Biographies Characteristics Analysis

Joga callsign Voha. The new battalion commander of "Sparta" Vladimir Zhoga: The order established by Motorola will remain in the battalion

why the knees of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are shaking at the mention of Vladimir Zhoga

Who is he, the battalion commander of the legendary "Sparta" with the call sign "Vokha"? All about the youngest army commander of the Donetsk People's Republic.

Recently, the fifth series of a documentary series about the war in Donbass was released, authored by war correspondent, WarGonzo project manager Semyon Pegov. The film tells about the famous militiaman Vladimir Zhoga (call sign Vokha). "Vokha" joined the ranks of the militia from the first days of the confrontation in Ukraine. He could not calmly look at the injustice and oppression of his people. He first encountered the war in his hometown in the spring of 2014, at which time he met Arsen Pavlov, a little later he became his deputy. The film tells about what was the path of a young boy, and what he had to endure, as well as why he joined the ranks of the militia.

"When the war started, I was 19 years old. How did I live before that? Work, nightclubs, parties. Everything, I was not interested in anything else. My father and I had a business, we were engaged in fish, were entrepreneurs, had several outlets. We lived they didn’t grieve,” recalls the battalion commander of Sparta.

And then the war came. And "Vokha" joined the militia. When Arsen Pavlov, commander of the DPR Sparta army battalion, was vilely killed, the Motorola seemed to be decapitated, but the unit did not crumble. After his death, a 23-year-old guy from Slavyansk, Vladimir Zhoga, became the successor of Motorola. He became the youngest battalion commander in the CIS.

Some said he was too young for such a task. However, "Vokha" proved that in such cases the main thing is not age, but strength of mind. Here, for example, is what his colleagues say about "Voh":

“To spite the enemies, we became more organized and stronger. And this is the merit of our Vokha. We all took it well when he became our battalion commander, he had a very good authority in our unit. Regarding his age, I will say this - there is such a saying is “they beat beyond their years, they beat them in the face.” Sometimes a person will live his whole life and at 50 he is an oak tree, he has not done anything in this life, but it happens that people are already in command of regiments at the age of 16,” said a colleague.

"Sparta" is a unit whose name makes many Ukrainian warriors shake their knees. During the most heated battles in 2014 and 2015, Sparta was an assault unit. Now it is a separate reconnaissance battalion, the eyes and ears of the Donetsk People's Republic.

"Our commander (Motorola", - ed.) had his own rules, his own game. We will not change anything. In our unit it will be as he said. Our main task is to identify the enemy and ... you yourself understand that ...", - notes "Vokha".

The battalion commander of the battalion "Sparta" Vladimir Zhoga (Vokha) had an accident. His girlfriend died in a car accident, and Vokha himself is in intensive care. Doctors assess the battalion commander's condition as stable and serious. The Ukrainian media have already staged a dance about this. The wounded battalion commander in the Kyiv publications is not called otherwise than the "leader of the gang" and "terrorist". And very in vain.

We met the battalion commander of the legendary Sparta just over a year ago. I remember that the operator and I were then taken to the front line, to the devastated Donetsk Airport - here every square meter is sprinkled with the blood of the "Spartans", so for these guys the place is special: they are standing on these ruins, they will not leave this bombed-out take-off.

Vokha at first made a strange impression: short, slightly reddish beard, camouflage. Shaved under the "hedgehog" head, covered in small scars, a barely noticeable speech impediment. With the battalion commander, we turned out to be the same age, at that time we were both 23. It was all the more surprising to watch how a short kid, with whom under other circumstances I could sit at the same desk at school, obeys the fighters who went through both Chechnya and Afghanistan. Not even, “obey” is not the right word. This is a real army discipline, the battalion commanders obey, follow orders. The authority of 23-year-old Vova Zhoga is indisputable for them.

On the day Vokha and I met, I came under mortar fire - all in the same place, at the Donetsk airport. When the “arrivals” were over, the cameraman and a few other fighters and I jogged across a small open area to an impromptu “command post”. With indescribable irony in his eyes, the battalion commander calmly offered to visit the nearest front-line closet.

