Biographies Characteristics Analysis

The reign of Tsar Fedor Ioannovich. Fyodor Ivanovich, blessed

Fedor I Ioannovich, also known by the name Theodore the Blessed, (May 11, 1557, Moscow - January 7 (17), 1598, Moscow) - Tsar of All Rus' and Grand Duke of Moscow from March 18 (28), 1584, the third son of Ivan IV the Terrible and Tsarina Anastasia Romanovna Zakharyina-Yuryeva, the last representative of Moscow branches of the Rurik dynasty. Canonized by the Orthodox Church as "Holy Blessed Theodore I Ioannovich, Tsar of Moscow". Commemorated on January 7 (20), Sunday before August 26 (according to the old style) / September 4 (according to the new style), i.e. first Sunday of September (Cathedral of Moscow Saints).

  • 1 Biography
  • 2 Death
  • 3 Major events during the reign of Fyodor Ioannovich
  • 4 Written sources about Fedor Ioannovich
  • 5 Ancestors
  • 6 Memory
    • 6.1 Orthodox Church
    • 6.2 Sculpture
    • 6.3 Burial
  • 7 Notes
  • 8 Literature


Upon the birth of his son, Ivan the Terrible ordered to build a church in the Feodorovsky Monastery in the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky. This temple in honor of Theodore Stratilates became the main cathedral of the monastery and has been preserved to this day.

On November 19, 1581, according to one of the unconfirmed versions inflicted by his father, the heir to the throne, Ivan, died from a wound. Since that time, Fedor became the heir to the royal throne.

According to Ivan the Terrible himself, Fedor was “a fasting and silent man, more for a cell than for sovereign power born.” From his marriage with Irina Fedorovna Godunova, he had one daughter (1592), Feodosia, who lived only nine months and died in the same year (according to other sources, she died in 1594). At the end of 1597, he fell mortally ill and died on January 7, 1598 at one in the morning. It stopped the Moscow line of the Rurik dynasty (offspring of Ivan I Kalita).

Most historians believe that Fedor was incapable of state activity, according to some sources, he was in poor health and mind; took little part in government, being under the tutelage first of the council of nobles, then of his brother-in-law Boris Fedorovich Godunov, who from 1587 was actually the co-ruler of the state, and after the death of Fedor became his successor. The position of Boris Godunov at the royal court was so significant that overseas diplomats sought audiences with Boris Godunov, his will was law. Fedor reigned, Boris ruled - everyone knew this both in Rus' and abroad.

Historian and philosopher S. M. Solovyov in "History of Russia from ancient times" describes the usual daily routine of the Sovereign as follows:

“He usually gets up around four in the morning. When he dresses and washes, the spiritual father comes to him with the Cross, to which the Tsar is applied. Then the cross clerk brings into the room the icon of the Saint celebrated on that day, before which the Tsar prays for about a quarter of an hour. The priest enters again with holy water, sprinkles the icons and the Tsar with it. Returning from the church, the Tsar sits down in a large room, where the boyars, who are in special favor, come to pay their respects ... At about nine o'clock, the Tsar goes to mass, which lasts two hours. After dinner and sleep, he goes to Vespers… Every week the Tsar goes on a pilgrimage to one of the nearby monasteries.”


Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich died on January 7, 1598. According to the testimony of Patriarch Job, in his dying languor the tsar talked with someone invisible to others, calling him the great Hierarch, and at the hour of his death a fragrance was felt in the Kremlin chambers. The Patriarch himself performed the Sacrament of Unction and communed the dying Tsar with the Holy Mysteries of Christ. Theodore Ioannovich died without issue, and with his death the Rurik dynasty on the royal throne in Moscow ended. He was buried in the Archangel Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin.

Major events during the reign of Fyodor Ioannovich

Reconstruction of Gerasimov

The Moscow Zemsky Sobor in 1584 elected the middle son of Ivan the Terrible, Fyodor Ioannovich, as tsar.

In 1584, the Don Cossacks took the oath of allegiance to Tsar Fedor Ioanovich.

In 1585-1591, the Russian architect Fyodor Savelyevich Kon erected the walls and towers of the White City. The length of the walls is 10 kilometers. Thickness - up to 4.5 meters. Height - from 6 to 7 meters.

In 1586, the famous Tsar Cannon was cast by the Russian cannon maker Andrei Chokhov.

1589 - the establishment of the patriarchate in Russia, the first patriarch was Job, an associate of Boris Godunov.

1590-1595 - Russian-Swedish war. Return of Russian cities: Pit, Ivangorod, Koporye, Korely.

The founder of the Romanov dynasty, Mikhail Fedorovich, was the cousin of Fedor I (since Fedor's mother, Anastasia Romanovna, was the sister of Mikhail's grandfather, Nikita Romanovich Zakharyin); the rights of the Romanovs to the throne were based on this relationship.

Written sources about Fyodor Ioannovich

According to the British diplomat Giles Fletcher:

“The current tsar (named Feodor Ivanovich) in relation to his appearance: small in stature, squat and plump, weak in physique and prone to water; his nose is hawkish, his tread is unsteady from a certain relaxation in his limbs; he is heavy and inactive, but always smiling, almost laughing. As for his other qualities, he is simple and weak-minded, but very amiable and good in handling, quiet, merciful, has no inclination for war, is little capable of political affairs and is extremely superstitious. Besides the fact that he prays at home, he usually goes on a pilgrimage every week in one of the nearby monasteries.

Dutch merchant and sales agent in Moscow Isaac Massa:

He was very kind, pious and very meek... He was so pious that he often wished to exchange his kingdom for a monastery, if only that were possible.

Clerk Ivan Timofeev gives Fedor the following assessment:

“With his prayers, my king kept the land unharmed from enemy machinations. He was meek by nature, very merciful and blameless to everyone, and, like Job, in all his ways guarded himself from every evil thing, loving piety, church grandeur and, after the holy priests, the monastic rank and even the lesser brothers in Christ, most of all, blessed in the gospel by the Lord himself. It's easy to say - he gave himself all over to Christ and all the time of his holy and reverend reign; not loving blood, like a monk, he spent in fasting, in prayers and supplications with kneeling - day and night, exhausting himself with spiritual exploits all his life ... Monasticism, united with the kingdom, without being divided, mutually adorned each other; he reasoned that for the future (life) one is no less important than the other, an unharnessed chariot leading to heaven. Both were visible only to one faithful, who were attached to him by love. From the outside, everyone could easily see him as a king, but inside, through the exploits of monasticism, he turned out to be a monk; in appearance he was a crowned bearer, and in his aspirations he was a monk.”

