district.

7. Zakamsk (Kirovsky district, Perm)

Another Ferris wheel from Perm makes our list. It was installed in the winter for the new year 2009. The wheel is located in the Kirovsky district, in the recreation and culture park. The Ferris wheel is 38 meters high. The design, weighing 64 tons, has 20 booths, 10 of which are closed. Cabins of closed type with a capacity of 6 people and open type with a capacity of 4 people. A full rotation of the wheel is 10 minutes. The wheel was produced in Russia, in the city of Yeysk, and purchased at a price of 22 million rubles. Ticket price for an adult is 70 rubles, for a child 40 rubles. In addition to the beautiful view from a height, the air in the park is filled with the aroma of pine forest.

8. Zelenogorsk

A beautiful view of the Gulf of Finland is opened by the Ferris wheel in the city of Zelenogorsk, located next to St. Petersburg. The wheel is located in the park of culture and recreation, has a height of 37 meters. The opening took place in 2012, and was timed to coincide with the celebration of the birthday of the park, which turned 57 years old. Half of the cabins are closed, so the wheel will work all year round.

9. Novosibirsk

Novosibirsk is preparing to launch a Ferris wheel, 35 meters high. It will be installed in the Narymsky public garden. The wheel is of a modern type, with closed booths and sounding classical music inside. The design will be decorated with a large number of light bulbs both inside and outside.

10. View of the capital (future project of Moscow)

View of the capital - the project of the highest Ferris wheel in the world, we have placed in the last 10th place, because they are still planning to build it. The grandiose plan, 220 meters high, was announced in 2011 in Russia. In 2013, the plan was approved by the Moscow authorities. Ferris wheel "View of the capital" is planned to coincide with the opening of the Olympics in 2014. It will be located in the Fortieth Anniversary of the Komsomol Park, near Vernadsky Avenue, in the southwest of Moscow. The wheel will be unique not only in height, but also in design. For the first time, a Ferris wheel will not use spokes in its construction, so the wheel will become doubly unique. The Ferris wheel concept is handled by Group 12LLC. The design will be developed and used exclusively for the Russian Federation.

Let's talk about the highest Ferris wheels in the world.

1.High Roller

Las Vegas (USA), 168 meters

The palm today is occupied by high roller, built in 2014 in Las Vegas.

28 cabins with a capacity of up to forty people raise tourists to a height of 168 meters, from where an excellent view opens. Cabins are made according to the last word of coziness and comfort: air conditioning, musical accompaniment, rotation around its axis. All this allows visitors to create a great mood and a great opportunity to explore the surroundings of Las Vegas, and the owners to attract tourists to the already famous Las Vegas.

Due to their spacious dimensions, High Roller cabins are popular with those who want to celebrate some event in an original way by renting a “holiday in the clouds”. Can you imagine, solemn over Las Vegas? Very mesmerizing.


The attraction is open 24/7. The wheel makes a complete revolution in 30 minutes. During the day, a ticket will cost you less - $ 25, night skiing - $ 35.

2 Singapore Flyer

Singapore, 165 meters

Built in Singapore in 2008, the "floating" attraction was long considered the tallest in the world, until it was overtaken by highRoller.

Comfortable 28 air-conditioned cabins can accommodate 28 people. A wheel with a diameter of 150 meters passes in 37 minutes. From a height, passengers have a gorgeous view not only of the whole of Singapore, but also of the embankments and neighboring islands.

This wheel is also notable for the fact that at its base is a three-story building that houses other places of entertainment: a fish spa, souvenir shops, cocktail bars.


Attraction opening hours: from 8.00 to 22.00. The first "arrival" the wheel makes at 8.30 in the morning. Adult ticket price is $33, child ticket is $21.

3 Star of Nanchang

Nanchang (China), 160 meters

The Chinese "Star of Nanchang" is ranked third in the world's top 10 tallest ferris wheels. It will take you to a height of 160 meters, and the journey will last approximately 30 minutes. Cozy cabins for eight people are air-conditioned. The view of the surroundings is especially beautiful in the evening, when the illumination of the city and the illumination of the wheel itself are turned on.


Cabins are almost never empty, due to the generally affordable price for a trip - $ 6. Attraction opening hours: 8.30-22.00.

4. London Eye

London (UK), 135 meters

Europe's largest London Eye rises 135 meters above the city. Incredibly beautiful building in itself. Built in 2000, the wheel has 32 booths, each symbolizing one of the suburbs. From the top point, a beautiful view of the whole city and its environs opens up.


It is better to buy tickets on the official website of the attraction, it is at a cost, and also choose one of the many interesting "programs" that are offered to visitors, for example, make a turn on the wheel in the company of a glass of champagne.

A standard ticket costs about $30. The wheel makes a complete revolution in 30 minutes.

5. Tianjin Eye

Tianjin (China), 120 meters

The Eye of Tianjin rises 120 meters above the bridge over the Hai River. This is the uniqueness of this magnificent building. It is the only wheel in the world standing on.