Vokha is somewhat similar to the dashing hussar of the Denis Davydov model, as if transferred from World War II to the harsh and much less aristocratic realities of Ukrainian terror in the Donbass. In the lively eyes of Vokha, a slight cunning never ceases to play, a hint of a joke, every second a readiness to pin up.

An adult beyond his years, but childishly addicted. On the front line - a real field commander. Leading one of the most important units of the DPR, he never missed the opportunity to come to the front in person. Not even always for a fight, but just like that - to support the fighters. The restless nature of the battalion commander is also eloquently evidenced by his car - an armored off-road vehicle covered in bullet marks. Some flew straight into the windshield.

Photo source: TV channel "360"

At the same time, Vokha sometimes resembles a big child. If there is a day off (and this does not happen too often), the battalion commander of the most important army unit of the unrecognized republic is ready to sit for hours at the game console. Yes, and he trains fighters in his own way: he perfects the tactics of platoons to automatism, playing airsoft with them.

And this is his whole, contradictory, but inevitably commanding respect, battalion commander by nature. Still, it was not without reason that the late Motorola chose and brought him closer. One could say that Vohe is a war to face - but I don’t really want to. After all, if so, then what is the world worth, where 18-year-old guys (namely, that's how many Vokha were during the first shelling of his native Slavyansk) are easier to imagine in the trenches than studying or on a date? Whatever it was, but the war tempered the character of the battalion commander stronger than any steel

Vokha has been fighting since the very beginning of the conflict in Donbass. At first he was in the self-defense units of Slavyansk. Then he joined the detachment of Arsen Pavlov, known as Motorola (yes, the same one). He modestly talks about himself in an interview: "the whole body is scarred." And indeed it is. Vokha went through a lot, "looked death in the eyes" - this is not about him. With the bony Vladimir Zhoga, perhaps he did not dance the tango. And get out of this mess. So the “yellow-blues” rejoiced too early. And who is the "gang leader" and "terrorist" time will tell. Although I already know the answer to this question today. Get well soon, comrade!

Donbass, 14 November.

Who is he, the battalion commander of the legendary "Sparta" with the call sign "Vokha"? All about the youngest army commander of the Donetsk People's Republic.

Recently, the fifth series of a documentary series about the war in Donbass was released, authored by war correspondent, WarGonzo project manager Semyon Pegov. The film tells about the famous militiaman Vladimir Zhoga (call sign Vokha). "Vokha" joined the ranks of the militia from the first days of the confrontation in Ukraine. He could not calmly look at the injustice and oppression of his people. He first encountered the war in his hometown in the spring of 2014, at which time he met Arsen Pavlov, a little later he became his deputy. The film tells about what was the path of a young boy, and what he had to endure, as well as why he joined the ranks of the militia.

"When the war started, I was 19 years old. How did I live before that? Work, nightclubs, parties. Everything, I was not interested in anything else. My father and I had a business, we were engaged in fish, were entrepreneurs, had several outlets. We lived they didn’t grieve,” recalls the battalion commander of Sparta.

And then the war came. And "Vokha" joined the militia. When Arsen Pavlov, commander of the DPR Sparta army battalion, was vilely killed, the Motorola seemed to be decapitated, but the unit did not crumble. After his death, a 23-year-old guy from Slavyansk, Vladimir Zhoga, became the successor of Motorola. He became the youngest battalion commander in the CIS.

Some said he was too young for such a task. However, "Vokha" proved that in such cases the main thing is not age, but strength of mind. Here, for example, is what his colleagues say about "Voh":

“To spite the enemies, we became more organized and stronger. And this is the merit of our Vokha. We all took it well when he became our battalion commander, he had a very good authority in our unit. Regarding his age, I will say this - there is such a saying is “they beat beyond their years, they beat them in the face.” Sometimes a person will live his whole life and at 50 he is an oak tree, he has not done anything in this life, but it happens that people are already in command of regiments at the age of 16,” said a colleague.