The testimony of an unofficial, in other words, a private historical monument, the Piskarevsky Chronicler, is extremely important. So much good has been said about Tsar Fedor that none of the Russian rulers got. He is called “pious”, “merciful”, “pious”, on the pages of the chronicle there is a long list of his works for the benefit of the Church. His death is perceived as a real catastrophe, as a harbinger of the worst troubles of Russia: “The sun is darker and ceased from its course, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars from heaven have fallen: for many Christian sins, the last luminary has died, the sovereign Tsar and Grand Duke Fyodor Ivanovich ... "Referring to the previous reign, the chronicler broadcasts with unusual tenderness:" And the noble and Christ-loving Tsar and Grand Duke Feodor Ivanovich reigned ... quietly and righteously, and mercifully, serenely. And all people are at peace and in love, and in silence, and in prosperity in that summer. In no summer, under which the tsar in the Russian land, except for the Grand Duke Ivan Danilovich Kalita, was there such peace and prosperity that under him, the rightful tsar and Grand Duke Theodore Ivanovich of all Russia. A contemporary and close to the court of the Sovereign, Prince I. M. Katyrev-Rostovsky said about the Sovereign as follows:

“He was noble from his mother’s womb and had no care about anything, only about spiritual salvation.” According to his testimony, in Tsar Theodore, “the kingdom was intertwined with the kingdom without division, and one served as an adornment to the other.”

The well-known historian V. O. Klyuchevsky wrote about St. Theodore in the following way:

“... blessed on the throne, one of those poor in spirit, to whom the Kingdom of Heaven, and not the earthly, befits, whom the Church so loved to include in her calendar”

In an article devoted to the glorification in the face of the holy Patriarchs Job and Tikhon, Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov) noted:

“Tsar Theodore Ioannovich was an amazing, bright person. It was truly a saint on a throne. He was constantly in contemplation and prayer, was kind to everyone, church service was his life, and the Lord did not overshadow the years of his reign with discord and confusion. They started after his death. It is rare that the Russian people loved and pitied a king so much. He was revered as a blessed and holy fool, called "the consecrated king." Not without reason, shortly after his death, he was included in the calendar of locally revered Moscow saints. The people saw in him the wisdom that comes from a pure heart and which the “poor in spirit” are so rich in. This is how Tsar Fyodor was portrayed in his tragedy by Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy. But for someone else's eyes, this sovereign was different. Foreign travelers, spies and diplomats (such as Pearson, Fletcher or the Swede Petreus de Erlesunda) who left their notes on Russia call him at best a "quiet idiot". And the Pole Lev Sapieha argued that “in vain they say that this sovereign has little reason, I am convinced that he is completely deprived of it.”



In the Orthodox Church

The veneration of the blessed Tsar began shortly after his death: the holy Patriarch Job (†1607) compiled The Tale of the Honest Life of Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich, and icon images of St. Theodore in a halo have been known since the beginning of the 17th century. “A description of the Russian saints in the book” (1st half of the 17th century) Tsar Theodore was placed in the guise of Moscow wonderworkers. In some handwritten calendars, among the Moscow saints, his wife, Tsarina Irina, in monasticism Alexander († 1603) is also indicated. The memory of Saint Theodore is celebrated on the day of his repose on January 7 (20) and on the Week before August 26 (September 8) in the Cathedral of Moscow Saints.


November 4, 2009 in Yoshkar-Ola, a monument was unveiled to Tsar Fedor I Ioannovich, during whose reign the city was founded (sculptor - People's Artist of the Russian Federation Andrei Kovalchuk).


He was buried in the Archangel Cathedral along with his father and brother Ivan, on the right side of the altar, behind the iconostasis of the cathedral.

Ivan the Terrible “during his lifetime prepared for himself a burial place in the deacon of the Archangel Cathedral, turning it into a side-chapel church. the tsar himself and his two sons Ivan Ivanovich and Fyodor Ivanovich subsequently found rest in her. The frescoes of the tomb are the few that have survived from the original painting of the 16th century. Here, in the lower tier, the compositions “Farewell of the Prince to the Family”, “Allegory of Sudden Death”, “Funeral Service” and “Burial” are presented, which make up a single cycle. It was intended to remind the autocrat of a non-hypocritical judgment, of the vanity of worldly fuss, of the incessant remembrance of death, which does not make out “whether there is a beggar, or a righteous man, or a master, or a slave.”


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Holy Blessed Theodore I Ioannovich, Tsar of Moscow, commemorated January 7 (20).
  2. 1 2 3 4 Dmitry Volodikhin. . Magazine "Foma" (September, 21 2009 08:11).
  3. Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov). Patriarchs of Troubled Times.
  4. Burials of Ivan the Terrible and his sons


  • Zimin A. A. the eve of formidable upheavals. - M., 1986.
  • Pavlov A.P. Sovereign court and political struggle under Boris Godunov (1584-1605). - St. Petersburg, 1992.
  • Morozova L.E. Two Tsars: Fedor and Boris. - M., 2001.
  • Volodikhin D. Tsar Fedor Ivanovich. - M., 2011.

Fedor I Ioannovich Information About

All rulers of Russia Vostryshev Mikhail Ivanovich

Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich (1557–1598)

Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich

Son of Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible and Anastasia Romanovna Zakharyina-Yuryeva. Fedor was born on May 31, 1557.

In 1580 he married the sister of the boyar Boris Godunov - Irina. On November 19, 1582, the eldest son of Ivan the Terrible, Ivan, was killed by his father, and from that time on, Fedor is considered the heir to the royal throne.

On the death of his father on March 18, 1584, Fedor Ivanovich became the Russian Tsar. “Having not inherited a royal mind,” writes Nikolai Karamzin, “Fyodor had neither the dignified appearance of his father, nor the courageous beauty of his grandfather and great-grandfather. He was small in stature, flabby in body, pale in face, always smiling, but without liveliness. He moved slowly, walked with uneven steps from weakness in his legs. In a word, he expressed in himself the premature exhaustion of natural and spiritual forces.