"Sparta" is a unit whose name makes many Ukrainian warriors shake their knees. During the most heated battles in 2014 and 2015, Sparta was an assault unit. Now it is a separate reconnaissance battalion, the eyes and ears of the Donetsk People's Republic.

"Our commander (Motorola", - ed.) had his own rules, his own game. We will not change anything. In our unit it will be as he said. Our main task is to identify the enemy and ... you yourself understand that ...", - notes "Vokha".

The DNR told who instead of "Motorola" will lead the battalion "Sparta"

The Sparta battalion in the Donetsk People's Republic will be commanded by the former deputy head of the unit with the call sign Vokha. Media reports about it.

The new battalion commander "Vokha" promised that he would continue the work of Arseny Pavlov, who was killed by unknown people.

Vokha noted that his candidacy was chosen unanimously and he is ready to continue the work of Motorola, who was killed by unknown people in his house in Donetsk. The new battalion commander stressed that he would “greatly upset” those who expect Sparta to give up their positions.

Intersecting with Motorola, I almost always saw Vokha nearby: a short, very calm, taciturn young man with a small beard.

It was difficult to tell how old he was, but I definitely thought he was over twenty-five: after all, he was the deputy battalion commander. And what a battalion! - known, frankly, half the world.

Maybe we saw each other five times or so, but exchanged for all those two-plus years that I knew Motorola, except for a couple of phrases.

I didn’t see Vokha in battle, but on the other hand, in a variety of circumstances, I saw him, and more than once, the famous military commander Semyon Pegov always told me that Vokha was an extremely fearless person. Pegov understands this, he himself is fearless. And if he praises someone, then the degree of courage should be such that you won’t immediately find a suitable epithet for her.

The fact that only he could be the heir of Motor, no one doubted: whenever Motor was not in the unit for one reason or another, it was Vokha who replaced him. Vladimir Joga.

We met in the unit, I brought money for Lena - the wife, and now the widow of Arsen Pavlov - they were collected in a couple of days by a variety of people from all over Russia and asked to be transferred - so that the hero's children would not need anything.

While we were talking, we were interrupted several times by soldiers and officers of the "Sparta" who were entering for one reason or another.

This, I won’t hide it, is impressive: healthy men, about fifty years old, come in, Vokha calmly gives them commands, they leave. The fact that the new Sparta battalion commander is only 23 years old is hard not to appreciate, of course.

Vokha, in a nutshell, if I may: who are your parents, where were you born, where did you study?

I was born in 1993 in Donetsk, but we did not live here for long. When I was still small, the family moved to Slavyansk. Until May 2014, I was an ordinary guy: minding my own business, studying, working.

What were the parents doing?

Father - he had a small business. I helped him from the age of fourteen. My mother was a housewife. But they parted early, did not live together. He went in for sports - mainly football, for a long time, received diplomas ... He graduated from school and began to seriously engage in business with his father. It turned out. Everything was fine until 2014, until the Maidan began ... It was interesting to follow the development of events. I wanted to take part, but somehow did not dare to go there. It didn't work, let's just say. But when we discussed all this with the guys in Slavyansk, I said that if people from the Maidan suddenly come to our city, I will stand up for the city.

Were you politicized from a young age?

I was neutral and normal about everything, I didn’t get into politics. I was twenty years old, I had to take a walk, let's say so. But when this coup had already begun, I began to follow the news, to communicate on these topics with my father, with comrades, with those who are older, who are more versed in this. And soon I realized: all this is unacceptable for me.

Among your acquaintances in Slavyansk were there those who stood up for the Maidan?

No, there were no such people at all. All friends and comrades shouted that we are for Slavyansk, we are for Donbass!..

But in the end, from the whole environment, when it was already necessary to fight for the Motherland, if you seriously figure it out, I went to the front, my comrade Fedya is now serving in "medicine" and my father. Although specifically in the hostilities in Slavyanka, my father did not take part. As soon as it all started, I told my father and all my relatives to leave. They left, and from the moment we arrived in Donetsk - since August 2014 - my father has been directly serving in our battalion.

And now under your leadership?

Yes. But those guys, adult men who were making noise that they were for their Motherland, are sitting exactly in Slavyansk, although at first they vehemently supported the militia. Now they mentally send us greetings: we are with you, waiting for you to come. The first time, probably two or three months, when we left Slavyansk for Donetsk, I quarreled with almost all my former friends and stopped communicating with them, because every day they asked: "When will you return? When will all this end?". And what, I say, did you do to make it end? Well, he says, you know, I have a family here, a job. You see, bro, I say, I also had a family, a job ...

When did you meet Motor?

In April, before Easter. We have known each other since that very bloody Easter... I stood at the checkpoint. They were armed then, we were with clubs.

That is, you joined the militia even before you met Motor?

Yes, I promised myself that if we start moving, I will defend the city. At first, they didn’t give us weapons: they say, you’re young, give me your passport here so that you don’t run away with a weapon ... In short, they gave various reasons, but we helped as best we could.

And then we met...

Under what circumstances?

Then at night the checkpoints were strengthened: data came that a breakthrough of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was to begin. And they came to our checkpoint, stayed with us overnight. He helped us to complete the construction of our checkpoint, to design it correctly, so that in case of an attack, not everyone would get over two hundred at once, but over time, ha ... And he showed us how to handle weapons. Only in the morning I saw his face: they were all in balaclavas until morning. He spoke for Kharkov. There was also a man with the call sign "Kharkov". They told how they fought the "Right Sector" *: without weapons, with chains. Motor told how he went on reconnaissance past the "Right Sector" - on a horse. He galloped past - he was noticed - he left in time.

I don't remember such a story.

It was, it was. He said a lot of things. Then they left, and contact with him disappeared. May 2 followed: there was a hot fight, then the fight on May 5. My friend and I were worried whether he was alive or not. They also wanted to talk to him. And then I had a pickup truck - "Moskvich" 2141 AZLK, open roof. As far as I remember, on May 6 Motor was leaving the former building of the SBU, and we saw him, recognized him. He first saw the car, approached, asked where the owner was. I say the owner. How are you, he asked. He says: well, how - the war - it's hot, there are losses. And he sees that I am dressed in civilian clothes, all dirty, in working, let's say, clothes. What do you say, like, not with weapons? - then same like as wanted. I say that, yes, Motor, I wanted to, but no one takes it. He says: let's go to me, you have a car, we will put a DShK on you and we will fight. I don't mind, I answer. He says: look, think until the evening, because there will be no way back. Weigh all the pros and cons, and in the evening I'll be waiting for you at the gate.

I drove home. Didn't really think about it. I went to my father. That's it, I say, I went to the front. At first he thought I was joking. No, I say, I'm not kidding. I packed my things - I lived with a girl then - she also said that so and so, go to your parents, I'm going to war.

Then, perhaps, I did not realize how serious it would be. Everyone thought that the Crimean version would turn out: they hoped, waited, wanted. But it turned out differently.

The father asks: can I talk to Motorola? - and went with me. I asked Motor to protect me. And that's it: my father is home, and I'm in the location. He introduced me to the guys, immediately showed the video: the battle on the 5th, when the gas station in Semyonovka exploded, the trucks burned down, the “dills” shot the cars. In the video, he ran across the road and was actually shot at by a tracer. "Full asphalt of tracers, and I'm running," he said.

Well, what did we have then? On the eighth of May, the next day, I prepared the car. On the ninth of May there was a parade, and we installed the DShK. We then had two cars. The second - "Jihad" - "Outlander", he was already riding all shot through.

Then the fighter with the call sign Odessa was subordinate to the Motor. I was from the locals, and Brick and Boatswain were with us. The brick was always with a machine gun, and the Bosun was in the wings with an RPG-7. That is, we always had an RPG loaded in the car, and in which case he jumped out and fired.

Strelkov set tasks of a certain nature for the motor, and we carried them out.