The entire administration of the state passed into the hands of the tsar's brother-in-law, Boris Fedorovich Godunov, who was, in essence, the real ruler of the Muscovite state. In 1585, he exposed a conspiracy of noble boyars who were trying to lure him to a feast and kill him there. Mstislavsky was tonsured a monk, the Vorotynskys, Golovins and Vorotynskys were exiled.

In 1586, the watch fortresses of Samara and Voronezh were founded, and in the same year the development of Siberia by the Russians began. On the site of the Tatar city of Chimgi-Tura, taken by Yermak in 1581, in 1586 the prison of Tyumen was founded. The following year, the city of Tobolsk was founded by a detachment of Cossacks from Danila Chulkov. In 1593, the cities of Obdorsk (Salekhard) and Belgorod were founded, in 1594 - Surgut on the Ob River and Tara on the Irtysh.

After the war with Sweden in 1590-1595, Russia's position in the Baltic was strengthened, Ivangorod and other Russian cities were returned.

In the summer of 1591, for the last time, the Horde army appeared at the walls of Moscow. The raid of the Crimean Khan Kazy Giray was unsuccessful, on July 4, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe Danilov Monastery, the Tatars were put to flight.

Exiled at the beginning of the reign of Fyodor Ivanovich to Uglich, Tsarevich Dmitry died on May 15, 1591 under unclear circumstances. The boyar Vasily Shuisky, sent there for investigation, reported on June 2 to the Boyar Duma that the prince had a seizure and he himself stabbed himself.

Under Fyodor Ivanovich, who was especially fond of church ceremonies, in 1589 a patriarchate was founded in Rus'. Job became the first patriarch.

In 1585, under the guidance of the architect Fyodor Savelyevich Kon, the construction of the walls of the White City began.

In 1592, St. George's Day was canceled - the day when the peasants of their own free will could move from one landowner to another.

In 1593, the ambassador of the Persian Shah Abbas I arrived in Moscow, who said that the Shah was ceding the Georgian principality of Iberia to the Russian Tsar.

Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich died on January 7, 1598, leaving no offspring. With his death, the direct branch of the Rurik dynasty on the Russian throne was cut short.

From the book Reconstruction of World History [text only] author

7.8. FEDOR IVANOVICH FEDOR IVANOVICH 1584-1598 by . See fig. 7.25. He is the son of SIMEON-IVAN. Peaceful reign without internal unrest. Hostilities in the Livonian War were stopped, but the separation of the West from the Empire as a result of the Reformation rebellion was not recognized as legal

From the book The Great Trouble. End of Empire author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

5. To whom did Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich bequeathed the throne? We are told that “Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich did not leave behind a will”, p. 106. This is very strange. Skrynnikov tries to explain this amazing circumstance by the "mental poverty" of Tsar Fedor. But this can be explained

From the book Book 1. New Chronology of Rus' [Russian Chronicles. "Mongol-Tatar" conquest. Kulikovo battle. Ivan the Terrible. Razin. Pugachev. Defeat of Tobolsk and author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

2.4. To whom Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich bequeathed the throne We are told that “Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich did not leave behind a will”, p. 106. This is very strange. Some historians are trying to explain this amazing circumstance by the "mental poverty" of Tsar Fedor. So of course

From the book New Chronology and the Concept of the Ancient History of Rus', England and Rome author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

To whom did Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich bequeathed the throne? We are told that “Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich did not leave behind a will” (, p. 106). It is very strange. Skrynnikov tries to explain this amazing circumstance by the "mental poverty" of Tsar Fedor. This can explain everything

author Klyuchevsky Vasily Osipovich

Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich (1584–1598) Fyodor was considered not of this world, since this world interested him very little, he lived in dreams of the kingdom of heaven. One of his contemporaries, Sapega, described the tsar as follows: small in stature, rather thin, with a quiet, even obsequious voice, with

From the book Textbook of Russian History author Platonov Sergey Fyodorovich

§ 63. Tsar Fedor Ivanovich and Boris Godunov The murder of Ivan the Terrible son. Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich (1584–1598). The Tsar's brother-in-law Boris Godunov and his boyar rivals. Godunov's regency over Fyodor Ioannovich. War with Sweden 1590–1595. Invasion of the Crimean Khan (1591). Development of Western

From the book Expulsion of Kings author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

1.4. To whom Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich bequeathed the throne We are told that “Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich did not leave behind a will”, p. 106. This is very strange. R.G. Skrynnikov tries to explain this amazing circumstance by the "mental poverty" of Tsar Fedor. But it's possible

From the book A complete course of Russian history: in one book [in a modern presentation] author Solovyov Sergey Mikhailovich

Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich (1584-1598) Theodore Ioannovich never prepared to be king, he was simply unsuitable for this. If the elder Ivan was smart, although he had the same temper as his father, and frightened close people with his character, then Fedor was meek, but with a mind

From the book Scaliger's Matrix author Lopatin Vyacheslav Alekseevich

Fyodor Ivanovich? Ivan Ivanovich Molodoy 1557 Birth of Ivan IV's son Fedor 1458 Birth of Ivan III's son Ivan 99 1584 Fedor becomes Grand Duke of Moscow 1485 Ivan becomes Grand Duke of Tver 99 1598 Death of Fedor 1490 Death of Ivan 108 Ivan Ivanovich died on March 7, and Fedor

From the book History of Rus' author author unknown

Fyodor Ioannovich (1584–1598) The second son of John IV, Fyodor, was distinguished by morbidity and weak mental abilities, which is why the rule of the state soon passed into the hands of the tsar's brother-in-law, the intelligent and far-sighted boyar Boris Godunov. Removing the disgrace and exile of all their

author Istomin Sergey Vitalievich

From the book Heroes and Scoundrels of the Time of Troubles author Manyagin Vyacheslav Gennadievich

Chapter 1 Fyodor Ivanovich FORGOTTEN Tsar In March 1584, the first Russian Tsar, Ivan the Terrible, died, poisoned by one of the courtiers bribed by the Jesuits. In the same way, a little earlier, in the autumn of 1581, the eldest son and heir of Ivan IV, Tsarevich Ivan, died from a poisonous potion.

From the book Alphabetical-reference list of Russian sovereigns and the most remarkable persons of their blood author Khmyrov Mikhail Dmitrievich

203. FEDOR I THE FIRST IVANOVICH, Tsar and Grand Duke of All Rus', son of Tsar Ivan IV Vasilyevich the Terrible from his first marriage with Anastasia Romanovna, daughter of the okolnichi Roman Yuryevich Zakharyin-Koshkin and his wife Ulyana, known only by name. Born in Moscow on May 11, 1557 .;

From the book Gallery of Russian Tsars author Latypova I. N.

From the book Moscow. Path to empire author Toroptsev Alexander Petrovich

Fyodor Ivanovich (1557-1598) The first son of Empress Anastasia The eldest son of Empress Anastasia Ivan, born in 1554, was, according to many chroniclers and contemporaries, "the second Terrible." Similar to his father outwardly, he is both in character, and robber nature, and "sensitivity to fame", and

From the book I know the world. History of Russian tsars author Istomin Sergey Vitalievich

Fedor Ivanovich - Blessed, Tsar and Sovereign of All Rus' Years of life 1557–1598 Years of reign 1584–1598 Father - Ivan Vasilievich the Terrible, autocrat, tsar. Mother - Anastasia Romanovna Zakharyina-Yuryeva, sister of Nikita Romanovich Zakharyin and aunt of his son, Fyodor Nikitich Romanov ,

    After Ivan IV the Terrible, the Russian tsar in 1584 was his son, Fyodor Ivanovich, the last tsar of the Rurik dynasty. His reign was the beginning of a period in national history, which was commonly referred to as the "Time of Troubles." The "time of troubles" refers to the events that took place in Russia in the period from the death of Ivan IV the Terrible (1584) to the accession to the throne of the first tsar from the Romanov dynasty, Mikhail Fedorovich (1613).

    The successor of Ivan the Terrible, Fyodor Ivanovich, was a weak and sickly man, unable to manage the vast Russian state. Realizing this, before his death, Ivan the Terrible appointed a council of five boyars to govern the country, which included representatives of noble Russian families and the oprichnina circle. The latter included Boris Godunov, who came to the fore during the period of the oprichnina. Fedor Ivanovich was married to his sister.

    Gradually, the influence of Boris Godunov is increasing more and more. Closely associated with the nobility, Boris Godunov remained an enemy of the nobility, a supporter of strong power. In 1587, he managed to liquidate the boyar council and take a place in the retinue of Fyodor Ivanovich. Thus, Boris Godunov becomes the de facto ruler of the Russian state.

    In 1598, Tsar Fedor Ivanovich dies, leaving no legacy ­ no throne. The Zemsky Sobor elected Boris Godunov as tsar, who had already received the legal sanction of his sole rule. A supporter of strict power, the new tsar continued his active policy of enslaving the peasantry. By the beginning of his reign, the compilation of scribe books was basically completed, which assigned the peasants working on their lands to the landowners. The distribution of lands to service people was continued at the expense of possessions taken from monasteries and disgraced boyars for the treasury.

    In 1597, a decree was issued on bonded serfs, according to which one who had served for free hire for more than six months turned into a bonded serf and was released only after the death of his master. At the same time, a decree on the establishment of the so-called "lesson years" was issued. "Lesson years" - this is the period during which the owners could bring a claim for the return of fugitive serfs to them. At first, this period was limited to five years, then, according to the Code of 1607, a fifteen-year period of investigation was introduced. Finally, according to the Council Code of 1649, "conscientious years" were canceled, and an indefinite search for fugitive peasants was introduced.

  1. Russia during the Time of Troubles.

    "Time of Troubles", or "great devastation of the Muscovite state", as they said then, lasted about ten years. The country was ruined, there was no "legitimate government" left in it.

    After the death of Ivan the Terrible, the cause of the Troubles was a dynastic crisis, for Ivan the Terrible, who died in 1584, left no successor. He killed his first son in a fit of rage in 1581, the second Fyodor was an imbecile, the third - Dmitry was a baby. Dying, the tsar created a regency council under his son Fyodor, where Boris Godunov concentrated power in his hands.

    In 1598, after the death of Fyodor, the Zemsky Sobor elected Boris Godunov as Tsar. It should be noted that he, being a major statesman, a cautious and persistent politician, achieved a solution to a number of issues in the interests of Russia in the foreign policy field, but the famine that broke out in the country as a result of the lean years of 1601-1602 led to mass mortality in the country (only in 127 thousand people died in Moscow). In 1605 Boris Godunov died suddenly. His death was preceded by an uprising of serfs in 1603, the appearance of False Dmitry I in 1604 and a split in Russian society in connection with this. The death of Godunov was followed by the Polish intervention and the occupation of Moscow, the uprising in Moscow against False Dmitry, the appearance of the second False Dmitry, the Bolotnikov uprising, the second Polish invasion, the creation of a people's militia in Nizhny Novgorod under the leadership of the zemstvo headman Kuzma Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky and the liberation of Moscow.

    Under these conditions, after the liberation of Moscow from the Poles, letters were sent around the country on the convocation of the Zemsky Sobor to elect a new tsar. The cathedral met in January 1613. It was the most representative cathedral in the entire history of medieval Russia, reflecting at the same time the balance of forces that had developed during the liberation war. A struggle broke out around the future king. In the end, they agreed on the candidacy of 16-year-old Mikhail Romanov, a relative of Ivan the Terrible's first wife. This circumstance, as it were, created the appearance of a continuation of the former dynasty of Russian princes. On February 21, 1613, the Zemsky Sobor elected Mikhail Romanov Tsar of Russia. From that time on, the rule of the Romanov dynasty in Russia began, which lasted a little over three hundred years, until February 1917.

    The Time of Troubles ends with the election in February 1613 to the Russian throne of 16-year-old Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov.

    Acute internal crises and lengthy wars were largely caused by the incompleteness of the process of state centralization, the lack of necessary conditions for the normal development of the country. The complex set of events of this period has been called by historians the “Time of Troubles.” At the same time, it was an important stage in the struggle for the establishment of the Russian centralized state.

Abstract on the academic discipline "History of Russia"

on the topic: "The Board of Fyodor Ioannovich".