I remember we went with a night light, the Motor had a "Cyclops": it's badass, of course, - and here we were, without headlights, without anything, moving in the dark. When they drove up to our checkpoints, the guys scattered there. Well, they didn’t really understand: a car drives up without headlights, without a nifiga, a machine gun is standing, and charged fighters are sitting. We thought then that if not dill, then our own people would overwhelm us with fright.

We were given PTRS two calculations, then AGS -17. We went to a certain direction and inflicted damage on the enemy.

In the process of how our numbers grew, Motor was made the commander of the group.

Then there was the assault on Semyonovka. We then rolled around the city back and forth all night, solving various problems. I had a cross bike. I rode it for reconnaissance. Once I went, I reported - they inflicted a fire defeat, two, I reported - they inflicted a fire defeat, on the third I said that I would not go again, because I became familiar with them.

Then the motorcycle was repainted, and the Motor gave it away - there was NoNA in Slavyansk, and the spotters from NoNa needed the motorcycle more.

Let's stop for a minute, Voha. Did you have any interest in military affairs from the very beginning? Did you understand something about it?

You know what's most interesting - I didn't want to serve. After the 11th grade, I entered the Slavic Pedagogical Institute and did not immediately enter. I came to the military registration and enlistment office, they told me: let's go to serve! I say yes. At that time, I had a job, I had finances, that is, I felt fine. The second time I entered the technical school. But I didn’t really study there, I was registered in absentia, sometimes I came. And here again they tell me - go to serve. I say no, I'm learning. They say okay. And in the third year - this is just 2014 - they had to call me to the draft board. Just the month of April, I received summons to go home, but I didn’t want to join the Ukrainian army, but what can I do there: my comrades served for a year, and then from this year they were at home for half a year. Therefore, I did not see anything interesting in this.

I immediately told the Motor that I did not want to serve, but here's what - the war.

This is now training, well-coordinated instructors, but then you had to really learn on the go.

I remember that the residents complained either about the snipers, or about someone else - they did not understand, of course. And the four of us went: I, Motor, Brick and Boatswain for reconnaissance. We were met with fire, it turned out to be reconnaissance in force. Thus, they burned their positions, and then we had them ... nightmare, let's say. Then for the first time I shot from the base. I didn't know where I was shooting. But then, over time, we learned everything.

There was an episode then: at four in the morning we were driving from Semyonovka. And, it turns out, there was our one checkpoint and our other checkpoint. And this is a direct road to Semyonovka. That is, the enemy could come in from the left and right, try to cut off. There was a salt factory where the militias smashed the car. We drove up to a distance, maybe 50 or 70, in short, up to a hundred meters. The motor says: now there will be fire training by the VOGs of the 25th. And then we just blew this car off the VOGs. Then I learned to shoot with VOGs. The engine ignited it with tracers and it burned down... And we are such crazy guys: we are standing between our two checkpoints: they can get scared there, start firing at us. But no, it's fine, we came to the guys, showed them the video, laughed. They say, you, like, don't do that again another time.

There were many different field commanders, but Motor became the most famous. What do you think is the reason?

He did not seek fame. He did not seek to give interviews. He was an ordinary person. He became famous for his actions, because he was always with us on the battlefield, he never sat at headquarters. He was always at the forefront: in Ilovaisk, in Slavyansk, at the airport. Everyone knows that he was injured at the airport. In Ilovaisk, he was also wounded - in my opinion, from the 25th VOG, or from the 14th, or from the AGS-17, he received a fragment, it got under his arm.

He did not think for a long time, he made a decision, and that's it: that's how they did it. The success of these decisions was always one hundred percent. We never had huge losses. When they entered the airport, they had "two hundredth", "three hundredth" ones there. We, of course, had "300", but not heavy, fragmentation: when the artillery hammers, you can't hide from it ... He always had an individual approach to each situation.

Do you also listen to music, like Motor, all the time?

- (Laughs) He was an amazing person. I was wounded in the head in Slavyansk. I had a headache for a very long time, constantly ringing. I’m in the hospital, and my grandfather was placed with me on the second day. He had something with his back, it seems, due to the fact that BC was unloading. And he kept asking me to help him do something. And I helped him once, twice, three times, and then I say: grandfather, well, my head hurts, leave me alone. And then I realized that from there I need to spit. On the third day, the guys came and took me away.