1. Introduction

4. The main events associated with the reign of Fyodor Ioannovich.

5. Conclusion.

6. List of references.

1. Introduction.

Among the many Russian tsars who have ever ruled our country, the personality of Fedor Ioannovich - the last of the Rurik dynasty - seems to be especially controversial and largely underestimated. Distinguished by exceptional kindness, gentleness of disposition, piety, at first glance he seems the least suitable candidate for the royal throne. Until now, historians have not established a common opinion regarding this son of Ivan the Terrible. Some believe that it was practically an imbecile person, unable to govern the state, others (these opinions appeared recently) believe that Fedor Ioannovich was a man of a special warehouse, who, despite the lack of leadership qualities, managed to do a lot for his country.

Fedor Ioannovich was the middle son of Ivan the Terrible, was born on May 11, 1557 in Moscow. Already from childhood, he was distinguished by high spirituality, fiery faith, passion for church life. Obviously, he was the complete opposite of his father.

The figure of Fyodor Ioannovich is special in Russian history, distinguished by duality and mystery. An attempt to unravel this mystery was made not only by historians, but also by writers. Particularly interesting in this regard is the play by A.K. Tolstoy called "Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich". In it, contrary to popular belief, the monarch appears not as a "blissful little fool", but as a bright noble person, a true believer and a merciful person.

An important circumstance is the fact that Fyodor Ioannovich was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church, thanks to his piety, morality and extensive charitable activities.

The opposite situation is observed in secular journalism. There is a clear disregard for the last representative of the Rurik dynasty in it, negative reviews about him as a worthless person predominate. A review of the activities of Fyodor Ioannovich reveals somewhat different facts, and the circumstances that have been revealed stimulate a more thorough study of this issue. The incomplete knowledge of the topic at the moment makes it especially relevant.

2. The beginning of the reign of Fedor Ioannovich. Reasons for accession to the throne.

The fact has long been obvious: the death of a strong ruler (such as, for example, Ivan the Terrible) always causes confusion in his inner circle, inevitably there is a struggle for power, a struggle for political inheritance and influence. A similar situation developed before the coronation of the third son of Ivan the Terrible - Fedor Ioannovich. A.N. Bokhanov focuses on the following circumstance: “The accession to the throne of Fedor Ioannovich was far from desirable for everyone, because Fedor was not created for the royal role; his father also said that he was “a faster and a silent one”” [Boch; 202].

There were many reasons that prevented the ascension of the new king to the throne. These are various tribal groups that did not sympathize with the son of Ivan the Terrible; and his special personal qualities. Maria Nagaya and the Shuisky family, spreading rumors about the mental retardation of Fyodor Ioannovich, pursued their own goals. So, Maria Nagaya, being the mother of Tsarevich Dmitry, believed that it was her son who was the rightful heir, and the Shuiskys were very afraid of the inevitable promotion of Boris Godunov, who was the brother of Fyodor Ioannovich Irina's wife. In addition, they did not like Irina's inability to have children. “The childlessness of the queen,” writes A.N. Bokhanov, - became the main core of the court intrigue of the Shuiskys against Tsar Fyodor" [Boch; 282]. They sought the divorce of Irina and Fedor, but were powerless before the love of the spouses. The behavior and position of Fyodor Ioannovich in this situation refute his reputation as a "weak-willed", "blissful" and "feeble-minded" person. Here he shows incredible determination, demonstrates amazing willpower. However, Fedor Ioannovich had not only opponents, but also allies. These include the boyar Nikita Romanov (in the near future - the founder of a famous dynasty) and Prince Ivan Fedorovich Mstislavsky, who, however, supported Fedor Ivanovich only until 1586 - until the divorce plot, which was not rejected by him. After this betrayal, Mstislavsky fell into disfavor and ended his days in a monastery (these events took place with the direct participation of Boris Godunov).

So, as a result of everything, an inevitable event occurred: Fyodor Ioannovich was married to the kingdom at the age of twenty-seven. This event took place on May 31, 1584. The English diplomat Jerome Horsey, a contemporary of Fyodor Ioannovich and Godunov, describes these historical events that he witnessed as follows: and common people (cominaltie), but it was quickly suppressed. Immediately, on the same night, the boyar Boris Fyodorovich Godunov, Prince Ivan Petrovich Shuisky and Bogdan Yakovlevich Belsky - all of them were appointed to confirm his son Fyodor Ioannovich on the throne, swore each other, all the nobility and officials ”[Horsey; 141].

According to D.M. Volodikhin, the imminent uprising of Muscovites turned out to be not so much anxiety, anger or confusion, but orchestrated actions that were organized by groups belonging to the political elite. In Russian chronicles, there are many references to “great confusion” and enmity between aristocrats [Ryur; 343]. They managed to calm the rebels by exile objectionable and the organization of the imminent wedding of Fyodor Ioannovich.

So, the obvious reason for Fedor Ioannovich's accession to the throne was the desire to suppress unrest in the country. Another reason - no less important - is as follows: Tsarevich Fedor was in 1584 the only legitimate son of Ivan IV, there were no equivalent contenders for the throne in principle. His characteristics are noteworthy: “an adult, known throughout the country, married, royal blood from royal blood, a good Christian” [Ryur; 344]. So, the choice regarding the new king was obvious to all the people, the approval of his candidacy was undeniable and unanimous. The congress of the highest clergy for the coronation made a special impression, which created an imitation of the Zemsky Sobor, the selection process, although in reality this did not happen.

The reign of Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich lasted thirteen and a half years. In Russian historiography, this era was usually presented as a "faceless time", and the king himself - as "blessed" [Boch; 207]. No great victories or accomplishments were expected from him. A.N. Bokhanov writes: “Even very knowledgeable historians, but deprived of the “spiritual eye”, could not understand and accept the new image of power; for them, the words “blessed and holy fool” were synonymous, denoting only a form of mental disability” [Boch; 207]. This is how the famous historian E.F. characterizes the new tsar from the Rurik dynasty. Shmurlo: “The young Tsar Fedor, who succeeded Ivan the Terrible, was a man incapable of governing the state: offended by nature in his mind - a quiet fool, stupidly smiling, with a meek soul, who did not intentionally harm anyone in his life, but unable to do real good, he was like on the blessed one” [Shm; 223]. The scientist focuses on the inability of Fedor to be at the head of the state, weakened by heavy wars and twenty years of arbitrariness of Ivan the Terrible. It should be noted that such an opinion is not undeniable and objective. A new view of historians on the believing and merciful Theodore the Blessed makes it possible to reveal other details of his reign, which will be discussed below.

The ups and downs associated with intrigues and unrest push the beginning of the reign of Fyodor Ioannovich into the shadows. These events, which have come to the fore, do not occur by the will of the new king and therefore seem to implore his role in governing the country. At the same time, according to the apt remark of D.M. Volodikhin, “the dirt of palace intrigues does not stick to the biography of Fyodor Ioannovich” [Ryur; 343].

Chronicles left to posterity a story about the beginning of the reign of Theodore the Blessed. And in them one can hardly find signs of dementia or inappropriate behavior. The tsar's speeches cited in the documents point to him as a thinking and intellectual person, capable of "reproducing aloud and in public a flowery ideological construction" [Ryur; 353].

And yet it is generally accepted that Fyodor Ioannovich was only formally in power, but in fact the country was ruled by his brother-in-law Boris Godunov. But from the position of today, this scheme seems too simple. Of course, Godunov played a huge role in the politics of Russia of this period, but the role of Fyodor Ioannovich cannot be completely excluded, if only because in order to implement his plans, Godunov had to be in active interaction with the tsar, coordinate his plans with him, and maintain good relations. According to D.M. Volodikhina, Fyodor Ioannovich and Boris Godunov were an example of a successful partnership, co-government, as if they were selected by the “Heavenly Director” himself [Ruhr; 366]. The people loved their tsar very much, seeing in him a strong prayer book for all of Rus', who, moreover, gave him rest from the activities of the former, formidable, tsar. D.M. Volodikhin writes: “In his constant prayer, in his piety, in his devout zeal, they saw a kind of mystical shield blocking the path of great troubles in Russia” [Ruhr; 366]. It was a high mission. And for the so-called. The "low" mission needed Godunov. For practical actions, the latter needed the permission of the tsar, and he gave it, as a result of which Godunov's actions received legal force. Therefore, it is fundamentally wrong to attribute all the achievements to the exclusively enterprising brother-in-law of Fyodor Ioannovich: the tsar himself did something, something was done by their tandem, and everything else was done by Godunov. A lot has been done in the first two and a half years. The most important thing was the establishment of the country's political course in all major areas. Relying on the outstanding qualities of Boris Fedorovich - such as unbending will, extraordinary mind, courage and determination - Fedor Ioannovich managed to keep the country in a state of relative peace and tranquility. The most important problems relating to defense, land expansion and the establishment of the patriarchal throne were resolved. In addition, the most important merit of the king is the defeat of the Swedes, who did not leave the Russian land alone. Such was the activity of Fyodor Ivanovich in the first half of his reign, until 1592. In the second half of the reign, the leading role in state affairs belongs to Boris Godunov.

3. Significance of Boris Godunov in government.

Boris Godunov was a descendant of the Tatar Murza Chet, a native of the Horde during the time of Ivan Kalita. Godunov managed to advance even under Ivan the Terrible. He was not on the lists of the oprichnina, and yet he was very close to her; his reputation remained unsullied, but the connection with the unsavory past did not pass him in vain: in the eyes of many, he was a “daring upstart” [Shm; 224]. The attitude of the elite of that time towards Godunov is very accurately conveyed in the brilliant drama of A.S. Pushkin: “Yesterday’s slave, Tatar, Malyuta’s son-in-law, / The executioner’s son-in-law and the executioner himself in his soul ...” [Pushkin;].

Godunov put the government in order and put an end to the atrocities that had been going on in the previous reign. In relations with foreign states, Godunov honorably maintained the dignity of the Russian name. Developing the traditions of government laid by the previous Russian tsars, in particular, Ivan the Terrible, Godunov resolutely moved towards his goals - the arrangement of the external life of the country and internal security. Through his labors, a large program for the development of new territories and the strengthening of the economic and administrative order in the old ones began to be implemented. In order to prevent extortion, the “sovereign people” were doubled in maintenance, and bribery began to be regarded as a “crime of the first order” [Boch; 214].

Obviously, since 1592, no special merits have been noted in the reign of Ivan Fedorovich. This is because political, religious and cultural circumstances do not require the direct intervention of the king. He prays for his country, capital and people, goes on pilgrimages, and does charity work. And although he is present at diplomatic events, he leaves his brother-in-law to negotiate. When Queen Irina suddenly gives birth to a long-awaited child, the king experiences a special period of hope; when the girl dies soon, his life is filled with sorrow. And the state at this time is ruled by the brother of the wife.

In the middle, the second half of the 1590s, global tasks related to foreign policy were solved in the country: this was the conclusion of the Tyavzinsky peace with the Swedes, the large-scale development of Siberia and the steppe south, and the strengthening of defense at the Oka line. A large, practical part belongs to Godunov in this state work. It is noteworthy that after the death of Fyodor Ioannovich, luck turns away from Godunov. The famine of 1601 and the murder of Tsarevich Dimitry in Uglich especially affected the deterioration of his situation. The main enemy of Godunov is an impostor who called himself the resurrected prince. False Dmitry unfolds an active military campaign against Godunov, which ended with his victory and a brief accession to the throne. Boris Godunov died in April 1605, his family was killed.

Thus, the importance of Boris Godunov in government is obvious. He developed the principles of government laid down by the previous Russian tsars, strengthened the external and internal position of Rus'. In addition, he was an ideal couple in tandem with Fyodor Ivanovich, showing determination, practicality and an unbending will - qualities that the tsar lacked.

4. The main events associated with the reign of Fyodor Ioannovich.

The significance of the activities of Fyodor Ioannovich is determined primarily by his historical deeds - those that contributed to the rise of the Russian state and the Russian people. The first major such act was the establishment of the patriarchate in Moscow. This is followed by such an important event as the liberation of Ivangorod, Yam and Koporye from the occupation of the Swedes. The third event was the founding of the Donskoy Monastery near Moscow after Kazy-Girey was destroyed. There are other epochal events that could not have taken place without the participation of Fedor I. We are talking about the restoration of the Zachatievsky Monastery, the construction of a large number of churches, the resumption of book printing in Moscow. D.M. Volodikhin states: “But the three great events named by the first are so large-scale in their significance and so inextricably linked with the personality of Fyodor Ioannovich that they should be considered the main merits of the sovereign; it is they who must be remembered first of all when it comes to his reign and his influence on the course of affairs in the Russian state” [Vol; 224].