We arrived, I say to Motoror: here I am. He: no problem - fall on the car and let's go. All right, we're off. He suddenly says that he needs to buy new music. He then listened to "Grotto" and "25/17" all the time. But then he said that something else was needed. We stopped by and bought a Tatu CD then. There are no windows, and we ride under Tatu. I have then an epiphany happened (laughs again).

Then, after a couple of days, "Tatu" got tired, and again they pulled out rap. And no matter what car he drives, there is always music. At one time he drove an armored car, and there was no music provided, and he constantly cursed that we could not make music for him.

He always had a working day with music.

I hear your phone ringing - a remix of the group "25/17" for the group "Kino".

Well, yes. Our taste is approximately the same with the Motor.

When did you become deputy battalion commander?

When we formed a battalion, then it became.

But when we had a separate reconnaissance company, I was already a deputy then. Specifically, it was in Snizhne, when the Motor was injured, he left and left me scary in Snezhnoye.

Then I got injured, I had problems with my hand there, it did not function, and I became left-handed for a while. In Ilovaisk, in Miusinsk, I was engaged in supplying the company: ammunition, fuel and lubricants.

Specifically, the battalion - it was already at the airport, when he was then wounded, he says: let's just check how ready you are, run in. Well, all the same, there were his instructions: I came, talked to him, said that they did it like this and like that, he asks: why not like this and like that, that is, there were amendments, but in general the picture was not bad .

Do you speak Ukrainian?

Yes. Ridna mova. I am not against the Ukrainian language. The motor also learned and was able to speak Ukrainian. We always spoke Ukrainian on the radio stations at the airport. We started in Slavyansk, well, on a joke. And at the airport already seriously. That is, dill sometimes did not understand with whom they were talking. We went out by frequency - we had their frequencies. We understood exactly where they were in Peski and could hit them. It was a plus that we understood the language. The motor listened to "Ocean Elzy", loved it, such interesting music.

How many injuries do you have?

In Slavyansk was the first wound. Then, when the border was recaptured, he also received a shrapnel wound - thirteen shrapnel. We arrived at the hospital, and they drove me for 40 minutes on a detector, looking at where and what kind of fragments. The most painful from AGS. And the most sick was in the nail. When I looked at my finger, I thought that my finger had been torn off. No, everything is normal, everything worked out.

Then - the breakthrough of Shakhtyorsk. I was then wounded, probably on the tenth day. I had to be discharged from the hospital, and there was a breakthrough. The motor was then in the Crimea for treatment. Our guys were on the other side of Shakhtersk at the 22nd checkpoint, and Chechen and I tried to break through to them. But we were told that without options, we would not pass. We stopped in Shakhtersk, and in the morning we went to clear Shakhtersk towards Torez. And, as I remember now: the railway depot, we look out at the road, infantry with equipment is coming, and, in my opinion, there was an ACS, although I did not understand why the ACS was in the city. The boys were all in black uniforms. Then Chechen and I got out, threw them from the grenade launchers and began to pull back. I opened the map to see what to do, where to fortify: there was a "piece of iron" on the right side, and they were walking along the road. The radio stations did not work well, the phones were jammed, in general, they somehow communicated with each other. I think that we should not be beaten up by our own people, we need to go to one normal building. In short, in my group I was standing in the center, and then something fell nearby. Of all those standing, only I got hit. And then my hand was pierced through and through.

I must say that already in Shakhtyorsk, but before that, two of ours were wounded. It was hard for them there: their guts were torn apart. Therefore, I gave my anti-shock, then I gave them the tourniquets and I myself was left without anything. But when he needed help himself, there was nothing with him ...

I arrived at the hospital, lay down on the table, they let's swear at me: we'll tie you up and won't let you go anywhere. Then the Motor still calls me: what, how are you doing? Yes, I say, here I am in the hospital, I was wounded. He says: yes, what is it, live until my arrival, what the hell. Cursed, of course, at me. So what can I do if this is the case.