But the activities of Fyodor Ioannovich are not limited only to spiritual deeds. Here we can say about the achievements in foreign policy, which under Tsar Fedor was very successful, and domestic. It is important to know: the result of a brief war between Sweden and Russia was the return of the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland, which was lost by the previous king, as well as the conclusion of "eternal peace" with Sweden (1595). Aggression from the Crimean Khan was also repulsed. Siberia was successfully developed, thanks to which new lands were conquered, and there was an active process of colonization of the country (this is how the cities of Tobolsk and Tyumen (1589) appeared), as well as a significant number of other cities that played the role of “strongholds of Russian colonization” [Pushk; 159].

The most important event in domestic politics was the formation of the patriarchate in Moscow (this happened in 1589). Having received the consent of the Orthodox patriarchs of the Eastern Church, Metropolitan Job of Moscow became Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'. This circumstance raised the Moscow Church to a new level, indicating its peculiarity and independence.

Having retreated from active state activity in the second half of his reign, John Fedorovich suddenly brightly manifests himself during the infamous fire of 1594, which happened in Moscow in Kitay-Gorod. The fire element was very strong and destroyed a considerable number of various buildings, including temples and monasteries. Fyodor Ioannovich was very saddened by what had happened and rendered great help to the victims of the fire, both morally and materially: “Fyodor Ivanovich at that time visited the Pafnutiev-Borovsky Monastery and arrived in a great torment, and favors the people: he comforts and gives benefits” [Vol ; 225]. On "benefits" and money from the royal treasury, Kitai-Gorod was rebuilt. It is impossible not to mention the forty-ton Tsar Cannon, cast in 1586. And this powerful tool is also a gift to the Russian people from the God-fearing tsar-prayer.

Fedor Ioannovich gave his people the opportunity for spiritual uplift and moral respite between the oprichnina and the Time of Troubles. After his death, he left the country stronger, matured and expanded its possessions. Tsar Fedor died on January 7, 1598, was soon canonized, and his memory takes place twice a year: January 7, according to the old style - January 20, according to the new and August 26, according to the old style, and September 8, in a new way.

5. Conclusion.

Innate holiness made the figure of Fyodor Ivanovich special among the Russian tsars. The duality of his personality gave rise to disputes that are still ongoing: whether the last monarch from the Rurik dynasty was a madman or a saint during his lifetime, blessed, a prayer book for all of Rus' and all the people. Before agreeing with the first opinion, it is necessary to recall his political and state achievements. This is, first of all, a relatively peaceful situation (the war with the Swedes allowed Russia to return the lost lands, while Ivan the Terrible lost the Livonian War), the establishment of the patriarchate, the pacification of the Tatar hordes, which during the time of Ivan the Terrible did atrocities. Meek Fyodor Ivanovich managed to pacify them. During his reign, there was a significant breakthrough in the development of the lands of the Urals and Siberia, a large number of monasteries and temples and cities arose. And most importantly, the people loved their blessed king, and the short period of his reign was remembered as a blessed time between the warlike and merciless reign of Ivan the Terrible and the subsequent Time of Troubles.

6. List of references.

1. Bokhanov A.N. Boris Godunov / A.N. Bokhanov. - M.: Veche, 2012. - 352 p.

2.Volodikhin D.M. Tsar Fedor Ivanovich / D.M. Volodikhin. - M.: Young Guard, 2011. - 255 p.

3.Volodikhin D.M. Rurikovichi / D.M. Volodikhin. - 2nd ed. - M.: Young Guard, 2015. - 484 p.

4. Gorsay J. Notes on Russia. XVI - beginning of the XVII century. Ed. V.L. Yanina; Per. and comp. A.V. Sevastyanova. / J. Horsey. - M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1990. - 288 p.

5. Pushkarev S.G. Review of Russian history / Pushkarev S.G. - Stavropol: Caucasian region, 1993. - 416 p.

6. Pushkin A. S. Boris Godunov // Pushkin A. S. Works. In 3 volumes. V.2. poems; Eugene Onegin; Dramatic works. - M.: Fiction, 1986. - 527 p.

7. Tolstoy A. K. Tsar Fedor Ioannovich // Tolstoy A. K. Dramatic trilogy. - M.: Pravda, 1987. - 544 p.

8. Shmurlo E.F. History of Russia 862 - 1917 / E.F. Shmurlo. - M.: Agraf, 1997. - 736 p.

Burial place Archangel Cathedral (Moscow) Genus Rurikovichi Father Ivan IV the Terrible Mother Spouse Irina Fyodorovna Godunova Children daughter: Feodosia Fedor Ivanovich at Wikimedia Commons

Fedor I Ioannovich, also known by the name Theodore the Blessed, (May 31, 1557, Moscow - January 7 (17), Moscow) - the Tsar of All Rus' and the Grand Duke of Moscow from March 18 (28), the third son of Ivan IV the Terrible and Empress Anastasia Romanovna Zakharyina-Yuryeva, the last representative of the Moscow branch of the dynasty Rurikovich. Canonized by the Orthodox Church as "Holy Blessed Theodore I Ioannovich, Tsar of Moscow". Commemorated January 7 (20), Sunday before August 26 (September 8), that is, the first Sunday in September (Cathedral of Moscow Saints).


When Fyodor was born, Ivan the Terrible ordered the construction of a church in the Feodorovsky Monastery in the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky. This temple in honor of Theodore Stratilates became the main cathedral of the monastery and has been preserved to this day. According to legend, at the site of the prince's birth, in the Sobilka tract, 4 km from the city in the direction of Moscow, a stone chapel-cross was erected, which has also survived to this day.

On November 19, 1581, the heir to the throne, Ivan, died from a wound, according to one of the unconfirmed versions inflicted by his father. Since that time, Fedor became the heir to the royal throne.

According to Ivan the Terrible himself, Fedor was "a fasting and silent man, more for a cell, than born for sovereign power." From his marriage to Irina Fedorovna Godunova, he had one daughter (), Feodosia, who lived only nine months and died in the same year (according to other sources, she died in 1594). At the end of 1597, Fedor fell mortally ill and died on January 7 (17) of the year at one in the morning. It stopped the Moscow line of the Rurik dynasty (offspring of Ivan I Kalita).

Most historians believe that Fedor was incapable of state activity, according to some sources, he was in poor health and mind; took little part in government, being under the tutelage first of the council of nobles, then of his brother-in-law Boris Fedorovich Godunov, who from 1587 was actually the co-ruler of the state, and after the death of Fedor became his successor. The position of Boris Godunov at the royal court was so significant that overseas diplomats sought audiences with Boris Godunov, his will was law. Fedor reigned, Boris ruled - everyone knew this both in Rus' and abroad.

Major events of the reign

Reconstruction of Gerasimov

  • 1584 - elected to the kingdom by the Moscow Zemsky Sobor. Arkhangelsk was founded at the mouth of the Northern Dvina;
  • 1586 - Tsar Cannon was cast. Samara and Tyumen were founded along the route of the Old Kazan road, Ufa was raised to the status of a city. Voronezh is founded on the Don;
  • 1587 - Tobolsk was founded by Isker near the capital of the Siberian Khanate;
  • 1589 - The Moscow Patriarchate was established with the first patriarch Job. Tsaritsyn was founded near the former capital of the Golden Horde, Sarai-Berke;
  • 1590 - Saratov founded;
  • 1591 - construction of the White City of Moscow was completed;
  • 1593 - Stary Oskol was founded
  • 1594 - Tara and Surgut fortresses were founded on the western border of the Piebald Horde;
  • 1595 - the Russian-Swedish war of 1590-1595 ended, as a result of which the coast of the Baltic Sea was returned to Russia (the cities of Yam, Ivangorod, Koporye, Korela). Obdorsk was founded at the mouth of the Ob, and the construction of the Babinovskaya road to Siberia began.

Written sources about Fyodor Ioannovich

According to the English diplomat Giles Fletcher:

“The current tsar (named Feodor Ivanovich) in relation to his appearance: small in stature, squat and plump, weak in physique and prone to water; his nose is hawkish, his tread is unsteady from a certain relaxation in his limbs; he is heavy and inactive, but always smiling, almost laughing. As for his other qualities, he is simple and weak-minded, but very amiable and good in handling, quiet, merciful, has no inclination for war, is little capable of political affairs and is extremely superstitious. Besides the fact that he prays at home, he usually goes on a pilgrimage every week in one of the nearby monasteries.

Dutch merchant and sales agent in Moscow Isaac Massa:

He was very kind, pious, and very meek… He was so pious that he often wished to exchange his kingdom for a monastery, if only that were possible.

“Russians call him ‘durak’ in their language.”

“With his prayers, my king kept the land unharmed from enemy machinations. He was meek by nature, very merciful and blameless to everyone, and, like Job, in all his ways guarded himself from every evil thing, loving piety, church grandeur and, after the holy priests, the monastic rank and even the lesser brothers in Christ, most of all, blessed in the gospel by the Lord himself. It's easy to say - he gave himself all over to Christ and all the time of his holy and reverend reign; not loving blood, like a monk, he spent in fasting, in prayers and supplications with kneeling - day and night, exhausting himself with spiritual exploits all his life ... Monasticism, united with the kingdom, without being divided, mutually adorned each other; he reasoned that for the future (life) one is no less important than the other, [being] an unharnessed chariot leading to heaven. Both were visible only to one faithful, who were attached to him by love. From the outside, everyone could easily see him as a king, but inside, through the exploits of monasticism, he turned out to be a monk; in appearance he was a crowned bearer, and in his aspirations he was a monk.”

The testimony of an unofficial, in other words, a private historical monument, the Piskarevsky Chronicler, is extremely important. So much good has been said about Tsar Fedor that none of the Russian rulers got. He is called "pious", "merciful", "pious", the pages of the annals contain a long list of his works for the benefit of the Church. His death is perceived as a real catastrophe, as a harbinger of the worst troubles of Russia: “The sun is darker and ceased from its current, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars have fallen from heaven: for the many sins of the Christian, the last luminary has died, the collector and benefactor of all the Russian land, the sovereign tsar and Grand Duke Fedor Ivanovich ...” Referring to the former reign, the chronicler broadcasts with unusual tenderness: “And the noble and Christ-loving Tsar and Grand Duke Feodor Ivanovich reigned ... quietly and righteously, and mercifully, serenely. And all people are at peace and in love, and in silence, and in prosperity in that summer. In no summer, under which the tsar in the Russian land, except for the Grand Duke Ivan Danilovich Kalita, such peace and prosperity did not exist, that under him, the rightful tsar and Grand Duke Theodore Ivanovich of all Russia ”. A contemporary and close to the court of the Sovereign, Prince I. M. Katyrev-Rostovsky said about the Sovereign as follows:

“He was noble from his mother’s womb and had no care about anything, only about spiritual salvation.” According to him, in Tsar Theodore, "the kingdom was intertwined with the kingdom without bifurcation, and one served as an adornment to the other" .

In an article devoted to glorification in the face of the holy Patriarchs Job and Tikhon, Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov) noted:

“Tsar Theodore Ioannovich was an amazing, bright person. It was truly a saint on a throne. He was constantly in contemplation and prayer, was kind to everyone, church service was his life, and the Lord did not overshadow the years of his reign with discord and confusion. They started after his death. It is rare that the Russian people loved and pitied a king so much. He was revered as a blessed and holy fool, called "the consecrated king." Not without reason, shortly after his death, he was included in the calendar of locally revered Moscow saints. The people saw in him the wisdom that comes from a pure heart and which the "poor in spirit" are so rich in. This is exactly how Tsar Fedor was portrayed in his tragedy by Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy. But for someone else's eyes, this sovereign was different. Foreign travelers, spies and diplomats (such as Pearson, Fletcher or the Swede Petreus de Erlezunda) who left their notes on Russia call him at best a "silent idiot". And the Pole Lev Sapieha argued that “in vain they say that this sovereign has little reason, I am convinced that he is completely deprived of it” ” .