And the last wound was already at the airport, when we held back the defense in the terminal. Then fifteen units of equipment went on the offensive against us. Most of the tanks - 12 or 13 units. They drove up to us at a distance of five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred meters, so that we could not knock them out with RPGs. They stood and hammered at us so that we would be distracted, while they themselves tried to enter from the right flank. Then I got shot in the head. I was wearing a helmet. He saved me. The helmet was Gleb Kornilova (musician, humanitarian aid provider, friend of Motorola - approx. Z.P.)

It turned out like this: we are together with the Baron; I had problems with my hand, and I couldn’t shoot with an RPG, but I shot from a machine gun with my left hand. And the Baron then fired about 35 shots from the RPG-7, into one, as they say, face. As a result, he was well concussed. We constantly ran from the third to the fourth, then to the fifth floor, then down: we constantly changed positions. I corrected the artillery and the one who fired from the RPG. Then we noticed that they began to bypass us: "Behi" went - "deuces". And when they saw us, they started hitting us all the time. One tank hit right. I got under the eye of the "secondary", I fell and say to myself: "It's time to get out of here." And then another arrival - a roar, dust. It hit me in the head. They pulled me out, and then I went to the hospital. But I didn’t go right away - first they pulled out their boys, then I went to the Motor, explained myself, then I said: I went. He says: come on, come on. I arrived, covered in plaster, there were many civilians at the reception, I sat in line for a long time. They tell me: military man, go first. And I say: no, no, no. There were children there, women were wounded, I let them go ahead. And when I came in, the blood had already dried up there, and the woman immediately began to shave my head. I tell her: come on, like, let's get wet, it hurts. She says be patient. I say go away. He got up from the table and went to our unit. They processed it there, I felt fine, I was driving. Everything was great. But on the third day, I felt sharply worse, I went back to the Motor: I said, something sucks for me, and again in the hospital. It turns out that my cranial bone has cracked and shifted inward. The fragment remained in the middle in the soft tissues. And the doctor says: just a little more, and you would be a vegetable. They say: come on, lie down, we will pierce you. I say: no, I'm home. Doctor: what kind of home? I say: I came myself, I will leave myself. He says: bye, he's still joking. I say no, I'm driving. They could hardly believe it: a desperate guy. Well, what to do?

And then every day for an hour and a half a dropper, dug. It was hard, constant headaches. Then okay.

Did Goga, the guard of the Motor, who died with him, have a family, relatives?

Yes, there is a family. Father, brother, mother are here at the moment. They went to bury him in Abkhazia.

Was he from there?

Yes. They write on the Internet that we forgot about Goga, that they threw him somewhere, buried him like a dog. All this is bullshit, nonsense. His parents immediately said that they wanted to bury him in Abkhazia. We agreed with Abkhaz, from the "tag" (a division in the DPR - approx. Z.P.). He took him out. Nobody left him or forgot about him.

What are the most stupid fakes about the Motor? By the way, they also wrote about Abkhaz - that he had a fight with him.

No, it's all bullshit and provocation. We communicated normally. He had no conflicts with anyone. They write a lot. That we're selling off his property, which doesn't really exist.

And what about shootings, and so on?

Yes, it's all nonsense, what they say there. They endlessly recall the interview when the dill called him. He then jokingly said about fifteen people who had been shot, because then they really screwed him up ... They also write that he has mistresses, seamstresses. Everything, everything, everything is bullshit.

What is Sparta doing now?

Performing tasks at the forefront of contact and self-training. We work as we did. There are no capital and despondency. We remember and grieve, but as the Motor himself said, there are no ideals, you need to strive higher and higher. We strive to be better and better.

* In November 2014, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation recognized the extremist activities of the "Ukrainian Insurgent Army", "Right Sector", UNA-UNSO and "Trident named after Stepan Bandera". Their activity on the territory of Russia is prohibited.

Zakhar Prilepin

From the editors of NOVO24.

do, "woha",

so that the killers of Motorola

it got really, really, really bad!

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